I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1691 Eclipse Lord

"Where are you taking me?" Stranger asked.

"We'll find out when we get there." Zaulie put his hand on his shoulder and turned back to Harley: "Do you want to come with us?"

"Aren't you only looking for strangers?"

Harley didn't look at her when she was talking. Instead, she looked doubtfully at the young man who was more than ten meters away and was poking his head in this direction.

Both Zaulie and Stranger noticed her gaze, and their expressions were different.

Zaulie was a little nervous, and the stranger only frowned.

"I'm looking for Stranger this time to resolve some misunderstandings. You're probably troubled by the same problem, so you can listen in," Zaulie said.

"Boy, you, I'm talking about you, don't look around." Harley sent a message to the young spirit and waved, "Come here."

Chris in the distance pointed at himself in surprise, with a look of disbelief and flattery on his face.

"Yes, I'm calling you. No one can see us except you." Harley nodded.

Zaulie shouted: "Hali, do you want to come with us?"

"Why are you anxious?" Harley looked at her dark face and smiled: "Are you nervous or guilty? Who is he that makes you two pay so much attention to him?"

"Hi, Admiral Galaxy, are you looking for me?" Chris had already trotted over.

The 16-year-old boy's face was full of excitement, and his eyes were full of anticipation and anxiety.

"What do you call me, young man? Do you live here?" Harley asked.

"Christopher Esperanza, you can call me Chris, my home is over there." The boy turned back and pointed to a small building.

"I am currently a sophomore at a private high school in Long Island," he added.

"Do you know these two people?" Harry raised his chin towards Stranger and Zaulie.

Chris nodded slightly, "The Stranger used the identity of Philip Stark and was my neighbor for several years, this lady."

He looked at Zauriel, then looked at Stranger, and said, "I saw her in heaven. She is an angel. Stranger even called her 'Zaulie'."

A hint of helplessness appeared on Zaulehey's face.

Harley asked in surprise: "Have you been to heaven?"

Chris was not just a fool. Faced with Harley's question, he showed hesitation and turned his questioning eyes to the stranger.

Stranger said: "Chris happened to be at my house when the Sin Eaters killed Elena and the children. He was also killed by the Sin Eaters, but he was a good man and his soul went to heaven.

When I was looking for Elena in heaven, I accidentally met him."

He hesitated for a moment before continuing: "The Lord gave me a gift. He allowed me to take away a soul that belonged to Him from His kingdom of heaven.

I originally wanted to take my family back, but my wife and children total three.

And there is another me accompanying them in the lower heaven, and my final gift from the Lord was given to Chris.

This is a gift from the Lord, but it is not a favor I owe to Chris. He died because of me, and I am responsible for him. "

"It's actually the Holy Spirit who returned to earth from heaven." Harley looked at Chris from head to toe in surprise, "No wonder you can see a few of us."

Even now that the stranger had pointed out his identity, she still could not detect the abnormality in him through conventional mental perception.

If she hadn't noticed that he was spying on her and the others, Harley would have regarded him as a mere passerby and ignored him.

Perhaps activating the semi-transcendent spiritual power can gain insight into his essence, but doing so would be tantamount to provoking both the "contemporary Jesus" and the Dog God at the same time.

"I'm not the Holy Spirit, I'm just an ordinary believer in God." Chris quickly explained.

When he still didn't understand the difference between the lower heaven and the City of Holy Sound, he might have accepted Harley's "praise" with a silly smile on his face.

Now that he knows the huge difference between ordinary believers and the Holy Spirit, he naturally does not dare to casually identify with the Holy Spirit.

"You have a great future and will become a saint in the future." Harley said.

There is only one example in history of a soul that can return to earth and be resurrected from heaven: Jesus, Jebi’s brother.

Now there is a second case. It is strange that such people can be ordinary.

"It's a coincidence that this classmate Chris has actually been your neighbor for so many years, Stranger." Harley looked at Stranger meaningfully.

The Stranger's act of assuming Philip Stark's identity violated the rules of the Voice of Heaven, but it was within the expectations of the Dog God.

Maybe it was this fate arranged by God.

How else could it be such a coincidence that a "modern-day Jesus" lives next door?

Chris didn't understand what Harley meant by coincidence. He just glanced around the faces of several people with doubts and asked: "Stranger, why did your house catch fire? I heard they said you had moved away. It’s been half a year and you’ve modified everyone’s memories again? Where are you going now?”

In fact, he still had many questions, such as why Halli was here and why Angel Zauliel came down to earth.

But he was only familiar with strangers.

When facing Harley and the black female angel, although he was curious, he was more nervous.

"What do you say now?" Old God Harry looked at Stranger and Zaulie on the ground.

The stranger remained silent.

Zaulie sighed and said: "My child, there is still some time before dawn. You should go home first. The stranger will come to you in two days. Then you can ask him anything you want to know."

Chris asked the stranger with his eyes, and the stranger nodded slightly, then he said "oh" with some disappointment and left reluctantly.

"Let's change places." Zaulie said.

The next moment, she opened the space portal and took the two of them to a remote hillside.

Harry looked around. Begonia flowers were planted on the hillside, and the pink petals fell to the ground. The hazy moonlight shone on them, giving them a deep and quiet beauty.

"What are you bringing us here for?"

Zaulie led the two of them a few steps further up, and quietly erected three stone tablets under a flourishing flower tree.

"Elena Stark." Harley was even more surprised, "This is the grave of the Strangers? What do you mean, come here to worship the dead?"

There are three stone tablets, one large and two small, respectively engraved with the names of the stranger's wife and children.

The engraving is simple, such as Elena's tombstone: Elena Stark, dear wife and mother of children.

A simple sentence.

"This is not the tomb I built." The stranger turned his head, looked at Zaulie, and said gratefully: "It was you who buried Elena's corpses in this beautiful sea of ​​​​begonia flowers? Thank you, Elena loves it best Begonia flowers.”

"No, this was not done by me." Zaulie pursed his thick lips, "It was the Sin-Eater Philip Stark. After killing them, it turned around and collected their corpses."

"Nonsense, he was the one who brutally killed them!" Stranger said angrily.

"Yes, the Sin-Eater killed them, but have you ever considered the possibility that it did it out of love?" Zhaulie said with an unnatural expression.

Before the stranger could speak, Harry sneered first and said, "You don't even believe the nonsense, but you still want to use it to pour poisonous chicken soup on others."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Zaulehey's face, and he immediately forced a straight face and said seriously: "I don't quite agree with the Sin-Eater's behavior, and I also think his behavior is understandable. The two are not the same." contradiction.

Even though they are both creatures of the Lord, angels still have different concepts and thoughts.

Even believers of the same Lord have their own unique doctrines.

Just like the development of religion in the mortal world, from ancient fundamentalism to modern Protestantism, and then to the Paradise Mountain Sect in the interstellar era led by you. It can be said that under the theme of 'salvation', there are many different paths.

All roads lead to ‘salvation’.

Even you, there are sects and doctrines that you cannot agree with, right?

Even among fundamentalist denominations, the Sin-Eaters are an alternative among other things, very different from the teachings I follow.

So I don't agree with his behavior.

But I understand that just like it, I am the Lord’s sheepdog.

Our teachings are all biased perceptions of the Almighty Lord from a certain perspective, and they are all for the ultimate salvation. "

Harley frowned and said, "Salvation that takes different paths, is it still the same 'salvation'?"

"Why doesn't it count? You have to understand that the Lord is almighty and every road belongs to Him!" Zaulie looked pious.

Then she asked: "Do you know about the sin-eater? Literally, a sin-eater is a person who eats sin.

Except for the Savior, every mortal is burdened with original sin from birth.

Human life is a process of self-improvement and self-salvation.

But few people can always be strict with themselves and adhere to the right path. Even if there are believers who are willing to live a life of poverty and asceticism, they cannot understand God's teachings and cannot obtain salvation through great wisdom.

To put it bluntly, it is extremely difficult to become a good person who does not make mistakes. If you want your soul to sublime and transform into the Holy Spirit, hard work, talent and opportunity are all indispensable. "

Speaking of this, she also looked at Harry specifically and said, "You should be deeply touched by this.

You have transformed souls into the Holy Spirit several times in a row, and there are even sinful souls that should have fallen into hell.

You are their opportunity.

But even if you are as efficient as you, how many evil spirits have you transformed over the years? "

Harley said: "The people of Gotham do not accept my 'God exorcism', and they quietly spread bad words about me, saying that I can only do physical exorcism - sending 'good people' who seek help to hell.

My reputation was ruined and no one came to me to exorcise demons, so I didn't redeem evil spirits for several years. "

Zaulie was noncommittal, "It is too difficult to redeem oneself, but God is merciful and willing to save all people in the world.

Thus, the Sin-Eater was born.

According to the theory of the sin-eater, sins throughout a person's life are accumulated on the body.

The sin-eater is God’s walker on earth.

The sin-eater eats the body of the deceased in the name of God, declaring that the sins are transferred to the 'God's agent', and the deceased is redeemed, the soul is clean and holy, and can go straight to heaven. "

"Now do you understand why the Sin-Eater killed Elena and her two children out of love? It wanted to chew up their souls and swallow their sins so that they could be saved.

Because it bore all their sins, Elena can now enter heaven. "

The Stranger was excited, "I saved Elena from hell! The Sin-Eaters brought them to hell for torture, and I saved them."

Zauliel, you can argue for the Sin-Eater, but don’t insult my dedication and hard work! "

"I never lie. Your efforts are only part of the redemption process." Zaulie said seriously.

Harry said: "I don't believe it either, unless the sin-eater sends a sinner to heaven in front of me."

"I can't order the Sin-Eater to do anything, and I don't care if you believe it or not." Zhaulie said.

Harley said: "If sins can be transferred, what meaning does God's teachings have?

There is no need for everyone to eat fast, chant Buddha's name, or abide by the teachings. They can all let themselves go and act as they please. In the end, there will be "Mahayana Buddhism" to save all sentient beings.

Churches, pastors, and angels like you are all laid off, and even God himself is at risk of losing his job. "

Zaulie shouted: "Hali, watch your words!"

"You think my words are fierce, and I also think the sin-eater in your mouth is blasphemy against Brother God." Harley said.

Zaulie frowned and said, "I don't know the limit of the Sin-Eater's power, but certainly not everyone can be devoured by it. There must be conditions attached to salvation."

"You don't even know the Sin-Eater, yet you're still acting as a peacemaker?" Harley sneered.

Zhaulie said: "Do you hope that Stranger will always be resentful, full of complaints, and live passively, and eventually collapse and collapse at the gate of 'final salvation'?"

After saying that, she deliberately looked at the silver coin necklace around the stranger's neck.

Harley followed and looked over. The Stranger's "ultimate salvation" is to take off the silver coin necklace around his neck, just like the Sun Wukong's final salvation is to take off the tightening curse. Hmm, could it be that the Stranger still has a bright future of becoming the "Fighting and Victorious Buddha"?

Strange thoughts were running through her mind, and she said: "I am the stranger's chance. Just like I once redeemed the evil spirits who should have fallen into hell, I will redeem them."

Zaulie glanced at the stranger with hesitation.

She switched to spiritual transmission and only said to Harry: "If you really take off his necklace, you will actually harm him.

You should also have discovered that Stranger is undergoing some kind of change. For the love in his heart and for his family, he even has the courage to disobey God.

This has never happened before in countless years.

The source of change was the silver coin necklace around his neck.

He is atoneing for his sins and redeeming himself, and after countless years of hard work, his journey of redemption is about to reach the successful end. If you take off the necklace at this time, it means that he has failed. "

After a pause, she added: "If you really want to help him, you should persuade him to give up his obsession with 'Philip's ordinary life'.

His family has gone to heaven and his home has been completely burned.

Even ordinary people should not linger at the end of the previous journey.

What's more, he is not an ordinary person, he is the Phantom Stranger, and he has a mission and responsibility.

If he refuses to move forward, fate will force him to move forward. "

“He was nostalgic for family ties, so you destroyed his whole family; he was missing things and people at home, so you burned down his house.

But now his family has gone to heaven and his home has been burned to ashes. He has nothing to lose. If he continues to be a salted fish, what can you do? " Harley said sarcastically.

"Can saying such angry words change the reality that the stranger must complete the 'final redemption'?" Zaulie said lightly: "Have you laid down yourself?

you have not.

Not only did you not lie down, you also actively pursued "perfect merit".

Anyone who tells others to lie down and work hard on their own is a bastard. "

"Is this a matter of lying down? The stranger does a job with a darker heart than a capitalist, and his working hours are longer than the history of human civilization. Now he just wants to have a hot meal after work, and a wife and children to warm the bed. That's all. Do you think I am lying down and lazy? The capitalists are not as ruthless as you!"

Zhaulie said: "You are changing the concept. Is the stranger working for others? He is redeeming himself!"

"Capitalists also have something to say, why are you working for me? Don't you use all the money you earn on yourself?" Hallie said with her fingers: "Do you want to buy the house I built?

Do you want to use the mobile phone and computer I made?

Your wife is interested in the diamond ring in my store. Since you love her, why don’t you buy it as a gift for her?

Other people's children have Ultraman and specialty training classes. Do you want to set one up?

You need all these needs I created, so why don’t you just work hard and honestly? "

Zaulie said coldly: "You mean, we don't need houses, computers, diamond rings, and children's education? Salvation is also a created need, so we don't need it either?"

“It is normal to have desires. People need houses, buy various commodities, and need salvation, but only if they feel they need it and not if others force them to need it.

You should not use the excuse of satisfying his needs to gain benefits to satisfy your own needs. " Harley said.

Zaulie was frightened and said, "You are crazy, you dare to say such a thing."

Harley glanced at her, stopped arguing, and turned to the stranger: "Do you want to take off the silver coin necklace? I feel like I can take it off."

The stranger shook his head and said: "Thank you, but no need, I believe in God's arrangement."

Harley looked at him deeply and said, "That's fine, I'm also looking forward to your 'final redemption' coming."

"Hey, Stranger, the misunderstanding between you and the Sin-Eater has been resolved, right?" Zhaulie said.

The stranger said: "You go, I understand what to do next."

"I wish you complete your final redemption as soon as possible."

After leaving a blessing, Zaulie opened his wings and planned to fly into the sky.

"Zha, did you forget something?" Harley shouted.

"What?" Zaulie looked back in confusion.

"Why don't you explain what's going on with Chris on Long Island?" Harley said.

"Explain what? You know all about the process of his death and resurrection." Zaulie said.

"What is the meaning of death and resurrection?" Harley asked.

"I don't dare to speculate on the Lord's arrangements. You can see and observe by yourself. Anyway, you already know his existence and where he is."

Zauliel flew away.

Harley looked at the stranger and said, "Your house was burned down. Where are you going to go next?"

"You don't have to worry about me. This kind of small problem won't trouble me." The stranger said.

"I'm certainly not worried about you not having a place to live."

——I'm worried that you still can't think about it.

Harley pondered: "Zauliel is right about one thing, your life as Philip Stark is indeed about to turn over.

Some things can be remedied after they happen, and some things are a foregone conclusion once they happen.

‘Philippe Stark’ is just the beginning, you will meet more friends and lovers in the future.

Now you have the ability to love someone, and that's the key.

After completing the 'final redemption', you will probably become more like a mortal.

At that time, you will be much more relaxed when you recall the experience of ‘Philip Starck’. "


After a pause, the stranger said again: "Even if my house burns down, I don't have nothing. I have you as a friend."

Harley patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Yes, that's how you should think about it."

Paris, in a high-end restaurant.

Zha Kang put down his fork, looked around, and whispered to Zatanna across from him: "Xiao Zha, have you noticed that there is something wrong with the atmosphere?"

Zatanna didn't even look up and continued to fight with the cream of mushroom soup on her plate, "Is there another crime?"

Zha Kang raised his chin to the dining table 10 steps to the left, "Didn't you see? The couple had already grabbed their hair and started fighting."

Zatanna glanced sideways at the hustle and bustle. The well-dressed gentleman and the elegant woman were in a famous high-end restaurant in France, but they were like a shrew meeting a shrew, swearing obscene words and holding hands together. , you pulled your hair and I slapped my mouth, completely devoid of any restraint or etiquette.

"They are also human beings, and they will also be affected by the 'dark atmosphere' from Earth 3. And they are just a little grumpier, much better than the villains who draw guns and shoot each other on the streets," Zatanna said.

They were not in Paris for a romantic holiday.

A few days after Pandora's box was opened again, the entire earth seemed to be shrouded in an invisible shadow, which kept teasing negative emotions in human hearts.

In school, children seem to have turned into little devils, and incidents of blatant bullying of classmates have increased tenfold than in the past.

In the city, even during the day, various criminal activities such as rape, robbery, shooting, arson, etc. occur endlessly, as if every city has become an enhanced version of Gotham.

Zha Kang guessed correctly. Pandora's Box opened the door to the world of Universe 3, causing the evil on earth to increase exponentially.

The Justice League was so busy that the Dark Justice League had to form two teams to support foreign cities that lacked superheroes.

Zha Kang and Zatanna were in Turkey yesterday and arrived in Paris this morning. After the large-scale riots on the streets were resolved, they would go to Tokyo in the afternoon.

"I know they are also affected by the 'original sin power of the gods', but look at the top of that woman's head." Zha Kang looked serious, "Is there a layer of black smoke gathering from the surroundings and coming to the top of her head? Shit, it It's looking at me, it's a monster, it has eyes."

Zha Kang's scalp was numb and his body was tense. He was about to activate the protective spell in the next moment.

Zatanna looked at it seriously for a while, "I didn't see anything. Are you dazzled?"

Zha Kang rubbed his eyes and looked at the couple beating each other again. There was still a black cloud hanging over the woman's head, and he could see it more clearly this time.

There are not only eyes but also a mouth in the gray-black smoke, making it look like a demon's face.

"I'm not dazzled. I probably saw the original sin itself. Not only the woman, but also a cloud of black smoke quickly gathered above her husband's head." Zha Kang squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then concluded: "Look out, that woman is going to suffer. .”

"Splasher, I'll kill you!" As soon as Zha Kang finished speaking, her husband, who was already angry, suddenly exploded.

He roared, grabbed the fork that fell on the ground, and thrust it fiercely into his wife's eyes.

Before, they were just fighting like a normal couple, using only fists and teeth, without using weapons, and with no intention of taking each other's lives.

Now the couple's fight is about to turn into a murder scene.

"! Let's split it into two!"

Zatanna spoke freely, and as soon as she finished speaking the irony magic, the couple, who were entangled and unable to be separated by the three waiters, suddenly bounced away in opposite directions like the positive and negative poles of a magnet.

"Look, I guessed it right." Zha Kang proudly lit a cigarette for himself.

"You almost died, and you're still here gloating?" Zatanna said dissatisfied.

"Just because I have a smile on my face, does that mean I'm gloating? Why not the joy of discovering the truth?" Zha Kang blew a smoke ring at her.

Zatanna frowned and asked, "What truth?"

Zha Kang said: "Let's change places. Go to a higher place. I want to overlook the entire Paris."

The couple who was struggling together before was the center of attention of the restaurant guests, but now Zatanna and him, who used magic, became the center of everyone's attention.

There are also many customers taking out their mobile phones to record videos, and some are eager to try and come over to strike up a conversation.

"! Go to Tatelfie"

Zatanna followed her words again, and after reciting the spell, the two teleported to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Hey, you haven't paid yet!" the lobby manager called belatedly.

"I recognize them. The hot girl in black fishnet stockings is the magical hero Zatanna. You can send the bill to the Justice League." An African-American guest said.

"Brother, you just came from the country?" Someone immediately sneered: "Where's the Justice League? Miss Zatanna has left the Justice League for many years, and now she is the magical hero of the Justice League Dark."

"You bastard, how dare you laugh at me?" The black man was furious and punched the French guy on the chin who was laughing at him.

"I'm going to kill you." The Frenchman's eyes were red.

A new fight breaks out again.

Zha Kang looked down at the city below for a long time and sighed: "It's really not an illusion, I really saw the original sin.

I said earlier that the wife was in bad luck because I saw a living black smoke gathering above her husband's head.

It is the materialized original sin. Human sin nourishes it, and it in turn inspires human evil thoughts. It is almost the prototype of the original sin demon. "

As he spoke, he pointed to the northwest, "A great dragon of original sin rose there. It was made up of many black smokes, shaped like an Eastern dragon. It was five hundred meters long, rising from the ground to mid-air, grinning and roaring ferociously. Judging from its appearance, it was probably roaring, but I couldn't hear the sound.

Xiao Zha, do you understand what it means? There's a massive crime happening on that street. "

Zatanna was startled and she moved very quickly, immediately started the teleportation, and brought Zha Kang to the street.

As soon as we arrived, there was a bloody smell.

Zatanna begins to believe that Zha Kang can really see the "black smoke of original sin"

This was a bloody riot involving thousands of people.

"It seems that there is a conflict between immigrants and locals." Zatanna looked hesitant. "It is useless to simply separate the two parties. Sooner or later they will collide again. We can only suppress one of them, but who are we going to help?"

Zha Kang scratched the back of his head and said helplessly: "It is a problem that the whole of old Europe cannot solve. If I knew the answer, it would be me, not that curry guy, who should be in charge of Downing Street."

Zatanna took out her phone and sent a message to the Hall of Justice.

Justice League Dark does not have more than 10 magical heroes in total.

In this kind of big crisis that affects the whole world, only by following the coordination of Zhenglian can we work more efficiently.

"Why can you see the original sin entity? Isn't this Pandora's talent?" she asked doubtfully.

"I don't know." Zha Kang looked up at the original sin dragon hovering above his head and said hesitantly: "It doesn't seem to be pure original sin. If it was original sin, with its current size, it should have transformed into the original sin demon long ago.

Moreover, it seems to be connected to Limbo Prison, which is strange——"


The sound of sonic boom exploded above the two of them. Dinah walked out of the sonic boom tunnel and opened her mouth, "Ah~~~~"

The ripples around her lips could be seen with the naked eye as they spread and enlarged, covering the blood-filled street below.

"Uh-huh!" Although the rioters lost their minds, they were still mortal bodies. They were rolling on the ground holding their heads and howling miserably.

"Ahhh——" Dinah continued to release infrasound waves until they completely fainted.

Zha Kang frowned and said, "Dark Phoenix, you are a little angry."

"I'm very busy and don't have time to bother with them." Dinah's tone was not good.

After saying that, she planned to retreat to the sonic boom tunnel.

Zha Kang sighed: "You are now covered by a dark cloud. If you don't calm down and reflect on yourself, I'm afraid your good will turn into a big disaster soon."

"What did you say?" Dinah's face turned bad.

"John can see the dark aura that affects our emotions." Zatanna quickly explained the "black smoke of original sin" and then said: "He said that you are covered by a black cloud, which means there is also a black smoke above your head. It's affecting your mood.

If the black smoke opens its eyes, exposes its mouth, and forms a demonic face, it means it is alive and can control your emotions. "

Dinah was doubtful, "I have always activated the thick-skinned power."

"Thick-skinned divine power is not completely immune to the influence of the original sin demon. The essence of the black smoke is original sin." Zatanna said.

"No, the essence of black smoke is not simply original sin. I still need to continue to study what it is specifically." Zha Kang said.

Dinah closed her eyes and took nine deep breaths to calm herself down. Then she looked at Zha Kang and asked, "How can I eliminate the black smoke?"

Zha Kang smiled and said: "Just like what you did just now, get rid of distracting thoughts and calm yourself down.

Now that most of the black smoke above your head has dissipated, a 'human face' will not be formed in a short time. "

"Why are you the only one who can see the black smoke? The Justice League did not receive this message." Dinah wondered.

"Have you asked Harley?" Zha Kang asked.

Dinah shook her head, "I can't contact her right now, it's almost half past nine."

"What's nine-thirty?" Zha Kang was confused.

"You didn't watch TV? Today, Hallie is going to speak about God's ways to the whole earth. She plans to use God's teachings to offset the negative impact of the 'original sin of the gods' on people's hearts." Dinah said.

"Oh, the lecture starts at half past nine." Zha Kang curled his lips, "Using God's way to deal with the 'original sin of the gods' is a professional counterpart, and the effect should be very good."

Dinah was surprised: "You are actually very optimistic about this 'lecture conference'?"

"Do you doubt that she will fail?" Zha Kang asked.

Dinah hesitated and said: "It may have an effect, but to be honest, we don't have high expectations. I have also read the Bible written by Harley, but I didn't feel too deeply about it."

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "If you can feel deeply just by reading the Bible, it means you have the potential to become a saint.

If listening to an expert preaching had the same effect as reading the Bible yourself, Jesus would not have received it from any of his disciples, and the 12 disciples would have become self-taught by simply buying a Bible. "

"Ever since the 'Original Sin of the Gods' swept across the world, churches around the world have not stopped gathering to pray. The effect is effective, but not immediate," Dinah said.

"How can those mortal priests compare with the 'God of War in Heaven'." Zha Kang shook his head.

Dinah said with a tangled expression: "Although Harley is favored by God, her performance in daily life is completely inferior to that of a highly respected priest.

How can a person who cannot abide by God's teachings in every word and deed possibly speak the Word of God that saves all sentient beings? "

Zatanna smiled bitterly and said: "I think so too. Harley's talk about the way of God is just as ridiculous as John's talk about the way of God."

Zha Kang chuckled and said, "If I change into a priest's robe, the Pope in Rome will have to give up his seat."

"Dang!" A few people were talking. The time had reached half past nine, and a melodious and ethereal bell suddenly sounded from the sky.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

Everyone who heard the bell, including Zha Kang, felt a long-lost tranquility.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!"

The bell rang eight times in a row, and then a familiar voice slowly sounded in the hearts of everyone, "The essence of God's doctrine is God's way and thoughts of understanding the universe. Non-Christians can simply regard it as a philosophy. Now let's start the first Chapter."

The world has not stopped. Workers are still hammering screws in factories, students are still attending school, and there are many cars on the road. What does not stop is their hearts.

Harley's voice appeared in the bottom of their hearts. They clearly heard her talking about the way of God, and they were intoxicated by it, but their main consciousness was still clear.

Zha Kang looked up at the sky and murmured: "Her way of God is indeed effective. The black smoke in the sky is dissipating, and the evil thoughts boiling in people's hearts are quickly calming down."

"Her voice doesn't seem to affect our normal activities at all." Zatanna wondered.

Zha Kang thought for a moment and said, "It's possible that what she said was meant for the 'phantom people' in our souls."

"I'm not a phantom," Dinah said.

"Huanren is a negative emotion." Zha Kang rubbed the stubble on his chin and said thoughtfully: "Theoretically, all sentient beings have phantoms.

It's just that your illusion has not awakened and been separated from your soul. "

"Even if emotions are equal to phantoms, how can Harley contact us phantoms? You also said that our phantoms have not awakened at all." Zatanna asked doubtfully.

Zha Kang first recounted the experience of the last time when his illusion was out of control and Harley trampled to death the illusion that invaded his main consciousness, and then guessed: "Harley can resonate with our illusion through her illusion, and indirectly contact them." , the illusion that affects us.

This time it is 80% the same principle.

Her purpose in telling us the Word of God is to eliminate the negative impact of the "original sin of the gods" on us.

The impact of the original sin of the gods on us is mainly reflected in active evil thoughts and loss of emotional control.

In other words, our illusion is out of control.

To eliminate the negative influence is to quell the phantom riots.

Therefore, when she talks about the Word of God, she specifically addresses our phantoms. "


At this moment, continuous thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and gray-black smoke seemed to flow from another world. It instantly blocked the sun and plunged the world into darkness.

The sound of the sermon echoing in the hearts of everyone became intermittent and unclear, as if the signal was poor.

"What's going on?" Everyone looked to the sky in confusion.

The gray and black smoke in the sky formed into a huge devil's face. Two eyes with flashing red light opened on the face, and a mouth with sharp white teeth opened. "Harley Quinn, don't waste your efforts. This is my destiny. You can't stop me from coming!"

Zha Kang's expression changed drastically, "Fake, is this the Heavenly Eclipse? No, it's the Eclipse Lord!"

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