I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1578 The Death of the New God

"Among the New Gods, is Metron the most proficient in the laws of time?"

Detective Bateman didn't expect Harley to say Metron's name, and was stunned for a while.

"The chair under his butt, the Mobius Chair, can travel through time and space at will, and the accuracy of locating time and space is very high."

Harley has finally been the instructor of the Creation Star for several years, and has been following the Apokolips since very early on, and has a certain understanding of the situation within the New God.

There is no professional God of Time among the New Gods. Many New Gods can travel through time, and can also transcend time. Like the Flash, they can even beat time through speed, but they do not rely on the pure law of time.

Almost all the "gods of time" are soaking in the river of time, and they consider the eldest father of the endless family, the "master of time", to be the boss.

Sitting on the Mobius Chair, you can know all the knowledge in the universe and know the truth of all past, present and even future. This bug-like omniscience is related to the flow of time.

Everyone has his or her own timeline, and countless individual timelines in the universe are intertwined to form a river of time.

The time rivers of all real universes, illusory universes, and divine dimensions are split from the time mother river of the DC multiverse.

The time mother river of the DC universe and multiverses outside DC together form a super-time flow.

The time mother river of the DC universe is in the super-time flow, and the time mother river of the Marvel universe is also in the super-time flow. The super-time flow is equivalent to the mother river of the omnipotent universe.

The monitor satellite is in the hyper-time flow - the projection of the hyper-time flow in the DC multiverse. Even the monitor cannot leave the scope of the DC multiverse.

Even so, the Möbius Chair, which can obtain information from the DC hypertime stream, is also above the law of time and has a bit of a "source" flavor.

This is also why Harley is suspicious of Metron, that chair is too strong.

"With just a chair, Metron can surpass all the new gods in the time domain? He is just the God of Knowledge." Dachao doubted.

"Do you know the origin of that chair?" Harley asked.

"Is it an exclusive artifact created by Himself?"

"Then why isn't it called 'Metronic's Chair'?"

"Uh, who is Mobius? The God of Forging among the New God Clan? The God of Time?" Dachao was stunned and said.

Harley said with a strange expression: "Mobius is actually an old acquaintance of ours. The real name of the anti-supervision king is 'Mobius'."

"Ah, the anti-supervision king is Mobius? Are you sure?"

"I've been on the Genesis Star for so many years, how can I still get such a small thing wrong?"

This result surprised even Harley herself, but it was not difficult to find out the information.

Just ask Heavenly Father casually, and He will give you the answer casually.

I was a little surprised when I first heard it, but after thinking about the black technology developed by the anti-surveillance king in Crisis on Infinite Earths, I felt it was natural.

For example, the "Cosmic Frequency Difference Zeroing Device" that almost completely destroyed the multiverse.

Back then, the anti-surveillance king relied solely on this machine, and he almost caused the frequency difference between parallel universes to disappear and converge to the same frequency, eventually causing all universes to collide with each other.

It can only be said that the Anti-Monitor King's big build, rugged appearance, and domineering and powerful fighting style are all too deceptive, making him look like a stupid, thick and black "brother fierce general".

In fact, he is perhaps the most powerful technical leader in the DC multiverse.

"Does Metron have the strength to assassinate Orion?" Da Chao said.

"Who said he was the mastermind? Even if Metron participated in the murder, he must be Darkseid's accomplice." Harley said.

"Do you still firmly believe that Darkseid is not dead? Even if Bateman has found the murder weapon to assassinate Orion at this moment." Dachao looked hesitant, having some doubts about Harley's judgment, "If Metron was involved in the murder, Why isn’t He the Father’s accomplice?”

"Why did Heavenly Father want to kill Orion? Heavenly Father raised Orion from childhood to adulthood. They have a deep love between father and son, millions of years of emotion." Kyle said.

"I don't know, and I'm not sure Heavenly Father is the murderer." Dachao shook his head.

"Heavenly Father is just Orion's adoptive father, and Darkseid is his biological father." Catherine said.

Kyle said: "Heavenly Father and Darkseid are still brothers. Who can tell clearly about the bad things in the royal family?"

"Alas, finding the murder weapon makes the case even more confusing." Sissoko sighed.

"You guys wait a moment, I'll go next door and call Heavenly Father."

Harley opened her mouth, spit out the Genesis Star Mother Box sealed in the stomach pouch dimension, and dialed the Mother Box to call Heavenly Father.

She didn't wait long. Half a minute later, the majestic and solemn face of Heavenly Father was projected in front of her.

"Harley Quinn, what do you want from me?"

He called her by her full name, not "Harley," and his tone was cold.

"Look at this." Harley waved the bullet stained with divine poison in front of Him, and recounted the entire process of discovering it.

"Brother Isaya, I have an idea. Metron is the best among the new gods in time travel. If you ask him to travel to the future along the timeline, you should be able to find the murderer.

After all, the 'effect' of Orion's assassination has been confirmed, and the process of shooting is the 'cause', which must not disappear. "

Heavenly Father said calmly: "There were no bullet holes at the scene, and the bullet was buried tens of meters underground. Without any clues, why would Bateman dig into the soil to find the bullet with confidence? And he actually dug it by chance."

"He used ballistic analysis to estimate the possible impact point of the bullet." Harley explained Bateman's idea again.

"Huh." Heavenly Father had a bit of sarcasm on his face and didn't make any comment.

When Harry saw this, he did not explain with a smile, but directly expressed his thoughts, saying: "Brother, I am informing you about the bullet this time for two purposes.

If you have time, ask someone to go to the River of Time to check, and there will definitely be results. This is one of them.

In addition, I don’t want you to make the same mistake as Orion, brother. You have to take care of yourself and don’t be plotted by the villain. The great cause of resisting Darkseid depends on you. "

She said this very sincerely.

Because this is what she said sincerely, Heavenly Father is the strongest human shield on earth.

Heavenly Father is immortal, Creation is immortal, and there is peace on earth.

If Heavenly Father dies, the creation star will not be saved, and the earth will be in crisis.

"Metron, what do you think?"

When Harley closed the mother box communication, Heavenly Father turned his head and asked Metron next to him.

"I just checked and the process of Batman finding the bullet is indeed what she said." Metron said.

Heavenly Father sneered: "Can you see where she is, what she is doing, and what she is saying right now?"

"I can't see it. My line of sight is blocked by a fuzzy force field. Her personal timeline is also protected. Forcibly watching it will cause her to fight back." Metron said.

"In other words, everything you see through the Mobius Chair is what she wants you to see." Heavenly Father said.

Metron didn't deny it, "Do you suspect that Batman was able to find the bullet because of her secret guidance?"

"This is the only truth!" Heavenly Father said firmly with a sarcastic face, "Who else knows the location of the murder weapon and the murder process better than the murderer?"

"I feel a little uneasy." Metron's expressionless face showed some confusion and worry, "Things may not develop as we planned.

If we do nothing and just wait for the day when the fifth world restarts, I'm afraid."

"You couldn't have been fooled by Witch Harley, right?" Heavenly Father glanced at Him sideways, "All evidence can be falsified, but equations cannot be falsified.

There is always only one truth. Whoever gets Orion's equation will be the murderer. "

"That's the truth, but Witch Harley said she got the equation from her battle with Orion." Metron hesitated.

"This is the biggest joke in the world!" A look of hatred appeared on Tianfu Guozi's face, "I have personally controlled the Life Equation and know how powerful it is.

No one can quietly cut it off or even steal part of it during battle.

Neither can Witch Harley.

She was insulting my intelligence by using such lies to prevaricate me. "

Metron was silent for a while, then said: "How about I go to the 'downstream' of the river of time to inquire about it?"

Heavenly Father said calmly: "You can go, but I want to warn you, Witch Harley will not let us know the truth.

There is either nothing there, or a killer ambush is prepared, and you may never come back. Then she will say to me with certainty - it was indeed Darkseid who took action, because she could not enter the river of time. "

"What's the purpose of ambushing me? I'm not a god-king, and I don't have any equations on me." Metron asked.

Heavenly Father's majestic Chinese character face was covered with a shadow, "Her target is not you, but me. After working as a coach at Genesis Star for several years, she knows very well who I rely on most.

Killing you would be equivalent to cutting off my arm before the fifth world restarts. "

"You mean, she has ambitions for the 'King of the New Gods'? But you used Beka to test her before, but she missed her old relationship and didn't kill Beka," Metron said.

Heavenly Father's face became even more gloomy, "Then do you know that Beka once avoided the gods and quietly came to my palace to ask me if I killed Orion?

She said that she only wanted the truth, and it didn't matter even if he killed her the next moment. "

Metron was stunned for a while and fell silent.

Heavenly Father said coldly: "It is better to kill Beka than to let her return to the Genesis Star to disturb the morale of the army. As expected of the Witch Harley, she is more ruthless than I thought.

She is not necessarily interested in the position of King of the New Gods, but she definitely wants the huge benefits of restarting the fifth world. "

After leaving Heavenly Father's palace, Metron was suspended in the air, his eyes indifferently overlooking the bustling New God Warriors in the square.

They no longer train as hard as they did in the past for "the final battle between justice and evil, light and darkness."

In the former martial arts arena, some people were drinking and barbecuing, some were singing and dancing, some were wrestling, and even more people were cheering loudly.

Ever since Darkseid's death, there has been no day without celebration on Genesis.

Even if Orion was brutally head-shot not long ago, they were only stunned for a while, or cursed a few words "Witch Harley, you are ruthless", and then continued to sing happily.

In their hearts, only Darkseid is qualified to be the enemy of the Genesis Star. Even if Witch Harley really gets the formula, she will not dare to go wild on the Genesis Star because her weakness is too obvious.

——If she dares to invade the Genesis Star, they will immediately teleport to the material world and destroy her home planet; she cannot destroy the Genesis Star in an instant, any of them new god generals can blow up the earth with one move.

These are the words of Ugo, the God of War on the Creation Star. Even he agrees with the saying of "the witch's weakness".

In fact, Ugo hopes that Heavenly Father will lead them to the material world now to avenge Orion, but Heavenly Father is worried that the witch will have no weakness and will go on a killing spree.

"Did she lie? What is the truth?" Metron murmured to himself.

He gritted his teeth and slapped the armrest of the chair, "Whoosh!"

The next second, Metron entered the river of time in the main universe.

At the moment when Orion died, He once again saw Orion screaming and falling to the ground. He could only see this part. Going further, he would have to enter the battlefield where Orion fought with the murderer, which would definitely affect the two god kings. With the timeline of the two equations, he cannot afford this price, and no one in the multiverse can afford it.

Metron held the back of the chair with both hands, expressionless, and slowly walked downstream along the river of time. One hour later, ten hours later, one day later, two days later.

Suddenly, a strong will penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hehehe, you are indeed here, the new god's weakness is that he cannot violate his own divinity!

You are the god of knowledge, and your divinity is the exploration of the unknown and the pursuit of knowledge.

When you know that the bullet fired at Orion comes from the future, your divine power must be boiling and your emotions are overwhelming. Even if you know that there is danger, you are still driven by your divinity to investigate. No one can persuade you. "

Metron's pupils shrank, and a chair appeared in front of him, with his back to him. There seemed to be a person sitting on it, and that chair was the Mobius Chair!

The back of the chair is still stained with blood

His expression changed wildly, and he shouted in horror: "No, you can't kill me, I -"

"Boo~~" His head was like a strawberry under an adult's leather boots, instantly exploding into a pool of red juice.

"Bang~" Immediately afterwards, his divine body also exploded into a ball of mist.

Only the Möbius Chair remained in place, its back covered with Metron's blood.

It flew forward slowly and came to the illusory chair in front.

Two Möbius chairs, one virtual and one real, overlapped. A face-sized halo lit up in the center of the chair's back. A white light spot lit up in the center of the halo, and a dotted line shot out from the light spot backwards.

Like a void of light penetrating the river of time, it has been falling on the time of Orion's death.

The Mobius Chair turned into a sniper rifle!

Earth, Central City, a lounge in the Star Laboratory.

After hanging up the phone from Heavenly Father, Harley did not immediately go out to report the news to Dachao and the others.

There’s nothing to report.

She stuffed the mother box into her stomach bag again and sealed the dimension. She thought for a moment and then took out the big sealing cross from her stomach.

Playing with the divine poison bullet with one hand, at the same time a thought flew to the heaven above the nine heavens.

"Harry, you're here, I was looking for you."

As soon as he floated to the gate of paradise, Zaulie, who was sitting on a big rock playing with his mobile phone, immediately stood up and actively greeted: "Paradise will be closed in two days, what are your plans for Hero Island?

Deal with it as soon as possible, either stay where you are, or close the reincarnation door and temporarily return to your paradise mountain king territory. "

Harley was stunned for a moment before realizing that Heaven was about to run away again!

"Because of the restart of the fifth world?"

"Well, the restart will affect all the divine realms and kingdoms in Limbo Prison. Silver City does not plan to participate in the restart. However, this time only the ninth level of hell has been closed, and the first eight levels of hell are still open to welcome guests." Zaulie road.

"During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, even the gates to hell were tightly closed. Why were the eighth level left this time?" Harley asked curiously.

"Last time it was to avoid disaster and avoid conflict with the Anti-Monitor. That guy was a lunatic. This time it was to slow down the impact of the restart of the fifth dimension."

Zaulie gave her a meaningful look, "Do you remember what you did when the main universe was restarted? I don't know who led the restart this time, but no matter who it is, heaven will not accept distortions from other wills. "

Harley suddenly realized that during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, she changed the fate of many people when she restarted the universe.

For example, the history of the creation of King Wushen and the history of the entire earth have been distorted.

Heaven is in Limbo, like a planet in the main universe, easily affected by the will of the "New God King".

Even if you don't worry about the distortion of the will of the "King of the New Gods", participating in the restart is tantamount to allowing heaven to be traced back to its origin into energy and laws, and to forge a new paradise under the control of the origin of the multiverse.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Dog God.

"Leaving the eight levels of hell is to cover the core head and let the less important butt drums participate in the restart so that the 'Limbo Operating System 2.0' can be updated in the future?" Harley asked.

The heaven at this time fits the fifth dimension at this time. After the fifth dimension completes its restart and is upgraded to version 2.0, the "old heaven" will not be able to perfectly adapt to the fifth dimension of version 2.0.

Leave the Eighth Level of Hell outside to participate in the restart. After the restart is completed, the Eighth Level of Hell has loaded a new system. The Dog God can fine-tune the core of Heaven and Hell (ninth level) according to the new system, so that they can once again conform to the laws of Limbo.

"Although the words are ugly, you generally understand the Lord's arrangement. What you have to do, hurry up, you only have two days." Zhaulie said.

"When does the restart start?" Harley asked.

"I still want to ask you."

"Ask me?" Harley looked in disbelief, "Are you like those idiots who thought I was the big boss behind the scenes, killing Orion, taking away two equations, and competing with Heavenly Father for the title of God King? The king's throne?"

"You are the most suspicious."

"Have you seen Brother God recently?"

Zaulie shook his head and said: “The last time I saw the Lord was six months ago, when I watched the Green Lantern Judgment with Him.

Your act of allowing the leaders of the universe’s advanced civilizations to be baptized and convert to Christ is highly appreciated by the Lord.

He said that although you are not very religious and often discredit Him in front of outsiders, your ability to do things is really good. "

"Really?" Harley grinned and said, "Did Brother God tell me how to reward me? I suddenly expanded my Christian faith to the entire universe."

"Perhaps, after you die badly and are killed, the Lord will give you the title of a saint?" Zaulie said uncertainly.

The smile on Harley's face was stiff.

Zaulie returned to the previous topic and said: "Although I didn't see the Lord, I saw with my own eyes that Darkseid shattered into several pieces and was so dead that he could no longer die. How can this be false?"

"I've explained it too many times and I'm tired. I don't want to explain it anymore." Harley waved her hand and flew straight inside, entered the Silver City, and went directly to the Golden Hall to find the "Acting Lord" Raphael.

In addition to Raphael, Raguel, the Angel of Discipline, was also present.

The two archangels have similar names, but they are not the same person. Their priesthoods are completely different, just like Uriel and Zauliel.

After a few simple greetings, Harley directly asked about the restart of the fifth world.

Raphael said: "Heaven will not participate or interfere with the restart, nor will it provide you with additional help."

"Well, I understand that Heaven insists on absolute neutrality. At most, it arranges for little gangsters to work quietly. I am willing to be a little gangster. Tell me what mission Brother God has. I promise to complete the task!" Harley patted her chest to guarantee it.

The disciplinary angel's cheek muscles twitched.

Raphael said with a dull face: "Nonsense, the Lord will never do evil to anyone!"

"Yes, I was the one who committed the crime. I volunteered. What kind of task is it? Just be quick."

Raphael glared at her, "If you're okay, you can leave. I have a lot of work to do before closing the gate of heaven."

"You really don't have any other arrangements?"

Harley was a little doubtful, "Where is the ghost? Does it stay in the human world, or will it hide with heaven?"

"We are above the catastrophe and overlooking the evolution of the fifth world, not hiding from it!" the Angel of Discipline couldn't help but say.

Harley shrugged, "What you and I say will not affect the thoughts of thousands of demons outside."

The Angel of Discipline felt depressed, glanced at her and said nothing.

Raphael said: "Ghosts have always been stationed in the human world, and this time is no exception. But don't think too much, he has not received any tasks."

Although Harry felt that He was trying to cover up, he did not intend to continue this topic.

"I want to borrow the projection system of heaven to go to the parallel universe."

Every parallel universe has evil and dark laws.

Darkseid is the embodiment of evil and darkness, so there is a Darkseid in every universe.

But in addition to the main universe, Darkseid seen by the Justice League in other parallel universes is his projection.

In addition to Darkseid, other god-kings can also project their clones in parallel universes.

Heaven and Archangels are no exception, this is a rule unique to the DC multiverse.

Raphael said calmly: "Even the body of heaven must be hidden, how can there be a projection?"

Harley was stunned. Indeed, the main body was gone, where was the shadow?

"Isn't this the beginning of hiding? I will use it now."

"The door to heaven will be closed in two days, but it does not mean that the process of closing the door will also start at that time." Raphael said.

Raguel said: "Even if the projection heaven is still there, you can't use it. The projection comes from faith and authority.

First of all, you must have faith in a different world, where the Christians know and believe in you, the ‘Arkham God of War’; secondly, you must have the authority of a god-king.

Without the authority of the King of God, even if Christians believe in you and you have a projection, your body cannot communicate with it.

It’s the equivalent of artificial intelligence that simulates your habits and personality. "

"That's it." Harley was a little disappointed.

Raguel asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Go to Earth-51."

Raguel pondered and said: "If that's all, I can give you a map of the location of the multiverse, which records the vibration frequency of each universe, and you can find a way to travel through time and space on your own."

Harley frowned and said, "Is the 51 universe marked by Heaven the same goal as mine?"

Raguel shrugged, "Our multiverse map is definitely the most formal, but I don't know what standard you use to number the multiverse."

"Well, it's better than nothing."

Raguel stretched out his right index finger and tapped her forehead.

The thought clone immediately filled in hundreds of T's of information, almost causing Harry's head to split open.

It took her a while before she sealed it.

"Paradise is closed, what will happen to my Hero Island? When the fifth world restarts, where will the hero's soul go?" she asked, rubbing her forehead.

Raphael said: "Either use the soul transfer card like during Crisis on Infinite Earths to place them somewhere else first.

Either you move the Hero Island from the gate of heaven to the gate of hell.

But let me remind you that Hero Island is also part of the fifth world.

Leave it out and you're bound to participate in the Fifth World reboot.

The undead and grass-headed gods above, and even your reincarnations, will be affected. "

Harley frowned and thought for a moment, then asked: "Does the destiny to restart the fifth world belong to the New God?"

Raphael said strangely: "Do you have other ideas? What will Father do? Unless He dies, you can't get past Him."

"If He dies, will I have a chance?"

Raphael nodded slightly, "The divinity and laws of the New Gods are given by God. To use the metaphor of your earthlings' habits, the eight divine realms are equivalent to eight joint-stock companies, and the New Gods are state-owned enterprises that are 100% controlled by the state.

Restarting the fifth world is equivalent to reorganizing the market, and destiny must belong to the new gods.

Of course, you can also join a 'state-owned enterprise', as long as - hey! "

He was surprised, looked up and looked out the window,

Raguel also made the same move as him, with a surprised expression: "Another main god has died. Raphael, can you tell which main god it is?"

Raphael's eyes flashed with silver, "It seems to be Metron."

"Metron is famous for being good at dancing and very powerful. How could he die suddenly? There was no warning." Raguel said in disbelief.

"The changes in the fifth world are the catastrophe of the New Gods. No one can escape. Metron only died a few days earlier than others."

Raphael turned his head, looked at Harley and said, "If you want to participate in the restart of the fifth world, you must first join the New God camp and become a New God."

Harley smiled awkwardly and said: "No, I'm not interested in restarting the fifth world."

——What the hell, you are saying that all new gods are doomed, and at the same time you are persuading me to become a new god. What is your intention?

Raphael stood up suddenly and said: "Harley Quinn, things have changed now. Even Metron is dead. I can't control what will happen next.

Better to close the gates of heaven immediately.

You happen to be here, take care of the things you need to deal with, I will close the door now. "

"There's no need to be so anxious, right? Metron's death was not an accident. I had already guessed it." Harley told him about Bateman's discovery of the divine toxin bullet and how he went to Heavenly Father to report the case.

"Heavenly Father trusts me after all. Even if he talks coldly on the surface, he can hang up the phone and immediately arrange for Metron to go to the River of Time to investigate." Harley sighed and sighed: "Although Metron is dead, His death is enough to cleanse me." My suspicion also completely resolved the small misunderstanding between me and the Genesis Star.

Next we can work together to fight Darkseid. "

Raphael looked her up and down and said suspiciously, "You couldn't have asked us to give false testimony on purpose, right?"

Harley's expression was stunned, "What is perjury?"

"What comes to heaven now is just a thought of yours. No one knows what your body is doing or doing, at least Raguel and I don't know.

You must never say to Heavenly Father, ‘I have a witness. Angels will never lie. I was really in heaven at that time and it was impossible to assassinate Metron.’ "Raphael sneered.

Harley shouted: "Others can misunderstand me, but you, the Voice of Heaven, are all-knowing and omnipotent. You don't even know whether I murdered someone?"

"You are always shrouded in a layer of fog, and even the Voice of Heaven cannot see through it. Therefore, you can make excuses to others, but don't ask us to be witnesses." Raphael said calmly.

If it were just a layer of fog, Tian Zhi Sheng would often lose her trace.

For example, when Harley hid in the throat of the stone sculpture on the Origin Wall and retreated.

For example, when she used the Wind of Nothingness and Tears of Destruction to hide her whereabouts - it was not simply hiding, it was making her existence disappear.

"For example, now, I can't detect the position of your body, as if you have disappeared from the universe." Raphael no longer concealed the suspicion in his eyes.

"I'm in Central City, Star Laboratory." Harley said.

"I can't 'see' it."

Harry's heart moved, and he quickly dispersed the Wind of Nothingness and Tears of Death that enveloped his body.

"What now?"

Just now, she was multitasking. She came to Silver City with one thought, while her main body has been studying the divine poison bullet she just got.

She used bullets as catalysts and kept trying to make the Wind of Nothingness and the Tears of Death merge with each other.

——Unexpectedly, the voice of heaven could not detect the "Escape of Wind and Tears".

Harry thought thoughtfully and couldn't help but feel very happy and proud.

"You witch Harley, how dare you secretly be proud of yourself in front of me?" Raphael pointed at her face and said angrily.

Harley shook her head quickly, "No, you got it wrong."

Raguel frowned and said, "I saw it too. You almost laughed out loud. You must be very proud of yourself, right? You deceived everyone and even made us commit perjury."

Harley opened her mouth and finally said helplessly: "The Voice of Heaven can't see through me. Could it be that it can't even see through Darkseid's conspiracy to pretend to be dead?"

Raphael said with certainty: "Darkseid's body was shattered, his laws collapsed, his godhood and power were taken away by Orion, and he is completely dead."

Harley was disappointed in her heart. Disappointed that the "Voice of Heaven" was so frustrated that even Darkseid's fake death plan could not be defeated. Disappointed, she also had some hesitation: Could it be that her persistence was really wrong? Is the mastermind behind it all? Not Darkseid?

Two hours later, Earth, Central City Star Laboratory.

"Harry, what are you doing? After struggling for so long, the sky turned red again just now, and red lightning appeared. Although it was short-lived, only lasting a few minutes, it appeared very suddenly and strangely. Is there something else? The Supreme is dead?"

Harley hadn't shown up for a long time, and they were all waiting very anxiously. As soon as she went out, people gathered around her while she was still in the corridor.

"I went to heaven. Heaven is about to close. I have to move the Hero Island to the gate of hell." Harley was a little surprised. "I didn't expect Metrotron to be treated like this. I thought only the God King could cause celestial phenomena in the material world. Change."

"Oumaika, it's Metron, is he dead?" Dachao exclaimed.

"Alas, the changes in the fifth world are the catastrophe of the New Gods. No one can escape. Metron only died a few days earlier than others." Harley repeated Raphael's words.

"But..." Dachao's expression was tangled, "You just disappeared for so long, saying you were going to find Heavenly Father and Metron, and now Metron is dead."

Harley said with a dull face: "Didn't I tell you that I have to move to Hero Island? What are you thinking about?"

"Didi-di-di" Superboy's and Batman's watches rang at the same time.

"It's an emergency call from Zhenglian Headquarters." Both of their expressions changed slightly.

"Where are you and what are you doing? Something big happened."

The anxious face of Green Arrow appeared on the small screen of the watch, "Scott (Mr. Miracle) sent an urgent message, and the Father of Creation Star was furious and cursed 'Witch Harley is cruel and vicious and ambitious.'

His voice was like thunder, which spread throughout the floating city of the New God, allowing all generals and soldiers to end their celebrations - they had been celebrating the death of Darkseid, the 'Eternal Dark Enemy'.

Now that the Genesis Star is heavily armed and armored, there is always the possibility of invading the Earth.

In addition, some new gods from the Genesis Star suggested temporarily joining forces with Kalibak to destroy the earth first and eliminate hidden dangers, and then decide who will dominate the next era. "

"Oh my god! Harley, what did you do?" Dachao exclaimed.

"Who is Kalibak?" Bart asked beside him.

"He is the son of Darkseid, and he currently considers himself the 'third generation God King of Apokolips.' When Darkseid just died, he competed with Orion for the throne, and Orion broke his spine.

As a result, as soon as Orion died, Kalibak took his beloved concubine and did it in public. Hey, what am I talking about? You are still a child. "

Black Iris covered her forehead to hide the embarrassment on her face.

"How do you know so clearly?" Catherine asked curiously.

Black Iris glanced at the two heroes who were still on the phone with Green Arrow, leaned into Catherine's ear, and whispered: "Last time I went to Metropolis on a business trip, I stopped by to visit Louise.

She is editing a video at home, "The Legend of the Beloved Concubine of Apokolips".

I watched it in advance, and it contained a lot of exciting content, which was very enjoyable to watch. "

Catherine's eyes were full of curiosity and desire, "I want to watch it too! "The Legend of My Favorite" has been previewed for a long time, why hasn't it been aired yet?"

Sissoko and Bart also looked at Black Iris expectantly.

Black Iris looked up again and glanced at Harley who was talking to Green Arrow, and said: "Harley has been insisting that Darkseid is not dead, and Louise is a little scared."

"Is "The Legend of My Favorite" no longer broadcast? No." Bart wailed in despair.

Black Iris slapped the "white grandson" on the head and scolded: "How old are you? "The Legend of the Concubine" is at least 16+."

"I'm young, but I'm mature in mind," Bart yelled.

Catherine grabbed Black Iris, who was about to say something else, and said anxiously: "Will The Beloved Concubine still be broadcast? If not, can you also let me watch 'Louise's videotape'?"

"It should be broadcast, Louise said, more than 100,000 alien TV stations have booked this show, and she is reluctant to give up.

The TV station is even more reluctant to give up this program.

Even the Commander-in-Chief’s Office urged GBS (Planet Daily Television Station) to broadcast it as soon as possible!

Even after deducting the share to Rann National Television, GBS still has a gross profit of more than 500 million Rann dollars, and the tax department will take at least half of it. How big a benefit is this? Who can give it up? "

Black Iris said with envy.

She is also the wife of a hero and a slightly famous reporter, but her fame is limited to Central City, hundreds of light years away from the "universe name".

Here, Black Iris and the others are gossiping about Darkseid. On the other side, Harley has finished her conversation with Oliver.

She took out the Mother Box and contacted Heavenly Father a second time.

"Brother Ishaya, what are you doing? I have clearly explained it to you, so why do you doubt me?" She screamed very aggrieved.

"Metron is dead." Heavenly Father said with a gloomy expression.

"I was in heaven at the time. I swear to God, there are two archangels who can testify for me. Everyone knows that archangels can't lie." Harley said with a serious expression.

"That's right, archangels don't lie." Heavenly Father sneered and raised his right hand, the light in his palm flickered, and a video was projected. The protagonist of the video was the acting king of heaven.

"Raphael? Falk!" Harley was shocked and angry.

"Your Excellency Isaya, the door to heaven is about to close. Heaven will never participate in the restart of the fifth world. No matter what Harley Quinn does, she cannot represent us.

In addition, I suspect that she will use my name to deceive you. This is the truth of the matter. The person who appeared in Silver City was not her true form. "

After saying this, Raphael's projection disappeared.

Heavenly Father sneered: "You are so powerful, you dare to fool and take advantage of even the acting king of Silver City.

It's a pity that you are not the only smart person in the world. Now everyone knows you and you can't deceive us. "

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