I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1673 Breaking the Fourth Wall

Harley's golden finger is an "evolutionary treasure", but the evolutionary treasure does not only allow her to evolve infinitely in defense.

The evolved treasure has no special attributes and is not biased towards defense, attack or other skills. It only assists the evolution of this talent based on the host's own talent.

If it was Da Chao who got the evolutionary treasure, and Da Chao's talent was the body of steel, then the evolutionary treasure would no longer be beaten and gain experience.

The attribute of getting beaten and gaining experience comes from defensive talent.

If you replace it with the talent of Man of Steel, the way to increase experience will be replaced by something else. Harley didn't know what it would be replaced with, but it was definitely different from now. The effect of the upgrade would only improve the body of steel, rather than simply increase defense.

If the person who gets the evolutionary treasure is Dinah, she has sonic powers, and the direction of evolution is to increase the intensity of the sonic waves.

The reason why Harley evolved in the defensive direction is because "Harley Quinn" Harley Quinn has no superpowers and only has one advantage: rough skin and thick flesh.

That's what Harley thought at the time. She thought she didn't inherit any superpowers from Harley Quinn.

In her early years, when she was not yet successful, she often regretted: It would be great to be a Super Girl through time travel, but Harley Quinn is just a Muggle, her potential and starting point are too low, her defense evolution is very passive, she is not handsome enough, and she is not fun enough to fight.

When she unlocked the God's Defense Specialty and raised it to level 10, so that she could face Lucifer and the giant beast with pride as a newbie, Harley no longer felt regretful.

Defense evolution is indeed passive, but when it is evolved to the extreme, it is also very buggy.

From then on, she accepted the reality that she had no superpowers and could only upgrade her defenses.

But when she activated the Wind of Nothingness defense specialty and focused her mental power on the magical universe that held her true legend, Harley was a little unsure.

"Harley Quinn" seems to have a very weird and awesome super power.

After parting with Hades, Harley immediately returned to the meditation room in the mountainside manor.

Close the door and sit cross-legged.

Use a half-step of transcendent spiritual power to activate the seventh-level Wind of Nothingness defense specialty, and the perception of existence will be opened.

Her perception is like a breeze blowing through the entire Wan Tian Yi. She feels the emptiness and nothingness in a parallel universe without her own legend, and feels a touch of satisfaction and joy in a world with her own story.

The closer the legend about her is to reality, the stronger the sense of fulfillment becomes.

If darkness is used to represent emptiness and light is used to represent abundance, then the entire multiverse will be a sea of ​​black.

But in the lightless black ocean, there is a bright light, its light is almost as bright as the main universe.

As bright as the main universe, it means that the legend about her in that world is as true as the main universe.

The "Existence (Legend) Perception" talent brought by the seventh-level Wind of Nothingness can only perceive legends, cannot accept information in the world, and cannot lock the coordinates of parallel universes.

Theoretically, Harley could only confirm that the "Light World" was within the Wan Tian Yi, and knew nothing else.

But she encountered an accident immediately.

When she focused on the "Light World", a burst of mist seemed to pour out, forming a wall, blocking her sight, and she could no longer perceive the World of Bright Lamps.

At the same time, her consciousness fell into a trance, and the memory of discovering and paying attention to the "Bright Light World" almost disappeared like the morning mist under the sun.

Then her tenth defense feat passively activates, and the memory becomes stable again.

The tenth defensive specialty is the "Miraculous Power of Faith" defense specialty, which consists of a pair of basic powers with opposing attributes, the seventh-level wind of nothingness and the ninth-level divine power of faith.

"That wall of mist is a bit like the wind of nothingness?" Harley was surprised.

Is the wind of nothingness blocking her from perceiving the "Light World"?

Why is there the wind of nothingness, and why does it block her perception?

Just as Harley was thinking about the problem of the Wind of Nothingness, the fog dissipated automatically, and the world of bright lights was once again captured by her "existence (legend) perception".

Harley was even more confused.

She put aside distracting thoughts and focused on perceiving the "Light World" again. The fog surged out again, not only blocking her perception, but also obliterating her memory of it.

"What's going on?" Harley was confused.

She concentrated her energy and focused on the "light world".

Even if she blocks the erosion of her memory by the wind of nothingness, she will never be able to perceive the world of bright lights again.

She persisted for two hours, and the fog that shrouded the world of bright lights never dissipated.

When she was thinking a lot and started to think wildly, the fog dispersed again, and she perceived the "Light World" again.

After more than ten tests, Harley finally understood: if she didn't focus on the world of lights, she could "see" it; when she focused all her mind on the world of lights, she couldn't see it.

It seemed to have its own consciousness and was very shy. When it noticed that Harley was focused on itself, it hid in the thick fog.

"Is there such a weird parallel universe in Wan Tian Yi?!"

Harley not only lamented that the world is full of wonders, but also developed stronger curiosity and determination.

After making the decision, Harley is ready to fight a protracted battle.

After all, the wonders of the "Lighting World" were beyond her knowledge, and she had nowhere to start researching them.

The coordinates of the "Shy Beacon Universe" cannot be found, and there is no way to travel directly to it.

She currently only has one method: "Existence (Legendary) Perception".

Then there are only two choices for her at this time: either concentrate her energy and fight against the thick fog that blocks the world of lights; or she can scatter her attention and observe the world of lights with a "look" that is focused but not focused.

Harley had been obsessed with "Dense Fog" for several hours before, and now she subconsciously chose the latter option, keeping aloof from the world of bright lights.

An hour passed and she saw nothing.

Two hours later, Harry's thoughts wandered away, thinking in his mind why there was thick fog and why the world of bright lights was shy.

Five hours later, late night had passed and morning was coming. Harley was too lazy to think about it and decided to take a nap first and continue to study Hades after breakfast.

Research on the world of bright lights is destined to be a protracted battle with an uncertain future.

She remained in her previous state, dazed, and fell asleep. Then she heard a strange sound in her daze.

"Naomi, judging from the feedback from readers, your "Era of the God of War" is probably going to be sold out again." This was the voice of a middle-aged man.

The moment she heard the voice, another bald man's face appeared in her "dream".

The moment she saw the bald man, another piece of information appeared inexplicably in her mind: Dan Didio, Chief Editor of the Creative Department of Detective Comics (DC), 47 years old, is good at character setting. He has participated in the writing of "Crisis on Infinite Earths", "The Death of Superman" and other comic series.

A series of "?" appeared in Harry's mind.

"Dan, you don't have to tell me this." Another female voice sighed: "I guessed from the beginning that the results of the new comics might not be very good, but as long as I don't read and subscribe, the dismal results won't affect me. .

When I was drawing the "Harley Quinn" comic series a few years ago, I didn't subscribe to it for two and a half years, and I didn't look at the royalties credited to my bank card by the company.

This way, I can stay focused on the task at hand. "

An employee of DC Comics, Naomi Potts, 38, is good at describing female comic characters. She has written "Harley Quinn and the Holy Cross", "Harley Quinn and the Giant Beast", "Young Harley Quinn vs. Three House Demons". "The Prodigy Harley Quinn", "Harley Quinn vs. the Kryptonian", "Harley Quinn Meets Superman". "Crisis on Infinite Earths", "Zero Hour" " and a series of hit works.

A big "囧" popped into Harry's mind.

"I don't want to talk to you about sales. I'm also heartbroken when I see the pitiful subscriptions, but we have a boss, a board of directors, and KPIs to complete.

Robert (CEO) called me to his office this morning and made his attitude clear - if we cannot turn a profit next year, the board of directors will no longer inject capital into the company, we will not be able to pay wages, and we are likely to go bankrupt. Didio sighed.

"What can I do? I'm just a cartoonist." Naomi said helplessly.

"What Robert means is that the upcoming plot can no longer focus on Harley Quinn. Readers don't like her. Her setting is too exaggerated and makes the other heroes in the Zhenglian League look like minions," Didio said.

"But I think she is quite flesh-and-blood, and the story is also very exciting and inspiring. She is a mortal and her feet are on the highest ground. It is absolutely refreshing." Naomi said.

Didio said: "I know, her story alone is actually quite exciting, but we are a comic company, and we also own a series of first-line heroes such as The Flash, Batman, and Superman, which have been selling for decades.

Those heroes also have many old readers. They want to see their favorite characters as the protagonists, saving the world, and appearing as saints in front of others. Only then will they feel refreshed.

They have no interest in Harley Quinn, and no matter how exciting her plot is, they are not happy with it. "

Naomi looked embarrassed, "I understand what readers are asking for, but now the situation is that Harley Quinn's character has been determined.

With her thick-skinned powers, she is almost immortal and difficult to defeat.

If there are big events and crises in the future, it would be very unreasonable for us to just write about other heroes and let her disappear completely. "

"Then kill her." Didio said firmly.

Harley was startled and almost "woke up".

"How to do it? I can't think of a plot to kill her. How about finding another painter?" Naomi said.

"Well, I have discussed it with Jeff, Morrison, and Adam before. I hope they will let Harley Quinn take the opportunity to receive the lunch when they arrange a new big event.

But they promised well, and couldn't help but make Harley Quinn the protagonist.

Not only did he not receive a lunch box, but he once again became the most eye-catching character.

They say inspiration is like diarrhea and cannot be stopped. "

Didio looked at Naomi helplessly, "I'm thinking, since I can't kill her in the main plot, let her die in the personal magazine you are responsible for."

Naomi shouted: "I also have inspiration. When my inspiration comes, it is like diabetes insipidus. It is more terrible than diabetes insipidus. It is the kind of diarrhea that occurs after eating expired hamburgers. You can't even clamp it."

Many times when I finish writing a story heartily, I feel at a loss as to "This is really a story I created."

Perhaps, the story is made in nature, and a good hand can be found occasionally.

Are we, the authors, just the carriers of stories, not the creators? "

"If you still want to continue working as a 'story porter', you have to complete the boss's tasks. If the company doesn't make money, we won't have the confidence to receive wages, right?" Editor-in-chief Didio said.

"I feel that my job is completely worthy of the pitiful salary. I have been drawing comics all my life. I can't afford the down payment to buy a house, and I don't have time to find a boyfriend. I have paid so much."

Naomi murmured a few words under her breath, and then suggested: "We can avoid the main universe and put the plot in the parallel universe.

Avoiding the main universe also means avoiding Harley Quinn.

In other parallel universes, she is still Harley Quinn with many reader benefits and few main plots. "

Without thinking, Didio immediately shook his head and said: "No, Harley Quinn in the main universe has polluted the entire multiverse.

Just shout 'Hallelujah' and Harley Quinn in the parallel universe will awaken her thick-skinned powers and steal the show from Bateman and other Gotham supervillains, especially the Joker.

‘Chou Ye’ is our company’s cash cow!

As a result, now he has no chance to appear at all, and he may provoke Harley Quinn if he causes trouble.

If you provoke Harley Quinn, you will be crippled or even killed by Harley Quinn who does not play her cards according to the routine. "

"But I really can't imagine the plot of killing Harley Quinn!" Naomi said helplessly.

Didio mused: "If there is no other option, we can only resort to the ultimate killer weapon of our DC comics artists."

"What kind of killer weapon?" Naomi asked doubtfully.

"Restart, the great restart of the multiverse!" Didio said solemnly.

"Whoever dares to restart will be killed by me!" Suddenly a loud shout echoed throughout the office.

Harry was like someone who had been tormented by a nightmare for half the night and suddenly woke up, turned over and sat up.

"Boom - click -" Her head hurt, as if she had hit a thick wall, and there was a sound of the wall cracking in her ears.

"Oh my god!" Naomi's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide, "Harley Quinn!?"

"What?" Editor-in-chief Didio followed her line of sight and saw nothing, and asked doubtfully, "Are you okay?"

Naomi blinked a few times, "I, I seemed to have seen Harley Quinn just now, and heard her yelling 'cannot restart'."

"Hey, don't put too much pressure on me. Harley Quinn is not your responsibility alone. All employees of the company have the mission to kill Harley Quinn and revive DC's performance." To comfort his subordinates, editor-in-chief Didio said Shaking his bald head, he left Naomi's office.

"Naomi," Hallie called.

"Who, who is calling me?" Naomi looked towards the direction of the sound and was stunned again, "Am I dreaming?"

A gray-black brick wall appeared out of thin air in front of the desk, and there was a "bang bang" sound on the other side of the brick wall.

Someone is hammering hard on the wall, and bricks can be seen bulging outwards and the wall is cracked.

"Clang!" One brick fell, and then the second brick. The brick disappeared after falling.

In just a few breaths, a big hole was smashed through the wall, and a young woman with long blond hair leaned half of her body out of the hole.

"My dear, Admiral of the Galaxy, it's really you, you are Harley Quinn!"

Seeing that beautiful face, Naomi subconsciously called out Harley's name.

"Yes, it's me." Harley craned her neck and looked around her office. Her eyes fell on the bookcase, and her eyes became very surprised.

The counter was filled with comics, and "Teenage Harley Series" was clearly written on the spines of the comic books.

"Am I in a dream?" Harley and Naomi shouted this at the same time.

This sentence was not the end. Harley immediately shouted: "What the hell kind of world is this here?"

Naomi then shouted: "Harley Quinn, you broke the fourth wall."

"The fourth wall?"

This word was like a bolt of lightning, cutting through the fog that filled Harley's head, making her suddenly realize it.

"It turns out that the 'thick fog' that blocks your world and me is the fourth wall. No wonder I'm not allowed to see it. The more I pay attention to it, the less I can see it."

"What are you talking about? Are you Harley Quinn in the comics? How did you come to the real world?" Naomi asked repeatedly.

"I'm not sure either. You answer a few questions first and let me understand the current situation, and then I'll explain it to you.

First of all, where are you and why did you draw my comic? I can feel that the content of the comic is very real. Please tell me carefully about the plot of the comic. " Harley said.

While Naomi looked at her in surprise, she said: "I'm at the DC Comics headquarters in Manhattan, and drawing comics is my job. I've drawn a lot of your comics.

Many times, I am responsible for your special issue.

Of course, when your comics became popular in the early years, your special issue was not my turn.

I took over the Harley Quinn comic series seven years ago, when sales of your comics were already languishing.

But you have been the protagonist of various major events in recent years, and my colleagues will also write your plot."

As she spoke, she stood up, pulled out a few comics from the bookshelf, and opened them for Harley to read.

"Can you fully enter our world?" Naomi asked curiously.

Harley was very curious about her performance, "You don't seem to be afraid, you don't yell, you don't suspect that you are in a hallucination or dream, and you easily accept the reality?"

Naomi was stunned and said hesitantly: "I'm still not sure whether what I saw and heard at this time is real. Even in a dream, there's no need to yell, right?

And you are Harley Quinn. In the comics, Harley Quinn has a talent for breaking the fourth wall.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that the settings in the comics could become reality. It’s so amazing! "

"I actually have the talent to break the fourth wall? I didn't know it before." Harley was surprised at first.

Then she looked down at the hole in the wall where she was lying, and said thoughtfully: "It turns out that she has awakened the talent of breaking the fourth wall, I thought..."

She swallowed the "Tenth Defense Specialty" and said, "Tell me about my other talents and abilities in more detail."

Naomi almost did not hesitate and immediately said like a treasure: "You have a big cross that can communicate with heaven. You practice the thick-skin magical skill and become the god of thick-skin. Combined with God and descended to earth, you can be immune to many magic and superpower injuries."

She talked a lot, and even it was clear that Harley used the Wind of Nothingness and the Tears of Death to create the "Bone Stick", but she never said anything related to the defensive expertise and the evolutionary treasure.

Naomi doesn't even know she has new powers.

"Dong dong dong!" A sudden knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

"Naomi, it's almost seven o'clock, why don't you go home from get off work?" a female voice shouted outside the door.

"Ah, it's Maddie." Naomi lowered her voice and asked, "Admiral Galaxy, did she hear our conversation?"

"You can open the door and let her in." Harley said.

Naomi hesitated for a moment, then walked to the door obediently and opened the door.

"Are you okay?" Seeing her distracted and nervous look, Maddie asked with concern.

"What did you see?" Naomi asked, looking at the broken fourth wall.

Strangely enough, no matter which way she walked, the hole in the "fourth wall" was always facing her, and she could see Harley in the hole when she looked up.

"I see something is wrong with you. Don't worry about it. "King of the Gods" has been released and will be completely unfinished." McGrady said.

"It seems she can't see me." Harley said.

Naomi glanced at Harley and hesitated: "I'm fine, you go first, sort out the information and leave."

"Pay attention to your health and don't tire yourself out."

After Maddie left, Naomi quickly closed the door and asked with a surprised expression: "Why can't she see you or hear your voice? Why does the fourth wall rotate with me?"

"Of course she can see me and hear me if I want to, but now I've only broken the fourth wall between you and me," Harley laughed.

"Besides breaking the fourth wall, do you really have the abilities set in the comics?" Naomi asked curiously.

Harley waved her hand, "No, it wasn't the comics that set my abilities, it was my information that was projected into your universe and received by the cartoonist, and then the comics were born."

"Why will your information be received by us?" Naomi asked doubtfully.

Harley pondered and said: "I have a guess, but I'm not sure yet and it will take time to verify it.

Since you have drawn so many comics, you must understand the concepts of the multiverse and the Ten Thousand Heavens.

The world you live in is not the 'real earth'.

This universe is one of countless parallel universes.

Of course, your universe is also special, even unique.

There is a wall formed by the wind of nothingness. By the way, do you understand the seven basic forces of the universe? "

Naomi shook her head, "What are the seven basic powers?"

"You even know about the bone club, but you don't know about basic strength?" Harley asked strangely.

"The comics only describe you taking out your own calf bone, fusing it with the magical power that sealed Asgard, and forging it into a fierce weapon." Naomi said.

“What about the Mother of Creation?”

Naomi continued to shake her head.

"Owl Evil God?"

Naomi still shook her head.

Harley was speechless, "The Age of the Martial God King is the prelude to the crisis of the Owl God. As the author of "The Age of the Martial God King", you don't even know the foreshadowing of the content?"

"There is no evil owl in the "Era of the God of War" comic. It mainly tells the story of you traveling through time and space and leading mortals to resist the brutal rule of the gods." Naomi said.

"I also saw the evil owl god in the era of the God of War." Harley said.

"Due to poor sales, the original plan to publish 12 issues of the comic has been reduced to 8 issues. With just that little content, it will definitely not be able to describe all the details of tens of thousands of years." Naomi said.

"Are you unwilling to describe the details, or do you simply not know the details?" Harley asked.

Naomi frowned and said, "If the comic sales are good and readers like to read it, I can keep reading the plot endlessly."

Harley did not laugh at her for plotting, but instead fell into deep thought: If Naomi had always been plotting, would she continue to receive story information from the God of War and gradually improve the details?

If she now asks Naomi to write a new book, draw the "Papetua" comic series, and keep developing the plot, can she "create" Pappetua's past and present life in every detail?

"I heard the conversation between you and several colleagues, and it seems that my comic sales are not good."

Naomi was a little embarrassed, embarrassed for Harley.

"Don't worry, readers just think that we have been cheating on you, making you too strong and too buggy, making their favorite heroes seem incompetent."

"Of course I don't care. It's you who lost your job because of the comics. Even if the comic company goes bankrupt, I won't be affected. I can still break the fourth wall and communicate with new comic companies and new cartoonists."

Naomi felt a little embarrassed for herself now.

Harley added: "I mean, since the sales of comics about me are not good, why not modify the plot and let the Justice League be the protagonist?"

"We draw comics based on inspiration, and you can't stop the inspiration. Without inspiration, the forced plot will only be worse. Not to mention the readers, it will not even pass the internal review." Naomi said.

Harley had a look of disappointment on her face.

The idea of ​​having a cartoonist draw Pappetua's secret could not be realized.

The plot of forcing the water out certainly has little to do with inspiration.

When you are inspired, you can write like a god, so why do you need a plot?

If there is no "inspiration", it means that they have not received the "real legend and story", and what they draw is naturally a piece of shit.

Harley considered the words in her mind and concluded: "The 'inspiration' that inspired you to draw comics is actually an operating mechanism of the multiverse.

When the gods' control over faith reaches a very advanced level, they can transmit their stories to countless parallel universes.

I am more capable and can convey stories about me to a world where there is no "Legend of the King of Martial Gods".

Those who receive the message will feel like they are dreaming.

If he were a writer, he might write out the information in his mind as inspiration.

Your world is very strange. I did not take the initiative to transmit information to you. For some reason that I still don’t understand, your world is like a radar pot, actively searching for ‘information pulses’ in the multiverse.

All the searched information was transferred to the DC Comics headquarters, or to a group of specific cartoonists. The inspiration gave you the impulse to create. You drew comics, you started a company, and DC Comics gradually took shape. "

Naomi was shocked and shocked.

She didn't expect the nature of "inspiration" to be like this.

"Why is this happening?"

"I suspect that the yin and yang are born. The purest power of faith is born at the core of the Wind of Nothingness. Faith represents memory and cognition. Your consciousness is connected to it and you receive information from another world." Harley guessed. .

Naomi looked confused, "What exactly is the Wind of Nothingness?"

"A force that represents disappearance, the disappearance of physical existence, the disappearance of stories and legends. The essence of the 'fourth wall' that stands between you and me seems to be the wind of nothingness."

Harley patted the wall beneath her, "Maybe there are other components of power, not entirely the wind of nothingness.

At present, I just rely on the "Harley Quinn talent" to accidentally break the wall, and the main body is still dozing off. Well, probably the way to activate the "opening the fourth wall" talent is that the consciousness falls into chaos, and is confused, half awake but not awake. "

She had a thoughtful look on her face and decided to try it later.

"The traditional theater stage is a square shape with four sides. The back is the background, and the left and right sides are the corridors for the actors to enter and leave. These three walls can be seen by the actors, and they are all part of the story world.

Only the side facing the audience separates the story world from the audience.

To you, all parallel universes other than yours are stages, and everyone is an actor.

In other words, the ‘fourth wall’ separates this world from Wan Tian Yi.

The core element that makes up the fourth wall is the wind of nothingness, which represents the ‘disappearance of existence’.

Therefore, it is difficult for others to discover this world, and it is difficult for others to penetrate the 'fourth wall'. "

Naomi hesitated and said: "Although I still don't quite understand, I roughly understand your origin. Then, what do you want to do?"

"Let's stop talking today. I'll go back and study the talent of breaking the fourth wall. Maybe we can meet more often in the future. Naomi, you're going to be in luck!"

As soon as Harry had a thought, his body retreated from the hole in the wall.

Then, her consciousness seemed to enter an extremely cold tunnel.

Ordinary ice absorbs heat, but this tunnel absorbs memories and stories.

Sprinkle scalding boiling water into the Siberian sky, and the water droplets will immediately condense into ice mist. Walking through the "Tunnel of Walls", it seems that even existence itself is fading away and disappearing.

Even with the tenth defense specialty to protect her body, Harley still felt extremely uncomfortable.

It seemed like a long time passed when she opened her eyes in the meditation room of Quinn Manor.

The dark red morning light shone outside the window, and she did not "sleep" for too long.

Harry let his mind wander and slept for an hour. When it was daylight, he went out to have breakfast, exercised in the yard, and adjusted his condition to the best before returning to the meditation room again and trying to Touching the fourth wall while fully awake.

Half a month later, Quinn Manor.

Bruce pointed at Harley under the sycamore tree in the backyard and wondered, "Who is she talking to?"

Harley sat on the swing, laughing sometimes and talking to herself, with rich expressions.

But there was no one around her.

"With her new friend Naomi." Selena said casually.

"Naomi is a ghost?"

"More ghost than ghost."

"What is that?" Bruce asked curiously.

"She said that our world is a big stage. If you break the fourth wall, you can see the audience off the stage. Naomi is one of the audience off the stage." Selena said.

Bruce had a question mark on his face.

Selena shrugged, "That's what she explained to us. Leave her alone and don't talk to her. She will naturally return to normal after a while."

Bruce asked in surprise: "She does this often lately?"

"She has been like this since she left the meditation room a week ago. Doesn't it sound like a psychosis? She said that this is her trait and her unique talent.

But we guess that she has most likely entered some strange terminal transformation, and her spirit is a little abnormal. Selina said with a strange expression.

Bruce was curious, so he walked to the sycamore tree with his daughter Helena in his arms, and stood on the edge to observe carefully.

"What, the editor-in-chief wants to turn me into a black girl? More than one gender?!" Harley's expression suddenly changed, and she shouted angrily, "You are being politically correct, I don't care, you can make Superman black Super, or make Batman unpredictable, but don’t tarnish my character.”

"Harry, what are you talking about?" Bruce finally couldn't help it when he heard her mentioning himself and Chao.

Harley raised her head and glanced at him. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she said, "Naomi, I have a good idea. Why don't you acquire DC Comics?"

"Money is not an issue, no. I can't give you money, and it's useless to give it to you. How can you explain to the tax bureau if you suddenly take out billions of dollars?"

"Don't worry, I teach you by words and deeds. If you want to get rich, it's easy to take out your phone and let me take a look. Hey, what age are you in? You are still using Fruit 14, the most rubbish copycat phone here. The CPU has reached two nanometers and the memory is 64G starts with memory, not storage. If you get off work early, or simply resign, I will impart some knowledge to you, and you will become the number one technology giant on earth."

"In this way, I will teach you step by step how to create a set of PPT to promote technology products. You can use the PPT to go to the Wall Street next door to fool those financial giants. They have keen eyesight and will definitely be able to see that a new unicorn company is about to be born."

"Don't be afraid. Although they are wolves, tigers and leopards, no matter how ruthless they are, they can't hurt you. You are almost considered my disciple now. If you are in danger, just recite my name silently in your heart, and I can feel it.

If you can do two things while praying, calling my name and drawing my caricature with a brush, the effect may be better. "

Bruce frowned.

Helena in his arms shrank and shouted: "Mom Harley, don't do this, I'm scared."

Harley then gave them a discerning look, "Wait a moment, I'm almost done."

"Yes, if necessary, I can smash the fourth wall and come directly to your world. Don't worry, I will protect you.

When you get home, pray to me and recite my name, and then I will teach you how to do PPTOK. I am leaving. "

Harley waved her hand in the air and said goodbye to Naomi before leaving the swing, taking Helena from Bruce, and said with a smile: "You are still young, so you probably don't understand the meaning of the fourth wall. You can put Naomi Mi is simply understood as a person from a parallel universe, and I am chatting with her across dimensions."

"Oh, what are you talking about with her?" Helena asked.

"Didn't you hear that just now?"

"I don't understand, you said you don't want to be a black girl."

Harley sighed: “There is a comic company in the parallel universe that draws comics with Justice League and Galaxy Admiral as the protagonists.

My story wasn't going to sell, and they were going to restart the comic's timeline and make me a black man. "

"Things about parallel universes have nothing to do with us, so why should you care?" Bruce said.

"What if the comic book story was the same as reality?"

Seeing the confusion on Bruce's face, Harley waved her hands and said: "Wait a moment, I have to call my secretary, and I have to hand over the PPT to Naomi tomorrow. I can't let a big boss like me make it myself. PPT, right?”

She took out her cell phone and dialed the acting CEO of Puppy Technology Company, who was also her chief secretary.

"Help me form a think tank right away. The theme is how to quickly get investment from Wall Street elites without being deceived.

Find a few more Wall Street giants, and I will use their rich experience to deal with the Wall Street wolves in another world. "

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