I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 157 Harley’s first exorcism experience

Jersey City.

In the evening, heavy rain is coming.

The sky is like the face of a husband who discovered his wife cheating on someone else, green and black, full of anger.

The black Audi S8 turned into an old and dirty street. The tires drove on the bumpy cement floor for about ten minutes. After crushing the bulging belly of a dead cat, it slowly stopped at the entrance of a four-story nightclub.

There were more than a dozen cars of various types parked on both sides of the road, and the exciting music penetrated through the windows and wooden doors and broke into the ears of pedestrians on the street.

"Is it here?" Harley asked, tilting her head from the driver's seat.

The way she dressed today was similar to the day she accompanied Lao Kamai to meet Fish.

A loose hip-hop style bulletproof fabric T-shirt, jeans replaced by hot pants, and a pair of fashionable zebra striped sneakers.

Don't blame her for cherishing her life, she really has too many enemies, and like a second shoe that has not yet landed, she has always known that the Crusaders hired a murderer to kill her, but the assassin has never been seen.

Therefore, whenever she leaves the fighting arena protected by dozens of younger brothers, she will wear clothing made of bulletproof fabrics.

"Casanova nightclub shit, it smells so bad, what did it hit?"

Constantine in the back seat opened the door and stuck his head out, holding his nose and cursing.

"This neighborhood." Harry turned around and looked around. This neighborhood was as barren and dirty as Bali Street.

"This is it." Constantine said after confirming the sign above the nightclub again and again.

After Harley got out of the car, she lowered her head to check the wheels. Suddenly she looked at the right rear wheel and said, "Constantine, come here and take a look."

"Is this the body of a cat or a dog? The stench comes from here, and Jersey City is considered a big city. Why is it that the corpses stink and no one cleans them up?" Constantine frowned.

"You didn't feel it? There is a faint breath of hell." Harley glanced at him, "This cat may have died in the hands of the devil, and its soul and life force were sucked away, so it rotted quickly."

Constantine's expression condensed, he stretched out his right hand, dipped his index finger into the green-brown meat paste, then put it in his mouth, making a "squeaking" sound.

"Ugh—" Harley took a few steps back and looked at him with a frightened look.

"Zed, do you still dare to kiss him?" she said to the gentle woman who came over.

Zed's expression was normal. He only glanced at the tires curiously, then turned to stare at the nightclub with roaring music.

"There have been people who have been practicing black magic in nightclubs for a very long time," she said.

Having had enough instigation, Constantine spat a stinky, gray spit on the ground, nodded and said: "Cats are the most common sacrifice.

This cat was unlucky enough to run into a certain ghost. "

Then, he smiled again, "I'm sure, this is Alex Logue's new home."

"What's new?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"He originally lived in Newcastle and just moved here a few years ago. Of course it's a new home."

Constantine explained as he walked to the nightclub: "Decades ago, didn't you get a giant alien octopus (Pharaoh from "Watchmen")?

Telepathy killed millions of people and vacated most of the city's buildings.

Even the prosperous Manhattan has been desolate for several years. No one dared to move here, but city residents continued to move out. They were all afraid of the second wave of attacks.

The American government needed a large number of immigrants to fill this city, so it went to old Europe to find poor people who were not afraid of death.

In order to get a free house and a huge living allowance, Alex's father responded to the call and moved his family to Jersey City.

However, Old Logue was also afraid that the alien octopus would destroy his family, so he left his son Alex in his hometown of Newcastle under the care of his father.

Alex is ten years older than me, very talented, and has made a name for himself in the British wizarding community early on.

When Chas and I were fifteen, we apprenticed with him for a summer.

Aside from being a womanizer and a drinker, he was an almost perfect friend.

Four years ago, old Locke died of illness, and Alex moved here to inherit the family property. "

Several people were talking and had already entered the nightclub.

Stepping through the door felt like entering another world. The noise and brilliance were like a tsunami, full of pressing pressure, covering the three of them.

The DJ with colorful long hair on the stage was swinging wildly.

The music seemed to be bombarding my ears.

Men and women, dressed in cool clothes, single or double, enter a state of selflessness, leaving behind the worries and constraints of the world.

At least for this moment, they were completely free.

The three of them did not go to the dance floor, but passed several wine tables and went straight to the bar.

There were several strong men wearing riveted leather vests chatting and drinking, and a green man was lying on the table sucking a "white line".

"Wow, a pretty boy and two beauties, where did you come from?" After catching a glimpse of the three of them, two "rednecks" whistled and stood up, eager to try.

The others also followed suit, their eyes full of banter and lewdness.

Constantine took a step forward and protected the two girls behind him. Just when he was about to call his old friend's name, the green-haired black man who sucked the white line raised his head and glanced at Harley with only one eye hazy, then his expression changed drastically and he screamed. Speak out: "Shit, Witch Harley! It's Sister Harley, Doug, Dick, don't be stupid."

"Witch Harley?" The expressions of several gangsters immediately changed, and the "red neck" also turned pale.

"Sister Harley, I'm sorry, I drank too much and didn't recognize you." Their voices were trembling.

Constantine, who was preparing to heroically protect his beauty, stayed where he was, confused by the strong contrast in attitude.

Harry looked past Constantine, glanced around the bar, and said calmly: "Is the boss Alex Logue here?"

The bartender behind the bar stammered: "Sister Harley, hello, Boss Alex is having a silver party in the underground dance hall."

The green-haired man jumped up to Harley, nodded and said: "I am Robin, 'Ironhead' Robin, and my blasting skills are not inferior to those of the Bomber (the bomber who bombed the munitions factory earlier and killed 120 million old Camais). ), and I went to the fighting arena to participate in the 'boxer selection' half a month ago, sister Harley, do you still remember?"

"Forgot." Harley said simply, directly and casually.

Lu Mao's face stiffened for a moment, then he smiled and said: "No wonder, there were 20 friends who went there that day, Sister Harley——"

"Don't block the way." Harley waved her hand impatiently.

The green-haired Robin stepped back a few steps, moved out of the way, and said flatteringly: "How about I help the eldest sister call old Luoge over?"

"Don't call me eldest sister, you don't deserve it."

At this moment, Harley was not alone. Brother Huanxi and Brother Pain were with her.

The green-haired Robin's face trembled, and he wanted to show a resentful expression in his heart, but the remaining consciousness after flying high forced a humble smile on his face.

The whole black face was distorted and weird.

"Sorry to bother you, Sister Harley."

He bowed and retreated to the bar.

The other people around him all had cautious expressions and their eyes flickered from side to side.

No one spoke, the dance hall was noisy, but they felt inexplicably quiet here.

Constantine felt that Harley had gone too far and made the atmosphere so stiff and awkward.

"Come here and lead the way."

Harley took the initiative at this time, hooked her fingers at the bartender, and gave an order casually.

"Okay, Sister Harley." The bartender put down the cup and towel, hurriedly opened the small door and ran out.

"I'm afraid those guys will shoot us half-way."

Walking on the stairs to the first floor, Constantine complained.

"They don't dare." Harley said calmly.

"He is as respectful as a pug in front of you, why do you have to be so mean." He wondered.

"If I put a mask on my face when facing that kind of pleasure, and pretend to deal with it against my will, what kind of boss would I be?" Harley said disapprovingly.

Constantine was speechless.

The bartender tried his best to pretend that he was deaf, walked to the basement door in silence, and then whispered: "Sister Harley, I probably can only bring you here.

Boss Locke once sternly warned us not to come to the first floor, let alone touch the door without being summoned. "

After hesitating for a moment, he lowered his voice and said: "It seems to be related to black magic."

Harry took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket, stuffed it into his shirt pocket, waved his hand and said, "You go ahead, we'll call the door ourselves."

"Thank you, Sister Harley!" The bartender looked grateful and bowed several times before turning and leaving.

Constantine subconsciously touched his shriveled trouser pocket and said with envy: "You are so generous. I have never seen anyone tip with hundred-dollar bills."

"You saw it today!"

Harry took a step forward and was about to knock on the door, but Constantine immediately stopped him: "Don't touch the door, there is a little trap."

He took a step forward, put his index and middle fingers together into sword fingers, pressed them between his eyebrows, and recited a few ancient Celtic phrases.

Then Harley saw white lights the size of fireflies glowing from his fingers.

"You really have magic power!" She asked curiously: "At what age did you awaken your magic power?"

"15 years old? I'm not sure, because my talent is not very good and my magic power is very thin."

Constantine said while tapping his fluorescent sword finger here and there on the door.

A faint red light and magic runes flashed, and the two iron-wrapped doors opened automatically.

The next moment, Harley's expression changed drastically. In addition to the noise of heavy metal music, there was also the smell of blood hitting her face.

It was pungent and fishy, ​​and the smell almost solidified into a substance that could be chewed with teeth, almost overwhelming her consciousness.

When Harley was a street child, she often walked in the dark and remote alleys of Gotham. One time she passed a slaughterhouse. Americans don't eat offal parts, nor do they nibble off the edges like heads. It's very wasteful.

More than a dozen butchers in that slaughterhouse were busy dismantling the bones, throwing the cow heads, internal organs, big bones, fascia, and scraps of meat with pale eyes in the corner, and piled them together, oozing black and red The blood flowed into a stream, and a cloud of flies fell.

Now, she saw a similar scene again.

But this time it was not the cattle or sheep that were cut into pieces, but people!

The "parts" of dozens of people piled up into a small wet lake in the center of the hall with flickering ambiguous lights.

"Ugh!" British girl Zed vomited.

"Ugh - burpee!" Constantine's legs were so weak that they turned into noodles. He walked crookedly for a few steps and then fell to the ground, vomiting.

"No, please, just drive. God!"

The little girl's pleading came from deep in the hall.

The voice is fragile and pitiful.

"Snort, snore"

The girl was panting rapidly, and her delicate female voice became high-pitched, rough, and harsh, "Hahahaha, ahhahahaha, that's it, get happy and dance."

Harley's pretty face turned pale, but her eyes were particularly sharp. She stepped forward and looked at the place where the sound came from.

In front of the body parts and rotten flesh was a small stage, similar in layout to the ballroom on the first floor.

It can be guessed that this place was originally an extremely private small nightclub.

An eleven or twelve-year-old girl, with messy blond hair and a naked body, danced ballet on the stage.

Her movements were extremely graceful, with a kind of "art almost Tao" rhythm, and Harry was stunned.

Suddenly, the Level 2 Will Defense Specialty was activated, and Harry felt a stream of cold water pouring down on his head, and he suddenly woke up.

Then, she was shocked to find that she was also in a ballet posture.

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