I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1567 Exposure and Conflict

"I stress again, I did not steal mines!" Harley now felt more disgusted with the word "stealing mines" than ever before.

Yes, she got a lot of promethium metal from the U.S. military, but it was all paid for with American swords.

In addition to her, many countries and private research institutions around the world have purchased promethium metal from Americans.

This is not much different from ordinary precious metals trading.

At most, the Americans have a monopoly on this industry, and Harley can rely on her identity and status to get unlimited goods.

The metal promethium can be used to create powerful weapons and can also be used to transform superhuman beings.

In order to maintain its strategic advantage in extraordinary force, Americans are very cautious about the sale of promethium metal and will never sell it to foreign powers in large quantities.

Even if Luther wanted to buy it, the military would hesitate.

Even if they agree to sell it, the quantity will be limited. They are worried that Luther will use promethium metal to carry out criminal activities or cause some big crisis.

But if Harley wanted to buy it, they wouldn't have any worries.

This is Harley's only advantage.

But this benefit is not worth the reputation of being an "ore thief".

Doctor Destiny shrugged, "Whether you stole mines or not, I don't know and I don't care.

I am just discussing the matter now. The people of Khandak thought that you were stealing the mines and felt very desperate, so they summoned Black Adam. This is a fact. You ask me and I will tell you the truth, that's all. "

Harley opened her mouth to argue, but calmed down in an instant. No matter how much she talked to Kent, it was useless. What she wanted to change was the people's minds.

The best way is to ask Louise, the name of the universe, to help wash the floor.

Maybe he could ask her to do an exclusive interview with him?

Well, if Louise knew that she had asked her to help clear the stigma of "stealing mines", would she be so proud that her tail was raised to the sky?

It’s better to find Nora Long, don’t make Louise too proud.

Moreover, Nora has been silent for a long time since her husband became disabled. Before, she and Louise staged a two-female battle for supremacy in the Daily Planet. Now her reputation and position are far behind Louise.

She is still an ordinary employee, but Louise has become a "partner" of Daily Planet.

Hallie asked Lana to cheer her up.

"What are you doing with Kent?" Old Green Lantern glanced at his watch and said, "At 10:30 in the morning, we have to accompany Ambassador Wilson to negotiate with President Kandak. Time is running out."

"Call out Naboo. I have something to ask him." Harley said to Kent.

Kent nodded, put down the plate, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and whispered a spell

"Whoosh!" The golden light flashed, and the golden helmet flew in front of him.

Putting on the helmet, there was another burst of strong magical golden light, and Nabu's ethereal and majestic voice came from behind the mask.

"I don't know where Shazam is, he hasn't looked for me, and I haven't paid much attention to him.

But I can answer your questions.

The direct cause of the accident was the cracking and collapse of the origin wall.

With your current realm and knowledge, you must be familiar with the concept of ‘source’.

‘Source’ is the law above the law and the foundation of the multiverse.

And the ‘source’ of the multiverse is ‘behind’ the Origin Wall.

The universe was born for more than 10 billion years, and countless powerful civilizations and gods have appeared. They all attacked the wall of origin in order to find the 'source', and eventually became a giant statue on the wall. No one succeeded. Or, someone succeeded, and went to 'Behind' the Origin Wall, We Just Don't Know It? "

There was more sigh and emotion in Nabu's voice, "Perhaps, in a million years, when I am tired of the authority and responsibility of the God King, and I am dissatisfied with the stagnant state that dominates the multiverse, I can go to the end of the universe to find the source. ', will also be my last way out."

"It's not certain whether you can become the God King or not. Isn't it too pretentious to imagine the loneliness of becoming a God Queen now?" Harley complained.

"I am the God King of Order now." Nabu's voice became majestic and sacred again.

"Your name is just the 'God King of Order'."

"My realm is already half a step to the peak of the God King."

"You must have read too many novels. There are only two realms in this world: the god king and the realm below the god king. The origin of the multiverse does not recognize the 'half-step god king' at all, let alone the 'peak half-step god king'." Ha. Li said.

Nabu was so angry that he couldn't even maintain the majesty in his voice, "Do you still want to listen to me talk about the 'Changes in the Fifth World'?"

"Of course, God King Naboo, please continue." Harley said immediately.

The old green light next to him had his cheek muscles twitching.

"The 'Source' is within the Origin Wall, and the 'Source' is the core of the multiverse, so the cracking and collapse of the Origin Wall will seriously affect the stability of the Multiverse.

One of the manifestations of the instability of the multiverse is the failure of the laws.

Taking the four major elemental laws as an example, if the effect of the law of earth weakens, and the same magician casts the same earth magic, the effect will not be as good as before. After all, the essence of magic is to use magic power to leverage the laws.

When the effect of the law weakens, the magic will become ineffective.

The root of Shazam Contract is the ‘Shazam Law’ understood by Shazam Wizard.

Relying on Shazam's Law, you can transfer your divine power and divinity to the God's Beloved at a very low cost, and activate the divinity of the divine power after the God's Beloved shouts the 'Divine Power Mantra', thereby perfectly borrowing the power of the gods. .

Now that Shazam's Law has been weakened, those who use the Shazam Contract to become God's Favored will naturally be affected. "

Harley asked curiously: "How did you detect the change in the origin of the universe? Do you have special observation methods?"

“All answers lie in the Sea of ​​Laws, and any fluctuations in the Sea of ​​Laws have their own special meaning.

By interpreting the fluctuations of the Sea of ​​Laws, you can understand the changes in the multiverse. "Nabu said calmly.

"My realm is higher than yours, why didn't I notice any big changes in the Law Sea?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"How do you perceive the Law Sea?" Nabu asked.

"Of course it's the thick-skin rule that I've learned."

The magic master understands the laws, and the gods imprint their own laws into the sea of ​​laws. This means that the laws of the gods and wizards are accepted by the DC multiverse.

When the law is imprinted into the sea of ​​law, it is like an antenna that can receive abnormal fluctuations from the sea of ​​law.

"You only have one thick-skinned law, but our Order God System has hundreds of laws of order woven into a web, using the 'law of order net' to capture information in the sea of ​​laws.

The perceived effect of a single law is tens of millions of times worse than that of a law network.

This is also the difference between a loner and a true god-king. "Nabu said proudly.

Harley still had many questions in her mind, so she didn't argue with him, and then asked: "Kyle Rayner has handed over the white light to the Origin Wall, and the crisis of emotional energy pool depletion has been alleviated.

Why did the law sea change at this time? "

"I said, the cracking of the origin wall is just the direct cause of the accident, the fundamental reason. You actually know it better than me.

No matter what the outcome of the final battle between Genesis and Apokolips is, it will not change the outcome of the restart of the fifth world.

The Fifth World is the collective name for Apokolips and Creation Star, and is also another name for Limbo.

If the material universe is the root of mortals, then the fifth world is the root of gods and the root of miraculous power.

The fifth world is in turmoil, and the miracles created by gods and magicians will naturally cause violent fluctuations.

The weakening of "Shazam Contract" is only a small part of the change.

Soon you will find that the miraculous power of the four-dimensional material universe will gradually become silent. "Nabu said quietly.

"Deng Deng Deng" brisk footsteps came from the stairs, and then a young girl was heard shouting: "Master Kent, Uncle Alan, what are you doing? Ambassador Wilson is already here - ah, Miss Galaxy Quinn , are you also here to deal with Black Adam?"

The one who came up was a black girl with an afro. She was quite beautiful and energetic.

"I'm here to find Kent." Harley felt a little embarrassed because she didn't recognize the black girl's identity and didn't know what to call her.

Harley quietly wrapped her mental power with a defensive force field and sent a message to Naboo: "Who is she?"

"Harley Quinn, you don't know her?" Naboo said in a majestic and resonant voice: "She is one of the most important members of the Justice Society, the third generation of 'Tornado' Maxine Henkel, the first generation of 'Tornado' 's granddaughter."

Ma Kexin didn't understand why "Dr. Destiny" suddenly introduced herself. She was a little confused and at a loss.

Harley was very embarrassed and annoyed: sooner or later, the helmet spirit would melt.

Alan Scott, the old Green Lantern, was mature and mature. He immediately broke the awkwardness and said: "Harley, it's time for us to set off. How about you wait in the hotel first?"

"A mere American ambassador to Kandak needs the protection of so many of your heroes?" Harley said.

"Of course we are not needed under normal circumstances, but now Black Adam has been resurrected. Just three days ago, he raided our military base, tore apart eighteen M1A3s, smashed nine F-24s, and killed more than four hundred soldiers. His lightning turned to coke. If the White House had not suppressed this news, public opinion would have exploded." Alan said with a solemn expression.

"What are you going to do now?" Harley asked curiously.

"What the Commander-in-Chief means is that we are only responsible for protecting the ambassador's safety and then capturing Black Adam. The ambassador will be responsible for negotiating with the Kandak government.

The Justice Society does not participate in international politics, but Black Adam has killed too many people and is a proper supervillain. It is the responsibility of every justice hero to arrest him. "

Seeing the ridicule on Harley's face, Alan added: "Unlike the people's enthusiasm for the 'Kandak Hero', the Kandak government is very afraid of him.

There are now two major races in Kandak, the original Kandak and the Acton.

Only the original Kandak like Black Adam.

In fact, the Justice Society's entry into Kandak was also invited by their government. "

"Hey, Harley, you're coming to Kandak too! That's great, now we finally don't have to worry about Black Adam."

At this time, a fat middle-aged white man in a suit and leather shoes quickly climbed up from the stairs.

When he saw Harley, he immediately rushed towards her with a face full of joy.

"Uh, Wilson, it turns out you came to Kandak to be the ambassador."

It was a little better than when she faced "Tornado" Maxin just now. Harley still didn't recognize him, but she remembered that Alan had said his name just now.

Before Wilson, who was beaming with joy, came forward to get close, she immediately turned to the old green light and said: "Kent is staying in the hotel, I still have something to say to him.

You and Tornado are responsible for protecting the ambassador as he goes to meet President Khandak.

I believe that with your strength, you can handle it calmly even if you encounter Black Adam. "

Alan hesitated for only a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine."

Even if there was an accident at the Presidential Palace, Kent would be able to arrive in time with his speed, and Harley would be there at the same time.

After Old Green Lantern pulled Ambassador Wilson away, Harley continued the previous topic and said, "So Old Shazam ran away and hid early to avoid disaster?"

Nabu sighed: "The reason why I am patient and answer these questions for you in detail is because I can no longer contribute to the upcoming crisis on earth. The next step is all up to you."

"You want to run away too?"

Naboo said calmly: "I never evade my responsibilities, and I believe that Shazam Wizard does not avoid disasters intentionally.

When the fifth world restarts, it will have a great impact on the gods who understand the law.

We must devote all our attention to our own laws to cooperate with the sea of ​​laws to complete the transformation.

You can't notice the changes in the Sea of ​​Laws yet, but when the restart comes, you will definitely feel the stormy waves coming from the Sea of ​​Laws.

When the sea of ​​laws is turbulent and the power of miracles fades, magicians and spiritual wizards don't have much fighting power left.

Next, I will fall into a deep sleep. Kent and the Tower of Destiny will no longer be able to provide assistance to you. You don’t have to go to him when you are in trouble. "

"Well, I still expected you to carry Darkseid. After all, you are the only god-king on earth. A god-king vs. a god-king is very suitable for your status." Harley sighed.

——Let me carry Darkseid? You expected me to die, didn't you?

Naboo cursed dozens of times in his mind, "Witch Harley, she's so cruel", and said: "Darkseid is dead, I can be 100% sure.

At that time, I saw with my own eyes that his body was exploded by Orion, his godhead was broken into several pieces, and he was completely dead.

Some scenes can be deceptive, but the changes in the sea of ​​laws cannot be faked. Darkseid's dark laws collapsed. "

"Then who you said killed Orion, it couldn't be me, right?" Harley said.

Nabu stared deeply into her eyes, "Isn't it you?"

Harry wanted to give Him the middle finger and then curse: With such blind judgment, it shows that your ability is mediocre. Even if "the power of miracles does not fade", the earth cannot count on a fool like you.

"Recently, there have been many time-travelers on the earth. Is it related to the restart of the fifth world? The monitor is still chasing them, and I don't know why." Harley told the story of the monitor killing Dora.

"I'm not sure about this matter. When time travelers and monitors enter and leave the earth, they don't touch the earth's own law network, so the Tower of Destiny cannot monitor it.

However, I suggest that you do not interfere with the actions of the Monitors. They will not intentionally destroy the universe. "Nabu preached.

"Boom - click~~~"

Just when Harley was about to leave, a fierce thunderstorm came from the city center, and a thick purple thunder and lightning could be seen, like a spear, piercing the sky and falling to the earth, splashing bricks and rocks dozens of meters high. .

"Are they really fighting? Didn't they say they were going to negotiate?" Harley looked curiously, "This power comes from Black Adam? It seems to be more domineering than Thunder Shazam. Do you know him?"

Why would old Shazam let him out now? I don't believe that the resentment of the people of Khandak against me can be strong enough to break the seal of the wizard god.

For thousands of years, the people of Kandak have experienced many tragedies. Why didn't the 'Kandak Heroes' be awakened at that time? "

"That old guy Shazam must have a conspiracy!" She said with certainty.

Neb made no answer.

The golden light on the helmet of destiny gradually dimmed, and his aura quickly dissipated.


"Naboo is gone, do you want to go over and take a look?" Doctor Fate asked.

Harry thought for a while, shook his head and said, "It would be better not to meet him. I will definitely be angry when I see him. If I beat him to death or hurt him, the people of Kandak will definitely scold me. No matter what, I have no benefit at all, so why bother?"

After saying that, she took out the green lantern ring and prepared to leave.

But she wanted to leave, but others wouldn't let her go.

Just at this moment, a roar like thunder resounded through most of the city: "Harley Quinn, the shameless thief who deceives the world and steals fame, come out and fight me!"

"What is Alan doing? Why didn't he take down this super villain immediately and let him yell and ruin my reputation?"

Harry was angry at first, and then wondered: "He wouldn't call my name for no reason. He must know that I have come to Kandak. Who told him?"

"You'll understand after you go and see it," Doctor Fate said.

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