I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1645 A meeting between wind and clouds

"Battman's appearance was completely unexpected by Harley, and she was shocked at the time." Oliver said.

"As for being shocked? Although many people think that Harley and Bateman are dead, and the White House is preparing to hold funerals for them, Da Chao still firmly believes that they are alive. Harley's confidence is not as good as Da Chao?" Dinah said.

Oliver shook his head and said: "Harry was not shocked to see Bateman alive. Of course, she was also surprised that Bateman was alive.

Bateman appeared 50,000 years ago, which was not a simple time travel event.

Just like Harley traveled to the past to start the era of the God of War, Bateman's time travel is also inevitable and is the cause of the effects of today's reality.

Because Harley created the Martial God King era, now in the 21st century, we can see many Martial God King relics on the earth.

Because Harley killed certain gods in the War God King Era, the reality of certain gods in the Sky Realm is now erased.

Past history is the cause, and present reality is the effect.

Under normal circumstances, the cause should come first and the effect follow.

Due to human interference in the restart of the universe, the time of cause and effect is reversed, but the causal relationship remains unchanged.

The person who wrote the script for King of War was Harley.

She paid a high price, and almost all of her authority to restart the universe was spent on the story of King Wushen.

So the question is, Batman traveled fifty thousand years ago and became the 'cause'. What is the 'effect' in reality.

Who paid the price, and at what price, to arrange this plot of "Baitman traveling through primitive society to become a chief"? "

Da Chao frowned and said: "The person who let Bateman travel through time was Darkseid. He just wanted to obliterate Batman. Bateman's time travel should be considered an accident, right? Does it need to be so complicated?"

Oliver said seriously: "From the time Harley traveled to the beginning of the War God King's era, she has never seen a time travel event, and Bateman is the only one.

Harley's initial shock was that she sensed that the river of time was touched again, and the reality of the Martial God King's era was slightly disturbed.

She was shocked that someone could travel to the era of the God of War.

The next moment she arrived near the time traveler, and was once again shocked to see that the time traveler turned out to be Bateman.

She was shocked for the third time when she thought about the significance of Bateman traveling through that time period.

Three shocks came together, so she was shocked. "

"Didn't the era of the God of War end at that time? You can all travel through time and come back. It's just that she refused to give up the opportunity to practice." Wonder Woman wondered.

"Isn't the history of the King of Martial Gods the history of Harley? As long as she stays there, the history of the King of Martial Gods will continue to move forward.

It was only because she built the tomb of King Martial God and no longer had any impact on the world that her subsequent existence did not interfere with reality.

In fact, the experience and realm improvement she gained from practicing every year still affect Harley's strength at this time, and her strength determines the fate of many people in future crises. "

After a pause, Oliver continued: "When Bateman came, the era of the God of War had not yet completely ended, the Heavenly Palace had not yet retreated from the world, there were still Gods of War patrolling the world in airships, and God's teachings had just begun to spread among human tribes."

Lana Lang asked: "If Bateman's time travel is also an arrangement of fate, what is his mission?"

"I have a guess, but I'm not sure."

Lana looked suspicious, "Even if we are not superheroes, the God of War Resurrection Sect can still be considered one of your own, right?"

Oliver sighed: "Now that the Hermitage has appeared, there is no need to hide anything from you."

"I can think of all the problems. Harley is so smart, she must have thought of it. Didn't she study this problem?" Lana said.

"You're right, let alone Harley, even I thought of it. I have been following him for a long time. Guess what, one day Bateman fell from the waterfall and landed at the bottom of the pool, again Time traveled.”

Oliver spread his hands and said, "How can we study his plot when the person is missing?"

"You didn't go to meet him? Why are you following him?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"We went to find him, but he lost all memory of the past and only had survival instincts left."

Post-Martial God King era, Earth.

On a thunderstorm night, the entrance to the cave by the river.

"Oh my god, Bruce, how did you get here through time?" Harley asked in shock.

Sensing the fluctuations of the river of time, she immediately teleported to the abnormal point.

Then he saw Bruce wrapped tightly in his Batman cape, huddled in the corner of the cave, with a dark red charcoal firewood pile in front of him.

He had obviously traveled through time for a while, and Harley spent some time searching for the abnormal time point.

The Martial God King era itself is in the river of time. It cannot stabilize the timeline like it does in the main universe, cannot lock the time traveler, and cannot prevent the other party from traveling through time.

However, apart from today, she has not encountered a second time travel incident.

Bruce seemed to have fallen asleep before, but was awakened by her voice. He immediately turned over and hid behind a stalactite.

Through his bat mask, Harley could see a pair of alert yet dazed blue eyes.

"You don't remember me?" She was startled again, "Did you lose your memory during time travel?"

"Ah~~oh~~" Bruce opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, and his expression became even more confused.

"I really lost my memory."

Harley stared at his face, her thoughts racing for a while.

"You keep an eye on it."

She found a stone, placed it next to the fire, and sat down. The green lantern ring in her right hand projected a holographic image in mid-air according to her will, which was full of memories between them.

Although Bruce has lost his memory and even forgotten his language, his brain is not broken and his IQ is still online.

He sat down opposite Harley thoughtfully and watched the pictures carefully.

After watching him for more than half an hour and making him understand that he was someone he could trust, Harley stood up and waved, "Let's go find Oliver and let him slowly help you regain your memory."

Bruce still didn't understand her words, but he understood what she meant. He nodded and prepared to follow her out.

Of course, Harley couldn't walk with her feet. She put her hand on Bruce's shoulder and prepared to activate the space teleportation to leave the cave.

But the moment the Qingdeng space door came into contact with Bruce, "It stung~~"

The sudden change!

A layer of scarlet energy arc appeared on Bruce's body. Harry was not aware of it for a moment and was ejected more than ten meters, smashing a human-shaped hole in the cave wall.

The defensive golden film was automatically triggered, and Harley was not seriously harmed, but she still let out a exclamation.

"Omega power, and the Anti-Life Equation?!"

After crawling out of the hole, she could no longer see the arc of energy on him.

Bruce looked at her worriedly, his familiar face still full of confusion.

Apparently he didn't know what was going on.

Harley looked up and down on him sharply, hesitating in her heart.

She wanted to try opening the Green Lantern Portal again, but she felt vaguely uneasy. The power of Omega that had just bounced her away was not attacking her, but protecting Bruce.

Similar to her defensive gold film, it is automatically triggered when encountering danger.

Will Bruce encounter danger when entering the space gate?

"Ah~oh~~" Bruce opened his mouth, screamed twice like a mute, and stretched out his hand to make random gestures.

"I'm fine, it has nothing to do with you, don't worry."

Harley thought for a while, pointed her finger at her temple, and said, "Don't resist, I will use my mental power to communicate with you."

His eyes were shrewd, but his expression was a little dull.

Harley chuckled.

He looked at her pretty face, his expression even more stunned.

"Stab-" The dark red arc emerged on Bateman's body again, and the energy mixed with the anti-life equation and the power of Omega entered her sea of ​​consciousness along her mental power, causing her to let out a muffled groan, and continued Take two steps back.

At the same time, Bateman's body was like a holographic projection with unstable signals, flickering between reality and reality several times quickly.

Harley rubbed her temples, not daring to torment him any more.

"You stay here first, and I will make arrangements for you after I figure out the reason."

He didn't understand what she said, but when he saw that she was fine, he went to the fire again, leaned against the stone wall in a daze, and fell asleep soon after.

Harley didn't sleep and kept watching him.

"Darkseid, I know it's you, come out." She shouted in a low voice.

Bateman was probably tired, and he snored.

"Darkseid, is this your back-up plan? Stop pretending, I know you are inside him."

No one responded to her.

Harley shouted for a while, but to no avail, and she just felt like a fool.

Early the next morning, she brought Oliver over.

"Oh my god, it's really Bruce!"

"Don't get close to him!" Harley grabbed Oliver and hugged him excitedly. "He has a protective mechanism on his body, and the triggering condition is suspected to be the power of miracles."

"Are you hungry?"

She placed a basket filled with meat buns and hot soy milk on the ground and motioned for him to get it.

After Bateman began to chew slowly, she recounted what happened last night.

"Thanks to me, the others would have been wiped out long ago."

"Are you sure it's the Omega rays and the anti-life equation inspired by the power of miracles?" Oliver asked.

"Do you think I have any ill intentions towards him?" Harley asked.

"No, I mean, Darkseid just doesn't want you to touch him." Oliver said.

"It's possible, but we can't risk Bruce's life."

"That's right!" Oliver nodded: "We have a lot of time now, don't be in a hurry, we can observe slowly."

"Why does he have the power of Omega and the Anti-Life Equation in him? Hasn't the equation been used by Darkseid?" He wondered again.

Harley pondered: "First of all, Darkseid was defeated, and secondly, Bateman was still alive before I was worn away by the millstone of time.

Finally, I learned that Bateman had a plan to assassinate Darkseid.

That day, Bateman was going to use the divine toxin bullet, and when I attracted Darkseid to put more of his will into a certain body, and when we were in a stalemate, Batman would secretly kill him at the critical moment. "

"He succeeded?" Oliver said in shock.

"Judging from the current situation, Bateman is 80% successful." Harley speculated: "Darkseid had to invest a lot of his mind and will in order to control the huge divine power in Jimmy Olsen's body.

If Bateman had fired at that time, he should have lost 0.7 lives.

Even if Darkseid's divine body collapses, there will still be enough time to take revenge on the assassin.

I later chatted with Darkseid's German inside Ivy. He was very confident that even if the final crisis failed, he would not be the loser. He said that we were the big losers. "

"What did we lose?" Oliver asked confused.

"I don't know, but he doesn't seem to be joking. He also said that Ivy is just one of the back-up men. He also has real life-saving means to ensure that Darkseid will still be himself after the restart."

Harley looked at Bruce, who was sipping soy milk, and said softly: "Obviously, Bruce is the back-up man.

The Omega Effect is a supreme power. In addition to directly erasing the terrifying lethality of existence, it can also transcend time, space and dimensions, travel through any time and space, and can also take people through time and space.

I suspect that Darkseid stored his will in the Omega Effect, and poured the Omega Effect into Bruce's body, taking him through time to avoid the influence of the restart. Well, why didn't the Anti-Life Equation disappear?

Could it be that if the proof question fails, the equation can still be recovered from the river of time? "

Harry suddenly remembered something and his heart was beating fast.

Darkseid's life equation comes from Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father's equation was extracted from the wall of origin by using the white light source of Bane.

But there must be an emotional element of "love" integrated into the equation of Heavenly Father's life.

That was what Hallie gave to Heavenly Father.

She also left a back-up on it and did not hand over all ownership.

Now that the anti-life equation can be reunited, what about the life equation?

"Harry, what are you thinking about?" Oliver shouted.

Harley came back to her senses and said: "It's probably similar to the millstone of time that kills me. Darkseid's behavior is still calculated by fate."

Oliver was startled, "You mean, Bruce, like you, was sent to the past by fate to complete a certain historical plot, and Darkseid was just a miserable delivery boy?"

Harley nodded slightly, "We leave traces in this era, which will eventually affect reality, and the same is true for Bruce."

"But he lost his memory." Oliver frowned: "Only time beings will not be counterattacked by the mother river of time when traveling through time.

Ordinary people often lose their memory when they travel through the timeline. This is the self-protection reaction of the river of time.

Bateman is probably not a time being, and his amnesia is considered normal.

But if he has the mission to complete the plot, fate and time will protect him.

Just like you and me, and your group of younger brothers, we haven't lost our memory. "

Harley's eyes flashed slightly, "What if the plot requires him to lose his memory?

Only in a state of amnesia can he rely on instinct to complete a certain plot. "

"Everyone is different. People who have lost their memory are like a blank slate. There is almost no difference between Bateman and other people who have lost their memory." Oliver said.

Harley looked up and looked around the cave, "Do you know where this is?"

"I didn't know. You took me directly to the entrance of the cave, and you didn't see the scenery clearly." Oliver shook his head.

"This is Gotham, this is Wayne Manor, this is Batman's Batcave!" Harley said quietly.

"What? How come it's such a coincidence?" Oliver exclaimed and shook his head quickly, "No, it can't be a coincidence. Is it fate that Bruce becomes Bateman?"

"Uh~~oh~~" Bruce waved the empty basket towards them.

"Aren't you full?" Oliver asked.

Harley glanced at Bruce and said, "He dislikes us for talking alone and ignoring him. He has many questions in his heart that he hopes to get answers from us."

Oliver was surprised: "How did you figure out such a complicated meaning?"

"Look at his eyes."

Harley stood up and said, "I'll go shopping around and you teach him English and 'Common Language'."

Common Tongue is the "barbarian language" that was naturally derived after the barbarian heroes came into contact with modern grammar.

It is said to be a savage language, but its sophistication actually surpasses English, and is probably second only to mature Chinese.

The savages are really savages, but they have received education from the higher civilization of the universe.

"It's better to take him back to the Heavenly Palace. The conditions here are limited and it's difficult to teach him." Oliver shouted.

"The Heavenly Palace is full of miraculous power. Not only is it safe here, but it is also easier to trigger plots."

Harley used her mental power to sweep the sky, ground, and underground of Gotham.

There are many tribes that secretly believe in the evil owl god, but they are not the mainstream.

The remaining tribes still worship the King of Martial God, and their piety is still very high. High priests who master divine arts can be seen everywhere.

"How's it going?" Oliver asked as he helped Bruce roast the leg of lamb in the evening.

"Everything is normal around here."

"If there is a plot happening nearby, it must be a big event involving the participation of a large tribe. Trivial things are not worth choosing Bateman as the protagonist." Oliver thought.

"Gotham has a radius of 500 kilometers, and is dominated by the three major tribes: Bird Tribe, Wolf Tribe, and Bear Tribe. They are all my followers. The tribes have also given birth to at least one demigod hero." Harley said.

Oliver frowned and said: "Now we have two choices, take Bateman out of here, even if we don't go to the Heavenly Palace, we can still settle down under the Martial God Mountain.

He is not a god of martial arts and has a limited life span. After completing the language teaching, he immediately devoted himself to martial arts training and became a demigod as soon as possible.

The second option is to keep him here, observe him, wait for him to trigger the plot, and then we find out who is behind the plot.

By the way, what are your guesses about the Black Hand? "

"I can't think of anyone else except the evil owl god." Harley said.

"Why it? There are traces of Seth's activities all over the world. Gotham is not the only place it pays attention to. Moreover, it only secretly develops human believers and does nothing extraordinary." Oliver said.

"Hey, you are not from Gotham, and you don't know the Court of Owls well enough. They have branches all over the world, but Gotham is their home base, and Bateman is their special target."

"But I've almost never heard Bateman mention the Court of Owls," Oliver said.

"That's because I was in Gotham, and I had already destroyed the court in public. Let's put it this way, the super villain who loves Bateman the most is the Joker, and the criminal organization that loves Batman the most is the Court of Owls.

Just like ‘Black Arrow’ Merlin loves you, Luther loves Superboy, Rogue One loves The Flash, and Cheetah loves Diana.”

Oliver frowned and said: "That's not love. Oh, forget it, I understand. If Bateman and the Court of Owls really have that kind of relationship, then Bruce's time travel may really be related to the evil owl god.

After all, you discovered the abnormality of the evil owl god thousands of years ago and suspected that it had a conspiracy.

What happened to Batman now cannot be a coincidence, that’s why.”

Oliver looked up at Bateman, who was staring at his face with bright, clear eyes.

He wiped his face, "What's on my face?"

"He's learning the common language by looking at your lips." Harley said.

After spending thousands of years in the era of the God of War, they are now accustomed to speaking in common language in private.

"How do you know? I see him just being in a daze, or staring at my leg of lamb and swallowing secretly, and I can hear his stomach growling," Oliver said.

"Didn't you look at the leg of lamb?" Bruce shook his head and said in jerky common language.

Oliver opened his eyes wide, "Can you understand?"

"No" Bruce continued shaking his head.

"He really understood it, at least most of it, but I didn't teach these words at all." Oliver was surprised.

Harley said angrily: "He just lost his memory, not dementia. Bateman's intuition and insight are still there. If you plug his ears, he can understand sixty-seven percent of the meaning of your words through his expression."

"Oh, that's right." Oliver suddenly realized.

"I have the same insight and intuition," he added.

Harley gave him a look of disdain, "It took you a year and a half to learn barbarian language."

Oliver blushed, "I spend most of my time practicing martial arts."

Then he changed his subject and added: "Since the plot is related to the evil owl god, I suggest that Bateman stay here.

You have been following the evil owl god for thousands of years, but have gained nothing. It is obviously planning a big crisis against the earth. I believe that if Bateman is sober, he will definitely agree to use his body to lure the enemy.

And he won't be in danger, we will just watch from the side. "

Harley thought for a moment and said, "You just keep watching, I'll wait for news from you in the Heavenly Palace.

The reason why I haven't found any traces of Seth for thousands of years is because it is also the author of the plot, and may also be the monitor of the sixth dimension. It has high authority and can detect my existence.

When you are following him, be careful and don't interfere with any of Bruce's actions. Even if his life is in danger, he will definitely not die.

In addition, while you are following him, do not contact him again. You can make it clear to him in advance. "

On the third day, before Oliver left the Batcave, Bruce had an encounter with people from this world.

"Bruce was wandering outside and met a few tribesmen. They exchanged a few words. Bruce's language was slurred and they were all laughing at him." Oliver said while holding the communicator.

"What tribe are you from?"

"The White Deer Tribe is a small tribe with only two hundred people. They live by the river two kilometers away and have nothing to do with the evil owl god." Oliver said.

"Now that you have met the tribesmen, let Bruce learn Common Language from them. You don't need to teach them, let alone show your face. Don't meet anyone except Bruce." Harley said.

On the sixth day, Oliver contacted Harley again.

"Yesterday evening, the priest of the White Deer tribe passed away, and Bruce stood in the distance and watched the entire burial ceremony.

The black-haired patriarch Daman invited him to warm up by the fire after the ceremony, and Bruce did not refuse.

That night, the leader of the Blood Lion Clan, ‘Ferocious Lion’, led his warriors to raid the White Deer Tribe’s camp.

The fierce lion wants to take the opportunity to annex the Bailu tribe.

The black-haired patriarch Daman died in the battle, and his red-haired son was rescued by Bruce. "

"Why do you keep emphasizing that the patriarch and his son have different hair colors?" Harley asked.

"I didn't emphasize it. I just felt that they were not biological father and son. Their hair color was different and their appearance was also obviously different.

In short, Bruce's rescue failed and the two were chased by a vicious lion.

Bruce only relied on his physical strength and instinct to fight, forgetting all his martial arts skills. He was no match for the fierce lion.

Of course, fierce lions are not just ordinary people.

There are nine levels of martial arts under the demigod. He is at least five levels of martial arts and is a master-level martial artist.

However, the red-haired son of the patriarch took the opportunity to escape, and sneaked in at night while the fierce lion tribesmen were sleeping, and rescued Bruce.

Today at noon, the Fierce Lion led the Blood Lion tribe to continue to hunt down the remaining White Deer tribe. Bruce stayed with the White Deer tribe. He put on a Batman uniform and a mask made of an air-dried giant bat head. It was very cool and majestic. Terman is indeed a master of creating fear, and the fierce lion was frightened.

And Bruce seemed to be familiar with the tricks of the fierce lion. He defeated him in public. Not only did the people of the White Deer tribe fear him, but even some warriors of the fierce lion tribe knelt down and surrendered to him. "

Two days later, Oliver said with a strange expression: "The broken White Deer tribe and the captured Ferocious Lion tribe merged to form a new tribe, and Bruce became their chief.

It's not that Bruce actively wanted to be chief.

After Clash of Clans ended, he returned to the Batcave and continued to live alone.

But the White Deer Tribe lost most of its warriors and could not control the captured Ferocious Lion tribesmen. The red-haired boy took matters into his own hands and elected Bruce as the boss. He also moved the tribesmen to the Batcave to live with Bruce.

By the way, the newly formed tribe is called the ‘Bat Tribe’. "

"This should be considered entering the plot, right? After Bruce became the leader of the tribe, he led the bat tribe to counterattack and developed from a small tribe to the largest kingdom on the American continent." He guessed.

"Keep watching, don't miss any detail."

Harley also had the same idea as him. This is a common routine in male protagonists' pleasure stories.

But she was soon slapped in the face, and three days later the male protagonist Bruce disappeared.

When Bruce disappeared, Oliver was watching from 3 kilometers away.

Seeing that Bruce was missing, he was very anxious and was about to contact Harley using the communicator, but Harley teleported to him the next second.

"Harry, have you noticed it too? Bruce fell from the waterfall and landed in the pool below. Then a faint white light flashed and he disappeared." Oliver pointed to the waterfall in the distance.

"I noticed the fluctuations in the River of Time and rushed over immediately. It turned out to be Bruce." Harley frowned.

"I've been keeping an eye on him. I guarantee that no miraculous power will come close to him. There isn't even a qualified priest in the tribe." Oliver looked puzzled.

"Most likely, he has completed the plot."

Harley said while staring at the yelling bat tribesmen on the waterfall.

"It takes so much effort to travel through 50,000 years just to establish a bat tribe? What's the point?

There are countless similar tribes on the American continent. Old tribes die out and new tribes are established every day. "Oliver wondered.

Harley shook her head, "I don't know the reason now. If you continue to keep an eye on the bat tribe, you may gain something."

"What should we do about Bruce? His whereabouts are what we should pay most attention to." Oliver said.

"He is definitely not dead. Please share that memory with me." Harley said.

Oliver connected with her mind and completely showed the process of Bruce falling into the water and disappearing.

After thinking for a while, Harley said: "Based on the fluctuations of the river of time and the residual aura at the scene, it should be the Omega effect that opened the door to time. Bruce started time travel again and is still moving closer to reality."

"He went back?"

"He should have gone back. Under normal circumstances, Bruce cannot stay in the ancient times for too long. He is a mortal and has a limited lifespan. Both Darkseid and the plot designer will take this into consideration."

Speaking of this, Harley couldn't help but sigh, "Now I am more and more sure that the evil owl has reconstructed a story dedicated to Bruce in history.

The plot set in the reboot is even higher than fate.

The result has already been achieved in reality, and it will inevitably happen in history.

Even if you and I had the intention to stop it, it ended up being completed inexplicably. "

Oliver said: "You can't blame us for being careless. The plot is really incomprehensible and Bruce did almost nothing.

It was the red-haired boy's own initiative to form the Bat Tribe, and Bruce was even learning Common Language. "

After a pause, his eyes flickered and he said: "Otherwise, if we bring the bat tribe to the Heavenly Palace, no matter what plan the evil owl god has, it will not be able to be carried out."

Harley shook her head and said: "The key is not the Bat Tribe, it is just an event that the protagonist of the plot participated in.

There is only one way to stop the evil owl god's plan, and unfortunately we will never do it. "

"what way?"

"Killing Bruce, the protagonist of the plot, will inevitably lead to the plot not being able to develop."

Almost at the same time, the borderland of the universe.

Unlike the origin wall in reality, the origin wall in the Age of the God of War is very unreal.

It seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, making it impossible to get close and difficult to observe.

A ray of dark energy descended from the void, gathered together, and finally transformed into a bat with a big face.

"Mother, mother" its voice was very soft, very gentle, full of respect and longing.

"Mother, mother" it kept calling, and the milky white sound waves rippled around its mouth. The sound waves dispersed the fog and fell on the origin wall, causing the rocks on the surface of the origin wall to vibrate slightly.

"Kacha kacha~~" After a while, a weak gap opened in the origin wall.


"Mother, it's me, your youngest son Barbatos." Black Bat said excitedly.

Harley had been mistaken all along. The evil god believed in by the Court of Owls was not an owl, but a bat.

"Barbatos, have you arrived in the main universe now?" the female voice inside the wall asked.

"It hasn't fully arrived yet. Not long ago, Bateman traveled to ancient times as I designed. He connected to the channel of the multiverse of light. When he came, I officially arrived."

After explaining his plan, Barbatos said proudly: "Even if Witch Harley discovered him, guessed that his time travel was related to me, and knew how to stop the development of the plot, she still couldn't do anything, hahahaha!

When Bateman returns to reality, I will be able to appear in the main universe in a complete form, completely open the channel between the light multiverse and the dark multiverse, and release darkness into the light multiverse.

By then, a massive amount of crisis power will be generated. By absorbing those crisis powers, mother, you will be able to collapse the origin wall and regain your freedom. "

"Actually, after seducing Mar Nou and degenerating into Mandrake, I have gained enough crisis power, and now I can break free from the shackles of the Origin Wall." The woman said slowly.

At this point, the identity of the woman has been revealed, Papetua, the mother of the creation of the universe!

"Ah, mother, you can come out now!" Barbatos was overjoyed. "You haven't come out now. What problem have you encountered?"

"For me, the biggest crisis has never been the Origin Wall, nor is it within the Origin Wall, but outside the Origin Wall, and the creation of the Origin Wall to suppress my existence." Papetua said.

"Even if I face the Judge of Origin, I will not shrink back or be afraid." Barbatos said firmly.

"With enough crisis power, I can return to full strength, and then the Origin Judge will be nothing.

I don’t need you to face the Origin Judge directly. You will take advantage of the world to restart and continue to create big crises. The bigger the crisis, the more extensive the crisis, the more abundant the crisis power will be. "Papetua said.

"Don't worry, the crisis I create will definitely far exceed that of Mobius (Anti-Monitor) and Marnou. There are countless parallel universes in the Ten Thousand Sky Instruments, and I will not let any of them go." Barbatos promised.

"In addition to the crisis force, I also need seven anti-basic forces, the stasis force that is opposed to the speed force, the invisible emotional spectrum that is opposed to the emotional spectrum, the tears of death that are opposed to the life connection force, and the void that is opposed to the divine power of faith. Wind, the year of the villain who is opposed to the idea of ​​justice, the sixth note that is opposed to the power of creation, and the black apple that is opposed to fate." Papetua said.

"This" Barbatos said hesitantly: "The sixth annotation is easy to say. I am the incarnation of the sixth annotation, but even I have rarely seen the other six. But I can help get the seven positive basic powers."

Papetua said calmly: "The power that seals me is the seven positive basic powers. What do I want them to do?"

"Oh, you need seven negative basic forces to offset them one by one." Barbatos was stunned at first, and then asked: "Aren't the seven positive basic forces your power to create the world? Why are they now the shackles that bind you? ?”

"It is true that I used seven basic powers to create the world, but the seven basic powers do not belong to me.

I received the seven basic forces from the origin and came to Taixu to use them as raw materials to create the world. "Papetua said.

Barbatos hesitated: "Even so, your power should be higher than them."

"Power is just a dead thing. The person who controls the power is the key. The Origin Judge's methods are better than mine. He is only better at controlling the seven basic powers. The crisis power is what really suits me." Papetua road.

"So that's it." Barbatos thought for a moment and said, "Although I have never seen the other six negative basic forces, the earth is very special. Tears of Destruction, Wind of Nothingness, and Stasis Force have already appeared.

When I take it down, I should be able to collect enough negative base power. "

Papetua smiled, "Do you know why the earth is special? It is an arsenal created by me. Not only the Tears of Death, the Wind of Nothingness and Stasis Force, but also several other negative basic forces can be found on the earth.

In other words, the destined people related to the negative basic force are all on the earth. "

"That's better, wait for me -"

"No, you don't have to wait until then, now is a good opportunity." Papetua said.

"You mean, use this real history to collect negative base power?"

"Yes, this kind of opportunity is so rare. Fifty thousand years of 'real time' is only a blink of reality." Papetua said.

Barbatos said: "Mother, although I am the creator of this history, the first 'author' is the witch Harley.

She led the cosmic reboot in Crisis on Infinite Earths and held your hand"

"No need to explain, I am no stranger to Witch Harley." Papetua said.

Barbatos nodded and said: "Now that she has come to this era, she plans to stay for fifty thousand years.

Before the power is completely transferred to the multiverse of light, I'm afraid I won't be her opponent.

In fact, she is the owner of the earth now, and she is still looking for me everywhere.

If I hadn't had the perspective of the 'sixth dimension', she would have found me long ago. "

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