I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1614 DC is the most evil, Mandrake

Metropolis, Hall of Justice, Infirmary.

"Harry, Louise has just died and she can still be saved as much as possible. Please save her, please."

Dachao's tears couldn't stop flowing down his cheeks, crying like a waterworks.

Seeing him like this, General Lane, whose daughter died next to him, had no tears in his eyes. He just kept patting him on the shoulder and comforting him silently.

"Although she died for less than half a minute, alas, you actually know better than me. She can't be saved and is dead." Harley sighed.

Louise died a bit miserably. Her chest seemed to have been run over by the tires of a heavy-duty motorcycle. Her ribs were all broken, and her chest and back were stuck together. The internal organs in her chest surged out along the broken hole and scattered all over the floor. .

Her lusterless eyes were wide open, and her face, which was as white as paint, did not show much pain, but was mostly stunned and confused. Her death was too sudden, and she did not expect that she would be attacked at the Daily Planet headquarters. .

"No, Louise can't die. How can she die? I don't accept it!" Dachao knelt beside Louise's body and roared in pain, despair and unwillingness.

"Harry, has Louise's soul gone to heaven now?"

Old Ryan was also sad, but he was more rational than his son-in-law.

People cannot be revived after death, but there is a soul after death. As long as the soul is there, there is hope of meeting again.

"Heaven is closed."

"I know, but heaven was also closed during the last Crisis on Infinite Earths. When it reopens, the souls that died before can still ascend to heaven and be saved."

Ryan's eyes met hers, with sadness and pain in his eyes, as well as expectation and pleading.

Harley was a little unsure about Louise's situation.

Before heaven closed, Acting King Raphael indeed said that souls who should go to hell will go to hell as usual, and souls that can go to heaven will be suspended in a state of death, waiting for heaven to open to welcome them deep into heaven.

The question is, is Louise's sin worth cleaning up?

"I'm going to hell~~~~~to see~~~see——"

In an instant, Harley felt that time had slowed down infinitely, and the words in her mouth were like half-bitten maltose, stretched and transformed into a thread.

"Who!" Harley's eyes were sharp, and the defensive force field instantly enveloped the entire audience.

Not only her, but Da Chao and Harley's three divine followers also found that time was suddenly slowing down.

Da Chao is extremely talented and can adapt to various situations.

Diana, Dinah, and Neptune used Harley's time defense expertise to detect abnormalities in the flow of time.

Except for a few of them, everyone else didn't feel out of place at all and didn't notice any changes.

Just like the characters in the video, it is impossible to tell whether the person watching the video feels that the plot is protracted and boring, so he adjusts the playback speed to 1.75 times.

"Don't be nervous, it's me." Wherever Harry looked, a blood-red gap opened in the void. The gap opened to the left and right, and a familiar yet unfamiliar woman walked out from the opposite Sky Blood Realm.

Harry knew her, the female watcher wearing a golden crown like Cleopatra, Ji Luo Vala.

But the two of them had no friendship, only a one-time acquaintance.

At the time, the brief exchange was extremely unpleasant.

"Ji Luowara? What are you doing?" Harley frowned.

"I have created a realm where time is suspended around you. I need your help to take some of you away from the Earth and to the Dome Spaceship in the Blood Domain.

But I understand that if I don’t speak clearly, you won’t follow me.

But it takes a lot of time to speak clearly. I'm being hunted right now and can't waste even a second, so I can only do this. "Ji Luo said very directly.

Harry's heart moved and he said: "Your family of monitors suffered a catastrophe. Everyone died, and you are the only one left?"

Monitor Ji Luo's eyes widened and she said in shock: "How do you know? This just happened. No, it is happening now."

"Baitman said before that the Monitor satellite will fall and the Monitor will be wiped out. He guessed it right." Dinah said in surprise.

Harley looked at Ji Luo and said: "I can't predict, nor can I detect changes in the super-time flow, but we have brains and experience, so we can speculate.

I guess you are not interested in the specific reasoning process either.

Let’s get down to business. What crisis do you encounter, what help do you need, and the reasons why we help you. "

The female monitor nodded and said simply: "I can save Lois Lane."

"What, you're not joking, can you really save Louise?" Dachao was excited.

Harley sighed secretly. The female monitor came prepared and she was defeated at the beginning.

It seemed that they had no choice. No matter how high the risk, they had to go with her.

"Louise is completely dead. Her soul left her body and entered the dimension of death." Harley said.

"I know that death is one of the basic laws of the multiverse. Only an existence higher than the law of death can reverse death."

"Are you above the law of death?" Harley looked suspicious.

The female monitor shook her head and said: "Monitors are only managers of the multiverse and cannot do anything to distort or harm the laws.

My method of reviving Lois Lane is the essence of heavenly blood.

It is the universal panacea, the essence of life, the ‘source’ that transcends laws. "

"Essence of Heavenly Blood" Harry's expression changed several times and he was silent.

"Harry, did she lie? Can the essence of heavenly blood revive Louise?"

Dachao was very excited, but he still looked at Harley with an anxious questioning look.

Harley nodded hesitantly, "Theoretically, it is feasible."

Although she privately derogated the blood of heaven as the menstrual blood of Papetua, the mother of creation, it was an existence that could not be tolerated.

But first of all, the essence of Heavenly Blood is not the same as Heavenly Blood.

The power of heavenly blood she came into contact with in the realm of heavenly blood was extremely mixed, with extremely low energy purity and extremely high concentration of impurities and filth.

The essence of heavenly blood mentioned by the monitor is a purified high-end product.

Secondly, she disparagingly calls the blood of heaven as Papetua's menstrual blood, which is just a metaphor.

Its essence is that part of the power of space merges with the extremely low concentration of Papetua's life essence.

But Papetua's motives were impure and he mixed his own evil will into the essence of life.

It is also the Mother of Creation’s version of “The Whisper of the Evil God”.

In the DC multiverse, except for Harley and God, whoever touches that thing will be in trouble.

In the end, Harley looked down on Tianxue just because she had already upgraded her strength of connection expertise to level 10. The fact that the steamed buns were too hard did not mean that the energy of Tianxue was low.

On the contrary, since the heavenly blood contains part of the essence of the Mother of Creation, even if the essence is mixed with feces, it is one of the highest energy levels in the DC multiverse.

"Theoretically, what theory?" Dachao asked expectantly.

“The energy contained in the Heavenly Blood Essence is very high-level, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the ‘essence of life’.

In terms of energy level, as long as the purity is sufficient, the essence of heavenly blood can indeed surpass the law of death in energy level. In this way, there is the possibility of reversing life and death. "

The female monitor said confidently: "Don't worry, my Heavenly Blood Essence is absolutely pure. It is not the mixed energy in the Heavenly Blood Domain."

Harley stared into her eyes and said in a serious tone: "I don't guarantee whether taking the Heavenly Blood Essence can bring Louise back to life, but I am 100% sure that the side effects of taking the Heavenly Blood Essence will be extremely serious."

Monitor Ji Luo's eyes flickered, "What are the sequelae? What do you know?"

"Why do you monitors regard drinking heavenly blood as the first taboo?" Harley asked.

Ji Luo said with a dark expression: "The crisis faced by the monitor family this time is a rebel who drank the blood of heaven."

"Dax?" Harley asked calmly.

"Well, that's him."

"What happened to Dax after he drank the blood from heaven? Did his body mutate, or were there other side effects?" Dachao asked nervously.

The female monitor sighed: "He was corrupted by the forbidden power and turned into the most evil existence in the multiverse, the blood-sucking monster 'Mandrake'.

Well, as long as he drinks the blood of heaven, the monitor will lose his identity as a monitor and become a being that represents the most evil will, Mandrake.

The responsibility of the monitor should have been to protect the parallel universe within the Wan Tian Yi, but now the parallel universe has become Mandrake's blood bag.

The universe that he has devoured the essence of life will be like a fruit left in the sun, gradually withering and eventually rotting.

Mandrak, who absorbed the life essence of the universe, became extremely powerful. Even dozens of us monitors were no match for him. Instead, they were bitten to death and eaten by him one by one. "

"Then you let Louise drink heavenly blood. Do you want her to become a vampire too?" Dachao said angrily.

The female monitor said: "Degenerating into Mandrake is the patent of the monitor. Others will not change significantly if they drink the essence of heavenly blood.

As far as I know, the emperor once let millions of his heavenly blood warriors drink ordinary heavenly blood, and none of them mutated.

If you are worried about the side effects, you don’t need to use my Heavenly Blood Essence.

Mandrake is the enemy of all life and the entire universe. If you don't cooperate with me, sooner or later you will face him alone.

Believe me, there is only one way to eliminate him, and only the Watcher knows it.

It’s not that I didn’t tell you and deliberately blackmailed you.

Only the Watcher has access to the weapon that killed Mandrake. "

There was a mixture of expectation and worry in Dachao's eyes, "Harry, do you think Louise will be affected?"

"Maybe not in the short term, if so"

If Papetua is resurrected and specifically attacks Louise, she will definitely be affected.

The problem is, Papetua has been sealed for tens of billions of years. She may eventually break out, but will Louise still be alive at that time?

Even if Louise is still alive, it will be a few years later. Will Harley still be afraid of the threat of Pappetua at that time?

"Well, you make your own decision. If you want to be safe, let Louise fend for herself. Even if her soul falls into hell, I can arrange for her to be the Demon God of 'Hundred Households'.

You can learn from Ning Caichen and go to hell every now and then and continue to love her. "

"Go to hell" Dachao's face turned pale, and he immediately thought of his wife's hundreds of thousands of sins. Now that heaven is closed, and there is no time to use her merits to eliminate her sins, could it be that she has fallen into hell now?

"If, I mean if Louise develops sequelae, can you treat her?"

He clenched his cheeks and seemed to have made a decision in his mind.

"Well, even if the worst happens, we can send her to Heaven Mountain to avoid disaster, or go directly to Hell to become a hundred households." Harley said.

She wasn't even afraid of Pappetua, let alone the old God?

If he really sent Louise to Heavenly Mountain, would Papetua have anal sex with God for a mortal?

"That's good." Dachao breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the female monitor: "What do you want me to do, deal with Mandrake? I am willing, let's set off now."

The female monitor glanced at Harley, "Superman is a necessary condition to deal with Mandrake, but if you are here, the success rate will be higher."

"Tell me your plan first." Harley said.

"I want to recruit a group of Destined People to go to the 'Painting Board Dimension' at the bottom of Limbo to search for the 'Book of All Souls'. The Destined People will find a way to kill Mandrake from the book. Finally, we will get that piece Mysterious weapon, face Mandrake."

Harley frowned and said, "Can you be more detailed?"

"This is not detailed enough? First summon the Destined People, then use the Destined People's destiny to open the Book of All Souls, and finally fight to the death with Mandrake, what else needs to be said?"

Diana said: "The sketchpad dimension is the 'foundation' of the multiverse, right?"

The female supervisor said: "If you think the multiverse is a house, then it is the foundation.

If you think of the multiverse as a painting, it's the drawing board.

It is the original blank, the void before the birth of the multiverse. "

"What is the Book of All Souls?" Diana asked.

“It’s hard to describe, but once you see it in person, you immediately understand its existence.”

After a pause, the female supervisor frowned again and said, "I only invite Superman, Witch Harley and Captain Marvel. You can't help me much, so don't come."

Diana was not happy to be rejected in this way, "Even if I don't have destiny, can't I just be a thug?

At any other time, Superman and Harley would have just left.

But the situation now is very special, what if Darkseid and..."

She pursed her lips and said, "If we and the Old God attack the Earth, our 'defensive counterattack plan' will not be implemented."

The basis of the defensive counterattack is to send all the people on earth to Noah's Ark before the war comes, which is the dimension of Harley's stomach bag.

Without Da Chao, the counterattack would be weak at best. Without Harley, even the initial absolute defense would not be possible.

The female prisoner raised her right hand, and a needle popped out of the golden arm guard, "I have a 'time weakening agent' that can freeze the time of the main universe.

Even if we complete our mission and return from Limbo, the earth will only pass by for an instant.

During this period, no matter who enters the main universe from the outside world, they only have a moment.

It certainly cannot destroy the earth in a single moment. "

The heroes of Earth looked at each other with a strange expression.

"What, you don't believe it?" Female Supervisor Ji Luo frowned.

"We saw time stimulants last time on Earth-51." Harley said.

"Oh, yes, Bob used time stimulants on Earth-51 last time. My people are still hesitant about Dax's lies. The battle in the Earth-51 universe is over."

Ji Luo glanced at everyone and said, "Since you have seen the effects of time stimulants, you shouldn't doubt my time weakening drugs, right?"

Neptune said: "If we continue to inject debilitating agents into the river of time in the main universe, can we directly avoid the restart of the fifth world? We have only passed for a moment, and the outside world has already completed the restart."

"Hey, this is a great idea." Dinah said excitedly.

Harley shook her head and said: "You are thinking too simply. The time when the fifth world restarts is on the timeline of the main universe.

In other words, if our time becomes extremely slow, it may take hundreds or thousands of years for the other world to restart before our timeline reaches that point. "

"Is that so? I thought the restart of the fifth world had nothing to do with the material world." Neptune said.

Ji Luo took a deep look at Harley and said: "Witch Harley is right. The restart of the fifth world cannot be completely unrelated to the material world. It is just that compared with the eight major divine realms that have been turned upside down, the material world is calmer and less affected.

After all, the material world is the foundation of Limbo, and the main universe is the core of the material world.

Without Crisis on Infinite Earths, there would be no multi-reboot, and without the multi-reboot, there would be no current Fifth World reboot. "

"Do you have any extra time stimulants and debilitating drugs? Give me a few, and I'll let you go." Harley said.

Female Supervisor Ji Luo said: "The so-called stimulants and debilitating agents are just modifications to facilitate understanding, and are not some kind of physical substance. They are actually a use of the supervisor's authority.

The river of time can only withstand one 'time agent' in a short period of time.

Just like a big river, you can build a dam to control the flow of water, but if you keep blocking or releasing water, it will inevitably affect the normal flow of the river. "

"Then let's go." Harley sighed and said simply.

If Mandrake only slaughtered the monitors, she would still gloat, but Mandrake's purpose of killing the monitors was to accumulate energy to deal with the earth. To deal with her, she would not be able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Ji Luo reminded with a serious expression: "The longer the death, the greater the cost of resurrection.

Although we talked many times, time in this area was suspended for me.

Lois Lane's actual death took less than a minute.

At this time, it is possible for the Heavenly Blood Essence to exert its effect of bringing the dead back to life.

If the delay is too long, even the essence of heavenly blood may not be enough to pay the price of twisting the law of death.

After all, Lois Lane is truly dead, not dying.

Therefore, I will adjust the time weakening agent to the moment when you return, and the main universe will only pass by for an instant.

This has huge side effects on the River of Time.

In order to prevent the river of time from collapsing, the task must be completed as soon as possible without any delay. "

"Don't worry, I won't waste a second." Dachao said with firm eyes.

Female supervisor Ji Luo glanced at Harry.

Harley sighed: "You are the boss, we will all obey your arrangements, we will not be stubborn or argue with you."

Female Supervisor Ji Luo nodded with satisfaction, "You will soon see the ultimate secret of the universe.

When you feel possessive about them that you shouldn't have, just think of Lois Lane who is waiting for resurrection and overcome your greed. "

Harley was speechless, "Am I like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world?"

Female Supervisor Ji Luo stopped talking nonsense, waved her hand, and with a flash of red light, Harley and Dachao disappeared from everyone's sight.

"My dear, is this your blood domain mothership?"

As soon as he arrived in front of Ji Luo's spaceship, Harley let out an exclamation.

The mothership is unexpectedly large, with a length of more than 40 kilometers.

If she saw such a long spaceship in the physical universe, Harley wouldn't even have the thought of being surprised.

But this spaceship belongs to Ji Luo.

"Do you monitors need such a large spaceship? I mean, your demand for space should not be high, right?"

Mortals stay in outer space all year round and need food, leisure, entertainment, and exercise. They need to open up various large areas on the spacecraft.

The alien army also needs to maintain a certain number to ensure combat effectiveness and deterrence.

Therefore, the mothership of the alien civilization looks particularly huge, like a flying city.

But the power of the monitor belongs to itself, and there is no need to eat, drink, or even stay on the spaceship often. The total number of people is only 51. What is the use of such a large mothership?

Female monitor Ji Luo glanced at her with a strange expression and said: "The reason why you think it is big is because your Archimedes is small.

Multi-dimensional motherships need to adapt to the development of different dimensions and must be equipped with different styles of power engines and energy devices. Huge sizes are the norm. "

"Buzz~~" A light purple transparent energy portal opened in the side window of the bridge.

"Welcome to the Dome. They are your teammates. Except for the Witch Harley, they are all 'Supermen'."

On the bridge, which was filled with blood-red light, Harley saw three familiar faces.

Then she cried out again out of surprise, "Dr. Manhattan?!"

The man floating in mid-air, using the power of his mind to control the complex control platform of the Dome, not only has blue skin, but also has a hydrogen atom symbol on his forehead that is the same as Dr. Manhattan's.

More importantly, Harley sensed familiar yet unfamiliar quantum energy in him.

"I am Captain Atom, Alan Adam. There should be a peer of mine in your universe, right? It is the overlord emperor who controls the blood realm."

"Are you Adam too?" Harley was stunned, "What's going on with your skin? There's also the hydrogen atom symbol on your forehead, and the quantum energy in your body."

His skin glowed blue, like jelly.

The skin of Captain Atom of the main universe is a metal shell that looks like mercury.

Female Supervisor Ji Luo urged: "Midnight Echo is chasing us. Start the spaceship and leave here first."

Captain Atom, who looked exactly like Dr. Manhattan, did as he was told, while another acquaintance, "Magic Superman" Billy Bassent, held a harp and drove the magic power to play a "Speed ​​Sound".

The blood domain mothership disappeared into the red sky blood domain with a "swish", and was transferred to a parallel universe, and then returned to the sky blood domain with a "swish" again.

In this way, they went "straight forward" and crossed over when encountering parallel universes. In just a few seconds, they passed through more than 300 universes.

Dachao worriedly asked: "With such constant crossing and frequent changes in vibration frequency, won't it affect the stability of the origin wall?"

"The Qiongji can isolate the frequency difference." Female Supervisor Ji Luo said.

Catching a glimpse of Harley still looking at the blue-skinned Captain Atom, she explained: "Adam is indeed Captain Atom, but he is also 'Dr. Manhattan', the counterpart of Dr. Manhattan in the parallel universe."

Harley looked at the blue-skinned Captain Atom and said with a complex expression: "Adam, can you transcend the river of time? Do you understand your own causes and consequences, past and present lives?"

"If you regard me as the reincarnation of Dr. Manhattan, you can have such expectations from me.

But I am not his reincarnation, at most I possess a small part of his energy. "The blue-skinned Captain Atom said calmly.

"Well, not only do you look like Dr. Manhattan in appearance and energy, your temperament and demeanor are also very similar." Harley sighed.

The real Captain Atom exudes a decisive and resolute military temperament.

Dr. Manhattan is elegant, gentle, and indifferent, like a scientist who has spent a lifetime in scientific research and cultivated Taoism.

The blue-skinned Captain Atom in front of him has the same "weak" temperament as Dr. Manhattan, and he doesn't look like a soldier at all.

"Can you tell me about Dr. Manhattan? You seem to know him very well, and the way you look at me is full of regret and pity, which is very strange." The blue-skinned Captain Atom asked curiously.

Harley shook her head, "I know Dr. Manhattan very well, and you read that right. I feel sorry for him and what happened to him, but I won't tell you anything related to him.

Because he doesn't like his personal affairs to be discussed by others.

And knowing about him could be very dangerous for you.

If you don’t want to become another person and don’t want your thoughts and will to be distorted, don’t ask about him, don’t take the initiative to pay attention to him, and don’t attract his attention. "

First, the Emperor steals part of Manhattan's power from the depths of the quantum dimension, and then encounters Captain Atom, who possesses Manhattan's quantum energy, looks and temperament and resembles Dr. Manhattan.

There may be more people using the power of Manhattan in the future.

Obviously, the universe restart during Crisis on Infinite Earths has fully taken effect at this time.

Doctor Manhattan is integrated into the origin of the DC multiverse, and his power becomes part of the "source" of the DC multiverse.

This also means that Doctor Manhattan can no longer escape the DC multiverse.

Harley sympathized with him a little. He was supposed to be the son of destiny, with the opportunity to transcend the universe and enter the omnipotent universe to pursue infinite possibilities. However, he made a mistake and regretted it for eternity, and it was almost impossible to turn around again.

"Billy, why are you here? Why are you playing the piano? This piano seems very unusual."

Harry sighed secretly for a while, then turned his attention to the man holding the harp, Captain Magic Billy Bassant.

"I was originally in the Eternal Castle, and I was approached by this female monitor. She said that I was a 'magical superman' and had the destiny to save the world, so I came here.

This large harp is the external power system of the spacecraft.

I use the power of Mercury, the god of speed, to play music, and the music will apply an additional acceleration to the mothership. "

Billy grinned and said, "I was a little worried before, but now that I see you are here, I feel relieved."

"Magic Superman, Quantum Superman, Man of Steel Superman" Harley looked at the last Superman up and down with disdain in her eyes and contempt on her face, "You alone are worthy of being called Superman?"

The last Superman also has a resolute and tough face with Chinese characters, but his face is sinister, sinister, and has a pair of small, round eyes.

There is a deceitful look in his little eyes, and you can tell at a glance that he is not a good person.

And instead of the "S" representing hope, there is a "U" on his chest.

He is not Superman, but Ultraman, which is the ultra of the "pro, promax, ultra" flagship phones. You can also say that he is the "Promax man".

He is the "Supermaster" from the Earth-3 world.

Harley had seen it before. In the world of Earth-51, this guy was recruited by the emperor and assisted the prophet in killing several monitors.

"Do you think I want to come here?" Supermaster said loudly with anger on his face.

But he was just loud and was ridiculed by Harley in front of her face, but he didn't punch her directly, and he didn't even dare to glare at her with murderous eyes.

There was malice and murderous intent in his small eyes, but he avoided Harley's gaze.

He had participated in the "Multiverse Contest" on Earth-51, and knew how powerful the Emperor and the Prophet were, and also knew that they were both beaten to death by Harley.

At that time, he also fought with her personally. A group of them, the "Blood Realm Zhenglian", launched a siege on her, but she stabbed Wonder Woman to death with her finger.

He was a little afraid of her.

In other words, Speedmaster, as the super villain emperor of Earth-3, possesses all the characteristics of a villain, including the common problem of villains - bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

People who believe in using strength to bully the weak subconsciously worry that they will also be bullied when facing a stronger person.

"Just because he is a villain, he has a special destiny that the normal Tear Man does not have." The female monitor said.

After a pause, she explained: "During the battle on Earth-51, the Emperor and the Prophet were killed by you, and the remaining 'Blood Realm Justice League' and the Blood Realm Army got into the Emperor's mothership and prepared to escape.

As you know, the Emperor's mothership was stopped by my companions, and they were all captured.

I am the captain of the Dome, responsible for sending them back to their original world.

Speedmaster was left until the end, and before he could return to the Earth-3 universe, Mandrake appeared. "

"What destiny does he have?"


Several people were talking on the bridge when the Qiongji suddenly shook violently, an explosion occurred behind the hull, and the bridge alarm sounded.

"No, the Midnight Echo is catching up." Female warden Ji Luo shouted nervously.

The blue-skinned atomic captain said calmly and quickly: "There is a malfunction in the energy module No. 9. The three engines in area C, 3, 4, and 7, have stalled. The spacecraft lacks power and is about to fall into the material universe.

Everyone, take action and no longer be passively beaten. "

"Bloody God, listen to what this pathetic blue-skinned freak is saying?" Speedmaster stared at his small eyes, his face, nose, and eyebrows twisted into four distinct groups, "Even the Domeji mothership can't carry it. Come on, even this cousin’s watcher can only run away in confusion. Why are you so stupid, and you actually let me deal with it? Fake, stupid, do it.”

The blue-skinned Captain Atom and the female supervisor Ji Luo both had calm expressions, and Billy didn't show any extra expressions.

Harry was a little surprised. In just one sentence, this guy called God a bitch, called the female superintendent a cousin, and called the "copycat Dr. Manhattan" a freak, not to mention someone who speaks dirty words and spits shit. How did he develop his skills? Where did he get the courage?

"I'm not asking you to fight the Midnight Echo. The Dome is stalling. You and Superman can go outside to hold it or push it to speed up." Adam Blue said calmly.

"Harley, let's go. You intercept the cannonballs, and I'll be responsible for carrying the spacecraft." Dachao wanted to save his wife, and he had plenty of motivation.

Harry looked at the cosmic scenery flashing quickly outside the window and frowned: "Aren't we going to the 'blank dimension' at the bottom of Limbo? How come we keep traveling within the Ten Thousand Celestial Instruments?"

Billy explained: "There are countless parallel universes in Wan Tian Yi, just like mountains and forests with complex terrain, which can help us hide our tracks and get rid of our pursuers.

Our speed and strength are not as good as the Midnight Echo. If we lose cover and enter the empty Limbo directly, the Sky Dome will be overtaken immediately and then sunk. "


While he was talking, Qiongji took another shot.

Harley sighed and put on her communication earplugs before flying to the outer deck with Chao.


As soon as she arrived on the stern deck, Harley "saw" the energy cannons of scarlet light flooding towards her.

The Qiongji was very huge, and the shells it fired were also huge, like a lake, splashing towards the spacecraft.

The radius of Harley's defensive force field is only 1 kilometer.

Worried that she would not be able to block all the aftermath, she looked in the right direction, flashed a few times, and came to the center of the shelled area.


Like a lump of snot blowing on the glass window.

The energy cannon, which was enough to destroy the deck, did not even splash water on the transparent gold film.

"That's it?" Harley pouted.

"You actually blocked it completely!"

She had a relaxed look on her face and some disdain in her eyes, but Adam Lamp was shocked.

"Inviting Witch Harley to join the team is indeed correct." Female Supervisor Ji Luo said happily.

Harley sneered: "You didn't have this awareness when you sternly rejected my friendship."

After the multiverse battle for hegemony in the Earth-51 universe ended, she discussed with Ji Luo that the two sides would help each other and form an alliance.

Ji Luo refused without hesitation and said with arrogance that the monitor did not need her help.

"Today is different from the past." The female warden didn't feel embarrassed, but just a little embarrassed and sad, "If all my brothers and sisters were here."

She was mid-sentence and couldn't continue.

Harley "kindly" helped her finish, "If they are all here, they are just Mandrake's rations. At most, they will use their own flesh and blood to delay your search for helpers."

Female Supervisor Ji Luo fell silent in embarrassment.

Harry sneered at her, feeling relieved and not doing anything wrong, "Adam, slow down a little and wait for the Midnight Echo to come over."

"what you up to?"

"Our mothership stalled and crashed, and it seems that it is about to die. The other party is chasing us, and the ship is intact. If this continues, we will never find a chance to reach the bottom of Limbo."

Adam Lumpkin was surprised and asked: "You want to counterattack the Midnight Echo? Harley, calm down, there is Mandrake on it, and dozens of monitors have been slaughtered by him. You alone are definitely no match for him."

"I'm not alone, Speedy, come here and let's go together." Harley said.

Speedmaster's eyes flashed, and he muttered, "The spaceship is sinking, I'm going to help." He hurriedly flew out of the bridge, flew to the belly of the spacecraft, and shouted to Superboy, who was holding the ship's hull with both hands: "Witch Harley is calling you, Go and help, I'm here."

Harley was stunned for a moment and sarcastically said: "How can you be a superman if you are so afraid of death?"

——How can you be a "Superman" when your life is gone?

Speedmaster thought so in his heart, but pretended not to hear anything on his face.


Harley and Superboy held hands and turned into a beam of red light, heading straight towards the triangular spacecraft visible to the naked eye.

The radar on the enemy ship also noticed their approach, and hundreds of energy cannons were aimed at the target and fired wildly.

"Boom boom boom!!" The scarlet energy beams were as dense as rain, but they were blocked by the force field when they fell on them. They came to the side of the spacecraft as easily as they passed through the rain curtain.

"Witch Harley, do you dare to interfere in the internal affairs of the Monitor?"

Before the giant super drill crashed into the spacecraft, there was a flash of scarlet blood, and a vampire with a ragged cloak appeared in front of them.

He was skinny, wearing a tattered cloak, with sharp and long teeth, and his skin and muscles tightened around his bones. He was nearly three meters tall and slender, with sharp black claws growing out of his five fingers.

However, the characteristics of a monitor can still be seen in him, such as a furrow hairstyle and a full beard.

The face that has become twisted and ferocious can still see some of its previous appearance.

"Mandrake? Come on, let's fight. Maybe I will be the mysterious weapon against you."

Not feeling any fatal threat from him, Harley relaxed and smiled and raised her finger at him.

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