"Later, when you learned about Arkham Island's huge interests, did you ever think about competing with Wayne?" Cobot asked.

"You idiot, I want to fight with Wayne, but can I fight?" Maroney scolded.

"That's right, you can't compete with me, and Falcone can't compete with me either. Wayne's name even makes you two emperors afraid to give it a try.

Mr. Maroney, please think carefully about this.

If Gotham was a kingdom, with dukes, counts, viscounts, knights, subjects, and slaves under the king, which role would you occupy? "

Maroni frowned and said, "What do you think?"

Cobot mused: "Slaves are the people at the bottom of Gotham, they are oppressed, blood sucked, and it is difficult to stand up;

The leading people are the middle class;

Knights are the police system and judicial system, and their duty is to protect the superstructure;

A viscount is a person who can control the police and prosecutor's office to do things for him;

Earl, a wealthy family that has been rooted in Gotham for more than a hundred years;

The Duke, whose power has spilled out of Gotham and into Washington;

The king, an irreplaceable behemoth, also has a huge influence on a global scale. "

"This," Maroni said uncertainly, "According to your statement, I seem to be even a Viscount."

I guess you still have some self-awareness.

Penguin sneered inwardly.

Maroni scratched the back of his head and thought: "Falcone is probably the Viscount. He is more powerful than me, and he has an undercover agent beside me, but he still can't win completely.

Because the earl and the duke don’t want him to win.”

"That's it!" Penguin said excitedly: "Sir Maroni, do you know what Falcone's son does?"

"Looks like a doctor."

Penguin said quietly: "Thomas Wayne is also a doctor! Your Excellency, doctors are respected and have a good reputation. They are one of the highest-class professions.

A simple doctor is not considered an upper class person.

But the billionaire and influential doctor suddenly narrowed the gap between him and Wayne in terms of class.

So, you get it?

Falcone wants to upgrade his family to a 'count' or even a 'duke'.

It's a pity that the truly wealthy families don't allow him to smoothly squeeze into his own class.

Just like you wouldn't allow other drug dealers into Gotham. "

Maroni looked at Penguin in surprise and said, "Cobot, your little brain is really useful.

Did you see through this when you were still working as an umbrella boy for Fish? "

"Oh, I envy you even more for your physique and your bravery to carve out a world." Penguin sighed half-truthfully.

If he can also fight well, Fish will at least give him a similar status to Butch Grundy.

But he has a deformed little body, and even when he holds an umbrella for Fish, he often gets the corners of her clothes wet.

Then he was slapped on the ear by Fish in public.

Being a gangster in Gotham, one's skill determines one's lower limit, and one's brain determines one's upper limit.

And with good skills, it is easier to get ahead.

"Hahaha, you can't envy my strength and stamina. I have a strong and virtuous mother, and a father who works hard to make money to support the family. What about you?

I heard that your mother is a lunatic. She doesn’t know who her husband is. She has no job and lives on the meager government relief money.

Did you have milk when you were a child? "

Maroni patted his thick bear-like chest and laughed loudly.

The Penguin twitched several times, his eyes almost overflowing with murderous intent.

For just a moment, the viciousness in his eyes was buried deep in his heart, and he said with a sneer: "Actually, I have wanted to have a strong father to protect me and my mother since I was a child.

Although I approached you with a different purpose, when I spent time with you, I felt like I was being taught and cared for by my father. "

"I also admire you very much, otherwise I wouldn't have promoted you from a poor dishwasher who can't even afford brand-name leather shoes (PS) to my right-hand man in just a few months." Maroni said with a complicated expression.

"BOSS, it's almost noon, and the sun is getting bigger and bigger in the sky. Let's go back quickly." The boy below the crane shouted.

Maroni lowered his head and looked over. Sure enough, the faces of a group of young men were covered in oil and sweat, and were as red as grilled shrimps.

"BOSS, you have nothing to say to the traitors. Not killing them is not enough to deter people." In the distance, the deputy blowing the air conditioner in the black Audi also shouted.

Maroni was stunned and said: "I haven't asked clearly yet-"

"What are you asking for?"

He couldn't remember the reason why he stopped cutting the penguin in the first place.

Father-son love?

They have a crazy father-son relationship!

Falcone's son?

That kid has nothing to do with him.

Gotham title?

It doesn't seem right either.

Project Arkham?

Well, that project is a done deal, what else is there to say.

"Shit!" Maroni simply stopped thinking and shouted to the Penguin under the sling: "Give me a reason not to kill you right now."

The penguin hanging upside down glanced at the white sun in the sky, and secretly resented that in late autumn, when the weather was pleasant, he could have held Maroni and talked until the evening.

Damn it, did that old bastard Falcone give up on me?

Just as he was cursing in his mind, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a solitary black dot on the road outside the garbage dump, quickly approaching from a distance.

The rope that bound the Penguin's hands was tied to the broken Honda car. The Honda car was on the top of the abandoned car mountain, more than ten meters above the ground, so the Penguin could see very far away.

——Who is going to save me?

Why only one motorcycle?

Just one or two people.

Or did the Romans ask him to negotiate with Maroni?

This is probably the case. After all, this is Maroni's territory. It's useless no matter how many people come, and I, the hostage, are still in the opponent's hands.

With confidence in his heart, Penguin no longer pretended, and said loudly: "Your Excellency Maroni, the Count and Duke are big shots. They suppressed Falcone, so they naturally planned to promote you.

You are now at a critical moment, and you must work hard to show them the true nature of a businessman, so that you can become the true 'Successor of Falcone' and the new Emperor of Hedao in the future. "

Maroni was stunned and asked doubtfully: "Am I really chosen?"

"That's right. Besides you, who else in Gotham is qualified to replace the Romans?"

"But, what does this have to do with me killing you?" Maroni asked strangely.

"You are being inspected, so you must behave well!"

"I don't understand." Maroni lowered his head and looked down at the younger brothers. They all shook their heads in confusion.

Penguin said: “Real businessmen only value real interests and do not be affected by their own emotions.

Even though Falcone's eldest son and brother were killed early on, he still sat down at the negotiating table with his enemies to discuss business.

Impulse and conflict are the biggest enemies of business.

The big shots in Gotham need people who can bring them stable benefits.

So, you have to show the magnanimity of a big shot.

If you use me as a bargaining chip to trade with Falco's cabinet, you will get a benefit; if you kill me for a moment of pleasure, you will not only get no benefits, but Falco's cabinet will also conflict with you.

If you are only satisfied with your current heroic status, you can kill me readily.

But if you want to surpass yourself, you have to learn from your predecessors and pay more attention to practical benefits. "

"It seems to make sense?" Maroni looked at Odili's second-in-command, "Tacos, what do you think?"

"BOSS, what Penguin said is too complicated, I can't understand it." Tacos said awkwardly.

Maroni nodded condescendingly, "What he said makes sense, and I completely understand it."

"Buzz buzz-"

The roar of the locomotive could no longer be ignored, and everyone looked towards the gate of the scrapyard.

A black Yamaha heavy motorcycle.

The black helmet, the slim figure is wrapped in a black coat, and the long hem rustles in the wind, like a flag.

"Whoosh - boom!" A micro-missile was shot from the side of the front wheel of the locomotive, blowing away the barbed wire gate. The Yamaha rushed through the burning remains of the iron gate and accelerated towards the crane.

"Enemy attack!" Maroni shouted and retracted into the crane cab. Dozens of boys, dazzled by the sun, ran around in a hurry, looking for cover.

"Who is here? So brave." Penguin murmured in shock.


The Yamaha braked sharply next to the crane, and its rear wheels drew a semicircle on the mud, scraping up a cloud of sand and dust.

The motorcycle stalled, and the ink-colored visor of the helmet lifted up, revealing a pretty face like the bright moon.

"Harley Quinn!" Penguin was surprised.

"Witch Harley?!"

Maroni's younger brothers exclaimed, and then all shrank back behind the bunker.

"Boss Maroni, please come out and talk."

"Witch Harley, what are you doing here?" Maroni stuck his head half out of the window and looked down and shouted.

Harley pointed at the Penguin on the garbage mountain above, "Leave Copot to me, Falco's cabinet will give you an explanation."

"Let him talk to me himself."

"Of course he will receive you personally, but time is urgent today, so let me come to pick you up first." Harley said.

After confirming that the witch was not here to start a war, Maroni relaxed, walked out of the crane door with a smile, and shouted carelessly: "Baby girl, I'm afraid it's not that simple to ask for penguins with empty words."

"Boss Maroni, I am also a well-known master of the fighting arena. Isn't your title inappropriate?" Harley narrowed her eyes and said calmly.

"Hahaha!" Maroni opened his arms, looked around the field, and said proudly: "This is my territory, I can say whatever I want, there is nothing inappropriate."

Seeing how heroic the boss was when he faced the witch, the younger brothers who were hiding behind the abandoned car also came out and looked at Harley with a proud smile.

"We are not trash like the GCPD." Costa, the second boss, said coldly while holding the P90.

"I come here with sincerity." Harley sighed.

Maroni looked at her carefully and said with a smile: "Baby girl, you might as well bring a few more submachine guns. Your sincerity is as useless as the baseball bat you stuck in the back seat."

Harley turned her head and glanced at the 'Heaven Silver Baseball Bat', looked seriously at the strong man above and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Baby - swish - bang - ah ow!"

Hearing him call out the name again, Harley pulled out the baseball bat with her back hand, threw it upwards, and struck Maroni in the face like lightning.

"Oh, No——"

The Penguin hanging on the mountain of scrap cars shouted in despair, "Harley, don't be impulsive!"

"Fire and kill her!" Costa, the second boss, looked ferocious as he pulled the trigger in the direction of Yamaha.

Harley pulled the handlebar, pointed the front of the car at him, and pressed the transmitter.


The moment the submachine gun fired, micro missiles also shot out.


Costa is everywhere.

Harry didn't even move.

With a smile on her lips, she stretched out her right hand upward to catch the fallen baseball bat. Her movements were free and easy, as if she had practiced it thousands of times.

Then, Yamaha shook his head on the spot, and the remaining four micro-missiles were shot out in a fan shape.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Shoot towards the area where the younger brother is the densest.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sky was filled with flames all around, and broken limbs were flying everywhere.

"It's so crazy." The penguin hanging upside down looked dull, his mouth wide open, and drool was flowing out.

(PS: Maroni's restaurant is relatively high-end, and even the dishwashers have to wear leather shoes. Penguin doesn't have any. When he first went to the restaurant to apply for a job, he was humiliated.

He has no leather shoes, and the restaurant does not need any staff.

Then, the Penguin secretly killed a chef in the restaurant, not only getting the leather shoes, but also leaving a position in the restaurant vacant. )

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