I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 156 Constantine and Zedd (please subscribe, please vote)

To Cobot, the old godfather only comforted him with a few words and handed over Fish's property to him on the spot.

Cobot accepted the old man's gift with a smile.

That afternoon, Kamai Sr. called Maroney and invited him to come over for a get-together.

At night, Maroni brought only two younger brothers and entered the old Camai's manor without any precautions.

Regarding the Copot undercover and Harley's sudden killing incident in the morning, Old Kamai first apologized and then took the guests to the basement.

Through the glass window, you can see an old man with gray hair, naked and naked, being whipped by a woman wearing only sexy black leather underwear.

It’s the S and M scene.

"You should know him, right?" Old Kamai said with a smile while smoking a cigar.

"Justice Cousins!?" Maroney said in surprise.

Old Camai looked leisurely and said slowly: "The former Justice Payton (Chapter 97 and 98) was removed from his post first because of Harley's exposure of the Crusaders' bad things, and then Died again in an 'accident'.

This Cousins ​​just came from Washington two months ago. He has a tough and upright style. He has made trouble for you many times and caused you heavy losses, right? "

Maroni turned around, looked at Old Kamai with squinted eyes, and said, "Are you going to kill him to vent your anger on me as the price for me letting Cobot go?"

Falcone's old eyes flashed with undetectable contempt, still smiling, and said slowly: "Ever since I learned that he was coming to Gotham to take charge of the state Supreme Court, I have been searching for his information.

Alas, he is upright and honest, hates evil as much as he hates evil. He has been fighting criminals for thirty-five years. He is neither greedy for money nor lustful. He has no record of bending the law for personal gain or accepting bribes.

It's the most difficult category to deal with. "

"Now this is..." Maroney pointed to the restricted scene in the room. Although the old judge kept screaming, he didn't look very painful?

"It doesn't look like it's fake." He frowned.

"Of course we can't fake it. If we force him to take some videos, not only will it not be used as a handle to blackmail him, but it will become evidence of our crime.

This all has historical lessons. Therefore, it must be true. "Old Kamai said seriously.

"But you said before that he was upright and honest, not lewd." Maroni became more and more confused.

"Yes, he has almost no flaws. He is the legendary Qingtian Lord who is selfless and prays for the people." Old Kamai sighed.

Then, his tone changed and he said proudly: "Fortunately, I have a lot of capable people here. They spent two months and finally helped him develop a little hobby - last night at the Waldorf Astoria (luxury five-star hotel) Hotel), we recorded the entire process of him being ridden by a young bastard."

"What?" Maroni yelled.

Old Kamai glanced at Harry, who was following behind him and remained silent, and said meaningfully: "As humans, we will make mistakes, because God did not create a perfect creation at all.

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden both had desires.

Can this sinful country like the United States be compared to the Garden of Eden?

Can Cousins ​​be holier than Adam and Eve?

He doesn't make mistakes just because he doesn't have the opportunity to be impulsive.

If there is no chance, we will help him create opportunities.

And that young kid is a high school student from a public middle school in Gotham. He is only 16 years old this year, so Cousins ​​has completely fallen into my hands!

However, after breaking his taboo and thoroughly recognizing his true nature, he was only depressed for a while, and then he began to enjoy it and even explored new fun on his own.

We did not sin, we just played the role of the ‘serpent’ in the Garden of Eden (Satan transformed into a snake and tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit).

There is no need for us to blame ourselves or feel any psychological burden. Even the Garden of Eden has snakes, but this is Gotham! "

Yes, this is Gotham.

He had been an upright official in other places all his life, but he had fallen into depravity only after coming to Gotham for more than two months.

"So?" Maroni asked with a frown.

"Now, he is yours." Falcone extended his hand as an invitation, "I will give you a complete set of his videotapes, and you can also go in and whip him a few times to vent your anger.

Not only will he no longer embarrass you from now on, but he will be able to help you solve your problems.

Wouldn’t it be a loss to replace the Supreme Court and Supreme Court Justice with a little penguin? "

Maroni raised the corners of his mouth and gradually laughed.

"Kamai, your words are still so convincing! The penguin is yours."

Old Kamai looked at his big mouth with half of his front teeth missing, his eyelids twitched slightly, and he smiled and said, "Want to have a drink now?"

"Let's see what good wine you have come up with tonight, Kamai!"

The two left arm in arm.

The double agent Copper's problem is solved, and Gotham returns to its former peace.

"Wow, your Gotham is so chaotic!"

The No. 1 fighting arena in the world, at the bar on the second floor, Constantine held up a newspaper and shouted in surprise.

"What other case is there?" Harley asked curiously.

Well, here comes Constantine.

In addition to him, there is also the bearded Chas, and the shy blonde Zed.

Chas drove the Ford 12-seater van provided by Harley and went to the airport to pick up Richie and the others.

When they met for the first time, both sides saw a little surprise in each other's eyes.

Harley's appearance, figure and temperament are all outstanding, and it's normal for Constantine to be stunning.

But Harley never imagined that Zha Kang could be so handsome when he was young.

It's not the long face of Keanu Reeves, but a bit like the young DiCaprio, with blond hair and blue eyes, a fair face without beard, full of collagen, full of vitality and vigor.

However, when he took out his lighter and lit a cigarette, his sharp eyes and slightly decadent temperament were a bit like Keanu Reeves in "Hell Detective".

His female companion Zed is also stunning. She has a typical British beauty appearance, with big eyes, a high nose, and three-dimensional and deep facial features, a bit like a gentle and calm version of Beckinsale.

"The electrocutor used the super motor he invented to turn the entire old city police station into a Tesla coil. Electric arcs flew around and the entire GCPD was wiped out. Fortunately, the heroic detective Jim Gordon put on plastic boots and a plastic jacket in advance." Constantine read to the newspaper.

"It's old news from a few days ago." Harley said disapprovingly.

"I know, it says on it - the electrocutor was arrested, and then a 'fear killer' appeared. The faces of those who were killed were full of fear, and Gotham continued to be panic-stricken.

Fear of the killer or something, I'm not surprised.

But would it be too exaggerated to electrocute the entire police station?

I rarely hear of criminals who dare to attack the police.

This giant electrocutor broke into the police station alone and almost succeeded in wiping out the GCPD, which was simply horrifying. "Constantine said in shock.

"Hmm" Harley didn't know what to say.

The beautiful girl Zed looked at her with a complicated expression and said, "John likes to make a fuss. Harley was much better than the electrocutor back then."

"Uh, yes." Constantine was a little embarrassed.

"Zed, what do you do? Did you know me before?"

From the moment they first met, Harley felt that the British beauty looked at her in a strange way.

"I'm a fortune teller, and I saw you on TV every day for a while."

"Hi, Harley!"

When Harley was about to ask again, Ivy came over with Jim Gordon, who looked embarrassed.

Harry raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "Inspector Gordon, are you here to find me?"

"I have something to ask you." Gordon glanced at Constantine and Zed beside him, but hesitated to speak.

Harley smiled and said: "John, Ivy is also a mage, a plant mage. Let's talk first."

After taking Gordon to the corner table, she frowned and said, "You're not here to investigate the case, are you?"

Gordon nodded solemnly and explained: "Two days ago, a murder occurred in a small meat processing factory on Bali Street. A middle-aged man was hung on a hook like a pig.

It is not hidden, but seems to be showing and threatening.”

After hesitating for a moment, he whispered: "I found that the heels of his leather shoes were hollow. After twisting them open, there were bags of packed Du Ping, each bag contains 3 grams."

Harley smiled and said: "Small drug dealers like this can be found on any street in Gotham. For example, there are two vendors stationed outside my fighting arena.

I can even guess the cause of his death - embezzling money from a secondary dealer. "

"I can find out everything you mentioned, but..." Gordon's voice was even lower, "After asking the neighbors nearby, I found an eyewitness in a grocery store.

An old Korean man said he saw someone walking out of the back door of the processing plant at the time of the incident.

He also agreed to help identify the suspect. "

To identify a suspect, the police bring people with bad records who are near the crime scene or who appear nearby to the police station, stand in a row, and let witnesses identify them.

Such plots are often seen in Hong Kong and American movies.

"Is the Korean uncle so stupid?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Stupid?" Gordon was confused.

"If you're not an idiot, why did you admit that you saw it and enthusiastically go to the police station to be a witness?"

"Isn't it the duty of law-abiding citizens to cooperate with the police in investigating cases?" Gordon said unhappily.

Harry's heart moved and he guessed: "The old man died. He died in the police station. It was someone from the GCPD who did it."

Gordon was stunned, "You, you actually placed an undercover agent in the police station?"

"It's a beautiful thought."

"Imagine...beautiful?" Gordon was puzzled.

"The GCPD takes the initiative to submit your resume to me and asks me to pick one out of ten. You want to teach me to train undercover agents with the same prudence as someone who visits a thatched cottage. Don't you think too highly of yourselves?" Harley said sarcastically.

Gordon's face turned red, ashamed and angry.

"You've gone too far."

"This is indeed a bit cruel for a police detective like you." Harry nodded in agreement, then changed the topic and said with a smile, "But I am telling the truth."

Gordon wanted to vomit blood.

“The old man had been staying in South Korea and was brought here by his son three months ago.

Mr. Zhao was a filial son. When he saw his father died tragically at the police station, he cried and fainted on the spot.

I feel sorry for him, and I can only work hard to solve the case and try to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible, so as to comfort the old man's spirit in heaven. "He sighed.

"Let me tell you, how could the old man of Gotham believe in the GCPD? It turns out."

"That's not the point!" Gordon said excitedly: "The death of Mr. Zhao shows that someone in the police station colluded with drug dealers."

"Uh, you didn't know?"

"If you are referring to the rumors of drug trafficking by the GCPD, I have heard of it, but I don't know the specific circumstances.

I know that when you were on Bali Street, you had a conflict with a drug dealer. That was the time Harvey and I came to find you. "Gordon stared at Harley with burning eyes.

"Have you asked your partner?" Harley asked.

"He kept repeating the same old tune, telling me not to be a hero, telling me not to care about anything."

Harley said meaningfully: "Think about it with your brain, who in the police station is most likely to have access to Du Ping."

After saying that, she left, leaving Gordon who was deep in thought.

The next day, news came from the police station that Chief Luo had dismissed Detective Gordon from his position and demoted him to a security guard at Arkham Asylum on the charge of "beating a colleague."

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