I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1579 The Return of Black Adam

"How's it going? Did you explain it clearly to Heavenly Father?"

Seeing Harley coming out of the lounge again, Dachao, Kyle and others immediately cast expectant glances.

Harry shook his head and said helplessly: "The prejudice is too deep. I told him the truth that I was studying divine toxin bullets at the time, but he just sneered with sarcasm on his face, as if I was someone who told a bad joke. clown."

"You can't enter the river of time, everyone knows." Da Chao said.

"I told you that I couldn't enter the River of Time, so I must not have killed Orion and Metron. Do you believe it?" Harley asked.

Dachao nodded and said, "Of course I believe what you said."

"You don't have any doubt at all? You have doubted it before!" Harley said.

"I" Dachao smiled bitterly, "Emotionally, I completely believe you, but intellectually, I think it may not be impossible to overcome the restrictions of the River of Time with your ability.

For example, in the previous Green Lantern Battle, you clearly couldn't enter the river of time. Kalona specially took Hal and others into the time boat, but you were still possessed by Fat Head and boarded the boat indirectly.

Another example is Scourge. You claimed that you could not enter the river of time and could not distort reality, but you sank your timeline to the bottom of the river and formed a steel cable, which not only stabilized your own reality, but also helped Sinestro reverse his life. .

This time you keep saying that you cannot enter the river of time, but who can guarantee that you will not be able to shoot bullets and kill Orion in the future? "

Harry sighed: "So, even you have doubts, let alone Heavenly Father."

"But at least emotionally and rationally, I am certain that you cannot forge divine poison bullets." Da Chao said.

"Why are you so sure?"

"When Bateman took out the bullet, you didn't even recognize it." Dachao said.

Harley was speechless, "If I really made the bullet, I would definitely pretend not to recognize it."

"Your expression doesn't look like you're pretending. I stared at your eyes specifically." Dachao said seriously.

"If she is so treacherous that she murders Orion and still looks innocent, it will be useless no matter how closely you keep a close eye on her." Kyle said disapprovingly.

"I trust my eyes."

"You can believe it, but belief is also a subjective idea and cannot be regarded as objective evidence." Kyle said.

Dachao opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

Bateman said solemnly: "Heavenly Father insists on leading the New God of Creation Star to invade the earth?"

"That's not true." Harley said firmly.

"He swore not to invade the earth?" Bateman asked.

"No, He swore that he would never let go of the murderer. At that time, His eyes were fierce and he stared at me. His meaning was very clear, that is, he vowed to take action against me and the earth sooner or later." Harley said.

"Ah, what can we do?" Catherine and Black Iris exclaimed.

Dachao asked in surprise: "He has already sworn to deal with us, why do you still say that he will not lead the new gods to invade the earth?"

"You are fierce in appearance but soft in heart, just saying a few cruel words." Harley's tone was calm, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of her mouth.

"Don't take it for granted, he is the God King of the Creation Star." Bateman said seriously.

"Who is closer to him, Orion or Metron? He was able to hold back when Orion died. How can a mere Metron be compared to his son?" Harley said with a smile.

Da Chao solemnly said: "But Mr. Miracle sent a message, saying that the Genesis Star is in full strength and tens of millions of troops are mobilized, and they will rush to the battlefield in the next moment.

Mr. Miracle must have read it correctly. After Orion attacked the Earth, he sneaked into Apokolips to work as a spy.

When Orion was murdered, he immediately turned to the Genesis Star to find out the movements of our Heavenly Father for us. "

"I don't doubt Mr. Miracle, I just firmly believe that Heavenly Father loves me more than Orion, and even more than Metron." Harley said.

“What does loving yourself have to do with whether He invades the earth?”

Harley said strangely: "The more Heavenly Father believes that I killed Orion and Metron, the less he dares to take action against the earth.

The reason is simple. I killed Orion when I didn't have the equations. Now I have two equations in my hand. How strong should I be?

Metron is not known for his combat prowess among the New Gods, but everyone knows how powerful he is at traveling through time and space. Even he has not escaped my poisonous hands.

Orion, the strongest fighter, and Metron, the strongest evader, both died in my hands. If I can't defeat them, I can't escape. Is Heavenly Father afraid?

Now the earth is my only weakness and the most important trump card in His hand. Once it is played out, how will He face my uncontrolled and unlimited revenge? "

"Uh, how to obtain peace in this way?" Da Chao was shocked at first, and then looked helpless, "Obviously, the Genesis Star has been our strongest ally against Darkseid since many years ago."

"Actually, that's not bad." Harley smiled and said, "Heavenly Father is worried that I might do something dirty, so the whole army is being mobilized now, mainly to protect the Genesis Star and His palace.

With thousands of troops concentrating on guarding against intruders, Heavenly Father will be less likely to be assassinated by the real murderer.

Heavenly Father is immortal, and the earth’s shield is immortal, hahaha! "

"Why are thousands of troops protecting Heavenly Father instead of staring fiercely at the earth?" Da Chao said.

"You can let Mr. Miracle continue to keep an eye on you and see how Heavenly Father arranges the millions of new gods."

"Since it's not Harley, then who killed Metron on the River of Time?" Bart, the Lightning boy, was eager to try. "How about I go to the River of Time to take a look? The murderer is probably still there at this moment."

"Pa!" Black Iris slapped him on the head and scolded: "Even Metron, the first Lord of Time among the New Gods, died in the River of Time. Who do you think you are, can you compare with him?"

"Don't give others random nicknames. Metron is just the God of Knowledge, not the Lord of Time." Bart muttered, covering his head.

Harley pondered: "Metron's death is shocking, but it only verified one of our conjectures. His death itself cannot affect our plan.

The plan is to find the Atom. Of course, the first step is to determine Barry's condition.

If we don't see him back tomorrow morning, we must take immediate action. "

Black Iris was moved and excited, "Harley is more thoughtful and rescuing Barry is the first priority. If Metron dies, he will die. It has nothing to do with us, so don't worry about it."

Harley looked around and said, "It's almost midnight now. Everyone has been busy all day and has experienced a lot. Are you tired? You can go home and have a good sleep. Come back tomorrow morning. I'll be fine in the lab."

Da Chao was indeed a little tired. He had not slept for two nights and one day in a row and wanted to take a nap.

"I don't have to go home, just sleep in the lounge next door for a while." He said.

"I will also stay in the laboratory." Black Iris said.

Soon, only Harley, Bateman, and Sissoko were left in the laboratory.

Harley is full of energy and needs no rest.

Bateman and Sissoko are very curious about the divine poison bullet, and are currently using laboratory equipment to cooperate with Harley in research.

"Ding ding ding ding~~~" Around one o'clock in the morning, Harley's cell phone suddenly rang, and then Da Chao, who was taking a nap, turned over and came to her with a "swish".

"Harry, there's a crisis in Metropolis, and Jimmy is calling me."

Jimmy Olsen has a watch. Whenever there is an accident in Metropolis, he immediately activates the button and emits sound waves that only Superman can hear.

Harley looked down at her phone and said, "You go first, maybe I will go there soon."

The caller ID on your mobile phone is Da Tong Ling.

If you call her so late, you must be in big trouble.

"Harley, Black Adam is resurrected, and he even came to the door. The hero who protects me is no match for him. Come and help me!" After the call was connected, the anxious voice of the commander came over.

Harley was surprised: "Are you sure it's Black Adam? Didn't he turn into ashes?"

"I don't know, but I am 100% sure that he is Black Adam. He is right outside the White House and there is no way he can admit his mistake." The commander shouted.

"What does he want to do? Da Chao has gone back." Harley said.

"The person who tied the bell needs to be untied. You'd better come quickly. It's not that I don't have confidence in Dachao, but Black Adam can do magic." The commander said quickly.

"You go, there's nothing urgent here anyway." Bateman said calmly.

Metropolis, in front of the White House.

"King Adam, stop fighting. We are here for peace negotiations, not to capture the White House of the United States." Isis jumped and shouted below, shouting at the top of her lungs.

"Bang--" Uncle Sam was like a volleyball. He was slapped by Black Adam and made a sonic boom. In the blink of an eye, Uncle Sam disappeared into the night sky and flew to nowhere.

"Humph, the American spirit is nothing more than that." Black Adam sneered.

Uncle Sam is the embodiment of American patriotism, and his words are a double entendre.

"Black Adam, you are too arrogant."

The Statue of Liberty had an angry look on her pretty face, holding the torch of freedom and punching Black Adam in the back.

"Stab la la——"

Blue arcs of electricity emerged on the surface of Black Adam's body, blocking the burning of the flames.

"This flame" Black Adam turned around, grabbed a ball of flame with his hand, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it slowly, and commented: "It is the rancid smell of freedom, you are the 'Goddess of Liberty', this is yours" Free Fire?

I was really disappointed that I didn't taste any sweetness.

Your 'freedom' contains only debauchery and disorder. Are you a skilled woman? "

"Ah, don't call me a 'skilled woman'!" The Statue of Liberty roared angrily, and a ball of sacred golden flame suddenly rose from her body. "Lord, answer my request, the Ring of Forbidden Demonic Fire!"

His "Lord" is not God, but Halle, and Lady Liberty is Halle's first deity.

The golden flames rising from the Statue of Liberty's body all flow towards the Liberty Torch in her right hand.

The flames on the torch suddenly exploded into a huge ring of flames, trapping Black Adam in the center, and then quickly contracted, trapping him directly in the ring of fire.

"This flame" Black Adam wanted to struggle, but the electric arc on his body touched the ring of fire and was immediately annihilated and dissipated. When the ring of flame burned to the surface of his body, he felt the familiar magic disorder.

"Is this the descendant of Witch Harley?!" He was shocked.

"Hahaha, Black Adam, you don't do the same either." Statue of Liberty was overjoyed and laughed.

Isis saw that Black Adam struggled to break free several times, and she couldn't help but shouted worriedly: "Goddess of Liberty, don't be impulsive. King Adam is not an intruder. He is here to negotiate with your government. We are diplomats!"

"Amanda, what are you waiting for? Let your people arrest that woman, she is an associate of Black Adam!" In the underground safe room of the White House, the commander turned around and shouted to the fat middle-aged aunt.

"There are reporters outside. The more arrogant the Kandak people are now, the more reasonable we will be when Representative Quinn arrives." Amanda said calmly.

"Well, that makes sense."

"Big Chao is coming!" A burst of cheers suddenly sounded in the safe house.

When Black Adam tore off the ring of fire and broke free from the shackles of the Statue of Liberty, a red light pierced the sky, like a cannonball, and hit Black Adam's chest hard. The two of them rubbed against the ground two meters deep and more than 40 meters apart. Long trench.

"Black Adam, I don't know how you were resurrected, but Metropolis won't allow you to run wild."

While Dachao was gliding, he kept punching Black Adam in the face and chest with his fists, and Black Adam also "crackled" with electrical discharges.

As soon as they met, the battle was fierce.

"Superman, stop fighting!" Isis shouted again, "We are diplomats, not invaders. You are a superhero and you cannot attack diplomats."

With his sharp ears, Dachao couldn't help but slow down when he heard her voice among the chaotic exclamations and cheers.

Black Adam, who was pressed under him, immediately turned over.

But before he could have an attack, an invisible force field descended around him, and the strong divine power in his body rolled and surged like boiling water in a pot, making it difficult to control.

"Witch Harley?"

Black Adam was startled and immediately jumped up, leaping hundreds of meters in an instant and leaving the range of the force field.

"How did you come back to life?"

Harley appeared opposite him and looked him up and down. He was indeed a living person, not an undead or a zombie.

Black Adam's clenched fists tightened and unclenched, and then tightened again.

After some hesitation, he said in a deep voice: "I'm here to negotiate with your commander-in-chief today."

"You didn't behave like a diplomat just now." Da Chao flew up and said coldly.

"As soon as I arrived in front of the White House, your people attacked me. It was your commander-in-chief's personal order. I can only communicate with you in this way.

Huh, when dealing with a bandit country like yours, maybe you should show your force and then you can weigh the pros and cons. "Black Adam sneered.

"Where do you have the courage to say such things to me?" Harley asked curiously.

Black Adam held his head high and was about to say a few tough words when Isis trotted over and shouted as he ran: "Admiral Galaxy, just an hour ago, the Khandak Freedom Alliance overthrew the previous government. Te Adam is the legitimate king elected by the people. He is also the head of the Free Alliance and the leader of the country.

You said that you will not interfere in international affairs. This time he is paying a state visit to the United States as the head of state of Kandak. "

"He is a super villain, and foreign heads of state cannot hide this identity." Statue of Liberty flew over and said.

Isis said seriously and forcefully: "Even if you are a superhero in the United States, you are not qualified to define the identity of our leader Kandak."

She pointed to the "gem button" on her chest and said: "This is a camera. Our words and deeds at this time are being broadcast live to people around the world.

I persuaded King Adam to come to the United States to negotiate with you just because I watched the interview with Admiral Galaxy a few days ago.

I trust Admiral Galaxy and believe that even if she will not do justice for us, she will not do unjust things.

If my judgment is wrong, I will risk my own life at most, and you will not be able to keep King Adam.

He is now wearing a set of metal promethium inner armor, which can reduce the impact of 'God's descent' for a short period of time.

As long as he escapes, the United States will always face a nuclear bomb that may appear anywhere. "


Reporters and people outside the area exclaimed, looking at Isis with surprise and shock.

This is threatening the United States in front of Admiral Galaxy and Superman, the two strongest men in the United States!

This courage, this courage.

Harry felt disgusted and said angrily: "Can you escape from my hands with just metal promethium inner armor? Do you believe that I can take down your 'Adam God' with one move?"

"You can try."

Black Adam's eyes were sharp, his fists were clenched, and his body was filled with divine power. "Last time, I was careless and underestimated your God's coming to earth. Today I am prepared and will not make the same mistake again."

Isis took a step forward, stopped in front of Black Adam, and said loudly: "The worst outcome is death. For the oppressed and enslaved people of Khandak, King Adam and I will not hesitate to die."

"Yes!" Harley gave her a thumbs up, "Perhaps people like you are the true hope of the people of Khandak."

Isis glanced sideways at Black Adam and said, "King Adam is the source of my courage and the belief of all Khandak people."

Black Adam looked into her sincere and hot eyes, and his hard-as-iron heart couldn't help but be touched.

"Black Adam, I'm going to attack you." Harley suddenly shouted.

Isis's face changed drastically, and when she was about to speak, Harley moved a few hundred meters away and continued to shout: "Now that you are out of my attack range, you can try to escape. As long as you can escape from the United States, it will count." I lose."

"I won't run away."

Black Adam roared, teleported to her, and hit her head hard with two casserole-sized fists.

The ninth-level Speed ​​Force Defense Specialty was activated, and Harley could clearly see his every move.

I even thought leisurely that this guy looks like a certain Hollywood star.

"Bang——" Black Adam's chin seemed to hit Superman's fist, and his head tilted to the side. His lightning speed was momentarily suspended, and then he flew backwards several hundred meters.

Harley still had her hands behind her back, standing there with a calm expression on her face.

"Ah~~~~" Isis exclaimed.

Although the surrounding reporters and American people were also surprised and confused, they were all cheering.

"Bah~~" He spat out a mouthful of blood-stained saliva. Silver light flashed in Black Adam's eyes, and he carefully observed the magical aura around Harley. He saw nothing, and everything around her was clearly empty.

"Don't look at it, it was just another use of the 'Defensive Golden Film', it can transform into any form.

I'm not as physically strong as Superman, and close combat is indeed a weakness.

But not everyone can take advantage of this weakness.

You'd better fly eastward honestly.

Dozens of kilometers, leaving the territorial waters of the United States in the blink of an eye, and then you win. "

"King Adam, why not do as the Galaxy Admiral said." Isis shouted worriedly from below.

Black Adam's eyes were firm, and the light in his eyes was even brighter. Without saying a word, he just rushed towards Harley again. This time he slowed down his speed, but after approaching within ten meters of Harley, his hands and feet suddenly tightened, like four The sharp and slender blades wrapped around his limbs, and then his eyes darkened.

"Bang bang bang bang~~~" Everyone saw Black Adam's head swinging from side to side at high frequency, as if being beaten hard by a pair of invisible fists, and traces of blood oozed from the corners of his eyes, mouth, and nose.

Harley's attack is low, but from time to time she launches quantum critical hits with field attacks.

"Uh ah~~~" King Adam struggled and roared, but the effect was not very good. It took him a while to break the force field ribbon and retreat hundreds of meters.

Throughout the whole process, Harley remained calm and calm, with her hands behind her back and a smile on her lips.

"All magicians are grandsons in front of me, even spiritual wizards are no exception. Magic warriors do restrain me somewhat, but magic warriors are also divided into two categories, those who use the power of blood to enhance their physique and those who use magical power as their source.

Unfortunately, you fall into the latter category.

As long as you let the magic in your body get out of control, your ending will be only slightly better than that of a magician. "

Thunder Shazam is known as the "Magic Superman", and the Demon Prince Etrigan is also known as the "Magic Superman". Both of them are magic warriors, and both are as powerful as Superman.

But they use magic in different ways.

Etrigan has a strong bloodline power, and this power is not easily disturbed by Harley's defensive force field.

There is still a layer between the power of blood and magic power.

Didn't Harley convert all the stolen magic power into the power of blood just to avoid the magic mark?

"If you have the guts, don't use the power God gave you. Let's face each other, fist to fist, and have a hearty and fair duel." Black Adam gritted his teeth.

“Tch~~~” American reporters and people around him booed him, “You yourself are a favored person of the gods, all your divine power comes from the gods, and you still have the nerve to say ‘fair duel’.

If you really give up your divine power, you will only die more miserably. "

Harley smiled and said: "You shout 'Shazam', release the state of Thunder Shazam, and have a sacred duel with our commander as a mortal. If you win, I will still admit it."

"Harry, I can't do it. I'm too old. I'll fall down even while riding a bicycle. How can I fight with others!" the commander shouted hurriedly.

He originally hid in the underground safe house. When Dachao and Harley arrived one after another, he climbed up again after making sure he was safe.

Just now, while Harley was standing still, she beat Black Adam until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He was clapping and cheering, but he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would become the protagonist on the battlefield.

"As the commander-in-chief, you can choose bodyguards to fight on your behalf." Harley said.

"Well, you can try this."

Seeing a few strong men with "ninth-level martial arts" around him, the commander's expression relaxed.

"Martial powers" are ordinary martial artists who have no miraculous powers.

The evaluation criteria for 9th Dan come from "The Best Martial Arts Dojo in the World".

Ten years ago, the commander-in-chief might not have had this confidence.

In recent years, with the rise of "Martial God Harley", martial arts has almost become a national sport. "The best martial arts gyms in the world" have blossomed all over the United States. Even he, an old man in his seventies, goes to boxing every now and then. Today, the United States has almost entered the " The era of low martial arts."

The ninth level of martial power is already the ceiling for ordinary people. Once the transformation is completed, extraordinary achievements can be achieved.

If you have an awesome uniform, you can become a superhero.

And Ste Adam is just an ordinary ancient man. Even if he has practiced martial arts, the ancient martial arts are not as good as the martial arts now.

"A mere mortal is not worthy of fighting me!"

The commander here was considering who to send to fight, but Black Adam over there seemed to be greatly humiliated and shouted angrily: "Harley Quinn, let's give it a try and see if I can fly out of the United States."

Only a small part of his humiliation and anger was directed at Harley, but more towards himself.

But there was nothing he could do. As a magic warrior, he was already hexagonal and had almost no shortcomings. He could use magic lightning, could also fight in close quarters, and his physique surpassed that of superhumans.

Standing in front of Harley, Naihe seemed to have shortcomings all over.

"Uu~~~" The surrounding metropolitan audience began to boo him again.

"He was so cool before, I thought he was so arrogant."

Black Adam's face turned red, and he wanted to roar, make a chest expansion movement, explode the power of thunder in his body, trigger a magic mushroom cloud at the scene, and turn everything into powder. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it, as long as she was here on site.

"Okay, you run first." Harley didn't taunt him.

"Harley, don't be careless. Thunder Shazam is not much slower than Superman. He can fly to the other side of the earth in the blink of an eye.

The metropolis is right on the seaside, too close to the national border.

Or, you can switch to the middle of the United States. "The commander shouted worriedly.

Black Adam sneered at her.

Harley did not respond to the commander, but nodded to Black Adam, "You run."

The commander wanted to say more, but Amanda beside him whispered: "Don't worry, Harley only said that she couldn't stop him. She admitted defeat, but she didn't say what she lost."

"Uh." The commander's anxious expression froze, and his expression became a little strange.

"What are you going to do if you lose?" Black Adam asked.

"No, that guy also has super hearing, and my words reminded him." Amanda's expression changed slightly.

"Hey, you're still the chairman of the Sky Eye Club, and you don't even know what Thunder Shazam is capable of?" the commander scolded.

"If you win, I will have no involvement in the subsequent negotiations, even if you threaten the commander-in-chief with a 'human nuclear bomb'."

"Okay, I'm leaving." Black Adam slowly stepped back a few hundred meters to keep the distance between him and her, ensuring that he would not be affected by God's descent, and then gestured with his eyes to ask if he wanted to start.

Harley looked down at Isis on the lawn and said, "You come and shout 'Ready, run'."

Isis did not refuse, walked to the position between the two of them, took a few deep breaths, "Get ready-"

"Whoosh -" Black Adam disappeared.

"Whoosh -" he appeared in front of everyone again in the next moment, looking at Harley proudly, "How are you, you didn't react?"

"Shh~~~" The Americans around him began to boo him again.

Isis looked embarrassed and shouted: "King Adam, you just ran away. Preparations are just preparations. I shouted 'run' so you could run."

"What kind of breaking of the rules is this? Okay, do it again."

Black Adam was not embarrassed, but more confident.

Although he had jumped the gun just now, he could see that his reaction speed was obviously faster than Harley Quinn's.

Even after he ran out, her muscles were still flabby.

"Get ready~~"

Everyone was holding their breath, and they were more nervous than watching the Olympic 100-meter race final. Even Da Chao opened his eyes wide.


From Harley's perspective, the process of Isis opening her mouth to shout slowed down countless times at this moment.

She could even see the air in front of her mouth vibrating, saw the sound waves spreading in all directions, and saw the sound waves touching Black Adam's body. He clenched his hands into fists and stretched his arms forward, with his body level and a look of confidence on his face. A smile as fast as lightning

"Well, it's really fast."

Harley still had time to comment in her heart, and then her pupils were dyed golden, and the fear runes of the yellow light appeared in the depths of her pupils. The source of fear was stimulated, and the confident smile on Black Adam's face stiffened.

"Uncle, why did you kill me?" A child covered his wound, his face pale and full of disbelief.

The scene changed, and Black Adam saw Acton's army marching into Kandak, burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil. The scene changed again, and the ferocious-looking American commander pressed the switch, and a mushroom cloud rose up in Kandak.

"No~~~" He looked horrified, screamed, lost his balance, and plunged headlong into the cliff by the sea, creating a big crater and sending rocks flying.

"Ouch, Black Adam fell." Dachao exclaimed.

Everyone at the scene blinked and saw nothing.

"How is the situation?" the commander asked the staff beside him nervously.

"Black Adam should have lost. If he had won, he would have gone back and forth in the same instant as before, looking proud." Amanda said.

"But Harley is still standing there and hasn't moved." The commander pointed in the air.

"Maybe she doesn't need to move?"

"Look, the live broadcast of Daily Planet!" The deputy commander pointed to the live broadcast on his mobile phone, "Black Adam is near Pier 8. He fell from the sky."

The Commander-in-Chief looked at the screen of his mobile phone. At this time, Black Adam was already suspended in the air, looking at the sea with a struggling expression.

"Oh, he's fine, he'll be able to cross the border soon." The deputy commander exclaimed.

"Harley——" Just as the commander shouted anxiously, he saw lightning flashing and Black Adam had already flown back.

"What did you do?" he asked with an ugly look on his face.

"Who won?" Harley laughed.

Black Adam's expression changed, and he said in a loud voice: "You win."

"Ah~~" Isis exclaimed, and all the Americans cheered, although they didn't understand what happened.

"Yes, you are quite responsible and did not forcefully deny it." Harley said with a smile on her face, "The trick just now is called the 'origin of fear'. As long as you have something to fear in your heart, your fearful emotions are at my mercy."

More importantly, activating the source of fear relies on the speed of thinking, not the speed of physical reaction.

Under the level 9 Speed ​​Force defense feat, her dynamic perspective and thinking speed surpassed that of The Flash and crushed Black Adam.

"I am fearless," Black Adam growled.

Harley shrugged, "Everyone has fears, and so do I. Denial doesn't eliminate fear."

——Fear is not terrible, as long as you have the courage to overcome it.

She didn't say this. She was not his mother and had no responsibility to educate him well.

"Since you lost, just go and negotiate with the commander honestly." She said loudly.

Black Adam looked at her in confusion, "What's your request?"

"I don't have any requirements. I just want you to recognize the reality. As long as I'm here, even if you give up your morals and rules and completely transform into a physical nuclear bomb, you can't even think about threatening the safety of the American people."

"Bah bang bang!" The American audience clapped excitedly.

"I just expressed my determination and did not really intend to do that. Without a desperate attitude, your government cannot negotiate fairly with us!" Isis explained hurriedly.

Harley said: "You can go to the US government to fight for it. There is no need to risk the lives of ordinary people to express your determination. They have not received half a dime of benefits from the eternal metal mine."

——For example, if you threaten to let Black Adam secretly kill several American dignitaries, or let Black Adam get into the sea and capsize several aircraft carriers, or turn into a physical nuclear bomb and blow up several foreign military bases, I won't tell you. What.

I don’t know if Isis can understand what she means. Anyway, she can’t say these words clearly, nor can she communicate them quietly.

She is not the mother of the Kandak people, and has no responsibility to teach them how to threaten the Americans in the correct way.

"Harry, we didn't steal the mines, and we didn't take advantage of them in vain," the commander shouted.

"Hey, you can talk among yourselves. I won't participate. I'm leaving now."

After leaving this sentence, she immediately walked away.

Return to the Star Laboratory and continue to study the divine toxin bullets until dawn.

At 7:30 in the morning, when she, Bateman, Sissoko and others were having breakfast, they actually saw the live broadcast of Black Adam's exclusive interview.

Planet Daily TV, a program hosted by the famous cosmic reporter Lois Lane.

They were still wondering why it was in the morning, and Louise explained herself on TV.

"Mr. Adam has meetings to attend this morning and afternoon. Time is very tight, so he is on the show at this time."

After explaining, she turned to Black Adam and said: "Mr. Adam, I am very grateful that you can accept our invitation for an exclusive interview.

Have you ever watched my show? The Daily Planet pursues the absolute truth and will not favor any party.

Therefore, my questions may often be more pointed. Can you accept it? "

Black Adam glanced at Isis outside the camera and said, "You can ask whatever you want."

"Why did you choose to negotiate with the commander at midnight? This time and the way you came to the door can easily cause misunderstandings." Louise said.

"It's midnight here, it's already morning in Kandak."

After a pause, Black Adam continued: "And the Acton government was established by the Americans. It was just overthrown by the people of Kandak last night. I have to complete the negotiations before the American government makes arrangements.

Otherwise Kandak may fall into a prolonged civil war. "

According to his idea, all the Actonians in Khandak should be killed.

Isis dissuaded him: Just resist the brutal rule of the Actonians, and the international community will sympathize and support us. If we kill hundreds of thousands of people, the entire universe will condemn us, and you will be completely defined as a "super villain", obviously. The US government, which is a villain, can deal with us in the name of justice.

Black Adam took her advice and ended the Actonian rule without killing too many people.

"How did you come back to life?"

Louise did not comment on the Kandak coup and immediately changed the next question.

"A magical ritual," Black Adam said simply.

"dark magic?"

"How was Uncle Sam born in the United States?" Black Adam asked.

"Uncle Sam is a god of faith and the embodiment of justice and patriotism in the United States." Louise said with some pride.

——Belief in God that can be transformed into reality, how patriotic and righteous the American people should be!

Well, she completely forgot about the fact that Uncle Sam was punched away by Black Adam, and Uncle Sam's strength is closely related to the spirit of the United States. Back on Earth-10, he could defeat the German Superman in a single fight.

"Is your resurrection related to the beliefs of the people in Kandak?" Louise said thoughtfully.

"Their expectations and admiration have brought me back from the death zone. Now no one can kill me completely, not Shazam the Wizard, not Harley Quinn. I am immortal." Black Adam said proudly.

"Is what he said true? Even Thunder Shazam is not immortal." Sissoko exclaimed in Star Lab.

Harley sneered: "After his death, his soul returned to Old Shazam. If Old Shazam doesn't let him go, it's useless even if the people in the universe worship him."

"Isn't he the enemy of Shazam Wizard?" Bateman asked doubtfully.

"I don't know what that old guy Shazam is planning, but the birth of Black Adam must be his handiwork."

"Admiral Galaxy said in the last program that you killed your nephew. Is this true?" On the TV, Louise had already moved on to the next question.

It was such a pointed question that even Harley put down her knife and fork and looked curiously at Black Adam, whose cheek muscles were twitching slightly on the screen.

"Yes, my nephew Aman is the real 'Thunder Shazam'. He is a well-deserved great hero."

Black Adam looked directly at the camera, without any evasion, without any guilt or regret, only with deep sadness, "I was a slave before, and my family was killed by the tyrant Acton, and only Aman and I were left to depend on each other.

During a prison escape, I suffered fatal injuries, but Aman still refused to escape alone and stood in front of me with his small body.

The next moment, he disappeared in front of me.

He was chosen by the wizard to become Thunder Shazam.

The next moment, he turned into an adult, returned to prison, and gave me half of his power to bring me back to life.

It was he who saved me. "

Louise saw that his eyes were red, and he was obviously moved by his true feelings. He was not showing off his acting skills, so she couldn't help but be more confused, "Then why did you kill him?"

"I love Aman, but I love Khandak even more." Black Adam said.

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