I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1615 Thinking Superman

"Harley Quinn, don't be impulsive, Mandrake is not something you can deal with."

Seeing Harley provoking Mandrake, the female monitor Ji Luo became anxious first.

But at this time, Mandrake was already irritated by Harley, and let out a hoarse roar, "Witch Harley, come and die!"


Like the sound of steam ejecting from the valve of a pressure cooker, the blood shadow cut through the space and arrived in front of Harley.

On the surface, Harley was smiling and making sarcastic remarks, but in fact, she had already been alert and prepared.

The level 9 speed force defense expertise allowed her to clearly see its movements, and with a thought, a bubble enveloped it inside.

There was another "hiss", and Mandralak pulled hard with his sharp claws. The bubbles did not burst open, but were scratched by sharp nails.

Harley was shocked. At that moment, she felt a familiar yet unfamiliar force.

I have experienced the "crisis force" that Monitor Nix calls in the prophet, which is the "miraculous destiny" gathered by the Emperor through the Blood Realm Justice League.

The crisis power used by Mandrake was obviously much more refined than that of the Prophet.

The skills are also better.

She didn't feel the alien power on the bubble until her claws opened it.

Just now, the crisis force broke out instantly.


The moment the bubble was torn, a golden "arc" as long as a palm and as thick as a hair flashed between Mandrake's eyebrows.

Like a sharp knife cutting through tough old cowhide, a tiny gap opened between its eyebrows, and dark red blood flowed uncontrollably along the wound.

The blow seemed very weak and the movement was small.

No matter in terms of sound and light special effects or breath fluctuations, they are unremarkable.

But Mandrake was stunned for a moment, as if he encountered something incomprehensible and confusing.

"Why do you have crisis power?"

It touched its forehead, a look of surprise on its withered face.


Harley laughed triumphantly, but did not explain or stop there. The yellow light energy flashed on her body, providing her with Lantern-level speed. Three bubbles appeared at the same time, covering Mandrake's head and hands respectively. leg.

Harley pointed her fingers like a sword, and her fingers became almost translucent, surrounded by gray and black smoke.

"Hiss—" Mandrake reacted quickly, waving his hands repeatedly to burst the bubbles holding his legs, and his eyes shot out golden energy rays.

"Chichichi~~" All three bubbles were popped.

Even the energy beam shot from the eyes is a crisis force attack. The defense expertise can respond, but it is not completely immune.

But when the bubble burst, three tiny arcs of light appeared in Mandrake's eyes and between his eyebrows respectively.

It was very alert and moved very quickly. It raised its head in time to avoid it, but still couldn't avoid it.

Its eyelids were scratched and bleeding, and the wound on its forehead was deeper.

"Is this your natal curse, the black vortex of magic thorns that reflects back damage? Is it reflecting my crisis power attack?" Mandrake understood somewhat.

Harley remained unmoved, her eyes filled with murderous intent, and her nine-yin white bone fingers stabbed at its chest unswervingly.

"Boo~~~" is like popping a full balloon, which is empty and has nowhere to focus.

Harley's expression changed slightly, but before she could react, Mandrake, who was very close at hand, let out a long roar and turned into countless blood-colored light spots, crashing into her body instantly.

Harley's 12 major defensive specialties were all activated, and there was a defensive gold film on her body, but she still couldn't completely block the "blood drop bullet".

They are not entities and they are not energy.

Harley couldn't tell what they were. From the dynamic perspective, dense blood droplets the size of sesame seeds passed through the light film. The scarlet color only became lighter, and then continued to pass through her body, and the color became even lighter.

Harley is like Rose who fell into the sea in "Titanic". The moment she fell into the water, a large amount of heat was sucked away by the cold sea. Heat is life force.

Harry's face turned pale and he felt a little weak and listless.

"Harley Quinn, don't fight it, you are no match for it."

Female monitor Ji Luo's voice came again.

Harry didn't respond. He only activated his food defense specialty with all his strength to quickly absorb nutrients and relieve his fatigue and listlessness.

While recovering her body, she also accelerated forward in time to distance herself from Mandrake.

After the blood droplets passed through her body, they regrouped behind her, and Mandrake's figure appeared again.

Its condition wasn't very good either. There were six or seven more small wounds on its face and forehead.

It guessed right, it was the effect of Harley's black vortex of thorns.

The Black Vortex of Thorns is Harley's natal curse, which is divided into two parts: thorns and black vortex. The thorns are the price of damage. When Harley is hurt, part of the damage will be converted into a mental attack.

Black Vortex is her specialty experience jar.

The jar is essentially the physical body of her defense.

It is her body that is storing the absorbed energy and level experience - level experience is also a kind of energy.

After level 9 or 10 of the defensive expertise, the expertise jar is temporarily empty, and there is no need to store energy to upgrade the expertise.

Harley merged the empty jar with cost-repelling magic, used the jar to absorb the enemy's attack, and then attacked the enemy in turn.

It is comparable to the martial art of substituting others with others, or using the other person's way to retaliate against the other person.

What is the attribute of the enemy's attack, and what is the attribute of the reflected damage.

This skill was of little use to Harley before.

She has stronger attack methods, such as quantum critical strike, such as Nine Yin White Bone Finger.

Even God's big stick can hit people more effectively than most energy attacks in the multiverse.

Instead of reflecting the enemy's "lower attacks", it's better to use your own "higher attacks".

Today is a special case, the crisis power is too weird.

Harley's defense expertise can avoid some damage, but it cannot prevent 100% damage.

Not to mention 100%, Harley felt that even 80% was not enough.

Harley couldn't stop such a weird power, and neither could Mandrake.

Her nine-yin white bone fingers stabbed him firmly, but the effect was not as good as the black vortex of thorns.

"This little trick is of no use to me."

Mandrake wiped his face and turned into countless blood droplets again, densely packed like a swarm of insects, flying towards Harley.

Harry's scalp was numb, so he first covered them all with a bubble, then turned around and ran away.

"Witch Harley, your bubble force field has no effect on me. You have no way to escape. Just surrender and become one with me."

In less than a breath, Harley was caught up by the blood droplets that burst out of the bubble.

She used another bubble and continued running.

Although it takes almost no time for a blood drop to pass through bubbles, the color of the blood drop will become lighter with each layer of bubbles passed through.

Even if he catches up with Harley after passing through four or five layers of bubbles, the killing effect is not as good as before.

Every time it passes through Harley's body, it will re-condensate into the form of Mandrake, add a few wounds to his body, turn into blood drops again, and continue to pursue Harley.

If this continues, Harley will probably not be able to use it up.

She is still just an archmage, and the damage caused by the black vortex of thorns is limited.

After Harley was absorbed by the life force twice more, "BOOOM~~"

Not far away, the Blood Territory Mothership Midnight Echo erupted into flames, and a bit of red light could be seen constantly hitting the outer shell of the spacecraft. Each impact would lift off large chunks of the deck and large pieces of machinery.

"Damn it!" Mandrake cursed, no longer entangled with Harley, turned into blood, turned his head and pounced on Dachao.

Harley refused to let it escape easily, and kept following behind to put bubbles in its path.

By the time they arrived beside the Midnight Echo mothership, Dachao had already changed direction, drawn a semicircle arc in the blood field, walked around to Harley, and grabbed her little hand.


Dachao dragged her forward as fast as possible, and Harley laughed and released bubbles at Mandrake, who was yelling and chasing behind him.

When the two arrived on the deck of the Dome, the blue-skinned Captain Atom activated the ship in time and took them through a material universe, leaving Mandrake and its Midnight Echo ship behind.

"Well done, your cooperation is so tacit!" Billy praised.

"I actually wanted to kill Mandrake on the spot, but unfortunately my ultimate move couldn't hurt it, but it could rob me of my life force in weird ways."

Harley sighed helplessly and asked: "Ji Luo, what's going on with Mandrake?

It does not seem to be a physical life, neither a material state nor an energy body.

It is non-matter and non-energy, does not contain the laws of the universe, and is very strange. "

"It should have become a thinking life, the embodiment of extremely evil thinking." Ji Luo muttered: "Energy attacks, physical attacks, law attacks, and even attacks from the 'source' are all ineffective against it.

Thoughts can only be attacked by another thought, and physical attacks cannot affect illusory thoughts. "

"Can thinking also become a life form?"

Harley was surprised, curious, and a little skeptical.

The life of thought was beyond her current knowledge.

Ji Luo looked at her and said, "You are a magician and you are experiencing nightmare transformation. You shouldn't be too surprised."

Harley was surprised again, "Illusions are also thinking beings? They are part of my emotions, they are neither thinking nor independent beings."

Ji Luo said: "Without thinking, where can emotions come from? However, phantom beings are just the prototype of thinking life.

According to my understanding, thinking life is currently the highest life form in the multiverse.

It is higher than material life, energy life, and law life.

Maybe the phantom represents a way to evolve towards thinking life. I don’t know magic, so I’m not sure.

But I am sure that Huanren has only been exposed to the road, and has not officially set foot on the road, nor has he reached the end of the road. "

"If thinking life is the highest life form, then Mandrake should have evolved, but why did he evolve into a devil?" Dachao asked puzzled.

Ji Luo said: "Drinking heavenly blood is the biggest taboo for monitors. Heavenly blood itself is not an evil thing, it is the essence of life.

The supervisor's behavior of drinking the blood of heaven is evil, and it is only after being cursed that he degenerates into the incarnation of evil thinking.

Just like God's power is sacred and pure, but mortals who drink God's blood become the ancestors of vampires. "

Harley shook her head secretly. Heavenly blood itself is evil and depraved, and the blood of God is

She was suddenly stunned. Vampires seemed a lot like an experiment done by the old god to imitate Mandrake?

The similarity between the two is very high.

Not to mention the appearance and "blood" sucking instinct, they are almost exactly the same.

Just talking about the birth process, it is the divine and great power that turns "mortals" into the incarnation of extreme evil.

The ancestor of vampires in the DC multiverse is Cain, but he did not drink the blood of God.

"Blood" is just a metaphor for the essence of life and the origin of power. For an existence like God, it doesn't matter whether there is blood or not.

The essence of heavenly blood is the life essence of Papetua.

As long as it is the original power of God, it can be called the "blood of God".

God is holy, and the ancestor of vampires is the incarnation of evil and depravity. What turned the mortal Cain into a vampire was the incomparable divine power of God.

Papetua is the creator god. Her power is sacred and great, but the blood is mixed with the "Whisper of the Evil God".

So, when Cain became a vampire, was it because God's divine power was also mixed with similar "whispers of evil spirits"?

Moreover, the characteristic of vampires being unkillable is a bit like thinking beings.

"Your Excellency, Monitor, can we enter Limbo?" Lampiam asked.

"Well, the Midnight Echo hasn't caught up with me yet, and the damage is probably more serious than that of the Dome."

Ji Luo looked at Harley and asked: "If you meet Mandrake again in Limbo Prison, can you do it again like before? Were you injured in the battle just now?"

"Hurry up and go to Limbo Prison to find the Book of All Souls." Harley said.

Ji Luo nodded, walked to the front window of the bridge, suddenly stretched out her right hand and thrust it straight into her left chest.

Although there was no blood splashing, a large area of ​​blood-red light emerged from the split chest.

"What are you doing?" Dachao was shocked.

"The 'Sketchpad Dimension' is farther than the bottom level of Limbo, and the monitors call it 'Too Void'.

Taixu, as its name suggests, is absolute nothingness and blankness. Not to mention matter and energy, there is no direction or time.

How to find the Book of All Souls when you have no direction? "

Ji Luo took out a crystal-clear heart from her chest and threw it out through the window. The heart bloomed with bright red light, crossed the window, and landed in Limbo, like a lantern, falling slowly but urgently.

"Adam, follow it and it will lead us to our goal."

Ji Luo's voice and breath became very weak as her heart left.

"What an idiot. Since your heart can guide the direction, why don't you pilot the spaceship yourself?" Speedmaster was still laughing at her.

"You are an idiot. Your heart is a sacrifice. If you don't understand, just shut up." Billy shouted.

Speedmaster was shocked, pointed at Ji Luo, and continued to curse: "You are really an idiot, you actually sacrificed your heart."

When Harley heard this, she wanted to slap him to death.

"Supermaster, please stop saying a few words. Ji Luo sacrificed her heart for the multiverse. If you don't appreciate her, don't say sarcastic words." Da Chao frowned.

Speedmaster's small eyes were widened, and the muscles on his entire face were squeezed toward the center of his eyebrows, making him look ferocious and twisted.

“I don’t tolerate your irresponsible remarks on what I do and say, you eggless sissy.

I know you very well. You don’t have much ability. You can only pretend to be a nice gentleman. Bah!

You should be glad that we are on the same boat now, otherwise I will twist off your dog head, and I will feel sick when I see your face, Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Dachao looked at the face that was somewhat similar to his own, his expression a little distorted.

"How about we have a good fight in the Blood Realm after reviving Louise?"

"Hahaha, you came out to work hard just for that bitch Louise——"

"Bastard!" Dachao couldn't bear it anymore and rushed over to beat him.

"Don't fight. Two of the Dome's engines are broken. If there is another failure, it is likely to be overtaken by Midnight Echo immediately."

Blue Adam's expression was calm and his voice was loud, penetrating the minds of the two supermen and calming them down.

Da Chao stopped three steps away from Super Speed, gritted his teeth and said, "Just wait for me."

"I said my Louise, what are you excited about? My Louise is just a cousin. She has slept with every man in the crime syndicate and often has group sex." Speedy said with a lewd expression on his face. , talking dirty words.

"Boo~~" A bubble suddenly appeared, covering both supermen inside.

"Fake, what is this~~" Speedmaster just screamed in panic, and then fell into the water like a landlubber, waving his hands and feet wildly.

"Dachao, beat him, you can do whatever you want as long as he doesn't kill him," Harley said.

Da Chao can move freely, and he can do fierce damage by grabbing his collar.

Billy chuckled on the side, and Blue Adam only glanced at him before concentrating on piloting the spacecraft.

The fire in Ji Luo's heart stayed in a void of gray and white.

Even gray and white are just the subjective thoughts of the observer. In fact, there is nothing here, and there is no color.

"Get out, we're here." Ji Luo said.

"Where is the Book of All Souls?" Dachao asked while washing his hands.

There was a lot of blood on his hands, all from Speedmaster.

Speedmaster was now huddled in the corner, his head was swollen into a pig's head, his fierce little eyes were narrowed, and he was staring at Dasho viciously.

"You'll know when you get out."

Adam Lanpi stopped the spacecraft, opened the hatch, and everyone stepped into the "drawing board dimension" with doubts.


The next moment, the desolate land appeared under their feet, and there were hundreds of weirdos in front of them.

"Hi, guests, hello everyone, welcome to Taiyuan Fantasyland." A middle-aged white man in a clown suit smiled and waved to them.

"What's going on? This place was empty just now, why do so many people suddenly appear? Didn't it mean that there was nothing in Taixu?" Dachao said in surprise.

Ji Luo explained: "Before we arrived, there was indeed nothing in Taixu. Now our brain waves and thoughts are projected on it, forming strange scenes and people.

Therefore, this place is also called the ‘Taixu Illusion Realm’. "

"Hey, we are not an illusion. We are all poor people who accidentally escaped here." The middle-aged man in clown clothes said.

"He can understand us just like a real person." Dachao looked at the other person in surprise.

The middle-aged man said unhappily: "We are real people. My name is Wu Chou and I am their king. You can call me 'Your Majesty' or you can call me by my name."

Harley frowned and said, "Whatever you want to do, hurry up. If you stay in this place for a long time, you may lose some of your memories and emotions."

"Will you lose your memory?" Speedmaster, who was following behind and had already stepped into Taixu, quickly retracted.

Dachao glanced at him, then looked at Harley, curiously asking: "Why amnesia?"

Harry said: "This place is empty, there is nothing. Your mind is full of thoughts, emotions and memories. A strong 'information pressure difference' is formed between the brain and Taixu, and the information in the mind is squeezed out.

Just like if your stomach is full of air and you go 100,000 meters under the sea, the air in your body will be squeezed out by the pressure of the sea water. "

Information pressure is just a metaphor, but the phenomenon she talks about is real.

"More than just losing your memory, after entering here, even people who have memories of you will soon forget you. Just like me, no one in the world will remember me." Wu Chou said.

"Harley, is that right?" Dachao said in surprise.

Harley looked at Wu Chou strangely, "You are really interesting."

Wu Chou said calmly: "If you don't regard me as a false illusion, but just regard me as a local aborigine, you won't feel strange."

"Stop talking nonsense, we don't have time to delay." Ji Luo said.

"You are wrong. There is no time here at all. There is no delay." Wu Chou corrected.

Dachao stopped talking nonsense and asked: "Ji Luo, where is the Book of All Souls? Point in the direction and I will look for it."

"I don't know, you ask them." Ji Luo raised her chin towards Wu Chou and other "phantom people".

"Aren't they illusions conjured by our minds?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

Ji Luo said: "They do come from your thought waves, but this does not mean that they have any connection with you, or that they are fantasies in your minds.

The thoughts that leave your brain no longer belong to you.

They are like a seed or a piece of soil, growing a unique fantasy life in the void. "

"Are you looking for the Book of Limbo?" Wu Chouwen wrinkled his nose, pointed to a stone arch nearby, and said: "This is the Limbo Library. There is only one book in it, but no one can read it. Understand."

"This" Dachao was stunned, "Is it so easy to find it?"

"It's easy. Ji Luo sacrificed her heart in order to bring us to the Book of All Souls."

Harley said something and took the lead to walk into the stone door.

The stone arch is obviously there alone, but after entering, you come to a huge and boundless library.

There are rows of bookshelves in the library that are higher than Mount Everest, and they are also endless.

But the bookshelf was empty, not a single book.

"The book is here!" Wu Chou pointed to a white ball of light suspended in mid-air next to the door.

"Uh~~" Harry only glanced at it, and his head hurt, and he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

She couldn't read it.

It's like a person with dyslexia is forced to read an obscure philosophy book. The contents of the book are poured into their brains until they are dizzy, but they don't understand or understand anything.

"Ah, it is indeed a book. It is very strange. The pages are endless, but they are all squeezed into one space. Well, it is squeezed into one dimension, zero dimension? No, there is no dimension here. Does no dimension count as zero dimension? ?”

Dachao's reaction was completely different from hers. He was like a scholar who was thirsty for knowledge and encountered a book of sages that he had never seen before. His eyes fell on the light ball and he couldn't look away. There was also a look of obsession and fascination on his face.

"What did you see?" Harley asked.

Dachao murmured: "I can see everything, I feel like all the books in the world are here, and it records everything in the multiverse.

Now I understand why it is called the ‘Book of All Souls’. The thoughts, memories, and ideas of all living beings are recorded in it.

It is a drawing board that carries all the information in the painting, as well as the hidden root information in the painting. "

"Superman, look for a weapon to defeat Mandrake." Ji Luo shouted.

Dachao seemed to be possessed by a demon, with a confused look on his face, and chanted slowly: "Before the creation of the world, Taixu was blank and absolute nothingness.

The multiverse is like a ‘flaw’ on a white canvas to Taixu.

Taixu is so big that the multiverse is to it what a bacterium on the human body is to humans.

But the appearance of 'flaws' also makes Taixu miserable. I don't know what to call it.

It is like consciousness, but it is different from human independent consciousness.

It just records everything in the multiverse and is equivalent to a monitor?

Oh my god, it is the main monitor!

It turns out that there really is a master monitor in the world, and Dax's pursuit is not vain.

The monitor is just the recorder of Wantianyi's bright multiverse, the counter-monitor is the recorder of the antimatter universe, but the main monitor is the recorder of the 'drawing board'.

If the multiverse were like a building, the Monitor and Counter-Monitor would only be responsible for one floor.

It's the security guard on the first floor.

The main supervisor is responsible for the community where the building is located.

But the main monitor is not the security chief of the community or the property director.

It is the conscious Taixu, the consciousness of Taixu, a living life form, and some kind of abstract ultimate wisdom.

Our universe exists within its 'body'.

God, it's so huge that I can't even imagine it.

Dax's ambition is so crazy that he wants to replace it.

An eye of a small bacterium on the human body - if bacteria have eyes, now that eye is trying to replace the main consciousness of the person. I am so unbelievable! "

"Idiot, don't talk about these random, meaningless, completely incomprehensible nonsense. Let's get to the point. What is the weapon that killed Mandrake and where is it?" Speedmaster shouted.

Dachao's narration, as if he was sleepwalking, came to an abrupt end.

"Idiot, shut up!" Harley was listening with great interest when he suddenly interrupted her. She was so angry that she wanted to slap him to death immediately.

"Although his words are unpleasant, we really don't have time to study the secrets of the main monitor. The top priority is Mandrake." Adam Lampi said calmly.

Dachao stepped forward, holding the ball of light in both hands, and continued: "As Taixu's consciousness, the main monitor is as 'neutral' as a blank canvas.

Paintings often contain certain emotions of the artist, such as love, hate, life, old age, illness, and death, and the emotions are often very extreme.

The drawing board is completely blank, absolutely neutral and neutral. There is no good or evil, no holiness or depravity. It does not allow itself to be 'contaminated' by evil or holiness.

Just like nature has an ecological balance, Taixu also has its own way of balance.

Mandrake is extremely evil and depraved. Its appearance seriously affected Taixu's balance of good and evil. It made Taixu no longer able to maintain "neutral". So when Mandrake was born, Taixu made countermeasures. "


It was clear that Taixu was empty, with no earth and no sound, but Harry felt that the "sky" was shaking and the "earth" was shaking.

It seemed as if the sky and the earth were split open, and then a huge thing slowly rose from the crack.

"Oh my God, it's so big. Is this Superman? It seems to be a statue made of metal?" Billy Bassent exclaimed.

Speedmaster, Captain Atom, and Ji Luo all followed his gaze, with expressions of wonder and shock on their faces and eyes.

"This is my statue. I can feel the connection between it and myself." Speedmaster murmured.

"What are you looking at?" Harley was a little confused and a little embarrassed.

Looking at their expressions, coupled with the "changes in heaven and earth" she felt herself, there must be some kind of strange phenomenon in that direction.

But when she looked over, it was empty, nothing.

"Didn't you see such a big Superman statue?" Billy pointed upward and said in surprise.

"I didn't see it." Harry did not follow the example of the minister in The Emperor's New Clothes and pretended to watch with great interest.

"You have no destiny. Only Superman and the Monitor can see you." Ji Luo said.

"Then what did you see?" Harley asked.

"A huge Superman statue, it seems to be made of pig iron, and there seems to be rust on the surface. Could this be a weapon against Mandrake?" Ji Luo looked up at the empty void, with some doubts on her face.

"It sounds like you don't know what the Superman statue is or its purpose. So what should we do next?" Harley frowned.

"I don't know." Ji Luo said blankly.

"Biaozi, what are you talking about? How can you not know? You don't know anything. Why did you bring me here?" Supermaster was angry.


The gray-white Taixu was suddenly stained with blood, and Harry once again felt the drastic change of the world splitting apart.

"No, the Superman statue is too huge. Its appearance made too much noise, which alerted Mandrake, and it chased after him." Ji Luo's face changed drastically, and she said in panic: "Quick, let's go immediately. Superman, what else did you see?" ?”

Dachao had already looked away from the Book of All Souls, and shook his head after hearing this: "I only know that the statue comes from some kind of reaction from the main monitor, in order to keep Taixu in a neutral balance.

Just as humans over-deforestation and over-industrialize, the earth will generate extreme climates to warn humans.

But how to use the statue, I don't understand. "

He glanced at the other "Supermen" and suggested, "How about you also read this Book of All Souls?"

"What do you think?" Harley asked.

"If you can't see it directly, just touch this white light with your hand. Information is recorded in the white light. I can see the Book of All Souls because the white light falls into my eyes." Da Chao said.

Speedmaster immediately stepped forward and hugged the one-meter-diameter illusory light ball with both hands.

"Ah ah ah -" Supermaster's expression was twisted and ferocious, "I saw it. I read this 'Endless Book' in an instant.

In my hometown, I am considered a god of evil.

But now I understand that I am not qualified to be compared with Mandrake.

It is the living essence of evil, a being greater than myself.

I have seen the end, and everyone in the world will kneel down in front of Mandrake and die! "

When he said the last sentence, this guy was already kneeling on his legs with a pious face, his head bent down, looking like a despicable person who was willing to die.

"Let me take a look -" Thunder Shazam tried to reach out his hand, "Stab it - boom!"

A bolt of golden lightning fell, and he transformed from the bulky Thunder Shazam into the thin mortal Billy Bassant, and fainted without saying a word.

Harley was speechless.

She also reached out and touched it, but the light ball didn't respond at all, and she didn't get any information.

The blue-skinned Adam gave the last try, and then his eyes were dull, and he floated cross-legged in the air, muttering: "Ah, my perception is expanding infinitely, so fast.

My body is so hot, something seems to be changing

Harley Quinn said that I am a peer of Dr. Manhattan and have a close relationship with him. What kind of person is he?

I seem to be connected to a great idea, I see the eternal nothingness, I see. I don't understand, what do you mean by asking me not to care so much?

Give up, give up the present, and you will be reborn."

"What happened to him?" Dachao asked in surprise.

Harley looked solemn, "He is probably communicating with someone through the Book of All Souls."


"I understand." Blue Adam withdrew his hands from the ball of light and muttered to himself with hollow eyes, "It turns out that all you have to do is give up. Infinity is finite, do nothing and do everything."


Harley activated the power of connection defense expertise to cover Adam's whole body, and also called him with a mental shock.

"Harry." Adam Blue's eyes regained some sparkle and he smiled: "Don't worry, I have found the answer to the problem."

"Who did you just meet?"

Adam smiled bitterly, "You're right, I shouldn't think about him, let alone take the initiative to look for him——"


A hole opened in Taixu, and the Midnight Echo mothership appeared in everyone's sight.

The expression on the blue-skinned Adam's face suddenly disappeared and became indifferent.

He looked at Harley with cold eyes and said, "Harley Quinn, we meet again."

This tone and demeanor.

Harley blurted out, "Dr. Manhattan?!"

He raised his right hand and pointed at the Midnight Echo, which was flying close. A layer of quantum force field invisible but perceptible to others blocked the front of the ship.

The Midnight Echo is like a cicada caught in a spider's web.

The cicada flaps its wings vigorously and can break free of the cobweb, but it takes time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the blue giant's form expanded to tens of meters high, and suddenly split into countless pieces. The blue giants had different movements, but they all had expressions of deep thought - this is the most common form of Dr. Manhattan when he is thinking about a problem. .

Cutting a short second into countless segments, each period corresponds to a Dr. Manhattan. Countless Dr. Manhattans use their brains to think at the same time, and the efficiency is increased countless times.

The next second, all the blue giants disappeared, and the only blue-skinned giant lowered his head and said to everyone: "The method of activating the statue is not recorded in the Limbo Book.

I have to figure out the answer myself. This is my destiny.

Now I understand, don't resist. "

He stretched out his hands, holding the soldier toys like a child, one in each hand, holding the Super and Super in his hands respectively.

"Freak, what are you doing?" Speedmaster struggled hard but couldn't move.

Shocked and angry, he opened his eyes and fired a thermonuclear ray into the blue giant's face.

"Bah!" The full-power heat ray fell on the giant's face, leaving not even a red spot.

"Impossible, you can't be stronger than me. No one dares to be stronger than me, especially 'Superman'. Freak, what are you trying to do?" He roared loudly.

"Supermaster, I don't have much time, and I don't have time to make trouble with you."

The hydrogen atom symbol on the blue giant's forehead lit up with white light, and the surrounding gray void flashed with blue arcs of electricity.

"To make a long story short, that statue is a thinking weapon, a superhuman thinking. Its appearance is a natural reaction of Taixu, an emergency mechanism for disharmony, just like when a virus enters the human body, antibodies will naturally be produced.

Thinking Superman is an antibody specifically against Mandrake. "

He glanced at Harry specifically and said, "You can't see it, just because its essence is a piece of thinking, too imaginary thinking.

In the future you may be able to see other people's thoughts, but now you are not advanced enough. "

After chatting with his "old friend", he continued to talk about business, "Taixu is neutral and neutral. It is a blank. To drive the superhuman thinking, there must also be the power of justice and neutrality.

Justice and neutrality conflict, but are not contradictory. Strength is neutral, and thinking is justice.

Use neutral power to drive the thinking superman, and use righteous thoughts to control the thinking superman.

Superhuman strength is just, and thinking is also just.

Speedmaster is his opposite, neutralizing his power, which is a neutral power. "

After saying this, he grabbed the two supermen and slapped them in the middle, as if he was kneading two plasticine dolls into a ball.

"Buzz~~~" The two supermen disappeared and turned into a ball of golden light with fluctuating thoughts.

"It's the power of connection! You are using the power of connection to fuse two energies." Harley said in surprise.

The blue giant glanced sideways at her. This time his expression was no longer indifferent, his eyes and expression were very complicated.

"Good insight! It seems that you have been improving yourself rapidly in the past few years. Maybe you can finally break through the prison and gain great transcendence and great freedom. Well, I wish you good luck, Harley Quinn~~~"


The golden light shot straight into the sky and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. The blue giant's body faded and disappeared, and a huge steel superman fell down.

This time, Harley saw it, as if she was watching a real 3D movie at close range without the red and blue glasses.

The picture is blurry, but you can tell it's an extremely huge Superman.

Superhuman thinking.

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