I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1541 Hunting the Reborn

"How do you know so clearly that you even know the number of American soldiers you have eaten?" Harley asked doubtfully.

General Lane explained: “Roxy II’s father, Mohammed, was a very powerful prince in the emirate.

Although he is a side branch, he and the king are very close in blood and are cousins.

The key king trusted him very much and entrusted him with important tasks.

Because of his huge influence in the emirate and because of the emirate's important position in the Middle East, Mohammed has long been the focus of the CIA.

To put it simply, our people are with him and are his confidants.

Our people witnessed Muhammad handing over his newborn eldest son to a Sanban imam.

The imam named ‘Shan Ji’ is from the Cold Flame Holy See. By the way, Harry, do you know about the Cold Flame Holy See? The world's most powerful magic organization formed by a group of magic masters. "

"The Cold Flame Holy See is the most powerful magic organization? General Lane, you are really ignorant." Ivy said with a smile.

General Lane raised his eyebrows and said: "I know that the Order God System behind Doctor Destiny and the Wizards Council behind the Shazam Family are extremely powerful, but they have very little impact on the mortal world.

For example, the imam is just a regional officer of the Lengyan Holy See, but in the emirate he is as revered as a national teacher.

In the metropolis, there are often masters from the Lengyan Holy See attending various secret gatherings of the upper class as guests.

I met the Sargon Witch at least three times, at fancy banquets. "

Speaking of this, he sighed deeply and said with emotion: "The world now is really different from 20 years ago.

Heaven and hell are no longer illusions.

Spirits and magic are all around us, within our reach.

There are many real-life examples of immortality and eternal youth.

Of course, rich and powerful people want to seek immortality and pursue mysterious magical powers. "

"I'm going too far." Harley reminded lightly.

"Oh, I emphasize the origin of Imam Lengyan Holy See because I want you to understand his ability. He is proficient in the black magic of communicating with demons in hell. He is clearly called 'Lengyan Holy See', but it has nothing to do with heaven. Instead, what he is best at is Hell summons, so weird.”

"It's not surprising." Harry said with a smile: "At the beginning of the establishment of the Cold Flame Holy See, it was indeed favored by several archangels, and they had at least two sacred relics - the certificates of the mercenaries in heaven.

Much of their magic comes from heaven.

Later, there was a rebellion in heaven. When the masters of the Lengyan Holy See saw that I had led the heroes to join Lucifer Desire, who came to Gotham in his true form, they also wanted to join the ranks of the dragons.

As a result, as soon as they surrendered, I tied up Lucifer Desire.

After that, those masters naturally lost the favor from the archangel in heaven.

Now he can only completely abandon the light and turn to darkness, and serve the fallen angels of hell. "

"So that's it." General Lane suddenly realized, and continued: "The benevolent imam told Muhammad about the Witch Harley. Well, it's you. He said that you are very powerful, and that you are the contemporary second only to the God King of Order Nabu. The first magic god——"

Harry immediately raised his hand to interrupt him and said: "That third-rate black magician is talking nonsense, I will be the God King soon, why should Nabu compete with me?

Now, I am the well-deserved first wizard god in the human race. "

"It's hard to say in terms of realm, but in terms of power and practicality, your thick-skin magic is inferior to order magic." General Lane said.

"Realm is everything, fancy magic tricks are of no use." Harley said.

"But as far as I know, a mage can't conquer ten levels with one force. Magic is more about technique than gravity. Skilled mage often uses novel tricks invented by himself to play with powerful gods or demons, such as the famous Constantine. ." General Lane said.

"Constantine can take advantage of the loopholes in the rules to trick the devil ten thousand times, but as long as he misses once, he will be crushed to pieces by the devil, and his soul will become the devil's trophy."

General Ryan rubbed his nose and stopped arguing with her about the magical realm.

He was a Muggle, but she was almost a God-King. The gap was too big.

"In short, you are strong and have a high level. The blessing of power you leave on the reborn person may be insignificant to you personally, but it is very attractive to other beings.

Sacrificing a higher demon with your blessed reborn can yield great rewards.

Muhammad was moved and sacrificed Roxy II, who had murdered his son, to the devil Ibrahim.

The whole process was extremely bloody and brutal.

Roxy cried and begged crazily, but she couldn't even speak clearly. Her soul was pulled out of the baby's body, and it turned out that it was not Roxy, but a baby boy with the same appearance as her physical body. General Lane said with a shocked expression.

"Alas, I have said it from the beginning, this kind of rebirth is not a body-taking, nor a possession by evil spirits in evil black magic." Harley sighed: "Roxy is the son of Muhammad.

Even if the eldest brother of the Endless Family, 'Destiny', is called, the relationship between the two characters recorded in his "Book of Destiny" is still that of father and son.

It's just that with the blessing of my power, the reborn person has maintained the memory of his previous life.

If you don’t know about the Gate of Reincarnation, you can read the famous Chinese book "Journey to the West".

To be disrespectful, as the ‘god of death’ personally designated by Lady Death, I am more authentic than God Brother in the field of death. "

"I have read "Journey to the West" and know the Gate of Reincarnation very well. Not only do I understand it, but everyone also understands it, but the psychological hurdle is difficult to overcome.

Anyway, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to accept that my children are second-hand skin-changers.

Even if I truly treat them as my son and daughter, will they regard me as their biological father instead of a long-term meal ticket and a stepping stone in their career?

If you give them a bowl of Meng Po soup, I think the situation will be much better. "General Lane said.

"I do have Meng Po soup, but they don't drink it." Harley sighed.

General Lane also sighed. If it were him, he wouldn't want to lose the memories and emotions of his previous life. That would be no different from death.

"Ibus is cruel. Its nails are sharper than daggers. It tore the soul of the little prince Roxy to pieces like a doll. It wants to find you in her soul to leave behind the 'magic power of reincarnation.' .

It found it, was amazed, was so greedy, and drooled.

The saliva flowing down was like concentrated sulfuric acid, corroding the ground into a gurgling sulfur-smelling mist, which was terrifying.

The secret agent was so scared that he almost peed.

But he didn't reveal his identity because the others were just as miserable as he was.

Roxy was conscious throughout the entire process, wailing in pain, but unfortunately the devil had no mercy.

Later, he put her in his mouth and chewed it like sugar cane, trying to squeeze out the magical power from his soul.

The sacrificial ceremony lasted all night. The demon Ibius was very happy when he left. He sewed up the damaged soul of Roxy, put it into her little body, infused it with the power of the demon, and twisted it into a A resentful baby whose whole body was on fire.

Later, the resentful infant fell into the hands of a terrorist organization that was hostile to us. Its leader controlled it to raid one of our outposts and chewed up thirty American soldiers alive. It was too cruel and arrogant. "

Harley pondered and said: "This matter can be left to the agents of the Bureau of Shadows. The Hatred Infant Demon is only powerful against ordinary people, and most mages can handle it."

General Lane said: "If it's just the resentful infant demon, I don't have to rush to find you.

Roxy has too many secrets of the United States.

The black magician who has mastered the Evil Infant Demon can easily read the memories in her mind.

In fact, they are already doing this.

Roxy had emptied all her life savings, a total of $2.5 billion.

2.5 billion US dollars is nothing, but some confidential information is very important and must not fall into the hands of others. "

"Roxy is not the commander-in-chief. She may know a lot of secrets, but it's not like that." Harley's heart moved, she looked up at him and asked, "Does Roxy control a lot of dark information about big bosses?"

General Lane nodded awkwardly, "She has been involved in politics for more than half a century and knows too many things. Once those things are exposed, many people will die.

Of course, the military and political secrets of the United States are also very important. If it were made public, it could cost half the life of the United States.

What is even more terrifying is that Hussein betrayed all the reborn people.

Roxy was just one of the targets.

I simply can’t imagine the scene where senior officials such as the Minister of Defense, Secretary of State, Speaker, Deputy Commander-in-Chief, etc. collectively fell. It’s too terrifying. "

"Why did Hussein do this? He is also a reborn person. Is he a spy specially placed among the 'patriots'?" Ivy asked confused.

General Lane shook his head and said: "We haven't found the reason why he betrayed everyone, but we can confirm that he was not harmed after self-exposure. Instead, he was declared a holy son by a great imam and has been sent to the Cold Flame Holy See. Become a magic apprentice."

"Hussein was recommended to Hero Island by Tesla, the former commander-in-chief. What did Tesla say?" Harley asked.

General Lane said angrily: "He pushed it very cleanly. He only said that he was fooling the devil at the time - after the person dies, even if you are kicked out of the Hero Island, you can't cause trouble to the United States, let alone publicize this matter.

After all, it will be decades later.

Unexpectedly, Hussein also came to the metropolis to watch the grand trial and participated in a high-level alien party. He soon fell ill and died.

Tesla would never have imagined that you would allow a person without a Patriotic Medal to enter the reincarnation gate. "

"I never imagined that his majestic commander would actually play with the credibility of the United States." Harley said coldly.

"He must be responsible for this matter, but Roxy and Hussein must be dealt with immediately." General Lane said seriously.

"How to deal with it?" Harley asked.

General Lane lowered his eyes and said quietly: "What they mean is to let her be completely freed and wiped out in ashes."

Harley didn't ask who "they" were, and just wondered: "Why are you looking for me? The Shadow Bureau is fully capable of handling such a trivial matter."

“The Bureau of Shadows’ abilities are average, so their actions are bound to be huge and eye-catching, and the agents of the Bureau of Shadows have serious superhero plots and may do some unharmonious things.

Can you use the reincarnation seal to control their souls and make them fly away with a single thought? Clean and neat, and very secretive. "General Lane looked forward to it.

Harry shook his head and said: "Except for the special laws in Limbo Prison, no one can make a soul fly away.

Even the soul eaten by a demon will become a part of its body and can be divided. "

In the Chinese-style fairy world, it seems easy to lose your soul.

The rules of the DC universe are special, and the "power" that makes souls fly away has always been in Limbo's hands. It is difficult for outsiders to learn and control this law.

If Harley wants to make a person's soul disappear, he must first eliminate the fetters of faith on his soul, which means blocking the Kingdom of God's pull on his soul, and then take him to the depths of Limbo and "press down" him to dissipate.

This is how she dealt with the remnant soul of her grandfather in this life.

Compared with falling into hell, dissipating naturally in Limbo is definitely a blessing.

A few more days passed.


Mr. Parker is in pain now, not because he is sick. In this life, his body is very healthy, and the feeling of vitality makes him intoxicated with himself for a long time, until the mother in this life stops feeding him for a long time.

His pain came from hunger.

It has been almost a month since he was born, but he has not eaten more than ten times.

Every time I eat it, it's still corn mush.

It's too poor here, and his family is too poor.

He was born in a place called "Green Mountain" in southern Africa.

Most Americans have never heard of its name, and even more Americans don't know the status of this place, but Parker knows.

By coincidence, his company has a biological laboratory nearby that specializes in genetically modified seeds.

The reason why the laboratory is built here is because the genes grafted into the crops come from alien planets, and the risks are unknown. Well, we know it now.

The alien plant genes are very overbearing. In just two years, the fertility of this land has been completely drained. Even the water sources have begun to dry up in large areas. The crops grown are inedible - they are edible, but they have been eaten by the locals. , but more than 70% of the residents suffer from genetic diseases that cause permanent mental decline and muscle atrophy and inactivation.

The green mountains turned into bare loess mountains.

However, with the help of White House officials and friends in the media, he successfully suppressed the news of the "Change in Cuishan". Five years later, outsiders have no idea what happened here.

In order to suppress the news, he even prevented locals from seeking food aid from international organizations.

After all, when the international organizations that transport food come in, won’t the genetically modified experiments be exposed?

But now, he was reborn and came to Cuishan.

"Obviously when I entered the Gate of Reincarnation, I gave out the strongest cry - I will enter the Gate of Elites in the next life and hold great power to control the world.

Why are you so poor?

Is it because Harley Quinn's expression weakens the blessing effect of the 'Third Class'? "

When reborn, those who stand on Harley's right side and have patriotic medals are first-class people and receive the best treatment; her relatives and close friends stand on the left side, and one level of blessing buff is reduced; those who come in through the back door stand behind her and are given The blessing effects are all weakened, and they belong to the third class.

"Good baby, don't cry. Mom knows you are hungry. Mom tells you that in two days, the priest grandpa will hold a ceremony to invite the gods from the sky to come down to earth and take away the hunger from all of us." The skinny black mother hugged he sang softly.

Well, talk to him in a humming way.

Every time he saw her, he would cry hard, and when she left, he would immediately close his mouth to save energy.

Even though he knew that she was exhausted and couldn't suck out any milk from her chest, he still forced her to feed him cornstarch.

He doesn't want to starve to death.

Today, when he heard her talk about the "ceremony of inviting gods", he couldn't help it.

He wanted to blurt out: "You are a woman, still very young, less than 20 years old, and you really can't think of a way, why can't you go out and sell it?

How stupid, how ridiculous, how ignorant, to be so stupid as to believe that the gods in heaven can take away all hunger! "

He could talk, but he never spoke.

Because he also knew about General Minos, and discussed the "Guide to the Reborn" with Roxy and others: Unless you are born in an extremely feudal and superstitious place, and early wisdom is regarded as auspicious, don't act too smart—— Huh!

Parker's heart moved. This good-for-nothing black mother had never been to school. She still believed that priests could ask gods to relieve hunger. She was no different from the feudal ancients. It seemed that she could give it a try.

As long as she takes him to a place with Internet access or gets a smartphone, the crisis of extreme poverty can be solved immediately.

"Mojit!" He opened his mouth to call the name of his mother in this life.

Her eyes widened, looking dumb and stupid, "Are you calling me?"

"I heard your prayers and sent a miracle on your son. Soon hunger will leave you. As long as you take him -"

Before he could finish his pretentious words, Black Mother yelled, hugged him and ran outside, shouting as she ran: "Grandpa Priest, Grandpa Priest, the baby is talking, and the 'Han Ge God' has appeared."

Parker was stunned.

He never expected this outcome.

Sighing secretly in his heart, he closed his mouth and eyes, pretending that Black Mother was dizzy from hunger and hallucinating.

But something happened that shocked him extremely and unexpectedly.

When the wizened old man with colorful runes painted on his face heard Black Mother's story, he not only did not suspect that she was hallucinating due to hunger, but instead asked in surprise, "Could this baby be the reborn person who caused a lot of trouble recently?"

——The reborn person is making a fuss?

Parker was terrified.

"Mogit, you go out first and I'll talk to him."

After commanding the black mother to leave, the old man said sullenly: "Stop pretending, this matter has already spread on the Internet."

Parker's scalp was numb and his heart was beating wildly, but he still closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

The old priest sneered and continued: "Harley Quinn is very powerful. Not only can she survive life and death herself, she can also bless those around her at will.

On May 15, she showed her magical power and gave 156 American "patriots" a chance to be reborn.

This is a great miracle, to live a new life, to give me my destiny, and to choose my life according to my will. Old man, I also long for it!

Unfortunately, all miracles come with a price.

There was a traitor among you, who betrayed the rest after his rebirth.

Your value is very high and you are the top sacrificial material.

Even if you don't use it for sacrifice, the wealth you have is enough to make anyone take risks.

Many black magicians have taken this idea seriously, and they even formed a 'Reborn Hunting Group' to hunt you.

However, Witch Harley's methods are indeed clever.

Even the gods and wizards cannot find you through divination and prophecy.

In ancient times, you could sit back and relax even if your identity was exposed.

Unfortunately, with the advancement of technology nowadays, things that even gods and wizards cannot do can be easily accomplished by a few mortal hackers.

They stole all the newborn babies around the world at that time from the hospital database, and then handed them over to the mages to investigate one by one.

Hehe, the effect is very good. Now your speaker, defense minister, deputy commander and other ten senior officials have all been arrested. "

Parker's eyelids jumped, "Farke, the old man must not be bluffing him when he spoke in such detail, but why did such an unfortunate thing happen?"

Which bastard betrayed them? Why betray them?

The rune-faced old priest stared at his little black face that was constantly twitching and changing, and said with a strange smile: "I thought that Cuishan was barren and that the noble American master would not take a fancy to this place.

I didn’t expect you to be smart, to do the opposite, to understand that poor and backward places are safer, and to be lucky enough to choose our saint to be your mother.

If you don't suddenly become stupid, your achievements in the future will be limitless.

Of course, if you don't act stupid now or in the future, I can guarantee you an unlimited glorious future. "

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