I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1704 Pandora’s Angel Form

Luther went to prison many times for various crimes, and received different treatment in prison for different crimes.

During the U.S. presidential election seven years ago, Luther brought his opponent Tesla on his plane and threatened to have his beautiful daughter fucked by someone if he did not withdraw from the party election. He also had his plane crash and he died tragically on the spot.

Tesla chickened out at the time, resigning himself to becoming Luthor's vice president. But Luthor had just won the election and was overthrown by the Justice League before he could enter the White House. Tesla took over as the vice president and served for four years.

Luthor's crimes are incomparable to the previous crimes against humanity that enslaved the world during Crisis on Infinite Earths, but he had a hard time in Stryker Island Prison. He even had to bribe the prison guards and use the prison guards' mobile phones to send messages secretly, and was often dared to do so. The fat prison guard extorted money.

The cells they live in are no better than ordinary wealthy criminals, and it is completely impossible to get bail.

Because Tesla, the target of his crime, had already become the commander-in-chief at that time.

In the final crisis, Luther was denounced by all civilizations in the universe and became the most serious criminal in the history of the earth.

He broke through the scope of the earth and was known by the people of the universe. He is a well-deserved universe-level villain.

For such a serious crime, he lived a very comfortable life in prison, and could even be called freedom.

Because Lex Group is the world's leading foreign trade export company, it brings a huge amount of taxes to the U.S. government.

Not only did he not offend the U.S. military and political bosses this time, but he became a cash cow that they tried their best to protect and fawn over.

If they were not concerned about the reaction of alien allies and cosmic public opinion, they would all want to release Luther directly and let him run the Luther Technology and Entertainment Group with peace of mind.

In addition to being unable to leave prison himself, Luther can contact the outside world through any means and directly or indirectly participate in company operations and product development.

For example, right now, someone is in Belle Reve Prison, but he is wearing a holographic helmet on his head, and his consciousness has descended to the metropolitan underground laboratory thousands of kilometers away.

The green-shell "Luthor Armor" was transformed into a carrier of data consciousness. It is tireless, very strong, and very convenient for work.

Ever since my sister Lina helped get a complete set of experimental equipment required for the "Magic Fission" project, this life of doing theoretical research in the prison during the day and turning the theory into reality at night has lasted for more than half a month.

"What's your business?"

Seeing Nick walking up to him with a thoughtful look on his face, "Mecha Luther" stopped what he was doing, turned around and asked.

Nick said: "I just received a message that Harley took the Justice League Dark to the bottom of Limbo.

They ate hot pot and sang songs on the open-air platform, insulting the Lord of Eclipse and calling him a coward.

The incident was so big that the eight major divine realms of Limbo Prison and all the heavens and realms were alarmed. Many gods, demons and mages were hiding nearby to watch. "

"What does this have to do with us?" Faust also put down the magic instrument in his hand and floated next to the two of them.

His appearance at this time was very terrifying, like a mummy whose essence had been sucked dry by a female ghost.

The once rosy and smooth skin turned into a dead gray, wrinkled, full of wrinkles and age spots.

His hair was completely gray and lusterless, and most of his head was bald, with only a handful hanging loosely on his shoulders.

With his current image, if he goes to Hollywood to play a corpse that just crawls out of a coffin, he doesn't even need makeup. He still needs makeup to cover it up, otherwise the movie will become an R-rated movie simply because of his image.

"Don't forget our purpose." Nick reminded.

Faust looked around at the huge metal structure with a diameter of more than 30 meters in the laboratory and muttered: "Isn't our goal at this stage just to build this machine?"

"I mean the ultimate goal."

"Book of Magic?" Faust's dim eyes flashed with a strange look, and his whole face seemed to suddenly come to life from the state of a dead body.

Nick nodded slightly, "For the people of Earth, the Eclipse Lord is the source of disaster. But for our plan, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Harley went to the bottom floor of Limbo. Judging from her situation, she probably wouldn't come back until she dealt with the Lord of Eclipse.

We can take the opportunity to capture the Dark Room of the Sky Eye Club and get what we want. "

Faust looked at the unfinished "Magic Fission Cannon" again and hesitated: "But we originally planned to use the fission cannon to blast open the black room's defense network.

Even if Witch Harley doesn't take action, there are still several masters of the Sky Eye Society sitting in charge, and the powerful defense system is not something that we can easily break through. "

Nick said: "What I mean is, while Harley is away, assemble the magic nuclear fission cannon in one day, and then attack the Sky Eye Black Room.

After we get the things, we escape from the material world and find a different world to hide in.

Of course, if the power of the magic fission cannon is as strong as the theoretical estimate, we don't need to hide.

With this artifact in hand, we are confident. "

Faust's eyes lit up at first, and then he doubted: "Is one day too short?"

Nick glanced at the robot Luther, "Give up the repeated verification of certain experimental parameters and just assemble the instrument. It's not bad enough."

"No! It has not been tested, the risk is too high, and it is almost certain to fail." Luther's voice came from the speaker on the robot's chest, "We have spent a lot of effort and serious preparation for so long, we cannot rush around at the last moment and fall short. "

Nick said: "High risk does not mean failure. Luther, I believe that with your wisdom and ability, you will be able to improve efficiency while ensuring quality. Faust and I will fully cooperate with you."

"You don't need to put a high hat on me. My wisdom tells me that you are being stupid, and my wisdom does not allow me to be stupid with you." Robot Luther shook his head.

Nick frowned and said: "Luthor, we are collaborators, you have your demands, and we have our goals.

Your request is just to get the complete magic fission cannon technology.

We used fission cannons to seize the treasures in the black room.

If a major failure occurs when the machine is forced to start, we will be the only ones who fail.

The knowledge you need is already there, part of your great wisdom, isn't it? "

"Having said that, this machine cost me hundreds of billions of dollars, and I can't let you waste it in vain." Luther said.

Nick smiled lightly and said: "Today at noon, at the Lex Group's press conference, your sister announced in front of reporters from both inside and outside the earth that the 'Luthor Charitable Foundation' will donate 10 billion U.S. dollars to the people affected by the 'Eclipse Crisis' , used to rebuild houses that collapsed in earthquakes.

You, the Luther family, really do what you say. You said you would donate all the company's profits, and you really do take action every time you encounter a crisis.

However, there seems to be something wrong with the Lex Group's profit calculation method. Not to mention your brothers and sisters' daily luxurious life, the various private experimental projects you secretly conduct, the expenses required are included in the company's operating costs.

In other words, apart from the loss of the apparent accumulated wealth, the "Luther Charitable Fund" has not had any negative impact on your family's life.

You have been to hell and know that earthly wealth means little to dead ghosts.

It's so worth it to exchange a useless beautiful sword for some merits in heaven and a lot of praise in the world. "

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense." Luther said impatiently.

"Sorry, it's a bit far. What I want to say is, no matter how many dollars or Rann coins this machine costs you, it will not cause any loss to you. At most, there will be a missing number in the 'Luthor Charitable Fund' account. .

Based on the friendship between us, this number on the book should be nothing, right? "Nick said.

Luther stared into his eyes with his electronic eyes and said slowly: "Do you really want to activate the magic fission cannon immediately?"

Nick sighed: "I really want to get the Book of Magic. You are not a magician and you don't understand what it means to us."

Luther glanced at Faust and said, "I didn't quite understand it at first, but Faust's mummy face reminds me all the time how crazy a magician can be for magic power."

He couldn't understand it at all, sacrificing half of his soul to resurrect others (ps).

Faust touched his gray "orange skin face" and said: "When we get the book of magic and open the passage to the magic plane, the pure magic power of the entire world will help me become a god in one step.

By then, half of the life force I sacrificed to the inner dragon could easily be replenished. "

Nick looked at Robot Luthor and sighed: "You also understand my state. Although Faust gave half his life, I was not truly resurrected.

The Inner Dragon King just released my soul, and my current state is not much different from that of a hell demon.

Only the Book of Magic can completely save me.

The pure and ownerless magic power can help me become a god. Then I can learn from Nabu and transfer my soul and divine power into my natal artifact, and then I can live free from both the world and the hell.

Then I was no longer a ghost or evil spirit, I was God! "

Luther doubted: "Although I am not a magician, I still know a lot of common sense about magic. There is no magic without a master in this world."

Nick explained: “It is absolutely true that all magic in the world comes from the goddess of magic, Hecate.

But inheriting magic power directly from Hecate is different in nature and result from seeking a loan from a second-rate dealer.

The magic power from Hecate does not have any attributes and can be transformed into the most suitable attributes according to the individual's exclusive magic spell. It is at the top level in terms of energy level and attribute intensity.

Many god-kings in heaven, such as Zeus and Odin, get their magic power from Hecate.

To borrow magic power from other gods and demons, first of all, the magic power has been chewed up and has attributes, maybe more than one. For example, my soul belongs to the inner dragon, but I have never borrowed magic power from the inner dragon at all.

The demon viscount I borrowed my magic power from was the debtor of the inner dragon's debtor. To be honest, I don't know how many times it happened.

In addition to the incompatibility of attributes with oneself, the method of repaying magic debt is also hugely different. "

Nick patted his body, "My soul comes from hell, but do you know where my body comes from?

It originally belonged to me.

I was framed by that bastard Constantine, and my body and soul fell into hell.

But what black magician has never been to hell?

The reason why I was trapped in hell and died completely is because after discovering that I fell into hell, my magic creditors were afraid that I would be divided up by other creditors, so they immediately took my soul away, making me completely lose the possibility of returning from hell to the world alive. .

Ask Hecate to borrow magic power, and you will always be free and unrestrained until the final debt crisis breaks out.

If you ask other gods and demons to borrow magic power, they may take advantage of your illness and kill you at any time. "

Luther was a little moved by what he said, "Are you sure that there is no owner's magic hidden in the Book of Magic? Why hasn't it been obtained by others after so many years?"

"The Book of Magic is not a secret at all in the magic world. If you have any doubts, you can ask someone to find out." Nick said.

"The magic power in the magic world is enough for the two of you to become gods?" Luther asked again.

Faust said: "I will become a god first, and if there is anything left, I will leave it to Nick. This is his promise. After all, I redeemed his soul from the devil."

As he spoke, he looked at Nick with his eyes.

Nick looked calm and nodded: "Of course, I vowed to repay you."

Then he looked at the robot Luther and smiled: "Luthor, are you also interested in getting a share of the pie?"

Luther said: "I have been to hell. The judge of hell said that it will be difficult for me to obtain salvation and ascend to heaven in this life. As long as I become an immortal god, I will never go to hell."

Nick mused: "Although you have no magic talent, your pure and ownerless magic power can be used by anyone. Absorbing the original magic power can help you achieve the 'first generation magic bloodline'."

"Hey, Nick, don't make random wishes, the magic of the magical world is mine!" Faust shouted dissatisfied.

Nick looked calm and said: "Before we divide the meat, we must first ensure that the meat is on our plates."

Faust said: "As long as the magic fission cannon is successfully developed, no one will be qualified to be our competitor, and the meat will eventually fall on our plate."

"The magic fission cannon belongs to the three of us. Faust, you can't ignore this fact." Nick looked sideways at the robot Luther and said: "If you are also interested in the pure magic power of the magical world, our 'threesome' Small groups can continue to exist.

As I said before, your money is just a bunch of numbers on the Luther Charitable Fund.

If you give that string of numbers to others, you won't be able to go to heaven; if you give it to us, we will take this opportunity to gamble. If you lose the bet, you will only lose half a month of time and energy. If you win the bet, you will win eternal life.

With such a high cost performance, you can definitely make the right choice with your wisdom. "

Luther thought for a while and asked, "What if Harley comes back from Limbo halfway?"

"Think about it for yourself, how high the possibility is. If the Eclipse Lord was so easy to deal with, she would have killed it long ago. With Harley's character, she will not return without success and make people laugh. They still have something to gain. There’s a stalemate, but it won’t last too long,” Nick said.

Luther hesitated and said: "Actually, even if Harley is on Earth, she doesn't care much about the Sky Eye Society. She didn't do anything last time Pandora snatched the magic box.

I always feel that activating the magic fission cannon in a hurry now is too wasteful and impulsive.

You can wait a little longer for the test to be completed. We have cannons in our hands and are confident in our hearts. We can leisurely consider how to get the "Book of Magic" in the dark room.

There's no need to even use force, you can trade with Amanda Waller, or trade with Harley. "

"What are you thinking?" Before Nick could speak, Faust shouted excitedly, "Don't you know who Witch Harley is? She is greedy and full of misdeeds. Let her know the magical world, and we still have Can you get a magic particle?"

"I believe Harley will not break her promise." Luther said.

Nick said: "Our enemies are not just Harley and the Sky Eye Society, the Justice League Dark is to us what the Justice League is to the Secret Society.

If your secret society had a big conspiracy against government agencies, would you deliberately choose the date of the operation when all the heroes of the Alliance have left the earth?

Now that the Justice League Dark is with Harley, drinking wine and singing songs, it is no longer a problem for us. "

Luther was still reluctant, but he didn't insist anymore, "OK, let's simplify the testing process and assemble the fission cannon as soon as possible."

A smile appeared on Nick's face, "Just go ahead and do it boldly. Faust and I will use detection magic to find bugs, and there will definitely be no big problems."

"Don't worry, I have two more requests." Robot Luther waved his hand, "Promise me two conditions. Not only will I work day and night and try my best to assemble the fission cannon, but I will also provide you with information about the black room. .

I can also help if necessary. "

The smile on Nick's face faded, "You tell me."

"Do you know the news about Universe 3? In addition to the peers of the Justice League, my peer on Earth 3, Alexander Luthor, also escaped."

Nick frowned and said, "You want us to help you get rid of him? Do you know where he is?"

Robot Luther shook his head, "I don't know where he is, but I have a hunch that he and I will meet sooner or later.

To deal with him, I don’t need anyone’s help, even if he is the Thunder Shazam of Universe 3.

What I want to know is, can I take away his Shazam destiny?

He and I are on the same level. In theory, I also have his talents. We have many similarities and can replace each other, just like his son Luther, the little pressure mountain, once replaced me. "

Even for a robot, the last words were spoken with gritted teeth and full of hatred.

"Don't be crazy." Faust sneered: "Whether you can become a magician or not depends on your own talent. But whether Shazam favors you or not depends entirely on the wishes of Shazam Wizard himself."

Nick also felt that Luther was daydreaming, and was about to shake his head in denial. Tomoko's voice suddenly sounded in his consciousness, "Promise Luther, his request can be fulfilled."

"Didn't I warn you not to transmit messages to my spirit when outsiders are present?"

Nick was angry at first, then realized what Tomoko said, and then asked in surprise: "How can it be possible to snatch the destiny of the God's Favorite? Or are you bullying Luther because he doesn't know magic and intending to fool him?"

"Now that I have turned into nano-sized particles and penetrated into your head, even if Witch Harley is in front of you, she won't notice anything unusual."

Tomoko Ye Xiao comforted him first, and then said calmly: "The miracle that you think is unimaginable may be just a joke to others."

"Of course I can't compare with you. You are the God of Knowledge. But I remember that you are Bateman's peer and don't know much about magic." Nick said.

"The magic that snatched Shazam's power was not created by me. The Mobius Chair can only help me collect existing and exposed knowledge.

To deduce new magic and new skills, the 'God of Knowledge' needs to use his own brain.

After all, the Möbius Chair is just a tool. "Ye Xiao sighed.

"You mean, there is a great magic master who invented the magic to steal Shazam's power? Who is he?" Nick's tone was filled with shock and admiration.

Night Owl said strangely: "That's your old acquaintance and friend, John Constantine (ps)."

Nick wanted to scream "No way, absolutely impossible".

But the spiritual sense in his heart told him that the answer was originally hidden deep in his heart: Isn't this the style of Old John? Who else but him would be crazy enough to try to steal the power of the God's Favored One?

Night Owl continued: "Constantine has simplified the complex and turned a whole set of research on Shazam's Law into a small magic trick. It is as simple as magic. You can teach it to Luther now."

"There seems to be no news that Constantine has taken away Shazam's powers."

Nick believed it in his heart, but he still had to make a final struggle with his mouth.

"That's because he hasn't encountered a crisis that requires Shazam's power yet." Ye Xiao said.

Nick immediately caught the loophole in his words, "You said that only knowledge that exists and has been exposed can be searched by the Mobius Chair. He didn't use it, so how could it be exposed?"

"He has tested the magic trick several times, but it has not been used on the Shazam family."

Nick was silent for a moment and asked: "Why does he want to study this kind of magic?"

Night Owl said: "He needs strength! In recent years, he has been chased by an enemy from hell, and has been secretly planning another enemy from heaven.

Do you know Harley Quinn’s ‘Severing Sword’?

It took half of the inner dragon's life, and was a powerful killing weapon designed to target demons and angels, similar to the Spear of Longelus.

Constantine borrowed it a few years ago and has not returned it yet, and Harley Quinn has not asked him for it.

She could sense its presence.

Constantine carried it with him at all times, indicating that he still needed it.

The waist-cutting sword and the 'Anti-Shazam Curse' are both prepared for the enemy, and there are many similar methods.

You know him, he's used to being prepared. "

"How do you know so clearly?" Nikki asked.

"Because long before Luther made the request, I was already thinking about how to deprive Alexander Luther of his divine power." Night Owl said quietly.

"Oh, Alexander Luther is the 'only hero' of Earth 3 and your lifelong enemy." Nick suddenly understood.

If he were Nite Owl, he would immediately seek the knowledge to deprive his "lifelong enemy" of his divine power after obtaining the Mobius Chair.

The Night Owl then found Constantine and studied him in depth.

"You seem to want Lex Luthor to take away Alexander Luthor's divine power? If you don't speak up, Faust and I will not be able to meet Luthor's requirements, and he will most likely not force it.

Why make it so complicated, why not just kill Alexander Luthor? " Nick asked doubtfully.

"I want to take revenge on a woman who played with my feelings and treated me like a fool! I want her to fall into the abyss at the peak of her life, without any recovery, and with nothing left." Ye Xiao said coldly.

This answer was beyond Nick's expectation. He was stunned and said with a smile: "I don't know what you have experienced, but to be honest, I can understand your feelings because I have also been betrayed by the woman I loved deeply."

Night Owl made no response.

Nick's heart moved, and he said in an excited tone: "Harley recently created a magical secret book called the 'Phantom Heart Sutra'. Can you collect detailed information about it?"

"I didn't expect that you would know the Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons just a few days after your resurrection." Ye Xiao was a little surprised.

He also just learned of its existence.

"Faust has been whispering in my ears, and the longing is beyond words. It's hard for me not to know." Nick said.

Night Owl regretted: "The Mobius Chair is very strong, but it is not omnipotent.

Peering into the secrets of the Supreme Being may arouse their vigilance.

The more secrets they carefully hide, the easier it is to alert them when collecting them.

If not, wouldn't the God of Knowledge become invincible by collecting the natal curses of all the gods and demons in the multiverse? "

There was one more thing he didn't say: If the Möbius Chair could peer into the Supreme without being noticed, how could Metron die twice in a short period of time?

"However, there is no chance at all." He quickly added, "When the Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons spreads more and more widely, and the secret is no longer a secret, I will be able to reveal its mystery."

"The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons is such a treasure, how could it be spread more and more widely?" Nick said in disbelief.

"Perhaps Witch Harley is kind-hearted, fat and philanthropic. She never hesitates to share the secrets of martial arts with people around her. Several of her friends, including Constantine, have received part of the secrets." Ye Xiao guessed.

"Constantine actually got the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons"."

Nick is jealous and anxious. If he doesn't work harder, the gap between him and Constantine will widen.

"Nick, hey, Nick, what are you doing?" Faust patted him on the shoulder and asked doubtfully, "I called you several times but you didn't respond. What are you thinking about?"

Nick calmed down and said to Luther: "There is no precedent of stealing the power of the God's Beloved before, so I am thinking about how to tailor an 'Anti-Shazam Spell' for you."

"Are you kidding me? It's common sense that the power of God's favored ones cannot be taken away by outsiders." Faust shouted excitedly.

Nick said: "What you think is an unimaginable miracle is just a small difficulty that I need to think about a little bit."

A calm tone, a confident look, a disapproving expression. A proper gentlemanly demeanor.

Luther was heartbroken, his face full of admiration and expectation.

Faust was also surprised, "Are you serious?"

"I already have a rough idea in mind." Nick looked thoughtful again.

This time he was not pretending, he was really trying to figure out the knowledge just passed on to him by the "God of Knowledge".

Zha Kang's little trick is tailor-made for himself, "borrowing" Shazam's magical power as an "outsider".

Luther is the peer of Alexander Luther and has more advantages than "outsiders".

Probably stimulated by Zha Kang, Nick was really inspired at this moment, and he soon came up with the idea of ​​​​improving "Kang's Magic".

"Luthor, what is your second request?"

He was multitasking, improving the magic in his mind while asking.

"Originally, I also wanted to participate in your 'Book of Magic Project', but if you really help me steal Alexander Luthor's divine power, I don't mind making this request.

I'm not really interested in superpowers because I have the smartest brain in the multiverse. "

Luther tapped his temples, looking confident yet helpless, "With it, I can cope with all difficulties.

However, mortals have a limited life span, and their souls will have to undergo unfair judgment after death. Even though I spent so much money and saved so many people, I still can't go to heaven after I die.

In fact, I don't like heaven very much. There are too many restrictions and no freedom.

Therefore, I cannot die, and humans cannot live without me, and magic is the method of immortality with the least side effects.

Black Adam can live forever with the magic of Shazam, and I want to be like him. "

The new spell in Nick's mind was almost formed, so he said: "I can leave magic runes on you in advance. When you see Alexander Luther, as long as you hear his voice, the runes will help you perfectly copy his voice. That way you can rob him of his powers through the Shazam spell."

"So simple?" Luther and Faust both looked surprised and a little skeptical. "Is the Shazam Curse controlled by voice, just like a voice-controlled desk lamp?"

Nick shook his head and said: "Of course it is not a simple voice control. The principle of 'Anti-Shazam Curse' is extremely complex and involves in-depth research on Shazam's Law. If written as a thesis, it would be at least 100,000 words!"

You are not a magician and cannot understand those complicated theories.

You just need a spell to take away Alexander Luthor's powers, right? "

"Luthor does not need to study the principles of magic, but I am a magic researcher and am very interested in the 'anti-Shazam Curse'." Faust said.

Nick frowned and glanced at him. Seeing his firm eyes, he sighed: "Don't resist, I will use the power of my mind to pass on the theory of 'Anti-Shazam Curse' to you."

ten minutes later.

"Oh my god, Nick, you are such a genius!" Faust hugged Nick excitedly and kissed his forehead like a money-grubber kissing a rare treasure. "You are now my most precious possession! Use half your life to protect yourself from it. It’s worth it in exchange for your soul from the Dragon King.”

"The spell is really effective?" Luther asked excitedly.

Faust put his arm around Nick's shoulders, with a face full of pride and happiness, and said: "Nick is the number one young mage in our generation. His wisdom in magic is like your smart brain in scientific research. You two are the 'two heroes of magic'." !

As much as you trust your own head, you can trust Baby Nick with the same confidence! "

Even though Nick had had many honest experiences with Zha Kang, he still couldn't adapt to Faust's closeness.

Faust, who was already old and ugly, has lost half of his vitality and is as ugly as a mummy.

He shook off Faust's arm, walked to Luther, and said, "I can burn magic runes on your body right now. Do you want to try it?"

Mechanical Luther nodded and said: "Of course, you help me carve the runes. I will immediately cheer up and do three things at once, controlling three mechanical bodies to assemble the fission cannon at the same time."

Nick said: "Your body is in Belle Reve Prison, and even I can't sneak in quietly, so I have to summon your soul here and burn the magic runes on it.

Or, let's assemble the fission cannon first, and then we can burn magic runes on you when you have a chance to be released from prison in the future. "

Luther hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Let's do it now, engraved on the soul."

When the magic fission cannon is assembled, Nick will immediately use it to rob the Sky Eye Society's treasure house. Otherwise, he will become a world-class wanted criminal. It will be difficult for the two to meet again. If Waller's bid is high enough, he may not be able to betray Nick and Faust for benefits.

20 hours later, at the bottom of Limbo.

"I'm so full, Harley. I can't eat any more, and I don't want to sing anymore."

Zatanna put down her chopsticks and plate, touched her bulging belly, and groaned: "How much time do I have to spend sweating in the gym to burn off the calories I ate today! Just thinking about it makes me desperate."

"You can use magic."

Harry continued to chew slowly, and picked up the colander to scoop out the vegetables in the hot soup pot.

She has food defense expertise, so she doesn't have to worry about gaining weight. She can also take the opportunity to store food energy in her cells and draw it after being injured to repair the wound and restore her energy.

"Magical fat burning can easily cause damage to organs, and it cannot form natural vest lines." Zatanna said.

Swamp Monster grabbed a large bunch of grapes from his body and put them in the fruit basket for everyone to enjoy. He asked, "Are we just going to keep fighting with the Lord of Eclipse? That guy seems determined to be a coward."

Zha Kang was lying on the armchair, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and said with a smile: "At least the main universe is safe now, and we no longer have to worry about the sudden arrival of the Lord of Eclipse."

"Planet Daily TV station has broadcast the news that we blocked the door on the bottom floor of Limbo. The people who were a little restless immediately calmed down, and some alien VIPs returned to the solar system."

The magic hero Xuan Lan held his mobile phone and chatted with the Hall of Justice through the watchdog system, "The earth is in great shape now! If the Lord of Eclipse is willing to waste it, we will keep fighting it, and we won't suffer any loss anyway."

"Still spending time with me? You are dreaming!"

The dark and corrupt will is like an erupting volcano, suddenly erupting from "below".


The mysterious house is like an illusion made of smoke that encounters strong winds, twists a few times, and turns into nothingness.

But everyone did not fall into the material world.

Harley opened the defensive force field immediately, and a pale golden bubble with a diameter of a hundred meters enveloped everyone.

"How can the majesty of the Lord of Limbo be allowed to be trampled upon by ants like you?"

The spiritual impact of the Eclipse Lord was like a sharp blade stained with feces and poison, piercing into everyone's hearts.

The power of the natural eclipse turns into a bright red "heart fire", like a wild dragon, surrounding the golden film.


Even if there was a golden film blocking it, all the mages covered their heads in discomfort and groaned in pain.

"The spittle of the 'ants' insulting you has almost flooded the threshold of your house. You don't even dare to fart, and you are still majestic. Now you have the majesty of a fart!"

Harley taunted with the power of her mind, and at the same time sent a message to Pandora to let her prepare.

"Limbo is so vast, and you and other ants are so small, that I have just noticed your existence, and this has caused you to have such arrogant misunderstandings. It is ridiculous, pitiful, and lamentable."

Lord Eclipse's voice rumbled, and the power of Eclipse at the bottom of Limbo Hell shrank in one place, eventually turning into a young man in white snakeskin armor.

Harry was speechless, "You ask among the gods and demons in the sky, is there anyone who believes your nonsense?"

"Lord Eclipse, our battle is not over yet!"

Pandora let out a long roar, walked out of the golden film range with bare hands, and then jumped towards the Eclipse Lord "below" in a free fall posture.

"You dare to fight despite being defeated?"

The eclipse master was disdainful, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It also thought that Harley would rush towards it.

The key to this battle is not to defeat the crowd blocking the door, nor can it be defeated.

Harley alone is unsure.

It doesn't have to do much, it just needs to delay them in the bottom layer of Limbo to create opportunities for the Earth's "magic fission cannon" to fire.


Pandora finally landed in front of it, and then like a detonated nuclear bomb, it burst out with endless bright holy light, lighting up Limbo, which had been dark all year round.

The eclipse owner feels dizzy, confused, and suffers severe pain in the body.

"What happened?"

"Above" a group of magic heroes covered their eyes and shouted in surprise.

Harley opened her eyes wide and said in surprise: "It turns out that Pandora is an archangel."

The bright holy light like a nuclear explosion suddenly converged toward the center, surrounding Pandora.

Her image had changed drastically at this time. The eggplant red hooded windbreaker that she had worn all her life disappeared and was replaced by a pure white battle uniform.

Her new battle uniform was dotted with many thin, feather-like flakes.

The flakes are formed by condensation of light and are translucent.

The slivers of feathers joined together behind her like two small wings.

The red lightning scar on her face also turned silvery white.

His eyes were even more shining, as if there were two small suns inlaid in the eye sockets.

It wasn't her eyes that were shining, but tiny rays of light coming from all directions and flowing into her pupils.

"Oops, our chests are glowing," Zatanna exclaimed.

As soon as Harry lowered his head, he saw that his heart was shining with golden light, as if an incandescent lamp was lit.

She hadn't noticed it before.

"Is this the light of humanity that Pandora said?" Harley murmured.

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