I want to have a date with Superman

Previous Chapter PS Stranger’s Love

In the comic, The Stranger Goes to Heaven to Find a Wife has a more complex and touching plot, and of course is longer. Here, it only takes a few sentences to tell the story of the Stranger giving up his wife and children and choosing Chris. The change of guest seems a bit abrupt, let me explain the whole thing.

First of all, let me scold the Dog God. That thing is really not a thing. It had no intention of letting the Stranger rescue his wife and daughter from the beginning. Even the death of the Stranger’s wife and daughter was related to God, because the Sin-Eater belongs to the Ferocious Dog God. Dog, similar to Zauliel is Teddy the dog of God.

The sin-eater killed Stranger's family. God, the vicious dog, must have known that it was probably his will.

The sad thing is that the stranger also knows this, but he is powerless and can only let God control him.

But after seeing the souls of his family members, the strangers decided that they would rather be enemies with God than to bring the family of three back to the human world.

The reason why he became a man was that he discovered that the ideal and best husband and father for Elena and their two children was him.

There is a "Dream Come True House" in the bottom paradise, which is the house assigned to each soul, where you can see the people and objects transformed into the most warm memories in your heart.

For example, after Dodo dies and enters the lower heaven, there is Quinn Manor and Harley in his kennel.

The Stranger is pretending to be Philip Stark, but the Philip Stark he sees in the "dream come true house" where Elena and her two children live is actually himself.

This shows that even though he is fake, the people he considers family also consider him a real family member.

His responsibilities as a father and husband gave him the courage to challenge God.

But again, God the Dog has calculated everything accurately. He has calculated the reaction of Stranger and the reaction of Stranger’s wife Elena.

Stranger is willing to stand up to God for his wife and children, and his wife Elena will also persuade him to give up for Stranger.

At that time, the stranger was not Philip Stark, but Elena gradually recognized him, and then she suddenly realized that the husband she had been with for many years was actually someone else.

In the process of awakening, she said to the stranger: "I only remember the beautiful but imperfect man who spoiled his wife and children.

He lifted my spirits but hurt my feelings.

He makes me happy and makes me angry.

He doesn't know how to let go, maybe he holds on too tightly, his love is too deep, beyond words, yes, I remember you, Philip Stark, I remember you, Phantom Stranger, I will always keep you in my heart ,Forever.

So do the kids.

But we can't go back with you, just treat it as a kind of fate, a fate that is destined to happen since we met.

Fate has come and gone, and now, we are all going to welcome a new beginning, my husband. "

This passage is a bit strange when read alone, but when combined with the plot, it becomes very touching.

Before meeting Elena, Stranger did not understand love and could not love others, so he was a complete novice.

In the process of getting along with Elena, he will continue to make mistakes, but he has a sincere and warm heart.

That's why Elena said that he was beautiful but not perfect, making her happy and angry at the same time. She accurately summarized every aspect of the Stranger's relationship with her.

In fact, Elena is not an important character even in the special issue of "Phantom Stranger", and she has no reputation in DC comics. Here is a long paragraph of love between her and Stranger that I personally prefer. It is very real. , very pure, with a hazy beauty.

The connection between hearts cannot be obscured by any illusion or magic of identity.

In DC, which mainly sells meat, this kind of fresh and alternative love is really rare.

You can take a look at it casually, it will not affect the main plot.

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