Christianity is just a general term for the church that believes in God. There are three major sects under it: Roman Catholicism (Catholicism), Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Under the three major sects, there are many small factions.

For example, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Methodists are all Protestants.

The Holy Advent Crusaders who persecuted Harry in the early years were a branch of Catholicism.

When she was persecuted by the Holy Advent Crusaders, Halle pretended to be an exorcist nun for a period of time. At that time, she joined the Protestant Anglican Church.

Van Helsing is a sect whose mission is to exorcise demons. Compared with the Anglican Church and Lutheranism, which are well-known factions in the world, it is almost invisible to the public.

Each generation of head of the Van Helsing exorcism organization is also called "Van Helsing."

This generation of Van Helsing was introduced by The Stranger, and formed a team with Harley and Father Carlisle during the Little Black Bean Crisis.

Van Helsing and Carlisle are familiar with each other. They were introduced to Harley by the Stranger together, and the three of them formed a team to face Little Black Bean.

After the incident with Little Black Bean, Carlisle was impressed by Harley's ability to face Little Black Bean proudly and became a little brother to her.

He helped her form the Heavenly Mountain sect and served as its pope for the next few years.

At that time, the Heavenly Mountain Sect did not have much influence in Gotham.

Not to mention the three major sects of Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism, it is far behind even the smaller sects under the major sects such as Anglicanism and Lutheranism.

At that time, Harley also invited Van Helsing, but her Heavenly Mountain Cult was not even as good as the Van Helsing Exorcism Organization.

Van Helsing felt that there was no future in hanging out with her and it was too low, so he did not join Carlisle under her skirt.

When Harley challenged "Lucifer the Second" in front of the people on Earth, and became the official God of War in Heaven, the defender of Silver City, and even began to write the "New Bible", the Heavenly Mountain Sect surpassed all small sects and became Christianity. It is the fourth largest sect alongside Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity, and Catholicism.

Later, Carlisle Zhen Chicken Dog ascended to the sky, ascended to the Silver City, and entered the Silver City that he had never dreamed of.

At that time, Van Helsing's eyes were red, and regret was chewing in his heart: If he had followed him and joined Harley's family back then, he would be the one who would get the "Silver City household registration" and be officially registered now, right?

When the outgoing Carlisle invited him to take over as the Pope of the Heavenly Mountain Cult on Earth, Van Helsing immediately agreed. Not only did he join the Heavenly Mountain Cult, but he also led the entire Van Helsing exorcism organization to become the "Exorcist Department" of the Heavenly Mountain Cult.

After becoming the pope, Van Helsing also worked diligently to expand the influence of the sect and cooperated with Harley in writing the "New Bible".

After several years of development, the Tiantian Mountain Sect is still at the bottom of the four major sects in terms of scale.

The foundation is too thin.

But in terms of influence, the Pope in Rome has to call him "big brother" when he sees him.

After all, Van Helsing can really communicate with heaven and even give orders to angels - when exorcising demons, he can use his status as the Pope of Heaven Mountain to command the middle and low-level angels in the Silver City garrison.

If Van Helsing wished, he could publicly summon an angel every time he prayed.

A true angel, not a fake one.

What does the Pope of Rome compare to him?

He originally thought that the "Great Pope of Earth" was the pinnacle of his ability in the human world, but today...

Seeing the alien kings and heads of state in white linen robes standing respectfully in a row, Van Helsing was filled with emotion, and he had countless emotions that he wanted to say out loud.

And all the emotions can be gathered into one sentence: God, I am about to baptize 23 leaders of higher civilizations. My achievements surpass St. Peter. I turned aliens into believers of the Lord!

"Komandar." The quiet cathedral echoed the loud roll call of his deputy, Sister Gemma.

The ceremony begins!

Pope Van Helsing calmed down and watched Queen Tamaran walk out of the queue with a solemn expression, kneeling on the mat that had been placed in front of the altar.

"All brothers and sisters, please pray for Sister Komandar." He said seriously.

Except for the alien reporters, everyone in the cathedral prayed for Komandar who was baptized according to the rules of baptism.

Afterwards, Van Helsing personally sent blessings and prayers to Komandal.

After completing this stage of the liturgy, he solemnly asked: "Sister Komandar, are you willing to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior?"

"I do." Blackfire said.

Van Helsing said solemnly: "Now I am baptizing you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

He dipped his finger into the silver basin with some holy water and made a cross on the Black Fire Queen's forehead.

The priest next to him handed Blackfire a clean towel.

Blackfire rubbed his face with it.

"This will be a moment that will be remembered forever in history."

In the audience, the Pope standing with the Grand Commander said excitedly.

——How wonderful it would be if the person standing on top to baptize Queen Tamaran was myself!

While he was excited, he was also very envious and sour in his heart.

Just ten years ago, when Van Helsing visited him in Rome, he had to salute him respectfully and kiss the back of his hand. Now he is still in Rome, but "Rome" has become Gotham.

After today, Gotham will not only be the "Rome" of the earth, but also the "Rome" of the galaxy and even the entire universe.

The commander's thoughts were not that complicated, and he just sighed: "Yes, the Lord's faith has spread to the entire universe at once, and the 23 baptized people are all leaders of higher civilizations. What an influence this is!"

"I heard that these new baptized believers will build a cathedral in their capital city? They will pay for the land and construction costs." the pope asked.

"Well, since they have become believers in the Lord, they have to go to the church to pray every now and then. To pray, they cannot do without the cathedral." The commander raised his chin to the statue in front of him and said: "After the baptism is completed, Van Helsing will The clan would give them a chance to choose their deity.

In addition to the required Christ statue, you can also choose one or more from the remaining three. "

The Pope frowned. He always believed that besides the Virgin Mary and Christ, there should be no third statue in the church.

There can be statues of saints, but there is only one God, which can only be the Lord.

But you can’t say this kind of thing, and if you say it, you won’t get everyone’s approval.

The theory that "the Lord is the only true God" has been shattered by reality.

Darkseid of the Apokolips Star is a god, the Heavenly Father of the Genesis Star is also a god, there is a wizard god behind Thunder Shazam, and Dr. Destiny leads a huge Order God System. Everyone knows this.

But he still believes that no matter how many "false gods" there are outside the church, holiness and purity must be maintained inside the church, and there can only be one God, the Lord.

"Now that a church has been established, it must be divided into parishes. Each parish must have an archbishop. I wonder what Admiral Galaxy has arranged?" he asked.

"Harry didn't tell me about this, and I can't help. It depends on what Pope Van Helsing will do next." Seeing the desire in the pope's eyes, the chief asked curiously: "You also have ideas about the bishop of the diocese. ?”

The Pope pondered and said: "The universe is so big, but the scale of the Heavenly Mountain Cult is very limited. I'm afraid that the teaching staff is limited and cannot manage it."

The great commander suddenly realized that the Roman Church wanted to reap the dividends of a wave of "religious interstellarization".

That's right, if the Pope does nothing, according to the current development momentum of the Paradise Mountain Sect, sooner or later the Roman Church will be squeezed out of its survival space.

The Pope continued: “All the Galactic Admiral asks of the alien leader is faith in the Lord.

Only by believing in the Lord can the soul go to the Hero Island after death and then receive the blessing of rebirth.

Therefore, the alien leaders do not have to choose one or more of the three idols to worship, as long as they believe in God. "

The commander's pupils shrank, "I didn't expect you to be so well-informed. Just two days after our secret negotiations with the alien representatives ended, you knew the contents of the talks."

The pope smiled and said nothing.

The commander shook his head and said: "Belief in God can only allow their souls to go to the Hero Island, and belief in Harry can provide her with the power of faith that is enough to open the door to reincarnation.

Therefore, these alien representatives will only join the Heavenly Mountain Sect, and only the Heavenly Mountain Sect can provide them with the blessing of rebirth. "

“We don’t ask much, we just need a parish,” the pope said.

The commander thought for a while and said: "Unless you also enshrine the statue of the God of War, I can't think of a reason for Harley to agree.

In fact, even if she agreed, the alien leader would not agree.

According to the agreement between us, how much faith power they provide, and how many rebirth places Harley provides them.

This power of faith is not in God.

The alien leader must choose at least one of the other three statues.

If alien believers join your Catholic Church, no matter how devout their faith is, it will be a useless effort.

Of course, you must have faith in God.

Halle never thought about starting a new business. She always kept the statue of God front and center. "

After a pause, he said meaningfully: "Her behavior has been recognized by Silver City.

Hero Island is God's reward for her.

Although other gods are enshrined, the Church of Heaven Hill is more formal than yours. "

The Pope said solemnly: "Do you want to see a completely unified Heavenly Mountain Church?"

The commander quickly glanced around and whispered: "The God of War in Heaven is a fact that you cannot change. People all over the world also know it. You can't hide it or lie.

That being the case, why not have a statue of the God of War in every church?

Just like churches of all denominations have Our Lady.

In this way, the Heavenly God of War will no longer be the difference between you and the Heavenly Mountain Sect. "

The pope said: "Some sects really do not recognize the Virgin Mary, or even Christ Jesus."

“Obviously we can create differences with the Heaven Mountain Sect in many places, so why do we have to worry about the ‘Heaven God of War’?

For example, Tesla and I compete for the leadership of the United States.

I won't do anything he does, and he will oppose any point of view I have.

But on things that everyone agrees on, our views will be completely consistent.

Because they deviate from the public, they are destined to be eliminated. "The commander-in-chief said meaningfully.

While the Grand Commander and the Pope were whispering, a dozen alien leaders had already completed their baptism.

After the baptism, they would selectively go to the three statues to pray.

Whoever they choose will mean whose statue they will build in the "Heaven Mountain Church" on their home planet, and they will carry out localized reforms of biblical doctrines for the chosen god.

Well, Hallie didn't force them to copy her New Bible exactly.

After all, races, cultures, and civilizations are all different.

Forcing your own views on others is both arrogant and stupid.

"Hey, I thought Mark was just here for a formality. I didn't expect so many civilizations to choose him." Mirror Master was shocked and puzzled, "What do the aliens think? Advanced civilizations have weather control devices that can be controlled at will. Weather, for them, the God of Thunder, who blesses the earth with good weather, is almost the most useless god."

Captain Leng was also puzzled: "It's okay for them to choose Mark, but why don't many aliens choose the Heavenly War God? The Heavenly War God is obviously stronger."

"Is it possible that the aliens don't want the galactic admiral to expand his faith and influence on their planet?" the piper hesitated.

Captain Leng was stunned for a moment, and then said thoughtfully: "The calculator analyzed that the reason why the alien leader accepted the baptism was to receive the blessing of rebirth.

They only want benefits and do not want their citizens to become followers of the Galactic Admiral.

Many people choose Mark just because Mark is weak enough.

Even we don’t think it’s powerful to control the weather.

Highly civilized people can at best become his shallow believers and not be too superstitious.

To them, a weather wizard's temple might be no different than a city park. "

"Well, it makes sense. But no matter what the reason, Mark has become prosperous this time. He has gained the faith of hundreds of millions of people, and he has truly become a god in mythology." Mirror Master said with envy.

With expectations in his eyes, Folder said: "Brother Mark told me earlier that when he becomes a god, he will not forget our brothers.

When we die in the future, we can go to him and become a 'little grass-headed god'.

Although the body of the 'Little Grass-Headed God' is a little weaker, if he doesn't fight, he is no different from the heroic Grass-Headed God on Heaven Mountain. "

"I don't want to make a living under Mark and be his fool, so why not take refuge with Sister Harley." Mirror Master shook his head.

"You have always wanted to seek refuge with her. For more than ten years, you have been going to Gotham during the holidays, but do people care about you?" Relang said sarcastically.

Mirror Master frowned and said, "You don't understand our friendship! Sister Harley only regards Mark as her subordinate at work, but I am her friend!

Hum, I won’t worry you will be jealous if I tell you. Datou (Doctor of Neurology) and I both got her guarantee.

As long as we don't make big mistakes, even if we encounter misfortune in the future and our souls go to hell, she will arrange a good future for us. "

"What good future can there be in hell?" several villains asked curiously.

The Flash and Green Arrow on the side looked sideways.

"Sister Harley also works part-time as the gatekeeper of Hell Town. She has a group of 'Quin Guards' under her command. The Quin Guards can be considered a demon god with a formal establishment. Isn't it more promising than the little grass-headed god?"

"Tsk~~" Relang raised his middle finger to him and said disdainfully: "What did you think it was? It turned out to be the gatekeeper.

Audiences who have watched Lois Lane's "Nine Hells" series know how desolate hell is.

Even the demons she interviewed bluntly said that the environment in hell was too harsh and they couldn't endure it, so they focused on escaping to the human world.

Looking at the gates of hell, how could you be as happy as following Mark around the universe and the stars? "

Mirror Master sneered: "If you hang out with Mark, you will be a grass-headed god for the rest of your life. The upper limit is there.

I am a member of a hundred households in hell, but under Sister Hallie, I am the biggest.

With Sister Harley's ability, she will dominate hell sooner or later.

When the time comes when the Demon Duke sees me, ‘Sister Harley’s confidant’, he will have to bow and show his respect.

The "Nine Hells" series also said that low-level demons live a hard life, but demon nobles with titles live a luxurious life that is even better than that of human emperors. "

Captain Cold patted him gently and raised his chin forward, "The baptism is over. Follow the team and we are leaving the auditorium."

As Heat Wave walked forward, he whispered: "The baptism is over, the Green Lantern Trial is about to end, and the aliens will soon leave the earth.

Should we take advantage of our last chance to do something big?

For example, kidnapping or robbing an alien leader.

Have you watched the news?

Emma, ​​a 30-year-old single mother with a seven-year-old son, was proposed to by a young, handsome, powerful alien prince again, and the starry sky diamond ring he gave away was valued at US$300 billion!

Fake, the alien taste is really unique, and he is really rich.

Let the "Thunder God" inquire about the information, we should cooperate internally and externally, and we will make a fortune once we do it. "

Just as Captain Cold was about to speak, he glanced at the Flash's contemptuous eyes not far away.

He said duplicitously: "The Great Judgment is the glory of all people on earth. People in the universe are watching the live broadcast. We cannot discredit human civilization."

Heat Wave didn't notice Flash's eyes, and sneered: "The sign of human civilization has long been darkened, and the face of mankind has long been lost to those upper-class people.

The U.S. government, the Pentagon, business giants, the military, government and businessmen are all good, they are all man-eating demons. "

The piper also lamented: “Now the whole universe has seen the ‘Trial of the Green Mountain Tribe’ during the Green Lantern Trial, and they have all heard the tragic cry of the old man Moab.

At that time, five of the 13 prosecutors shed tears, and 12 declared Moab not guilty on the spot in the Sons of Famine case. There were even three prosecutors who wanted our commander-in-chief to sit in the dock.

For the first time as a supervillain, I felt profoundly ashamed.

Watching the process of the Cuishan Tribe Trial was even more embarrassing than watching my mother being fucked by my father. "

Mirror Master nodded and said with a look of approval: "I was so ashamed that I didn't dare to open my eyes. It was as if billions of pairs of eyes in the universe were looking at me with blame and contempt."

"Me too." Even Barry, who was monitoring their criminal plans, couldn't help but reply.

"Shit, Flash, why are you here?" Heat Wave was startled, "Fake, did you hear what I just said?"

"Oh, Earth's civilization has been so embarrassed. Just do it. I'm begging you, don't do anything that will shame all mankind, even if it's for the reputation of our central city." Barry advised earnestly.

"It's shameless anyway, so why not break the jar and throw it away." Relang said, scratching his neck.

Barry rolled his eyes and said, "Don't the Rogue Gang pride themselves on being the 'most elegant and disciplined' criminal organization on earth?

Three months have passed since the start of the Green Light Trial, and there has never been a single super crime incident against alien guests. Even Gotham's villains have suppressed their eagerness to try not to embarrass themselves in front of the aliens.

Everyone understands tacitly that for the honor of the earth, we will not do anything too outrageous.

Are you even worse than Gotham's Riddler and Mr. Freeze? "

"Bullshit!" Captain Leng sneered: "They just didn't rob or rob, but secretly they smuggled alien arms, sold precious biological samples from the earth, sold Du Ping to aliens, and provided tens of thousands of dollars to alien tourists. Cisharp service.

They even used kidnapped earthlings as slaves and sold them to aliens with perverted hobbies at high prices. "

"Are you telling the truth?" Barry asked in surprise.

"Can this matter be false?" Captain Leng asked.

"Very well, please come with us to the Hall of Justice and tell us what you know in detail." Seven or eight figures surrounded him from all directions.


Looking at the expressionless Superheroes, Wonder Woman, Bateman and other superheroes, Captain Cold's face turned green. "What kind of hero is a bully? If you have the guts, go away and let the Rogue Gang and The Flash Duel. Well, the Weather Wizard is one of ours too."

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