I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1721 Luther escapes from prison

During the Final Crisis, Orion, who had become the Dark God King, was beaten to death and his body fell on the dock of Earth's metropolis. At that time, Harley became the object of everyone's suspicion.

Of course Harley knew she was not the murderer.

When speculating on the identity of the murderer, she was the first to suspect Darkseid, without any substantial evidence.

When Bateman found the divine toxin bullet from the future that blasted Orion's head, Harley still regarded Darkseid as the first suspect, but also listed other suspects based on the murderer's ability to accurately shoot time bullets. Several suspects.

She also personally went to Heaven to find Heavenly Father and "frame" Metron as the possible murderer.

He even secretly spread rumors to Beka, the God of Love: behind the death of Orion, there may be a power struggle between the king of the new gods, and it was Orion who was killed by the Heavenly Father and Metron.

The reason she gave is: Only the New Gods are eligible to participate in the restart of the fifth world, and the most proficient in the law of time among the New Gods is Metron, who possesses the Mobius Chair.

Since she could think of the Mobius Chair at the beginning, it later turned out that it was Darkseid who killed Metron, took away the Mobius Chair, and used the Mobius Chair as a sniper rifle to attack Austria from the future. Lean shot a divine toxin bullet, so how could Harley not think of the Mobius Chair when she met the "Sophon" who could travel through time and cover up or even modify the timeline?

When Night Owl activated the magic fission cannon to bombard the earth, the creation star "God King of Light" Heavenly Father suddenly jumped into the mother river of time, his voice was like thunder, shaking half of the river, "Night Owl, you are so brave, how dare you Conspiracy to murder the new God of Creation Star!"

Ye Xiaozong didn't actually control the magic fission cannon, that would be too dangerous.

Once the magic fission cannon is activated, the intense energy fluctuations will inevitably expose the location and attract countless attention.

If the Witch Harley arrived in time, he would most likely be caught in the act.

Therefore, Night Owl's real body is hidden in the mother river of time and uses an intelligent program to control the fission cannon. He only needs to use mental projection to start the program at critical moments, and the fission cannon automatically fires according to the set parameters.

Even if Witch Harley rushed back the moment the fission cannon fired, she could only pick up an unmanned machine.

Even if she had a keen sense of spirituality and found the mental projection that had quickly fled the scene, she could not threaten him hidden in the mother river of time.

Taking a step back, Witch Harley followed the clues to the mother river of time, and the Mobius Chair he sat on could also take him away quickly.

But he didn't expect that the Witch Harley, who had been cautious all the time, didn't come, but the Creator Star Heavenly Father chased him, and chased him directly to the mother river of time. The speed was so fast that he was caught off guard and shocked.

"How is that possible? How do you know my location?"

Even though Ye Xiao's city was deep, even though he had considered Plan C of Witch Harley chasing after him before, he was still shocked by the Heavenly Father who directly targeted him.

Although he was shocked, his movements were not slow.

Subconsciously activate the Möbius Chair and quickly travel through the hyper-time flow.

The mother river of time and the time rivers of each parallel universe together form a complex super-time flow system.

The Mobius Chair can not only travel within the river of time, but can also jump into any river of time at will.

The Heavenly Father followed him closely, not too slowly, "If you don't even understand such a simple question, how do you get the courage to sit on the throne of the 'God of Knowledge'?"

"Metron is indeed dead, but I didn't kill him. The murderers were the Anti-Monitor and his associates. I just accidentally picked up this chair. There is no hatred between you and me."

As Ye Xiao fled, he quickly thought about the reason why he was locked by Heavenly Father, and at the same time, he sent a message to the spirit behind him.

No matter how much the Heavenly Father behaves in the final crisis, His supreme identity and power as God-King cannot be denied.

It won't be too difficult to handle the god-level Metron.

What's more, Night Owl is not Metron.

Ye Xiao didn't understand why he was targeted, and he didn't know much about Heavenly Father. At least he knew that his own strength was far inferior to that of Supreme.

Moreover, his crisis sense kept warning him of life and death crises.

If you can use words to persuade Heavenly Father to give up chasing you, it doesn't matter if you lower your attitude.

"If you were not the one who murdered Metron, why did you run away? Stop immediately and follow me to the Genesis Star. When the investigation makes it clear that his death has nothing to do with you, I will not embarrass you.

I am the opposite of Darkseid, Heavenly Father, the God of light and justice. You can trust me. ” cried the Heavenly Father.

He originally planned to use a low profile to get past Yeye, but after hearing what Heavenly Father said, not only did he not stop, but he became angry, "Even if I am not a qualified God of Knowledge, I am not a retarded person.

You are obviously a rescuer moved by Witch Harley. If I really go to the Genesis Star with you, can I still live well? "

Heavenly Father was choked by him, but he was not embarrassed at all, and his tone became more severe, "If you are really a smart person, you should understand that letting go is the best choice now.

You can't escape from me.

I swear as the God King of Justice that you will get the most just punishment on the Genesis Star, and Harley has no right to interfere with the trial process. "

Night Owl sneered at Heavenly Father's words.

He has fired on the earth. The more impartial the judge, the more likely he will be sentenced to death for his unpardonable crime.

But this time he didn’t talk back to Heavenly Father.

Talking while distracted will slow you down.

Not just the speed of his escape, but the speed of his search for information in the Mobius Chair.

Why can Heavenly Father lock down his location?

He couldn't understand this question.

So let’s change the question, why did the reinforcements brought in by Witch Harley be Heavenly Father and not someone else?

Is it because she can only call Heavenly Father, or...

Ye Xiao's heart moved, and he had a vague guess.

He immediately sank part of his mind into the core of the Mobius Chair - the godhead of the God of Knowledge.

The Möbius Chair is the godhead of the "God of Knowledge".

But Night Owl already knows that in the beginning, the Mobius Chair was just a "supercomputer" built by the creator Mobius.

How did it transform from a technological creation into a godhead?

Nite Owl takes a quick look at the changing history of the Möbius Chair

"Night Owl, you can't escape!" Heavenly Father is getting closer and closer to him, and now he is close enough to cast his magic.

He stretched out his right hand and turned it into a sky, covering the rapidly scurrying night owl.

"Hahaha, God will take care of me after all!" Ye Xiao suddenly laughed wildly.

"Whoosh!" He sat down on the chair and suddenly accelerated, teleporting forward continuously, leaving afterimages in the river of time.

Heavenly Father slapped his big hand into the air, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and his forward speed suddenly slowed down.

"You, you abandoned the godhead of the God of Knowledge?" His tone was a bit shocked.

"No, I just abandoned the 'Knowledge Godhead' from the Creation Star."

The Night Owl's voice flew from left to right, forward and back, up and down, reaching Heavenly Father's ears from all directions. His breath also changed, as if he was present in every direction. Heavenly Father stood there, His face was cloudy and uncertain.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao became even more proud and laughed: "You can lock my position because you are the god king of Metron, the god of knowledge.

Metron is the new god of the Genesis Star. I completely inherited his godhead and was also included in the list of the ‘New Gods of the Genesis Star’.

Before I even noticed, I had become the new god of the Genesis Star.

And all the new gods of the Genesis Star are your subordinates, and you have extremely high authority over them.

Capturing just a hint of my breath can lock me firmly in place.

So Witch Harley asked you to catch me. It seems that she has completely seen through my reality and my plan, and she has used her tricks to prepare a killer move for me.

My previous behavior was a bit too smart. "

Heavenly Father, who had been talking a lot before, now became silent, his face expressionless, and he was trying his best to sense the position of the night owl.

But Night Owl did not stay where he was talking. His voice became farther and farther away, became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely.

"Fake!" With a low curse, Heavenly Father returned to the Genesis Star angrily. After hesitating for a moment, he took out the Mother Box and sent a message to Harley.

Two hours later, Harley received his message through the Watchdog system and sent a message back.

After half a day, the Heavenly Father entered the earth with his hidden breath and transformed into a mortal.

Lord Universe Earth.


After leaving the Daily Planet TV station and returning to the luxurious apartment near the city hall, the calmness on Super Queen Louise's face disappeared. She looked at her husband who had just proposed to her and said excitedly: "Why is there still a magic fission cannon? Is it Na?" That Bichi in Tanza?"

There was a faint hint of panic in her eyes.

Although the magic fission cannon did not explode the earth, it loudly announced a fact to her and Alexander Luthor: You who think you have everything under control are actually the real clowns.

Something was out of control, but she didn't even know what it was.

Alexander Luther looked gloomy, "Natanza is the only one who doesn't have the ability or courage to create a magic fission cannon, maybe."

"Night Owl is not dead." He said solemnly.

"Night Owl." The Super Queen exclaimed, then quickly fell silent, with only the expression on her face changing constantly.

Alexander Luther took out Lexnote 7Ultra and called up the number of the Hall of Justice. Just as he was about to dial, he stuffed the phone back into his suit pocket and said: "Lois, you rest first, I will go to the Hall of Justice myself.

Now that the fission cannon attack has ended, Witch Harley may have taken action herself.

I need to know immediately the identity of the man operating the fission cannon and what his consequences are at this time. "

"It's almost 11 o'clock, please call and ask."

The super queen doesn't want to be alone more than ever.

Could Night Owl be following her in the secret form of "Sophon"?

When Alexander leaves, will he jump out to seek revenge on her?

Loudly asking why the child in her belly was not his, or even hurting her child?

Thinking of this, she subconsciously covered her belly with one hand, and stretched out her other hand to pull Alexander Luther's sleeve, saying, "Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Make a call today, and I'll go with you tomorrow."

Alexander calmly pulled her hand away and said, "I must appear in front of the Justice League immediately.

It was we who assured them that the magic fission cannon had been destroyed. Now that this happens, we have to express something.

They should not doubt us, but as the 'only hero', they should show their due responsibility, responsibility and concern for mankind on earth. "

Seeing the worry in his fiancée's eyes, he softened his tone and said, "Whether it's Ye Xiao or not, whether Ye Xiao is captured or not, there is no way he can come to Earth.

Now that he has just activated the fission cannon to bombard the earth, he doesn't even dare to approach the main universe, let alone entering the earth, so you don't have to worry at all. "

"Okay, call me as soon as you get the news." Super Queen said.

Alexander Luther flew back to his apartment half an hour later.

He got no useful information in the Hall of Justice.

It's not that the Zhenglian heroes wanted to hide anything from him, it was actually that they didn't know why.

We don't know who activated the fission cannon, nor do we know if Harley can take down the opponent.

In order to understand the situation, Dinah, Green Arrow, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter, plus the Justice League Dark, formed an investigation team and went to the scene to search for clues following the energy fluctuations emitted by the magic fission cannon.

The next morning, Alexander Luther took his pregnant wife to the Hall of Justice.

This time they met Dinah and others who had returned from the investigation.

Facing the Big Luthor couple, Dinah did not hide anything and said: "We found the magic fission cannon. It was destroyed by Heavenly Father, and only a few residues were slowly dissipated in Limbo.

In addition, Harley also sent back news that Night Owl was really not dead and had become the new God of Knowledge. "

"What is the God of Knowledge? How did Night Owl become a god?" Big Luthor and Big Belly Louise both looked confused.

In their impression, Ye Xiao only has two labels: technology and martial artist.

Magic is almost insulated from him, and "Night Owl becomes a god" exceeds the boundaries of their imagination.

Dinah helped them explain the concept of "God of Knowledge" and said: "Because Nite Owl's Mobius Chair comes from the new god of the creation star, Metron, and Metron is the god of the Heavenly Father.

So Harley only informed Heavenly Father about this and did not return to the main universe.

Once Night Owl activates the magic fission cannon, it will surely alarm all directions. As long as the God-King in Limbo Prison pays a little attention to the main universe, he will be able to detect the powerful magic fluctuations.

Then Heavenly Father caught the Night Owl's 'breath' left on the fission cannon, chased him directly to the Mother River of Time, and almost arrested him. "

"What do you mean by almost arresting you, the supreme heavenly father tried to arrest the god himself and failed?" the Super Queen said emotionally.

Dinah frowned slightly and said, "You know Ye Xiao better than we do. He is the Bateman of Universe 3——"

Bateman immediately said: "He has nothing to do with me."

He glanced at the Super Queen and his wife and swallowed the words that followed, "Bruce Wayne from Earth 3 has died long ago."

In fact, there is no need for him to hide it. Both Big Louise and Big Luther know that Night Owl is a 'Wayne', and his identity cannot be concealed at all.

"What I want to say is that Ye Xiao is as smart as you. After meeting Heavenly Father, he quickly understood the reason why he was being tracked. He decisively gave up the creation star godhood and got rid of the authority of Heavenly Father." Dai. Na said.

With hope in his eyes, Big Luther asked: "Can I still give up my godhead? After giving up, will Night Owl still be the God of Knowledge?"

"Night Owl is still the God of Knowledge, and the core of the God of Knowledge is the Chair of Mobius. The New God is more like a profession than a pure racial title. Gods other than the Creation Star can also become the New God of the Creation Star. ."

Dinah thought for a while and gave an example: "Just like Harley, she has a very good relationship with Heavenly Father, who once invited her to join the team of new gods on the Genesis Star.

If she wants, with her divinity as the God of War, she can become the 'New God of War'.

With the approval of Heavenly Father, she will receive the Martial Godhead forged by the New God's divinity, which will greatly enhance her martial arts divinity.

But if she feels that the creation of the new god is not interesting, she can also give up the additional god of war.

Giving up the benefits of becoming a new god is equivalent to getting rid of the subordinate relationship with Heavenly Father, but the power of the God of War that Harley has cultivated will not disappear. She is still the King of God of War.

That's roughly what it means. The specific process is definitely more complicated than what I said. "

Louise understood Night Owl's state, but more doubts arose in her heart, "Where did Night Owl get the Möbius Chair? Where was Metron, the former God of Knowledge? What specific abilities does the God of Knowledge have? , when did Night Owl become the God of Knowledge? Why did he lie to us when he was in the Crime Syndicate? What conspiracy does he have? "

Dinah said speechlessly: "I still want to ask you these questions. Isn't Ye Xiao your companion?"

"He didn't regard us as companions at all. He must have obtained the Mobius Chair and became the God of Knowledge before coming to the main universe, but he kept it secret from us."

Big Louise looked like she was filled with indignation that she had given her true love but was deceived by a scumbag.

Bateman stared into her eyes and said: "The God of Knowledge is almost omniscient. His chair can collect all the knowledge and secrets of the multiverse."

Louise's face turned pale and her eyes were a little panicked, "Even the Supreme God King can't be omniscient, can he?"

"Nearly omniscient." Bateman said.

Big Louise murmured: "Then what does he know?"

"If you want to hide something from him, then he will know something." Bateman said.


Louise opened her mouth to shout "I never lied to him", but she suddenly returned to reason and suppressed the unnecessary lie.

Big Luther glanced at his fiancée and said, "It seems that Night Owl has long known about Louise's undercover crime syndicate. He pretended not to know, but in fact it was to plot against you.

When he decided to use his magic fission cannon against Earth, the rest of the Crime Syndicate didn't have much use for him.

When I destroy the Criminal Syndicate and bring Louise to the main universe, you will definitely relax your vigilance because of the news we bring—"

Thinking of the white light energy shield that covered the sky yesterday, he paused, with a natural smile of relief on his face. "Fortunately, you didn't relax your vigilance. Night Owl failed after all."

"We almost let down our guard." Animal Man said with lingering fear: "The day you and Louise came to Earth, I excitedly suggested that the crisis for several months was finally over, and we should have a good time.

Everyone agreed, and Sinestro and Saint Walker almost left Earth directly.

A few hours later, Harley sent a warning telling us to be more careful. "

Elder Luther was surprised and asked: "At that time, she already suspected that Night Owl had obtained the Mobius Chair, so she asked Heavenly Father for help? Why did she suspect that she had not even seen Night Owl? Well, she had seen Night Owl once. Could it be that Night Owl had something wrong with him at that time? The divinity of the God who radiates knowledge?”

Animal Man recalled: "I remember Harley was just surprised why Night Owl's soul disappeared after his body died, and he didn't find any divinity or anything like that."

"Night Owl said that his soul was uploaded to 'Sophon'." Big Luthor and Lex Luthor's identical faces showed a thoughtful look, "I understand, the essence of 'Sophon' is the character of Mobius." chair!

The spherical 'Sophon' seen by the Crime Syndicate was just a toy controlled by Night Owl's body.

Let me just say that the atomic suit technology can at most allow sophons to travel through the quantum dimension. How can it be possible to modify the timeline? "

"Alas, it's too late to say this now. Ye Xiao has even given up the creation star godhood. Sitting on the Mobius Chair, he is like a dragon entering the sea. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to make big mistakes, no one can catch him. Him." Dinah sighed.

With unwillingness and indignation on her face, Louise said in an almost questioning tone: "Has Harley Quinn given up completely and doesn't have any plans against him?"

Big Luther frowned, raised his hand and gently put it on her shoulder.

The heroes just thought she was angry because Ye Xiao had deceived them, and they didn't show any strange expressions on their faces.

Dinah shook her head and said: "Harry's current work focus is on Wan Tianyi, and Night Owl is just a problem of ringworm and scabies."

"What if Night Owl brings the magic fission cannon into the main universe next time and bombards the earth?" Alexander asked.

"The seven lamp owners have been guarding the earth in the watchtower until Harley returns." Dinah said.

"Actually, Harley will be back tonight. Do you want to go see her?" Animal Man looked at Big Luthor and his wife and asked.


Big Luther was stunned for a moment before he realized, "Oh, today is Saturday, and there is her sermon meeting at eight o'clock in the evening.

But the last few times she only stayed in the main universe for two hours and left immediately after giving lectures. Do I have a chance to meet her? "

He was a little nervous about facing Harley directly, but his face was full of expectation.

"Even for Night Owl's sake, she will stay longer this time. Well, half an hour should be enough." Animal Rogue.

This Saturday is the last of the “January Lectures.”

After tonight, there will no longer be a regular weekly sermon night.

However, there were not many foreign guests during the last lecture.

The sermon cathedral formed by the Tamaran mothership can accommodate a million people, but only a few thirty or forty thousand aliens came, so that ordinary people on earth finally had the opportunity to listen to the scriptures live.

Even if the tickets were free before, only aliens could enter.

Entering the venue were the big Luther couple.

Everyone else had pious faces, deeply intoxicated by the voice of "Saint Harry", and entered a state of selflessness. Even the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance were fully focused and unable to desert. But the more Louise listened, the more irritated she became, and she wanted to shout to the sky: Holy shit, Harry, stop talking nonsense!

After all, she didn't lose her mind or yell. She just touched her frowning fiancé beside her and whispered, "How do you feel?"

"It's very uncomfortable. I feel that she is twisting my thoughts and will, and I feel a little disgusted." Big Luther first expressed his true feelings, and then said: "But she is really powerful, even more powerful than I imagined." , her words and the principles in her heart have turned into substantial power that can influence people's hearts."

"I hate her very much," said Big Louise.

Big Luther mused: "She is so powerful and powerful, which is really not good for our situation."

"We follow the original plan and find an opportunity to swallow her power? With thick skin power, you will be the most powerful man in the world." Louise said excitedly.

Big Luther said calmly: "Although I had thought about her before, when I really stood in front of her, I felt like I was facing God himself, and I felt an absolutely invincible feeling of defeat."

"She is just a lucky person who has been blessed by God. How can she compare with God?" Louise said angrily.

"I'm just a metaphor. No one can beat God. Facing the God-like Harley Quinn, I'm afraid my power of Shazam won't work very well. After all, my power comes from the wizard Shazam. He can't beat Harley. Quinn." Big Luther sighed.

Before coming to the main universe, he was still very ambitious, planning to seize the thick-skinned magical power of the Witch Harley, and then go to settle accounts with Ya Mo Zhuo - from the mouth of the Zhenglian hero, he finally knew the identity of the mysterious man who stole his magical power that day.

After coming to the main universe, he realized that he was Shazam's favored one, and he had a clearer positioning of his own strength.

"As long as you keep absorbing superpowers, Shazam Wizard is by no means your limit. You are the strongest in the world and you have no limits." Big Louise was a little excited.

She married a superman because he was the most powerful man on earth.

She fell into the arms of Big Luther, only because Big Luther came out of the blue, single-handedly fought against the entire criminal syndicate, and replaced Speedmaster as the most powerful man in the world.

Her man must be the strongest man in the world!

Big Luther shouted: "Calm down, the top priority now is to replace Harley Quinn's recognition and completely take root on the earth.

Where I once tolerated the humiliation of being a prisoner of a criminal syndicate, I can now hunker down and endure Harley Quinn's rule for a while.

As long as we insist on not making mistakes, no matter what kind of sense she has for us, she will not be able to attack us.

After enduring the humiliation of the Criminal Syndicate, I finally gained the superpowers of all of them, reaching an unprecedented peak of strength.

Now I am relying on others. Once the opportunity comes, I will definitely be able to acquire more and stronger superpowers, and eventually become the strongest person in the universe. "

Louise held his arm and said excitedly: "You have such talent, such ambition, and such perseverance. You will definitely get what you want and become number one in the world."

"Stop talking, the sermon is over." Big Luther reminded her, patting her arm.

They had been transmitting messages spiritually and did not disturb the believers on the side.

At this time, the sermon ended, Hallie drifted away, and the audience in the audience also woke up from their intoxication.

"Phew, every time I listen to Hallie's lectures, I can't help but sink into it and forget the time."

Dinah looked at her phone and saw that two hours had passed, and she was filled with emotion.

"Harley seems to have left." Big Luther said.

"We're just leaving the Lecture Hall, and we're going back to the Hall of Justice. I left a message for her, and she will wait for us there," Dinah said.

Harley did go to the Hall of Justice and was currently whispering to Bateman.

"Alexander Luthor and Lois Lane. Well, it's Big Lois. They have been acting normally these past few days and have not shown any criminal tendencies.

On the second day after Big Luther came to Earth, after getting a little familiar with our situation, he used several technologies developed in Universe 3 to exchange for a large sum of money from technology companies such as Wayne and Lex.

About $2 billion.

After getting his first pot of gold, Luther first purchased a building worth $420 million, now named the "Luther Building".

The couple now lives in the Luther Building.

On the morning of the third day, he established a new scientific research institution called 'Luthor Laboratory'.

In the afternoon he takes off his suit, puts on his cape and becomes a superhero in Metropolis.

By evening, he had rescued two children who fell into the water, three citizens who almost had car accidents, and a stray cat.

On the fourth day, he publicly accepted an interview with reporters, describing his difficulties in punishing rape and eradicating evil in Universe 3, and he was full of praise for the peace and beauty of the Earth in the main universe.

On the same day, Big Louise accepted an exclusive interview.

Big Luther proposed to her toward the end of the show and announced they would get married at the end of the month.

Another news came out today that the couple will participate in a variety show called "Wife's Romance".

By the way, Animal Man also invited Big Luthor to guest star in his latest movie "Animal City", and he agreed. "

Bateman told everything he knew, then looked at Harley and said: "I feel that he is not pretending, he really intends to live a good life on earth.

Even if it has a purpose, it is just to whitewash the dark history of Super Queen in the Crime Syndicate. "

"Then will you continue to follow them?" Harley asked.

Bateman nodded matter-of-factly, "Just because they have no problems now doesn't mean they won't have problems in the future."

"All I hope for you is to keep vigilant against them and don't let Zheng Lian be plotted by them," Harley said.

"Why doubt them?" Bateman asked.

"I don't doubt them at all. I am very sure that they are not good people. I want you to stare at them. I just don't want any of you to be sucked into ashes and soul by the 'Zansha Divine Power'." Harley said.

"Do you say they are not good people just based on your feeling, or do you have a clear reason? Big Luthor is as old as Lex Luthor, and he is forty-seven years old this year.

A 17-year-old boy has endless possibilities, and no one can guess what his future will be like.

For a 47-year-old middle-aged man, more than half of his life has passed, and his character and personality have almost been determined.

As of now, Big Luthor is still a hero. "

Harley nodded and said, "You are right. So far, Luther's character has not collapsed. Any words I have to say are not very convincing, but I am just telling you to be vigilant and not asking you to kill him."

At tonight's lecture meeting, everyone was immersed in God's teachings. Only the elder Luther and his wife, whose emotions and moods were incompatible with their surroundings, were as special as two dark clouds in the bright sky. Harley could clearly perceive them.

But it doesn’t make much sense to say this. God’s way is not suitable for everyone.

"Since you firmly believe that he will attack us one day, what plans do you have? Only Qianri can be a thief. Thousands of days of guarding against thieves will eventually lead to negligence. Passive defense is not your style." Bateman said.

Harley smiled meaningfully and said, "How do you want me to 'arrange' him?"

"It's not what I want to do with him, I just hope you don't secretly do anything to him before you get the evidence.

At least for now, he's a righteous hero.

A hero cannot be wronged, let alone die in an unknown manner. "Baitman said solemnly.

"Hey, why do I need to take action? I'm just worried that you guys will be plotted. Worry and anxiety are not the same emotions. There are others who are anxious." Harley said with a weird smile.

"Who is anxious? What do you mean?" Bateman asked in surprise.

"The secret must not be revealed."

"What, Harley has left?" Dinah said unwillingly: "I finally came back and I haven't seen her yet, and I left her a message saying that I wanted to see her."

"She waited for half an hour, but there was still no sign of you." Bateman said.

When Dinah came back, it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening, and the sermon meeting ended at 10 o'clock.

"We also wanted to come back early, but the lecture hall was packed with millions of people. It was their first time to hear it live. They were so excited. They were happier than Christmas. They were stuck there and refused to leave. They sang loudly together and sang praises to the Holy Spirit. Harley's hymn, over and over again, the more excited she gets. We can't use the sonic boom channel in public, right?" Dinah shouted.

"On average, Harley saves a world in three minutes." Bateman said.

Dinah fell silent.

Elder Luther had something to say, "It's such a pity. If I had known that the lecture hall was so crowded, I wouldn't have gone. I wanted to see Harley."

"What did Harley Quinn say? What is she going to do with Night Owl?" Big Louise asked.

"Harley said that the magic fission cannon crisis has been completely resolved, the Seven Lantern Masters have been disbanded, and there is no need to garrison the watchtower. As for Night Owl, she will not let him go, but not now. Now she has to concentrate on dealing with the rebels," Bateman said. .

Big Luther asked in confusion: "Ye Xiao has not been arrested, and she does not intend to pursue him immediately. Why does she say that the magic fission cannon crisis is over? What if Night Xiao comes again?"

"Harley said she had other plans and was looking forward to Ye Xiao entering the main universe again." Bateman said.

The Seven Lantern Master Team was disbanded, and Luther also lost his identity as the Orange Lantern Master.

On the night of the lecture, Harley took away the "La Fleece Lantern Ring" and returned to Belle Reve Prison again.

He has done a good job in protecting the earth. Amanda Waller kept her word and insisted on reducing his sentence by 10 years for one second. Luther's sentence was reduced by 1,500 years in total, with 800 years left in his sentence.

A week after returning to prison, Luther was taken to Waller's office by prison guards.

"Waller, what do you want from me?" Luther seemed to be in a very good mood, looking good and smiling.

Waller looked gloomy and in a bad mood.

"It happened to you."

"What's wrong with me?" Luther asked confused.

"Stop pretending, Count Dizzy has reported you, and he has received a reduced sentence of 20 years." Waller said coldly.

Luther's expression froze, and he forced a smile and said: "I don't understand. My relationship with Dizzy is very ordinary, and I haven't communicated with him recently. What did he falsely accuse me of?"

"You secretly contact the super villains, buy them with a lot of money, and ask them to help you kill the 'only hero' Luther," Waller said.

Luther slammed the table angrily and yelled at Waller: "Fuck, don't call him 'Big Luther' in front of me. There is no Big Luther, and I am not Little Luther. There is only one Luther in the world, and that is I!"

"You admit it?" Waller was very calm and didn't even frown.

"Are you blowing me up?" Luther said angrily.

Waller shook his head, "If you watch TV or newspapers, the citizens will call the 'only hero' Big Luther.

To distinguish him from you.

Everyone has become accustomed to calling him the ‘Big Luther’ and you the ‘Little Luther’. I am not targeting you or irritating you. The evidence is solid and there is no need. "

"Farke, this is why I want to kill him!" Luther looked a little ferocious. "Waller, let's work together. You help me get rid of that bastard, and I'll give you 10 billion U.S. dollars!"

"You think I need money?" Waller said lightly.

"You have a daughter. 10 billion will allow her to transcend class and become an upper class person." Luther stared into her eyes.

Waller smiled contemptuously, "I would rather let her join the Sky Eye Society as an agent than become an 'upper class' person."

"Then what do you want? As long as you ask, I will be satisfied." Luther said.

Waller waved his hand and said: "Go away. For the sake of protecting the earth last time, I will not let the judge prosecute you for 'attempted murder,' but you should be smart and don't continue to do stupid things."

That night, Luther escaped from prison.

Waller went all out to search for him, but even after two days of searching, there was no trace of him.

"Hey, I'm Waller. Please remind the 'only hero' Big Luther. Little Luther has escaped from prison and his target seems to be him." In desperation, she could only call the Justice League.

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