Andy Quinn has become Gotham's biggest celebrity.

In recent days, there has never been a TV station, newspaper, or radio station that did not report on his great achievements.

His life trajectory, family status, home address, and even his sinful and dark criminal psychology have all been clearly analyzed by experts.

In a word, Andy became famous all over the world.

At least in Gotham, no one knows it.

Harley also became "famous". Her glorious deeds were linked with her father's extreme evil, creating the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

"Sorry, Harley, I'm afraid you have to leave Gotham High School. As I said before, Martha Wayne is the financial backer of our high school, donating millions of dollars every year."

In the Quinn family's small apartment, Mrs. White's tired voice came from the other end of the phone.

Harley said calmly: "I understand that after something like this happened, it would be good for me to change the environment."

Among other things, at least three out of ten students in Gotham High School have parents related to Wayne Group, either as executives or shareholders.

Wayne Group's status in Gotham is equivalent to Samsung's in South Korea.

Wayne Group is not a company with a single product like Apple, Microsoft, or Boeing. It is a giant company that involves almost all economic fields.

Gothamites can't live without it.

Mrs. White said sincerely: “Your father cannot represent you, you still have a great future.

Look at those famous people. Many of them had terrible parents, but they still shine.

Harley, you have to remember, never give up on yourself, let alone forget your dreams. Draw nourishment from setbacks and you will become stronger than you were before. "

"Thank you, Mrs. White." Harley said gratefully.

At this time, sincerely feeding her soul chicken soup, the old principal has fulfilled his duty as a teacher.

"If you don't want to go back to school to face your classmates and friends, I can help you pack your locker and send it to your home together with the transfer documents." Ms. White sighed.

"Thank you." Harley thanked her again, "But no need, I'm far from that weak."

"That's okay."

"Ding, ding, ding," the phone rang again not two minutes after I put it down.

"Harry." Jessica on the other end of the phone hesitated, "I'm sorry, Director Will still appreciates you, but the National Bank of America has still withdrawn you.

We haven’t signed the contract yet, and we can’t even get the termination fee.”

Harry subconsciously touched the blond hair around his neck, smiled faintly, and said, "If we hadn't encountered an economic crisis, do you think I would have participated in that stupid big money audition?"

In fact, she was cursing her mother in her heart. For the sake of the big money, she even cut her waist-length hair into a "short hair" on her shoulders, so as not to affect her activities in the cloak.

"Well, I always feel that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Becoming the 'Princess' of the U.S. National Bank will provide you with countless resources and you will eventually become a superstar." Jessica said regretfully.

Harley opened the curtains and glanced through the gap at the reporters who were fighting with each other downstairs in the apartment. "I am already famous. The Waynes are too famous. Do you think any TV station will invite me to do a variety show?"

"Well, you have such a good attitude, I feel relieved." Jessica smiled awkwardly.

"No nonsense, what did the lawyer say?" Harley said in a deep voice.

"The evidence is conclusive. It is almost impossible for your father to overturn the case. However, there is no death penalty or punishment in Gotham. The most is life imprisonment, or one hundred and eighty years in prison." Jessica said.

"Are you sure you have a lawyer?" Harley asked again.

"Currently you have three options. First, give up the struggle and let the Municipal Law Court arrange a free lawyer for Andy. You can also save some money; second, through my father's connections, hire a lawyer for you. Gold-medal lawyers are very expensive, but the results are good. I just consulted them, and the sentence is life imprisonment, or imprisonment for about a hundred years.

Third, there is a newbie - a newbie from Baker \u0026 McKenzie. When he learned that I was helping you find a lawyer, he recommended himself and was willing to provide services to you at a low price. "

Harley thought for a while and said: "In other words, I only have one choice left? The gold medal lawyer will definitely not be able to overturn the case, the free lawyer is unreliable, and that rookie, who has the momentum and hope?"

"Well, you're right to think so." Jessica said.

"What's the name of that new lawyer? What's the reputation in the firm? Which university did he graduate from? What's his university score? What's the average GPA?" Harley asked.

"Uh." On the other end of the phone, Jessica's cheek muscles twitched, "He should be from a prestigious university, otherwise McKenzie Law Firm wouldn't look down on him. I don't know the rest. Otherwise, I'll take your family home." Call him so you can have a chat?"

About a quarter of an hour later.

"Hello, Miss Quinn? I'm Harvey, Harvey Dent, PhD from Yale Law School. In fact, I have three PhDs. Since elementary school, my GPA in all subjects during school has never been lower than 4.0. (Equivalent to 90+ on the 100-point scale), are you satisfied now?"

The young lawyer was very direct, and his tone was full of passion and arrogant self-confidence.

"Harvey Dent? Sounds familiar," Harley muttered.

"Hahaha, it sounds familiar. I've been on the news a few times, and I'm quite a celebrity in Gotham." Harvey Dent smiled proudly.

"Why do you, an obvious social elite like you, want to help me? My asshole dad just killed Gotham's biggest elite, and the other lawyers all wish he died early." Harley asked.

"Oh, why do you say that?" Harvey Dent said unexpectedly.

Harley sneered: "Even if I don't understand the law, I still know that my dad has another way out - entering a lunatic asylum.

Just because Thomas didn't lend him the money directly, he was mentally twisted and wanted to kill someone. He looked like a psychopath no matter what, right?

But those gold medal lawyers never considered this kind of plan to avoid punishment.

They said that my father would either have no sentence or be imprisoned for 80 years. If there was death penalty, he would be dead. "

Not to mention the "permanent residents" of Arkham Asylum in the movie.

In reality and even on the Internet, there are people who say, "My daughter Neptune, but I don't blame her because she suffers from depression. I advise you to be a good person and don't slander her out of nothing."

Mental illness is a natural haven for evil.

It is a "passport to heaven on earth" where justice, morality and conscience are trampled and ridiculed.

Harvey Dent on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time before sighing: "You are very smart and perceptive. I offered to help you just to implement the justice in my heart.

After carefully studying your father's case, I feel that either he is innocent or he is mentally ill.

I have believed in the law for decades. The sweat I shed for it can fill a lake. I will never let my faith be tarnished in any way. "

"This is why I helped you, are you satisfied?"

Harvey Dent's tone was solemn and pious, with a persistence that shocked Harley.

Although she hasn't met the person yet and hasn't spent much time together, Harley is already certain: this man of faith is trustworthy!

Just when Harley lamented that "there are good people in Gotham," Harvey changed his tone and said with a smile: "Of course, I don't deny that your father's case is sensationalizing the whole city and even the United States. I also want to take the opportunity to gain some fame. .”

"Well, you are my and my father's lawyer." Harley also laughed.

"Then billing starts from now on."

"I thought it was free." Harley said.

"If you ask my landlord to give it to me for free, I can give it to you for free," Harvey Dent laughed.

"How much?" Harley asked.

"I'll give you the best price, two hundred dollars an hour." Harvey Dent said easily.

"Is this the lowest price? Are you all robbers?" Harley gritted her teeth.

"Please don't insult the lawyer profession. How can we make money faster by robbing banks?" Harvey Dent said seriously.

Soon, he laughed again, "If you are short of money, you can owe it first. The hourly salary of two hundred dollars does not mean much to me, but it is the rule of the law firm and is absolutely indispensable.

Or, you hire me as your personal lawyer for three thousand dollars a year. This is considered an apprentice's salary, and it really can't be lower. "

"Just a year-round subscription, no need for credit." Harley sighed and said directly: "How sure do you think my father will be found to be mentally ill by the judge and jury?"

"If Wayne doesn't exert influence, there is at least a 90% certainty. In fact, I think you can rest assured that there is a high probability that your father is really mentally ill."

Harley's pretty face darkened slightly, but she didn't refute.

Why refute? She just wants the world to think Andy is sick.

Like Harvey Dent said earlier, either Andy is sick or someone is using him as a scapegoat.

If Andy is the scapegoat, the reputation of being mentally ill will at least make him suffer less; if Andy is really mentally ill, then he will get what he deserves.

Although Harley was familiar with Andy and felt that he was most likely a scapegoat, she also knew that he deserved to be jailed and that he must have done something illegal that day. Therefore, she did not ask Harvey Dent to clear his name.

He didn't understand at all.

"OK, I'll leave my father's affairs to you. Now let's talk about my affairs." Harley said.

"Oh, what else do you want?" Harvey asked curiously.

"My mother ran away and my father was in jail, so, you understand? I lost my guardian. Yesterday, people from the municipal government and charity organizations came to my house to conduct a family investigation."

"Oh" Harvey Dent suddenly realized, "You don't want to be sent to a child care institution?"

"I think I can live independently, but those 'kind people' just don't listen. Can you help me convince them?" Harley asked.

"Sorry, not even God can stop them as long as you're under 18. That's the rule, Harley.

Or, who are your immediate family members? Grandparents, grandma and grandpa?

Or, can you contact your mother? " Harvey said.

"Well, that's the problem. After a family investigation, those people believed that my mother abandoned the family and was no longer qualified to raise me alone. My grandma and grandpa are still there, but grandma lives in a nursing home, and grandpa"

Harley's voice became darker, "Harvey, if I have to have a guardian, I would rather wait in an orphanage to be adopted.

So, you have to help me find a way to prevent Kasapa from getting my custody rights. "

"Kasapa is your grandfather? Why?" Harvey asked curiously.

"I have a good reason, but I don't want to say it." Harley said lightly.

"Well, let me think about it." Harvey Dent pondered for a moment and then slowly gave a plan.

(Harvey Dent: Hi, readers, I am the Two-Face of the future, but now I have not been defeated by the dark and cruel reality. There is light in my heart, only a handsome face of justice.)

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