I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1663 The mastermind behind the Flashpoint incident

Reverse-Flash Albert Swann came from the 25th century. For the sake of the Flash, he traveled all the way to the 21st century, and has been in an endless life-and-death entanglement with Barry.

When he discovered the "grandfather paradox" between himself and Barry, he also went to the end of the 20th century, killed Barry's mother, and blamed Barry's mother's death on Barry's father.

When Barry was ten years old, his mother was murdered and his father was wrongfully imprisoned. His life hit rock bottom.

This is also the purpose of Reverse-Flash Swann.

He couldn't kill Barry, so he let Barry fall into the abyss of pain forever.

When Barry came of age and fell in love with his adoptive father's daughter Iris, Reverse Flash extended his claws to Iris.

When Barry had children, Reverse-Flash continued to murder his children and grandchildren.

The four great tragedies in life are the loss of his mother in childhood, the loss of his father in youth, the loss of his spouse in middle age, and the loss of his son in old age. As the number one fan of The Flash, Reverse Flash must help Barry get it all.

The hatred between the two sides spread from the 25th century to the 21st century, then from the 21st century back to the end of the 20th century, and then continued from the 21st century to the era of the Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st century.

The entire timeline of the main universe is filled with the grievances and resentments of the Speedster family.

These experiences have given Dr. Speed ​​Swan extremely rich experience in traveling through time and modifying past history.

In the previous 21st century, he didn't have many opportunities to modify history. He killed Barry's mother before Harley activated her Manhattan defense expertise.

By the time Harley reaches adulthood, and by the time she gets her second pot of gold from Dr. Manhattan (the first pot of gold comes from Lucifer), time travel has become extremely difficult.

Especially when the modified timeline is related to Harley, the risk suddenly increases countless times.

The years since he came to the Flashpoint universe have been Swann's happiest times.

There's Harley Quinn here, but she's not the "Galaxy Admiral."

The only competitor, The Flash, was also affected by the reboot, and his memory was overwritten by the "Flashpoint Reality". Swann can travel through the timeline at will and modify history at will.

He cannot cross the river of time like Dr. Manhattan and exist in the past, present and future at the same time.

It is impossible to set the cause of the present for the desired future result.

His method was extremely crude, just like the color TV antenna in the 1990s that had no sky pot or set-top box. The antenna was hung on the top of a bamboo pole on the second floor. The direction of the antenna could be adjusted by turning the bamboo pole, and the TV signal would change accordingly.

Under normal circumstances, one person looks at the screen in front of the TV, and another person turns the antenna next to the antenna pole on the second floor. The two people shout to each other, "Is the signal good or not?" "Okay, it's too much, turn it back a little more."

At this time, no one cooperated with Swann. Swann turned the bamboo pole of the antenna, ran downstairs and stared at the TV, then ran up to the second floor and continued to rotate the bamboo pole of the antenna. He modified a piece of history, ran back to the "present" to check the results, and found that it matched his If he expected misfortune, he would laugh and change another person's history; if it didn't match, he would curse and go back to the "past" and continue to change it.

After years of going back and forth like this, he finally made the Justice League of the Flashpoint universe unrecognizable.

Although he was out of breath and exhausted from his work, seeing the results of the chaos in the world, Swann still felt the satisfaction and pride of toying with the heroes of the world and applauding.

Others had done similar things before him.

This is Dr. Manhattan in the "Doomsday Clock" incident.

Dr. Manhattan's purpose is almost exactly the same as Swann's, to modify reality by adjusting a certain parameter in the "past".

But Dr. Manhattan doesn't need to run back and forth as hard as he does.

He deduced the cause from the result, directly grabbed the butterfly wing in the "Butterfly Effect", lightly touched a point, and that point did not even involve any of the Zhenglian giants, and achieved the rewriting of the entire reality.

Although his methods are far less sophisticated than Dr. Manhattan's, Swann is confident that he has complete control over the Flashpoint universe. Until Barry Allen awakens and intends to completely obliterate him.

Every supervillain has deep feelings for his "lifelong enemy" the hero.

What they want is not who lives or who dies, but the release of their emotions. Killing each other is just a way to release their emotions.

Killing Barry Allen, who has no memory of the Flash, is no different from killing an ordinary person. Swann cannot get any pleasure or satisfaction.

So after Swann got rid of the "survival paradox", he didn't directly erase Barry from "history". He kept waiting for Barry to wake up.

The day Barry awakens is the time of his death, and it is also the moment when Swann obtains the ultimate happiness in life.

The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment and anger.

After the failed hunt for Barry, Swann immediately began to search for the reasons for the failure.

The most direct way to find the cause is to look at Barry's timeline and see where things went wrong.

Then he saw the scene where Flash went to Central City to find Barry.

He didn't know what she and Barry talked about specifically. At that time, Lightning Ha already had the power of thick skin and could defend against prying eyes and distortions from the timeline, but he was sure that the problem was probably with her.

"Witch Harley, you are really haunted!"

Swann gritted his teeth and looked uncertain.

He wanted to get rid of her immediately, but the psychological shadow "Witch Harley" brought to him was too deep.

He has changed the lives of many people before, including "Witch Harley".

At that time, Harley's timeline was not as dangerously shrouded in mystery as it is now.

In this life, she did not lose her parents when she was young and was not sent to a church orphanage outside Jersey City.

He also made a special trip to the church orphanage, killed several teachers who were wearing crosses, and stole all the crosses.

Anyone who has watched Lois Lane's "Quinn" series knows that Harley Quinn's biggest golden finger is the "Holy Relic Cross" she got in the orphanage when she was a teenager.

That cross can communicate with heaven and receive blessings from God.

Without the cross, Harley Quinn is nothing.

Later, the development of reality also proved Swann's conjecture that she was mediocre.

While he was happy, he was also a little worried about his failure to replace her destiny.

He couldn't use any of the crosses he snatched.

Praying, dripping blood, sacrificing... he tried every method one by one, but to no avail. He didn't even know that the cross was the golden finger of Witch Harley.

The idea of ​​"Witch Harley + Speedster" failed. He was only disappointed for a while, and then continued to devote himself to the great cause of modifying the hero's life.

He is not Dr. Manhattan, and he cannot cover the whole point.

He had to do it himself and modify everyone's timeline.

The workload is huge.

"Harley Quinn has awakened the power of thick skin. Is the 'big sister' in her mouth a lie or..." Swann looked at the all-powerful Captain Earth on the TV and was a little confused about her state.

He couldn't see her timeline, but he could find out the "secrets" that everyone knew.

"Witch Halle is very thoughtful and will never speak without restraint. When she speaks without restraint, there must be a conspiracy. She publicly claimed that her power comes from the 'Eldest Sister Touwu God King', so she must be trying to cover up something."

Of this he was quite sure.

"I should have taken action to erase her earlier." He also felt a little regretful in his heart.

In fact, Swann had not thought of erasing her earlier, but he was worried that the fatal crisis would prompt her to wake up. After all, she was the King of Martial Arts, and being affected by the restart made him feel strange, and it was impossible for her power to completely disappear.

"You must not keep this girl, otherwise she will become a big trouble in the future!"

In the end, Swann made a decision: kill the "downcast version" of the Witch Harley immediately.

With a decision in his mind, he appeared outside the Jackson base in Florida the next second.

After waiting for a full two hours, the battle between Captain Earth and Aquaman in the "Decisive Battle on the Top of the Waves" finally ended.

After waiting for another 10 minutes, I saw her walking out of the base gate talking and laughing with two women dressed very fashionably.

After waiting for several hours, he was getting impatient.

Unable to wait for Lightning Ha to reach a place where no one was around, he turned into lightning and rushed towards her.

The Negative Speed ​​Force instantly brought his speed to "first time speed", and he saw countless timelines.

Similar to the first, second and third cosmic speeds, only when the speed reaches a certain limit can one escape from the material universe and see the river of time. This speed is the first time speed (ps).

In addition to top speed, the standard for evaluating the performance of sports cars is acceleration.

The standard for a speedster's strength is also top speed and acceleration.

When using the normal Speed ​​Force before, Swann couldn't even touch Barry's shadow. Now with the Negative Speed ​​Force, his ultimate speed and acceleration have undergone qualitative changes.

He is not even afraid of the Flash at his peak, and is confident that he can kill the "downgraded version" of Harley in an instant.

"Tsk--" As he expected, she had no reaction, and was completely unaware of his arrival. Her big breasts were hit hard, and his high-frequency vibrating knife penetrated her skin and muscles, directly shattering her breasts. heart.

"Pfft!" The heart was shattered into minced meat by the hand knife, and it spurted out mixed with blood.

A hearty smile appeared on Swann's face, "Witch Harley, I didn't expect that I would -"

"Ahhhh~~" Lightning Ha yelled with a twisted face, the thick-skinned divine power in her body surged, and the speed force defense expertise in her divine power was activated, forming a force field in her chest that destroyed the stable structure of the speed force.

Swann's arm, which was originally illusory like air, immediately separated from the high-frequency vibration and turned into a real arm.

The human body seems to be perfectly connected and solid, but in fact the human body is composed of countless atoms, and there are gaps between atoms that far exceed the diameter of the atoms themselves.

If you look at the human body from an atomic perspective, every layer of skin on the body is like a big net.

The speedster uses high-frequency vibrations to allow the atoms in his arms to drill into the "huge holes" in the "human body network". He can insert hand knives into the body without harming the body itself.

For example, when Da Chao was shot, ordinary doctors couldn't cut his flesh with a steel scalpel. They had to use kryptonite to make a knife.

But no matter how strong Superman's body is, there is still a gap between the atoms that make up his body, and the gap is the same as that of ordinary people.

The difficulty for the atoms that make up the arm to pass through the atomic distance of the superarm is as small as it is for ordinary people.

Therefore, the Flash can directly remove the bullet from under Superman's skin without cutting it.

Swan knew that "Witch Harley" had strong defenses. He did not use the high-frequency vibrating hand knife to cut her chest muscles. Instead, he vibrated the atoms of his arms and penetrated the atomic gaps in her muscles.

When the palm of his hand entered her chest, it still maintained the atomic vibration state. He did not simply pass through the atomic gaps in the heart, but directly shattered the atomic structure of the heart through vibration.

Swan successfully destroyed Lightning Ha's heart, but then the Speed ​​Force defensive force field in Lightning Ha's body emerged, breaking the stability of the Speed ​​Force on Swan's arm, and the atomic vibration of the arm relied on the Speed ​​Force.

The Speed ​​Force became chaotic, and his arm could no longer vibrate stably, could no longer maintain the state of penetrating the atomic gap, and turned into a solid arm of flesh and blood.

The arms in the state of atomic vibration are like illusory smoke. They can be easily inserted into Lightning Ha's body and can be pulled out effortlessly without any resistance, just like a fine needle passing through the mesh of a fishing net.

Now that the atomic vibration state has been broken and the arms have turned into entities, Swann's arms are firmly inserted into Lightning Ha's "chest muscles" and cannot extricate themselves.

As Lightning Ha screamed with a ferocious expression, the flesh on her chest was still tightening, clamping Swann's arm tightly.

"Damn it, let me go!" Swann immediately sensed the danger and entered a high-frequency vibration state with his other hand, trying to cut off Lightning Ha's body.

"Pfft--" Lightning Ha's right arm was raised, blocking the hand knife, cutting halfway into the muscle, and encountering the thick-skinned divine power again, the divine speed force on Swann's arm became unstable and exited the high-frequency vibration state again.

This time, his hands were tied, and he had no chance to use the third move. Lightning roared, and his head was like a missile, hitting Reverse Lightning's forehead hard.

At the same time, her companions also reacted.

"Damn it, there's an assassin assassinating Harley!"

Caitlin was shocked and angry, and immediately stretched out her hands to press on Reverse Flash's shoulders.

"Crack, click, click!" Reverse Flash couldn't move at all.

"Fake, it turns out to be Killer Frost, so unlucky"

This was Swann's last thought before he was frozen into an icicle.

It's not like he doesn't know Killer Frost, one of the "heroes of Central City".

Caitlin was still his student when she pretended to be a professor at Star Labs in the 21st century.

But at this time, Caitlin was planning to go to the nightclub with Lightning Ha to have fun. She was dressed like an ordinary fashionable girl, completely different from Killer Frost in uniform.

Anyway, Swansea didn't recognize his former student.

I can only say that clothing and makeup can transform a woman into another woman.

At this time, in the Flashpoint universe, in a special cell at the Florida military base.

"Hey, where are his hands and legs?" Barry exclaimed.

Swann has now thawed out of his ice sculpture state. There are no restraints on him at all, no ice, no chains, and no straitjackets made of special materials.

But no one was worried about him escaping.

Barry was worried before, but after coming to the base cell and seeing Swann himself, all worries disappeared.

Because Swann has had three limbs removed, his legs and right arm are missing.

"Put it in the refrigerator to freeze. With your speedsters' resilience, you might be able to connect it." Lightning laughed and said, "When Ryan called me to go to Metropolis to deal with Superman, I was torturing him. I had to Know why he assassinated me, whether it was a conspiracy by the undersea people or the Amazons."

Swann's face was pale, his eyes were dull, and he looked as if his heart was as gray as ashes. He had no reaction to her words.

Without his legs, even if he is a speedster, even if the negative speed force is still active in his body, he will no longer be able to run.

For a speedster, not being able to run is more uncomfortable and painful than death.

"Harry, you are so cruel, he is a living person!" Barry was a bit sad, horrified by Lightning Harley's behavior, and sympathetic to Swann's experience.

"He only lost his legs, but I lost my heart at that time!" Lightning Ha shouted dissatisfied.

"How can you still be alive without your heart?" Bateman asked in surprise.

"Haha, the King of Martial God is my eldest sister, and God is my eldest brother. With them protecting me, what does it mean to lose my heart?" Lightning Ha said proudly.

She is a bit careless but not stupid. She understands that some secrets are her trump cards and cannot be easily told to outsiders.

However, she herself was very confused and shocked by the fact that her heart was broken but she survived.

When her heart was crushed by Swann, she was in pain and despair. She thought she was finished at that time, so she screamed shrilly and her expression was distorted. She only thought of one thing: to support this bastard before she died.

As a result, when Swann was frozen into a lump of ice, and her right arm was pinched off by Caitlin and pulled out of her chest, she was still alive and well, with no sign of belching.

When her heart was shattered into thick liquid and flowed out from the hole in her chest, she panicked. Caitlin and the Enchanting Witch next to her also grinned and their hair stood on end.

At that time, Lightning Ha only felt very hungry.

After eating 20 double-beef patty burgers, the hole in my chest has healed without even leaving a scar.

Touch your chest and feel a new heart beating.

Barry was not surprised. If she didn't even have this ability, how could Harley deceive the God King and the Demon King by pretending to be dead?

"You can use anesthetic to immobilize him, there's no need to cut off his legs."

He still couldn't let go of the tragedy of Reverse Flash.

Lightning Ha said displeasedly: "If you cut off his legs, he will have no chance of turning over; if he keeps his legs, he will always have hope of escaping.

As long as he escapes, my life and the lives of my friends are always in danger.

If there are casualties at that time, will you be responsible? Can you take responsibility?

When you cannot take responsibility for your words and deeds, it is best to keep your mouth shut. Useless sympathy can only make people sick. "

Barry blushed.

Bateman helped him out and said, "Barry is just worried that Swann won't be able to help us correct the timeline after losing his legs."

"I've made it very clear that the culprit of Flashpoint's restart is The Flash and has nothing to do with Reverse-Flash. If you still have doubts, he is here and you can ask him." Lightning pointed at Swann.

Barry knelt down, looked at Reverse Flash lying on the chair like a human pig, and asked: "Swan, tell me, what is going on in this world?"

Swann smiled miserably, "The only way I can retaliate against you now is to shut your mouth and let you destroy yourself in doubt."

"We will not perish, but you will be tortured to death soon." Bateman said.

Swann glanced at Barry, "Every minute now, your original memories are being replaced by the current reality, right?

Soon you'll be gone, and the Barry Allen who fits this world perfectly is back.

At that time, no one in the world will remember what the world was like before. Doesn’t it mean that the world will die on its own? "

"It's only been a day since I got the Speed ​​Force, and I already have a lot of experiences that belong to this world in my mind, but how did you know? I suddenly woke up and suddenly forgot everything I experienced in this world. Is it related to you?" Barry asked with a frown. .

"Although you triggered the restart, you don't know anything about it. How ridiculous!"

"Is it really my restarted timeline?" Barry was stunned, and then said excitedly: "You are lying, I just lost the memory of 'Flashpoint Universe Barry Allen'.

I remember exactly what I did. I know propriety and have never thought about restarting the timeline. "

"Remember everything?" Swann sarcastically said: "As long as you are a person in the universe, even if you are as powerful as the Witch Harley, after the passive experience is restarted, you will be affected and reality will be rewritten, and you will naturally be no exception.

You think you have forgotten nothing, just because the reality of the new book is 'you think you remember everything'. "

"Hey, have you misunderstood something?" Lightning Ha shouted dissatisfied: "I am me, the eldest sister is the eldest sister, please don't confuse me.

I admit, I couldn’t help but be born in the Flashpoint reboot.

But the eldest sister holds the Flashpoint Universe in her hand and can erase this reality with just a thought.

Her biggest impact from the Flashpoint reboot is that she wastes her precious time and energy cleaning up your messes. "

"You can't lie to me. You are the Witch Harley, the rebooted and rewritten Witch Harley." Swann looked firm and unwavering.

——The peer Harley Quinn from the parallel universe also wants to defeat him with one move? I want to eat shit!

She was just pretending that she wasn't affected by the reboot.

She also wanted to humiliate him with such lies, but he would not be fooled.

He doesn't know anything else, but he is very sure that the current Flashpoint Universe is still in the main universe. There is only one main universe in the world, and there is only one Harley Quinn in the main universe.

"Since it was the reboot that I led, why would I be affected by the reboot, but you didn't lose your memory?" Barry asked.

"You just happened to turn on the restart, and you are thousands of miles away from the controlled restart. After you pull the switch, everything that happens next is no longer under your control, and even you yourself become the target of reality rewriting.

I was an exception. I became an ‘existential paradox’ and took over the subsequent restart process.

All of you are like characters in a game, your entire life controlled by me, the 'programmer'. "Swan said proudly.

"Pop!" Lightning Ha raised his right hand and gave Swann two big cock pockets. "When you were controlling my future, did you ever see yourself being slapped like this by me?"

Swann roared excitedly: "Kill me if you dare, otherwise you will be a bastard!"

"You're quite talented. If you dare to say such things to me, I'll take care of you."

Lightning Ha rolled up his sleeves and planned to continue the "Kui's Ten Tortures".

"Harley, don't kill him, he is still of great use." Amanda Waller quickly grabbed her and whispered: "Remember the 'Suicide Squad Clause'?

The president signed this clause just to make the best use of the super prisoners.

The reverse lightning is extremely fast, and it will be miraculous to use it to deal with Aquaman and the Amazon Queen by connecting his two legs. "

A bright light flashed in Swann's ashen eyes.

With his legs attached, he can run again. Once he starts running, no one can control him!

"He is too dangerous, don't play with fire and burn yourself." Barry said immediately.

He doesn't want Swann to be amputated, nor does he want Swann to continue to cause harm to the world.

"We have Saturn Boy, he has powerful psychic power to control the entire legion." Amanda said confidently.

"As long as you make a slight mistake, not only will you be unable to solve the crisis, but you will also have multiple major unsolvable crises." Barry said seriously.

Bateman put his hand on his shoulder and said impatiently: "What nonsense are you talking to her about? Reverse Flash is not the restarter, you are, and now it's your turn to restore the timeline.

As long as the timeline is restored, the crisis between the Amazon Queen and Neptune will naturally be resolved, and Reverse Flash and Amanda will no longer be a problem. "

Barry thought for a while and said: "Waller, call the Saturn boy here and ask him to lead us into the mind of Reverse Flash and observe his memory to see if he is lying."

Swann looked ugly and said: "Barry, you are a superhero who adheres to the concept of absolute justice."

"There is no conflict at all between adhering to absolute justice and reading the minds of villains." Barry said calmly.

Waller did not act immediately, but turned his questioning gaze to Lightning Ha.

As early as when Lightning Ha tortured Reverse Flash, she had proposed to let psychics help, but Lightning Ha did not agree. She said that she would use punishment to break Reverse Flash's mind, so as to eliminate the hatred in her heart.

"Oh, memory can also be faked. Search the memory first, and then I will interrogate him." Lightning said.

Amanda's cheek muscles twitched. Damn it, I've never seen you so vindictive.

"Do you know Jon? A green-skinned Martian?" Barry couldn't help but ask after seeing the Saturn kid who looked like Martian Manhunter.

The red-skinned Saturnian shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

"Uh ah~~~"

The moment the Saturnian pulled everyone's consciousness into the mind space of Reverse Flash, everyone let out heart-piercing screams.

They saw the memories of Reverse Flash flashing through like a kaleidoscope, and when they saw the memories, it was like a sharp scalpel cutting into their own souls at the same time.

Every time they see a memory, they lose the corresponding memory.

The way they view memories is very rigid, and the way they lose their memories is also very rigid and painful.

The Saturnians were the first to bear the brunt, and were even more miserable. They only lasted for a moment before bleeding from all their orifices, and they were forcibly squeezed out of Reverse Flash's spiritual space.

The few people present, except for Flash Ha and Flash, all looked pale and had frightened eyes.

"What just happened? I seem to have lost a memory." Amanda said in horror.

Barry said thoughtfully: "It's not as simple as losing memory. Our reality was almost rewritten along with the memory."

He was deeply touched.

After awakening the memory of his "past life", he first completely forgot the memory of "Barry from the Flashpoint Universe", and then every once in a while, or after being stimulated, he would recall the memory of Barry from the Flashpoint Universe and lose the corresponding memory.

For example, when he remembers the promise he made to his mother to spend her birthday with her half a month ago, the memory of him and Iris watching a movie half a month ago will disappear.

The night half a month ago can only happen once, and there is only one reality. The essence of memory being overwritten is that reality is rewritten.

On the other hand, the distortion of reality is also the reset of memory.

The mountains are still the same mountains, and the water is still the same water. When the memories of those who look at the mountains and water change, the world will also change.

Barry first expressed his conjecture, and then said: "We actively watch Swann's memories, which is equivalent to actively covering the reality of the Flashpoint universe with the reality of the original main universe."

"He said with his mouth that it won't affect us, but our memory of watching it will be affected?" Bateman asked in surprise.

"It probably has something to do with the degree of belief. When we hear what he says, we will be suspicious, and the details are vague." Barry was unsure.

Cyborg pointed at Swann and said, "What happened to him?"

When everyone looked around, they saw that Swann looked stupid, with saliva at the corner of his mouth and blank eyes, like an idiot with no IQ.

"Our reality has been rewritten, and he probably suffered a huge backlash. Perhaps his memory and heart have been shattered." Barry said.

"I don't believe it. This bastard must be pretending and must be tortured." Lightning said.

This time Amanda Waller was all in agreement.

Bateman stared at Barry and said solemnly: "Swan can't be counted on. You have to find the reason for restarting yourself."

Barry looked at Lightning Ha, "Still can't contact Harley?"

"How about you wait a little longer? The culprit has been caught anyway, so we're not in a hurry." Lightning said.

Returning to the original timeline means that her "Captain Earth" story is over and she doesn't want it to end. She still wants to continue to show herself to people, continue to be the savior of mankind, continue to be touted by thousands of fans, and continue to enjoy the treatment of being the protagonist at the center of the world!

Although the eldest sister had promised her that even if the Flashpoint universe disappeared, she would still be able to survive and might even enter the real main universe.

But how can living around be as comfortable as being a queen in your "hometown"?

Barry hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "We can't wait any longer, my memory is being modified by Flashpoint reality every moment, and I may be completely reduced to a 'native' of this world in a few days.

They don’t even remember the reality of the past, so they naturally can’t rewrite reality. "

He also wanted to stay longer and spend more time with his old mother, but reality did not allow it. He was afraid that he would be addicted to this reality and forget all his original memories.

Just like when he woke up, he suddenly forgot all the memories of "Native Barry".

In fact, there is no other "native Barry" at all, that Barry is also him.

"Are you serious, can you really rewrite the reality of the universe? Is our universe the reality after the timeline has been modified?" Amanda asked repeatedly.

"The speedster is real, and the speedster's ability is also real. What else do you doubt?" Lightning said.

Amanda's expression changed, and she suddenly raised her voice and said loudly: "Are you crazy? If you rewrite this reality, we will all disappear. Harley, stop Barry Allen immediately, Saturn Boy, take him down!"

The Saturnian was still holding his head and groaning, but did not take immediate action.

"Whoosh~" Barry turned into red lightning and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Harry, why didn't you stop him? Do you want to disappear?" Amanda said angrily.

Lightning said: "Don't worry, there is you in another world."

"What the hell does that have to do with me? I am who I am, a unique firework!" Amanda said excitedly.

"Actually, I think so too." Lightning said.

"Then you still let The Flash rewrite the timeline?"

Lightning laughed and said: "Sister-in-law promised me that even if this world disappears, I will not disappear. My dad will also - Oh my god, I forgot about my dad!"

She jumped to her feet and shouted: "Barry, come back, help me get the Heaven Helicopter Card back first!"

"What is the Heaven Direct Card?" Bateman asked.

"That's the benefit my eldest sister gave me. It can help my dad go straight to heaven. Oops, I committed a crime in Central City. The police took away my mobile phone and wallet, and I never forgot to get them back."

Lightning yelled, opened the space door, and disappeared.

From a perspective above time, she was unable to teleport away.

The moment she opened the space door, Barry Allen had accelerated to the "third time speed", and the world suddenly came to a standstill like a painting.

Even lightning strikes, just like the people in the painting, falling on the screen motionless.

But unlike other people whose thinking was stagnant, she could still think and was still cursing, "Fake, you were procrastinating before, why are you so efficient now? I haven't gotten the Paradise Card back yet. My father died unjustly." !”

Apart from scolding her, she could do nothing but watch the world in front of her quickly distort and deform.

The moment Amanda changed her face, Barry understood that he had no choice and must run immediately.

He started running faster.

There are two very important criteria for evaluating the strength of a speedster, top speed and acceleration.

Barry's acceleration is a bit worse than the "Negative Speed ​​Force" of Reverse Flash, but Barry's top speed has never encountered a speed limit.

In the time that Waller had spoken two sentences to Lightning Ha, he had already entered the "third time speed" of rewriting history.

But this alone is not enough.

He wanted to see clearly how the timeline had been modified, so he continued to speed up. He saw the reverse lightning.

It's like looking down from the second floor to the first floor.

Reverse Flash has a sly eyebrow, looks around, is cautious, and has a sinister smile on his face. He is like a thief, stealing the reality of the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance bit by bit.

Barry ignored him. If he stopped Reverse Flash at this time, it would change the reality of the Flashpoint Universe and allow Reverse Flash to escape the fate of being dismembered by Captain Earth.

There's no telling that Reverse Flash will continue to struggle with him, making it impossible for him to repair the timeline with peace of mind.

Barry continued to run wildly, his speed getting faster and faster. History had been completely left behind him. There was only one broad road in front of him - the mother river of time.

Suddenly, Barry's expression was shocked and he couldn't help but slow down.

In front of him, Kangzhuang Avenue was divided into three, and three rivers of time appeared. The three rivers of time showed different scenes.

"Why are there three timelines?"

Just as doubts arose in his mind, a woman's voice appeared in his mind, "In order to come, they shattered the timeline of your world.

The history of heroes is divided into three parts, and the power of heroes is also divided into three parts.

You can no longer unite, you will be broken apart individually.

Barry, your mission is not only to bring reality back, you have to help me fix the timeline.

Three separate timelines must be glued back together.

In this process, you will pay a huge price. "(ps2)

"What, what are you talking about? I can't hear clearly, and I don't quite understand, who are you?" Barry vaguely felt that someone above his head was watching him.

"Harley, Harley? Is that you, Harley? What do you want to tell me?"

He thought of Lightning Ha's words: Harley holds the universe in her hands, overlooking reality.

"It wasn't me, I didn't say anything."

Another female voice appeared in his mind, a very familiar voice, it was unmistakable, it was Harley.

"Who else are you?"

"I have no idea what you are fussing about. I cannot see the reality in the Flashpoint universe, nor can I see what is happening on the second floor of the River of Time.

By the way, you are almost running to the 'second floor' now, do you know? " Harley said with obvious surprise in her voice.

"What second floor?"

Harley said: "The second floor is the height where Dr. Manhattan is located. It straddles time and exists in the past, present and future at the same time. As long as the causal relationship is consistent, the reality of the past, present and future can be distorted at will.

If you hadn't suddenly jumped out from the first floor, like a goldfish jumping out of the water, I wouldn't have been able to lock you in from the vast river, and I wouldn't have known that you had started to modify the timeline. "

"I just accelerated hard and then I came to the intersection and now I had three roads in front of me and I didn't know which direction to run in," Barry said.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything and I can't see the crossroads you mentioned."

After a pause, Harley continued: "But I can be sure that your destiny has finally arrived, and you will enter your own 'protagonist plot' just like Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner."

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