I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1585 This Bruce is so fierce

After chatting for a while, Ray Palmer's wife Jane Rowling returned from get off work.

"Wow, you're the Flash, I know you. Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in uniform in years. Ray keeps telling me that he used to be a member of the Justice League, but he never took me to a party. their gathering.”

Harley and Jay smiled and nodded, but they both complained in their hearts: With "Crazy Jane"'s past experience, it's weird that he dares to take you to the hero's party.

"Sorry, I'm a little excited, but today is the first time that I face the legendary great hero."

Although she had graduated from college and had been married for several years, Jane Rowling, who appeared in front of Harley at this time, was still as lively as a girl, chattering, and the emotions in her heart were fully displayed on her face.

Not only is it lively, but it also has a kind of naivety and innocence that belongs to girls.

Anyone with eyes can see that her married life has been very happy in the past few years.

It can be seen that "Old Lei" has learned the lessons of his last failed marriage, and is very considerate and gentle to "Little Jane" now, and almost does not let her experience the sadness and dilemma that an adult woman must have.

Harley is still not sure whether Old Lei got a big advantage in this pair, or whether Little Jane got a big advantage from Old Jane in the main universe.

"Lei, what are you going to do now? Do you want to return to the main universe with us?"

After spending a lot of effort to get rid of "Honey Jane", Hallie was ready to leave.

What needs to be said has been said, and Barry is still waiting for her to save him.

Lei turned his head and looked in the direction of the kitchen, where his beloved wife Jane was humming a tune and preparing dinner happily.

"Don't you guys stay for dinner? The tomato salami pizza made by Jane is delicious. She will be very disappointed if she doesn't see you at the table later."

Jay glanced at Harley, looking hesitant.

He didn't mind staying for dinner, and his beloved wife Jane was so enthusiastic just now that he couldn't refuse. Harry also smiled and nodded and said to stay for dinner.

"I also want to stay, but the monitors of this universe don't allow us to stay too long, and then we have to go to the Heavenly Blood Realm to find Barry.

Jane’s pizza can be eaten another day, but the Emperor may not wait for us. "Harry said helplessly.

When he heard that he wanted to save Barry, Jay immediately changed his mind and said, "Yes, we have to save Barry. When the fifth world is restarted and the multiverse returns to normal, we can come again."

He paused and asked, "Do you want to go back to the main universe? You can take Jane back with us."

Lei looked confused and didn't speak for a while.

Seeing his expression and attitude, Harley and Jay immediately understood that he preferred to stay on Earth-51.

"Bob is looking for you, and he might come to this universe in the next moment." Harley said seriously.

"Bob must be a bad guy and have a conspiracy?" Ray Palmer frowned: "If he really saw a revelation related to me on the origin wall, it would probably be related to the vaccine for the doomsday virus.

If he asks for vaccines or even my immune genes, I can give them to him.

If he is a bad guy and doesn't want the vaccine to spread, there is no need to kill me because I have already left seeds in many universes.

I really can't find a reason for him to trouble me. "

"Do you dare to bet? If you win the bet, he may ask you to do something. If you lose the bet, you may lose your freedom at the least, or lose your life at the worst." Harley said.

"Hasn't the Monitor already made a decision to arrest Bob? He may not be able to reach the Earth-51 universe." Ray Palmer said.

"Again, do you dare to take a gamble? The price of a gamble is so low, is it necessary to gamble? Moreover, the monitors have finished their meeting and decided to clean up all the anomalies in the multiverse. You are also an anomaly.

Knicks can hide it for you, but no one knows how long he can hide it. "

Ray Palmer's expression changed several times.

"Jane, who has been reduced to a natural eclipse, how is she doing now?" He lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice.

Harley was stunned for a moment before she understood his concerns.

Returning to the main universe with his beloved wife Jane, it would be strange if Jane doesn't go crazy.

"Crazy Jane" is even jealous of her heroic best friend who has a better life than her, and even hates seeing Su and the rubber man show affection.

Facing "Dear Wife Jane", what can "Crazy Eclipse Jane" do?

In other words, in order to prevent his beloved wife Jane from being murdered by Jane, how should they, friends of the Atom, deal with the crazy Jane?

Kill her?

What does the Atom think?

What does his beloved wife Jane, who knows the ins and outs, think?

"Have you thought about it? Of course there will be a lot of trouble in going back, but there are also too many uncontrollable risks in staying here." Harley said seriously.

“You may think that my hometown is in the main universe, but in fact it’s not like I’ve traveled to a different world, it’s more like being reincarnated here.

On Earth-51, I am more at ease, freer, and more relaxed and happy. "Palmer looked into her eyes and said seriously.

"Oh," Harley sighed and said, "Give me the research information on the doomsday virus, the immune genes in your body, and the vaccine you researched."

Palmer nodded and quickly packed everything she needed into a silver box.

"You have to do something to prevent accidents from happening." Harley said.

Palmer thought for a while and said: "I will contact the Justice League, Superman, Diana, Flash, and Aquaman in this world. They are also as powerful and just as the main heroes of the main universe.

I would tell them about Bob so they could come to my rescue if I was in danger.

I also prepared an atomic suit for Jane early.

If the situation is too bad, I will take her to escape into the nano-universe, and then return to the main universe through the nano-universe.

In the past few years, in order to spread vaccines, I have traveled through hundreds of universes. I have extremely rich experience in traveling, and even the monitors cannot stop me. "

He said this last sentence very confidently.

"be careful!"

His attitude was so firm that Harley could not continue to persuade him.

If she forced him and his beloved wife Jane back to the main universe and ended up killing someone, she couldn't bear the responsibility.

A moment later, Gotham City in the Earth-51 universe.

In the evening, the rooftop of Wayne Tower.

"Aren't we going back immediately? Who else are we looking for?"

Old Jay held half a piece of pizza in his mouth, frowning and swallowing hard while asking vaguely.

Harley tore off a small piece of pizza and threw it on the ground. She said "pooh" to the ground before saying, "Besides looking for Batman, what else can I do?"

Old Jay glanced at the pizza box in his hand, looking hesitant.

Before leaving, Jane Rowling enthusiastically handed it to them, saying that she wanted them to take it home and taste it with their families.

After chewing two more difficult bites, he also threw the pizza box in the corner.

——Jian can’t see it anyway, so there’s no need to worry about living up to her good intentions.

He felt much more relaxed.

"What are you doing with Bateman?"

"Insure Palmer."

"Baitman is just an ordinary person after all. It's better to find Dachao than to find him." Jay said.

"The main heroes of this world have retired a long time ago, and their vigilance has deteriorated. Only Bateman is still active in the shadows to protect the world."

Looking around the city below, she found no trace of Bateman's activities. Harry frowned and said, "He doesn't seem to be out and about. Let's go directly to Wayne Manor."

With a flash of red light, Jay took her to Wayne's gate.

"You two." It was Ah Fu who opened the door.

Seeing Jay's Flash uniform, the polite smile on his face froze.

"You are the Flash, what are you doing with my master?"

"We are visitors from another world, a parallel universe. Ah Fu, in that world, we were old friends for more than ten years!" Harley said with a smile.

"Miss, you are not twenty years old this year, are you?" Ah Fu frowned.

——Is it possible that you became friends with me when you were still in kindergarten?

"Don't think I'm young, but I'm actually almost thirty."

"She didn't lie," Jay said.

Ah Fu hesitated for a moment and said, "Wait a moment, I'll ask the master."

Three minutes later, Harley saw Bruce with a more mature appearance and temperament in the familiar hall of the manor.

"Old Bu, you can do it!"

Harley patted Bruce on the shoulder familiarly. He wanted to dodge, but held back.

"I always disagreed with your 'no killing principle' until Jason told me about your deeds in this universe. That's awesome!" Harley gave a thumbs up and praised: "Single-handedly ended the era of superheroes and fought against The faces of all the viewers who look down on you and think you are just a clown."

Bruce was not used to her closeness and didn't like to listen to her words, but the expression on her face was so sincere, and it was obvious that she had a very good relationship with the other Bruce, and he somehow had some trust and affection for her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He took two steps back calmly.

"Stop pretending. With your wisdom, when you hear me talking about 'Jason', you should believe that I am indeed from another world and know you very well." Harley smiled.

"Jason." Bruce was silent for a moment and said, "Follow me."

When Jason first traveled to this universe, he met him and talked about his situation.

Except for people in the main universe, it is impossible for others to know about "Female Jason".

"Are you Harley Quinn, the one who reborn Jason's soul?"

Bruce opened a tunnel extending downward by the fireplace and asked as he walked.

"Yes, it's me, but this is not my body. I now bring my consciousness to the believers.

Did Jason ever tell you that I am super powerful, the great God of War in heaven, and a descendant of God? "

Harley smiled proudly, looked around again, and said strangely: "Your habits are exactly the same. The entrance to the secret passage and the structure of the Batcave are all - uh~~~"

She was stunned mid-sentence.

As Bruce walked down, the dark tunnel also lit up street lights. At the bottom of the tunnel, there was the door of the Batcave.

Standing at the door, you can see an empty underground cave.

At this time, the lights in the cave were bright, and the furnishings inside were clearly visible.

Batman in the main universe is actually very boring. The most conspicuous place in the Batcave is not his suit or various high-tech weapons, but his trophies over the years.

For example, a businessman once imitated "Jurassic Park" and built a dinosaur park with mechanical dinosaurs. Of course, the dinosaurs went out of control. After Batman solved the crisis, he received a giant mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex as reward. Now he put the huge mechanical dinosaur The mechanical dinosaur is placed in the center of the Batcave.

The Batman of Universe 51 is also very slutty and loves to show off, and he also displays all his trophies in the Batcave.

But his trophy cabinet is a hundred meters long and extremely spectacular, and it is also filled with equipment or uniforms that are familiar to Harley.

For example, Luther's green leather suit without a helmet.

For example, a joker playing card.

For example, a Reverse-Flash uniform.

For example, the mechanical head of Mechanical Superman.

Almost every relic of the superhero fandom can be found here.

If that was the only way, Harley could at most whistle, or hold her head and shout "Omg!" like Jay next to her, but she also saw a flower hanging in the center of the cupboard, above the clown's playing cards. A green baseball bat with a "HQ" label on it.

Suddenly, an ominous premonition arose in her heart.

"Who does this baseball bat belong to?"

Bruce looked at her deeply and said, "You guessed it right, Harley Quinn, the 'Harley Queen' of this universe, has been taken care of by me."

"Oh my God! To solve, you mean to kill?" Jay twisted his face again and exclaimed, "You actually killed Harley?!"

Instead, Harley calmed down and even killed the Joker, "Battman's lifeblood", not to mention Harley Quinn.

"What did she do?"

"She dominates Gotham, gathers Gotham's bullies, and establishes a harem called the 'Joker Boys'. The clown who killed Jason is one of her favorite concubines.

She wanted to avenge the clown, and I was determined to eliminate all evil. "

The timeline of this world is separated from the main universe after Jason was killed by the Joker.

Bateman in other universes adhered to the principle of not killing people and did not avenge Jason.

Bateman in this world saw his adopted son being beaten to death. He collapsed, and his ideas collapsed as well.

He gave up his principle of not killing people and ended up with a "Justice League Finale".

After all the super villains are killed, the superheroes have nothing to do but disband the Justice League, retire collectively, and go home to retire.

"Haley has a harem? God!" Jay's twisted expression couldn't be recovered.

Harley held her forehead and lamented, "Jay, I am the King of Gods, the only one in the multiverse. The other Harley Quinns are not even my peers and cannot represent me at all."

"That Harley Quinn used the power of your thick skin and it took a lot of effort to kill her." Bruce said.

"You shouldn't kill her. With her here, you have a trump card to deal with the crisis in the universe."

Harley told them everything about Ray Palmer and Bob.

"Ray Palmer should return to the main universe with you immediately. If he stays here, he will only bring danger to us." Bruce said seriously.

"Alas, his situation is a bit complicated." Hallie elaborated on Jane Rowling's experience.

"Even so, people in this universe shouldn't be allowed to take the risk for him."

Harry caught a glimpse of a cold light flashing through his eyes, and couldn't help but said in shock: "You are a killer, are you planning to kill Palmer? I'm looking for you to protect his safety."

"I will do that if necessary."

The expression on Bruce's face was very serious and cold, which was very strange to Harley.

"If you even kill your teammates, where is your idea of ​​justice?" Jay said angrily.

Bruce said calmly: "I never kill my teammates, and I never kill someone who doesn't deserve to die.

I will try my best to protect Ray Palmer, but if the time comes when the whole world will die if he doesn't die, I won't hesitate at all.

Everyone has to take responsibility for their own sins, this is my idea of ​​justice.

If Ray Palmer had left with you, nothing would have happened.

He was safe and my world was safe.

If he stays here to enjoy comfort and refuses to face his own dilemma, he should pay the price for his actions. "

"You killed so many people, when will you take responsibility for your sins?" Jay said coldly.

Bruce was silent for a while, and said in a hoarse voice: "I am indeed guilty, and my crime is not to destroy the super villain who committed the most evil crimes.

But I woke up too late and let Jason and too many people pay the price with their lives for our pride and arrogance. "

"Conceit and arrogance? How do you evaluate the concept of justice that you once upheld?" Jay said in disbelief.

Bruce lowered his eyes and said, "Jay, I don't want to argue with you. I have argued with you and other heroes in this world too many times.

You can't convince me, and I don't want to convince you.

However, you come from another world, so you can compare the differences between this world and your world.

Which world is better, you should feel it. "

This universe is so obviously more peaceful that Atom doesn't want to go back.

Jay was speechless for a moment.


He was just about to ask Harley to help him say a few words, but then he remembered that she had never been a believer in the "no killing principle".

"Alas, we came here in vain. He can't help Lei, but may actually kill him." He sighed helplessly.

"He didn't say to kill Lei directly. When it comes time for Earth-51 and Lei to choose one, I think Lei is also willing to sacrifice himself." Harley said.

She said to Bruce again: "Other times you can fight alone. This time the enemy may be the monitors. Their power is beyond your imagination and you cannot defeat them with strategy alone.

The Justice League is the greatest wonder of the multiverse. Together, you can overcome any difficulty.

There is no need to defeat the Monitor, just create a few seconds for Palmer to run away. "

Bruce said: "I haven't contacted them for a long time, and they won't listen to me."

"At least let them understand the situation and stay vigilant. When the worst happens, you will have a basic battle plan so that you will not be caught off guard and at a loss." Harley said.

Bruce hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "I will send the information to them, and I will also keep an eye on Palmer."

"Don't hold on, no matter Bob is a good guy or a bad guy, no matter whether the monitors will come to clean up the deviants, as long as Lei leaves, at least there will be no war on this earth.

Even if the Monitors are bad guys, they will not intentionally destroy the planet. Their responsibilities do not allow them to do that. " Harley said.

She doesn't think Bruce will ever face a choice between Ray Palmer and Earth-51.

Even whether to kill someone, a group of monitors debated for several days.

Destroying cities or even planets is much more serious than killing people, and the key point is that it is not necessary.

After chatting for a few more words, Harley left the frequency coordinates of the main universe and left the Batcave with Jay.

Next they are going to the Blood Realm.

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