I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1586 First Entering the Blood Realm

Star Lab.

"Lei refuses to come back?" Dachao frowned and said, "Didn't you tell him that Watcher Bob is looking for him? At least come back and hide for a while to make sure Bob has no ill intentions. It won't be too late for him to go back."

"He can't face Jane Rowling in this world. Don't reveal the news about Lei to the outside world, lest Jane Rowling, the eclipse, finds out and then finds Earth-51 and causes a catastrophe." Harley said.

"We've been tossing for so long and haven't brought anyone back yet, so why are we struggling?" Black Iris felt unhappy.

Her husband risked his life to save "Lei who raised his mistress", but in the end he said lightly, "I am happy here, but I don't miss Shu".

"We brought back all the data on the doomsday virus, Ray's copycat immune gene, and the vaccine he created."

Harley patted the suitcase in her hand and said, "Jay, send it to the Zhenglian headquarters. Remember to let the tech guys complete the backup of the full set of data and samples as soon as possible."

Jay carried the box and disappeared into the Star Laboratory with a "swish".

"The doomsday virus." Bateman muttered: "Harley, the doomsday virus, the origin wall collapse crisis, the restart of the fifth world, the emperor, the revelation Bob saw, Palmer, the murder of Orion and Metron murderer

This series of events seems to have no connection, but they appeared at the same time. Is there a cause and effect that we have not discovered? "

Harley asked curiously: "Why do you think so?"

“From Crisis on Infinite Earths to now, we have encountered many large-scale crises, and each crisis is like candied haws on a bamboo stick, connected in a string, one after another, instead of being twisted into a messy ball like noodles.

We are now standing on a dark and empty tennis court. A beam of light falls on us. Tennis balls fly from all angles in the darkness. We swing the racket hard and catch the tennis balls one by one.

It seemed that we responded well, but we were very passive. As long as we missed a ball, we lost.

But even if we catch all the balls, we won't be able to do much damage to the enemy. Bateman said slowly.

Harley glanced at him in surprise, "The metaphor of catching a tennis ball is very good, it is indeed our current situation.

Your doubts about the correlation between various crises at this stage are also very reasonable.

But we are by no means passive defensive and have no chance of winning.

On the contrary, our advantages are huge. "

Bateman looked at her doubtfully.

"Under what circumstances do you think the enemy would hide in the dark?" Harley asked.

Dachao blurted out, "The enemy lacks strength and is afraid to fight us head-on."

Harley nodded, "The enemy is not 100% sure of crushing us.

There are many mysteries yet to be solved, but it’s not like we haven’t done anything.

Dinah, Diana and the others have been training hard day and night in hell. I have not stopped researching divine toxin bullets. You have also formed a crisis response team. When Darkseid reveals his flaws, we will immediately fight back.

Just like the defensive counterattack on the football field, sharp, direct and efficient. "

"All your preparations are aimed at Darkseid. What if he is not the mastermind behind the scenes, or if he is not the only one planning it secretly?" Bateman asked.

Dachao said: "I think the doomsday virus is related to Darkseid.

Although we did not develop a vaccine like Palmer, we still found that it has certain similarities with Omac particles.

The brothers have taken refuge in Darkseid, and the Omac particle technology must have fallen into Darkseid's hands.

Maybe he used the anti-life equation to transform Omac particles and create the doomsday virus.

Think about it, the Karate Kid didn't come sooner or later, but he appeared in the 21st century at this time, and the virus on his body was still evolving towards immunity to the 'thick-skinned power'.

Obviously targeting Harley.

Harley values ​​Darkseid, and Darkseid values ​​her.

She is studying the 'Equation Resistance', and he is also studying the Thick-skinned Divine Power Resistance. "

Bateman frowned and said, "I've considered what you said, but I don't think the doomsday virus was Darkseid's handiwork.

The doomsday virus, as its name suggests, brings doomsday to the world.

Darkseid should have a higher pursuit than simply destroying the world. "

Dachao asked in confusion: "Isn't it normal for Darkseid to destroy the world? What higher pursuit is needed?"

Bateman shook his head, "I don't know, I just feel that equations are very powerful and can do more, and using them to kill people seems too low-level.

Just like the ancients got an alien spaceship, they could use it to conquer the world and be crowned king. They could also travel across the stars and explore more unknowns and truths.

Most ordinary people choose to be local bullies, and I can understand that.

It doesn’t make sense to think that Ke Seidruo could also be a toblord. "

Chao turned to Harley and asked: "Do you think the doomsday virus was created by Darkseid?"

"It's possible. I heard Metron say that Darkseid used the Anti-Life Equation to experiment in other worlds and destroyed several worlds.

The so-called doomsday virus may be just an application of the equation, or even created by the anti-life equation. " Harley said.

Dachao glanced at Bateman, who was frowning in thought, and asked, "Do you think Bateman thinks too much?"

Harley shook her head and said: "Baitman's analysis also makes sense. Equations are very powerful, and they are the 'source' that the gods and demons are searching for.

If you only use equations to create a virus to destroy the world, it would be too low.

They must be able to do more.

But if the doomsday virus is just a by-product of the process of studying anti-life equations, after the ancients obtained the spaceship, they could conquer the world in one month, enjoy three years of luxurious life, and then rush to the stars and the sea. "

Sissoko scratched the back of his head, "So, Harley, you still think the doomsday virus is related to Darkseid, rather than the emergence of a second enemy?"

Harley said strangely: "Let me tell you, not only is the doomsday virus related to Darkseid, but the revelations from the Emperor and Bob are also his conspiracy.

Darkseid is the source of all evil, and defeating him will solve all problems.

When you think about it this way, does your thinking become clearer? "

Da Chao's mouth twitched and said: "We know you are most afraid of Darkseid, but is it too much to put all the blame on him?"

"I probably didn't accuse him wrongly."

Harley carefully analyzed: "Assuming that the doomsday virus is the product of the Anti-Life Equation experiment, and Darkseid discovered that Ray Palmer has a super immune gene, there is every reason to burn him to ashes with a shot of omega rays.

Every monitor does not want their world to become a wasteland.

Therefore, Darkseid arranged for the Emperor to challenge the authority of the Monitors, attract their attention, and create favorable conditions for his experiments in the multiverse.

Darkseid has been following me, and found out that I arranged for Diana, Dinah, and Arthur to undergo special formula immunity training, so he poisoned Val and asked the emperor to use the blood of heaven to send him to the 21st century and to me. , let me use my thick-skinned power to promote the directed evolution of the doomsday virus. "

"Well, it seems logically correct." Sissoko said.

Dachao was stunned, "Baitman, what do you think?"

Bateman shook his head and said nothing.

Black Iris couldn't help shouting: "Harley, Chao, going to the Blood Realm to rescue Barry now is the most important thing, right?"

"I'm already calling Nicks." Harley looked down at the "Big Brother" in her hand. "He didn't respond to me. Maybe he had something to do, or is he on his way here?"

When Nyx Ultan came to see them last time, he specifically asked her to turn on the defensive force field to avoid being discovered by other monitors. Naturally, it was impossible to stay in the main universe and wait for them to bring Palmer back.

In fact, when they went to Earth-51 to find Palmer, it was Nix who was covering their tracks for them.

Before parting ways with Harley, he left a one-way signal communicator that looked like Big Brother, asking her to send him a signal when she was ready, and he would come and take her to the Blood Realm.

"Without responding for so long, are Knicks lying to us?" Black Iris asked anxiously.

Harley turned the antenna on the top of "Big Brother" and said, "First of all, taking us to the Blood Realm won't delay him for long.

Secondly, I left a mark of heaven on Barry. As long as he is close to the emperor's mothership at a certain distance, he can be located and tracked.

The Monitor has always wanted to deal with the Emperor. Cooperating with me has great benefits but little effort. There is no reason for Knicks to refuse. "

As soon as she finished speaking, the air in front of her rippled like water waves, and a black guy appeared in the laboratory teleportingly.

"Nix, you're here." Everyone, including Harley, looked happy.

Nix explained: "I just met Bob, on Earth-34.

The chief monitor ordered me to intercept him, so it took some time. "

"Where are Bob and Jason now? You didn't arrest them, did you?" Dachao asked nervously.

Nix shook his head, "I didn't intend to release the water, but they still escaped, escaped into the nano-universe, and disappeared.

Next, the Chief Monitor will take action himself, and Bob is doomed. "

"Did you quietly send a message to Jason and tell him to run away immediately? We have already met Ray Palmer. He no longer needs to be an undercover agent." Harley asked.

"Jason's life and death is not my responsibility. I only promise to take you to the Blood Realm, complete this deal, and we will be clear." Nix said lightly.

Just now on Earth-34, Jason used "Hallelujah" to hit his energy cannon, rushed to him and punched him several times, making him scream, giving Bob enough time to calmly start the teleportation, and Let him be humiliated in front of the Monitor brothers, and still expect him to save Jason?


Harley didn't know what he was thinking and frowned: "The chief monitor is called 'Dax', right? How strong is he? How much stronger than you?"

"Each Monitor has the same authority and power, and there is no difference in strength. Dax can become the representative of the Monitor simply because he has the most experience in managing the multiverse," Nix said.

Harley breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Nix glanced at her and said calmly: "I'm afraid it won't be good for you. The chief monitor is not a one-man operation. He will lead at least 10 monitors to surround Bob."

"Oh my God, even Harley can't handle ten monitors, right?" Sissoko exclaimed.

Bateman looked serious and said: "Harry, we have to find Bob first and bring Jason and the others back."

Nicks said: "I am only responsible for taking you to the Blood Realm. If Harley Quinn can lock the emperor's position, we can continue to cooperate in this aspect. If not, we will part ways and never see each other again.

The punishment for Bob and Jason is decided by a vote of the monitors, and I will not betray my position no matter what. "

"Find Barry first. When Barry comes back, he can take you across the world to find Bob." Black Iris said with pleading.

"Barry is just a day or two away, but Jason is in danger." Bateman frowned.

"Harley." Dachao was confused and didn't know what to do.

Harley thought for a while and said, "Go to the Blood Realm to save Barry first!"

"We're leaving now." She looked around, "Dachao, Jay, you two come with me, we'll take the Archimedes airship."

"Nix, you should be able to bring the airship into the blood domain, right?" She turned to the monitor and asked.

Nix nodded, "I can bring it in, but I can't guarantee whether it will melt in the blood domain or whether it can fly normally."

After a pause, he reminded: "When a monitor enters the blood domain, he must drive a specially developed blood domain flying boat."

"Don't worry, my airship is made of Ninth Metal, hundreds of tons of metal promethium and N metal alloy. Not to mention the blood realm, it is still indestructible even in the omnipotent universe." Harley said very confidently.

"Harley, I'm going too. Maybe I can meet Jason and the others." Bateman said.

"Well, you have nothing to do anyway if you stay on Earth."

"Harley, I am a gunner and can shoot cannons, do you remember?" Black Iris said.

During the earlier crisis of the Green Lantern War, Barry had been kidnapped by Carona. Black Iris was also extremely worried and insisted on going to the universe with Harley to find her husband.

"This is my first time going to the Blood Realm. I don't know what the dangers will be." Harley said hesitantly.

"I'm not afraid of danger, I'm just afraid of sitting alone and being frightened." Black Iris said firmly.

"All right."

After making a phone call, Ivy drove the small airship to the Star Laboratory, and Black Iris got into the co-pilot familiarly.

"Boo~~~" It was like penetrating a layer of water film. One second the airship was still in the material world, and the next second it fell into a blood-colored ocean.

Red is everyone’s first impression of the Blood Realm.

There was red everywhere and nothing but red.

There are no other colors and no other substances.

There is no flowing material like sea water, it is empty and red, and even direction and time become extremely blurred here.

"Didi didi didi."

The Archimedes airship made a piercing cry, and the hull seemed to be melting, becoming visibly transparent to the naked eye, allowing the red light from outside to shine in.

The hull creaked, as if it had fallen into a huge mouth and been chewed hard by teeth.

"Ouch, no, the Archimedes airship is going to fall apart!" Da Chao exclaimed.

"Oh my God, we are going to fall."

Black Iris and Ivy were also shouting. The hull of the ship around them was almost completely transparent, and the deck under their feet seemed to be melting.

"Don't be nervous, we are safe." Harley was very calm.

Even if the hull cannot withstand it, she still has a defensive force field.

However, she did not activate the defense specialty because she was sure that there was nothing wrong with the hull.

"Your airship is evolving automatically." Nicks said in surprise.

"What evolution?" Jay said nervously, holding on to the back of his chair.

"It is actively adapting to the environment of the blood domain." Nix said.

"But the hull of the ship melted." Black Iris said.

Nix shook his head and said: "It's not melting, it's evolving. Just like when a fish comes ashore, its gills will molt. This airship is also changing its shape."

Ivy tried to reach out and touch the "disappeared" hull. The tentacles were flexible and solid, and did not turn into air, nor were they harmed by the blood domain.

"Harley Quinn, can you sense the emperor's location?" Nix asked.

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