I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 167 The turning point of death-bed transformation is here

"How come you have the stench from heaven on your body?" Huanxi asked doubtfully.

Harley's heart skipped a beat. In the past, she had just seen a demon and then went to heaven.

But heaven knows her true story and doesn't mind the "stench of hell" in her soul, but now...

Boss Zha, why didn’t you remind me!

Cursing secretly in her heart, she sighed helplessly and said, "It's not for Nergal's two or five boys."

Huanxi's attention was slightly diverted, "What's going on?"

"Half a month ago, Nergal came to the world and killed a lot of people."

She told the story of that day in full before saying with a wry smile: "I summoned Etrigan, Nergal hates me.

But Etrigan can only be summoned once.

In order to prevent being attacked by Nergal, I returned to my old profession - exorcism nun.

I have been taking baths in holy water these days. "

Joy immediately clears up doubts.

It also knew that Hallie had been an exorcist nun for a while - although she had never exorcised a single serious demon.

"Is this what you want to tell me?" Huanxi still turned cold, "You want me to help you solve this trouble?"

"Of course not!" Harley said sternly: "I know that the Lord Judge distinguishes between public and private affairs and takes care of everything. How could he trouble you with his own trivial matters?"

Huanxi's face looked better.

Harley continued: "I am now an undercover agent of the Satan Guard in the wizarding group. You arranged it yourself. I shouldn't forget it, right?"

"Oh, is it news from the Wizarding Group?"

Her expression of joy was faint, and she didn't think that with her current status in the wizarding group, she could reveal any big secrets.

"I want to report to you, Lord Judge, that Duke Nergal is a member of the Wizarding Group." Harley said indignantly.

"You're not seeking personal revenge, are you?" Huanxi frowned.

you guessed right!

Harley said sternly: "After the BBC TV station occupation incident, you specifically told me not to promote dark forces in the future.

Even I, a mage without magic, was warned.

I don't believe it. Hell didn't hold an internal high-level meeting, and it didn't issue an order at the meeting. During this period, demons are prohibited from spreading freely in the human world. "

Seeing Huan Xi's serious expression, Harry knew that he had guessed correctly.

So, she continued: "Obviously, Duke-level Nergal must know what the current overall situation is.

But how does it do it?

Bloodbathed the entire nightclub!

Jersey City is no small town in the middle of nowhere.

If you look at the recent news, who hasn’t reported on the Casanova nightclub incident? "

As she spoke, she threw out a large stack of old newspapers.

She has collected them all over the past half month.

Looking over happily, the front page headlines were all photos of a nightclub burned down inside.

Its face became extremely ugly.

Harry sneered: "Above the Duke, there are the Demon King and Satan, right?"

Huanxi nodded slightly.

"Excuse me, can human demons become demon kings through practice?" Harley asked.

"At least it hasn't appeared yet." He shook his head happily and explained: "Demon Lords are divided into two categories. More than 80% of them are fallen angels who followed His Majesty Lucifer, also called 'First Fallen', and the rest are all from other dimensions. dominate."

Harley spread her hands and said, "Isn't this the end of it? It has no way to rise and is so ambitious. What else can it do besides rebel?"

"I will secretly arrest Nergal right now. If its identity as a traitor is confirmed, I will give you half of its heart."

After saying this joyfully, he disappeared.

Only one day has passed, and joy has not found her yet, but Harley can't wait any longer.

She summoned it again.

This time there was no resistance to the joy, it was a success.

"This is your reward." It handed over a blazing blood-colored diamond, as big as a tangerine, and it seemed like there was blood flowing inside.

The white palms of joy were reflected red.

"What's this?"

Harley didn't dare to pick it up, or even look at it.

Because its light is not very powerful, but it is extremely sharp, with a substantial soul pressure.

Just looking at it makes your eyes hurt.

Approaching it, my body trembled unconsciously.

"You are too weak," Huanxi sighed, and with a casual move, the window glass shattered with a bang. Under the action of invisible force, the fragments were first squeezed into a ball, and then expanded into a glass bottle as big as a fist.

It first put the blood diamond in, and the bottle mouth closed automatically. Then it held the glass bottle with both hands and printed a black rune array on the surface.

The coercion in the room disappeared in an instant.

Huanxi threw the glass bottle on the ground, bounced it a few times, and rolled it to Harry's feet.

"This is the complete heart of a 100,000-year-old demon prince."

"One hundred thousand years." Harley picked up the glass bottle and frowned: "Isn't it Nergal?"

"Nergal was very unlucky. When he returned to hell, he was attacked by an archangel. He was severely injured and his soul was almost shattered. He was only one step away from falling to the position of Duke.

Therefore, half of its heart is far less valuable than yours. "Huan Xi said slowly.

"Is Nergal dead?" Harley asked.


"It's not a gangster?"

"It's a gangster. However, as soon as I locked it with a chain and said, 'Nergal, something happened to you,' it knelt down on the ground, kowtowed, confessed its crime, and swore to himself It was coerced.”

Harry gritted his teeth and said, "Don't believe its lies. It is a tiger lying on the barren hills, with lurking minions and patience."

“It doesn’t matter whether what it said is true or false, what’s important is that it immediately revealed a huge ‘anti-Satan chaos group’.

Thirteen duke-level demons, 127 counts, and 23,000 other low-level demons were involved. All of them have been executed. "

"Shit!" Harley was speechless. How could hell play like this?

So sexy.

"It can be said that after this case, the power of the wizard group in hell has been greatly weakened.

You have done a great job, so I selected the complete heart of the strongest demon for you. "

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Judge, but there seems to be no need to keep Nergal, right?"

Harley still wants that bastard dead.

Because it said harsh words to her before leaving.

He said happily: "After confessing a large number of his accomplices, Nergal has no other choice but to serve His Majesty Satan wholeheartedly.

Therefore, I gave it a chance to make meritorious deeds.

Alas, too many demons were killed this time, and the Eternal Punishment Legion is also short of manpower! "

As if it guessed Harley's thoughts, it pointed at the glass bottle and said: "By absorbing the heart of the top grand duke, you can at least become a junior demon duke.

It was easy to deal with the half-broken Nergal. "

"How to absorb it? I can't even touch it." Harley said with a bitter smile.

The heart is a treasure, but she doesn't want to become a devil!

Look at Nergal's true form.

I'm afraid I'll be sick to death when I look in the mirror.

Huanxi glanced at her left chest and said, "I can cut open your chest, dig out the heart, replace it with a glass bottle, and slowly merge it with the body."

"Uh, that's too radical." Harley shuddered.

"It emits powerful radiant energy every minute. You can hold it and meditate."

As he said that, he happily pointed his finger at the wall next to him, "Boom!"

The flames of hell burn, and black text is burned on the white imitation porcelain wall. There are hundreds of words, as well as posture and action pictures. It is a complete meditation method.

"This is the meditation method created by the heart owner, which is most suitable for your own strength. Use this meditation method to absorb the power of the heart. You can awaken your magic power within a month, be promoted to earl in half a year, and then break the glass bottle and swallow the heart in one bite."

"Your Majesty, thank you so much." Harley's face was filled with emotion.

But when the joy left, the emotion on her face turned into helplessness.

Holding the glass bottle, he returned to his bedroom.

The cupboard opposite the bed opens to reveal the door to the weapons room.

When Harley stepped into the ten-square-meter small room, the fluorescent lamp immediately illuminated the huge cabinet, which was filled with various types of weapons: micro-missiles, RPGs, and grenades.

In addition to these weapons, there are two glass bottles, a demon Earl's heart soaked in alcohol, still beating gently; a wine bottle containing a hell taxi that is sometimes gray mist and sometimes a car.

Now, Harley put the third glass bottle on top.

When his eyes fell on the blood-red diamond in the glass bottle, Harley could clearly feel the surging power spreading out.

Harley looked solemn and stepped back five meters. The magic radiation weakened somewhat, but did not disappear.

"It can't be placed in the bedroom, otherwise Ivy, Ivy, and even Duoduo will become demons."

Looking down at the bully dog ​​that was hugging her legs, Harley sighed, took down the three glass bottles, and held them in her arms.

"Harry, what are you holding?"

After walking out of the living room door, Ivy, who was picking strawberries with a basket, looked over.

It was already mid-September, the weather was still hot in the afternoon, but the rooftop was still lush.

Entering the yard is like entering a wild forest.

All kinds of vines even stick to the walls and spread downstairs, covering the entire building.

In the pier with few green plants, the fighting arena is particularly conspicuous.

"The devil's heart is very dangerous. The radiated hell energy will demonize us. I will move it to another place now," Harley said.

"It was placed in the weapons room before, right? I've sensed it a long time ago. It does give off a very disgusting smell." Ivy wrinkled her nose and said.

Then, she looked at Duoduo, who was running out, and said with a smile: "Why don't we feed it to Duoduo and become a devil dog, and it can stay with us for decades more."

"Forget it, when it really turns into a demon, you won't even look at it."

Before entering the water tower, she looked around and said, "Ivy, are there any plants that can block the magic radiation? Surround the water tower."

"You want to hide the heart in the spaceship?" Ivy asked.

Archimedes' secret is known to both Ivy and the kitten.

After discovering that Richie had told Zha Kang about the spaceship, she told her two friends.

"The outer shell of the spacecraft already has a radiation-proof coating, and the cabin door has triple verification of retina, fingerprint, and password, making it safer than the weapons room."

She replied casually and got into the water tower.

The space was a little dark, and the shallow water at the bottom reflected the dim light.

Harry suddenly felt that the air temperature had dropped by more than ten degrees.

I looked around carefully and found nothing unusual.

Harley continued to climb down, opened the Archimedes hatch, and stepped in.

"Who?" She turned back suddenly, as if a shadow flashed past, and it seemed like she was dazzled.

Harley swallowed.

The turning point of terminal transformation seems to be coming.

The mood is a little heavy.

The transformation at the end of life will give birth to magic power, but——


Cold breath came from the back of his neck, and Harry froze as he prepared to place the bottle.

"Harley!" It's not an auditory hallucination, it's not a hallucination.

Someone was close behind her, breathing the cold air and calling her name.

Harley closed her eyes, took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and slowly turned her head.

"Shit!" Even though she was mentally prepared, she still couldn't help but jump in shock when she saw the true face of the shadow that had been following her for half a year.

The wine bottle fell from his hand and fell to the ground, "Crash!"


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