I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1674 Beat Xiaochao with a stick

At this moment, Superboy Supreme burst into the DC editorial department angrily.

"Hurry up and change this ending. Let Witch Harley die directly in the era of the God of War. She was hacked to death by Zeus, Atum, and Poseidon. She cried bitterly and begged before she died, and her dignity was completely lost."

After reading the latest issue of the "War God King Era" comic, Superboy shouted angrily.

Editor-in-chief Didio took a look at Naomi, the author of the "Martial God King Era" comic.

Naomi seemed to be extremely frightened, shrinking her head and body, hiding behind her colleagues like an ostrich.

Seeing how pitiful she was, Didio suppressed the idea of ​​calling her out to change the plot. He turned to the vicious Superboy and said, "Adam and Eddie have just revised the plot of your girlfriend Laurie. In reality, There is no change, which shows that we are only mortals and have no ability to create miracles.”

Superboy Prime reached out and grabbed his collar, with a shrewd and cruel expression on his face, "Don't try to deceive me, your comics are exactly the same as reality, which means you must have mastered the ability to modify and create reality.

The previous rewrite failed, probably because the plot was temporarily created, but now I am going to experiment with the plot of Witch Harley.

You guys have already drawn her comic. If nothing happens, when the comic is published, her defeating the gods will become a reality. This is something I will never allow. "

Didio had no choice but to shout: "Naomi, please change the ending as requested by His Excellency Superman Supreme."

"There is no way to change it, reality has already happened." Naomi still shrank behind the person, but raised her head and replied.

"What happened?" Superboy-Prime asked.

"We cartoonists do not create reality, but the reality that occurs in the multiverse forms the story. The power of the story transfers inspiration to our brains, and we then transform the inspiration into comic works." Naomi said.

"What story, the power of stories, I can't understand? Don't fool me with weird words, I'm Superman, very smart!" Superboy's face bulged, and he roared loudly at Naomi.

Naomi shrank her neck and said: "The creation process of comics is like a live TV broadcast, the camera will record the scene, and the radio station will convert the video information into radio wave signals.

The TV receives the broadcast and converts the radio wave signal into video information, and the audience can watch the live broadcast.

The multiverse is like a big stage where reality shows are being staged all the time.

The mother river of time is like a camera, recording the reality show.

There is a power of belief in the multiverse that spreads stories, similar to a radio station that instantly transmits information from the river of time to our universe.

Our universe is special in that it can receive and interpret story information, and our inspiration is similar to the broadcast signal received by a television.

We don’t create stories with inspiration, we are just the carriers of stories.

When we write a story, something has happened, or is happening.

Therefore, it is useless no matter how hard you force us, we cannot create the reality you want.

Only if you create reality first can we receive information, generate inspiration, and then create your story. "

She spoke for a long time, and the ferocity on Superboy Prime's face was first replaced by confusion, and then the confusion gradually turned into confusion.

"How can you go into such detail?"

Not only was he confused, but her colleagues were astonished by the theories she rattled off.

“I received ‘inspiration’ about the truth about the multiverse, combined with our own experiences. In recent years, the main storyline has focused on the galactic admiral, which has led to dissatisfaction among readers and the comic company’s losses year after year.

Everyone hopes to change this result, but the cartoonists still can't get rid of the Galaxy Admiral.

As long as you pick up the paintbrush, you will unconsciously follow the inspiration, and the inspiration is all related to the Galaxy Admiral. "

A normal "Superman" here would be able to tell through her heartbeat and micro-expressions that Naomi is hiding something, or even telling a little lie.

But Superboy Prime has never had the awareness or experience to use super powers to tell whether others are lying.

"I don't believe it! Now I have the final say in the comic company, and all of you have to listen to me. I want you to change the ending immediately."

He judges whether others are lying based on his own thoughts and feelings.

"So what if you change it? When you leave, when we regain our freedom, do you think we will listen to you? You are a superman, use your super brain to think about how stupid what you are doing now is."

Naomi had already caught a glimpse of the fourth wall being broken across from her, and she felt confident in her heart. She could speak her mind freely without any scruples.

Colleagues looked at her in shock.

Superboy Prime was also shocked. He didn't expect that this ordinary cartoonist would dare to disobey him.

"I said, now I have the final say in the comic company. I am the boss." He looked at CEO Robert, "Do you agree to hand over the ownership of the comic company to me?"

Robert swallowed and nodded repeatedly: "Of course I agree. You are the boss, and I will listen to you."

"Robert, you are only the CEO, not the largest shareholder." Naomi said.

"Naomi, shut up, I'm your boss, I have the final say."

Robert was very angry. Why couldn't this stupid woman see the form clearly?

Superboy-Prime even slaughtered the Pentagon. How could he, a mere CEO of a comic company, be able to hold him back with just one finger?

"Your Excellency, Superman Supreme, please rest assured that today we will definitely kill that Spitter in Witch Harley." He turned to Superboy Supreme with a flattering smile, "I am actually from the same country as you, and I have wanted to kill her for a long time. .

That woman caused the company to lose hundreds of millions of dollars and caused me not to receive my year-end dividend for several years. Not only did she deserve to die, she should also die miserably.

I have even simulated three thousand ways for her to die in my mind. "

Upon hearing this, Superboy Prime's stern expression disappeared, and a smile as bright as the sun broke out, "Yes, Witch Harley is a splatterer, and she deserves to die.

I admire you very much and you can continue to be the president of the company. "

President Robert was disapproving of his appreciation in his heart, but his face was overjoyed, "Thank you for your appreciation, Your Majesty. I am willing to do my best for you."

Xiaochao became more and more satisfied with him, patted his shoulder enthusiastically, and asked: "Tell me, what are the three thousand ways to die for Witch Harley?"

"Darkseid, the Anti-Monitor, Black Death Emperor, Mandrake and many other supreme powerhouses joined forces to cut the Witch Harley into eight pieces and feed the body to the dogs."

Superboy Prime gave a thumbs up, "The plot is reasonable and the ending is touching, great!"

"Or maybe she went crazy while practicing magic and vomited ten liters of blood. She was miserable and cried for ten days and ten nights before she died.

Or, God saw through her true face and took away his blessings from her. When she fought with the enemy, she subconsciously used "God descends to earth". She failed and was beaten into a pulp alive. During the whole process, she kept screaming and wailing, crying like Waterworks.

Or, the multiverse will be restarted again, and all traces of Witch Harley's existence will be wiped out at once. How pitiful!


Robert went on and on, naming more than a dozen miserable ways that Harley could die.

"It's very reasonable. It can be used in comics." Superboy Prime said in surprise.

Robert nodded excitedly and said: "It was originally prepared for the comic plot. You can't imagine how I have been here in the past few years. The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to think about how to kill the Witch Harley.

The last thing I do before going to sleep every night is to think about how to end the story of Harley Quinn.

The thought of her tragic death made me excited, and the thought of her still being active in the plot made me want to jump off the building.

If the Supreme likes it, we can even let her die three thousand times and create a comic series of "Three Thousand Ways to Die for the Unlucky Witch Harley".

There are millions of readers on the planet who hate Harley as much as we do.

Having fun alone is not as good as having fun together, let’s have fun together! "

"Robert, you are such a genius. No wonder you are the CEO."

Thinking of millions of people cheering for "Three thousand lives for Harley", Superboy's muscular face turned red with excitement.

Naomi couldn't help but said: "Robert, have you ever thought that since Superboy Prime is real, the Galaxy Admiral who beat him until he cried and cried is also real, and she may also enter our world?"

The smile on Robert's face froze, he turned around and said: "Don't talk nonsense, there is only one superpower in this world, the Supreme.

You hurry up and revise the finale of "Era of the God of War" for the Supreme Lord, otherwise I will fire you immediately. "

Superboy Prime glared at Naomi, "What did you just say? Who beat whom until they cried? Think about it carefully before you speak."

Maddie pulled Naomi and whispered: "Don't be stubborn, we are just workers. We will do whatever the boss says."

Editor-in-chief Didio also said: "If you don't know how to change it, we can help you."

Naomi stood up, let out a long sigh, smoothed her clothes and sleeves, and then said slowly: "I planned to continue to get along with you as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect something like Superboy-Prime to suddenly happen.

I stopped pretending and let it show. I am the real CEO of this company. "

"Are you crazy?" The absurdity in Robert's heart was far greater than the anger. "Do you want to deliberately provoke me and let me fire you so that you can escape the company calmly?"

"It turns out it was to escape from the company. Naomi is so smart." The cartoonists, who had been looking shocked, suddenly realized.

Superboy Prime said angrily: "Woman, you can't go anywhere until the finale of "The Age of the God of War" is rewritten and the comic is published."

Naomi did not look at him and his colleagues, but turned her attention to CEO Robert, saying: "A week ago, a mysterious rich man appeared on Wall Street, and she was secretly buying shares of Detective Comics.

The company's performance has been poor in the past few years, and the price offered by the mysterious rich man is high, so many shareholders have sold their shares.

So far, the mysterious rich man’s shareholding ratio has reached 68%, so the company has a new owner.

As the CEO, you can't possibly not know, right? "

"You, how do you know? The share changes are carried out secretly, and it is impossible for outsiders to know."

Robert had a ridiculous idea in his mind that he didn't want to believe no matter what, "Don't you - it's impossible, absolutely impossible."

A smile flashed in Naomi's eyes, and she nodded: "Yes, the mysterious man is my boss, Admiral Galaxy."

"What?" Robert was confused, and all the employees also looked confused.

Only Superboy-Prime looked impatient. He didn't even realize what Naomi said and shouted: "Woman, what are you talking about?

I don't care about Wall Street or stocks. Even if God comes today, you must listen to me. I am the boss. "

Before Naomi could speak, a joking female voice appeared beside him: "Trash Superboy, you are so brave. Not only did you come to my company to act wild, you also dared to talk nonsense to my god brother!"

A familiar tone, a familiar voice, a title that he hated very much. The memory only lasted a moment, but before Superboy had time to recall it, his body was the first to react - his hair stood on end and he jumped up.

Then he shouted in shock: "Witch Harley?!"

He followed the sound and saw a brick-wall-style space door opened directly above him. Harley was holding a silver stick and whizzing at the door on top of his head.

"Ahhhh~~" Superboy Super knew what was going on. He screamed and moved his body back instantly - without success, a nearly transparent golden film covered his body, making it difficult for him to move.

He jumped back as hard as he could, but only staggered half a step.

"Bang!" God's stick landed firmly on his head.

The enlightenment effect of Tears of the Holy Spirit is activated and triggers a quantum critical strike.

"Ouch~~~" Supreme Superboy's head was bruised and bleeding, his face was twisted and he let out a miserable howl, and two bean-sized tears quickly accumulated in the corners of his eyes.

"Bang bang bang bang!" Harry was merciless and struck him seven or eight times in a short period of time, causing blood to stain his hair and flow down his face.

Tears also fell from the corners of his eyes, and his howling became more miserable and urgent.

"Buzz-whoosh!" Finally, the severe pain stimulated his steel body, and he jerked away, shattering the golden film. His body was like a ray of light, too fast to be caught, and he saw a human-shaped hole in the wall. , Superboy Supreme disappeared.

"Garbage Superboy, don't run away. I want to enjoy the 'Three Thousand Ways to Die'. Come here quickly."

The half of the wall suspended in mid-air also disappeared with Superboy, just as suddenly as it appeared, leaving only Harley's shout slowly dissipating in place.

For a while, the conference room was quiet. Everyone except Naomi had their mouths wide open and their expressions were dull.

"No~~" Suddenly, a long and sad howl sounded among the crowd.

They turned around and saw CEO Robert looking desperate, slapping himself in the mouth one after another.

"This is not true. I'm dreaming. I want to wake up quickly. The nightmare is too scary. Not only is Superboy Prime, but also the Witch Harley. I can't continue to stay in this dream. I want to return to reality. Return to reality. !”

"Robert, don't be like this!" Editor-in-chief Didio stepped forward and took one of his arms, "We have all seen that Witch Harley is real.

Although there are differences between the real person and the two-dimensional comics, he can be recognized at a glance. He is indeed the devil. Well, he is the great galactic admiral. "

"Do you think I don't know it's true? That trashy Superboy is calling 'Witch Harley'. I can admit my mistake, but can he admit his mistake?" Robert howled.

"Then why did you beat yourself up?" Didio asked confused.

Robert cried: "I wish I was having a nightmare! Everything in the dream can be treated as if it never happened. No one but myself remembers what I said or did."

"What have you done?"

As soon as he asked subconsciously, Didio realized that Robert had just mocked and cursed the witch Harley.

"Maybe she didn't hear it," he wasn't sure.

Naomi affirmed: "The Galaxy Admiral heard it. She had already broken the fourth wall and watched it from beginning to end."

Seeing the calmness on her face and recalling her performance just now, Didio asked in surprise: "Did you know that Harley Quinn can break the fourth wall and jump out?"

Robert stood up, pointed at Naomi and said, "You just said that the boss of our company has changed to Harley Quinn. You have been in contact with Harley Quinn for a long time."

"Ah, is that so, Naomi?" Everyone looked at her in surprise.

Naomi smiled happily and nodded: "'Harley Quinn' has the talent to break the fourth wall. She found this world half a month ago.

After knowing that her comics were not selling well, she planned to acquire Detective Comics and become her own boss.

She can't send me money, but she can tell me a lot of high-tech knowledge that is only available in the main universe.

We all know that the earth in the main universe has already entered the interstellar era. If you bring any technology there to our world, you can create miracles.

I used my scientific and technological knowledge to attract billions of investments, and easily bought a comic company. "

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I am the CEO, and the copyrights of comics and comic characters belong to me."

Robert's eyes turned red with excitement when he thought of the alien technology that had been lost from the comics and the galactic admirals that jumped out of the comics.

These adventures should all belong to him!

"Hehe, you are also an old man from the comic company. You must know what abilities and methods the Witch Harley has." The sneer on the corner of Naomi's mouth was full of malice, "I remind you, there really is hell and demons in this world!"

"Ah, the witch Harley is going to throw Robert into hell alive?" Adam, the artist of the main plot, exclaimed.

Maddie nodded and said, "It's very possible that she likes to sacrifice people she doesn't like. Everyone who has read the comics knows that."

Robert's face turned pale and he shook his head repeatedly, "No, she can't do that to me. She is a good person and a galactic admiral. Heroes must abide by the absolute justice of not killing people."

"Witch Harley is not a superhero and never abides by absolute justice." A cartoonist whispered.

"Well, I'm not a superhero, so I don't have to abide by absolute justice."

Just like before, the fourth wall appeared out of thin air, without any warning, without any breath fluctuations that mortals could detect. Harley stood in the hole in the wall, holding a silver stick dripping with blood in her right hand.

"Ah, Witch Harley is back!" They exclaimed in low voices, subconsciously shrinking away from Harley.

"Don't come over here!" Robert screamed when he saw Harley looking at him. He opened the window while screaming, and climbed up to the window with his bloated and slow body. "If you come over, I will jump down. I would rather jump off the building." Kill yourself rather than be eaten alive by demons.”

Harley said calmly: "Although I am not a superhero and do not abide by absolute justice, I am not a cruel villain like Superboy.

Come down. If you jump down, it will be suicide.

Those who commit suicide will inevitably fall into hell, and the devil will chew your soul like chewing gum over and over again. "

"You really don't want to hurt me? You are the Witch Harley. You are so narrow-minded that a needle point cannot penetrate it. Anyone who has read the comics knows this." Robert sat on the window sill, looking a little crazy.

"Robert, you are stupid!" Editor-in-chief Didio ran over and grabbed his arm, shouting in a low voice: "You know she is petty, but you still say such things?"

Robert was pulled by him, his body tilted inward, and he fell heavily to the floor.

Witch Harley must have been right in at least half of her words: Those who commit suicide will fall into hell.

He still wants to go to heaven.

"I believe in God, so I believe in God's teachings of tooth for tooth and eye for eye. Most people misunderstand me too much and think that following God's teachings is narrow-minded." Harry shook his head and sighed, "Robert, I won't hurt you, but I am sure will punish you.

Tooth for tooth, eye for eye.

You colluded with Garbage Superhero to slander me, and even weaved "Harley Quinn's Three Thousand Ways to Die" to curse me. I want you to personally create a series of comics called "Garbage Superman's Three Thousand Ways to Die," with one way to die in each issue. Three updates have been completed. Qianqi, you and I have settled our grudges. "

Robert asked tentatively: "You just chased the garbage Superboy, did you kill him?"

"No, he escaped. He was too fast and I couldn't catch him."

"Then will you continue to hunt him?" Robert asked again.

"I have beaten his head to pieces, and he is crying loudly, with tears flowing like a waterworks. The grudge is gone. After all, I am a very generous person and do not hold grudges." Harley laughed.

Robert wanted to jump and yell: You didn't chase Superboy, but you forced me to draw the comic "Three Thousand Ways to Die for Super Junk". Didn't you just want me to die? He still has the nerve to say that he doesn’t hold grudges.

Harley didn't seem to notice his distorted face, and glanced at the crowd and said, "You don't have to be afraid. Readers who have read my comics know that being my little brother is a blessing from ten lifetimes.

Now that I am the boss of Detective Comics, you are my right-hand men.

Well, we are destined to meet you today, and I want to give you a small gift. "

She stretched out her right hand, and a series of tadpole-like runes floated in her palm. The runes gathered together to form an "H" as big as a palm.

"Is this the seal of reincarnation?!" Several cartoonists shouted in unison.

"Good eyesight." Harley pushed her palm towards them gently, and the "H" fluttering like a flame instantly shined brightly, shooting out beams of light, landing on everyone's eyebrows.

A lighter "H" flashed between the eyebrows, and then all the visions disappeared.

Harley put her hands behind her back and looked at them with a smile: "Now even if you suffer misfortune, your souls will be collected separately by heaven and sent to my hero island."

All the cartoonists looked at each other, a little at a loss.

Naomi first shouted excitedly: "Thank you, Sister Harley!"

As if they had received the order, they quickly shouted: "Thank you, Sister Hallie."

Harley nodded with satisfaction, "Work hard and your days will become sweeter and sweeter!"

Robert's expression changed several times, and finally he gritted his teeth, took two steps forward, and said with a smile: "Sister Harley, I don't seem to have received the mark? Is it my imagination, or..."

"Let's talk about it after you finish drawing "Three Thousand Ways to Die for the Garbage Superhero"."

——Without the seal of reincarnation to protect my life, can I live until the end of "Three Thousand Deaths"?

Robert was just about to say something more when suddenly the world seemed to have been pressed on the pause button.

Everyone kept the same expression and movement.

Transparent time ripples appeared in the air, and a two-meter-diameter bubble emerged from the river of time out of thin air, squeezing into the material world bit by bit.

Harley only raised her eyebrows and did not stop him. She just stood on the side and watched the bubbles completely turn into reality.

After seeing the people in the bubble, she still showed a surprised expression, "Val?"

The bubble that floats out of the river of time is the iconic equipment of the 31st century superhero legion - the time bubble that travels through the river of time.

The person driving the car was a burly boy of eighteen or nineteen, Harley's apprentice "Karate Kid" Val.

"Hello Harley Quinn, I'm Val, but not the Val from your universe."

Val opened the time bubble but did not jump out of it. After introducing himself, he did not pause and said quickly: "This world is very special and the power of miracles cannot exist for a long time.

I must first use a time torpedo to create a 'puddle' in this room where time is almost static to protect the time bubble from being destroyed by the laws of the universe.

Your behavior of breaking the fourth wall has seriously interfered with the reality of the future world.

I can find this place because history has recorded what happened today, and people in the future will know that you performed "miracles" here and now. "

"If there is no Justice League in this parallel universe, how could a Legion of Super Heroes be formed in the 31st century?" Harley asked confused.

Just like many parallel universes have the Justice League, the future of the parallel universe also has the "31st Century Super-Heroes Legion".

The Justice League of the parallel universe has Superboy and Bateman, and the Legion of Heroes of the parallel universe also has Val.

But the Legion of Super-Heroes was founded primarily because of Superman.

Superman's heroic concept infected the superpowers of the 31st world. They formed a hero team following Superman's example and built the "Superhero Legion Academy".

The academy recruits students from all over the universe, and its scale and system are far more complete than those of the Justice League.

In general, Superman is the cause of the Legion of Super-Heroes. There is no Superman in the "comic universe". Well, there is Superboy-Prime, but Superboy-Prime has a shitty idea of ​​a hero.

"There is the Justice League in this world, and the spirit of heroes is still passed down through time." Val said, pointing to the comic book on the table.

Harley glanced at the "Justice League" comic and said speechlessly: "Can comic books also convey spirituality?"

"Superboy-Prime lets everyone know that the comic book stories are true." Waldao.

Harley nodded, no longer entangled in the origin of the 31st Century Hero Legion, and asked directly: "You came here specifically to see me this time? What do you want?"

Val took out an instrument the size of a mobile phone and said: "I want to erase their memory of you, and I also advise you not to publicly display miracles in this world in the future. Your actions have shaken the foundation of reality.

Additionally, I'm asking for your help in getting rid of Superboy-Prime. "

Harley was not happy anymore, "You said it's enough for me to change 'future history'. Everything is happening now, how can it be considered changing reality?"

Val said seriously: "From your perspective, reality is being created. From our perspective, you are rewriting history."

Harley said rudely: "You are not my acquaintances, I don't care about your life or death."

Val was shocked, "You, how could you say that?"

"What do you think I should say? I'll just listen to whatever you say? There's something wrong with my brain." Harley said.

Val's expression became very exciting, both angry and confused, "We have been to the 31st century in the main universe, when Superboy Prime and Superboy, the time trapper, launched a Legion War.

At that time, the superhero army in the main universe summoned the army from the parallel universe to form the "Legion of All Realms".

Superman also went. Superman and the Legion heroes of the main universe have mentioned you, saying that you are a hero who saves the world. "

Harry was a little surprised. He didn't expect that although the other person was not an acquaintance, he was an acquaintance of an acquaintance.

"Of course I am a hero. Heroes can suffer a little injustice, but you can't trample on my freedom." She said forcefully.

Val solemnly said: "You are not only rewriting the reality of the future, your actions are also shaking the foundation of the world.

This universe is very special, you should at least have discovered that it does not allow the power of miracles to exist.

In other words, this is a world where there are no extraordinary people and where superpowers are suppressed.

Superboy-Prime has always been exposed to the sun, but he never awakened his superpowers until he reached adulthood.

He was able to become Superman because the main universe - the main universe at that time was Earth-2, Earth-1 and your Earth-0 had not yet been born.

The Superman of the main universe accidentally traveled to this world, disrupting the operation of the rules of the universe, and allowing miracles to happen to Superboy Supreme, who is the same person as him. "

Harley was not surprised. She had long intuitively felt that the "comic world" suppressed the power of miracles.

Even though she has the authority of the God King and has activated more than a dozen defensive specialties, which also include six basic powers, she still encounters great resistance every time she uses her extraordinary power.

For example, when I gave the cartoonist the reincarnation seal just now, she consumed a hundred times more power than usual.

Harley guessed that this phenomenon was most likely related to the "fourth wall" composed of the wind of nothingness.

The greatest miraculous power in the world is the divine power of faith, and the wind of nothingness is the greatest nemesis of the "power of miraculous".

The "comic universe" is surrounded by the fourth wall, and the power of miracles is greatly suppressed.

Many superpowers can emerge from the superhero legion in the 31st century because their world is in the river of time, not the material universe within the Wantianyi.

Harley understood in her heart, but still asked: "Why do the rules of the world suppress the power of miracles?"

Val shook his head and said: "Brainiac 5 told me these words, and he didn't understand the reason.

But he determined through research that if you interfere wantonly with the reality of this world, you will continue to destroy the laws of the universe, and may eventually destroy the universe. "

Harley said: "Superboy's identity has been exposed. Many people know that the comic content represents reality. What does it matter if there is another one like me?"

Waldao: "Superboy-Prime is a native of this universe, and his power is actually slowly fading.

Moreover, the U.S. government will help cover up Superboy Prime's affairs. As long as ordinary people don't know about it, the impact will be limited. "

"Are you connected with the US government?" Harley asked thoughtfully.

Val nodded and said: "After returning from the main universe, we discovered that Superboy-Prime was not dead, but returned to the timeline of the 'Original Earth'.

We made a batch of kryptonite and gave it to the U.S. government to prevent Superboy Prime from completely losing control.

Of course, we didn't reveal Superboy-Prime's identity at the time.

If he loses his superpowers, or if he keeps to himself and doesn't show his superpowers, the military won't be able to find him. "

"He slaughtered the Pentagon. I don't know where he got the adventure. He has huge divine power in his body. Although he doesn't know magic, he is a powerful magic warrior, similar to Thunder Shazam.

Kryptonite can restrain the Man of Steel, but it cannot affect the 'Magical Superman'. " Harley said.

Val said with a complicated expression: "I know, that's why I want you to help deal with Superboy Prime.

We were no match for him. When dozens of heroic legions from around the world formed a coalition, he was still able to break out of the siege.

After entering this world, we will lose most of our superpowers, and there is nothing we can do about it. "

"You want me to help, but you also want me not to interfere in the world. Isn't this a contradiction?" Harley said angrily.

Karate Kid said: “What I mean is, don’t let everyone know the relationship between comics and otherworldly reality, and don’t use extraordinary powers in public.

As long as you keep a low profile and don't expose yourself, you can move around in this world casually.

Brainiac5’s research shows that public perception is the direct factor that affects the foundation of the world.

To be honest, I don't understand, I'm just a messenger.

If you have any doubts, you are welcome to come to our universe and let Brainiac 5 show you his research in person. "

Public perception will generate beliefs, and beliefs will affect the stability of the “fourth wall.”

Harley thought for a moment and asked, "How do you plan to deal with Superboy-Prime?"

"You capture him, and I will escort him to the 31st century and put him in a superpower prison."

"You are seeking death."

Val frowned and said: "We used the most advanced technology to build the 'Galactic Super Prison', where the most dangerous prisoners in the universe are imprisoned. No prisoner has ever been able to escape on his own strength."

Harley waved her hand, "You don't have to worry about Junk Superboy, I'll handle it. These cartoonists don't have to clear their memories. I'll make them sign a confidentiality agreement. If anyone dares to violate it, I'll feed it to the devil."

In fact, without my cooperation, it would be difficult for them to expose the truth.

No one believed it.

With a little cooperation from his colleagues, he could easily be sent to a mental hospital. "

Val looked her up and down and asked curiously: "What's your state now?"

"It's not written in history?"

"It is said that you can break the fourth wall? Brainiac 5 thinks that you just used a very sophisticated time and space travel technology. I feel that you have not really come to this world. And this wall is very strange." Val wondered.

Harley was also confused, "The comic plots in this world are the same as reality. Aren't you curious?"

Val nodded first, then shook his head, "I'm curious, but we have encountered many similar things.

Traveling on the river of time, you will inevitably encounter the Time Master.

We were invited to participate in the ‘Time Parliament’ organized by them.

In their library, a more detailed story is recorded.

It is said that there is a supercomputer in the headquarters of the Linear Man, which is connected to the mother river of time. Everything that has happened, is happening, and is about to happen in the world is recorded in the form of stories. "

Harley chuckled and said, "What's the point of obtaining information from the river of time? These cartoonists are much more advanced than linear people."

"Oh, what's so special about them?" Val asked.

——They, together with this universe, are a super radar pot. Maybe they can help me transmit stories to other worlds, or receive stories from other worlds from the omnipotent universe?

Harley had beautiful thoughts in her heart, but had no intention of making her thoughts public, "You go, I'm leaving too.

Well, I have to go to the 31st century and see my poor disciples. Maybe their timeline has been restarted. "

Seeing Val in front of her, she began to miss her old apprentice who died tragically in the final crisis.

She had promised him back then that even if he was killed by the doomsday virus, she would ensure that he would be reborn.

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