I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 17 Is the evidence conclusive?

The Gotham Police Department has a century-old history. Entering the door is a circular two-story office hall with gray water-filled walls and a circular black iron staircase, which reminds people of a birdcage.

There is no front desk or lobby, just desks.

The police station was very busy. More than a hundred police officers were busy on the first and second floors. Some answered the phone, some interrogated suspects loudly, some civilian staff were typing on the keyboard and sorting information, and some police officers were cursing and escorting prisoners to the back of the office. huge iron cage

Although the entire building is full of signs of decay from time, the people in the police station are very energetic, full of vigor and passion.

Agent Gordon's office is at the stairwell on the second floor.

There was a desk without even a computer, and a chair with a backrest.

People come and go on the iron-framed stairs from time to time, with the sound of footsteps and figures coming and going in a hurry.

This is not a good place to work.

But there is also an advantage here. Just raise your head and you can overlook the entire hall on the first floor.

Harley sat there, with a lot of thoughts in her mind, and randomly watched the police officers working.

On the surface, Gotham police officers work conscientiously, do not desert their duties, and appear to be conscientious of their duties.

Moreover, the police officers all looked upright, as if they were all wearing cloaks with "Justice" written on them behind them, and there was no hint of evil in them.

"Are we all wrong? The Gotham police are all good civil servants who are down-to-earth and hard-working? Were they caught by the police just two or three days after Andy committed the crime? It's so efficient!" Harley thought wildly.

"Hi, Harley, Harley Quinn?" A thin-eyed man with a thin face came over, waved his handwritten document, and said with a somewhat reserved smile: "I'm Edward from the Physical Evidence Department, Edward Nygma. I see. Live your game, smile queen, you really shine."

"Uh, Mr. Nygma, what's the matter?" Harley was a little confused.

"Oh, Agent Gordon asked me to take you to the interrogation room." Nygma smiled nervously and hurried forward.

"I happened to have to submit the test report of the necklace, so I took you there along the way." Nygma smiled nervously again and said a little nervously.

"Whose necklace?" Harley asked curiously.

"The three pearls found in your house belong to Martha Wayne." Nygma said in a low voice.

Harley frowned.

The interrogation room was separated by a one-way glass wall. Three people were already sitting outside, Jim Gordon, Afu and the young master.

Through the glass, Harvey, with his long greasy hair parted in the middle, can be seen interrogating Andy.

The young master's face was originally small, but after not seeing him for a few days, it became even thinner. It was smaller than a palm, and his face was pale, with a touch of sadness, making him look younger than a little girl.

"Hi, Bruce." Harley waved her hand gently and forced a smile to greet him.

Without looking in the mirror, she knew how distorted her expression was and how ugly her smile was.

The room was silent and the atmosphere was very awkward.

"Your father killed my parents, why?" Bruce's eyes turned red instantly, his blue eyes full of accusation and anger.

"Are you sure?" Harley asked softly.

"I called you here just to be more certain about this matter." Jim Gordon said solemnly: "At 10 o'clock last night, we arrested Andy Quinn in a bar called the Black Warrior.

At first, he denied it, insisting that he had only met Thomas Wayne once in his life and had never been to Manhattan on a Friday night.

But he could not say what he had done during that time, and he did not provide any alibi.

He has been detained at the police station since last night. Harvey and I applied for a search warrant that night and led people to inspect the apartment where you lived overnight.

They found a quantity of hemp, eight unlicensed firearms, $43,000 in cash from unknown sources, and three pearls thrown into a trash can. "

Having said this, Jim Gordon turned his attention to Nygma who was holding the evidence analysis report.

A flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the bespectacled man, and he said loudly without looking at the report: "After comparison, the chemical composition of exhibit A25 is completely consistent with the sample provided by Grimme Jewelry Store.

In other words, the pearl found in the Quinn family's trash can once belonged to Martha Wayne. "

Hearing his mother's name again, the scene from that night came to mind again, and a sharp pain flashed in Bruce's eyes.

"More importantly, the Glock 45 found at Quinn's house is definitely the murder weapon that killed the Waynes."

Harley's pretty face twisted into a piece of bitter melon, "Can I see Andy?"

"Bang!" The soundproof door in the interrogation room suddenly opened, and the oily Harvey pulled his tie and laughed and cursed: "Fuck, that bastard can't bear it anymore!"

"Hey, brother, he fully pleaded guilty and the case is closed! Three days, just three days to solve a huge case that caused a sensation in Gotham. We have to shock the whole city this time." He patted Gordon on the shoulder and smiled confidently. Proud and satisfied.

Just like a mason who spent a lot of time and sweat to finally complete a masterpiece that will be handed down from generation to generation.

Andy is their work, and the Waynes are the guarantee of their fame.

Jim Gordon's slightly rounded Chinese character face also showed a hint of joy. After catching a glimpse of Harley, who was frowning, he quickly returned to his rock-like hard look.

"Let him see his daughter," he said.

Andy looked better than Harry expected, with a bit of relief and relaxation.

"I killed Wayne. I shot both of them with a gun. The Patek Philippe on Thomas Wayne's wrist is worth more than one million, and Martha Wayne's jewelry and necklaces are all treasures."

"I thought you were being used as a scapegoat." Harry caught a glimpse of the vague excitement on his face and sighed bitterly.

An inexplicable look flashed across Andy's eyes, but Harley didn't notice it.

He leaned forward, glanced at the camera in the corner with his eyes, and said solemnly: "No one forced me to confess, Harry. I just want to tell you that I love you, and I did all this for this family, for you! This The matter ends with me and has nothing to do with you or your mother Trish."

Harley frowned at him, stood up and walked out.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he heard Gordon say to the young master solemnly: "The case is closed, Bruce, I have fulfilled my promise to you - bring the criminal who killed your parents to justice!"

At this moment, Jim Gordon seemed to be emitting some kind of light.

"Thank you, Agent Gordon!" Bruce said sincerely.

The two stared at each other, their eyes were shining, and they both saw something in each other's hearts. The atmosphere

Nygma coughed a few times, interrupted the eye contact between the two friends, and shouted in a low voice: "There is still one step left, Gordon, have you figured out Mr. Quinn's motive for committing the crime?"

"Obviously, he is a gambler. He owes Nikola $300,000. The deadline is coming soon, so he has no choice but to take risks." Harvey said disapprovingly.

Nygma adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and said with a smile: "This motive seems to be valid, but it is actually very reluctant.

The Waynes went to see a magic show, which was an uncertain and random event.

Mr. Quinn, who was about to repay the loan shark, looked at them and waited for the opportunity to rob. The price-performance ratio was too low.

Because he was not sure when or if they would leave, and he had no time to delay, the repayment period was approaching. "

Gordon glanced at the silent Harley and said meaningfully: "What if he happens to know the Waynes' weekend plans? Harley and Bruce are friends!"

The young master looked at Harry angrily and sadly, with accusations written all over his little face.

Ah Fu also looked over, his thin lips pursed tightly and his eyes sharp.

Harry scratched the back of his head and asked doubtfully, "Bruce, have you mentioned this to me?"

The young master was even more hurt.

"On Tuesday afternoon, I told you that I had to go home early on Friday and I couldn't practice with you any more. What did you ask about? I said that I would go to see Master Zatara's performance in the evening."

Either Halle is lying, covering up the fact that she revealed the information to his father.

This indicates that she may have been involved in the shooting.

Either Harley wasn't lying and she really didn't remember this.

This shows that she didn't care what he said all this time.

In either case, she stabbed him.

"I swear, I didn't say it." Harley defended, but seeing the doubtful looks on several people's faces, she said helplessly: "If you want to know the details, go next door and ask Andy!"

"As a father, he is likely to be able to handle everything on his own, you should know this." Oily Harvey sneered.

"Maybe it's the hatred under the twisted mind." Afu seemed to suddenly remember something and said: "Andy Quinn was once humiliated by the master in Wayne Tower - the fact is not like that, but Mr. Quinn must think that way.

At that time, he left angrily and ignored Master Thomas's attempts to stay.

Before leaving the building, he said to me in a sinister tone - Gotham has been uneasy recently, so he asked the Waynes to go out less often, and even if they did go out, they should bring more bodyguards.

I was still wondering at the time that this was a nonsense statement.

So, I asked him what he meant, and he said - I should have said it to Martha Wayne in person, but I couldn't see her, so I could only warn you. "

"After saying that, he walked away with a depressed look."

The butler said the last words to Harley.

"Now the truth is revealed: a frustrated gambler, a failed husband, a narrow-minded and spiteful Gothamite."

The oily Harvey spread his hands and made a natural judgment: "This sin city has no shortage of garbage like this. No matter what they have done, don't be surprised."

Harley took a deep look at him and said: "The matter is at this point, and it is useless to talk more. I will help Andy hire a lawyer and guarantee all his legal rights during the entire trial.

I also hope that you can handle the case seriously and ensure that the real murderer is the one on trial. "

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