I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1520: Disaster for Rong, Disaster for the World

"My strength is so weak? Why is this happening?"

After a while, Firong, who had re-formed, lost his composure and shouted.

Seeing Harley looking relaxed and unscathed made it even harder for him to accept.

Because he knew how much strength he had used - almost exhausted, and he also knew how simply he failed - there was no tug of war, and the defeat was like an egg hitting a stone.

Especially in the last moment, his ability to transcend time was almost eliminated, and he was almost annihilated in the river of time.

This was unacceptable to him and he couldn't believe it.

Before he became the first Lantern, he transcended time and traveled the river of time at will. He even traveled more than 10 billion years from the future and returned to the place where time originated. He also distorted the first super civilization in the multiverse. History.

There are fish in the water, animals on the ground, and time life in the river of time.

Such as the Time Council.

The group of "Lords of Time" whose mission is to protect the timeline from being modified are all people with the gift of time and life.

And Fu Rong is one of the time beings with the strongest talent.

With the gift of time life and the white light of life, the river of time is no different from a toy in his hands.

Distorting other people's reality is as simple as eating and drinking water - at least in his memory, it was like this for himself three billion years ago.

He has a habit of toying with his enemies by distorting reality.

But when he twisted the timeline of Witch Harley just now, not only did he encounter a weird critical attack from the existence field, but he was also instantly wiped out of the characteristics of time and life, and even white light had difficulty operating.

"Witch Harley, is it you? What did you do to me?"

"First, tell me about your situation. How do you feel? How is your physical condition?" Harley was also curious about the effect of the "time tunnel".

Fu Rong stared at her for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's probably not you, it has nothing to do with you. I'm just too weak, my body is too damaged, and I haven't been able to exert one ten thousandth of my strength at my peak."

"Well, I've met many people who can distort reality. But this is the first time I've seen someone so persistent, so blindly confident, and so stubborn.

How about you distort my reality again, and I promise to be gentler this time, so that you can feel the pain more? Harley said with a joking look on her face, her hands on her hips.

"You don't understand, it shouldn't be like this." Firong looked around, only a group of Green Lanterns were left around, and the little blue men were nowhere to be found. "I was drained of too much power by those little blue men. Even if I destroy the Third Legion, it will still be impossible." Not much can be recycled, maybe”

He turned his gaze to Green Lantern, his eyes greedy and vicious, like a wolf looking at an Aries, making their hair stand on end with horror.

"I obviously touched a bag, why do you believe that it can distort my reality?" Harley didn't understand his mentality.

"I distorted the reality of the Martus people, and I also distorted the origin of time. The mother river of time is like plasticine in my hands. Compared with them, who are you?" Firong said proudly.

Harley said with pity in her eyes: "Have you ever thought that you are the product of my restart of the multiverse?

You distorted the Martus civilization, distorted the origin of time, and played with the history of the mother river of time. These are all false memories.

It’s not that your strength has declined, or that too much power has been taken away from you, but that’s how you are and should be.

In the illusory timeline, you can do whatever you want, but in the real material universe, everything has rules and everything has a price.

You have to follow the rules and pay for your actions. "

Firong shook his head contemptuously, "Witch Harley, I have read your life and know that you are good at using sweet words to gain an advantage in battle, but this trick is completely ineffective against me who fully understands you."

"Brother, please wake up. Now you have spurted blood twice in a row, your body has been blown apart, and your screams echoed throughout the universe, and everyone has heard it.

It's obvious that I'm going to hang you and beat you, so there's no need for any verbal attack. " Harley sighed.

"Harry, don't talk to him." Kyle shouted excitedly from a distance: "All those infected with the blue virus were killed by him.

More than 7,000 Green Lanterns, 3,000 Green Lantern interns, and hundreds of millions of civilian patients in the universe. The crimes that cause disaster are too numerous to list. "

Fu Rong glanced at him and sneered: "You think she doesn't want to do anything to me? But she can't even touch me. You see me standing in front of her, but actually I am on the river of time.

How can we distort reality at will without being above time?

To meet me, she must at least enter the river of time. Can she? "

Kyle's expression froze and he was stunned and speechless.

Harry said calmly: "Look at how arrogant you are, am I afraid of you if I don't enter the river of time?

I am the old man who respects the endless family!

As long as you have some sense of shame, don't lick your wounds and endure the pain while talking shamelessly about the false glory days of the past.

Or continue to distort my reality and see if I can beat you to pieces.

Either come in true form and fight me to the end of the universe.

Of course, if you admit that you are a coward who only knows how to fool around, just pretend that I didn’t say anything. "

"Fake Squid, don't think that I only distort reality."

Fu Rong roared angrily, put his hands together, and shot a beam of white light as thick as an arms length at her.

The white light did not attack her directly, but distorted the space and time around her. Each space-time fragment turned into a sharp space-time dagger. Hundreds of thousands of fragments surrounded her, attacking her from all angles.

Harry looked serious, but he was relieved in his heart: He came to see that the "Disaster Experience Pack" could not escape.

The space-time blade was blocked by the defensive golden film. She put her hands behind her back and took her time.

"Gudong, Gudong." Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, the experience jar bubbled crazily.

She was worried that Fu Rong would run away after being defeated one after another.

But looking at Fu Rong's momentum, it was obviously a gift bag rich in experience points, and Harry was envious.

She had long wanted to have a regular fight with him, preferably face to face, fist to fist.

However, Fu Rong looks arrogant on the surface, but is actually very cautious.

When he first escaped from the cage, he was indeed in the physical universe.

At that time, he felt that no one could threaten him.

A casual blow failed to kill Harley, and her distorted reality was also hammered by the soul. After vomiting out a large amount of life essence, he immediately understood that the witch Harley was worthy of her reputation, and then he learned from Carona and transferred her body to the river of time.

Otherwise, Harley would not have confronted him at all, but would have charged directly towards him and started a Hollywood-style fight where you punch me and I punch you.

She traveled all the way to Oa, mainly for the experience of the Green Lantern Corps.

She wants to reach level 120 as soon as possible.

Now that the Green Lantern Corps was wiped out again, she unexpectedly encountered a bigger experience pack. It would be strange for her not to be greedy.

"Jelly Man, can you do that? Are you tickling me with this little trick?" Harley mocked.

"Don't pretend to be calm." Firong continued to output and sneered: "I am the first Lantern who has mastered the white light of life, and I can feel your life breath decreasing rapidly.

Although you didn't bleed on the surface, you have already hurt the source.

Physical attacks are your Achilles heel!

God cannot bear it even if he comes to earth.

As long as I am willing, I can continue this intensity of attack for 3 billion years. Don't doubt my will. "

"You are so amazing, you can even discover the original wounds that I have hidden so deeply." Harley gave a thumbs up and praised sincerely.

Her condition was indeed worse than at the beginning because she had too much mental energy to bear the pressure of the "time tunnel".

Before Fu Rong attacked her again, she could still cover up her aura. When he started to attack, she deliberately lowered the defense of the golden film and took the initiative to help him increase the damage of his attack, and the aura leaked out.

But that’s about it.

Half a minute passed, and her breath was still so weak, not even a little lower.

A minute later, Harley was too lazy to pretend anymore. She stood there lazily with her hands on her hips, looking at Hazard with bored eyes as he gritted his teeth, puffed out his cheeks, and tried his best.


"Oh, how many times has mom told you that no matter whether you are black or white, you are still my son in front of me." Harley sighed.

This guy can barely deserve the title of "Cosmic Level BOSS", which has increased her experience by 0.15 levels, reaching 50% of level 118.

However, now that he has lost his experience points, he has lost half of his value in her eyes.

The remaining half is his thick white light origin.

"Just wait, today is just the beginning. When I regain my strength, I swear, you will kneel down and beg me for mercy."

Seeing the increasingly greedy look in Harry's eyes, Fu Rong's heart trembled inexplicably. He glared at her bitterly, left a harsh word, and disappeared like a phantom.

"Harry, where did he go?" After a while, Kyle and the others approached and asked.

"Didn't you listen to him? He has regained his strength."

Harley wiped away the non-existent saliva with some regret, turned her head to look at the masked Lantern standing alone, and asked: "Do you look like Simon Baz?"

The Oa battlefield should be very chaotic, with little blue men, tens of thousands of blue monsters, and dozens of old green lights.

When the cage of the Shadow Cabinet was broken, Sinestro, Squirrel Lantern, Simon Baz, Ferocious, and thousands of little blue men jumped out.

It's just that Furuo was so dazzling that everyone focused on him and ignored the little blue man.

The guardian quietly escaped.

The Shadow Cabinet got into a "black ball" and disappeared.

Sinestro watched for a while and realized that the battle between Harley and Firong was too advanced for him to intervene at all, so he quietly retreated and left Oa.

Squirrel Lantern was seriously injured in the explosion and fell unconscious, and was picked up by the old Green Lanterns.

Simon Baz only knew Squirrel Lantern, so he stood alone in the corner.

"you know me?"

"I've seen your picture."

"But I'm wearing a mask." Simon said confused.

Harley pointed to his uniform and said: "You are wearing a racing driver's uniform, not the Green Lantern Corps' standard 'military uniform'. Also, your mask is of no use to me."

——Unlike you DC natives, I have severe "superhero prosopagnosia" and can't recognize people when I only cover half of my face.

"Tell me, what is that lantern, and how did you get involved with Fu Rong?"

"The lantern just now is a huge prison, using the source of color light as energy."

Simon Baz told everything he knew and everything he had experienced.

"Since the prison of the Shadow Cabinet is so strong, why did it suddenly explode? I see the guardians escaping in a hurry. It doesn't look like they are actively releasing the scourge." Kilowog asked doubtfully.

"It should have something to do with Harley." Kyle looked at Harley and said.

"I punched it, causing its structure to become unstable. The bad guys inside took the opportunity to attack and exploded it from the inside," Harley said.

What she wielded was the fist of will - opening the defensive force field and destroying the stability of the cage.

If the prison of the Shadow Cabinet is not an energy body, the defensive force field will certainly not have this effect.

It just so happens that it is in an energy state and uses colored light as its source, so it happens to be restrained by Harley.

Of course, if the person inside is not Lantern Bane No. 1, even if Harley's force field reduces the stability of the cage, the prisoners inside will not be able to break the door.

All I can say is what a coincidence.

John Stewart lamented: “I didn’t expect the little blue man to compress the planet Maltus into a black hole and build it into a shelter.

This technology is simply incredible.

No wonder Seid was so confident that Atrocitus would never find the star Martus. "

Kyle wondered: "After the prison was opened, in addition to hundreds of little blue men, a basketball-sized 'black dot' flew out from inside. Is that the 'Shadow Shelter' compressed into the planet Martus?" "

Simon Baz hesitated and said: "That's right. All the Martus people in the Shadow Cabinet got in."

Guy Gardner nodded and said, "Yes, I saw it too. Those little blue men are so strange, with rich expressions and wearing very weird and ancient clothes.

They yelled, "No, bad! The bad guy has escaped from prison." They hurriedly got into the little black ball.

It's a small ball, but there are hundreds of little blue men getting into it. "

Harley saw it too.

There are so many little blue people, it’s hard not to see them.

Simon said: "They are all normal Martus people, different from the guardians, they are very enthusiastic and friendly.

The Black Hand wanted to kill me and Becky, but they helped me.

I also relied on their full help when I returned from the realm of death. "

"Well, the little blue men with emotions are like Gunther and Syd. They are both good people." Kyle nodded.

"Hmph, it may be true that they have emotions, but I don't think they are good people." Guy Gardner said disapprovingly: "As long as they have some conscience, they should help Harley deal with the disaster."

Harley nodded slightly, "That makes sense. If they can pull the evil one out of the river of time, I-"


Before she finished speaking, a circle of space ripples appeared in front of her, and a black ball with white steam jumped out.

The black balls looked like meatballs fried in a white oil pan.

Not only was it shriveled up in a big circle, white steam was also coming out of the surface, making a "sizzling" sound.

"Help, help us." The weak spiritual power floated into the sea of ​​​​people's consciousness.

"Ah, it's Grandma Palco!" Simon exclaimed.

"She is asking for help. Firong must have taken action against them. Firong kept swearing when he was in prison that when he was freed, he would destroy the entire Martus family. Miss Quinn, they are really good people, help. Let them," he said urgently.

Harley frowned and stared at the greatly changed black ball. She remained motionless and said in a calm tone, "I have rescued them."


"Who do you think is after them?"

"The black ball is attacked by white light, which should be a disaster." Simon said.

"Where is Firong now?" Harley said calmly.

"He" Simon suddenly realized that if Harley hadn't been here, the disaster would not have retreated at all.

He will chase after him until he completely destroys the black ball.

Kyle said: "Can we enter the black ball? The people inside may need help."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure turned into a beam of light and fell into the black ball.

"Ah, Kyle~~" John called out and turned into a ray of light, disappearing on the surface of the black ball.

"Everyone, be careful, this is a trap!" Guy shouted.

"The way to enter the shadow space is your wish. You can enter if you want." The weak voice said.

The Lanterns were still suspicious and remained vigilant, only turning their questioning eyes to Harley.

"Let's go in and have a look." Harley thought and disappeared.

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