"If you people on earth didn't like to watch idol trainee shows, especially if you were obsessed with Akun's singing and dancing rap, which show and time would I choose to release the equation signal wave?"

Darkseid's square face was a little distorted, and his tone was full of resentment and contempt.

If he hadn't been emotionally restrained, he would have yelled at Harley right now: Do you know how I got here for the past half month?

In order to understand the programs with the highest ratings and determine the most popular trainees, he suppressed his nausea and carefully watched each trainee's singing, dancing and rapping from beginning to end, and analyzed the characteristics and advantages of each of them.

The emotional and spiritual sacrifices he made were far greater than his previous combined!

Harley knew he was telling the truth, but she still deliberately sneered: "Stop pretending, you just like watching "The Trainee" and those 'little brothers'.

It's useless even if you deny it.

When I am interviewed, I will tell everyone that you are a fan of the "little brothers", so you chose that time to spread the signal of Equation.

This is the Dark Lord's unique way of supporting his little brothers.

Those earthly journalists, galactic media, and cosmic audiences must believe what I say. "

"Do you think you still have a future?" Darkseid said coldly.

Harley pointed at herself very confidently and said with a smile: "I will stand here and use your equation to kill me."

There was no anger in Darkseid's scarlet eyes, which were like a pool of magma, only calmness and indifference, "You actually want to take action against me immediately, right?

It's a pity you don't dare.

At this time, I have surpassed mortal understanding.

All life belongs to Darkseid, and Darkseid is everything.

Although I am the main consciousness sitting in front of you, I can abandon this body that is about to collapse at any time. "

Not only could Harley see the cracked wounds on his body with her naked eyes, but she could also sense that there was not much Darkseid's consciousness in his body.

There's no point in killing him.

Darkseid said proudly: "I am Darkseid, but Darkseid is not just me.

Everyone infected with the Equation Virus is a part of Darkseid.

Their bodies are the cells of the 'complete Darkseid'.

As long as I divert my attention, my main consciousness will come to Lann in the next moment, and you won't even be able to find me. "

Harley pursed her lips and nodded: "You are right, if you were still the dark lord Darkseid, I would not talk nonsense to you.

However, you don't have an absolute advantage now.

You need the earth.

In other words, your main purpose is the earth.

At this moment, 'Darkseid' is all over the universe, but you must stay on Earth.

If you transfer your main consciousness to Lann or other corners, I will immediately swallow the earth and transfer all infected people to the stomach bag dimension. "

"Well, you have also grasped my key point. I can give up the entire universe, but I cannot give up the earth."

Darkseid glanced at her with a complicated expression and said, "Let's just spend it like this. The longer it takes, the better it will be for me. I will definitely kill you in the end."

Harley's big phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and she said with a faint smile: "Where do you get your confidence, Equation?

I originally knew nothing about your skills in using equations, but after just connecting to the infected person's mind, I have discovered all your secrets. I know that you are 'doing proof questions'. "

Darkseid said calmly: "So what if I know? At this moment, I still need to worry about my secret being exposed?

Before I throw in the steel frame, you still have one thousandth chance of making a comeback,

Now that the equation has been transmitted to the entire universe by Cyborg, the ending has been determined, I just need some time to complete the process of victory. "

The smile on Harley's face disappeared, "Cyborg is the carrier of the equation's information wave? Why choose him?"

Darkseid neither concealed nor hesitated, and said frankly: "After he thought he killed me, Orion has always wanted to take action against the earth.

But at that time, Kyle Rayner was fusing the seven lanterns and cultivating his own white light power.

Everyone knows Kyle Rayner has a destiny, but no one is sure what it is.

From Isaya to Orion, everyone is worried that Kyle Rayner's White Light Destiny is targeting the Life Equation, and they dare not act rashly.

Until the remnants appeared and the lamp beasts returned to the Origin Wall, Kyle Rayner fulfilled his destiny and lost the white light of life.

Orion descended upon Earth immediately.

You fought with him, Cyborg watched from the sidelines, and finally joined the fight. You both directly suffered the power of Orion's equation. "

Harley said thoughtfully: "Cyborg took a forceful move of Formula Lightning, but nothing happened.

You watched the battle and saw that Cyborg could withstand the power of Equation, so you decided to use him as the carrier of Equation's signal. "

Darkseid nodded slightly, "He made my plan more perfect."

He frowned and said again: "You almost ruined my perfect plan. That idiot Orion has great ambitions, no courage and no strategy. He is even more useless than I thought.

With two equations in hand, not only can he not beat you, but you can also take away part of the equation. "

"Were you so anxious that you almost opened the coffin board and jumped out?"

Harry smiled first, then sighed with some regret: "If he had persisted a little longer and let me grab more than half of the equations, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation today."

"If he was really that stupid, I wouldn't have used his hand to fake death and escape." Darkseid said.

"You know that I stole some of the equations, so you purposely blamed me for Orion's death, because I have the equations in my hand and I can't explain it clearly?" said Harley.

"I just followed the trend. I didn't expect much good results. The results were unexpectedly good. You are not stupid, but Isaya is too stupid." Darkseid said.

Harley nodded in agreement and sighed: "If brother Isaya had been smarter, he would have survived until now, and the situation would not have been so bad."

A strange smile appeared on Darkseid's cracked rock-like face, and he said: "He actually does not lack a little cleverness. Until today, he still wants to be an oriole and make a comeback at the last moment."

"Today? What do you mean?" Harley asked confused.

"After Metron died, he seemed to have a premonition of the crisis, so he prepared backup plans to save his life. The moment he was killed by me, a ray of consciousness reincarnated into the lost old man on the earth, and he has been living until now."

"Is there such a thing?"

Harley suddenly remembered that Beca had personally escorted a group of elderly people to watch the live performance of "The Producer" in Lan.

"The reincarnation of Heavenly Father escaped to Lann?" she asked.

Darkseid nodded slightly, "When he originally arranged the reincarnation of the remnant soul, he regarded you as his final murderer, so the reincarnation place was on the earth.

If you were the murderer and the final winner, you would definitely not swallow the earth and transfer all the people on the earth to the stomach bag dimension.

As a result, he guessed wrong and became an old disabled earthling. He couldn't help himself and would be the first group of people to be sent to the Ark for refuge.

But if he wants to participate in the final reboot, he must stay in the universe.

Therefore, after you opened the door of the Ark for the first time, he hurriedly asked Beka to arrange his escape from the earth.

Haha, now that he and the remaining souls of the Creation Star have not escaped, they have all become a part of me. The New God is truly complete. "

"Boom~~~" A continuous thunder suddenly sounded in the tunnel outside the test area. The next moment, electric light flashed. Wonder Woman's shield in her left hand and Vulcan Sword in her right hand, surrounded by the power of thunder and lightning, landed next to Harley.

"Harley, let me help - uh, what are you doing?"

She rushed over with fighting spirit, preparing to assist Harley, but after overcoming many difficulties, she saw her and Darkseid sitting face to face on the sofa, seemingly chatting.

"Oh, you're here, let's start a war?" Harley stood up unhurriedly, looked at Darkseid and asked, "Can you gather enough power to kill me?"

Darkseid said calmly and seriously: "How about if you wait another half day, I'm still close."

Harley hesitated and said: "How about this, you tell the infected not to hunt down the survivors, we sign an armistice agreement, and then you and I fight to the death, and the winner wins everything?"

"Hera, what are you talking about?!" Diana shouted in shock.

Darkseid ignored her, only stared at Harley and said: "It seems that you still have a trump card, and you need time to complete it."

Diana stopped screaming and glanced at the two of them in surprise.

"Harry, what should we do now?" she whispered.

Harley arrived in front of Darkseid with a "swish", the white bone club melted into the palm of her hand, and her five fingers immediately turned into sinister white bones with translucent flesh.

"Pfft——" The fingers were like awls, piercing Darkseid's head root by root, which was easier than poking a watermelon.

A strange smile appeared on Darkseid's face, and his body quickly faded and disappeared.

"Alas, the old ghost is so cunning and doesn't even have a trace of his consciousness left!" Harley retracted her palm with a disappointed expression.

Diana finally came back to her senses, "Darkseid is dead? So easy?"

Harley shook her head and said, "Didn't you see? That Darkseid just now, his body has collapsed like broken porcelain, and he has long lost his fighting ability.

It’s no wonder that a mere mortal body first killed Heavenly Father and destroyed the Creation Star, then conquered the Heaven Realm, experienced a cruel and fierce battle on Apokolips Star, and finally withstood the big explosion of Apokolips Star. It's a miracle now. "

"You mean, Darkseid's soul has been transferred to the spare body?"

"All infected people are his backup bodies." Harley said.

Diana was stunned, "You didn't know before that he could transfer his consciousness?"

Harley said helplessly: "I thought he was going to have a fight with me. Before entering, I was mentally prepared to step into a trap.

After meeting him, I realized that he was not afraid of me at all, because he had already planned to give up this broken body. "

"Where's Harley, Diana, Darkseid?"

In just two sentences, Aquaman, Captain Marvel, Bateman and other heroes all walked through the tunnel and came to the experimental area.

"Dark Elite ran away?" Harley asked.

"Hey, how do you know? They suddenly scattered and ran away, and they couldn't catch up."

Neptune looked around and frowned: "Darkseid ran away too? There are no traces of fighting here. What were you doing before?"

"The situation is a bit complicated."

Through mental transmission, Harley sent all her previous experiences and her own analysis into their minds.

Bateman said solemnly: "We must find him immediately. He said that it only takes half a day to accumulate enough power to kill you. Maybe he lied, but the part he lied about was not whether he could kill you, but the 'half a day' time.

It is very likely that he will be able to kill you in less than half a day. "

Harley wanted to ask: What are you doing in this situation, this level of battle?

"As soon as the mutation happened, we were in such a hurry to kill Darkseid that we didn't even have time to care about our family and friends." She pursed her lips, "I'll go back first, you can do whatever you want. We'll meet again in the Hall of Justice in half an hour. .”

After saying that, without waiting for anyone else to react, Harley used the green lantern ring to activate the teleportation and arrived at Quinn Manor.

"Harley, you're finally back, Ivy, she-"

As soon as she landed, Selena rushed over with red eyes.

"Harley, you must save Ivy!" She grabbed Harley's shoulders and said excitedly.

Although she had guessed that there might be an accident at the manor, but she was really sure that Ivy would be infected, Harley's heart still trembled slightly.

"Is anyone else infected?"

"Ivy and I are the only ones in the manor at this time. Rachel and Cassandra are Teen Titans superheroes. Like you, they are too busy to go home these days." Selina said.

"Ivy didn't hurt you after she lost control?" Harley asked again.

Even if Ivy becomes an infected person, she still maintains her master-level magic power. Selena will definitely not be able to defeat her.

"It's Yebi. After Ivy was attacked, Duoduo immediately called Yebi." Selina wiped away tears.

"Is Duoduo okay? I remember that she likes to watch "The Strongest Trainee" the most."

While asking questions, Harley had opened the door and entered the living room.

He saw Duoduo squatting on the sofa, his eyes full of worry.

On the carpet in front of her, Ivy lay struggling and mumbling to herself.

Above Ivy, there is a golden shield of holy light.

In the hemispherical magic cover, little bits of holy light are falling every moment.

The dog squatted on the ground with a serious face, the dog's paws pressed on the surface of the magic shield, and the dog's mouth was still reciting scriptures.

"Harley, woof woof woof." Duoduo jumped up and threw herself into Harley's arms, crying in her voice, "It's all my fault. Neither Ivy nor Selena likes to watch "The Greatest Trainee." I forced them to accompany me to cheer Akun on, woof woof woof."

Harley was originally in a heavy mood, but when Gouzi said this, half of her heaviness was immediately replaced by humor.

"Why didn't you and Selena get caught?"

Darkseid's equation signal waves are not only targeted at humans, but all life is the object of pollution and plunder.

Selena said: "I watched TV for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, I put on my headphones and listened to the trainees singing while cooking dinner in the kitchen. The simple singing didn't have much impact on me."

Duoduo said: "When Akun started singing, my head also felt dizzy, but then my body suddenly glowed, and somehow I was fine."

"Mother, how can you say 'inexplicable'?" Yebi said with a stern face: "Abba has been protecting you and me, and you are not familiar with His power?"

"If I could control that power, I would have saved poor Ivy." The Dog Madonna said.

Harley squatted next to Ivy and asked, "Yebi, how is she doing now?"

"The power of the equation is too weird. I have been using holy light to cleanse her soul, but the effect is not obvious." Yebi sighed.

"Harry, what's wrong with Ivy?"

As they were talking, Rachel, Cassandra and Jason trotted in from the door.

"Are you okay?" Seeing them alive and well, Harley felt more relaxed.

Rachel said happily: "We took the time to have a dinner at Titan Tower to celebrate the New Year, and we originally turned on the TV to eat, drink, chat, and watch "The Greatest Trainee."

But Dick was annoyed by the trainee whose thighs were not as thick as his arms, so he turned off the TV. "

Cassandra wondered: "Why can Darkseid use the program "The Strongest Trainee" to spread the formula? What exactly is the formula?"

Probably stimulated by "Darkseid", or sensing Harley's arrival, Ivy suddenly opened her eyes, with a light red "Ω" mark under her eyes, tilted her head, and looked at Harley with strange eyes, saying : "Everything belongs to Darkseid, Witch Harley, you can't do anything, gurgling."

"Ah, Ivy is...possessed by Darkseid?" Rachel exclaimed.

Harley opened her mouth and swallowed Ivy and Yebby together into the stomach pouch dimension.

"It's useless. Everything belongs to Darkseid. Ivy has been proven by the equation to belong to Darkseid. This is already a fact and a foregone conclusion." Ivy continued to smile slyly.

"Harley, Ivy seems to have been completely assimilated by Darkseid, and her soul has become a part of him." Yebby shouted.

Harley's projection appeared next to it and Ivy, and said in a deep voice: "Entering the stomach dimension can at least change the equation from a networked state to a stand-alone game.

As long as the soul and body are there, no matter how twisted it is now, I swear, I will bring Ivy back. "

Yebi hesitated for a moment and said: "I really want to help Ivy, but my power is ineffective, and I can't stay in the stomach dimension for a long time."

"If you can protect her soul until I come back, you can retire with success."

Harley opened her mouth and spat out the dog saint child again.

Without Yebi's protection, Ivy would lose more than just her will.

Darkseid may have stolen Ivy's soul and used it to threaten her.

"You all know the situation now. I suggest you enter the stomach bag dimension immediately."

In the manor living room, Harley said to the women with a serious expression.

"Even Damian is in the city rescuing people, I can't hide." Rachel said first.

"Master, we are also superheroes. We can't be deserters. Just let sister Selena go in." Cassandra also said.

Selena looked at Yebi and Dodo hesitantly, "With Yebi's close protection, I'm not afraid."

The Dog Saint's eyes widened, "Selena, when did I say I would protect you personally? I am very busy with my work in hell."

Dodo hit her son's neck with her head, "What time has it been and you still go to work? At least before Harley kills Darkseid, you have to stay in the manor or serve as Harley's mount and protect her." .”

Selena shouted: "Duoduo, don't be too partial! Harley is the invincible God King, and I obviously need more protection."

"You can hide in Harry's belly." Duoduo said.

Harley waved her hand and said: "When facing Darkseid, Yebby is of little use except for the convenience of escaping. Let him stay in the manor to protect other people who want to stay in Gotham.

Well, if you encounter a crisis that cannot be solved outside, you can call Yebi. It has sharp ears, and at least Gotham can arrive in time. "

It is definitely a luxury to expect the Dog Son to anally anally Darkseid.

But when it comes to holy light treatment and leading people to escape, Yebi is still very good at it.

Even if they encounter the Dark Lord, Yebi can take them to escape from hell in an instant, and no one can stop them.

After settling things at home, Harley returned to the Hall of Justice again.

The Equation signal wave was so weird and abrupt that even her family members were affected, and even more families and friends of other heroes fell victim.

At this moment, they all felt as if they were mourning for their heirs and were very depressed.

"Harley, the alien ambassador from Star Street has made a request to the government and wants you to escort them away from the earth immediately." General Lane was also a little disgraced and looked very depressed.

"You haven't been infected yet. How is the situation at the White House?" Hallie asked.

The muscles on General Lane's face twitched a few times and he said: "I don't like to see those sissy trainees, but my wife, my daughter, and my two daughters, Louise and Lucy, are all infected.

Things are even worse in the White House.

The former commander-in-chief Tesla wanted to make a comeback in 2024. He resolutely boycotted the Galaxy talent show in public, and the current commander-in-chief took the initiative to firmly bind himself to "Galaxy Trainees".

This program is the main "political achievement" of the leader and a weapon of mass destruction that wins the support of voters.

So not only did he pay attention all the time, but he also brought everyone around him to watch the live broadcast and cheer for the "good men of the earth".

Then, the leadership team fell collectively. "

"Well, let's just get infected. Anyway, even if the commander is still there at this time, it will have no beneficial impact on changing the situation." Harley sighed.

More than two-thirds of the human race on Earth has become "Darkseid", and government agencies are unable to maintain order. Even the omnipotent heroes who fly into the sky and escape from the earth seem very powerless at this time.

"Harley, can they return to normal? Can the world be saved?" General Lane looked at her eagerly and asked.

"I can swear that victory will eventually belong to us, the world will definitely return to its original state, and everyone can be saved." Harley's voice was loud and firm.

She was not only answering General Lane's questions, but also looking at the depressed heroes in the hall.

"We still have a trump card that is enough to make a comeback."

Everyone needs morale, and Dachao can't hide it anymore.

“You should all have noticed that from the previous Battle of Blüdhaven to now, Superman has not appeared.

In fact, he is building a super weapon under the guise of repairing the cosmic tuning fork.

That weapon can not only defeat Darkseid, it can also modify reality and make everything return to the way it was.

It is precisely because it is so powerful that he and I have been hiding it from you. Actually, we are not hiding it from you. We are mainly worried that the gods and Darkseid will know about it. "

"Superman has indeed been in trouble recently, but what kind of machine can defeat Darkseid and modify reality?" Wonder Woman asked in surprise.

Harley said: "Don't doubt the power of machines. You are well-informed. From the cosmic tuning fork of Crisis on Infinite Earths, the frequency difference zeroing device of the Anti-Monitor, to the recent thinking superman, which weapon can use common sense?" conjecture?

That miracle machine comes from the 31st century. The reason why Buzi insists on making it bigger than before is mainly to send it to the 21st century and help us solve the crisis of restarting the fifth world. "

General Lane worried: "The machine is not built yet? Now that you have told us, are you not worried that Darkseid will know?"

Harley said: "After the equation information wave spread, Da Chao only showed up slightly, even ignoring Louise who was infected by the equation, and disappeared again.

You are not stupid, you should be able to guess that he is busy with more important things, right?

As you can guess, so can Darkseid.

The next tactic is to continuously kill Darkseid's main consciousness parasite, weakening him while also buying time for Super.

As long as we persist for two more days, the Miracle Machine will be built and we will turn defeat into victory. "

At this time, Harley lied, and the miracle machine will be born in less than two days.

The heroes looked at each other in confusion for a while, and then someone hesitated and said: "Can a machine defeat Darkseid with the equation? Even a tuning fork or superhuman thinking are not so magical."

Harley said: "I really hope that after Darkseid learns about the existence of the machine, he will be as suspicious of its capabilities as you are. Then our plan to delay time will be much easier."

Dinah took a step forward and faced the heroes: "Everyone, we can 100% trust just one of Harley and Super, and now both of them believe in the Miracle Machine.

We can remain skeptical about it, but we must never give up hope. "

Bateman said solemnly: "We don't have much time. Darkseid said that his power is increasing every minute and it only takes half a day to kill Harley.

In other words, under normal circumstances, he would switch from defense to offense within half a day at most.

Therefore, what we have to do now is to follow Harley's tactics to find Darkseid's main consciousness parasite and make him continue to be injured and bleed. "

"How to find Darkseid's main consciousness?" Neptune asked.

Bateman looked at the Thunder Shazam duo, "Billy, Freddy, can you sense the location of Magical Mary? She may be with Darkseid now. If you find her, you can at least find the remaining ones." Dark Elite.”

Billy shook his head and said: "Even if she was replaced by Black Adam's power before, I could still locate her location.

I don’t know what Darkseid did this time. She still uses the power of the gods in her body, but I completely lost control of her. "

Harley pondered: "Since I said I wanted to hunt down Darkseid's master consciousness, I must be sure of finding him.

I'll give you five minutes to prepare. After five minutes, our entire army will set off and repeat the 'Battle of Blüdhaven' again. "

Bateman walked up to her and asked in a low voice: "Are you going to connect the consciousness of infected people around the world again?"

"What else can we do?"

"Can you hold on? Actually, I have a plan, so I don't have to go to such trouble." Bateman hesitated.

"What's the plan?" Harley asked curiously.

"You get into my head, let's talk quietly."

Harley did as he was told and entered his sea of ​​consciousness - the Batcave that was 100% restored.

"Let me ask a question first. In Blüdhaven, Darkseid didn't store much consciousness and power in the body that was about to collapse, right?" Bateman asked.

"Well, there is only a trace of main consciousness that can barely maintain daily activities, and the power is almost zero. All his mind is used in the demonstration of equations." Harley said.

"Equation argument? What do you mean?" Bateman asked doubtfully.

Harley said bitterly: "My Heavenly Father, Orion, and everyone in the multiverse have made a very stupid mistake - taking the equation too mysteriously. Of course, the equation is indeed mysterious, beyond our imagination. .

But it's also very unpretentious.

The equation of life and the equation of anti-life are a set of tools used to do proof questions.

Just like equations in mathematics, they are used for proof and discussion questions. "

"I don't quite understand." Bateman frowned.

"Have you ever seen infected people and heard what they were saying?" Harley asked.

This Batman really has research. Hearing this, he immediately said: "All life belongs to Darkseid. The equation has proven my pain and your pain. The equation has proven that I belong to Darkseid. The equation equals loneliness plus alienation, plus Fear, plus despair, plus self-worth, divided by (others’ ridicule*condemnation*misunderstanding) times guilt*shame*failure”

Harley frowned and said, "It seems you haven't come into contact with the core secret of the equation."

"I even recorded the formula structure of the anti-life equation." Bateman said.

“The equations they mutter are only expressions that mortals can understand, and the information they reveal is not as useful as ‘the equation has been proven’.

All life belongs to Darkseid, which is the argument that Darkseid is using equations to prove.

Don't think too much, don't take the equations too fantasy, just treat them as the equations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in primary school mathematics.

You must have done proof questions in middle school, right?

For example, given XXXX, now verify the result YYYY.

What Darkseid is doing at this time is the proof question: It is known that I am Darkseid and I have XXXX, and it is necessary to prove that "all life belongs to Darkseid".

Next, Darkseid used his will as a pen and the multiverse as a scroll of paper. He used the pen to write life equations on the paper to demonstrate the final conclusion-all life belongs to Darkseid.

As soon as this proof is completed, this result will become a multiverse reality.

Darkseid is all life, and all life belongs to Darkseid. "

"This" Bateman rubbed his temples, "Listen well. I want to say it's fantasy, but equations are indeed used to do this.

The equation of life and the equation of anti-life are just as they are called, and they are used as proofs appropriately.

If no one understands it, I will never understand it. "

Harry sighed: "Forget it about you, I, the Monitor, the gods, Heavenly Father, and Orion all didn't understand this seemingly simple question.

Perhaps, this is the ultimate simplicity?

Kodakseid understood, and it took him less than ten years to master the essence of the equation.

We helped Heavenly Father find the equation of life. It was originally to fight against Darkseid's anti-life equation, but in fact it fulfilled him and helped him complete the 'problem-solving database'.

I have to admit that he is indeed a genius.

In front of him, we became a bunch of fools, not even clear about his fundamental purpose.

He doesn't need anything.

There is no need for the origin of Apokolips or the help of the new dark god.

He doesn't even have to do anything, just complete his proof questions, Darkseid is everything!

From the moment he grasped the essence of the equation, he won the asymmetric war.

From now on, no matter how much our Heavenly Father and I scheming and scheming, and how the gods and monitors conspire and plot in secret, no matter how much we win, it’s not really a win.

I guess Darkseid doesn't care about the restart of the fifth world at all, or the 'King of Gods' that Heavenly Father drools over. He just wants to use this opportunity to complete the equation proof.

As long as he succeeds in his argument and becomes the only life in the multiverse, all authority and power belong to him. He can even break the cage of the multiverse and achieve true transcendence. "

"Since he just wants to be a quiet question maker, why do he want to provoke us? Why must he take action against the earth?" Bateman asked puzzledly.

"Darkseid's proposition is too high and too big. To prove that 'Darkseid is everything', many formulas are needed to carry out complex arguments.

Just like the proof questions in junior high school, you only need a blank page three fingers wide to complete.

When you get to high school, those so-called ‘big questions’ often only have two questions, or even just one question, on a page of A4 paper.


High school candidates have too many equations to list, and the argument process is too complicated.

By the time you get to college, a topic cannot even be solved in a paper.

It is common for a paper to be tens of thousands of words and dozens of pages long.

When you reach graduate school, or become a professor yourself, and start researching topics, the workload becomes even greater.

The thesis that "all life belongs to Darkseid", just from the name, you can tell how domineering it is. There is no one more ambitious than it in the multiverse.

How many formulas are needed to complete this proposition?

No matter the equation of life or the equation of anti-life, they have no limit.

Equations are composed of emotional elements, and as long as there are enough emotional elements, the equation can be extended indefinitely.

Unfortunately, the Earth is the center of the main universe and has the richest emotional elements just like the little blue men three billion years ago.

Even an ordinary old couple can give me a precious ‘feeling of love’ before leaving for heaven.

You must know that Orion distorted the essence of life of billions of people on the alien planet and did not get even half of the emotional elements.

Not only does Darkseid have ambitions for the earth, Heavenly Father and Orion, who have obtained the equation, are both driven by the instinct of the equation, and they are restless in their hearts and want to harvest the earth. "

Bateman was shocked: "Darkseid succeeded. At least two-thirds of the people on Earth have become a part of him, and all the emotional elements in their souls have been harvested by him."

Harley shook her head and said, "I'm not optimistic about Darkseid. Even if we do nothing, he will fail."

"Why? He has already obtained two-thirds of the emotional elements." Bateman said.

"I'll give you enough blank paper and formulas, and you'll guarantee that you'll get full marks every time in math?"

"I may get the question right or I may get it wrong. You can't say that I will definitely fail. Darkseid is a master of answering questions and has a higher chance of getting full marks." Bateman said.

Harley shook her head and said: "Darkseid is the new god, equivalent to a civil servant in the United States.

The Monitor is the administrator of the multiverse, equivalent to an American political family, and has now become a senator.

The senator just wanted to be president and wanted to reform the "ancestral system" of the United States, but he was suppressed by the "thinking superman".

Isn't it just a daydream for a mere civil servant to try to drain all the wealth of the United States and go to an alien planet to become his own boss?

From the common people - that is, you and me, the superheroes of the earth - to the dignitaries - the origin of the universe, they will take a stick and hit him on the head so hard that he will be dizzy and fall to the ground. "

"Isn't that too mysterious?" Bateman frowned.

"Then how do you explain Dachao's miracle machine?" Harley asked.

“The multiverse may have some kind of defense mechanism, but that doesn’t mean we don’t do anything and Darkseid will definitely fail.

After all, Darkseid cannot be unaware of anything you can think of. "Baitman said.

Harley said angrily: "When did I say I was going to lie down and die? Aren't we discussing a plan to kill Darkseid?"

"Well, I have a plan to kill Darkseid. After listening to your words, I am more confident." Bateman said.

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