I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 168 The true face of the ghost

Harry forced himself to calm down, looked directly at it, and asked, "Are you hallucinating?"

"I'm cold, Harley, hell is hard," it said.

He is a tall man of 18.5 meters, with a strong figure like an athlete, wearing a tattered yellow prison uniform, with his tongue hanging out for a palm length, his face covered with bruises and swelling, and the outline of his bearded face is actually the same as Harley's heart-shaped face. resemblance.

Astonishingly, it was her dead father, Andy Quinn!

Harley took a deep breath and changed the question, "How did you die? Do you remember?"

"I killed you, and you killed me."

The next moment, another burly white man in his early forties appeared in front of her, wearing a police uniform and a bulletproof vest. His heart was bleeding, his face was pale, and his eyes were dull.

"Motherfuck!" Harley couldn't help but feel calm.

"It's you, Brother Flamingo!" Andy, the dead man, turned his head and his confused eyes turned malicious. "You promised me that as long as I confessed, you would let my daughter and wife go, and you would try to reduce my sentence. You deceived me. , he strangled me to death without even going to court."

"Yes, I killed you and your daughter killed me."

Flamenco's voice was as plain as water and as cold as ice.

Harley looked around at the numerous shadows and said loudly: "Anyone else, please come out!"

"And me," Fernando covered his butt and buttocks and hunched over, "I'm in so much pain. The demons from hell took turns poking my butt and buttocks."

"And me." A half-length church monk appeared next to Fernando.

"And me." Another church monk was missing a leg.

They were all killed by Vulcan cannons, with their limbs flying around.

"And me." A GCPD died in the battle on Bali Street.

"And me." "Iverson A" the hawker and his companions.

"And me." A group of Fish's younger brothers.

"And me." A bunch of Maroney's boys.

In an instant, a dense group of dead ghosts with miserable faces surrounded Harry.

There were so many people that the people behind could not even see clearly.

It was obviously a hot summer afternoon outside, but the air inside the spacecraft was so cold it was freezing.

Harley lowered her head and glanced at the ghost taxi that had turned into gray mist again and was flying around. She didn't know what to do with it, and she didn't have the mood or energy to mess with it for the time being.

Sighing secretly, she said calmly: "I wasn't afraid of you when you were alive, but you want to scare me when you die and become undead?"

"We didn't want to scare you. You called us and we came." They said together, their voices so cold they could freeze their souls.

"If I ask you to leave, will you leave?" Harley asked.

"As long as you remember us, as long as you think of us, we will come to you and stick to you."

Most of the dead ghosts' voices had a hint of malice and cheerfulness, which sounded particularly captivating.

Harley stood on tiptoes, looked around, and said, "How about you count and see how much garbage I killed in total?"

"Harry, I'm your dad, not trash." Hanged Man Andy said with a big tongue.

"Everyone who goes to hell is trash."

"Harley, I'm not trash." A young female voice came from behind the crowd.

Harley couldn't see her, so she waved her hand and said, "Get out of the way, let me see if she is—shit, Barbara?"

A little black girl with a headshot and white spots on her forehead looked at her with a smile.

Harry was stunned and murmured: "Barbara, I'm sorry for you. I recognized who he was at that time, but I was so shocked that he was nowhere."

"It's okay, Harley, I never blamed you, you have always been my best friend." Little Barbara smiled.

Harry was stunned for a long time and said, "Why are you here too?"

"When you think of me, I can't help but come." Little Barbara said.

"But I didn't think about it." Harley said.

"You think about it, you want you to remember. There are countless thoughts in your head, and each thought is equivalent to a little Harley.

There is always a thought in your mind, but you don't know it. "Little Barbara said.

"It's not like you can say it." Harley said doubtfully.

“The words just came to me naturally.”

Harley stopped worrying about the ghost's way of thinking and asked, "Why did you go to hell too?"

"I don't know, maybe I stole my mother's money to sell ice cream when I was a kid, maybe Hans and I kissed secretly.

Or maybe, behind your back, I'm calling Janet a spoiler because she always pesters you to talk. However, I don't hate hell, there are many children like me there. "Barbara grinned.

"OK, you come from my mind, then I control every thought."

Harry sat cross-legged and entered a meditative state, trying to gather every ounce of energy.

She had never done it before, but now she had no choice.

"Creak, creak, creak," a strange sound of steel twisting appeared around her.

Harley thought it was the undead causing trouble and ignored it.

But gradually, the spacecraft beneath him began to vibrate slightly.

"What are you fussing about again?"

When she opened her eyes, she saw a group of dead ghosts, one after another, continuing to surround her.

They came closer to her, almost cheek to cheek.

Harley was not afraid, but looked helpless.

"Harry, it's not us who are causing trouble. Your hell car belongs to hell, and the laws of the material world do not allow it to exist.

You don't feed it the magic that sustains its existence, and it just falls apart.

The magical mechanical parts that crashed from the taxi seem to be reacting strangely with your spaceship. "A sad middle-aged female voice said slowly.

"Who's talking? Hey, those in the front row, please be conscious and give way." Harley shouted to the dead ghosts.

The undead obediently moved out of the way, and a "mud man" who looked like he had been washed away by a heavy rain came towards her.

"Ann Marie?" Harley looked ugly. "Your death has nothing to do with me. Could it be that if I think about it, all the dead ghosts will come over? Then hell must not be empty."

“People who are related to you and remembered by you will come.”

said Annmarie, who was melting in acid.

Harley, who was not worried about her debts, immediately put the matter behind her and asked, "What mysterious reaction occurred on the spaceship?"

Anne Marie said: "Just like when the human body is close to the magic power of hell, it will be eroded, undergo a terminal transformation, and the magic power of hell will be born.

Physical matter in the human world can also be contaminated by high-level magic.

Think of the relics you took from the Crusaders.

They are originally ordinary mortal objects, made of ordinary iron. In the process of being used by saints, they are constantly soaked in the power of heaven, and strange abilities naturally arise. "

While he was talking, the gray mist formed by the ghost taxi exploded and split into thousands of tiny strands of gray mist, like hundreds of parts.

Small wisps of gray mist moved in various locations on the spacecraft.

The deck, bridge, roof, walls, weapons systems, and power systems all began to become rusty.

Yellow and black rust powder fell, and some parts had holes, and the inner wall of the external water tower could be seen.

If not stopped, it can be assumed that the ship will be corroded into a skeleton.

"Damn—" He cursed with an ugly face, and Harley took another deep breath to calm herself down and figure out what to do.

She wanted to summon joy immediately.

But Huanxi made it clear that if she disturbed it with personal matters when it was nothing important, it would tear her apart.

The good words of the devil must be listened to with suspicion.

Nao Nao must remember the devil's harsh words.

Finally, she looked at Ann Marie, "I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable. So, can you tell me how to stop ghost parts from corroding my spaceship?"

"It's not me who is knowledgeable, it's you who have guessed it yourself." Anmarie said in a strange tone.

"What do you mean?" Harley was startled and had a vague suspicion.

"We come from hell, and we also come from your soul. We are undead, and we are also your thoughts." Anne Marie said with a sly smile.

"Shit!" Harley covered her face, once again feeling the terror of dying transformation.

Ann Marie's words imply one thing, these undead spirits cannot be exorcised.

They are indeed the undead from hell, but they are also her "inner demons".

What's even scarier is that Harley herself was never haunted by their deaths.

In other words, they shouldn't be inner demons, but they are now.

Inner demons can still be overcome and defeated.

How to deal with inner demons that are not inner demons?

In fact, even after Barbara said those words that were inconsistent with her age and experience, Harry had some vague guesses.

Now, as soon as she had a guess, Ann-Marie directly expressed her subconscious thoughts.

After a moment of silence, Harley suddenly stood up and left the spacecraft holding two intact glass bottles.

When they reached the open area, the army of dead ghosts became even larger, with more than two hundred people.

She stood in the sun for a while, and they kept her company.

The sunlight, which even demons fear, has no effect on them at all.

Oh, it had an impact. Their figures became transparent and as thin as mist, but they never disappeared.

"Harley?" Seeing her in a daze, Ivy shouted out of curiosity.

Without asking, Harley knew she couldn't see anything.

"It's okay, just keep busy." Harley returned to the bedroom with a sullen face and threw the glass bottle on the bed.

She reopened the weapons room and took out a large bag of Charon silver coins from the counter below.

Then she trotted back to the water tower.

At this time, Archimedes was leaking everywhere and rust was flying everywhere.

Standing on the broken deck, he threw a Charon silver coin.

"Summon Hell Carriage @Answer my call, Three Witches of the Carriage!"

This time, even though it was not in the name of joy, the three witches did not behave like monsters and immediately responded to the summons.

"嘘嘚嘚" A cloud of black smoke floated above the head, and the sound of horse hooves came from inside.

The sound came from far away and came to a stop next to Harley.

Three skeletal horses with fire-breathing noses, horns on their heads, bloody eyes and half-rotten bodies, a shabby British carriage (the kind with a very high driver's seat), and three witches sitting side by side.

The carriage was far larger than the water tower, but it regarded the water tower as air. Most of its body was floating in the air outside the water tower, with only the door close to Harry.

The three witches looked at her with blank faces and said nothing.

Harry sneered and said, "Why did you change it to a carriage?"

The big witch said coldly: "Knowingly, you stole our car."

The second witch in the middle said impatiently: "Come up quickly, we are very busy."

The three witches pointed at the spacecraft and said in surprise: "Look at it, it smells like our taxi."

Harley explained what happened and then said: "Your Majesty Witch, can you help me repair the spacecraft? I will pay the wages."

The Great Witch said proudly: "The carriages and cars that travel between the Yin and Yang Realms are all built by us."

The second witch said proudly: "In the field of automobiles, we have learned both Chinese and Western knowledge and have a broad understanding of the past and present."

The three witches sneered: "Of course we can do it, but why should we help you?

As you can see, in order not to delay business, we didn't even have time to rebuild a beautiful taxi, so we could only take out the old carriage from the car and the library for use. "

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