I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1644 Bateman of the Martial God King Era

At the foot of Wushen Mountain, there is a forest of stone tablets.

A man in coarse linen clothes stood with his hands behind his back, standing under the huge stone tablet engraved with "The Gods Kneel to Worship the King of Martial Gods", looking up at it carefully.

Judging from his appearance, he is probably in his forties, a white man, about 1.9 meters tall, with broad shoulders and large hands. He has thick long chestnut hair draped casually over his shoulders. His linen clothes are simple but clean.

Not far away, there is a group of stonemasons busy around several stone tablets, and the clanging sounds are messy and intensive.

The man in linen didn't feel the noise and was very absorbed in staring at the mural.

The strange thing is that even though his appearance is conspicuous, the masons and the passing human heroes don't seem to see him.

They never glanced at him.

"Brother Jehovah, it's such a coincidence that I met you just after coming down the mountain. What are you doing here?" Harley appeared silently beside the man in linen clothes. No one saw her arrival, and no one heard her voice.

"Well, it's a coincidence that I was passing by the foot of the mountain and saw a craftsman carving a monument, so I stopped to take a look. Are you Harley Quinn, the God of War? You are indeed a talented person." The middle-aged man in Mai turned around and looked at Harley up and down. He nodded in praise: "Even I can't see through the power in you. No wonder you can achieve such great things, it's amazing."

Although he was standing in front of her, Harley couldn't see his face clearly.

It wasn't that she couldn't see clearly. In fact, she could see every pore on his face clearly, but what she saw was not his true appearance.

At first glance, she saw an ordinary face that was engraved with years and full of ordinaryness. But she turned on the God's Defense Specialty, and at the next glance she saw that this face was just a disguise. He was like a little sun, emitting dazzling but dazzling light. The soft golden light did no harm, but made her unable to open her eyes and look directly at his true face.

"I dare not tell the truth in front of my brother. I have mastered a new power. I don't know where it came from. I didn't even know it was a new power at first. Later I became a god and the multiverse came to me. Come for information about the new power." Harley looked honest, her tone and expression were very sincere.

"It turns out to be a new power." He nodded, did not continue to inquire, and changed the next topic with a smile, "The gods collectively evacuated the earth, and humans have officially become the masters of the world. I don't know what King Martial God has planned for the future development of human civilization. ?”

"I'm feeling worried. It's a great thing for mankind that the gods have left the earth, but mankind has suddenly lost faith." Harley sighed with a grimace: "Humans must not be without spiritual faith.

Without the guidance of faith, the future in life is uncertain and it is easy to lose the direction.

Moreover, human thought is like an empty barrel, and faith is like the water in the barrel. If it does not contain clean and sweet mountain spring water, other messy things may be put in it. "

"They can believe in the King of Martial God." Jehovah said.

Harley continued to sigh, "Even I, the King of Martial God, still need faith!

And I understand the limits of the God of War doctrine.

I am a warrior, and my teachings are mainly used to guide human warriors.

Martial arts is only a small part of human civilization and cannot take into account all aspects of life and production. "

"Then what kind of faith does King Wushen hope that humans will have?" Mayi Jehovah asked.

Harley's eyes flashed slightly, and she began to talk about her understanding of God's teachings. During this period, she also asked Mai many times about Jehovah's views and opinions.

Jehovah also answered her questions very seriously.

At first, Harley still had the intention of following the plot, but as she was chatting, she became so immersed in it that she forgot about the time and the environment she was in.

Jehovah not only talks about what God’s teachings require people to do and what they shouldn’t do, but He also talks about the relationship between man and the universe, the evolution of the universe, the nature of the world, and the cultivation of life and spirit.

He was completely telling the process and experience of creating “God’s doctrine” and preaching His Word.

Unlike Halle who planned to just go through the motions and only talk about God’s teachings in a simple and in-depth way, Jehovah was serious about it.

He was not talking to her about religious belief, He was expounding the "Word of God" that gave birth to this religious belief.

When Mayi Jehovah stopped, Harry came back to his senses from the way of God, and was shocked to see that the forest of stone monuments had become a forest, and there were mottled marks on the stone monuments in front of him.

Most of the craftsmen who carved the monuments have been replaced, and the familiar faces are already covered with white hair.

Harry suddenly realized that forty years had passed!

Without saying a word, she turned around and bowed to Mai Jehovah, shouting: "Brother, I recognize you, you are my big brother forever!"

Mayi Jehovah's body was shaken, and his expression was a little distorted.

"Brother, please don't refuse. My little sister is willing to lead herself, the 4,000 Martial Gods and the 80,000 demigods of the Martial God Sect to worship the God of God.

From now on, brother, you are our faith. I will spread your teachings to the entire human race and let them choose freely. "Harry shouted while keeping his hands bowed.

Mayi Jehovah frowned slightly and was silent.

He came in person and spent forty years describing His teachings and ways. It can be said that He spent a lot of money.

The purpose is to capture the witch Harley in one fell swoop, make her worship her, and become his disciple, thereby completing the content of "Martial God King's Heaven Chapter".

When the universe was restarted during Crisis on Infinite Earths, Harley was unable to complete the restart herself, so she could only borrow Yerby to act as her deputy brain, and Yerby volunteered on her own initiative, so she suspected that Yerby was God's little black hand.

For example, God took the opportunity to rewrite the history of human faith.

In order to confuse possible conspiracies, she deliberately wrote the "History of the Martial God King": Three Saints are worshiped in heaven on earth, the Supreme Father God Jehovah, the Son of God Jesus on earth, and the Martial God King Harley of Heaven Mountain. The Martial God King and the God Brother hit it off immediately and got married. Brothers and sisters with different surnames, the angels in heaven respectfully call her 'Uncle Daddy Hallie'. Every time the ghost sees her, he kneels down and kowtows three times. Gabriel refuses to accept it, has his head knocked open, and is even stripped naked by Brother God and hung up in heaven. Ten thousand years at the gate

She first determined the history, and naturally God could no longer modify the history of Christian faith.

The above content is the "storyline" clearly stated by Harley, which contains many details.

On the contrary, the plot related to the gods only has a synopsis: the King of Martial God swept across the gods, Zeus and other god kings knelt down and begged, but luckily survived.

To put it bluntly, the gods are just the fish in the pond that have been tragically affected, and are not the main target of the history of the God of War.

If Harley is surrendered by Mai Jehovah at this time and kneels down and shouts "Lord", thus confirming the identity of the believers and masters of both parties, it is equivalent to Harley taking the initiative to modify the plot of "Martial God King Era Heaven Chapter" - she and God are no longer the same. Brother and sister, the ghost doesn't have to call her uncle, Gabriel doesn't have to have his head knocked open, and he doesn't have to hang on the door.

Of course, the history of the "Martial God King Era" can be modified.

Mao Shen can change, and so can the God King and the Lord God.

It's just that there is a price to pay for modifying the "plot".

Just like Amaterasu and Shiva escaped from the earth, but lost the protection of reality by the power of destiny, reality was distorted, and they died directly.

Jehovah was unwilling to pay the price, so he followed the "plot" and came to the foot of the mountain to wait for Harley, and then told her about "the way of God". Harley was obviously shocked and intoxicated.

But she still did not kneel down and surrender her faith to Him. She just called Him "Big Brother" with great admiration.

He doesn't want to be her big brother!

"Alas, you don't even want to call me 'Lord'." Mayi Jehovah said angrily.

Harley said seriously: "I call you 'big brother' only when I admire you and get close to you, and I call you 'lord' only when I deal with you.

When faith exists, the Lord is the Lord; without faith, the Lord is just a bastard. Brother, you should understand this deeply.

Think of Lucifer Morningstar and the fallen angels who make up one-third of the total number of angels in heaven.

This is equivalent to saying that there is at least a third chance that someone who calls you 'Lord' will call you a 'son of a bitch'.

I call you ‘big brother’ and you will be my ‘big brother’ for the rest of your life. "

Mai Jehovah's expression was slightly distorted.

After a long time, He sighed, waved his hand and said, "That's it for today. If you have time, go to the Garden of Eden to see it."

After saying that, He turned into a beam of golden light and shot straight into the sky. After flying into the air, the beam suddenly dispersed eight or nine "fireworks". "Fireworks" with different breaths shot in all directions to the west and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This is..." Harley looked up and stared at the sky, looking a little shocked.

She felt the scent of little black beans in one of the "fireworks" and something similar to a ghost in another "firework".

The time was too short, and she had no time to release the other "fireworks" with her mental power to track them, but from only the above two breaths, she could also deduce a conclusion: the Jehovah just now was more complete than the dog God.

A moment later, the "Capital of the Human King" above Wushen Mountain.

"As for that, it's just a piece of history of the Martial God King."

After hearing Harley's guess about Jehovah's complete God identity, Ivy looked incomprehensible.

"Everyone on earth now believes in King Wushen. If things don't change, by the 21st century, it's not certain whether there will still be Christianity on earth.

If He wants something from me, of course it would be more sincere if He came in person. " Harley said with a proud smile.

Ivy said: "Even if Christianity is important to God, just let Yebi's father come over. There is no need to form a complete body, right?"

Harley thought for a while and said: "He is not a true complete God, he only intercepted a wisp of their breath and merged it into a complete God's will.

And He didn’t just come here to change the plot. On the contrary, He wanted to surrender me and let me change the plot.

In the original history of the Martial God King, he and I became brother and sister.

He was not willing to accept this reality.

He wants to be my ‘Lord’, to completely possess my faith and gain my worship.

He almost succeeded. In terms of cultivation and realm, I really admire him very much. "

Without the God Defense feat, Harley could be a bit dangerous.

In order to subdue her, He spoke the Word of God to her for 40 years.

At this time, His realm and path are higher than hers, and it is easy to form a trend of crushing and assimilation.

Just like when a backward country encounters a developed country, it will involuntarily learn to imitate the other party, belittle and deny itself, and eventually lose itself and become a "clone country" with cultural clones and institutional clones.

"Jehovah appears in the form of a complete body, and has the purpose of finding out my true identity." Harley said with some fear on her face: "I have faced Lucifer, Father Yebi, Little Black Bean, Ghost, and Gabriel before. No one in existence can see through my 'new power' at a glance."

She has activated the level 10 God's Defense Specialty.

As a result, as soon as Jehovah's eyes fell on her, she felt some fluctuations in the level experience in the jar.

His gaze did not penetrate directly into her body.

It is the Law of Thick Skin that triggers the "new power", which is level experience.

And her thick-skinned law extends to the material world in the depths of the law sea, connecting her soul.

Jehovah should have peeked into her secret through the Law of Thick Skin.

Without the God's Defense expertise, Harley wasn't even sure she could hide the evolutionary treasure.

"What is your new power?" Ivy asked curiously.

Harley hesitated for a while, then shook her head and said, "I'll tell you when I transcend the multiverse. You may not be able to keep the secret even if you want to.

Just like in the previous Final Crisis, you were killed by Darkseid

Now I am not yet invincible in the multiverse, so I have to be careful and not let others take advantage of me. "

"But God knows."

"No one can peep into God's secrets, unless He intends to betray me. Now I am hiding it from you. If someone tells someone about the new power in the future, I can at least guess who the suspect is.

Alas, no matter how close we are called Big Brother and Little Sister, there is still not much trust between Him and me! " Harley sighed.

"Then you are still so keen on dealing with God and heaven? Heaven can't help us now anyway, so why not keep a distance and live your own little life." Ivy suggested.

Harley sighed: “Even in the omnipotent universe, God is still the ‘God’ of everyone.

No one can cross Him, and no one can escape His gaze.

Instead of hiding in the shadow He casts to comfort yourself, it is better to stand up openly, get closer to Him, and strive for the benefits as much as possible.

For an existence like God, there are no personal emotions. He is like a great road, selfless and ruthless. It is enough to be close to Him and use each other. "

Only by getting close to Him can you get the power of God, and then use the power of God to upgrade the God's defense expertise.

Ivy asked curiously: "Given your mutual suspicion, you shouldn't have anything to say, right?

Why have we been talking for forty years? What have we talked about? Why don’t you send a message back?

Oliver has looked for you several times, and I have gone down the mountain to look for you countless times. If not for the stability of the Kingdom of God you established, we would have thought something had happened to you. "

"He was preaching the Bible to me, just like Laozi went west to Hangu to teach the Tao Te Ching to Yin Xi, and like Jesus recruiting the Twelve Disciples, doing his best, without reservation, and sincerely.

If I were an ordinary person, I would have become His saint by now.

Alas, this is the true royal method.

Use Tao and reason to conquer their hearts instead of threatening their lives with force. " Harley sighed.

"Only the Bible can talk about forty years? How many years have the 12 disciples followed Jesus?" Ivy wondered.

"The 12 Disciples and Yin Xi are mortals after all. It is definitely easier to trick mortals into returning to their hearts. But who am I? If you want to use reason to win my heart, how can you do it without showing real facts?" Harley put her hands behind her back and smiled proudly. road.

"It seems you got a lot of benefit from the sermon." Ivy said, looking at her.

"The benefits are very great. Let me digest it for a few decades first. Then I will preach to you publicly to ensure that each of you has insights and everyone's realm will be greatly improved." Harley said confidently.

"You want to go into seclusion? What about the experiment? There is also the Garden of Eden mentioned by God. There must be a reason why He asked you to go. Are you going to go?" Ivy said.

"I roughly know what the Garden of Eden is, so there's no need to rush. Once I master the way of God, it will be logical to change the name to the Garden of Eden. As for the experiment, we have a lot of time, so there's no need to rush."

Before the retreat, Harley sent a message to Oliver.

"Ivy said you came to see me several times. What happened?"

"After the gods left the earth, demons, demons from hell, began to appear frequently all over the world. Is this normal?" Oliver asked.

Harley said thoughtfully: "There are no longer ligers on the grassland, and jackals are beginning to appear."

Oliver nodded and said: "I have been exorcising demons in various places over the years, and some heroes from the ancestors told me that demons in the Age of Gods only dared to move secretly.

No matter which pantheon, they all hate demons.

As long as there are traces of demons in the ruled area, the gods will track them down and kill them all. "

Harry smiled and said: "For the old gods, believers and the power of faith are extremely important, and they will definitely not tolerate the devil snatching food from the tiger's mouth.

It's also because the old God is too overbearing. As long as the soul is contaminated with the breath of hell, the soul will fall into hell, even if the owner of the soul is still a believer of the gods. "

"If this were reality, it wouldn't be surprising for demons to invade the human world, but you said that the War God King's era was not connected to Limbo." Oliver wondered.

"Alas, the era of the God of War has ended. Now is the era of the 'Heaven God of War', where demons and angels are important supporting roles."

Harley sighed and repeated the process of her "accidental encounter" with the complete will of God.

"Although I have always believed in God, I am still not willing to give up the faith of mankind now." Oliver struggled.

"You feel unwilling, and Heaven still feels aggrieved." Harley said.

"They just take advantage of it and eat it ready-made. What grievances do they have?"

“In real history, as early as a few million years ago, the civilization of the gods ended.

The human hero who ended the rule of the gods was the pantheon of Order.

Nabu is very awesome and talented, but he is not without background.

The power that stands behind Him and the human gods is Heaven.

Guess how the ‘Mercenary of Heaven’ contract came about, and why Naboo has so many connections in Heaven? "

Sighing, Harley continued: "In fact, Naboo is the original mercenary of heaven.

In the name of mercenaries, the gods have no reason to accuse heaven of manipulating humans to subvert their rule. "

"So that's it," Oliver suddenly realized, "What should we do next?"

"What did you do before and continue to do that now?" Harley glanced at the scars on his face and said, "Demons are more difficult to deal with than gods?"

Oliver noticed her gaze, touched his cheek, and said, "Using martial arts to exorcise demons is a bit unprofessional.

A sharp arrow shot through the chest of a god can kill the god.

Demons are not immune to physical attacks, and most of them are projections.

I killed it today and it comes out again every few days, which is very annoying. "

Harley thought for a while, opened her mouth and spit out two balls of flame the size of ping pong balls, "You take them and fuse them. As long as you master the secret of death, I guarantee that you can even shoot down the sun."

Oliver looked curiously at the two illusory fire eyes, but did not dare to touch them.

"What are they? There is a strong sense of crisis in my spiritual sense."

"The eyes of Hades are fused with the original flames of Hades. Their main function is to continuously generate the power of death and convert life force into the power of death.

It adds a 'death enchantment' special effect to your attacks.

For example, if you cover the fire of death with your hands and touch anyone, the person will immediately turn into a rotten and shriveled corpse, as if the essence of life has been sucked away by a goblin.

Well, his life essence was indeed absorbed by you and transformed into the power of death.

The more people are killed, the stronger the power of death becomes, and eventually even inanimate existences can be obliterated. "

Oliver took a few steps back and waved his hands repeatedly, "I don't want it. I don't kill people. It's better to destroy these eyes. It's too evil."

Harley raised her hand and pointed at the bow and arrow on his back and said, "Isn't it a big killer? As long as you aim at the key points such as the center of the eyebrows and the throat, the killing speed will be much faster than the Eye of Hades."

"The bow and arrow are my weapons. I can control them without hurting anyone." Oliver's tone faded and he hesitated: "I can control it with the same precision as I control the bow and arrow?"

"You have fifty thousand years to practice slowly."

Oliver stared at the fire eyes with a heart-beating expression, "It can restrain demons?"

"If Hades goes to hell, he can directly find the position of Satan. His power has a strong suppressive effect on low-level demons under the Demon King."

Fifty years later, Hari ended her retreat.

At this time, her hundred-year agreement with human warrior gods and demigods had almost expired.

Almost all of them came to the "Capital of the King of People" with their families, and there were almost a million people.

Harry gathered all the warrior gods, demigods, and tribal priests who believed in him together, and said: "A hundred years ago, I met a sage with great wisdom and power.

His name is ‘Jehovah’, and he is a being beyond the gods.

He and I hit it off instantly, had a great conversation, and ended up sitting and discussing each other for 40 years, with deep feelings.

Now I will share my gains with you. "

She didn't directly say that she wanted to go to heaven, but she wanted to take them to go to heaven with her.

Even though he is a devout believer, he is first and foremost a person of independent will.

She used to be righteous, shouting the slogan of "free development of human civilization" for thousands of years, and sacrificing thousands of human heroes, but now she suddenly leads the entire human race to seek refuge in heaven. Who can accept it?

If it were Harley who was a human hero, she would immediately rush forward with passion and apostatize.

Therefore, Hallie frankly shared the "Way of God" she had realized with everyone.

He didn't preach all the time. He basically preached every two or three days, which lasted for nearly a hundred years.

After each time she finished speaking, they would gather together to discuss, and when she started speaking next time, they would raise their hands to ask questions.

Basically, in the past hundred years, everyone has been immersed in a strong academic atmosphere.

As long as capable people show their talents, they will always be recognized by everyone.

Even Harley was filled with admiration and benefited immensely from listening to the path of integrating God's will.

Although she, a second-rate dealer, changed hands, the effect was worse than listening to God's sermon directly, but the original realm and knowledge of the human hero were far inferior to Harley.

At this time, Harley still did not directly declare her surrender to Jehovah, but only said: "The core purpose of the war between humans and gods is to fight for the independence and freedom of mankind.

It’s not that I completely deny faith, or that I want all mankind to believe in me, the King of Martial Gods.

If everyone is forced to believe in the Martial God King, what is the difference between me and those old gods?

Hasn’t human independence and freedom become a joke?

Freedom also includes freedom of belief.

Many ancestors still follow the customs of the old gods in their daily lives. I only supervised and did not interfere in the past, and I have no intention of interfering now or in the future.

As long as customs and traditional culture do not violate basic human ethics, they are acceptable and even worthy of protection. "

In the end, Harley didn’t say anything about her belief in God.

After completing her hundred-year sermon, she officially closed the door to the Capital of Human Kings.

It's not that they cut off the communication between the capital of human kings and the mortal tribes.

If the tribe encounters any trouble, they can still send a message to the Capital of Human Kings and ask the human Martial Gods of the same tribe to go home and help.

Oliver will also arrange for human Valkyrie to patrol the earth in airships.

After all, warrior gods and demigods are the strongest forces in the human race. Suddenly losing their protection, ordinary tribesmen are unable to deal with demons and evil gods from other worlds.

The current capital of human kings is more like the heaven in the fairy tales of the celestial dynasty.

Heaven has strict rules and regulations. The gods live in heaven and are not allowed to descend to earth privately.

But the exchanges between gods and humans are very frequent, and heaven's interference in the human world has not stopped.

Harley's fundamental purpose in establishing the Capital of the Human King is only to limit the influence of the human Martial Gods on human civilization, to prevent the Martial Gods with endless longevity from establishing large and small divine families again, and to prevent the former dragon-slaying warriors from degenerating into hindering the health of human civilization. The dragon of development.

Thousands of years later, not many humans remember the "Capital of Human Kings". They all call it "Heavenly Palace".

It is in the sky, and gods live in it. It is more appropriately called the Heavenly Palace.

The main universe, the 21st century, the front hall of the Escape Palace.

"It turns out that this is how the name 'Tiangong' comes." Dachao said thoughtfully: "In the ancient myths of many countries, there is a period of frequent exchanges between humans and gods. This is somewhat similar to yours."

Oliver nodded and said: "Indeed, in the post-Martial God King era, it is not difficult for mortals to see the Tiangong and the Martial God. Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, you can see the Martial God's airship crossing the sky every now and then.

Or you can light a bonfire in the tribe and pray to the King of Martial God, and you can also summon the Martial God’s spaceship to come. "

"Although I have heard your explanation and I think it is very reasonable, every time alien airships appear in mythological stories, I always feel very strange." Lana Lang said with a tangled expression.

"What's so strange about this? Even now, the New Gods and the Old Gods of Heaven are still a mixture of divine power and science. Scenes of gods holding spears and driving technological spaceships can be seen everywhere." Wonder Woman said.

Oliver said solemnly: "Pure technology and pure magic both have flaws. Only the combination of magic and technology can make you invincible. This is a truth we have verified through thousands of years of battles."

Da Chao nodded and asked: "What happens next? How did Harley become the God of War in Heaven? Has she been to the Garden of Eden? What is there?"

"Hallee didn't promote Christianity after that, and there was no Christ at that time.

But after centuries of preaching, belief in God has spread among human tribes.

Faith is not about building churches and statues of gods.

The knowledge and recognition of the way of the gods is the true faith.

In other words, Hallie teaching us the way of God is equivalent to spreading God’s faith among mankind.

Even if we don’t worship God’s statue, God doesn’t have a statue or a temple, at least not at that time.

Anyway, after Harley's sermon ended, some tribal people's souls had already gone to heaven after death.

Then she went to the Garden of Eden"

Oliver's expression was very strange, looking like disappointment and admiration at the same time, "Harry said that the Garden of Eden is God's 'Kingdom of God on Earth' and the manifestation of the 'City of Holy Sound' above Silver City in the human world. There is nothing to see." .

But she also admitted that the Garden of Eden was indeed the same as the legend, where Eve and Adam were born, and it exuded a holy atmosphere that was not contaminated by evil. "

"The Garden of Eden is the city of the Holy Sound, the home of the saints?" the heroes asked in surprise.

"The two have a deep connection, but they are not completely the same. Harley said that the scenery inside was very ordinary, which disappointed her. It is not much different from Silver City."

"After going to the Garden of Eden, she was canonized as the God of War in Heaven?" Dinah asked.

Oliver shook his head and said: "She is already the God of War in heaven. Give her her own things. How can Harley agree with her character?"

"That's true. She spread God's teachings during the era of the God of War and made great contributions to Heaven. It would be strange not to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune." Da Chao agreed.

"Did she really become the 'Sister of Jehovah' and the 'Sister of the Angels'?" Diana asked in surprise.

Oliver nodded first, then shook his head, "She made such wild claims in the Garden of Eden, claiming to be Jehovah's sister and the angel's uncle. Even God did not object, but no angel actually called her 'aunt'.

Later, Harley met angels who exorcised demons and preached outside the Garden of Eden. She forced them to call them "aunt".

This even includes Gabriel and Raphael.

They were unwilling to die at first, but Harley smashed their heads with a stick, tore off their clothes, and hung them in the God of War for ten thousand years. They immediately screamed.

In the years that followed, we never saw those angels in the human world again.

They are all avoiding Harley. "

"Is Harley so strong? Gabriel is the King of Angels." Diana asked doubtfully.

Oliver said: "Unlike the gods, they are all historical projections, not real bodies.

Harley guessed that God had done something.

When God first preached to her, he wanted to conquer her and let her change history.

Harley was not surrendered and still refused to call Him ‘Lord’.

If God wants to change, He probably has the ability to change it. If He doesn’t change, He will have to bear the cost of the change Himself.

You can't really follow the "original plot" of the history of the God of War and have the ghost kneel on the ground and kowtow to her, right?

Ghosts are the vengeful wrath of God, part of the complete God.

Letting the ghost kowtow is equivalent to God himself kowtowing to Harley, and God will definitely not do it. "

"What happened later? Why did Tiangong hide from the world? Where is Harley now?" Dachao asked.

"The Tiangong Age lasted for five thousand years. When large city-states and countries began to be built, when humans could rely on collective strength to fight against ordinary demons and evil gods, and when human kings began to feel that Tiangong and the ancestors of the war gods were a personal nuisance, Tiangong gradually reduced its influence, and finally Completely disappear from the world.”

"A secret concern? What evil deeds has Tiangong done?" Lana asked in shock.

Mr. Depp said with a complex expression: "For the king, anything that affects his power is a thorn in his side, and any interference with the royal power is a bad thing."

Oliver nodded bitterly, "Harry had predicted that situation, and she didn't care.

When the King of Babylon publicly declared that his country did not need and did not welcome warrior gods, Harley smiled with relief.

She said to a group of very angry warrior gods - Leading mankind onto the path of self-improvement, freedom and pride, isn't that what we have been striving for for many years?

She spent three years compiling a "Martial Arts Code", which covers various aspects such as martial arts, astronomy, history, politics, and military affairs.

They are all about basics and common sense, and are not too far ahead of the times. They are mainly intended to prevent unexpected interruptions in the inheritance of human civilization.

After giving the "Martial Code" to that king, the Heavenly Palace no longer interfered with the affairs of the Kingdom of Babylon.

Seeing this, the other kings seemed to understand something, and began to take the initiative to ask for the "Martial Arts Code" from the Martial God Mountain. After receiving the last gift from the Martial God King, the Martial God would no longer come to that country.

In the end, the Heavenly Palace disappeared, and the 'Mausoleum of King Wushen' was built on Wushen Mountain, and everyone was happy. "

Dachao murmured: "It turns out that the tomb of King Martial God is to announce the end of the era of King Martial God to all human nations."

"Alas, even the universe has a lifespan, and the era will come to an end." Oliver sighed.

"You have been living in the Tiangong since then, until now? Why are you the only one here? What is the resurrection sect of the God of War?" Dinah asked.

The believers in the Resurrection Cult were shocked and stared at Oliver with wide eyes.

Oliver sighed: "The end of the era of the God of War marks the beginning of the 'retirement era' of human heroes, but for Harley, it is the coming of a new era.

In the years that followed, her life was even more exciting than during the War God King period. "

"What did she do?" After hearing this, everyone became more and more curious.

"She" Oliver was about to say something, but after looking around, he suddenly asked: "Where is Bateman?"

"Baitman?" The heroes were stunned, "He's not, you don't know the outcome of the last battle.

Bateman used a divine toxin bullet to kill Darkseid's 'Olson Body'. He himself was also hit by omega rays, and his life or death was unknown. "

Oliver frowned and said, "You haven't seen him yet?"

"Didn't you just say that he was raped by Omega——"

Oliver waved his hand and said: "I know that the omega rays did not kill him, but took him through time to the 'post-Martial God King Era' 48,000 years ago."

"What? Bateman has also traveled through time, are you sure?" Dachao was surprised and happy.

"Can this be wrong? Harley took me to visit him and saw him leave with my own eyes. He returned to reality earlier than us. You should have seen him earlier," Oliver said.

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