I want to have a date with Superman

PS explanation of the previous chapter

(ps: Only when the speed reaches a certain limit can one escape from the material universe and see the river of time. This speed is the first time speed.

If the speed continues to increase, not only can you see the timeline of your own universe, but you can also see the timeline of parallel universes. That is, when you get rid of the mother universe, enter the Wan Tian Yi, and can travel through parallel universes at will, it is the second time speed.

The speed continued to accelerate, getting rid of Wan Tianyi, transcending time, enough to modify historical time, and reached the third time speed.

The first speed is divorced from reality, the second speed is divorced from the universe, the third speed is divorced from history, and the third speed is not the limit. Barry is close to the fourth time speed at this time.

These speeds are secondary settings to help you understand Barry's state, just take a look.

ps2: This plot did appear in the original comic, but it was just a mysterious man who suddenly appeared and said something mysterious.

To understand its meaning, one can only rely on guessing, which is not difficult to guess.

The major events of "Flashpoint" appear after "Final Crisis" and before "Metal" (Barbatos), and the last page of the "Final Crisis" comic has already hinted at the coming of the Barbatos incident.

As for who the mysterious person is, to be honest, even the comic editor is not sure.

The "Flashpoint" comic is one of DC's best works. The appearance of a mysterious man in the final plot is of course very eye-catching, and the comic editor also explained it.

They say that she is a task that is still being set. Her character card is posted on the wall. In the future, settings and backgrounds will be added as the plot unfolds. Eventually, the "character wall" will become fuller and the characters will be revealed in front of readers.

It can be said that the editors were very ambitious at the beginning.

As a result, "Flashpoint" was released in 2012, and by 2022, the sequel "Flashpoint: Beyond" has been released, but the mysterious man has not yet appeared.

It can be determined that it has been stillborn.

Even though I knew she "died without any illness," I couldn't help but write about her. After all, she was the boss behind the "Flashpoint" incident.

Of course, in this fan fiction, her identity cannot be vague, and I will give a clear answer. )

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