I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 153 Saving the Little Penguin

"Hi, Harley, it's me, Old John!"

The morning after being rejected by Bruce, Harley was practicing yoga in the yard that had been converted into a garden. Ivy was humming a song and happily taking care of the magic plants given to her by Xanadu, when the phone in the living room suddenly rang.

"John Constantine?" Harry was stunned for a moment before guessing the identity of the other person from the British accent.

"Where are you now?" she asked.

"A small pub in London, calling you from a public phone."

"Have you come out of drug rehab? Have you succeeded?" Harley asked.

"Oh, I have been struggling for half a year, and it just ended half a month ago. But fortunately, I finally got rid of that thing completely."

"Congratulations." Harley smiled.

“You don’t understand that I heard about you from Chas, that you were probably entering the stage of terminal transformation.

If possible, we can meet in person and judge the results more accurately. "Constantine guessed.

Harley said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable. You could guess what happened to me just by hearing my reaction.

That’s right, it’s deathbed transformation.

I have had the pleasure of meeting several magic masters recently and they all said this. "

"In that case, why don't you know that Du Ping can increase the success rate of surviving the terminal transformation? Didn't they tell you?" Constantine asked.

Harry frowned and said, "Where did you hear these fallacies? You can only endure the transformation at the end of your life."

"Hahaha, it seems that the 'master' you met is nothing more than that," Constantine laughed scornfully, "Have you read "Dangerous Magic" by the Greek Archmage Rodrik? Or, "A Thousand Gold Prescriptions for Qi Training"?"

"Ancient Chinese medicine?" Harry asked curiously.

"Qi Qi Qian Jin Fang" is a poor Chinese pronunciation.

"Oh, you have also studied Chinese?" Constantine said in surprise: "Then you must have heard of Wu Shi San."

"You're not going to tell me that the ancient Qi practitioners in China were all magicians, right? And then they took medicine to survive their final transformation?" Harley said with a wooden face.

"Listening to your tone, do you think it's incredible?" Constantine asked doubtfully: "The ancient Chinese people's practice of refining qi and cultivating immortals, what else could it be if it wasn't magic?

In fact, the most mainstream meditation methods in the world today are all inherited from the ancient celestial dynasty, especially the tantric sect, which is widely spread.

Throughout the ages, Nanda Peak in the Celestial Empire has always been a holy place in the hearts of magicians. "

Although it sounded a bit strange, Harry felt that Constantine's words made sense.

Ms. Siwa also said last time that the Mount Everest in XZ has the purest "spiritual energy" and is the holy land that all martial arts masters yearn for.

Martial arts masters and magicians are all running there, I'm afraid it's not a coincidence.

"When are you coming to my place to play? Bring the magic book about deathbed transformation." Harley said.

"I just had this idea. Gary (ps) said that you are now the boss of Gotham Road?" Constantine asked curiously.

"Oh, isn't it because of the Crusaders? In order to clear my name, and to be protected by dozens of gunmen around me at all times, there is nothing I can do!" Harley sighed.

Constantine felt something was wrong with what she said.

"Is it so easy to be a gangster in Gotham? In London, the boss who controls a street is considered a superior person and is qualified to have afternoon tea with the MPs."

"Congressman?" Harley snorted softly and said calmly: "With just one phone call, I can ask the mayor of Gotham to drink with you. Do you want to try it?"

"Uh, no, no need." Constantine swallowed and said dryly: "I heard that there are many great mages living in seclusion in Manhattan, and I want to visit them.

And Jersey City, where one of my teachers lived when I was a teenager.

The book about transformation at the end of life was also given to me by him.

Can you fly an airship to London to pick me up?

I'm also a fan of Watchmen, and I really like Owlship. "

Harley frowned and said, "Rich told you? He swore to me."

"I don't know anything about you two," Constantine said.

"Even if British people don't need a visa to come to the United States, you still have to go to the customs to register for entry, right? Just take a plane and I'll reimburse you for the air ticket."

After hanging up the phone with Constantine, Harley turned on the computer again and sent a message to Richie.

"Ah, he only told him after your identity was exposed. Doesn't it count as breaking the oath?" Soon, Richie dialed Harley's mobile phone.

"Be careful. You said you would keep it a secret for a year. The secret includes not only my identity, but also the airship."

"No, I told you to keep it a secret at that time. It was just about your identity." Richie said excitedly.

"I don't blame you, but" Harley sighed and changed the subject, "Constantine is coming to Gotham, do you want to come too?"

Richie suppressed the uneasiness caused by the oath and suggested: "How about sending a message in the chat group and asking everyone who is interested to come over and get together?"


Just after hanging up the phone with Richie, Harley was surprised to find two missed calls on her phone, both from the landline of the old Camai estate.

"Hey, Mr. Falco, I was talking to someone on the phone just now."

"Harry, something happened to Cobot."

Old Kamai told the story in a concise and concise manner.

Fish escaped, but Harley didn't care. Old Kamai was vaguely relieved and didn't care too much.

But both of them had forgotten Cobblepot the Penguin.

Before leaving Gotham, Fish called Maroni and exposed the Penguin's identity as a double agent.

Just ten minutes ago, Old Kamai suddenly received a call for help from Penguin - Maroni was chasing him.

If Old Kamai didn't send someone to rescue him immediately, he would probably be doomed.

Then Kamai called Harley.

"It's okay to leave this matter to Sass, but I hope you go there yourself."

"BOSS, I don't think there's any need to save him."

Harley said solemnly: "I understand the general experience of Copot. Fish took him in as a boy, just like you taught Fish carefully. Copot was by Fish's side, from a good-for-nothing little gangster to Fish umbrella boy.

His status is not high, but he is definitely a confidant.

But even though Fish used him as a confidant to train him, he resolutely betrayed Fish.

Just for the slightest chance of ascending to the top.

Even if Fish fell at that time, as a little umbrella boy, he might be able to take a step forward, but it would be difficult to replace him in the chaos.

But he did it anyway.

If they are just vicious and greedy, it doesn't matter. Gotham is full of people like this.

But he's also very smart.

Just like the bet he made with you, he guessed it all.

Guess that Jim Gordon won't kill him, guess that your Arkham project won't be smooth sailing, and even guess that Maroni will accept his status as a Falcone traitor.

And Lisa, Boss Sasse and I didn’t feel anything at all. That guy noticed something fishy at a glance, he was so cunning. "

"The white-eyed wolf is scary enough, but the white-eyed wolf is also very clever. BOSS, you can't use that kind of person."

"Harry, you are very smart and alert, which is good, but you are not smart enough." Old Camai smiled lightly and said: "It's not that Cobot is ungrateful, it's just that Fish taught him the wrong way. .

Cobot longed for respect, but at the Fishbone Bar, he was constantly being laughed at.

Believe me, a filial child can never be bad no matter how bad he is. "

"Filial piety?" Harley was stunned.

"Well, he has a mother. He loves his mother very, very much. No filial son can be too bad."

"Okay, I'll help you get him back." Harley said.

Old Kamai laughed again.

"It's not to help me. I asked you to save him personally. I gave you the opportunity to show great kindness."

"What use does his gratitude do to me?" Harley asked amusedly.

Old Camai said slowly: "I plan to hand over Fish's territory to him. When he comes back, the Falcone family will hold a meeting again, and he will become a member of the family.

In this way, you who have saved his life will have a smart and capable supporter in the family. "

"BOSS, you don't want me to be your successor, do you? I can't do it." Harley felt embarrassed.

She has not forgotten her undercover status.

Sister Laurie has put her heart and soul into it, and has already paved the way for her. In the future, it is not an extravagant dream to ride the wind and waves, reach the sky in one step, and control the entire FBI.

If you really become the emperor of Gotham, the road will be narrow.

"I think you are very capable, Harley, don't underestimate your potential." Old Kamai encouraged.

"Put this matter aside for now, I'm going to save Copot now." Harley said vaguely.

Abandoned car disposal station in suburban Brooklyn.

A mountain of scrapped cars was piled up. A two-story crane was parked beside it, and a twenty-five-meter-long robotic arm was raised high.

The hook and lock hung down, hanging upside down a short man.

The man's legs were hung from the hooks and his hands were tied and hung on the roof of a dusty Honda car.

"Buzz!" The crane roared, the boom slowly grew taller, the short man's body lengthened, and a shrill howl came from his mouth.

"Ouch, it hurts! Mr. Maroni, stop for a moment. I have something to say. It is very important. It is important enough to affect your future hegemony."

Maroni in the crane had already sworn that he would never be fooled by the little penguin's sweet words again.

But he was really curious about how this bastard could influence his future.

The machine stopped. Although the penguin was pulled upright and still howling in pain, it was no longer in danger of being torn in two.

Maroni stuck his head out of the car window and sneered: "Are you going to tell me to let you go and go to Falcone's place to be my undercover?"

"If you need me, I am willing, and I swear to be loyal." The penguin screamed in a sharp voice.

"But that's not what I'm talking about. Mr. Maroni, do you know why Falco's cabinet still failed miserably in the Arkham project even though I was working undercover next to you?"

"Why?" Maroni asked confused.

If Penguin hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have noticed this until now.

I have to say that Penguin is very smart, and he attracted his attention with just one sentence.

"Because the big guys in Gotham think you can replace Falcone."

The Penguin tries his best to be subtle and make his words attractive, but does not point out the key point at once.

His voice was still sharp and painful, but he had calmed down.

Because he regained control of the situation.

——Maroney will surely sneer next: There are bigger people in Gotham than me.

he thought.

"Is there anyone bigger than me in Gotham?" Maroney sneered.

Cobot smiled in his heart, but his face was still miserable and pitiful.

"Mr. Maroney, please recall, before Mr. and Mrs. Wayne were killed, did you ever think about taking over the Arkham land?"

He circled the topic around and around, the farther he went and the longer he was delayed, the greater his hope of being rescued.

"If Martha hadn't been advocating the 'Arkham Asylum Reconstruction Plan' in the news every day during that time, I wouldn't have realized that Arkham Island was such a big piece of fat." Maroney said honestly.

Penguin was speechless. How did such an idiot get to be on par with Falcone?

(ps: Gary is the musician who went to Bali Street with Quantum Master to find Harley. I used "Gary" before. I felt that Gary was easily confused with Quantum Master Rich, so I changed the translation. In fact, Gary Rui and Gary both have the same transliteration.)

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