I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1547 The alien also wants to be reborn

Harley said: "This is the decision I made after careful consideration. First of all, I help patriots be reborn, not only to praise their patriotic behavior, but also to help friends and give them a more satisfactory future.

You must also understand that many congressmen are not ‘patriots’ enough.

They were able to get a chance to be reborn because they knew me and had a good relationship with me.

I wish them well, but you can see the result.

From General Minos to Roxy to Parker, more than half of them ended badly.

This result was not what I wanted. I felt guilty and frustrated, and I didn’t want to bother with it anymore. "

The commander immediately said excitedly: "Harley, you must not feel guilty, the misfortune of the reborn has nothing to do with you.

As for General Minos, even we never thought that his son and wife would be cruel to him because of property issues.

As for Roxy and the others, their accident this time was purely an accident.

Blame Tesla.

He used his power for personal gain and arbitrarily included foreign spies who were not patriots, or even one of our own, on the "patriot list."

There is a traitor in the team, something no one can predict.

But even if something like this happens, I swear that if Minos, Roxy, and Tim Parker were given the choice again, they would still choose to become reborn. "

He said this with absolute certainty, and he was 100% confident.

The "Hunting of the Reborn" incident certainly frightened them, the living patriots, but at the same time they also saw how effective the "Harley's Reborn Blessing" was.

Roxy became the prince of the emirate. With this identity, status, and favorable political environment, it was easy for him to become a "patriot who loves the United States."

Well, the higher your status, the easier it is to sell your existing country to the United States and become a patriot of the United States.

Not to mention Tim Parker. He failed purely because he was stupid and didn't even understand basic magic knowledge.

If it were them, if they could only eat ten meals for dozens of days but still have enough energy, they would definitely notice abnormalities in their body.

If it were them, they would never commit the biggest taboo among reborn people: exposing their identity at a critical moment that is not life-threatening.

They simply couldn't understand Parker's brain wiring.

In a world where there are gods, miracles, mobile phones, and puppy video networks, gods pretend to come to the world.

Have you read too many third-rate Internet articles and thought you could shock the "NPC natives" by shaking your body or farting?

The commander-in-chief discussed this matter with people countless times, and sighed countless times: That is the son of the devil, the direct grandson of the three devil kings of hell. He was born with eternal life and the most powerful bloodline. If it were him, it would be him.

The idea of ​​"it's me instead" appears in the mind of every powerful person who knows Parker's deeds.

They all sighed like the commander-in-chief.

While feeling regretful, I also feel passionate. My will is firmer than Tim Parker’s. What kind of noble existence can I be reincarnated into?

"Harley, the list of patriots cannot be revoked. No one regrets it, no one blames you. Really, I swear." Rashid also said excitedly.

She also expected to do something great after her death.

Harley sighed: "The Patriot's rebirth and blessing should have been a secret, but now everyone in the universe knows it.

There was a lot of discussion among the people of Earth and the alien media, with many saying that this was unfair to others.

Even to appease the people, this list of patriots should be withdrawn. "

General Lane said: "Everyone complains about unfairness, not that patriots should not receive blessings. The controversy mainly arises in the definition of patriot status.

They believe that those congressmen and wealthy people are not patriots of the United States at all.

If it is a patriot who is truly recognized by all the people, they will only give blessings. "

The commander gave General Lane a complaining look: Do you know how many people this sentence will offend?

“Harley, there were indeed quite a few problems with the last ‘Patriot List’, which was mainly the responsibility of former commander-in-chief Tesla.

He used his power to turn the Patriot List into a business.

Congressman Norton has initiated impeachment against Tesla in Congress over this matter.

Tesla must take full responsibility for this matter, and your blessings and yourself are very good and perfect. "He said softly.

There was hesitation on Harley's face and she didn't speak for a long time.

In fact, she also felt that her "blessing" was very good, so good that she even surprised herself.

The Gate of Reincarnation comes from the second sister of Death, who built it for her personally.

Moreover, when building the reincarnation gate, Harley also made a request to add "good and evil cause and effect" to the reincarnation gate.

The second sister also agreed.

There is reincarnation in the DC universe, but there is no standard rule of "good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil" in reincarnation.

Because there is no standard for good and evil.

When the ancients wrote "Journey to the West", they set up six reincarnations for the underworld. The standard of reincarnation is good and evil merits. The problem is that the good and evil of the ancients in your heaven may not be applicable to modern people.

For example, killing a son to serve his mother became a model of filial piety in ancient times. Guo Ju might become a god because of this great merit.

But in modern society, modern people's concepts of good and evil and values ​​are completely unacceptable to this kind of behavior.

The standards of good and evil are different only because of different eras.

If it is a different country or a different planet, the standards of good and evil will be even more different.

There is no absolute standard of good and evil, and it is impossible to use absolute standards of good and evil to determine the treatment of the soul after death.

The standards of good and evil in the Gate of Reincarnation all come from Harley's own views.

Since the causal system is established based on her standards of good and evil, the ending of the dead ghosts will certainly satisfy Harley.

For example, old Parker turned into a demon and massacred the powerful, but he himself did not end well.

She was very happy to see it and had a very clear idea. She could eat three more bowls of rice tonight.

Of course, the more things you can do to satisfy yourself, the better.

It would be best for all the powerful people in the United States to enter the reincarnation gate and be judged according to her moral standards.

In addition to letting her thoughts flow through, Harley can also take the opportunity to explore the fate and causality of the DC universe.

Although the fate of the reborn person is her choice, when the soul of the dead steps into the door of reincarnation, she can only see the approximate destiny of the afterlife in the cause and effect of good and evil, and then she chooses one from many options.

For example, when General Minos was reborn, Harley only knew that he had a bad fate in the next life and ended up very miserable. She could not predict his experiences after birth. She did not know that he would be separated from this person in his previous life because of the bad things about his property and political inheritance. My family members were harmed.

Another example is Tim Parker. She chose the fate of being the son of the devil for him, but she didn't know who the devil was.

The Gate of Reincarnation contains the supreme law of destiny that she does not understand.

Harley suspects a connection to Big Brother's fate in the Endless family.

In short, the more mice enter the door of reincarnation for her to toss, the deeper her understanding of the laws of fate in the DC universe becomes. In the future, she may become the "True Doctor of Destiny", and she can tell five hundred years before and five thousand years later with just a few clicks. Year.

"Harry, actually I'm mainly looking for you to resolve this diplomatic incident." Seeing that she had been silent and hesitant, the commander simply got to the point.

“The Sons of Famine murdered 235 American tycoons and important officials, and also killed more than 50 direct and collateral members of the Parker family, as well as more than 80 major shareholders and executives of Monsanto Company.

These are internal affairs of the earth and can be digested internally.

But Parker also hated those guests who also attended the party but did not get sick and died, causing the death and injury of 53 alien VIPs. We must give an explanation for this matter.

What the alien ambassadors mean is that they hope you can provide them with a certain amount of ‘rebirth blessing’.”

After saying this, the commander looked at her eagerly.

Harley said with a strange expression: "Aliens also want to be reincarnated?"

"Who doesn't want to? I know there are a lot of trolls and extreme comments on the Internet, but they only hate that the person who has the qualification to be reborn is not them." Datong said.

"Aren't aliens afraid that something tragic like Tim Parker will happen to them?" Harley said.

“Just because they learned that Tim Parker was reborn as the son of the devil, they were ready to take the initiative and approached us to discuss the rebirth quota.

Just because Tim Parker is stupid doesn't mean everyone is stupid. "The commander-in-chief said excitedly.

Harley's face showed hesitation and confusion, "How many places do they want?"

The commander-in-chief was delighted, "You agree?"

Hillard and other dignitaries also looked relaxed.

"Of course they want more, the merrier, but we have to do what we can and not affect our own people. By the way, is there a limit on the number of reincarnation gates?" the commander asked curiously.

“Any magical behavior consumes magic power, and the power to open the door to reincarnation mainly comes from believers’ belief in the ‘God of War in Heaven’.

If the doors could be opened infinitely, I wouldn't make a list of heroes or patriots. It would be more fair for everyone to come if they want. " Harley said.

"Based on the current balance of faith power, what is the approximate upper limit?" the commander asked again.


"How could it be zero? As far as I know, there are four cathedrals run by the Heavenly Mountain Church in Metropolis alone." The chief commander said in shock.

General Lane reminded: "Creating a divine body for the Grass-headed God requires a lot of faith power. It seems that Harley's faith power has been unable to make ends meet over the years."

Harry nodded and said, "It's not impossible for aliens to get blessings, but they have to build the 'Paradise Mountain Cathedral' on their own planet, where Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the God of War are worshiped in the church.

The faith power they consume must be provided by themselves.

Secondly, they have to change their beliefs and believe in God, or one of the gods of war, pox, or thunder. "

"Building a church shouldn't be a big problem, but faith." The commander hesitated and said: "Many alien civilizations have their own beliefs. Can you be accommodating? After all, there is freedom of belief now."

"Without faith, how can their souls go to Hero Island after death? If they don't go to Hero Island, how can they reincarnate?" Harley said.

General Ryan said thoughtfully: "If they still believe in their own gods, their souls after death should return to the kingdom of gods they believe in."

"It turns out there is a requirement for faith. I thought it was enough to just put my name on the list of patriots." The commander frowned and thought for a while, then said doubtfully: "Hussein doesn't seem to believe in God."

"He was also canonized as a holy son by the imam." Rashid added.

"If he was a devout Christian believer, how could his soul go to the Island of Heroes? Even the imam himself is a black magician, so what does the holy son he canonize represent?" General Lane said disapprovingly.

Harley said calmly: "Island of Heroes is a reward given to me by God for my great contribution in the multi-dimensional reboot.

To put it bluntly, Hero Island belongs to the territory of heaven, and the power to guide souls to Hero Island comes from God.

If you don’t believe in God, how can you go to God’s territory?

The standards of merit and sin in the Gate of Reincarnation are also consistent with God’s teachings to a certain extent.

If you don't read the "New Bible" I compiled, if you don't practice virtue, and if you enter the door of reincarnation, you won't have a good background. It's better not to enter.

Therefore, to receive my blessing, you must either convert to God or believe in the devil.

Anyone who has an affair with the devil, no matter which religion he is a holy son of, will have his soul go to hell after death.

Hell also belongs to God's realm.

And belief in God does not necessarily require piety.

As long as you worship Jesus, read the New Bible, and provide a little bit of faith in God, you meet the standards of a believer.

Devout believers go to heaven, half-hearted and not pious ones go to hell, it's that simple. "

"Since it's not too difficult to believe in God, maybe they can accept it. It's okay if they don't accept it." The commander nodded and sighed.

General Ryan's heart moved and he asked: "The souls of the alien VIPs whose souls were devoured by the Sons of Famine have all gone to hell?"

"They were all eaten by demons, where else can they go but to hell?" Harley said matter-of-factly.

The commander's face turned pale, "This matter must be kept secret and must not be known to the alien ambassador."

Half a month later, Gotham.

Outside the Heavenly Mountain Cathedral, in the parking lot.

"Are you here to cause trouble?"

The weather wizard looked at a group of people coming out of the commercial car and said unhappily.

Mirror Master frowned and said: "Are we here to cheer for you, or did you call and send the invitation in person? Why, now that you have become the God of Thunder, do you look down on us old guys?"

"I am the God of Thunder, but God of Thunder is still a member of the Rogue Gang. But today is my big day, why don't you dress more formally? Look around you."

The weather wizard pointed to the guests nearby. The men were in crisp suits and the women were in gorgeous dresses.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable when you are dressed like this?"

Captain Cold looked down at his blue fur-collared down jacket and said with some embarrassment: "We are super villains. We must have our own characteristics and cannot be lost to everyone."

They only rush to attend the "baptism ceremony" and forget that solemn occasions require solemn clothing.

"If we take off our masks, won't our identities be exposed?" said the flute player.

"Take off the mask, put on the suit, don't use the name of the Rogue Gang——"

"Thunder Lord, Thunder Lord~~" A rapid shout came from afar, interrupting the conversation between the weather wizard and his friends.

"Whoosh -" A little golden light streaked across the sky and landed in front of the weather wizard.

"Why are you still here? Lord Harry asked us to return to our positions quickly." The golden light made a quick sound.

"The guests are all here, so we have to return to our seats?" the weather wizard asked in surprise.

"As soon as the guests come in, we have to return to our places. Otherwise, how can we show our majesty without the divine light? If it is not majestic enough, how can the newly baptized aliens choose you and me as the faith of civilization?" Jin Guang said.

"Are you the Pox God?" Mirror Master opened his eyes wide and stared at the golden light and asked.

"Mortal, I am the Goddess of Mercy and Virtue who can save people from diseases and acne. Are you my believer?" The golden light became even brighter, and a sacred aura fell on the Mirror Master.

"I am a companion of your colleague." Mirror Master pointed at the Weather Wizard.

"Believe in me, and there will be no disaster or illness." Xiaodouzi said.

Mirror Master sneered and said, "I believe in Sister Harley."

"Yeah, very discerning." Xiaodouzi praised.

The weather wizard said: "Empress of the Pox God, you go first, I will be back soon."

"Hurry up."

"Do we still need to change clothes?" Captain Leng took out his mobile phone and said, "Maybe we can ask the Men's Clothing Store to send us some suits."

Men's Clothing Store is a clothing rental APP that provides 2-hour city-wide delivery service.

"It's too late to change clothes, you go in quickly." The weather wizard said helplessly.

After saying that, his body disappeared and turned into a ball of white smoke, which quickly dissipated in front of everyone.

"As expected of the God of Weather, he even changed his walking style into turning into mist and flying away, which is quite impressive." Mirror Master said sourly.

"Not only can he turn into fog, he also gave me a practice last time to transform into rain, fog, thunder, fire, ice and other forms. It's very powerful." Relang said.

"It's not that he is great, it's Sister Harley who is. Without her power and guidance, Mark would still be a third-rate wizard." Mirror Master said.

"Let's go, the ceremony is about to begin." Captain Leng said.

After entering the cathedral, everyone in the Rogue Gang immediately began to regret not changing into formal suits.

Their clothes are too different and eye-catching.

Thousands of people came to the scene, including earthly dignitaries and many alien guests.

The key is that the alien reporter also came, with a camera.

Now, their eyes and cameras are focused on them.

"Fake, I want to leave." Heat wave lowered his head and muttered.

"Do not talk."

Captain Leng endured his discomfort, held his head high and led the brothers to the upper left corner.

"Hehehehe" there was a chuckle from the side.

They turned around and saw a familiar man, Barry, a man in a suit wearing a mask.

"It's the Flash. He's so shameless that he wears a suit over his uniform." Trickster cursed.

"Oh, I was really careless this time." Captain Leng sighed helplessly.

"Hey, look -" Mirror Master pointed at the statue in front of him and said in surprise: "It's Mark!"

In the huge church that can accommodate 5,000 people praying at the same time, Jesus crucified on the cross is placed in the center of the front desk, just like in ordinary churches.

But behind Jesus, there are three smaller statues of gods.

The statue of the God of War made of heavenly silver is in the middle. On the left is a large medicine pot, representing small beans, and on the right is a statue of a man surrounded by celestial phenomena such as rain, thunder, fog, wind, etc.

Looking at the man's face, it was obvious that he was an old friend and brother of the Rogue Gang, Mark Madon!

"Today we will know the majesty of becoming a god." Master Mirror Image's mouth began to boil with acid again.

"Mark is on the statue now?" Heat wave asked curiously.

"That should be the case. He created all the celestial phenomena around the statue to fool people," Captain Leng said.

"Mark is not fooling people. After nearly a year of training in the galaxy, he can barely control the weather cycle of a continent.

Otherwise, the Galaxy Admiral would not have allowed him to appear at today's alien christening ceremony. " said the flute player.

"Shh, stop talking. Aliens are coming and the baptism is about to begin."

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