I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 177 Crush with force and destroy the group easily

Kenichi Okada, a stocky karate master, is not the only Asian at tonight's martial arts show.

In fact, after the world's best fighting arena became famous, Harley had already extended invitations to Gotham's Asian gangs, especially the Three Peace Club in Chinatown.

Tonight, several Hongmen disciples came to support us.

Therefore, the fighting arena has never expressed special attention to Okada Kenichi from beginning to end, and Okada Kenichi does not feel that there is anything eye-catching about him.

He originally wanted to leave immediately after fighting the "Gotham Fighter".

The staff persuaded him and told him that after the boxing championship match, he could get a considerable amount of dividends based on his performance.

Because he has very high kung fu and lasted the longest, even knocking down the "Gotham Boxing Champion" several times in the ring, Okada also received a lot of bonuses, at least thirty thousand US dollars.

Although he didn't join the Assassin's League for money in the first place, thirty thousand dollars was not a small amount. As a Sanren and a boxer, it seemed too unreasonable for him to leave.

So, he stayed.

At about twelve o'clock, the "Gotham Boxing Champion" completed the earth-shattering "Hundred-Man Killing". Only after receiving the invitation personally from the "Boxing Champion" did he leave with his money bag in hand.

Well, the people of Gotham know that "Fighter Harley" likes to recruit martial arts masters who have performed well after the competition.

More than 70% of the coaches in the fighting arena came from this way.

Of course Okada declined the invitation.

His mission in Gotham is not to make money by boxing, but to kill the famous "Gotham Boxing Champion."

After getting into the taxi, Okada immediately opened his money bag.

He didn't fully unzip the zipper. If the driver in front of him saw him, he would be taken to a dark alley, where a group of murderous people had already been ambushed. He didn't know at first that he had experienced this many times in the few months he had been in Gotham. , has adapted to this sinful city.

I put my hand into my purse and fumbled a little bit, but I couldn't find any electronic devices such as monitors and trackers.

He was not relieved that everything was fine.

The No. 1 Fighting Arena in the World has a very good reputation. They never engage in match-fixing or cheat on boxers’ money, but being cautious is a character he has cultivated since he was a child.

I changed taxis three more times along the way, drove around Queens and Brooklyn, and even entered supermarkets, clothing stores, KFC and other high-traffic places. I changed my sportswear into suits and leather boots, and transformed from an athlete to an elite. White-collar workers, backpack money is also stuffed into suitcases.

Finally, he returned to Manhattan, Central Park West, and strutted into the "Te's International Hotel" that fit the status of an elite business man today.

With the room card and the image that impressed the waiter, Mr. Okada made it all the way to the 12th floor without any hindrance.

"Beep——" The room card shook on the door handle, and the door opened automatically.

In the spacious living room, there were already six or seven people sitting around, both men and women, all dressed as gentlemen and ladies. A bottle of Dom Perignon champagne was opened on the coffee table, and several people were holding wine glasses and talking and laughing.

Anyone who sees it will only think that this is a private salon party.

"Hey, Okada is back, how about it?" the leading black young man said with a smile.

The young man is twenty-four or five years old and is over 1.9 meters tall.

Even wearing a white shirt, the bulging muscles all over his body give people a sense of power that is ready to explode at any time.

Okada closed the door, bowed respectfully to the black man, then raised his briefcase and said, "Boss Bronze Tiger, I lost, but I won thirty thousand US dollars."

The black Bronze Tiger frowned and said, "You can't kill her in the ring?"

"I tried it, but it really can't be done." Okada put down his bag, pulled on his tie, poured himself a glass of champagne, took a sip, and then recounted the battle in detail.

"In short, her defense is extremely strong, not only as strong as steel and iron bones, but she is also very sensitive to critical attacks.

For example, I have used clever moves many times to hit the throat, vagina, temples and other fatal places, but her body seems to have developed an instinct.

I feel that, at least in terms of defense, she has achieved what the ninja masters call the 'do whatever you want' Grandmaster state.

As for hitting the crook of the legs, the back of the head, the waist, abdomen, and armpits, which are vital parts to others, she remained unmoved and allowed me to hit them.

Unless sharp weapons are used, it is almost impossible to kill her with fists and kicks. "

The fit white woman with short hair said: "No wonder Siwa strongly suggested that the mission against her be cancelled.

With outstanding personal strength and dozens of well-equipped and well-trained gunmen around him, he has almost no flaws. "

"Meiling, don't say stupid things!"

The Asian black-haired woman next to her said coldly: "Miss Thalia made it very clear that our alliance took the initiative to contact them after they learned that the Crusaders had issued a bounty mission in the supernatural world.

If the mission is abandoned now, Kagemusha's reputation will be completely ruined.

Even for the sake of honor, we must kill Harley Quinn. "

"What price did the Crusaders pay to actually make the Ninja Master's heart flutter?" The white man with a big back asked in confusion.

"I'm also curious, Priest Ayigu." Tonghu also looked at the Asian woman.

"Since you call me priest, do you know which church I am a priest?" Ayigu said calmly.

"The Church of Blood (believers of the Three Palace Demons in the human world)" someone said in a low voice, and everyone else fell silent.

Ayigu nodded and said: "We were going to kill her originally. We can make more money by taking orders from the Crusaders, why not?"

Okada said: "Lord Bronze Tiger, Priest Ayigu, Shadow Warrior is determined, not afraid of hardships, dangers, and life and death. If you accept the mission, you must complete it.

The key now is that we have been in Gotham for almost two months."

"Two months is nothing?" Tonghu said loudly: "Back then, the president of African country XX was more cautious and powerful than Witch Harley, and was protected by hundreds of soldiers at all times.

His mansion and his surroundings are also constantly monitored by high-tech equipment.

There are almost no flaws.

I lurked in his army for half a year.

From a newly recruited soldier to a guard of the presidential palace, he easily finds opportunities to kill with one strike. "

"What are your plans? You can't go to Witch Harley's fighting arena and work as a security guard for half a year." Ayi Gu said.

Tonghu frowned and said: "She has been staying in the glass attic for the past few months, and it is said that she is practicing magic in seclusion.

My idea at the time was to arrange for a helicopter to hit her with a rocket. "

Well, they've been in Gotham for a few months, and they just had the chance to test Harley's strength directly today.

Da Beitou shook his head and said: "There is a radar wave reaction on the rooftop of the fighting arena, and at least two air-to-air radars are running at all times.

One of the models is older, an antique from decades ago, and I don’t know what kind of anti-aircraft weapons it is loaded with.

According to the radar wave data, the other one is probably a sea sparrow.

Fighters dare not approach easily, let alone helicopters. "

Bronze Tiger nodded and sighed: "Gordon also plans to dive into the warehouse pool, place explosives under the fighting ring, and wait for Harley Quinn to appear.

Alas, for a mere Hedao club, the precautions are so strict. "

Okada smiled bitterly and said: "The effect of a frontal assault will not be very good. The Witch's Vulcan Cannon is famous in Gotham.

There are gunmen within a hundred meters, and with the Vulcan cannon coming from high altitude, we are afraid that we will not be able to withstand it. "

"There are only two options left, learn her whereabouts through bribery or tracking, and then ambush her halfway; or sneak into the glass attic as a guest." Meiling said.

"If the use of swords and sharp weapons is allowed in the ring, Boss Bronze Tiger can easily kill her." Okada said.

Ayigu's expression changed, and he said: "Maybe I can try, you guys help me contain the others, and I suddenly summon the power of the Lord on the ring to catch her off guard.

If the lord is willing to humble himself and send a clone to possess me, he can kill the witch like a slaughter——"


"Since you are so awesome, let's kill you first!"

A second ago, Harley smiled strangely and gave an order to Deadshot.

The next second, two hundred meters away in Manhattan's Central Park, a helicopter painted with white "GCPD" paint turned on its full power, quickly jumped from a low altitude, drew a beautiful arc, and flew towards the five-star on the street. Class hotel.

Target 12th floor.

At the same time, the helicopter was even changing direction, and a ball of fire erupted from the barrel of the Barrett M95 gun on the left door frame.

The next moment, a hundred meters away, the floor glass shattered, allowing the Sangu clone to descend. Priest Ayigu's head exploded into a ball of blood mist.

"Enemy attack!"

The remaining seven top assassins did not "dumb for a moment" or wipe the flesh, blood and brains from their heads and faces. They jumped off the sofa almost at the same time, fell to the ground, crawled forward, and hid themselves in the corners of the wall or behind the thick wooden table.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The helicopter was suspended at the height of the 12th floor, firing rockets one after another fifty meters away.

However, there was no flame of gunpowder explosion soaring into the sky, but instead a rich white paralyzing gas and a thick yellow nerve gas.

After firing the gas missile, the helicopter immediately raised its position to avoid the attack angle from the 12th floor.

“Damn, it’s poisonous—cough cough cough!”

The fog in the room is so thick that it is almost liquefied. No matter how powerful the shadow warrior is, he still has to breathe and he will be poisoned.

If no action was taken, they would have been poisoned to death a hundred and eighty times before the poisonous gas could escape from the window.

Two people couldn't hold their breath and rushed to the door with blushing faces.

The street lights in the corridor have long been turned off, and the darkness is like an underground cave.

But what they couldn't see was that the enemy was wearing infrared glasses.

"Chi chi chi——"

There were several muffled sounds of silencers in the darkness, and the two assassins immediately shot their heads.

Tonghu ran into his bedroom with a solemn expression, picked up his equipment backpack, fixed the steel cable on the bedside, picked up the bedside table, and smashed the floor-to-ceiling glass window with all his strength.

Then, he took a leap of faith and jumped off the 12th floor.

"Huhu——" Facing the cold wind as he fell, he took a few breaths and turned around, only to be shocked to find that three teammates were already hanging in the air like dead dogs.

They made the same choice as him, but——

Suddenly, the fatal crisis from the sky made Tonghu's temples jump.

Subconsciously, he untied the rope around his waist, and his falling speed immediately changed from a constant speed to a free fall.

"Bang!" A sniper bullet grazed the top of his head and hit the wall behind him.

He could even feel the heat coming from the bullet.

Pull off the rope on the seventh floor and drop to the third floor, where there is a tempered glass ceiling.

The bronze tiger man was in mid-air, twisting his body into a weird posture with his backpack facing down, his hands clasping his knees, and his head retracted into his arms.

"Boom!" The glass instantly exploded with spiderweb-like cracks, then shattered, and people fell from above.

Bronze Tiger changed his posture again, landed on his feet, squatted down and turned forward, absorbing most of the force.

"Bah bang bang!"

Tonghu was still lying on the ground, moaning and groaning, struggling to get up, when a young girl came over with a smile and clapped her hands.

"Bronze Tiger, right? You're really good at surviving like this."

"Witch Harley!!"

Tonghu coughed up a mouthful of dirty blood and looked up to see Harley's proud smile.

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