I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1625 Fighting Darkseid Again

"Before in Bludhaven, Darkseid's body was cracked and almost collapsed. There was not much consciousness and strength stored in it, right?" Bateman asked.

Harley said: "Most of his energy is spent on deriving equations."

Bateman's eyes flashed slightly and he asked again: "But he can focus a lot of his mind on the body where the main consciousness resides, right?"

Harley understood that his question was related to the killing of Darkseid, so he explained in detail: "Theoretically, he can store any amount of spirit and power in the main consciousness host body.

You can leave only a trace of it and barely speak, or you can concentrate all your thoughts into the host body.

Don't think of Darkseid as a head, two hands, two feet, or a driven 'human' at this time. He has no longer been in human form.

The main consciousness parasite and the billions of infected people in the universe are all part of his body or even a very small part.

He used an equation to prove that "all life will eventually belong to Darkseid." The "all life" here has different meanings at different stages.

In the current process of 'questioning', all life refers to the essence of life in the multiverse.

He used his will as a pen to write equations on the answer sheet of the origin of the multiverse, and the object of his conquest was the 'marker'.

The ‘marker’ is an existence beyond the monitor, and can be regarded as the life consciousness of the multiverse itself.

At this stage, the only people who are infected with the life equation are those who watch "The Strongest Trainee" and the main universe beings who receive and watch the 'Cyborg Signal Wave' - infecting them is not the purpose, extracting emotional elements from the infected to form a longer The key is to complete the proof question using the equation.

Outside the main universe, there are countless parallel universes with countless billions of people, but they have not yet been directly affected.

Perhaps, people with keen spiritual senses can sense the imminent life and death crisis.

The second stage is after 'doing the questions'. As long as Darkseid completes the proof questions and the life consciousness of the multiverse is 'conquered' by his argument, Darkseid can take advantage of the opportunity of the restart of the fifth world to instantly rewrite the multiverse. The reality of the universe.

It becomes a reality where 'all life belongs to Darkseid' and the entire multiverse has only one voice and one consciousness.

Human beings in the multiverse will probably disappear, and their existence will no longer exist.

Darkseid is no longer in human form. He will evolve into an omnipotent cosmic chaotic creature that says, "He is the universe, and the universe is him."

It should be greater than the Creator God.

So, you get it?

The main consciousness host is just the most important cell in Darkseid's body.

He needs to use his main consciousness to interfere with the first stage of reality, directly using force or intelligence.

That is to protect the process of doing the questions from being disturbed by us.

The infected person is the 'umbilical cord' on his body, delivering nutrients to him.

One cell plus an umbilical cord is only a small part of the complete Darkseid. More Darkseid has become the "life essence of the multiverse" as the equations are demonstrated. "

After letting Bateman digest it for a while, Harley continued: "Since the host, the infected person, and the essence of life are all part of his body, of course he can focus on a certain 'body part' or distract his thoughts. Do many things at the same time.

For example, you can watch TV with your eyes, think about the plot with your brain, pick up a bowl with your hands to eat, listen to the conversations of people at the same table, think about the content of their conversations, and lean against the back of the chair with your back. Rubbing and scratching, stamping your feet to shake off the fish bones that fell on your shoes, and talking vaguely to your deskmate. If water is still boiling on the gas stove in the kitchen and the kettle rings, you can hear it.

At this time, your eyes, brain, hands, mouth, ears, back, legs, and feet are all assigned a part of your "mind".

When you have dinner, return to the study, pick up a problem book and start working on the problems, you can no longer distract yourself as you did when eating. You must concentrate and focus on the exercises.

If you are not 100% focused, you may get the question wrong. "

Bateman's eyes were complicated. Before he could tell how to kill Darkseid, she explained in detail all the points he was most concerned about.

He raised two fingers and said, "I summarized two key points from your words. First, Darkseid can transfer a large amount of his mind to the host body.

Secondly, at certain critical moments, he must transfer a large amount of his mind to the host body. "

Harry narrowed his eyes and smiled: "You are right, and the idea is not bad."

"Did you guess it?" Bateman asked.

"Tell me about it," Harley said.

Bateman pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "There is no doubt that you were Darkseid's biggest enemy before the Miracle Machine was exposed.

If he says he wants to kill you, he will do it.

And in half a day, his equation deduction will reach a new stage. At that stage, his ‘share of life in the multiverse’ will be high enough to obliterate you. "

Harley sighed: "So, your plan is to wait half a day for him to come and kill me, and then we can kill him instead?"

Bateman said solemnly: "In the first stage, most of Darkseid's energy was used to solve problems.

Even if we kill one, two, or countless hosts of main consciousness, we can't fundamentally damage him.

We need him to transfer a large amount of his mind into the host body of the main consciousness.

And you are the problem that requires 100% concentration to solve.

In order to kill you, the power of the host must be strong enough.

In order to be strong enough, you must concentrate, which means transferring a lot of your mind to the host body.

At that time, he will definitely focus on you and ignore the assassin next to him.

That would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. "

"I don't mind taking the risk of being a 'math problem'. He will try to kill me sooner or later, but can you be an assassin?" Harley frowned.

"No one can do it except me." Bateman's eyes didn't even blink.

"How are you going to kill him?" Harley asked.

"The way he killed Orion! Even if he has become a 'problemist' now, the essence of his new god has not yet completed its transformation.

Anyone who is a new god will definitely be killed by that bullet.

Obliterate most of Darkseid's main consciousness, and even if he is not completely dead, the remaining mind will not be enough to support him to complete the derivation of the equation. "Baitman's voice was low and firm.

Harley pondered: "If you shoot a bullet into his body before he transfers his main consciousness from the host body, it will indeed wipe out most of his soul, but can you shoot a bullet that travels through time and space?"

"I can't. Space-time bullets are useless against Darkseid. The God-King transcends the river of time and can observe his own timeline. How could he be assassinated by a bullet from the future?"

"There are other reasons for Orion's death!" Bateman said with certainty.

"what reason?"

"It should be a curse! Gods must also abide by the rules. Oaths are one of the biggest rules of the gods. The old gods must abide by the oaths involving contract laws.

The new gods have a close relationship with the origin of the multiverse. In your words, the old gods are self-employed and the new gods are civil servants, and civil servants have stricter rules."

At this point, Bateman couldn't help but change the topic and said: "I have always had a question, why do others have to abide by their oaths, but you can break your oaths like eating and drinking without any backlash or curse?

Don’t say God protects you, God also hates those who break oaths.

In the nine levels of hell, each level is more sinful than the next. Those who break the oath are extremely guilty and will go to the nine levels of hell. "

"Don't talk nonsense. When did I break my oath? The best I can do is lie and deceive." Harley said aggrievedly and seriously.

Bateman's mouth twitched, "What's the difference between lying and breaking an oath?"

Harry said: "The difference is huge. To deceive others with lies is to make them mistakenly think that I have made a certain promise, and to break an oath is to violate the certain promise I have made.

Just like demons, they never lie without drafting. Every magician is taught by the teacher on the first day of learning black magic - never believe the words of demons.

But the devil just played word games in the contract, never dared to break the oath, could not break the oath. "

Bateman was speechless.

"Don't talk nonsense. Although chatting with Shihai saves time, I have to meet Dachao soon, and five minutes is not enough." Harley said.

She had just made an agreement with the heroes to go find Darkseid in five minutes.

Then Bateman came over.

The two of them whispered a lot in the conscious space, but in reality only two minutes had passed.

Bateman said: "Breaking oaths is a major taboo of the New Gods, but parricide is the biggest taboo of the New Gods. Those who kill relatives must be cursed by the 'Origin'.

Putting aside whether Orion violated the peace contract between Apokolips and Genesis, his killing of Darkseid definitely violated the New God's parricide taboo.

He is cursed.

The curse would not kill him directly, but would take his life away in some seemingly ordinary or absurd way.

Therefore, Darkseid can kill Orion with future bullets. "

"You are very good at being able to give such insightful analysis as a Muggle." Harry praised.

Bateman shook his head and said: "You have told us many times about the taboos and restrictions of the gods.

For example, most of the information in the 'New God Defense Files' comes from your few words over the years. "

After a pause, he continued: "Darkseid is very shrewd. He neither broke his oath nor committed parricide - Orion has broken the new god's taboo on parricide.

He also adhered to Apokolips to the last moment and did not violate the responsibility of the 'Dark Lord' given to him by 'Origin'.

He has no fault in his responsibility, but he is just too ambitious.

If he is cursed by Origin, the curse will definitely not be as strong as Orion.

Assume that the curse of Orion's parricide is '10' and the misfortune value is 10.

Darkseid "tried to defy the will of heaven by solving problems". At this time, the "Origin"'s rejection of Darkseid was only "1", and the misfortune value was 1.

Assassinate Orion with a misfortune value of 10 from the timeline, just enough to kill Orion.

Ke Seid's bad luck value is only 1, and it is impossible to shoot him from the timeline. "

"You said that Darkseid's misfortune value is only 1, which is a bit taken for granted." Harley said.

"Then how much do you think it is?" Bateman asked.

Harley said: "I don't know, but your conclusion is correct. Darkseid himself has killed Orion in the timeline, and he will definitely be wary of similar methods.

Moreover, Darkseid can kill Orion, and the Mobius Chair also plays an important role. There is no better sniper rifle in the world (PS). "

"I don't have a time sniper rifle, but I have a silent assassination technique. Give me that divine toxin bullet, and I will be responsible for assassinating him." Bateman said.

"The risk is too high, the success rate is too low, and it's not cost-effective." Harley shook her head.

"When I assassinate Darkseid, you must be at the scene. I will only take action when he puts all his attention on you. Even if he fails, there is a high chance of escaping." Bateman said.

Harley still hesitated, "I may not be able to take care of you."

"Harley, I'm not a child, I'm a superhero, and you should respect my identity and decision." Bateman said seriously.

"Oh, be careful."

Harley sighed helplessly, withdrew her mental power from Bateman's Consciousness Sea, opened her mouth and spit out the bullet that killed Orion.

"How do you plan to use it? Do you want me to help you transform it into a dagger, or something else?" she finally asked.

"You go about your business. I'm not a fool. I won't ignore all the issues that should be taken into consideration." Bateman said.

"Be careful and don't show off."

Harley repeated hesitantly, then turned on the blue light to teleport, and in an instant she arrived at the North Pole, the gate of the Fortress of Solitude.

Next to the Fortress of Solitude is the Pharaoh's "pyramid". After the Pharaoh burped, it became Harley's collection. Later, when she became rich and despised it, she gave it to Chao.

A simple pyramid building is of little value, but it contains the Pharaoh's technology database, which is also very useful for Da Chao.

For example, a tachyon emitter that can interfere with predictions.

Dr. Manhattan straddles the river of time, and the present, past and future are all clearly visible before his eyes.

But the Pharaoh successfully plotted against him once, relying on the tachyon launcher.

It can obscure the view from the river of time and the perspective of high latitude.

At this time, Dachao activated the advanced tachyon launcher in the Fortress of Solitude.

In addition to the tachyons blocking peeping and prophecy, Harley herself also always covers the Fortress of Solitude with a thin layer of emotional energy.

Not even Darkseid can break into the fortress and kill Super Chao in an instant. Super Chao is Super Chao after all, not a helpless scientist.

"Harry, why are you here?" Dachao noticed her arrival, but did not look back, still immersed in the experimental table.

"Bring your equipment, let's go to the blood realm." Harley said.

This time Dachao turned around, "Looking for the Superman Legion?"

Harley nodded slightly, "The Dome Mothership belongs to the Monitor. It has more advanced materials and electronic component printers. 'Superman' is also your best assistant."

"In this case, the secret of the Miracle Machine cannot be hidden." Dachao was a little moved, but also a little hesitant.

"There is no need to hide it deliberately. I have disclosed its existence to the Justice League."

"Okay, let's leave now."

Under Da Chao's guidance, Harley opened her mouth and loaded all the instruments and parts into the stomach bag dimension.

"Remember, once the machine is assembled, don't hesitate at all. Start it immediately and use it in the blood domain." Before setting off, Harley gave a final reminder.

"Should I activate it?" Dachao was stunned and said, "Aren't you here to use it? You use your mental power to connect to my consciousness and control my use of the machine."

"First of all, there is no need, you are the most suitable person; secondly, I may not have a chance to escape from the battlefield." Harley said.

"What wish should I make?" Dachao asked again.

"Let me become the strongest person in the world." Harley smiled.

"You are already strong."

"So why are you asking? You are the one who made the wish."

The next moment, the two of them passed through the portal opened by the green lantern ring and came to the blood realm.

"Harley, Clark, we have all seen what happened in the main universe. What do you want us to do?"

Although President Superman is very controlling and wary, he has a superhuman level of justice.

After meeting Harley, he immediately expressed his attitude and was willing to obey orders and fight to the death for the main universe.

"From now on, Qiongji will make random movements in the blood domain. Do not stop, and do not respond or emit any blood domain signal waves, unless you have cooperated with Dachao to complete the miracle machine.

What is the Miracle Machine? Dachao will show you its design.

Get your superhuman brain moving and seize the time to build it. " Harley said.

The Blood Realm is a very special area within the multiverse.

With the help of heavenly blood, you can open up a high-dimensional perspective to see into the heavens and the world, but heavenly blood also blocks all eyes from peeking into the blood realm.

Even the monitors could not find the emperor in the blood realm.

As long as the Dome keeps moving, at least until the thesis of "all life belongs to Darkseid" is completed, it will be difficult for Darkseid to lock the "Superman Legion".

This is the reason why Harley dared to disclose the existence of the Miracle Machine to the heroes of Zhenglian.

As long as Chao comes here, he is not afraid that Darkseid will know about the Miracle Machine.

It’s like a blind cat meets a dead mouse, and there’s a ship full of supermen on board the Dome!

"Don't we need to go to the main universe to help?" Calvin asked again.

"It's not necessary for now. Once you understand the Miracle Machine, you will understand what I mean."

Harley acted resolutely and quickly. When she returned to the Hall of Justice, there was still one minute left before the gathering time.

Just when she released her mental power for the second time to connect all the infected people on the earth, the craftsman god Hyate walked up to her with hesitation.

"Witch Harley, I——"

He opened his mouth, but the words he was about to say were stuck in his throat, and he looked even more hesitant and struggling.

"Hyate, cheer up, you are the only new god in creation now. You are the new third generation god king." Harley patted his arm and comforted him warmly.

The Widow God King Beka passed away.

Except for the craftsman god Hyate, who has been busy forging equipment for the "new foreign gods", the other new gods were arranged by Beka to go to Lann.

They opened the sonic boom channel and escorted a large group of lonely old people to Lan'en Star to watch "The Strongest Trainee".

The Widow God-King also stood in front of the "Daily Planet" camera, chanted the slogan "Old people can have dreams," and personally issued the order to start the teleportation.

Now Harley knows that "Old Man Chasing Stars" is just an excuse. They are actually transferring the ghosts from the Creation Star that are parasitic on the people on earth.

At that time, Harry only guessed that Beca wanted to take the opportunity to invite her name, gain a fortune of faith, show off the charming power of the God of Love, and recruit a group of new foreign gods from the universe "for Beca's love" - ​​this was Beca Information "inadvertently" revealed during Louise's interview.

As one of the giants of the Genesis Star, Beka, the God of Love, has millions of lions under his command, and their battle cry is "For Beka's love."

During the period when the earth was condensing its belief in the Godhead, Beka displayed her grace as the God of Love in front of the media and captured countless admirers.

Except for her, no one could collect enough faith to condense the godhead so quickly.

Even Harley has to admit that "whispering" Becca is very attractive.

If Beka was willing to get mad at her, she probably wouldn't be able to refuse.

It's a pity that the "New Foreign God" didn't fight a single battle, and became part of Darkseid along with Becca.

Beka took them to watch the live broadcast of "The Trainee" at the "God King's Mansion" (ps).

The equation signal wave with the steel frame as the carrier was too overbearing, and even Beka couldn't escape the infection.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages. The signal wave is very contagious, but the video must be watched with the naked eye. The restrictions are quite large, and the craftsman who forges weapons in the next room is not affected.

Even if he is injured by the infected Beka, the equation signal wave will not be transmitted through the wound like the zombie virus.

"I don't want to be a God King, and I don't have the ability to be a God King. I'm not looking for comfort from you." Seeing that the heroes around him had gathered, the God Craftsman simply gritted his teeth and said, "I know where Darkseid's fatal weakness is. "

"What's his fatal weakness?" Harley asked curiously.

Hyate clenched her fists, closed her eyes, and said quickly and loudly: "Heavenly Father and Beka are dead, there is no need for me to hide it. Jimmy Olsen, Darkseid's weakness is the Daily Planet Photographer Jimmy Olsen!

Find Jimmy Olsen immediately, he's the key.

Darkseid pulled a trick.

He only lost all the power of the New God on the surface. In fact, he had already set a new coordinate for the origin of the New God. He is Jimmy Olsen!

All the New Gods who died in battle, whether they were the New Gods of Creation or the New Gods of Apocalypse, the source of their divine power after death all resided in Jimmy Olsen.

Restarting the fifth world requires a huge amount of energy, just like restarting the multiverse.

For example, in Crisis on Infinite Earths, Witch Harley used most of the Anti-Monitor's origins to maintain the restart process.

Because of this, there is the final crisis and the inevitable battle between the Creation Star and the Apokolips Star.

The New Gods fought a great battle, and most of them were killed or injured. Their divine power added together was the energy to restart the fifth world, so it was said that the New Gods had their destiny.

Ke Seid's own god-king body was destroyed by Orion.

After that, the body was often replaced and could not store so much divine power.

So he found Jimmy Olsen and used him as a battery to store energy.

When the final moment comes, Darkseid will retrieve all the divine power from Jimmy and use those divine powers to complete the restart of the fifth world. "

"Oh my God! Jimmy actually stores all the power of the New God in his body. It's unbelievable. We have seen Jimmy before and we haven't found any fluctuations in his power." Diana was surprised and suspicious.

Harley's heart was bleeding, "Fuck, I let such a big fish go for nothing. I must have been cursed, otherwise I wouldn't have been so cruel."

Jimmy Olsen obviously came to her door on his own initiative, and she also discovered something strange about him, suspected that he had supernatural powers in his body, and was sure that Beca cared about him particularly. However, because she was too busy with work, she left him to fend for himself.

Neptune glanced at her and said with a weird expression: "You guessed it right, Becca did come here for Jimmy, and she was worried that you would take away the divine power from Jimmy.

But you don’t have to be depressed, we’ve been separated from Jimmy for less than two hours, so we still have a chance. "

"It's too late!" Harley shook her head and lamented: "I bet you that we can't find Jimmy."

"Didn't he leave with Louise? Louise is now locked up in the basement on the second floor by Dachao." Dinah said.

Wonder Woman immediately took out her tablet and checked the surveillance on the second floor below.

"Only Louise, Lucy, and their mother. Well, Xiao Qiao and Martha are not infected and are now in the safe room on the first floor."

The golden pioneer said: "Let's go search the streets now. Maybe we can find Olsen wandering around like a zombie."

"Oh, don't you understand? Jimmy Olsen is the last body of Darkseid. How could he let it wander the streets?" Harley sighed.

"It won't take much time." Barry said.

"Then go ahead and be careful, don't let the super-infected people ambush you." Harley said.

"I understand that I will always remain in the Speed ​​Force state."

"Hyate, you have always known about this, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Bateman asked with a gloomy face.

The god of craftsman lowered his head, nodded slightly, and said numbly: "We know this matter completely by accident. Heavenly Father is not dead, and he plans to change his destiny and make a comeback."

"Heavenly Father is not completely dead yet." After hearing the story from the Craftsman God, the heroes were shocked again.

"I was naive, thinking that the Heavenly Father was just a mediocre master. I didn't expect that the God King was the God King, and his methods were indeed brilliant." Sea King sighed with emotion.

Not only was Heavenly Father clever, he was also very lucky to be able to touch Jimmy Olsen before he died and then discover Darkseid's secret.

Destiny is given to you, and your destiny should not be cut off.


"Whoosh~~" The red light flashed, and Barry ran back, "We searched the streets and neighborhoods of the metropolitan area, but there is no Jimmy."

"I told you before, you can't find him." Harley was not disappointed.

Dinah looked at the God of Craftsman and complained: "If you had told us about this earlier, Darkseid would have been severely damaged. Maybe it would have prevented him from spreading the equation signal wave."

The God Craftsman shook his head and said: "If I had told you this earlier, Witch Harley would have secretly murdered Heavenly Father and the new gods who reincarnated on the earth, and then devoured the divine power in Olsen's body."

Diana said displeased: "We are allies, Harley at least understands this, but you still don't understand.

As long as you trust Harley once, only when she betrays your trust will you have reason to be wary of her and doubt her.

The question is, from beginning to end, when has she betrayed your trust? "

The Craftsman God opened his mouth and wanted to argue: That's because we were very vigilant and never gave her a chance to let us down.

I have always distrusted her, so naturally I will not let her betray my trust.

“This is not a matter of trust or distrust, Heavenly Father has his own plan, and on the eve of the restart, He will crown Himself King again with our help.

Beka gave him the God-King Godhead, and we would dedicate our divine power and divinity to him.

After becoming the God King again, he can take away all the divine power from Olson.

By then, Heavenly Father will definitely continue to join forces with Witch Harley to deal with Darkseid. "

The God Craftsman clapped his fist vigorously and lamented unwillingly: "It's a pity that Origin refuses to bless us. Heavenly Father is so foresighted and made such a perfect plan, but he encountered Darkseid who didn't play by the rules.

Obviously the restart will not officially start until the end of the month, but he forced the restart at the beginning of the month. "

"Has the restart started?" Dinah was stunned, "I feel nothing."

"The restart has begun, and Limbo Prison has turned into chaos." Craftsman said.

Neptune glanced at Harley and said: "Harley has warned us long ago that the initiative to restart is in the hands of Darkseid, and it is impossible for him to follow our ideas."

Everyone had complicated expressions and was silent.

Heavenly Father was not the only one who made a mistake. They and all the people on earth made a big mistake.

"The matter has come to an end. It's useless to talk more. Let's go." Harley sighed.

"Did you find Jimmy Olsen?" Aquaman asked.

"No, just roughly locking the position of Darkseid's main consciousness."

Darkseid needs to extract emotional elements from the infected people on the earth. Those infected people are not dead, but their wills are occupied. They also have mental power and consciousness.

The infected people have no mental connection with each other. They are directly connected to Darkseid's main consciousness, forming a spider web of thinking.

By connecting spiritually with them, Harley can sense Darkseid's main consciousness at the center of the "spider web".

Of course, this perception is mutual, and there is no way to engage in a surprise battle.

The cost is also quite high, every time a brain cell is lost.

Except for Harry, no one else can or dares to learn it.

Wonder Woman clenched the hilt of her sword and said, "Harley, let's change tactics this time and use Tian Ji's horse racing skills."

"How to compete?" Harley asked curiously.

"You stay outside and clean up the dark elites blocking the way, and I'll go kill Darkseid."

The Dark Elite's physique is not inferior to that of Superman, and their divine power is at the main god level. They need physical strength, divine power, and divine power. They also have their own unique skills. They are all very powerful enemies for the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance.

In the previous battle in Bludhaven, not a single dark elite died, but seven or eight heroes died.

"Well, you can try it, but you have to be careful. The main consciousness host body is not always weak. Whether it is weak or strong is completely decided by Darkseid himself." Harley warned.

When facing her, Darkseid knew that fighting was pointless. He couldn't kill her, but she could wear him to death. Naturally, he didn't want to waste his efforts.

But if the target is Diana, Darkseid may not mind being overloaded instantly, using one thousand percent of his strength to kill her in one move.

"Don't worry, I have been training in hell for many days, and the 'Seven Colorful Defense Shield' of the immune equation has been perfected. Now is the time to try it out." Wonder Woman was confident and eager to try.

"Then let's go. Well, wait first."

Harley opened her mouth and spit out Oliver, Black Lightning, Martian Manhunter and other heroes who were infected with the equation's signal wave.

"Barry, you put them in the detention room on the second floor below."

Neptune knelt down and checked, "They are all unconscious. The equation doesn't seem to be working on them?"

Normal infected people will not be comatose or lethargic. They keep their eyes open and say words such as "proven", "proving", and "all life belongs to Darkseid".

It's like a computer machine running codes one by one.

"The stomach bag dimension can isolate Darkseid's mental connection. Even if an infected person enters my stomach, the connection will be disconnected and the online game will become a stand-alone game.

Perhaps, I handled it in time, and the equation only traumatized their thinking and did not have time to complete the proof. " Harley said uncertainly.

"Then why did you release them?" Bateman frowned.

"When the miracle machine is built, everyone will return to normal, but my stomach bag can also isolate the 'power of miracle'. Release them, and they will recover with everyone in a day or two." Harley said.

"Where's Ivy?" Bateman asked.

"Ivy." Harley lowered her eyes, her voice was soft but firm, "I only believe in myself."

She didn't know how the miracle machine worked and whether it would reboot her entire being.

There is only one Ivy, only this one!

She would never leave Ivy's future in the hands of a strange machine.

She believes that she can help Ivy recover as before, even if the process may be long.

"Harry, I believe you more, too," Dinah said, holding her arm.


Dinah said: "I mean, you should put Oliver back in your belly."

"The Miracle Machine is really fine and trustworthy. I just have a rough idea at the moment. It may not be successful, and I don't know how many years it will take to succeed." Harley advised.

"Oliver is as important to me as Ivy is to you. I am willing to wait for a real Oliver all my life." Dinah insisted.

"Both are the real Oliver, the difference is only psychological." Harley said.

"You put Oliver back. I am his only family member and I can make the decision." Dinah's attitude was very firm.

"You are just his wife, he also has a mother and sister."

Harley complained, but she didn't waste any time and swallowed Oliver back again.

50 kilometers away from the western suburbs of the metropolis, over a forest surrounded by mountains on three sides.

Diana looked at the three-dimensional structure diagram on the tablet and said: "This is Cadmus' experimental base in the metropolis. It is three hundred meters deep underground, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and surrounded by continuous farms on three sides.

It is difficult for outsiders to imagine that there is a biogenetic research institute hidden under the forest. "

"Why does Darkseid always like to drill into underground laboratories?" Blue Beetle asked strangely.

"He has been hiding on earth for so many days. If he hadn't been hiding in the underground laboratory, his traces would have been exposed long ago." Animal Man, who transformed into a flying eagle, said.

"Witch Harley, don't do it in vain. Accept your fate. All life will belong to Darkseid. No one can change this outcome."

The kind grandmother led three Valkyries with muscles all over their bodies to fly into the air.

Hundreds of figures also rose in all directions of the forest.

Not only the dark elite, but also Beka and others who were infected.

"Kind old woman, you haven't even seen through your immediate future, so you dare to speak so brazenly about your fate?" Harley sneered.

The kind grandmother shrugged, stepped aside to make way for a passage, and stretched out her hand as an invitation, "Since you don't give up, let's give it a try. His Majesty may give you a big surprise this time."

"Whoosh -" Green light flashed on Harley's body, first drawing a straight line of blue in the air. Just when the dark elite thought she was going to go straight to the Yellow Dragon like before, the green light suddenly refracted in front of her grandma.

First, a bubble imprisoned Grandma's body, and then Halli's right hand had transparent flesh and white bones surrounded by a sinister aura. With a "chi", Grandma's skull rose into the sky.

Before the Furies beside her could get angry, Harley stepped on her feet, triggered quantum displacement, and had already arrived in front of them.

When the crisis approached, they were horrified to find that it was difficult for them to move.

At some point, three transparent bubbles were placed on them.

"Chichichi~~" This time, Harley was even more brutal. Using her arm as a knife and her nails as the blade, she slashed with the big knife and divided it in the middle. The body was in two pieces, three and six pieces, and the blue sky was stained with blood.

"Oh my god, Harley is so fierce!"

Aquaman laughed, swung his trident, and followed Harley towards the remaining Dark Elites.

"Darkseid, die!"

Diana shouted, and her body was surrounded by thunder and lightning, like a bullet, directly penetrating the earth hundreds of meters deep and drilling into the core area of ​​the laboratory.


After two breaths, it was as if a hydrogen bomb exploded underground. Hundreds of acres of forest surrounding the mountains were kicked away like a quilt. Diana was like a cannonball, streaking across the sky and flying straight into outer space.

"Do you really think I'm a weakling who can be manipulated?" Darkseid's cold and angry voice spread throughout the battlefield.

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