I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1703 Intrigue and deception

"Have you met God? Your body has been placed in the morgue. How did you meet it? What did He say to you?" Harley glanced at the stranger and asked curiously.

The Stranger and Pandora, who are both members of the Original Sin Tribody, met the Dog God one after another, and after the Dog God appeared, they broke through the realm one after another for various reasons. Is this a coincidence?

What is the relationship between the three original sin bodies, which represent the greatest sin of mankind, the Eclipse Lord of the darkness of human nature, and Chris who returned from heaven to earth?

Harley had a vague guess about the series of plans of the Dog God.

It's possible that she and Stranger really wronged Teddy this time.

He is not persecuting the stranger, but helping him.

It's just that Teddy's methods are too "far-sighted" and ordinary people can't understand them.

"I didn't see God directly. He used his voice to guide me to understand many things, such as my biggest sin." Pandora said in a complicated tone.

"What's your crime? Didn't you just go over the part about opening Pandora's box?" Zatanna said.

Pandora did not answer this question directly, but recalled: "In the past ten thousand years, I have encountered many fatal crises, and Vandal Savage killed me three times.

Every time I was killed, I could only feel the pain caused by the physical injury. My perception was still there and I could still move freely.

My soul is always in control of my body, and my wounds will heal in an instant.

But the feeling of being killed by the Eclipse Lord this time was completely different.

It said that I am the third body of original sin, and I was born to surrender to it and be its slave. So when it killed me, it deliberately injected a large amount of the power of original sin into my body.

It wanted to pollute my body and soul and make me completely corrupt.

I didn't fall, but at that moment I really felt the fear and pain of death. "

She glanced at Harry with a complex expression, "Your analysis of me before was very correct. I long for eternal death. For ten thousand years, I have regarded complete death as my final salvation.

At that time, my understanding of ‘death’ was too shallow.

I had died countless times before and never knew that real death was not at all as wonderful as I imagined.

The bone spurs of the eclipse pierced my head and chest, and all my strength left me. I wanted to breathe and cry out in pain, but I could only make a hissing sound. I was holding a breath in my chest, but I could never get out. go. "

Pandora's tone became excited, "Do you know that helplessness and fear?"

Harley raised her eyebrows and said, "Pandora, we are different from you. Every mortal has experienced the despair of death and aging, and has deep feelings about it."

"Although it's true, it doesn't seem appropriate to say it from your mouth, right?" Zha Kang said.

Dinah said: "Harry has had more experiences of faking death than we have when we are on the verge of death, so he must have rich experience."

"Can the feelings of fake death and real near-death be the same?" Zha Kang disagreed.

"Harley's ability to fake death is enough to make it look real. The pain and despair on her face and eyes before she died deeply affected even the supreme being.

Even if it is a performance, it is at least an experience.

Only those who have experienced similar feelings can express them so truly. "Dina analyzed.

Harley said lightly: "Can you only experience the pain of death if you die yourself? Have you never experienced the death of your relatives or friends, and have you not felt the fragility of life and the cruelty of fate from their deaths?"

"Well, that's true." Everyone nodded slightly.

"Pandora, keep talking." Harley said.

Pandora pursed her lips and said: "Maybe I am really different from you. I once had parents, younger brothers and tribesmen. I should have been in pain when they died, but I was more...

I didn't have time to appreciate the taste of death.

After opening Pandora's box, the Seven Original Sins were released, and then the Eternal Parliament summoned me to the Rock of Eternity.

They conducted a great trial on me and said that I was one of the three original sin bodies.

I knew that I had sinned deeply, and I felt more confused and afraid.

Later, after the trial was over, the wizards imposed an eternal curse on me, and I was released back to the human world, back to the gate of the tribe.

I numbly buried their bodies, and in my heart I just wanted to return to a peaceful death like them.

But I can't die.

I lived next to the tombs of my tribe, and until the forest covered the tombs decades later, I still looked the same. "

Pandora raised her head, her eyes were blurry, as if she was looking at the ceiling, and she seemed to be out of focus, not looking at anything.

"Since then, I have always been envious of mortals, who can grow old and die.

I do not find aging and death to be painful ordeals.

Until today, I was killed by the Eclipse Lord. It injected a lot of dark power into my body, so that I could no longer recover from my injuries immediately like before.

My eyes gradually turned black, a kind of black that was different from the night and represented the unknown and fear.

My keen senses disappeared, and your calls became farther and farther away from me. I could only hear my own heartbeat, and eventually my heartbeat stopped. I was holding a breath in my chest. It was so uncomfortable that I wanted to spit it out. But I don’t have any strength at all. This is the feeling of death, and words can only describe one-tenth of it.

After that, my soul.”

A look of hesitation appeared on Pandora's face, "It doesn't seem to be a soul, it's just a kind of telepathy. My spiritual sense left my body, instantly rose up, and enveloped the entire world. I saw many people and witnessed many deaths.

Their misfortunes are all related to the original sin monster. Some were directly killed by the monster, and some were induced to have evil thoughts in their hearts and hurt others.

I have seen a lot of death, but as I just said, the ultimate salvation I long for is death. The death and aging of mortals will only make me envious, even jealous.

Today I feel the process of death myself. When I see them die and see their relatives and friends crying and crying beside the corpses, I feel endless pain and sorrow in my heart.

I don't know why, but I can feel their feelings all of a sudden. Thousands of people suffering from death have conveyed their pain to my heart, and I..."

Having said this, Pandora suddenly closed her mouth and fell into deep thought.

After waiting for a while, she didn't speak again. Dinah couldn't help but ask: "You lost consciousness because you were in too much pain. Don't you know what happened next?"

Pandora's expression was a little strange, "No, the more painful it was, the clearer my consciousness became. I was even so keen that I could hear the voice from heaven. I heard God say to me in an ethereal and sacred voice - Pandora, you have finally understood. But it’s not enough, far from it.”

"What did you realize?" Zha Kang was puzzled, but he was also itched by her words.

Pandora said: "God said that it was not my fault to open Pandora's box and release the original sin, but I should indeed be punished.

In the past ten thousand years, all the efforts I have made to completely eliminate evil have been only to eliminate evil itself.

I fight to eliminate evil, but not for the people who suffer due to the influence of the original sin demon.

I can't feel their pain, and I don't want to feel it. What I do is just to complete the redemption and end my own pain. "

——Brother God has really high expectations for you.

Harley muttered in her mind.

Zha Kang said with a playful smile: "Pandora, you are indeed destined. The old God has great arrangements for you."

"Of course the Lord has arranged everything. Why are you so weird?" Harry spoke righteously, as if she was not the one who disobeyed God an hour ago.

Zatanna looked at Pandora and said, "What happened after you felt the pain of everyone? God said it was not enough, so what did you do?"

Pandora said: "My soul flew upwards following the voice of God, and finally came to the sacred place composed of pure light."

"Heaven?" Zatanna asked.

"Well, it was also at that moment that I understood the identity of the voice owner." Pandora nodded and continued: "I asked him what else I needed to do.

He responded with just one sentence - you need to figure out who you are first.

I said I am Pandora. "

"Pfft~~" Harley covered her mouth, forced to hold back her laughter, and said, "Sorry, go ahead and leave me alone."

Pandora coughed slightly and continued: "I know I was stupid at the time, but I was facing God! Who wouldn't be flustered and frightened when facing God?"

Many heroes looked at Harley.

Those who dare to call God “Big Brother” to their face will certainly not be frightened or panicked.

"God didn't say I was stupid. He continued to ask - what were you once?" Pandora's face was full of reverence. "Following His voice, I closed my eyes and fell into memories, and pictures from the past appeared in my mind one after another. .

I saw myself opening Pandora's Box and being judged by the Eternal Castle.

So, I told God that I had been an innocent scapegoat, a confused man carrying a curse.

I see myself going around learning from teachers again

I told God that I am a persistent avenger and a seeker of wisdom and knowledge.

I saw myself watching with envy as mortals get married, have children, live, grow old, get sick, and die.

I told God I was a desperate man."

"As I recalled it, I said, finally, I had a clear understanding of my past self, and the Lord asked me again - what kind of person do you want to be.

Following its sound, I fell into memories again, reliving my life of the past ten thousand years.

But unlike last time, where I only saw myself, this time all I see are others. "

Pandora's expression became excited, her voice was loud and full of passion, "In the same scene, original sin is raging everywhere and destroying all living beings.

Before I had only seen myself huddled in a corner in despair.

Now I can see that even in such a harsh environment, the brilliance of humanity is still shining.

Facing the cruel and indifferent world, all living beings respond with warm kindness, lofty glory, and firm belief. The evil of human nature has brought darkness to the world, but no matter how dark it is, there is still a little light in people's hearts. "

She looked around at everyone, staring at their chests, "The world in front of me has changed. Now I can see the hearts of all living beings, and there is light shining in everyone's heart.

Especially you, there seems to be a little sun hidden in your hearts. "

Zatanna looked down at her chest and could only see two large white lumps.

“What does it mean to have light in your heart?”

"Like Lord Eclipse, I can directly see the brilliance in the human heart and human nature. Lord Eclipse sees the darkness of original sin, while I see the light of humanity as bright as the stars." Pandora said.

Harley was surprised and asked: "Can you also inspire the good thoughts and light in human nature like the Eclipse Lord?"

Pandora smiled, nodded heavily, and said: "This is the Lord's question - what kind of person do I want to be.

After seeing the light of humanity in my memories, I understood my destiny. I want to be the person who guides the light of humanity. I am the opposite of the Lord of Eclipse, and I can control this power!

We have always had the power to fight the Eclipse Lord, and that power is within us. "

Just recalling two lives, he became the ‘controller of the light of humanity’.

Harley didn't know what to say.

But this time she was very sure that Pandora had really awakened her destiny.

"Pandora, try to control the light in our hearts and let us see the power of the light of humanity." Zha Kang said expectantly.

Pandora shook her head slightly and said with a serious expression: "The light of humanity is sacred and inviolable and cannot be played with. Only when facing the darkness of humanity will I activate its power."

"I am now looking forward to Lord Eclipse entering the main universe again." Zha Kang said.

Bateman said in a deep voice: "Miss Pandora, I don't doubt your words, but without witnessing or experiencing your 'Light of Humanity' with my own eyes, we cannot gamble with the lives of thousands of people.

Tonight, the Eclipse Lord led tens of millions of original sin demons to descend on the earth. In just a few minutes, more than 3,000 people died.

Can't gamble. "

Harley also said: "You have awakened your destiny and should be adapted to the environment at the bottom of Limbo. We can go directly to Limbo to find the Lord of Eclipse."

Pandora hesitated and said: "If the Corruption Lord does not reveal his true form, but I reveal my strength and make it wary, it will be very difficult to save Chris, let alone destroy it."

"Your worries are reasonable, but it is always more beneficial to take the initiative than to wait passively." Harley said seriously: "Before this morning, who among us knew that the Eclipse Lord could find a host and enter the material world entirely?

Before the Eclipse Lord attacked the earth tonight, who knew it could split into tens of millions of sin demons?

So, what difficulties will we face when it invades the earth for the third time?

No one knows, it is unpredictable, and it is difficult to prevent.

And if you fail to deal with it even slightly, there will be countless casualties. "

Oliver agreed: "If there is really no other way, we can only defend. But now that you have awakened the destiny, the destiny sounds very powerful. It would be stupid to defend passively."

Pandora thought for a moment and said, "Harley Quinn, what's your plan? You can't just rush to the bottom of Limbo to call for formation, right?"

Harry smiled strangely and said: "You are really right, we are just going to block the door of Master Xi's house."

Zha Kang was startled, and then smiled, "As long as it blocks the door of the eclipse master's house, even if it doesn't come out to challenge, at least the earth will be safe."

Everyone had made a decision and took action immediately.

The heroes in the Justice League who do not understand magic stay on Earth to prevent other accidents.

The heroes of the Dark Alliance got into the Archimedes airship and sank directly to the bottom of Limbo.

"Lord Eclipse, come out and fight me to the end of Limbo!"

After arriving at the destination, Harley jumped out of the spaceship and sank deeper alone, shouting her soul into the darkness below.

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, so you can just bark here alone." Lord Eclipse sneered back at her.

"You can always be a tortoise, but I will live here today. Let's see who can outlast whom." Harley said.

The Eclipse Lord didn't speak, and there wasn't even a strong breath fluctuation.

"Lord Eclipse, you know very well that even if you get Chris's body, with your huge size, as long as you move your body, Limbo Hell will be turned upside down.

I can instantly sense wherever I am and be there in an instant.

At that time, you have only two choices, have sex with me, break through my defense network, and enter the material world.

Or shrink back to the bottom of Limbo.

And your purpose is the earth of the main universe, isn't it?

As long as you insist on your destiny, there will be a battle between you and me.

Instead of being blocked at the door with all kinds of dirty words and taunts, and not daring to fight back, you might as well just compete with me. "

The eclipse master still didn't speak.

However, the collection of negative emotions at the bottom of Limbo had some reaction, and the gray-black smoke transformed into a giant human face with various negative emotions towards Harley.

Harley called to "above", "Constantine, summon your house of mystery."

"Whoosh~~" The three-story house roared in like a running locomotive, and the "airflow" it brought blew away the gray-black "smoke" (undecomposed negative soul residue) on the bottom floor of Limbo.

"Can the Mystery House change its appearance? Get a large open-air platform." Harley said.

As the words fell, the traditional triangular roof disappeared and turned into a rooftop covered by a transparent glass dome.

"That shrinking bastard, Lord Eclipse, has been working hard all day, and we haven't even had a good meal. Everyone, you're welcome, come over, let's have hot pot tonight!

Sing while eating hot pot, each one sings a song, I come first. "

Harley called all the magic heroes to the rooftop, set up tables, chairs, pots and bowls, and started making hot pot.

Ordinary items brought from the main universe will decompose and dissipate in Limbo. Harley specially asked the Archimedes airship to go to the "Qui's Farm" in Wonderland - the "one-page book" compensated by Granny Yajia for Harley. plane".

They brought all kinds of magic vegetables and fish and ate them heartily in front of the Lord of Eclipse.

While eating hot pot and singing songs, the House of Mystery is still like a small train, whirring at the bottom of Limbo.

On the wall of the House of Mystery, there is also a huge advertisement - All the worlds are filled with gods and demons. Let me tell you a joke: The Lord of Eclipse said that it has destiny, hahahaha!

The "upper level" of Limbo.

The magical plane known as the "Crystal World".

"Witch Harley is humiliating me, and all the gods and demons in the eight major realms of Limbo are laughing at me. I can't bear it anymore and must take action immediately. You guys, take action immediately!"

The Eclipse Lord roared at the criminal syndicate villains.

At this time it is in the form of a black python.

The black smoke-shaped python is only as thick as a thumb. There are several small black lines on the python's body, which are connected to the villain's heart.

It was born from the evil thoughts in the hearts of villains.

Just like the days after outsiders opened Pandora's Box, all living beings on earth were shrouded in the aura of darkness, and the evil thoughts in their hearts formed "ghost faces" above their heads that only Zha Kang could see.

"Lord Eclipse, don't be anxious. It's useless to be anxious. The magic nuclear fission cannon hasn't been built yet."

Sophon Night Owl jumped out of the quantum dimension and turned into a round "golf ball".

"The magic fission cannon hasn't been built yet, so you go ahead. You guys will go to the earth immediately to destroy it wildly, kill everywhere, and turn the earth into a slaughterhouse." Lord Eclipse shouted.

This illustrates the use of criminal syndicates as cannon fodder.

Sea Overlord said angrily: "Lord Eclipse, we are your partners, not your slaves."

"Really? Let me help you recognize the reality."

The Eclipse Lord sneered, and the snake's eyes began to flash scarlet light. The red light was like a ignited Molotov cocktail, falling on the Sea Overlord's heart, filled with murderous thoughts. His eyes also became bloodshot and turned red, and the veins on his face and neck were exposed. Self-awareness is on the verge of collapse, leaving only the urge to kill.

"Go to Earth and kill everyone you see." Lord Eclipse ordered.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill all the people on earth." Sea Overlord roared.

"That's enough!" Zhizi Yexiao shouted, "Super Overlord, hold down the Sea Overlord, Lord Eclipse, stop it! What you need is not a puppet, but a smart and rational warrior.

If the puppet rushes into the earth and cannot survive for three seconds, what use will it be to you? "

Superpower's tree-trunked arms hugged Sea Overlord tightly, and he looked at the black python with vigilant eyes, "Lord Eclipse, I swear, if you dare to tamper with my brain, I will break your neck."

This is a piece of bullshit that has no deterrent effect. It would be better not to say it.

Zhizi Yexiao rushed before Lord Eclipse got angry and said coldly: "Lord Eclipse, remember, you need us, and only we can help you!"

"Hmph, if you can really help me, don't sit here doing nothing, and immediately find a way to deal with Witch Harley." The Lord's voice was cold, but he did not continue to take action.

Ye Xiao pondered for a while and said: "Don't worry, I'm going to the earth right now. If the magic nuclear fission cannon cannot be successfully assembled in a short time, we can use plan B.

You hold the witch Harley at the bottom of Limbo, and I will lead Speedmaster and the others to raid the earth. "

"Night Owl, are you crazy? The earth is the home of the Witch Harley. If there is any abnormality, she will immediately know and return immediately. Just one look can leave an eternal mark on us, just like Atomic Girl, she can only go around Run away and don't dare to stay in the same place for too long." Power Ring yelled in fear.

"Shut up, I have my own sense of discretion." Ye Xiao shouted.

Then it faced the Eclipse Lord again and said: "Now the initiative is still in our hands, so what if the Witch Harley blocks the door at the bottom of Limbo? As long as you remain patient, don't be alarmed, ignore it and don't get angry, she is a clown." .”

"I am the Lord of Eclipse, the master of Limbo. How can I endure the clown blocking the door and insulting me? If I do nothing and just insult him, others will think that I am a clown!" the Lord of Eclipse said excitedly.

"I know, I'm not asking you to endure it all the time. You just need to endure it until we are ready." Night Owl advised.

"You must be prepared within today." Lord Eclipse said coldly.

Ye Xiao said in a low voice: "I will give you an answer within 24 hours."

The Eclipse Lord nodded reluctantly and agreed.

"I asked you to help us find an ally, not an ancestor!"

After the Eclipse Lord left, Supermaster had a ferocious expression and roared at Night Owl in a loud voice.

"This morning, when I helped the Eclipse Lord occupy Chris's physical body so that he could enter the earth in his true form, you still praised me for my foresight and finding the most powerful ally." Ye Xiao said lightly.

"I -" Supermaster's tone stopped, and his expression became even more angry, "Ye Xiao, you have never contradicted me before!"

Night Owl will only solve problems silently and never create problems for him.

"I just hope you calm down and use your super brain to think about it. Your allies must be both strong and meek. It seems that only the hypocrite superheroes in the main universe meet the requirements. Do you want to cooperate with them?" Ye Xiao said road.

Speedmaster was choked again.

Johnny Quick glanced at Sea Overlord who was still struggling in Supermaster's arms, and said with an ugly face: "Even if we are a criminal syndicate, the only people who can ally with us are villains and demons, but the Eclipse Lord is too dangerous and too uncontrollable. ”

Night Owl sighed: "Harley Quinn is too strong and beyond our capabilities. It is useless to find allies with similar strength. We can only look for foreign aid that is stronger than us.

As long as they are stronger than us, no matter who they are, they will be in danger. "

The villains fell silent.

"You guys wait a moment, I'll go to Earth to inquire about the situation."

With these words, Sophon Night Owl re-entered the quantum dimension, and in the next second, appeared at the Luther Military Factory on the outskirts of Earth's metropolis.

The military factory is 300 meters underground and is in a test plant as big as a football field.

There are only three people in such a huge space. They should be two living people and one robot.

They were busy working on a huge machine shaped like a beehive.

"Nick, let's talk."

The night owl's voice suddenly appeared in the mind of the middle-aged man in a suit.

The middle-aged man's expression remained unchanged, he put down the tools in his hands naturally and walked towards the outskirts of the experimental area.

"Hey, Nick, why did you stop?" shouted the green-shelled robot.

"I'm going out to have a cigarette."

When we came to the corridor, Nick actually lit a cigarette, and while slowly smoking it, he said with mental strength: "Night Owl, I reminded you not to talk when I am with other people.

Although your spiritual transmission is exquisite, mages, especially masters, have very keen perceptions and are likely to detect abnormalities.

Anyway, my spiritual sense can sense your approach.

Think about it for yourself, how many mages are more powerful and sensitive than me. "

"I know, but Luther is not a magician. Phoenix Faust consumed half of your life force in order to exchange your soul from the Inner Dragon King. You are in a very bad state at the moment." Night Owl said lightly.

"Having said that, you'd better be cautious. After all, we are planning on Harley. God, Harley is my best friend!" Nick's face was expressionless and his voice was very excited.

"If she treats you as a close friend, she won't let you be tortured by demons in hell." Ye Xiao said.

"Well, if I have a choice, I really don't want to be her enemy." Nick said bitterly: "She is too strong and terrifying. Even the Inner Dragon King is afraid of her."

Witch Harley's majestic power is more than any close friend.

He sighed and asked, "What are you doing with me this time?"

"Witch Harley went to the bottom floor of Limbo, drank wine, cooked hot pot, sang cheerful songs, and blocked the entrance of Lord Eclipse. Lord Eclipse was driven crazy by her, and then she forced us to take action immediately." Night Owl road.

"As expected of Harley, she has always been so arrogant and proud, and she has been living well."

There was a look of jealousy on Nick's face, and his voice was also half sour and half resentful.

——You can block the door and destroy the master, why not come to hell to save him? They are close friends! Damn Witch Harley, I'm sorry for their years of friendship! And that beast Constantine, who stole his girlfriend and fame, and sent him to hell. Zatanna is also a spoiler. More than ten years of relationships can't resist the itching in her crotch, and she still insists on looking for Constantine. .

He wants to take revenge on them, on this world where he is the only one suffering!

"As you can see, it's already two o'clock in the morning, and Faust, Luther and I are still working in the laboratory. It's not that we don't work hard, it's just that the magic nuclear fission cannon is too complicated." Nick sighed.

"I can understand, but the Eclipse Lord doesn't want to understand. It only gave me 24 hours." Ye Xiao was helpless.

"24 hours" Nick mused: "The basic components have been modified and are now being assembled. The original plan was to complete the assembly within a week, and then use another week to test the operation of the machine. Now."

Night Owl said in surprise: "You mean, is it possible to complete the project within 24 hours?"

Nick said: "You can give it a try, but the quality of a rushed product cannot be guaranteed, and Luther will most likely not agree.

He was in Belle Reve Prison, designing blueprints during the day, and remotely controlling mechas to conduct experiments at night. He had put in too much effort and had too many expectations, and he would not allow his masterpiece to be unfinished. "

"This is my work, he is just a blue-collar assembly master." Ye Xiao said.

Nick said solemnly: "If he knows your existence, he will destroy the machine immediately."

Night Owl was silent and asked after a moment: "Has Luther ever had any doubts?"

"What do you suspect? Phylnicus Faust is clean, I have known him for more than ten years, and he has always been the patriarch of the secret society. What can I suspect? And I"

Nick smiled strangely, "Faust has always been a stupid person with a weak mind and a self-righteous fool.

As long as I was alive, he was often toyed with by Constantine and me.

I know him too well, he's a has-been.

As long as you use the secrets of the "Book of Magic" to seduce him, he will not be able to resist it.

Even if it costs half of his life force, he is willing to exchange my soul from the Inner Dragon King. "

"By the way, the secrets related to the "Book of Magic" you gave me were not lies, were they?"

Night Owl said: "You mages regard the Book of Magic as a treasure, but I have no interest in it."

"Even if you become the God of Knowledge now, the Book of Magic can change your power qualitatively," Nick said.

"Before me, Metron was already the God of Knowledge. If he was interested in the 'pure magic power' behind the Book of Magic, he would have taken it thousands of years ago, and you would never be able to covet it." Ye Xiao said.

Nick shook his head and said: "The Book of Magic is just the key to the door to the magical world. Even if the God of Knowledge gets the key, it will be useless. Only the descendants of the founder of white magic can use it."

Night Owl said impatiently: "What's the use of talking to me about this? Aren't all the secrets you are talking about related to the Book of Magic found for you from the Möbius Chair?"

"Since you have omniscience, why don't you know if Luther suspects me?" Nick said.

Night Owl said coldly: "Stop testing my ability, Nick, recognize the reality, you are only temporarily resurrected.

Your life is still in the hands of the Inner Dragon King.

Without true freedom, even if you find the 'pure magic power without an owner' left behind by the founder of white magic, it will only serve as a wedding dress for the Inner Dragon King. "

Nick's expression changed several times, and he finally lowered his head and said in a respectful tone: "I'm sorry, my dear God of Knowledge.

As long as Faust is taken care of, Luther won't have any doubts about me.

Because as far as he knew, it was Faust who 'took the initiative' to find my soul and resurrect me at a huge cost.

I endured the whole process 'passively' and was completely innocent.

As for the knowledge about the ‘Magic Nuclear Fission Cannon’ that I provided.

First, Luther knew me and my reputation.

Twenty years ago, when Witch Harley was still a primary school student, I was already famous in the wizarding world and was the number one young mage in the contemporary era.

Even though Harley debuted several years later, I am still her senior.

Her best friend Constantine even served as my apprentice.

It would be abnormal for me to have no taboo knowledge.

Secondly, Luther is very smart, isn't it? It is you, the God of Knowledge, who are wise and incomparable, and you are in control of everything.

You understand the limits of Luther's intelligence and deliberately provide incomplete knowledge based on his situation so that he can complete it on his own.

How could he doubt the knowledge he had worked so hard to complete? "

"Since he had no suspicion before, it shouldn't be a big problem if he urges him now." Ye Xiao said slowly.

Nick frowned and said, "I'll give it a try."

After a pause, he tentatively asked: "Lord Ye Xiao, we were all humans once and have the same goal. Can we have more in-depth cooperation?"

"You want me to help you get rid of the control of the inner dragon?" Ye Xiao said indifferently: "Nick, you think too highly of me. No one can remove the magic mark. I can't do it, and neither can the witch Harley.

Borrowing the inner dragon from you Well, the magic power you originally borrowed came from Jasico, Viscount of Hell.

And Jiaxi Ke is the son of the guard of Neilong's servant family, so Neilong is your ultimate creditor.

From the moment you are contaminated by the magic power of the inner dragon's series of demons, you are destined to be controlled by the inner dragon for your entire life. "

"Lord Night Owl is indeed the God of Knowledge. He can see through my little thoughts at a glance." Nick sneered twice and whispered: "The inner dragon is not invincible. He was stabbed through the waist by Harley and was exiled to the Gods. tomb.

He wailed day and night deep in the tomb, how desolate it was!

If Harley could stab him once, she could stab him a second time and a third time. With Harley's current strength, if she had a chance to meet him, she might just twitch, skin him, and suffocate him.

She really eats demons and is super ferocious. "

When the creditor dies, the debtor no longer has to repay the debt.

"Did you make a mistake? Witch Harley is my enemy, and the inner dragon is my ally." Ye Xiao said.

Nick said meaningfully: "Lord Night Owl, the Eclipse Lord only treats your Criminal Syndicate as servants and cannon fodder, because it is the supreme and is far stronger than you."

——The inner dragon is the devil, and he is also the highest in the realm. He only treats you as cannon fodder to deal with Harley Quinn. In his eyes, you, the new God of Knowledge, are no different from me, we are both cannon fodder!

He didn't speak too clearly, but he believed that the God of Knowledge would understand.

"Hallee is not my enemy, but your goal is just to hurt the people around her and make her feel pain, right?

It just so happens that John Constantine and Zatanna are both her best friends and enemies that I must eliminate quickly. We have the same goal. "Nick continued.

"Let's pass this level first and then talk." Ye Xiao said calmly.

"As you command, Lord Ye Xiao!"

Nick's attitude became more and more respectful, as if Night Owl had become his new master.

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