I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 176 Little Poison Ivy’s Seed

When she first got the heart of the Demon Duke, Harley was still confused that it was valuable but useless to her.

Until now, she only wished she didn't have ten hundred demon king hearts.

First, it takes the magic of hell to drive Archimedes.

Harley has no magic power, so she comes up with the idea of ​​using the heart of the Demon Duke as a power source.

Secondly, the magic power of the Demon Duke's heart activates the specialty option.

In other words, when the defense reaches 30 points, she can activate the "Hell Magic Defense Specialty".

If you upgrade your expertise to a high level, you might be able to become immune to Etrigan's hellfire and Nergal's magic beam.

Finally, after learning to escape the void pattern, she can steal hell's magic power from the demon's heart.

Especially now, Harley began to hesitate whether to steal the power of heaven to offset the demonization of the body, or to activate the "Hell Magic Defense Specialty".

If there were multiple magic powers, she wouldn't have to hesitate at all.

After thinking for a while, she sighed and decided to try the power of heaven.

A very practical reason: she is only level 28 and a half.

Upgrading is getting harder and harder these days.

When the level was lower than level 10 that day, one shot could raise her to one and a half levels. Now, three to five hundred villains used sticks to help her practice "Iron Shirt", and she could barely get to half a level.

Through the cross, Harry communicated with the voice of heaven, and first exchanged one hundred points from his merits.

The gentle and pure power of heaven slowly pours into the body.

She ran the Escape Pattern and began to reverse the magic power into the power of blood.

The magic power flows from the sea of ​​consciousness into the heart, where it turns into the power of the blood. The power of the blood merges into the blood and flows from the heart to all parts of the body.

Harry's whole body felt warm, as if he was bathing in the winter sunshine.

"Bang bang. Bang bang"

Her heart suddenly beat violently, and she felt that her blood vessels swelled so much that they seemed about to burst.

Reached the limit again?

"That's not right, I just absorbed a little bit of the power of heaven, at least to offset the hell attribute in my blood, and then -"

Harley couldn't speak any more.

The hair that fell down in front of his forehead was still dark purple.

The power of heaven does not offset the power of hell!

The power of heaven and the magic power of hell are obviously powers with opposite attributes. Why?

Harry's eyes widened, and a terrible guess emerged in his mind: Heaven and hell have opposite attributes, but they come from the same source!

Angels get their power from God.

Fallen angels, including Lucifer, are no exception.

After Lucifer's fall, has the origin of power changed?

Maybe they have changed, but they are definitely not two attributes that completely cancel each other out.

God must have a special purpose in distinguishing the power of hell from the power of heaven.

Very likely.

The power of heaven is not equal to the power of God. Only when the power of hell is added is the complete power of God!

Light and darkness are opposites, but light and darkness from the same source will not cancel each other out, but will merge into higher energy.

So she steals the power of heaven and hell at the same time, which is equivalent to stealing the power of God unilaterally. This...

Harley wanted to know, who is the opposite of God?

If God unites the forces of light and darkness, then He has no opposites.

"Assal is such a scammer. Most likely she has never tried the power of heaven and hell herself."

In fact, Harley really misunderstood the goddess master. She made it very clear: Whether the attributes are opposite is not based on guessing, but on the spiritual perception of the Escape Pattern.

After Harley stole the power of hell, in her spiritual sense, she did not have any desire for the power of heaven at all - just like a person who eats salt will not have an appetite for chili sauce.

But she forgot that.

"There are only two ways left now, either give up the plan to steal God's power, or develop the 'God's power defense expertise'." Harley thought ambitiously.

Thinking of the God's Power Defense Specialty, her eyes began to look at the Duke's heart with disgust.

Compared with God, the Duke is too low, at least Lucifer.

Suddenly, Harley had a bold idea.

After taking three deep breaths and suppressing the urge in her heart, Harley put the Demon Duke's heart back into the lead box and hid it in the space below the deck of the spaceship.

The plan to steal the power of God is too shocking.

She had to take it easy first and let her fevered brain cool down for a few days.

Two days later, Harley barely stabilized the stolen blood power.

Well, except for the change in hair color to dark purple, the body seems to be stronger, which is not obvious, but it is probably not an illusion.

After settling the cultivation issues, Harley took seven or eight gunmen and drove to Falcone Manor.

"BOSS, you are really leisurely and relaxed. Even at this time, you are still feeding chickens."

When Harry saw the old man in the backyard chicken coop, there was no hint of admiration in his words.

Old Kamai smiled faintly and said, "The sky won't fall."

"BOSS, I'm serious, the situation is not good." Harley said seriously.

"Oh, tell me." The old man said with interest.

Harley said seriously: "Maroney's assassination a week ago was definitely not your order.

Then, there are only two possibilities left. First, Maroney deliberately provoked trouble and looked for opportunities to make trouble.

If he did it on purpose, it means he has the confidence to win.

I have been practicing magic in seclusion recently and have not received any offers from any party.

This once again proved that he was confident that he could handle it with me.

The second possibility is that an ambitious person appears within the family and provokes a fight between you and Maroni. He is confident that he will benefit from it.

That's the problem, where does he get the confidence?

No matter what the situation is, sir, you are in critical condition now. "

Old Kamai sighed, threw the grains in his hands into the chicken coop, and said: "It seems that when you practiced magic, you haven't confused your mind yet."

I think you are confused.

Harley groaned inwardly.

"Don't worry, I've made an appointment with Maroni to have dinner at his Domino's restaurant in the afternoon three days later. Let's talk about it and the matter will be over."

The old Kamai smiled calmly, revealing a kind of elegance and confidence accumulated over the years.

"How do you say it?"

"You forgot, Maroni is my chosen 'opponent'. I don't know much about him yet? Even if he is really capable and confident, he will not play a trick."

"He will directly start a war with me with his 'trump card' instead of making up his own excuses."

Old Kamai said it with certainty.

"So, the family really has a mole again? It has only been stable for a few days." Harley frowned.

"A country cannot be without a king for a day, and an old king cannot be without a prince for a day - this is the famous saying of the wise man in the heaven, and it makes so much sense." The old man sighed.

Harley's cheek muscles twitched a few times, "You mean, the prince is the foundation of the country, right?"

"Well, that's what I mean," the old man nodded, "I'm old and everyone can see it, but who is the heir?"

"Who do you think the mole is this time? I'm afraid it's a trusted killer who can bribe you."

Harley really wanted to use reason to force herself to doubt the old Italian gang.

But the funny figure of a certain penguin subconsciously appeared in her mind.

"It doesn't matter who he is," Old Kamai looked at Harry with stern eyes. "The important thing is to choose an outstanding heir who can calm the situation and completely cut off their thoughts."

"You have a daughter who is helping you manage the family business outside of Gotham." Harley said.

"She can't hold someone like you down."

"I will support her." Harley said.

"She can't suppress you, not just you. Don't refuse in a hurry, go back and think about it carefully. There is a BOSS above you, it's better to be the BOSS yourself." Old Kamai looked at her and said quietly.

Harry was silent for a while and said, "In three days, I will accompany you to have dinner with Maroni."

Old Kamai said strangely: "He won't be able to eat well if you are here.

Don't worry, Sass is there.

And, Maroney and I have both had dinner dozens of times. "

After hearing that there was a Sass boss, Harley stopped insisting.

After hesitating for a moment, she whispered: "How about I kill the penguin?"

"You suspect it's him?" Old Kamai said calmly.

"He has a criminal record."

“But now he doesn’t even have full control over Fish’s property, and most of the people who sell stolen goods refuse to surrender to him, and even plan to set up another gang.

Two months ago, his Iceberg Bar even ran out of drinks.

Cobot was also very filial. Because his mother liked to sing, he let her perform on the bar stage.

Which customer likes to see an old woman?

Naturally, business plummeted, and the taxes paid were less than one-tenth of what they had been during Fish's time.

He is so worried, does he have the ability and the need to design a plan to harm me? "

The old man was very knowledgeable and told all about Penguin's current situation in the past few months.

Harry began to wonder if he was biased against the little penguin.

Shaking her head, she insisted: "I doubt him, I trust my feelings.

He may not look down on Fish's property at all, and has been putting his attention and thoughts on the throne under your ass. "

"This." Old Kamai said hesitantly: "Unlike you, I quite like him. He is smart, ambitious, traditional, and values ​​family."

"Okay, as you like." Harley sighed and said goodbye to the old man.

Back in the glass loft of the fighting arena, Harley dialed Laurie's phone again.

"Falcone asked me to be his successor again."

"Being a big boss will make it difficult to realize my future career plan for you." Laurie said hesitantly.

"Then I refuse." Harley said simply.

Seeing her being so neat, Laurie couldn't help but be surprised: "You really don't care about the power and wealth of the Godfather of Gotham?"

"The current Emperor Hedao is a joke in my eyes. For example, if you make me unhappy, you can kill Maroni later.

In this case, why should I pursue that false reputation that I despise? " Harley said frankly.

"In that case, let's do it." Laurie said solemnly.

"Why did you change your mind?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Because you don't pay attention to it." Laurie said meaningfully.

The next day, at night, the "Boxing Championship" began again.

Although three months have passed, the process is still as "smooth" as before.

Harley once again successfully defended her throne as the 'Gotham Boxing Champion'.

"Ivy, are there any plants in your little garden that can confuse people?"

During the game, Harley quietly found little Poison Ivy.

"Who do you suspect?"

Harley named several out-of-town boxers.

They were outsiders, but they had a very high degree of malice towards her - with the same attack strength, the higher the experience value provided by an attack, the greater the malice.

"I want to know if they have any accomplices, if they are my enemies."

"In the future I will try to cultivate plants that confuse people, but for now."

Ivy took out a handful of green seeds the size of rice grains, puffed out her small chest, and said proudly: "Leave the seeds of the demonized Tianhu Kui on them, and I can track them within one kilometer and eavesdrop on their conversations. "

Harley gave a thumbs up, "Ivy, you have been of great help to me!"

"You have been practicing for several months, and I have not been lazy."

Therefore, when outsiders leave, there are a few small seeds in their wallets, clothes, and hair.

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