I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1568 Harley is so wronged

In fact, Black Adam's "resurrection" has a lot to do with Harley.

The Kandak people formed expectations and beliefs in the "Kandak heroes" out of despair and resentment. This statement is not wrong, but it is too illusory.

After all, the Kandak people have experienced a lot of tragedies over the past few thousand years. How miserable would it be if the indigenous Kandak people were reduced to second-class citizens and were ruled by the foreign Acton people?

There must have been many people who wanted to resurrect Black Adam at that time, but they never succeeded.

But the female Dr. Isis who unlocked Black Adam's seal did indeed completely give up her illusions about a free and civilized America after seeing the news of the "Galactic Admiral" stealing mines.

She was originally a professor of history and culture at Kandak University. She had studied in the United States and received education in Western freedom and democracy.

It has been ten years since she returned to her motherland. In the past ten years, she has made a lot of efforts to make Kandak as prosperous and powerful as the United States, but to no avail.

Khandak is still ruled and enslaved by foreigners.

Even so, she still did not lose hope.

She firmly believes that as long as the people of Kandak persist in fighting, one day their actions will attract the attention of superheroes, and then the righteous heroes will help them drive away the American puppet government formed by foreigners and drive away those who are crazy about plundering Kandak's mineral resources. Mercenary organization.

Even if Isis saw American soldiers holding guns and bloody suppression of the Kandak resistance forces, they were also distributing Justice League figures and pictorials to the people, and playing documentaries and movies about justice heroes saving the world, which greatly reduced the people's resistance. , establishing the glorious image of the American 'just hero' at a very high level, she still has no despair.

Because she knew that the actions of the American soldiers were shameless ploys by politicians and did not represent the true thoughts of the heroes until Admiral Galaxy was deeply involved in stealing minerals and was exposed by Middle Eastern TV stations.

Since Admiral Galaxy herself is the biggest beneficiary of the United States' mine theft, can the people of Khandak still count on her?

Even the Galaxy Admiral is like this, what can other heroes hope for?

After watching the news, Isis resolutely resigned from her job as a professor at the university and accepted the invitation of her younger brother Amon to become a "Son of Adam."

Sons of Adam is a semi-public Kandak civil society organization.

They violently resisted foreign invaders and have been planning to resurrect the legendary "Kandak Hero".

In the end, Isis used her superb knowledge of ancient history to find the tomb of the "Kandak Defender" and personally awakened Black Adam with a spell.

"Isis, you are the one destined by destiny. I saw you right." When Black Adam arrived in front of the "Son of Adam" with a black lightning, Amon said to Isis excitedly.

"You are indeed special. Countless people have tried to awaken me for thousands of years, but they have all failed. Only you can guide the faith of all living beings in Kandak to form a sharp spear and penetrate the wizard's sealing rune in one fell swoop. Formation." Black Adam looked at Isis in surprise and said the same thing.

"I just read out the true names of the King of Gods and the Six Gods according to the ancient characters on the stone slab."

Isis didn't understand magic or spells. She saw the ancient writings on the stone slab that sealed Black Adam, and subconsciously read them out, and then Black Adam broke the seal and came out.

"This is destiny." Amon said excitedly.

"No, destiny is not with me." Isis turned to Black Adam, her eyes fervent and full of expectation, "Are you the legendary defender of Khandak? Is it you the statue of the hero of Khandak in the city? Will you save it? Kandak?”

"Although I don't know much about Kandak and the world today, I am convinced that for Kandak, I can do anything and kill anyone!"

Black Adam looked at the modern city with a dazed look, but his tone was very firm.

A few days later today.

In a private house in the urban area of ​​Siruta.

"My worst fear has happened, the heroes of the Justice Society are really here!

You really shouldn't have gone directly to the American military base that day. Although the American soldiers there were considered invaders and often stole our eternal metal mines, according to international law, it was completely legal and reasonable for them to be stationed in Kandak. "

Seeing the Zhengxie heroes guarding the American ambassador, Isis said excitedly to the tall bald man in front of her.

The tone was a bit rude, but she was still in awe of him.

After seeing his extraordinary strength, she admired him even more.

But his reckless and mindless behavior really made her unable to agree, and she couldn't help but want to explode.

"The intruders must die. Killing them is the simplest and most direct solution. Isn't that the purpose of waking me up?" Black Adam said lightly.

Isis explained earnestly: "The people of Kandak have worshiped you for thousands of years. As long as you show up and prove your identity by showing strength, everyone will fall at your feet and call you 'Kandak. king'.

With popular support, we can use legal means to end the current Actonian rule.

They are foreigners and have oppressed us Kandak people for thousands of years.

The current Kandak government can be formed only with the support of foreign forces, that is, the Americans.

Therefore, our act of overthrowing the Acton government will be easily recognized by all countries on earth.

In this way, your rule will be recognized by all international organizations, and then——"

Black Adam waved his hand to interrupt her and said: "My rule does not need anyone to recognize it. Khandak can only rely on me and you. The recognition of outsiders means nothing to us."

"King Adam, times have changed." Osiris, the son of Isis, waved Lexnote 4 in front of Black Adam and said: "Now with a mobile phone, the Khandak people can communicate with people on the other side of the world.

Our lives and your rule cannot be immune to the influence of outsiders. "

Black Adam didn't know mobile phones at first, but in the past few days, in order to let him understand the current world, Isis accompanied him to watch a lot of hero videos.

"Isis, as long as the Americans are eliminated and true independence is won, no matter what the method is to achieve this result, Khandak will be accepted by the international community sooner or later.

Because we have the Eternal Metal Mine, both Earth and aliens need it. "Amon said excitedly.

Isis glanced at her brother reproachfully and said, "Shut up! It is because of the instigation of you 'Sons of Adam' that King Adam made an irreparable diplomatic mistake."

Black Adam said displeased: “I have my own judgment and will not be instigated by anyone.

When I resume my rule over Khandak, the eternal metal mines will continue to be mined, but all the eternal metal will be used to arm the people of Khandak, and foreigners will not be able to get a single ore.

What is ours can only be used by ourselves. "

"Cool!" Osiris whistled and shouted: "Long live King Adam!"

Isis slapped her son on the back of the head and scolded: "Without trade with the outside world, your mobile phones, computers, puppy videos, and even Zhenglian Heroes Pictorials and movies will disappear in Kandak. How can you live like that?" adapt?"

Osiris shrank his head and said: "I just feel that King Adam who said this is domineering, almost like a Galaxy Admiral.

Well, when faced with the oppression of the Green Lantern Corps and the invasion of aliens, the Galaxy Admiral was so majestic, proud and confident. Although the Galaxy Admiral said this after victory, King Adam said it before success—— "

"I will not fail, let alone be defeated." Black Adam said lightly.

"Alas, even if we want to take advantage of General Galaxy, we can't make obvious mistakes." Isis said helplessly: "If we don't kill people, the heroes of the Justice Society will not come.

If we do not make a legal mistake, the Galactic Admiral, who is in the spotlight and whose actions are bound by morality and law, has no reason to take action against King Adam in the name of punishing evil.

As long as she doesn't take action, we have hope.

As long as she takes action, all hope will disappear, and Khandak will usher in complete darkness with no way out. "

Black Adam clenched his fists and said proudly: "If all your worries stem from fear of Harley Quinn's strength, then there is no need.

Once I get the video evidence of the Americans stealing the mine, I will immediately deal with the Justice Society, and then go to the United States to defeat Harley Quinn and let her return the stolen eternal metal. "

"King Adam, I admire your courage and domineering, but forget it, don't be impulsive, otherwise you will be beaten to death by the Galaxy Admiral." Osiris said quickly.

Black Adam put a carrot-thick finger against his nose and said coldly: "If you weren't a child, I would chop the person who said something rude into charcoal with a bolt of lightning."

Osiris shrank his neck, but still said stubbornly: "You have seen the video on the Puppy Hero Forum, the Galaxy Admiral can swallow the entire earth in one bite, can you?

She can fight evenly with the Supreme Darkseid, Black Death, and the Anti-Monitor, can you?

Judging from your uniform and the black lightning on your chest, it looks a bit like Thunder Shazam. Are you also the favored one of Shazam?

This kind of strength might have been invincible in ancient times, but it's really not that good now. "

"Hmph, Shazam the Wizard." A murderous intent flashed in Black Adam's eyes, and he sneered: "When Khandak settles down, I will break Thunder Shazam's neck with my own hands.

As for the Darkseid, Black Death Emperor and others you mentioned, they were just lucky and didn't meet me. Otherwise, I would be the one called the 'Galaxy Admiral' right now. "

"Long live King Adam, long live the Guardians of Khandak!"

"Son of Adam" Amon looked excited and cheered loudly.

"King Adam, are you serious, or are you joking to liven things up?" Isis asked.

"I never joke."

Isis said worriedly: "You have watched so many battle videos on the puppy forum these days, don't you gain anything?"

"I'm serious and sober." Black Adam's expression was serious and proud. "In addition to her strong defense, Harley Quinn's other abilities are very ordinary. Her physique and magic power are not as good as mine, and my defense is not weaker than hers.

Even if she has a god descending to earth and can be immune to my thunder attack, how can she bear my fist as big as a casserole?

Although it was the first time I heard the names of Darkseid and Black Death, I didn’t know much about them, but since they couldn’t even defeat Harley Quinn, I guess they were just mediocre people. "

"You haven't heard of them, haven't you seen their achievements on the puppy forum? Just talking about the Black Death Emperor, he resurrected countless black lamp zombies and black lamp planets, and countless advanced civilizations were easily destroyed by him. This is How terrifying?" Isis said.

Black Adam has never left the earth, never seen aliens, and has no intuitive concept of "the destruction of countless advanced civilizations".

The strongest enemy he has ever seen in his life is old Shazam's Wizards Council.

But he swept across the Eternal Castle by himself, killing all the gods and wizards like chopping melons and vegetables, so he was naturally confident.

He just waved his hand and said boldly: "I don't know how powerful the higher civilization is, and I don't know how many black lantern corpses the Black Death Emperor controls. I don't know if my thunder and lightning can kill the Black Death Emperor. I don't know many things." Understand, unclear.

But Black Death Emperor was indeed defeated at the hands of Harley Quinn.

I don't need to know his deeds, I just need to know Harley Quinn and understand that I am better than her, that's enough. "

"It makes sense." Amon said with approval.

Isis had no choice but to persuade from another angle: "King Adam, you may be invincible, but the war between the gods and the destruction of the world will bring heavy disaster to the people of Kandak.

You are a defender of Kandak, and you certainly don’t want Kandak to be destroyed by war, right? "

"If it weren't for the people, I would have killed all the Americans in Kandak. Now sitting here watching TV with you, isn't it just implementing your plan?" Black Adam said.

Isis sighed and fell silent.

King Adam cleaned up the American soldiers at the military base just a few days ago when they broke out of the seal.

At that time, he was bewitched by the "Sons of Adam" and mistook the Americans for the Actonians thousands of years ago, thinking that simply killing them all would allow Khandak to regain his freedom.

She presented facts, reasoned, and worked hard for a long time before using a large amount of news materials to make him understand that times have changed.

Now he's basically following her plan to save Khandak.

For example, even though they are arguing now, their eyes are looking at the 35-inch monitor on the counter from time to time.

Secret talks at the Presidential Palace are being broadcast in real time above.

The Sons of Adam sold eternal metal to alien smugglers in exchange for many high-tech weapons and instruments. King Adam used his superpower to install surveillance cameras in every corner of the presidential palace without anyone noticing.

So far, they have collected a lot of dirty information about the current government in Kandak.

As long as the video is exposed, public dissatisfaction will inevitably boil and people will be angry.

At that time, Black Adam led the "Sons of Adam" to make a shocking appearance, and it was easy to end the rule of the Actonians in the name of justice.

But this is not enough. The Actonian government is just a puppet of the Americans.

Only by driving away the Americans legally and reasonably and taking the Eternal Metal Mine under the name of foreign developers into Kandak state ownership can the root cause of the problem be solved.

They need to collect conclusive evidence that the United States illegally possesses Kandak minerals and controls the Kandak government.

The evidence must not make Americans bow their heads.

But video evidence can give Khandak the upper hand internationally and allow King Adam to gain sympathy and recognition from other countries.

If the video evidence is posted on the Puppy Video Network, aliens may not be able to see it, which will cause an uproar among interstellar friends and make the Galaxy Admiral shameless in taking action against Black Adam.

"Hahaha, President Shabak, don't worry. Admiral Galaxy has come to Khandak in person. With her here, Black Adam is just a dead fish."

On the monitor screen, U.S. Ambassador Wilson suddenly broke a piece of news. Not only was President Kandak opposite him filled with incredible surprise, but even Isis and others in the private house also exclaimed.

"My dear, the Galaxy Admiral is here. She wants to take action against King Adam. What should we do?" Osiris said in panic.

"Why is this happening? The dignified General Galaxy actually came to a small regional country like Kandak in person." Isis' face turned pale, "Is she so greedy and unwilling to give up our metal mines even though she is already so rich? "

"Will the Milky Way help us?" President Kandak asked anxiously.

"Of course, she gets the majority of the promethium metal mined in the mine every year. It's strange that she's not in a hurry." President Wilson said with a smile.

Black Adam looked gloomy, "Isn't this video enough evidence?"

Isis' face was full of worry, "The US ambassador said it himself, the evidence is ironclad, but Harley Quinn"

Black Adam suddenly stood up and said solemnly: "I'm going to deal with Harley Quinn right now."

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