Every moment, people face countless choices. For example, a migrant worker who has just left the company can choose to place a bet at the sports lottery station across the street, squeeze into the bus and go home immediately, or go shopping in the commercial street. When shopping, you can choose to send an ambiguous text message to a female colleague. Maybe you can make an appointment?

With different choices, the rest of your life may be different.

If you choose to buy lottery tickets, you may win tens of millions in one bet. From now on, you don’t have to worry about house and car loans. You can marry a wife and have a baby. Your life will be ten times easier, ten times more exciting, and ten times happier.

If you choose to squeeze into the bus to go home, you may get into a car accident on the way and your life will end.

If you choose to go shopping in a commercial street, you may meet a pitiful old beggar. If you buy him a hamburger, he will immediately give you a copy of "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality". From then on, you will embark on the path to immortality, cultivate immortality in the city, and become a male pig. foot.

If you choose to send ambiguous text messages to a female colleague, you will end up with one appointment at the cinema, another at a hotel, and three at a wedding room, and you will have the love of your life and grow old together.

Time goes forward 3000 years. At this time, you are already a Nascent Soul Ancestor and are fighting an enemy who masters the law of time.

The enemy is above time and can travel into the past and future at will.

On the surface, he was still fighting with you, but in a flash he went back to 3000 years ago. When you just left the company after work and were about to make a decision about your next activities, he helped you make a choice and asked you to go to the sports lottery station opposite. You bought a bet, but you didn't win a dime, and you also missed the old beggar in the commercial street who carried "A Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality" with him.

Now, 3,000 years later, as the ancestor of Nascent Soul, you have turned into a handful of loess in a daze, because as a mortal, you only have a life span of a hundred years, and you will not live 3,000 years from now.

Or, three thousand years later, your son becomes the ancestor of Nascent Soul and is fighting an enemy who controls the law of time. The enemy jumps out of the timeline in a thought and comes to the year 3000 when you are getting off work.

He distorted the reality that you chose to send ambiguous text messages to your female colleagues and made you choose to go shopping in the commercial street.

As a result, you came home with a novel called "A Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality" and read it all night.

In the end, the female colleague became someone else's wife, and you and her Qilin'er, the Heavenly Spirit Root, were not born. Now, three thousand years later, the son of your Yuanying Ancestor has disappeared in a daze. Everything related to him has changed. He has never been born. appeared.

This is reality distortion, changing the "past cause" on the timeline, causing the "reality effect" to be distorted.

The first Lantern, Bane, wasn't the first reality-bending entity Harley encountered.

Time demon Hal Jordan, Kyle who inherited Hal's "life force", and mad Barry the Flash, any one of the Supremes can distort reality.

Harley doesn't know what the situation is like in other multiverses, but it is easy to distort reality in the DC multiverse, and there seems to be no cost.

In other words, compared to the huge changes in the reality of the universe, the cost is extremely low.

Among all the beings who can distort reality, the one who impressed Harley the most and was considered the most professional by her was Dr. Manhattan.

Dr. Manhattan generally doesn't change the past, he only distorts the future from the present to create his own destiny.

Creating an ideal and perfect destiny is obviously more high-end and classy than twisting the present from the past.

Harley has met so many characters who can modify reality, and the only one who really uses reality modification as a weapon against her is Lantern No. 1, Bane.

This guy seems to particularly like to play with other people's lives. He will use this trick whenever he makes a move, and he doesn't intend to kill her directly.

For example, if he changes her parents' choices in this life so that she cannot be born, then her "now" will disappear.

Or, modify the choice of the school bus driver when she was in elementary school, let him get drunk at noon, and directly bury little Harley when he picked up the children home in the afternoon.

Of course, no attempt to modify Harley's timeline, directly or indirectly, will succeed.

But the problem is that Fu Rong has countless options, but he has not tried them at all.

The reality in front of Harley was shattered into countless pieces. He read her timeline in an instant and modified her timeline many times. Each modification would create a "new reality" and countless "new realities" There is no reality in which her "now" will disappear, that is, she will die directly.

Every time Firong modified her reality, he was trying to play with her life.

He wants her to explode with intense emotion in a reality of his choosing.

"What's wrong with you?" Harley asked curiously as she looked at Huirong, who was screaming repeatedly and spraying colorful white light from his seven orifices: "I've seen every modification you made to my life, a total of 347,302 times, but not one of them was Erase me directly.

Every time, it makes me extremely painful, extremely angry, and endlessly regretful. All kinds of emotions are extreme.

Is this your hobby?

You are Firong, right? Lantern No. 1, Firong?

I didn't expect that the little blue man would knock you into the cage and take you with him. Of course, after seeing these blue monsters, I wasn't surprised that they would do this. You are their battery.

I just wonder why you, a person who has been imprisoned for 3 billion years, have the hobby of playing with other people's lives?

Could it be that when you were in jail, you were bored and kept playing with your own timeline, watching the changes in reality brought about by different choices? "

Harley didn't know him before, but when she saw the violent white light on his body, she immediately thought of the first Lantern, Bane.

"Witch Harley, I admit that I underestimated you before." Fu Rong endured the bursts of pain and weakness from the depths of his soul, glared at her and said: "But don't be too arrogant.

Before I got the power of white light, I could transcend time and distort reality at will.

When I become the first Lantern, the mother river of time is like a toy in my palm, and the reality of the universe is rubbed wantonly by me.

It's just that the little blue man took away too much power from me, making me powerless.

Just wait, and when I am back to normal, I will mess with your life, and you will kneel at my feet and beg for forgiveness. "

He didn't know Harley before, so he casually attacked her, intending to crush her like an ant.

After reading her timeline - the part of Harley's experience that was known to everyone was not protected by the timeline and could be read by a strong person who transcended time - he immediately understood that he had encountered an "unexpected enemy".

Well, before he escaped from prison, he only regarded the guardians as his enemies, and the rest of them were completely ignored by him.

"So, you admit that you are a person who likes to play with other people's lives?" Harley laughed.

"You can still laugh now, but soon you won't be happy anymore." Fu Rong smiled sarcastically at her, stretching his arms flat, stretching his limbs, and raising his head.

"Return, my power, and annihilate, the dream of the Third Legion of the Martus."

There are nearly 10,000 people in the Green Lantern Corps. Except for more than 30 old Green Lanterns, all the others "suffered" their own consequences and were transformed into blue monsters.

When they surrounded Kyle and others and attacked crazily, Harley discovered that they were just flesh and blood puppets with no personal emotions. They were completely controlled by the guardian's will and were equivalent to the guardian's flesh and blood clones.

They could provide her with almost zero experience, so she didn't go out and fight them personally.

He only spit out a battleship missile picked up from the Rocky Zerg battlefield, and spit it on top of the blue monster's head.

The interstellar missile will definitely not kill the blue monster, but the sudden and powerful shock wave will lift the blue monster off guard, creating conditions for Kyle and others to escape the siege.

As soon as the old lanterns flew away, the unharmed blue monster came over again.

However, the next moment Fu Rong broke open the cage and escaped.

When the scourge of white light spread across the sky, those blue monsters were like hell creatures bathed in the holy light of heaven, and they all fled away in "fear".

They have no emotions or thoughts, and are not afraid, but their bodies are instinctively afraid of disasters and the white light of disasters.

At this time, Firong opened his arms and shouted "Annihilation". The blue monster in his field of vision was like a paper man that was ignited. White light erupted from his body, and his body burned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Each blue monster burned into ashes, wisps of white light converged on Firong, and his breath swelled visibly to the naked eye.

"No -" Kyle and others screamed in grief in the distance.

Earlier, they still had illusions in their hearts. Maybe the blue monster could be cured like those infected by Yamodra and could recover after taking the vaccine.

Now they all turned to ashes before their eyes, the outcome was decided, and they were angry, sad and powerless.

Firong gave Kyle a deep look.

"Are all the blue monsters in the universe dead?" Harley looked relaxed, with only curiosity on her face.

"You should be concerned about how long you can survive after I take back my power." Fu Rong said coldly.

"Oh, why don't you understand? When I hit you, it's like me hitting my son, and when you hit me, it's like a mortal kicking a mountain with his feet." Harley shook her head and sighed.

"You are so glib at this time, you are simply asking for your own death!" Fu Rong glared with anger.

"Crash~~" The time and space in front of Harry's eyes once again shattered into countless pieces like a mirror.

Each piece represents an altered past and a distorted present.

Harley's timeline is also the past that has happened in this universe.

To change her timeline is to modify the river of time that contains her life.

At this time, the river of time in the main universe boils again, the river water evaporates into "air", and various "Harley's endings" flash on the surface of the air.

If Firong finally chooses an ending for her, the timeline represented by that ending will replace the original "reality", and the vaporized river section will return to the smooth river of time.

Harley's fate is intertwined with many people's, and the change in her life also represents the change in the lives of many people affected by her.

For example, at the same time, Clark Kent, who was far away on Earth, also saw the time and space in front of him shattered, and each fragment contained a new "Clark Kent's reality."

Not only Clark, but many people in the universe and almost everyone on Earth face the threat of reality being distorted.

It's just that many people don't feel this distortion at all.

If reality is really distorted, they will feel like this is how their life should be.

For example, at the Oa scene, those old green lights, Natu, Salak and others just felt that the white light was too bright, and couldn't help but reach out to cover their eyes, unable to see clearly what was happening in front of them.

John Stewart and Guy Gardner were better.

Their heads are dull and they can sense that something is wrong with their situation.

Kyle felt the turmoil of the river of time and could clearly see that the time and space between Firong and Harley had become a mess.

"Bang bang bang bang bang~~~~" is no different from last time. As soon as each new reality emerges, Harley's timeline guardian talent is activated immediately, and the "twisted new reality" explodes like fireworks. .

"Hey, the river of time seems to be divided into two layers?"

Just as distorted new realities exploded one after another, Harley was shocked to discover that the river of time in the main universe had undergone tremendous changes.

Originally, the river of time was like a mighty river.

Every drop of river water is the "real life" of a life.

Every undercurrent in the river is a coherent timeline.

Under normal circumstances, the river water will flow smoothly along the undercurrent sequence, and countless undercurrents are intertwined to form the overall direction of the river.

At this time, the evil spirits transcended time and tried their best to distort Harley's timeline. Her timeline can be regarded as the main undercurrent of the river of time. Distorting her timeline is equivalent to changing the overall flow direction of the river of time.

The river of time from when Harley was born to when Harley faced disaster was almost boiling.

It happened that Harley activated the timeline stabilization talent.

This resulted in her own "time undercurrent" being as stable as steel.

It's like a steel cable placed at the bottom of the river, motionless.

Firong tried his best and the river of time boiled, but Harley's undercurrent was as steady as a steel cable.

In this way, the boiling river water and the steel cable are suddenly distinguished.

The so-called "steel cable" is just a metaphor to describe the stability of Harley's timeline. The steel cable is still a part of the river of time, a river with a stable flow.

In a large river, part of the river water flows steadily, while the other part of the river water boils, forming two distinct layers.

Harley has the talent of stabilizing the timeline, and also has the ninth-level Time Mother River defense expertise. Although she cannot enter the River of Time at the moment, she is very aware of the changes in the River of Time, and she quickly understood the reason.

Then something clicked in her mind, and she had a new idea: "Can the steel cable be wrapped with a layer of rubber?"

Although her timeline is relatively stable, it is like a steel cable in the river of time. Not to mention the disaster, not even Dr. Manhattan can twist it.

The problem is that they have a hard time twisting her timeline, but they can keep trying to twist it from every angle.

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean you won't try countless times.

Just like Fu Rong, there were two consecutive episodes, each with hundreds of thousands of attempts to distort her reality and play with her emotions from every angle in her life.

This is even more disgusting than finding a beautiful girl who looks exactly like Harley to make a short movie.

Harley can't see the little movie. In every distorted life, she can completely see Firong's script and see what he wants to do to her.

Thanks to Harley's strong psychological quality, if it had been someone else, she would have been furious by now.

She can fight back.

Fu Rong's state was no different from last time. His seven orifices erupted with colorful white light and he screamed repeatedly.

White light should be white, but the evil white light is mixed with seven colors of light.

This is not because the power is not pure enough.

In fact, the energy level of Firong white light is very high, almost the same as that of white light. Maybe a little lower, but the difference is minimal.

The reason why it is mixed with seven-color light is because power cannot be generated out of thin air. Like Kyle, his white light needs to be fused with seven-color emotional light.

Kyle's colorful light comes from the light ring, and the white light of Ferocious comes from his own emotional elements.

Firong's body is like a ball of white light jelly, a pure energy state, but there are colorful and clearly visible meridians and blood vessels in his body - substantial emotional elements.

The seven-colored white light spurting out from his seven orifices is his origin.

But that was all her counterattack.

Firong is a being who possesses the white light of life. He has the best resilience and vitality in the universe. He cannot directly blow his head off with this kind of counterattack.

Mrs. Xanadu observed her future, and was beaten in the head; Demon King observed her future, but failed, and she only punched her eyeballs out, howling miserably; Fu Rong distorted her timeline, failed, and her essence was released wildly. After she was angry, she licked back the source of the vomited out. After a few minutes, she was a good man again and could continue to torment her timeline.

To put it bluntly, the strength of Harley's counterattack is determined by her own attack strength.

It's incredible, she can hit quantum critical strikes with the nature of existence field annihilation.

Not even the supreme beings in the multiverse could be killed by her in one blow.

If other supreme beings imitate Ferocious's behavior and mess with Harley's timeline, he will definitely pay the price, but she will also suffer.

The toad is lying on the body and does not bite. It is disgusting.

As long as she is given enough benefits, such as experience points, Harley can tolerate this kind of nausea.

What is hateful is that this distortion of the timeline did not harm her body. She had no malice, no attack, and zero experience value.

After being tortured by Furuong for so long, Harley didn't get much experience at all.

Angry, hateful, hateful!

"It's not enough for the timeline to be as strong as a steel cable. Steel cables in the river will rust, so we need to add a protective film to prevent prying eyes and distortion."

Harley looked at her "ammunition depot". There were now eleven defensive specialties, and the ninth-level Time Mother River Defense Specialty was the most eye-catching.

Thinking of this, she immediately tried to extend her thoughts into the river of time and her own timeline.

It has not touched other "rivers", and the river of time has not been blocked.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she wrapped her timeline with her will, and activated the ninth-level time mother river defensive force field with her will.


It was as if a grenade exploded in Harry's sea of ​​consciousness. Her head felt dull and she almost collapsed to the ground.

"Shit, I just want to protect my timeline, but the price is so high?"

Harry covered his forehead, feeling that his soul was bearing a huge burden, and he could hardly stand straight.

But she succeeded.

Her timeline is wrapped in a defensive force field, blocking prying eyes and the corrosive forces that distort it.

At this point, the river of time has been completely divided into two layers. The upper layer is a surging river with violent waves and violent waves, and it is boiling; the lower layer is an "underground river" that flows quietly and is calm.

Harley was under intense pressure from the upper river.

Just like building an undersea tunnel, it has to withstand huge water pressure.

At this moment, Harley is equivalent to building a 29-year undersea tunnel at the bottom of the river of time.

The supporting pillars of the tunnel are her spiritual will.


Fu Rong spat out a mouthful of blood, and Jelly's body exploded like fireworks.

Harley was tired from bearing the weight of Mount Tai.

Fu Rong crashed into the River of Time defense field, and even his body structure became unstable, exploding all of a sudden, making it even more miserable.

If he wants to be above time, he must have the characteristics of time life.

The Time Mother River Defense Specialty is already at level 9. If it is directly hit by it, let alone the characteristics of time and life, even if the big daddy of the Endless Family comes to the scene in person, he cannot maintain the stability of time and life.

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