I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1681 The magic box goes berserk

Baltimore, Maryland, is nicknamed "Little Gotham".

Pandora operates all over the world and has its own bases in many countries.

The home base in the United States is in this city.

It's not quite right to say it's her lair. She traces the aura of the Seven Original Sin Demons and travels around freely. She doesn't have a lair like the Bat Cave.

This weapons workshop hidden in the basement belongs to her assistant, Marcus, a bald black man.

He followed Pandora and built his own weapons workshops in various countries around the world, and then the weapons room became his and Pandora's home base.

"Are you still looking for those superheroes?" Bald Marcus shook the tablet in his hand and said, "Didn't you watch the news? Superman killed someone just after meeting you.

Now superheroes, super villains, even American agents and alien spies are all looking for you. "

Pandora frowned and said, "I know things are a little out of control, and this was not my intention.

I originally planned to steal Pandora's Box quietly, and as long as I didn't speak out, no one from the Sky Eye Society would make it public.

Then quietly find someone with the most kind heart or the most evil intention to open it without disturbing anyone, just like I quietly released the Seven Deadly Sins, and then quietly opened the box again to eliminate the Seven Deadly Sins.

Unexpectedly, the news suddenly spread, making even the aliens know that there was powerful power hidden in the box. "

"How about we leave the United States first and go abroad to avoid the limelight? Anyway, you have already obtained the magic box. It won't be too late to open it a year and a half later." Marcus suggested.

"No, I must find the next target immediately. Superman is probably really affected by the magic box. As long as I can open it again, the whole world will look new and Superman will return to normal.

Opening the box even an hour earlier could have saved countless suffering and sins. "Pandora said with firm eyes.

Marcus said: "You are very powerful, but you are just a mortal who has practiced martial arts and magic for thousands of years. You are not a born demon, nor are you Harley Quinn, a genius in training, so you cannot be invincible.

If you are targeted by a super villain or arrested by a superhero, you will not only lose the magic box, but your life will be in danger. "

"Don't worry, no one can hurt me, and no one can kill me, not even the gods can do it," Pandora said.

"You have been fighting against the original sin demon before, and you have never dealt with super villains. They don't just kill people, they will do evil things beyond your imagination." Marcus advised.

Although Pandora has a red lightning-shaped mark on her face, she has a first-rate figure and face. There is more than one "Dr. Light" among the super villains.

If they captured Pandora and got the magic box, but were still unable to open the box, and believed that Pandora knew how to open the box, Marcus couldn't even imagine what they would do to her.

Pandora turned to look at him and said with a complicated expression: "If you had the memory of your previous life, you wouldn't have such worries.

The concept of supervillains was born in modern times, but various criminal behaviors have existed since ancient times. I have seen too much and experienced too much. "

"Previous life?" Marcus was stunned and asked in surprise: "We also knew each other in the previous life?"

"Not just in the last life, but in the past two hundred lives, you have been my weapon master." Pandora said.

"I bought it, two hundred lifetimes, how many years should that be?" Marcus exclaimed.

"About ten thousand years." Pandora looked at the strong black man in front of her. Hundreds of faces flashed through her mind in an instant. Some were still clear, with noses and eyes, while others were blurred and only had outlines left.

"You were a slave in a Greek city and a skilled blacksmith. When you were about to be executed by your master, I rescued you and set you free. But you wanted to repay me and refused to leave. You also swore that you would never leave. Serve me.

So after your death, I used magic to reincarnate your soul on the earth. Although you have no memory of your previous life, you will always become my weapon master when you become an adult. "

Marcus' expression is a little twisted. The blacksmith slave must be very grateful to you, but the "forever" in his mouth is definitely different from what you understand. Even if the "forever" he meant meant life after life, why should he make decisions for himself in the next life?

Although he was complaining a little in his heart, Marcus himself had been secretly in love with Pandora his entire life. He had always admired her from the first time he met her when he was 18 to now in his forties.

He was very happy that Pandora understood "forever" to mean life after life.

In the next life, he will be her licking dog. Oh, no, he will be a weapons assistant.

"I believe in God in this life. Theoretically, after my death, my soul will either go to heaven or hell. But if I want to continue serving you in my next life, what should I do?" he asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter who you believe in. In the past two hundred lives, you have believed in many gods, including Zeus, God, and even evil gods. None of them can take your soul away from me." Pandora said calmly, The expression is very confident.

Marcus was shocked: "Isn't this the same as Admiral Galaxy's 'Seal of Reincarnation'? No, the Seal of Reincarnation cannot rob the souls of God's believers.

The Reincarnation Seal is already the top level of 'Death Magic'.

Did you master this powerful magic ten thousand years ago? But you have only lived for more than ten thousand years. "

Pandora said calmly: "Maybe my martial arts talent is not as good as Harley Quinn, but I am also very capable of learning.

Especially holy magic, any kind of holy magic, I can master it just by looking at it.

It’s not about learning, it’s about becoming proficient immediately.

With a little practice, I can't condense the law like a magic master, but the realm is similar to the law of condensation. "

"Then how many laws do you have mastered?" Marcus asked curiously.

"Thousands? Too many, I can't remember them." Pandora said.

Marcus looked suspicious.

It’s not that I doubt Pandora’s bragging.

In his decades of memory, Pandora had a dull personality, was taciturn, spoke concisely and concisely, and rarely had too many expressions and changes in mood.

She barely pretended to be competitive.

But he suspected that Pandora had a wrong understanding of the Master's Law.

"I've locked my next target, Marcus, prepare my weapons, I'm going to find him right away." Pandora was no longer interested in talking anymore.

"You have to promise me that when you meet someone you can't beat, don't be brave and immediately open the portal to escape. Even Admiral Galaxy bluntly stated in the interview that one of the secrets of her success is to run away if she can't beat him.

Living well is the basis of victory. There is no shame in running away to save your life. "Marcus said solemnly.

Seeing the concern in his eyes, Pandora's empty and cold heart felt warm.

Metropolis, Riverside Park.

Inside a black seven-seater business car at the entrance of the park.

"50 meters away is the scene of the explosion of Pandora's box. The energy index should be not low. Signaler, do you feel it?" Vandal Savage asked looking out the window.

The signal man in the yellow cloak immediately replied: "There is indeed strong energy radiation residue there. If it belongs to Pandora's Box, I will definitely be able to track Pandora's location through radiation waves."

"How long?" Savage asked.

"I have hacked into 15 military spy satellites, which can probably cover the entire United States. They are all my tentacles, helping me sense the radiation waves from the magic box.

If we can narrow down the scope and know which city Pandora is in now, the efficiency will increase a hundred times, and maybe we can find her within 10 minutes. "The signal man said confidently.

The giant woman in the driver's seat was playing with her phone boredly and asked casually: "Savage, do you really believe that 'outsiders' can control the world as long as they get that box?"

"Do you believe it?" Savage asked.

"The power in the magic box may be very powerful, but controlling the world is definitely nonsense. No matter what energy is hidden in the magic box, it is impossible to defeat Witch Harley. How can you dominate the world if you can't defeat her?" The giant woman sneered.

The signal man smiled and said: "I don't want to dominate the world. As long as I can make a lot of money, enough for me to buy a 200-square-meter mansion in the second ring road of the city, I will be satisfied."

As he said this, he looked at Savage specifically.

Even now that the Luthor Group has become interstellar, Savage is still the richest among super villains.

His estate is said to extend throughout the universe.

He has an account in almost every national bank of advanced civilization.

This is why the "outsider" still chooses to follow Savage now that he has become the leader of the secret society.

"You're really worthless. Are you satisfied with just a mansion? As for me, I will at least use the power of the magic box to break Wonder Woman's head." Gigantamax clenched her fist and said.

"You can't beat Wonder Woman. She is the beloved of Harley. No matter what power is hidden in the magic box, it is not as advanced as the thick-skinned power.

Let me see, you can't defeat Wonder Woman in this life, so you might as well change your goal. "Signal Humanity.

The giant woman said angrily: "It's not sure whether the power of the magic box can defeat Wonder Woman, but I can smash your head in right now."

The signal man shrank his neck, turned to Savage, and said with a flattering smile: "Boss, what are you going to do with the power in the magic box?"

Savage glanced at him lightly, "I'll pay, you do the work, don't ask any questions."


The signaler wisely closed his mouth and eyes, concentrating on activating the ability to capture the signal.

His powers work better when used with electronic equipment. At this moment, he was holding the latest Lexfold 4 in his hand. There was also a homemade signal amplifier embedded in the chest of the uniform. The style was a bit like Iron Man's reactor, shining with silver brilliance.

"Ah, boss, there is a reaction! God, the radiation intensity is so high."

Only half a minute passed when the "signal light" on the signal man's chest suddenly flashed rapidly, and his tone became excited and urgent.

"Where is she?" Savage asked quickly.

"She, she" the signal man stared at the car window with his eyes widened.

Savage's complexion changed slightly, and his muscles tightened.

The giant woman also put down her phone and assumed a fighting stance.

"Dong dong!" The glass wall was lightly knocked twice by people outside.

"Barbarian, let's talk." Pandora's voice passed through the glass and entered the car.

"Boss, she's coming to the door." The signal man said nervously.

Savage adjusted the collar of his windbreaker and said calmly: "Open the door."

The carriage is very spacious, even if there is another Pandora, it will not feel crowded.

The carriage was very quiet. The three villains were staring at Pandora's chest, and she just hugged the magic box in her arms.

Savage was the first to look away and regain his composure, "Pandora, the last time we met was three hundred years ago, right? That was the 127th time you tried to kill me.

Of course, you have changed your mind after many failures, and you just want to prevent me from creating the Seven Sins in the killing.

Well, I have never seen the original sin demons, but every time you meet me, you say that they are crowded behind me.

What do you want from me this time? "

Pandora looked at him seriously, looked at him carefully, and said: "It seems that you have committed many sins in the past three hundred years. They have almost formed a demonic realm behind you, which is larger and more mature than before."

The signal man turned his head and looked at Savage. There was nothing around him.

"We are not stupid men and women. Such deceptive words cannot deceive us. If you are a smart man, hand over the magic box quickly."

Pandora said expressionlessly: "Original sin is born in the heart of a barbarian and grows outside the body. Only when he dies completely can they be free and then merge with other original sin demons.

Now Savage is like a giant octopus with seven tentacles. The violent tentacles are wrapping around your body, opening its mouth, trying to swallow you directly.

Do you know what this means?

He has murderous intentions towards you. Maybe you are too stupid and noisy, which makes him upset. "

"You, you're talking nonsense."

The signal man looked pale and looked at Savage with flickering eyes, hoping to get a negative answer from him.

However, Savage didn't even look at him, only looking at Pandora, "Just go ahead, you are definitely not here to chat with me."

Pandora was also very direct, "I have looked for Superman, and I thought he had the purest and most benevolent heart, but he is still a mortal, and his heart is contaminated with the original sin of mortals.

And opening the magic box requires the most benevolent heart or the most evil thoughts.

So now I have found you, and you are the most vicious, unkind person I have ever met. "

"You want to give me the magic box?" Savage's calm character also showed a look of shock at this time, "Aren't you afraid that I will use the power inside to dominate the world?"

"The power inside will only clear away the original sin in the world, and maybe it can also redeem you." Pandora handed over the magic box.

"Wait!" The signal man suddenly shouted, "Let's change places. When we open the magic box, terrifying energy that can destroy everything will erupt."

"Are you afraid?" The giant woman glanced at him and said contemptuously: "You can leave by yourself."

The signal man blushed and hesitated.

Savage's eyes flashed slightly and he said, "Let's change places."

The giant woman looked at him in surprise, "Why?"

"I'm scared," Savage said quietly.

Gigantamax and Signal Man almost dropped their jaws in shock, "You have immortality! Can the energy of the magic box destroy you? It can't even kill Superman and Wonder Woman."

"I'm afraid that it will burst out with powerful energy and attract a lot of attention. Superman will fall into weakness during the energy burst. If I fall into weakness, I don't want to face Harley Quinn." Savage was very frank, but his eyes were full of gloom.

The giant woman swallowed, "I don't want to see Harley Quinn either, let's change places."

After saying that, she stepped on the accelerator, and the Buick commercial vehicle quickly left the city.

After entering a warehouse outside the city, Savage slowly stretched his hands towards the golden skull.

The three black eye sockets of the skull lit up with a little red light, and the red light gradually became brighter.

"I feel it, my God, this power is so huge, it must have surpassed Witch Harley's thick-skinned power, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh rubyinin onin," Savage's expression changed continuously, from shock to greed, and then greed turned into fear ,"no no--"

"Stab!" Scarlet energy arcs jumped out from the three eye sockets and flooded his body. Savage's expression was fixed in sadness and confusion.

When the signal man and the giant woman saw the red light flashing, they ran out quickly, but after running two steps, there was a "pop" sound of falling to the ground behind them, and the energy arc suddenly disappeared.

Looking back, Savage had fallen to the ground, and the golden skull was rolling down beside him in smoke.

"Hey, there was no explosion?" The giant woman was surprised and asked tentatively: "Boss Savage, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry" Savage's eyes were filled with tears and his face was filled with regret.

Pandora picked up the magic box in disappointment, "It seems that I thought wrong before. Your heart is not completely evil. There is actually a trace of kindness hidden in a corner that you don't even know about.

You, like Superman, are still human. "

"What's wrong with him?" asked the signal man.

"The magic box suppressed all the evil thoughts in his heart, causing a trace of good thoughts to explode. He fell into an unprecedented remorseful mood and suffered from the torture of his conscience." Pandora left this sentence and turned around. Go to the door.

"Wait, you can't take away the magic box," Gigantamax yelled.

"Do you want to try it too?" Pandora stopped and turned around to ask.

"I" the giant woman glanced at Savage. He was lying on the ground like a dead pig, motionless, only crying and repeating "I'm sorry".

"I will never touch that damn thing, but it belongs to us." The giant woman said.

Pandora stopped looking at her and continued to walk out calmly.

The giant woman was about to have a seizure, but the signal man quickly stopped her and advised: "Forget it, we don't dare to take her if she gives it to us."

The giant woman broke free from his pull and shouted: "What do you know, just because Savage can't use it, it doesn't mean that outsiders can't open it.

Otherwise, why would he spread the word and ask us to help find the magic box?

Can you imagine how much benefit can be gained by handing the box to an outsider? "

Pandora, who had already walked out of the door, teleported to the giant woman and asked, "Who is the outsider?"

"You——" The giant woman was startled by her swift movement and subconsciously replied: "The outsider is the new leader of the secret society."

After saying this, she felt annoyed for her obedience and said angrily: "Put the box down and don't ask any more questions."

"No matter who wants this box, I have no problem with it, as long as he can open it. You take me to see the outsider, and I will hand the box to him with my own hands." Pandora said.

The giant woman was confused by her words and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

The Signal Human said: "We only know that the person who rebuilt the secret society calls himself an 'outsider', but we don't know who he is or where he is, and we can't take you to see him."

"You don't even know who he is, but you still recognize him as your leader?" Pandora frowned.

The Gigantamorph woman frowned and shouted: "Who said we recognized him as the leader? Savage is our boss, I only recognize him."

She looked back at the barbarian who was lying on the ground in tears. She felt a sense of disgust in her heart and her voice gradually dropped.

Still the Signal Man explained: "We super criminals only serve one kind of people - people who can bring us success.

Although the Outsider never shows his face, his criminal wisdom surpasses that of Luther, his criminal art is close to that of Gotham's Joker, and his criminal experience is as good as that of Savage.

The criminal courage is no less than that of Darkseid. Don't doubt it, he is not even afraid of the Witch Harley. He said that he will challenge her sooner or later.

No supercriminal has ever dared to say such a thing publicly.

As soon as he appeared on the scene, he made a blockbuster speech with this speech, which shocked all the super criminals at that time, and they were stunned and dared not speak.

If he is just talking nonsense, the most we can admire him is that he is a bad guy who is not afraid of death, but we will not truly believe him.

The key is that under his guidance, almost every criminal has completed his criminal activities perfectly, and will not be caught by the heroes in the same city. Instead, he will tease them into rage and helplessness.

With each victory, his prestige grew day by day.

In the end, even the Savage boss was forced to leave and could no longer compete with him. "

Pandora said slowly: "When I heard the name 'Outsider', I had a vague hunch in my heart that he could open Pandora's box.

Do you have his contact information? Or his approximate range of activities.

As long as I get close to him at a certain distance, I can pinpoint his location through the original sin on him.

Just like before I came directly to your car. "

"How can an outsider be so evil? Just hearing the name will make you feel something."

Both the giant woman and the signal man looked shocked, vaguely admiring the unmasked outsider.

The two looked at each other with subtle expressions.

In the end, they didn't speak, but after looking at the tearful Savage at the same time, they nodded to each other.

The giant woman looked at Pandora and said: "You wait a moment, the signal person can contact him, but I want to declare that you are just the carrier of the magic box, it belongs to us, and it will be dedicated to you by me and my signal person. Boss Outsider.”

"Whatever you want, I just need to open the magic box." Pandora said.

The giant woman raised her chin towards the signal man.

The signal man takes the command and sends multiple messages at once.

After a minute, he looked confused.

Three minutes later, he asked in confusion: "Why didn't the outsider react?"

"Has he received the message?" the giant woman asked.

"I should have received it. I even pinned a post on the secret society bulletin board. Now all the super criminals know that we got the magic box." The Signal Man said.

"Then wait a moment."

Five minutes later, Savage wiped the tears from his eyes, got up from the ground, and said coldly: "What are you waiting for?"

The signal man smiled awkwardly and said: "When you recover, boss, you are really amazing. You have got rid of the torture of your conscience so quickly."


Savage slapped him to death, and the signal man's head rotated 180 degrees on his neck, and he lost his breath with a click.

"Pandora's right, I'm tired of your stupidity."

The giant girl ran wildly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Pandora held the magic box and walked out silently.

Savage looked at her leaving back with an incomprehensible expression.

Bell River Prison, Louisiana.

Inside an eight-meter-long cubic cell made of space glass panels.

Luther's secretary, Mercy, was wearing a business suit and holding a Lexpad in her hand. She stood next to Luther and whispered: "Even if some irresistible reasons affect the company's reputation, the revenue in the first two quarters of this year is still the same." With year-on-year growth of 230%, Limbo satellites are the most popular item.

No matter how the galactic media tries to smear us, higher civilizations have never changed their desire for Limbo satellite technology.

However, at the beginning of the year, we signed the "Luther Tax Act" with the US government, and 85% of the revenue from Limbo satellites must be handed over to the state. Therefore, our overall profits have actually declined. "

Luther was wearing yellow prison clothes, sitting on a very ordinary plastic stool, and holding a tablet in his hand, but it was not a product of Lex Electronics, but the latest Paradise Mountain pad.

He held the tablet in his left hand, and quickly input a piece of information on the screen with his right hand, saying, "How are the sales of our biological weapons?"

He's using his watchdog to chat with the department manager from an alien planet.

As Paradise Mountain churches have blossomed all over the galaxy, the watchdogs that use God's belief channel to communicate with Limbo have become cheaper and more efficient, and have become the best communication tool for earthlings working and traveling on alien planets.

Especially when using text chat, the data is small, but the amount of information is large, and the price/performance ratio is very high.

To open the Guardian Dog Galaxy version, the monthly rent is only 19,999 US dollars, and you will get 10M of free traffic. Just text chat is enough to chat from the beginning of the month to the end of the month.

So even Luther gave up on alien video calls that cost tens or hundreds of thousands of Rann coins per minute, and chose to use a guard dog.

"Sales are bleak. The aliens are not interested in our technology and only want to buy our database, such as the genes of Superman and various superheroes.

However, the U.S. government explicitly prohibits the sale of any genetic data on Earth’s superpowers.”

Macy leaned down and brought her flaming red lips to Luther's ear, bringing him a gust of fragrance.

"However, someone in the Pentagon hinted to me that they could turn a blind eye as long as they spend 70% of the profits to clear the relationship and our company bears all the responsibilities after the exposure."

Luther raised his head and glanced at her coldly, "Do you think I look like someone who took the blame?"

Macy shook her head slightly, "Miss Lina has sternly refused."

"Buzz~~" A bright silver light suddenly erupted in front of Luther. The silver light flashed away, and a woman in a red cloak appeared in the prison.

"How did you get in?" Luther was a little shocked. "This four-phase glass was specially invented by me to imprison superpowers. It can prevent any form of time and space transmission. You...are you Pandora?"

Recognizing the other party's identity, he was shocked again. First shocked, then his eyes radiated with fierce light, and he said angrily: "You are the one who destroyed Superman? Splash, Superman is my target, this should be my unparalleled achievement!"

This expression and these words made Pandora, who had always had a cold face, look confused.

Maisie next to her looked calm and not surprised.

"What did you say?" Pandora asked doubtfully.

Luthor clenched his fists and roared: "Superman killed someone, and you actually let Superman kill someone."

Pandora frowned and said: "He may have been affected by Pandora's Box, which inspired the evil thoughts in his heart. I thought he was pure and good, without any flaws, but he is still a mortal, so -"

Luther's expression became even more angry, and he roared: "I knew all along that he was not as perfect as he showed. Everything I have done in my life is to prove this.

I want to prove that he is not a perfect saint, he can kill people, he is a hypocrite, and I want to expose the beautiful bubble about him. But you can easily destroy my dreams and rob me of my achievements with a broken skull - "

Macy tugged on his clothes and said calmly: "BOSS, you don't have the advantage now. The other party is not a superhero. If you piss her off, you may lose your life.

You have lost half of your dreams, don't lose your life and the remaining half of your dreams. "

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The prison surveillance system has detected the intruder, the alarm sounded, and the prisoners in other "glass cabinet" cells looked over curiously.

Pandora knew there was no need to delay, and said quickly: "Luthor, only the most good thoughts and the most evil thoughts can open Pandora's box. I have already found Superman, who represents pure goodness, and Savage, who is extremely evil. They both If it fails, maybe you, who is full of evil, can open it."

As she said that, she stuffed Huang Jing's skull into Luther's arms.

Luther, however, moved nimbly and avoided him like a snake or a scorpion, shouting: "Get this damn thing away!"

Macy glanced at the skull and reminded: "BOSS, it is said that it contains the power to rule the world. Maybe you can try it. I think you have the potential to be the 'number one villain'."

"Fake, as long as I'm still paying your salary, I can't be the worst person." Luther walked around behind her and used the "Shield Skill - Secretary Maisie" again.

Well, whenever he encounters danger, Luther always has a habit of using the people around him as human shields. The beautiful and charming female secretary Maisie has taken bullets for him several times.

Luther is weird, and so is his secretary Maisie.

Being used as a human shield by her boss again, although she struggled to resist, she analyzed rationally: "Miss Pandora, I think Luther is right. He has never delayed or deducted employees' wages, and that has not changed. He tried to keep us working overtime in the company and then said it was a blessing. With these two points alone, he has surpassed many bosses."

"BOOOM!" The sonic boom tunnel opened, and the Justice League appeared almost together with the prison security personnel.

"Pandora, put down that box and follow us!" Wonder Woman shouted and rushed over first.

"Ka-boom!" She smashed the door of the glass cell with a sword in her right hand, and threw the mantra lasso with her left hand, binding Pandora tightly.

"Bang!" The magic box in Pandora's hand fell to the ground, and the three black eye sockets lit up red without anyone touching it.

"The box, Pandora's box is mine!" The red light fell on Luther. He seemed to be a different person, with red eyes and a greedy face. He pushed away the "obstacle Maisie" in front of him and flew away. Jump towards the magic box on the ground.

"Don't even think about it!" Wonder Woman was bathed in red light, burning with inexplicable anger. Her anger overwhelmed her reason, and she knocked Luther away with a strong support. She bent down and picked up the magic box.

The moment she touched the magic box, the red light in the skull's eyes became even brighter, flooding Wonder Woman's body.

Even though her body was covered with thick skin and divine power, red light penetrated into her body. The third evil eye opened on her forehead, and her expression became ferocious and angry.

She held up the magic box with both hands and shouted: "The magic box is mine, it is mine."

The magic box was already like a sun, its ominous scarlet light filling the entire prison.

People bathed in red light, whether they are heroes or villains, look crazy and excited.

"Snatch the magic box, it contains the power to rule the world, it belongs to me!" the villain shouted.

"Get the magic box away from Wonder Woman, that thing is evil." The superhero could barely stay awake.

Staying awake is not the same as staying sane.

They knew they shouldn't touch the box, but they couldn't help but rush over and try to take it away from Diana.

A big melee broke out deep in Belle Reve Prison.

"No, the magic box is affecting you, stop it!" Pandora was anxious, angry, and a little confused.

"Hahaha, mother, you have tried countless times. You should have known that persuasion is useless." A huge shadow was born from the red light.

It was a shirtless, angry man wearing a cloak, the wrath of the Seven Deadly Sins.

It laughed and stretched out its right hand, gently brushing over Wonder Woman's head.

Diana's expression became even angrier and she swung her sword harder. Neptune couldn't resist and was knocked back dozens of meters.

"Mother, it's been so many years, don't you understand yet? No one can refuse us."

An old man carrying a huge burden smiled strangely.

Its laughter was like a ripple of substance, and wherever it passed, the greed on the faces of the villains and prison guards grew stronger.

"She understands, but there is nothing she can do." The Arrogance of the Seven Deadly Sins is a beautiful-looking woman. She floats above everyone's heads, with her arms folded across her chest and her expression proud.

Pandora felt a sense of despair in her heart.

The Seven Sins before her now were born from the dark side of the hearts of superheroes and supervillains.

Pandora's Box just ignited a spark, and the darkness in their hearts began to burn, continuously providing power to the newly born Seven Demons of Original Sin.

They swelled right in front of her, growing larger and larger.

The larger the form, the more powerful they are and the greater their influence on mortals.

If nothing unexpected happens, eventually these heroes and villains will perish under their control.

This was the first time she saw something like this in her tribe.

Witnessed countless times around the world over the past ten thousand years.

"Hi, Pandora, right? You seem to be able to see something, and who are you talking to?" A carefree voice suddenly appeared next to Pandora.

"You, you are Constantine, why are you not affected?" As soon as he turned his head, Pandora was shocked. He actually held Pandora's Box in his hand, and he looked calm and his eyes were clear.

Zha Kang held a cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile: "As long as my essence is more poisonous than it, it can't poison me."

Under him, there were a large group of little Constantines with red eyes running around, making chirping sounds.

They were all phantoms, and the phantoms ran directly out of Zha Kang's body.

Pandora glanced down and said thoughtfully: "The evil thoughts in your heart have become an illusion and are no longer affected by the original sin demon.

But you can control the phantoms and prevent them from going crazy. It seemed that only Harley Quinn could do it before. "

Evil thoughts are born in the hearts of mortals, and evil thoughts give birth to the seeds of the Seven Original Sin Demons.

Evil thoughts continue to ferment, supporting the growth of the original sin demon.

The original sin demon in turn affects the emotions of mortals, forming a vicious cycle.

But after entering the nightmare demonization, even if evil thoughts arise in the mage's heart, they are just illusory evil thoughts that support him. They will not form a connection with the Seven Original Sin Demons, and will not be affected.

However, in the power field of the original sin demon, the corresponding evil thoughts and illusions will take over the role and backfire on the master's personality.

"Can you see them?" Zha Kang was a little surprised when he saw her reaction, "Only the mage can see his own phantom."

"I can see all beings with original sin." Pandora turned her head and looked at the Demonic Way of the Seven Original Sins.

"What do you see now?" Zha Kang followed her line of sight and saw nothing.

"The magic box inspired the evil thoughts in the hearts of everyone present. The evil thoughts gave birth to original sin, and the original sin manifested into demons. The seven original sin demons in turn used their own power to influence everyone, making them even more violent." Pandora said.

"Since you can see them, why don't you take action to destroy them?" Zha Kang asked.

Pandora said bitterly: "I can't do it. They can only increase and cannot be completely eliminated. No matter what weapons or magic, they can't touch them, just like mortals can't see them.

Can you reach Harley Quinn? Now perhaps she is the only one who can suppress the unrest. "

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