I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1680 Resurgence of rebellion

"Hey, Bateman, are you looking for me about Xanadu? I'll go back right away."

Madam Xanadu's apartment is in Gotham, and Gotham is Batman's home base. Harley thought he was looking for her because of Madam Xanadu's attack.

Bateman gave her a surprise.

"Not Xanadu. Robin also informed me of the bombing in Greenwich Village, but he also said that the Justice League Dark had arrived at the scene, so I wasn't specifically talking to you about it."

He explained first, and then said in a strange tone: "Orian is back and is now in the Hall of Justice."

Harley was stunned for a moment, then said strangely: "He still has the nerve to come back? Why come back?"

Bateman said: "I'm not in the Hall of Justice, and I haven't met him yet. Is it convenient for you now? Teleport to me first, I will send the location to you, and then we will go to the Hall of Justice to meet Orion."

Before he could share his location, Harley had already opened the blue lantern portal and walked to him.

Bateman was still at the riverside park next to Kent House, investigating Da Chao's out-of-control murder at the crime scene.

But he was not the only one at the scene now. In addition to the police and agents, there were also a group of reporters surrounding him.

"Hey, is that Jimmy Olsen?" She originally just glanced casually, but at a glance she saw the red-haired and freckle-faced Daily Planet photographer among the crowd of people.

"You just found out today?" Bateman also glanced at Olson and said calmly: "He appeared after the Flashpoint incident.

The news that he is back again has been on the galaxy's hot search list for a week in a row.

During the Final Crisis, Darkseid stored the power of the New Gods in his body, which was already exposed by Lois in the 'Final Crisis' series.

Now that he has returned, people across the universe are discussing his special physique. "

"It's not that I'm blind to what's going on outside the window, but I was busy practicing during that time and didn't pay attention to something as important as the news. Ivy and Selena didn't even notify me." Harley complained, then curiously said: "How dare he appear in front of the world in such a big way, without fear that spiritual wizards or aliens would abduct him for experiments?

To be honest, I already have the urge to invite him to join my ‘Strange Physique Research Project’. "

Bateman said: "He is just a reporter, he doesn't understand scientific research, and he has no memory of being controlled by Darkseid."

"If you don't understand scientific research, don't you understand being studied? Just lie there and don't move." Harley said.

Bateman's cheeks under the mask twitched a few times and said: "Don't try to take advantage of him. Mr. Excellence and Mr. Miracle have jointly studied his body, and now he seems to have lost the talent to withstand the power of the New God.

Mister Miracle injected his new god's power into his body, and Olson screamed in pain. "

“Dakseid regards Olson as a living new goddess star, similar to Apokolips and Genesis.

The power of the dead New God will automatically return to the origin of the planet.

The origin of the planet is also the source of the power of the New Gods.

If you don't activate the talent or modify Olson, just pour divine power into him, and you won't be tortured to death, you will be considered a superhero, and you know how to show mercy. "

As Harley spoke, she also quietly sent a mental message to Olson, telling him to come to Gotham for a medical check-up with her in a few days when he was on vacation.

After doing all this, she opened the portal again, "Let's go, Orion is still waiting for us."

"Don't worry, let's discuss our attitude towards Orion first." Bateman took her a few steps deeper into the woods and sighed: "I thought you would go to the Genesis Star. In theory, you should first Go to the Genesis Star.

In the final crisis, many things related to the Genesis Star must be explained clearly to Heavenly Father and the New God of the Genesis Star.

In any case, the Genesis Star is one of the eight divine realms and one of the most powerful forces in the multiverse. Resolving grievances with them is more beneficial to the security of the earth.

If you had gone to the Genesis Star early to talk things over, you would not be embarrassed or at a loss when you see Orion again today. "

"Actually, I have planned to go to the Genesis Star several times. The first time was just after the era of the God of War. I went to the Heaven Realm to settle accounts with the gods, and to the Apokolips Star to challenge Darkseid. I was going to drop by next door. The creation star.

Later, I thought about it seriously. That would make Heavenly Father think that I was provoking them, so I planned to wait until the impact of the incident of "The God of War Beats the Gods and Darkseid" subsided before going to the Genesis Star.

But once I was immersed in cultivation, I lost track of time and even forgot about visiting the Creation Star. "

Now talking about this matter, Harley still felt a little embarrassed.

The final crisis was in early January 23, and the Gao Dynasty ended within two days. In mid-January, the Genesis Star had completed its restart. In late January, she returned to reality with the "Escape from the World". Now it is almost August, and half a year has passed. She still didn't go to the Genesis Star.

Although the overall performance of Heavenly Father and the New God of Creation Star in the fifth world reboot is awkward, Harley still attaches great importance to her relationship with them.

First, multiple allies are always better than multiple enemies.

She despised Heavenly Father in her heart, but she had to admit that being a teammate was enough of a burden. If he felt that she looked down on him, his resentment would darken again, and he would cause trouble overtly or covertly, he would be in more trouble than when he was an ally.

Secondly, Harley is still afraid of Darkseid. She is not worried about him taking action against her, but she is worried about him targeting the Earth again.

No matter how powerful Heavenly Father is, he is always on the opposite side of Darkseid.

With him here, he can at least contain Apokolips.

Finally, for experience level.

The tens of millions of new gods on the Genesis Star are an experience mine that can be continuously exploited.

"Even now that the final crisis has passed, we still need to establish a good alliance with the Genesis Star, what do you think?" Harley said.

Bateman was obviously relieved, "I thought that after you tore apart the gods with your hands and kicked Darkseid, you no longer took the Heavenly Father into consideration."

He specifically called Harley and specifically told them to hold a meeting in advance, because he was afraid that Harley would take advantage of her mood to make all kinds of sarcastic remarks about Orion, which would completely stalemate the relationship between the two parties. After all, Harley had been back for more than half a year and she didn't go. The Genesis Star visits her "Big Brother Ishaya".

After allaying his worries, Bateman immediately followed Harley to the Hall of Justice without any further nonsense.

"Hi, Orion, you're finally back!" With a bright smile on her face, Harley walked up to Orion, who looked a little reserved and embarrassed, patted his shoulder with her hand, and said with reproach in her tone. : "It's been half a year since Genesis was restarted, and I thought you didn't plan to return to the Justice League."

"I" Her enthusiasm made Orion a little overwhelmed and touched.

"Harry, and everyone, I'm sorry." He bent down with a sincere expression and bowed to everyone, "I should have come to Earth to find you as soon as possible and apologize to you.

I was worried that you would not forgive me. After struggling and hesitating for a long time, I finally understood under the guidance of Heavenly Father that some things must be done, no matter what the outcome. "

"Needless to say, we all understand that your mind was affected by the equation at that time, and what you said and did was not your true intention. In the end, you are also a victim." Harley said.

Dinah, Barry and other heroes looked at her in surprise and were stunned for a while before walking forward to comfort Orion.

They sincerely accepted him, Orion sincerely repented, and they went both ways, and everyone was happy.

Seemingly happy for a while, Harley immediately said goodbye to Orion, "The earth seems to be in crisis again. Ask Dinah and the others about the specific situation. Mrs. Xanadu has just been attacked. The houses were blown down and people are missing. Now I have to go back to Gotham immediately and wait for night. When will you go back?"

"What I am coming now is my true body. I will leave my clone on the earth just like before, and my true body will return to the Creation Star to serve Heavenly Father." Orion said.

"Then you wait a few hours for everyone to have a dinner together in the evening, and then we go to the Genesis Star together?"

Hearing that Harley was still willing to go to the Genesis Star, Orion was so happy that he immediately nodded and said: "Go and do your work. There is no need to rush. I will have no problem staying on Earth for two more days."

A moment later, Gotham, Greenwich Village, Xanadu's apartment.

The three-story building was blown to pieces, with not even a single piece of furniture intact.

There were no police at the scene to maintain order. A layer of magic barrier separated the scene from the outside world. No one outside could see the scene inside.

When Harley arrived, Kang, Zatanna, Dead Man Boston, Frankenstein, plus a battle mage in purple tights, a total of five people were rummaging through the ruins.

"Frankenstein, you left the Bureau of Shadows and joined the Justice League Dark?" Harley greeted an old acquaintance with a smile.

"Constantine invited me, but I won't leave the Shadow Bureau. I'm just here to help this time." Patch shook his head.

"Harley, this is Xuan Lan, do you recognize her?" Zatanna pointed at the battle mage in purple tights and introduced: "She used to belong to the Eyes of Heaven, and in theory is still your subordinate. Now she has officially joined the Justice League Dark. However, she has not completely left the Sky Eye Society."

The female mage has a strong aura of the power of all things in her body, which is somewhat similar to Ivy, but the magic power in her body is not very "natural" and is not in harmony with the power of nature.

Harley is the boss of the Sky Eye Society. Although she doesn't do serious business, if something big happens, Amanda won't hide it from her, at least not afterward.

Amanda Waller has nothing to do with honesty. She often makes decisions and gets things done before reporting things to Harley.

Such as Xuanlan.

She was originally just an ordinary female agent. She participated in the superpower human experiment within the Sky Eye Society and gained the power of artificially synthesized unnatural plants.

"Hello Xuan Lan, I know you. You and Dr. Mist are the two most powerful mages in the Sky Eye Society."

"What should I call you?"

Xuanlan was not afraid of strangers, and she was not trembling because of Harley's high position. Her expression and tone were very natural, and she looked like an American girl.

"Just like them, just call me by my name."

Harley replied, then closed her eyes and carefully felt the breath of life under the ruins, but found nothing.

"What did you find?"

Constantine said: "There are traces of Xanadu's blood, but there is no body of hers, so she was probably not dead but was taken away.

There were obvious traces of gunpowder left at the scene. Judging from the scale of the explosion, the other party used a large amount of TNT, or something else? I'm not very good at chemistry and I don't know what the ingredients of gunpowder are.

But the other party didn't actually use any gunpowder. She used her superpower to simulate the explosion of gunpowder. "

Zatanna added: "Like Bomberman from the Justice Society."

"Are you sure the other person is a woman? Is there a video on the street?" Harley asked.

"Maybe there is a video. We are not Bateman or the Justice League, so we don't need a video." Zha Kang said.

"Can we use magic to rewind the scene?" Harley frowned.

If magic could work, they wouldn't be here turning over bricks.

"The time-travel magic is invalid. I also used prophecy and divination, but they are all ineffective." Zatanna's words verified her thoughts.

Zha Kang lit a cigarette and said vaguely: "But there are still survivors at the scene. There are two survivors next door to Xanadu. One of them saw a blond woman wearing a short windbreaker entering Xanadu's apartment.

I also extracted that memory from his mind. "

As he spoke, he blew out a smoke ring from his mouth, and there was a clear picture of level 2k in the smoke.

Harley took out her phone and scanned the portrait. Half a minute later, a supervillain document popped up on the screen.

“Betty Susie, a supervillain from Canada, known as ‘Plastic Bomb’, also known as Bomb Girl, is suspected of joining a secret society.

John, you were right for once. The explosive is TNT. She can turn objects into TNT and detonate them directly by touching them. "

Zha Kang whistled, "The power of power is better than magic!"

Harley glanced at Xuanlan and said, "You don't need high permissions to enter the Tianyanhui database."

Xuanlan's expression was a little awkward. She had previously been focused on using magic to solve the problem, and had not considered going to the database to check the information.

"It's a secret society again. What do they want to do?" Zatanna said with a sullen face and an angry tone: "Harley, they are blatantly provoking the Justice League Dark. We cannot let them do whatever they want."

Harley frowned and said nothing.

Zha Kang waved his hand and said: "Xiao Zha, please don't get excited. Think about it, why did the secret society attack Xanadu? Is Xanadu dead or alive now?"

Zatanna thought for a while and said doubtfully: "Xanadu is rarely involved in the Justice League Dark. Apart from helping people with divination in her apartment, she spends most of her time in various activities of Gotham's upper class, secret societies There should be no reason to attack her."

Xuanlan analyzed: "Super villains often have three types of motives for committing crimes. First, for profit, and money is the main interest.

The second type of motivation is to make enemies of superheroes.

For example, Gotham's villains are keen on defeating Bateman. Even if they pay him back, they will be happy as long as Bateman is defeated.

The third category is perceived threats, which often occur in vendettas between villains and revenge against witnesses and prosecutors. "

Frankenstein picked at his big green head with few hairs and said, "Which villain does Xanadu have a grudge against? Or, does Xanadu have any treasures that the villains take a fancy to?"

Zha Kang spat out the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on it twice with his foot, and complained: "Very good, but the correct answer happens to be excluded."

"What did you say?" Frankenstein asked confused.

"What is Xanadu's specialty?" Zha Kang asked.

"Divination, using tarot cards." Frankenstein was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "You mean the enemy is worried that Xanadu will divine their plot, so they will attack her in advance?"

Zha Kang looked at Harley, "What do you think?"

"The enemy this time is very mysterious and very sophisticated. You must not disperse your actions. It is best to join forces with the Justice League. I did not find the timeline of Xanadu in the River of Time. There is probably a fortune teller hidden in the secret society. The power of a strong person surpasses Xanadu, and it covers up the timeline of Xanadu." Harley said.

"Why didn't Xanadu cover up his own timeline? You can try and see if you can find my timeline." Zha Kang said.

Zatanna also said: "Mages who are proficient in prophecy can hide their own timelines.

For a certain price, you can even cover others' vision from the river of time. "

"If Shangyun could completely cover up her timeline, she wouldn't be attacked without knowing it.

The fact that Bomb Girl can enter Xanadu's apartment means at least one thing: Bomb Girl's fate has been covered up, and Xanadu has no sense of crisis. Do you know Xanadu's story?

That guy has encountered countless crises in thousands of years, and he can detect them in advance every time. "

Except for the few crises involving strangers.

Just like the crisis when Shangdu lost his identity as a fairy.

In fact, the forest nymph Nimue had a premonition that her second sister Morgana would start a war that would destroy the Kingdom of Camelot. She had already made a decision to hide in the forest after the last battle of friendship with her old lover Merlin and never enter the human world again. kingdom.

If her plan was not interrupted by the stranger, she would still be a forest fairy even now in 2023.

As long as he doesn't get plotted by someone stronger, and as long as he doesn't lose his divination ability, it's more than enough for him to protect himself.

She didn't notice this time and was taken away by a wave. Was her divination ability weakened?

Just a few days ago, she used tarot cards to get a glimpse of Harley's destiny.

Apparently her tarot skills have not been lost and are still superb.

"The reason why she failed to foresee the crisis is simply because the enemy has a stronger ability in prophecy." Harley said with certainty.

Then she added: "Since the enemy can predict Xanadu's prediction, then it must also predict that we can discover the identity of the bomb girl. What do you think it will do?"

Zatanna said in surprise: "It wants to lure us into taking the bait? Is it so courageous? Forget it with just a few of us, but what kind of trap can trap you?"

"The other party must have prepared a trap, but no matter what kind of trap it is, it will not work on me."

Harley was very confident that no matter how strong the other party's prediction ability was, it would be impossible to surpass the three goddesses of fate. At this moment, she was a little suspicious that the three goddesses of fate would end up in person.

Even the three goddesses cannot predict her cards and methods, nor can they glimpse her true destiny.

Zha Kang took out his silver Zippo lighter, lit a Ska cigarette for himself again, and said with a relaxed expression: "Since you are so confident, the task of finding Xanadu is left to you.

You are not afraid of traps, but we are scared to death.

His prophecy ability is stronger than the others, and his methods can compete with yours. Tsk tsk, we can't handle it. "

Harley said: "You are wrong. The next task of finding Xanadu is left to you, and I will not participate.

As the last trump card, I will appear at the critical moment to scare the demons and turn the tide. "

Zatanna said: "Then you might as well act with us to avoid further casualties."

"Not tonight. I have more important things to do tonight. Orion is back."

"That second-generation 'Dark Lord'?" Zha Kang said in surprise.

"Don't say that to him. He was controlled by the life equation and couldn't help himself." Harley said.

"But I remember you once said that equations only allow people to show their true selves." Zha Kang said.

Harley denied it flatly: "I never said it, you remembered it wrong. Now I am going to the Genesis Star to meet Brother Heavenly Father, and I will restore the alliance between the Earth and the Genesis Star."

"Why bother? With your current strength, you can definitely raise your middle finger to Apokolips and Creation Star at the same time." Zha Kang sighed.

"Harley is also for the earth and mankind." Frankenstein said with admiration in his eyes.

"Remember my words, don't act alone. The Justice League Dark and the Justice League have the same goal - they are both secret associations, and cooperation between the two parties is more secure," Harley warned.

Under the premise of knowing yourself and the enemy and making full preparations, the mage is invincible.

A master of magic like Zha Kang can even defeat the king of gods and demons.

On the other hand, the enemy knows the magician well and can predict their actions, but the magician knows nothing about the enemy. Even if the magician is stronger than the God King or the Demon King, he will suffer a big loss.

Xuan Lan hesitated and said: "Zheng Lian is busy looking for Pandora now, which is not exactly the same goal as ours."

Harley said: "Looking for Pandora is to prove Superman's innocence, but proving Superman's innocence is not the task of every superhero.

The secret society took down Xanadu in advance because they were afraid that Xanadu would predict their next plan.

It doesn't take much thought to understand that their plan must be against the Justice League and the world.

What do you think the Justice League should be more concerned about than Superman's innocence? "

The dead man Boston, who had been floating in the sky without speaking, said: "Is it possible that Superman's out-of-control killings, Pandora's Box, and Xanadu's attack were all serving the same conspiracy? It's all too coincidental."

Zha Kang said lazily: "Don't think too much, the Justice League can at least provide us with clues about Bomb Girl.

Go say hello to them and you won't waste time searching for Xanadu.

We work with Harley, we find Xanadu or the enemy, and she takes care of them.

By the time we find her, she will definitely have returned from the Genesis Star.

When the time comes, she will overwhelm others with her strength and shock the whole audience. We can just watch and applaud from the sidelines. "

Coming to the Genesis Star again, Harley clearly felt that the world had undergone subtle changes from the inside out, from the planet to the new gods.

The source of energy of the Creation Star has changed.

The origin of Apokolips is in the center of the earth. It is very introverted. If it is not close to the center of the earth and does not come into contact with the energy of the earth's center, it will be difficult to feel changes.

The source of energy of the Creation Star is the "sun". Sunlight fills the entire planet, and anyone who enters the Creation Star can directly bathe in it.

Of course, just as the center of the Earth of Apokolips exists in another dimension, the "sun" of the Creation Star also exists in another energy dimension.

When she met the Dark Elite on Apokolips that day, Harley had not yet completed the argument of "I am who I am" and had no obvious feeling about their changes.

Now her spiritual will is almost detached, she can directly "see through" the essence of things, and her perception is very keen.

From the Creation Star to the New God of the Creation Star, the source of energy has been updated to version 2.0, which has an indescribable fit with the material universe at this time. There may be an indescribable awkwardness before the restart of the fifth world, but at that time, Harley I don’t have enough realm to see it.

"Brother Ishaya, it's really great to see you again."

Harley's eyes were not red, and her body was not trembling slightly, but all the new gods present could directly see her heart through her eyes, facial expressions, and body language. At least that's what they felt.

After the perfect integration of emotional fantasy, she threw all the Hollywood method and experiential acting skills into the trash can. Now she can perfectly control her emotions, which is no different from the real thing.

She can tell at a glance whether Atomic Girl is showing off her acting skills, and she can also make it impossible for anyone to see that she is showing off her acting skills in an instant.

Heavenly Father was really moved at this moment, although he still had some doubts in his heart.

"Harry, I want to say 'sorry' to you! Alas, I'm sorry for you and our friendship -"

Harley also showed an moved look, raised her hand to interrupt his self-blame, and said: "Brother Isaya, that's not your fault. You have the entire Genesis Star New God Clan behind you to protect, so you should be cautious.

I can only blame Darkseid for being too treacherous.

Although I kept claiming that it was him who was behind the scenes, I relied entirely on my feelings and couldn't find any evidence. "

"No matter what, I still need to apologize to you."

In front of many new gods, Heavenly Father bowed to her solemnly.

Harry was a little moved, the Heavenly Father in front of him changed.

She felt at least 9% sincerity in him. Although it was less than 10%, it was rare to see sincerity in him.

The two had been together for several years before the final crisis, and she wasn't sure if he was ever sincere.

Now the Heavenly Father seems to have been soaked in clean water, washing away the filth, becoming cleaner and purer than before, more like the embodiment of light and justice.

Well, it's just more like, there is still a big difference between "like" and "is".

But in this era of competition, Harley is very satisfied that Heavenly Father after the reboot can be less bad than before.

She began to think about whether she should help her brother Ishaya undergo purification a few more times and then restart after death.

With a friendly wish in Harry's heart, Heavenly Father's attitude was sincere and enthusiastic. The two quickly lost their politeness and estrangement, and began to speak freely and treat each other sincerely.

Harley even confessed that she stole the formula from Darkseid and completed the proof of "I am who I am" - Darkseid already knew this secret anyway.

"I planned to visit my brother as soon as possible, but I was delayed because of this incident."

As soon as these words were said, Harley began to feel regret.

After learning that she had completed the proof of "I am who I am", the Heavenly Father sitting across the wine table immediately felt jealous and resentful.

Harley swore that she would never appear in front of others again, saying that her perfect nightmare demon could directly "watch" other people's emotional changes.

As long as others don't know that she knows their inner feelings, they and she can continue to pretend.

If Heavenly Father knew that she could detect his jealousy, he would not believe it no matter how genuine the expression on her face was.

Fortunately, she only revealed her ability to "see" other people's emotions directly in front of Atomic Girl Rhonda, so there is still room for redemption.

As long as she pretends to be a failure in front of Rhonda next time, maybe she can fool him?

Or, just say that Rhonda is a mortal and cannot hide her thoughts, so she can spy on her emotional changes, while the mage is introverted and she cannot sense it?

In any case, with the ability to directly "see" other people's general emotions, Harley and her Heavenly Father had a fairly happy chat.

She even took care of the emotions of the creation gods.

Although she didn't say much, she spoke deeply to their hearts and changed their attitude towards her greatly.

All the previous grudges and nastiness, at least at this moment, were all gone.

Halfway through the banquet, Harley, who had already suffered from "Selective Social Awesomeness Syndrome", suddenly discovered that a very important person was missing.

"Brother Isaya, where is Metron?"

This sentence was not a casual question. After all, some things during the restart of the fifth world still needed to be explained by the God of Knowledge, but she did not expect that as soon as the words came out of her mouth, the atmosphere immediately became a little solemn.

"Metron is most likely dead." Heavenly Father said in a complicated tone.

Harry subconsciously wanted to shout: It's still not me this time.

She soon discovered that there was no suspicion or hostility in them. It was obvious that they did not think that Metron's death was related to her.

"He should have been resurrected with the restart of the Genesis Star, right?" Harley said.

"Well, he was resurrected, but he was killed again within two months of his resurrection." Heavenly Father sighed.

Only lived less than two months?

Harry wanted to laugh in his heart, but tried to maintain a serious expression on his face, and asked: "Who is the murderer?"

Heavenly Father said: "It may be the Anti-Monitor, or it may be Darkseid. I am still investigating."

"Darkseid and Anti-Prisoner? Can they get together?" Harley looked suspicious.

The Heavenly Father said distressedly: "Actually, I am not 100% sure about Metron's death, because the Godhead of the God of Knowledge is still functioning."

"What's going on?" Harley asked.

Heavenly Father asked: "Do you know the recent movements of the Anti-Monitor?"

"He's resurrected? Is he still moving around?" Harley really didn't know the situation of the anti-supervisory king.

Heavenly Father nodded and said: "I'm not sure when the Anti-Monitor woke up from the anti-matter universe, but not long after you came back from the Martial God King Era, he started invading the material universe again.

Not the main universe, not even the 52-node universe at the beginning.

He attacks the ordinary parallel universe first.

This time he didn't set off a wave of antimatter similar to the one seen in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

At most, his body split into multiple clones, directly entering the material universe, and indirectly destroying the universe by destroying the earth.

The earth is the core of matter and energy in the universe. He destroyed them with his own hands, extracted the power of creation from them, and replenished his antimatter origin. "

"What does he want to do?" Harley frowned.

Heavenly Father shook his head and said: “I don’t know either, Metron disappeared while inquiring for information.

When the first parallel universe was destroyed, my projection in that universe sensed it, and then I learned about it.

If it only destroys the parallel universe, the damage to Wan Tianyi will not be great.

Each parallel universe has a vibrational frequency, swallowing the origin of the universe in the way of an anti-monitor, only reducing a vibrational frequency within the Ten Thousand Sky Instruments.

Universes with nearby frequencies will experience turbulence, but the frequency difference will not disappear, causing multiverses to collide with each other.

But the destroyed parallel universe cannot include the node universe.

Wan Tian Yi consists of 52 node universes including the main universe, with other parallel universes filling in between.

Destroying the node universe will definitely shake the foundation of Wantianyi. "

"The Anti-Monitor finally took action against the Node Universe? Then you sent Metron to investigate the situation, and the Anti-Monitor killed Metron?" Harley asked.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Heavenly Father's face quickly, "Wantianyi is not my domain. Unless invited by the Monitor, I will not interfere with the anti-Monitor's actions."

Not only did he not instruct Metron to inquire about the situation, but he also advised him not to be troublesome.

Heavenly Father continued: “Metron is the god of knowledge, and he can’t help but explore the unknown.

He is also the god of balance, maintaining peace and stability is his nature.

I thought he and the Anti-Monitor were old acquaintances and should not be in danger, so I didn't stop him. Who would have thought that he would never return. "

"What does this have to do with Darkseid?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Although I don't know what happened at that time, I have a vague feeling that it was the omega rays that killed Metron."

After all, Metron is the new god of the creation star, and Heavenly Father is the god king of the creation star. Harley believes that his feeling is not wrong.

So the question is, why did Darkseid get involved with the Anti-Monitor?

"We have to say that Metron is dead, but his new godhead is still functioning normally. Maybe he is not completely dead?" Heavenly Father shook his head, looking confused.

Because of the bad things happening on the earth, and because she suddenly learned about the "resurgence of surveillance", Harley did not stay on the Genesis planet for long.

After catching up and drinking, she explained the situation to her Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father did not dissuade her, but before leaving, he told her to come often in the future.

Harley turned around and went to Earth 51.

Regarding the death of Metron, Heavenly Father behaved very cowardly. His number one horseman was killed without any explanation, but he was actually timid and did not dare to get angry.

But Heavenly Father is right when he says something: The Ten Thousand Heavens is the domain of the watcher.

"My father is not at home. Recently, a parallel universe encountered a big crisis. He went to provide support in armor, but he left a message for you."

This time, Harley did not see Old Bat in the Batcave. Bruce Old Bruce's young daughter Helena received her.

"He actually went to the multiverse to be a hero. Aren't you afraid of breaking his waist?" Harley asked strangely.

She remembered that the old Batman said last time that he accepted President Superman's invitation to find another job on the Dome.

Unexpectedly, when I came here today, he was already on a mission.

"My father is always strong and strong, and his fighting ability is as good as any martial artist." Although Helena was also worried about her father, she still felt unhappy when she heard others question his ability.

"I know your father is powerful, but isn't he a wise man?" Harley said.

"A think tank doesn't just sit in an office." Helena said.

"Okay, give me his message." Harley said.

The old Batman's voice message said two things: "Yesterday, I met Wu Tan, but Wan Tianyi is not at peace recently, and there is a creator called the 'Anti-Monitor' who is raging in the multiverse.

Wu Tan is busy dealing with him and has no time to help you find Val's soul.

In addition, we, "Justice Incarnates," have also decided to join this battle.

If you still have any questions, you can go to the Blood Territory to look for the Qiongji. "

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