I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1720 The Luther couple are on Earth

"Harley, Alexander Luther did not disclose his relationship with the Super Queen and did not marry her openly. It was not because he was cunning and sinister. He would rather endure his wife lying in the arms of his greatest enemy than plant a spy in the enemy's team."

In fact, at this point, Shazam Wizard can leave. After all, his purpose of coming to Harley to cry has been achieved. She agreed to help him get revenge after finishing the work at hand.

But although Alexander Luther was not the "Thunder Sand" he chose, he was his God's Favorite after all. No matter what he thought, his God's Favorite represented his face.

He did not want his beloved to be regarded as a sinister villain, and Alexander Luthor was not a sinister villain.

In Universe 3, Luther is already the most upright and just good man.

"The Only Hero" is by no means a deserved name.

"Actually, he's a bit..." Halfway through his words, old Shazam turned dark and slightly red, and became a little embarrassed.

But with Harley staring at him, he couldn't help but finish his words.

"Actually, he has a little problem with his surname. Well, it's the green hat plot. When his lover is lying in someone else's arms, he won't be angry, but will be happy in a different way. It's not at all to hide his calculations."

Harley was disgusted, her face was a little twisted, and she said in disgust: "It's better to hide the plot."

Old Shazam said in an awkward tone: "Evil and cunning is bad, the green hat is just too unconventional in terms of personality and hobbies, and has nothing to do with character and morality.

I'm not saying Alexander Luthor is perfect as Superman.

But he is not a villain like Luther in the main universe, so you don’t need to be wary of him as an enemy. "

Harley didn't want to talk to him about the disgusting thing "Big Luthor" anymore, so she waved her hand and said: "Just be responsible for conveying the message to me, and then instruct Billy to cooperate with Bateman to design tactics against 'Thunder Xantha'.

Don't worry about the rest. You can't control it even if you want to. Unless, with a thought, you can immediately remove Alexander Luther Zanza's state, or even deprive him of his identity as Thunder Zansa? "

Old Shazam shook his head and said: "I can't do it. All miracles have a price. This sentence is not only applicable to the gods, but also to us and other gods.

Those favored by God will certainly receive a lot of benefits and become extraordinary in one step.

But the chosen one by us must also be very consistent with the divinity of the god, and can earn a lot of benefits for the god.

When you get the benefits, you have to pay the price.

The Shazam Contract is a loan clause that complies with the rules of equivalent exchange in the multiverse.

Before the contract is completed, neither party can terminate it at will. "

"In the final crisis, the relationship between you and Magical Mary is not equal." Harley said lightly.

Shazam Wizard explained: "The situation was special at that time. The fifth world was about to restart, the Law Sea was closed, and Shazam's Law was invalid. Under normal circumstances, the God's Favorite could hardly activate the divine power in his body.

Weren’t your gods’ favored ones also affected at that time?

Miraculous Mary was supposed to be reduced to a mortal, with all her powers gone.

The divine power she later received was an additional gift from the gods. It was a divine power outside the contract and was not protected by the Shazam Contract.

Even in that case, the gods could not arbitrarily deprive Miraculous Mary of her power.

In the end, it was Mary herself who gave up her uncontrollable 'Black Adam' power.

She always felt like she was corrupted, mostly related to Black Adam's evil power. "

The old wizard couldn't help but sigh: "It's not wrong for her to think so. The gods cherish their reputation, and at the beginning of the plan, they wanted to let Black Adam take the blame."

"Go back, I'm not interested in the bad things between you and the Shazam family." Harley said.

"Do you still want to send a message for you?" Shazam asked.

"Isn't this nonsense? You have a black mouth and white teeth, and you just use your mouth to vouch for Alexander Luther. If something happens, you will definitely run away. Not to mention taking responsibility, you won't even let out a fart."

This was said very rudely, and Shazam was unhappy. Although he didn't choke on Harley, he didn't even dare to fart.

"How can I be as irresponsible as you say?"

"Something happened to Alexander Luther. Are you willing to take full responsibility?" Harley asked.

Seeing his forehead heat up, she wanted to nod her head and loudly agree. She immediately added: "He commits a crime and you go to jail. He kills someone and you take full responsibility for it."

After these words, the fire in old Shazam's heart quickly extinguished.

"He is the 'only hero', what could happen?"

He really doesn't understand.

He had already explained very clearly why Harley must doubt "the only hero in the world."

"His son is more heroic than him. What's the result?" Harley said.

"His son hasn't been born yet, you mean little Alexander Luthor? Wasn't his mind controlled by the watcher Mal Now?" Old Shazam said.

Harley said impatiently: "If you don't want to risk your life as a guarantee, then what's the point of talking nonsense now?

When something happens, do you think Alexander Luther is too dangerous to take other people's lives?

Or is it that your own life is your life, and the lives of others are not as valuable as your face? "

Being scolded so harshly, old Shazam began to feel angry again.

But this time he stopped arguing, nodded, and disappeared in front of Harley.

Almost at the same time, Ye Xiao also found the anti-supervision king.

This time it’s no longer a “sophon”, but a living person sitting on the “esports chair”.

Of course, it is not the true body, but the projection of the "God of Knowledge" Night Owl.

The anti-monitor has already killed the "God of Knowledge" once. The "God of Knowledge" Ye Xiao is not mentally retarded and will not give the anti-monitor a second chance.

"The Criminal Syndicate has been completely wiped out. Why are you here to find me?"

Seeing Ye Xiao again, the Anti-Supervisor King was a little surprised and his attitude was a little indifferent.

"You know what just happened?" Ye Xiao was also surprised.

He also thought that the anti-monitoring king was solely focused on devouring the multiverse and had no interest in other people's affairs.

"The news has spread around the main universe." Anti-monitor said simply.

Night Owl suddenly realized that the Anti-Investment King was sweeping Limbo Prison, devouring new magic planes every moment, and most of the news he heard came from the world he invaded.

"Everything is my plan." Ye Xiao said confidently: "Others don't know me, but you must know the power of the 'God of Knowledge'.

The God of Knowledge will be plotted by you and a supreme being like Darkseid, but he will not fall into the hands of a mortal. Super Queen Louise is not a mortal, she did successfully deceive me before.

For a long time, I thought she and I were truly in love, and the child in her belly also belonged to me. "

"Don't blame me for being gullible. I was just a mortal back then, and her 'lasso of submission' was too powerful." He sighed with emotion.

"I'm not interested in your past." The anti-supervision king said coldly.

Ye Xiao nodded and said: "Sorry, I'll keep it short and briefly explain the current situation to you.

I did this play for two purposes, first, to get revenge on Lois and Alexander Luthor.

They will face the greatest despair when they are happiest and most proud.

You are definitely not interested in this, so I won’t go into details.

The second purpose is to make the Earth relax its vigilance.

Louise and Speedmaster don't know that I actually built two magic fission cannons.

It was completely within my plan to have one destroyed by Louise.

Now that Alexander Luthor has brought Louise into the earth and proudly stated that the 'magic fission cannon' has been destroyed by them, the Zhenglian will relax their vigilance to some extent. This is an opportunity for us.

My magic fission cannon is ready, the 'cannonballs' are also filled, and it can be fired at any time.

There must be enough ammunition this time. "

The anti-monitoring king said: "The magic fission cannon is your plan. I am not interested in your revenge. I will only continue to grow my own strength. If Witch Harley dares to stop me, I will fight her to the death."

Ye Xiao chuckled and said, "That's very good."

The anti-monitor stated that he wanted to sever ties with the "Magic Fission Cannon Project", but in fact he was hinting that when he and Witch Harley were fighting for their lives, he took the opportunity to activate the fission cannon.

Louise has been in a bad mood these past two days.

"Mom, Mom, is this you? Why has your belly gotten bigger?" 10-year-old Jonathan asked in surprise, pointing at the TV screen.

Louise looked away from the Paradise Mountain pad and looked up at the TV, feeling even more annoyed.

"She's not me."

"But she looks exactly like you, and Aunt Lana also calls her 'Louise.'" Jonathan wondered.

This is why Louise is in a bad mood.

Xiao Qiao's question has been asked by many people. Even if they don't ask, they still stare at her with strange eyes.

Louise opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

She can explain parallel universes to colleagues and friends, but her son is still in elementary school and doesn't understand what homotopes are.

And it would be more troublesome to explain that they are in the same position. Louise does not want to admit that she and Super Queen Louise are in the same position.

She felt like she was taking the blame for Wonder Woman Diana.

"It really looks like, almost exactly the same. Even the moles on the eyebrows are exactly the same. They are even more similar than twins." Martha walked to the living room carrying the dinner plate, stared at the screen and said in surprise: "Louise, she is here She was interviewed by Daily Planet. You should have met her in person. Have you talked to her? Are you able to talk?"

"Martha, you know she comes from a parallel universe, right? I have nothing to do with her." Louise put down the tablet and said helplessly.

"I know, but you two are so similar. People on Earth, people in space, and everyone who knows you are all sighing at the magic of 'same body'. Look, Louise on TV is also sighing!" Sha pointed at the TV and marveled.

Louise, the super queen on TV, was being interviewed by Nora Long, and at this time, she was talking about appearance.

"Of course I know Louise, the Legend of the Galaxy. In order to understand the Earth in the main universe, I watched many episodes of the series of news programs she produced."

Unlike Louise who was distressed and upset, the super queen on TV smiled happily when talking about Mingji Louise.

"When I met her at Daily Planet this morning, we chatted for a long time and talked about many topics. We were both surprised. Not only do we have similar appearances, but we also share many of the same living habits.

For example, we both like to eat apple crepes, and we both like to get to the bottom of a problem. Hey, I think I also have the talent to be a reporter.

In fact, this is not surprising, she and I are in the same position after all.

It can be said that she and I are the same person born in different worlds. "

Ming Ji Louise holds her forehead.

Seeing her expression, Martha felt strange, "Do you feel awkward when a peer appears in the same world?"

"It's not awkward, it's... Well, you'll know when you read on, but..."

Mingji Louise glanced at her son, who was staring at the TV screen with great interest.

There was some hesitation in her mind: Should she turn off the TV? Or take your son back to his room?

Then she thought that this was a public program. Not only could their family watch it, but other people on the earth would also turn on GBS (Planet Daily TV Station), and even alien planets could watch the broadcast.

Sooner or later, people all over the universe will know that "Louise" is a bitch who can do everything she can!

Thinking of this, Louise felt irritated again.

"Xiao Qiao, do you know what a homotopic is now?" she asked while holding her son.

Jonathan is in the fourth grade of elementary school this year. Although he is not too old, he is not too young either. He can understand what is said on TV.

"That's you in another world." He nodded.

"No, she is actually not my peer. I have no superpowers, but she is 'Superwoman', the peer of Wonder Woman," Louise said.

"But her name is the same as yours, and her surname is also 'Lane'. She is obviously more like you. Maybe in another world, you can also become a superheroine." Jonathan said.

"But she is an Amazon princess. The Amazon princess can be called 'Diana Prince', and people on earth also have ordinary girls named 'Diana Prince'." Louise said.

A look of confusion appeared on Jonathan's face, "But the Super Queen herself said that she has the same appearance, name, and personality as you, but she is another you."

"She's a bitch!" Louise couldn't help but swear.

"Hey, Louise, don't be like this, your son is right in front of you." Martha scolded.

"Martha, you don't understand-" After looking at the TV, Louise said helplessly: "You will understand soon."

On TV, super queen Louise was just asked about the crime syndicate by famous reporter Lana Long.

She nodded generously and admitted: “Yes, I was once a member of a criminal syndicate.

Even though I am essentially the same as Louise in the main universe, due to the influence of the well-known 'dark breath', I was inspired by the emotional desires of the Seven Deadly Sins. "

"Desire?" Lana looked surprised. "Can you tell me more specifically? To be able to become the 'Big Seven' of the criminal syndicate, your crime of lust must be very serious, right?"

Louise covered her face in front of the TV.

"My desire has been greatly amplified by the aura of darkness, and I am more open-minded about matters between men and women." Super Queen Louise looked calm, and her expression and temperament at this time were somewhat similar to the famous Louise.

"Any outstanding male that catches my eye will be forcibly conquered by me, and I also gain great satisfaction in the process."

"Forcibly. Conquer, is that what I understand it to mean?" Martha opened her mouth wide and murmured: "How can you say such a thing on TV?"

Old Martha is not an old white flower.

Having lived in the United States all her life, she has also watched adult channels and has experienced all kinds of exciting scenes and topics, but GBS is a TV station that specializes in broadcasting serious news programs. St. Harley's "Paradise Lecture" is also on GBS. Playing it!

"It's not the kind of forced conquest you think. Her methods are more sophisticated and evil. Did you see the noose hanging around her waist? It -"

Seeing her son looking over eagerly, Louise couldn't say any more.

She simply changed the topic and said: "Actually, our TV station has long wanted to do an exclusive interview with Alexander Luthor and the Super Queen couple, but they have always refused before.

Today's exclusive interview came to us on their own initiative, because the criminal syndicate is not dead.

There is another syndicate that has escaped Alexander Luthor's pursuit and is now frantically exposing the scandal of the Super Queen in the wizarding world.

The planet Nohan, 900 million light-years away from the earth, even received a video mailed by the syndicate, in which the super queen reported her past crimes with her real name.

It was obvious that she had been betrayed by the Super Queen, and it was impossible to see her and 'Big Luther' living together on the earth, happily, respected, and living a sweet life.

Under her efforts, the scandal of the super queen could not be suppressed at all.

The super queen simply took the initiative to go on TV to control the direction of public opinion. "

Martha finally understood why her daughter-in-law didn't want anything to do with the super queen.

She also understands why the majestic super queen repeatedly involves herself with an ordinary reporter, and she wants to tell everyone: she and reporter Louise have the same character and character, but different environments lead to different lives.

Although her daughter-in-law Louise is not a hero of justice or a model of morality, she is the daughter of a general. She is beautiful, well-known, has an excellent temperament, and is extremely knowledgeable. She can be called the second best "human woman" on earth.

Such a high-altitude flower, a peerless fairy, the essence of human women on earth (Old Martha saw the comments of Louise fans about her daughter-in-law on the Internet), she has been loyal to her small town "farmer" husband for more than ten years, never before Lace news, she is definitely a good wife and mother recognized by the society.

The super queen wants to wash away the sin of "silver slut", and the effect of being bound to Louise is far greater than that of Wonder Woman Diana.

In addition to being a superhero, Diana is also a fashionista. She often participates in various fashion events and has many gossipy news.

"Xiao Qiao, she is the counterpart of Wonder Woman. She has nothing to do with your mother. She just happens to look similar and has the same name. In fact, it is not surprising at all that the name is the same. You just have a girl named Harley Quinn. Yin's female classmate?"

Xiao Qiao's face was a little red, and he understood the super queen's bold words.

"Well, she's not my mother, she's Wonder Woman." He nodded repeatedly.

When he went to school and was asked by his classmates, he would definitely deny the relationship between super queen Lois Lane and his mother.

After comforting Xiao Qiao, Old Martha looked at her daughter-in-law with some worry, "Do you want to take a few days off to rest?"

The Super Queen keeps hinting that she and Mingji Louise have the same nature, and the reason why she degenerated into a slut, Bi Chi, was all because of the influence of the dark atmosphere.

It is almost conceivable that after the interview program ends, public opinion will definitely discuss the famous Louise and the super queen Louise together.

It’s okay to discuss that the super queen is influenced by the dark atmosphere, but if we discuss the famous Louise, she appears to be a good wife and mother, but she is actually a slut and a slut in her heart.

Not to mention others, even Martha herself would think to herself after watching the show: Fortunately, Saint Harry blessed her and did not let the dark atmosphere contaminate her daughter-in-law, otherwise her son's head might turn green.

Didn’t you hear what the Super Queen said?

When she was on Earth 3, she even "conquered" Jimmy Olsen (PS), Louise's royal photographer.

"No need to take a vacation. The mere scandal of the super queen will not affect me."

Louise picked up the tablet, shook it, and said, "I'm preparing a new topic on the differences between homotopes in parallel universes."

She is very mobile. After dinner, she immediately drove to the Hall of Justice, found Animal Man on duty, and asked him to help send a message to Superman on the Dome to help her collect information about Lois in the parallel universe.

There is also a small easter egg at the end of the interview with the Super Queen.

At the end of the show, the child's father, Alexander Luthor, appeared on stage in the heroic form of Thunderbolt, stepping on thunder and assuming the classic flying Superman pose, amidst the exclamations of the crowd.

"Oh my god, 'The Only Hero' Luther!" host Lana covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"At least at this moment, I am just Louise's lover, not some 'only hero'."

Alexander Luther took the microphone naturally and faced the camera and said: "I was just watching this show, but when I saw Louise's self-confession, I suddenly felt something in my heart and flew over. I hope everyone can Forgive my rashness.

I want to take this opportunity to tell Louise, and everyone else, that I don't mind what she went through in the Syndicate, and I understand that's not who she is.

In fact, I am very grateful to God for allowing me to meet her.

I am even more grateful to her. She is almost fighting against the law system of the entire universe for our love.

Just part of the dark atmosphere flowing from Universe 3 into the main universe almost turned the earth into hell.

On Earth 3, which is full of darkness, Louise insisted on true love for me and defeated the erosion of darkness. I am extremely proud and extremely touched. "

"No, Alexander, I should be grateful to you. It was your love that gave me courage and strength, and pointed me in the right direction in life." The Super Queen said excitedly.

"Louise, I want to add another identity now." The only hero held the hand of Super Queen Louise, pulled her to his side, knelt on the ground on one knee, looked up at her affectionately, and said: "Marry me, Be my wife, Louise, and I will be your husband!”

He raised his right hand, with a diamond ring shining in seven colors suspended in his palm.

"I'm sorry!" Nora exclaimed again.

The last exclamation was also disguised. Although the sudden appearance of the only hero was quite unexpected, she could do anything without being surprised. The exclamation was just to increase the effect of the show.

This time the exclamation was truly shocking.

She had no idea that such a romantic scene would appear on her show.

"I bought it!" The staff at the live broadcast site and the audience in front of the TV all exclaimed.

"Alexander." Super Queen Louise also seemed shocked, staring at him blankly, a little at a loss.

"Louise, we don't have to hide our emotions anymore. This is a wonderful new world. No one will oppress us. There is no dark atmosphere to distort your emotions. We are free.

I can finally express the love in my heart freely.

Louise, let go of all restraints and burdens and answer me. "Alexander Luther said emotionally.

The super queen's eyes turned red and she nodded slightly.

There was thunderous applause and loud cheers.

In front of the TV, applause and cheers erupted one after another.

"How touching!"

Watchtower, in the leisure hall, Sinestro slapped his hands gently.

"Are you serious?" Luther stared at him with wide eyes, "After this period of time together, I thought you were barely tasteful and smart enough to date me, but I didn't expect that your judgment at the critical moment would be so shocking. Be anxious!"

The small team of Seven Lanterns has been gathering for some time. The other lanterns all know that Luther is not a good person and are unwilling to talk to him. Even if they talk, it is difficult to talk together.

On the other hand, Sinestro, as a cosmic villain, has a lot in common with Luthor, who is also a cosmic villain.

Luther even privately invited Sinestro to join the secret society.

Sinestro glanced at him and said calmly: "It's just watching TV, and it still shows your taste and wisdom?"

"Television programs don't have much taste, but the evaluation of the program content can tell a lot about a person's taste and wisdom."

Luther pointed at Alexander Luther on the TV screen, "This bastard is obviously acting, can't you tell?"

"So what if you can see it? It's just a TV show. How can there be a show that doesn't show off? Just enjoy watching it and you don't care what he does." Sinestro said.

Luther looked around and saw that the other Lanterns were sitting far away, so he leaned into Sinestro's ear and said, "I can't stand him! Don't talk about showing off in front of my face in public, I Can’t even tolerate every breath he takes.”

"Why? He has just entered the main universe, so he has no chance to offend you, right?" Sinestro said.

"Can you tolerate another Sinestro?" Luther asked.

Sinestro thought for a while and said, "If he is willing to surrender to me, I will have one more subordinate."

"Do you think 'Sinestro' will surrender to others? Are you disgusted by seeing 'Sinestro' begging for mercy from others and don't want to kill him?" Luther asked.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Sinestro nodded slightly, "But this 'Big Luther' is very handsome and has not embarrassed you."

"I am the 'Big Luther'!" Luther said excitedly.

Sinestro shrugged, "You Earthlings call him 'Big Luther', I just follow others."

Luther said bitterly: "I don't care about the 'Big Luther' at all, I am the only 'Luthor'! I will not allow any 'Luthor' to rob me of my identity and destiny."

"What destiny does he have?" Sinestro asked curiously.

Luther gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone's cheers and everyone's expectations for him are destiny that can only belong to me.

I cannot tolerate people talking about 'Luthor' in a way that is not about me, but about my peers.

I find it hard to accept that humans think they can do better than me.

Just thinking about Alexander Luthor possibly replacing Lex Luthor makes me sleepy. "

Sinestro asked in a low voice: "So, you want to kill Alexander Luthor?"

"I'm going to take away everything from him!" Luther said coldly.

Sinestro glanced at the big-bellied Louise on the screen, "Brother, you have really unique taste."

Luther followed his gaze and immediately understood what he was thinking, and said with a complex expression: "I once really had a crush on Louise. If she was willing to be good to me, I would probably marry her.

Alas, she is the only woman I would marry.

It's a pity that she would rather support a farm boy with no money and power than be my woman. "

Then he shook his head and said: "But I understand who I love, and I won't go so far as to find a substitute to comfort myself.

And I have no interest in finding a lover right now.

After a trip to hell, I have become very light on this aspect.

What I want is not Alexander Luther's wife, I just want his life, soul and divine power in his body.

Take away his divine power, kill his people, and banish his soul to hell to suffer forever. "

He lowered his voice and whispered, "We are good friends, right?"

Sinestro frowned and said: "Honestly, you are the third earthling that I can take notice of besides Hal Jordan and Harley Quinn.

Except for the three of you, all other people on earth are a group of primitive people who have not evolved fully in my eyes.

You have all the flaws that humans can have.

If I hadn't owed Harley Quinn a huge favor, I would have been unable to tolerate your stupidity and bad taste and would have left here. "

Luther said displeased: "You Koruga people aren't very smart, are you?"

Sinestro was about to get angry when Luther added: "You may be a little worse than me, but you are definitely the real hope of the Koruga people, but the Koruga people actually deny your rule and want to overthrow you.

I just can't imagine what's going on in their heads.

Is there anyone in Koruga who is smarter, wiser, and loves Koruga more than you? "

If it weren't for the first sentence "a little worse than him", Sinestro would have thought that Luther was flattering him.

Since he is not a flatterer, then the judgment of "the true hope of the Koruga people" and "the wisest and most beloved leader of Koruga" also comes from Luther's heart?

For most of his life, no one had ever recognized him so much, and Sinestro felt very complicated.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Luthor's voice was even lower, "I'm glad that you can consider me a friend. Since you are a friend, can you do me a favor? Avoid the Justice League, find a chance to go out, and work with me to take down Alexander Luthor."

"I don't mind helping you kill someone, or a group of people, but not now. I accepted Harley Quinn's invitation. I can't do anything wrong during this time." Sinestro pointed to the TV, where the host and The audience was cheering for the Luther couple, "He is not an unknown person. You know better than me how big and bad the impact of killing him will be."

"You don't need to do anything, I'll take care of him." Luther said.

"You?" Sinestro looked him up and down, and finally his eyes fell on the yellow light ring on his right hand, "Luthor, I appreciate your greed, but to be honest, you only have the power of Raffles III at most.

After practicing for more than half a month, I was barely qualified to combine seven lights into one.

If you want to challenge Thunder Shazam, I'm afraid it's not possible yet. "

"I have a trick, you just need to help me stop the Super Queen." Luther said.

Sinestro thought for a moment and asked, "Do you have any other accomplices?"

"You don't have the confidence to deal with a big-bellied woman? I trust you, so be more confident."

Sinestro sneered: "I have lacked many things, but I have never lacked confidence."

"Then what do you want your accomplice to do?"

"Take the blame!" Sinestro said calmly: "I'll help, but if something goes wrong you'll take the blame. I don't care what the Earthlings think, but I have to give Harley Quinn's face.

As long as she can keep her face, I guess she"

His expression became hesitant, "Does Harley Quinn value Alexander Luthor? If she is like the Justice League, she will treat him as a distinguished guest."

Luther said with certainty: "Don't worry, Harley will never like Alexander Luther."


Luther pressed against his ear, his voice like a gnat, "At the beginning, Harley acquiesced to me sacrificing Alexander Luther's son. She threw the sacrificial circle on the ground and asked me to 'accidentally' pick it up."

"Fake, why are you telling me such a thing?" Sinestro said angrily in a low voice, his face red and slightly pale.

"Didn't I explain it to you? What's wrong?"

"You know Witch Harley's secrets, aren't you afraid of being harmonized?" Sinestro looked around, "She can observe the timeline, no secret can be hidden from her?

She can also modify the timeline.

If the second Crisis on Infinite Earths triggers another reboot, all she has to do is move her hand slightly, and without anyone noticing, our lives will be gone. "

"Don't worry, Harley is very generous." Luther comforted.

"What kind of galactic joke are you kidding? Louise's "Quinn" series has spread throughout the universe, and the aliens at the edge of the universe know how small-minded she is." Sinestro growled.

Luthor said: "Actually, the Justice League also knows about this matter. Many people are concerned about Little Luthor's ending -"

"Stab la la -" The blazing white lightning spanned time and space, forming a starry sky ocean and instantly submerged the earth.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up.

Nothing could be seen or heard except for the lightning that filled his vision.

It seemed like the whole world turned into silver lightning.


In the silver energy ocean, a golden energy tsunami suddenly set off.

The silver energy lightning formed an ocean that annihilated the starry sky, while the golden energy quickly expanded into a sphere that enveloped the earth. Rune chains exuding order flashed on the surface of the golden energy sphere.

The golden rune ball is like a rock in the river, resisting the erosion of the silver energy ocean.

"Enemy attack! The lamp masters are preparing to combine seven lamps into one."

The voices of Kyle Rayner and Doctor Destiny sounded in everyone's hearts at the same time.

The green light energy shield opened first to help the golden rune ball block the silver energy tide.

"Waller, Falk, open the permissions for me quickly." Luther shouted hurriedly.

Without him calling, Amanda Waller also received the alert and immediately activated the yellow light ring.


The yellow light ring lit up, and Luther's eyes were filled with greed.

He gritted his teeth, trying hard to suppress the greed in his heart, and the thick veins on his face were tense.

"Seven lights in one!"

The seven lantern owners shouted in unison, and the seven emotional energy beams of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple shot into the space, merged with each other, and finally turned into bright white light. The white light slowly but firmly opened an energy shield and enveloped the earth inside.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

The silver lightning ocean has not stopped and continues to be output to the earth.

The network of order and law opened by the Tower of Destiny has not flinched. It and the white light energy shield are the inside and outside of each other, guarding the earth together.

"This is different from the magic fission cannon I designed. How can it be so long-lasting?" Luther shouted with great difficulty as large beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

"It's not obvious yet. You have been fooled. Not only you, but the only hero and his wife have also been fooled." Guy Gardner, the Lord of Red Lanterns, shouted.

"Everyone, the other side seems to be fighting a protracted war. We must hold on!" Kyle Rayner encouraged.

"Go and tell Luther, apart from him, none of us can last for ten days and a half." Guy continued to complain.

"Don't look down on me, no one in the world is more greedy than me."

This is not Luther's first time using orange lanterns. He has recently been receiving special training from Lafleeze and the lantern masters.

But this was the first time he encountered such a high-intensity output, and he was really running out of energy at the moment.

He was sweating profusely and his body was shaky for everyone to see.

"Luthor, if you hold on for one more second, my sentence will be reduced by ten years." Amanda Waller suddenly said.

"Waller, you have to keep your word. Ahhh!" Luther stood firm and shouted.

"Don't worry, Harley will be back soon. Whoever is controlling the magic fission cannon will eventually be brought to justice." Kyle Rayner said.


The next second, the silver lightning tide disappeared as suddenly as it came.

The lamp owners and Dr. Destiny in the Tower of Destiny felt a lightness on their bodies at the same time.

"it's over?"

"Don't be careless, you may have run out of shells, be careful of the second round!" Luther shouted.

But they waited for a long time and did not wait for the second shot.

Didn't wait for Harley to return.

(ps: It is not written in the comics how many men the Super Queen has conquered, but it is certain that Night Owl is her lover, Superboy is her husband, and the only hero Luther is the father of her child, Jimmy Orr of Earth 3 Sen once had an affair with her and was discovered by Speedmaster. Jimmy Olsen met a miserable end and was tortured and killed by Speedmaster.

In fact, the seven giants of the Crime Syndicate represent the seven original sins to a certain extent. Each giant represents an original sin, and the super queen is desire. )

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