I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1512 Confusing right and wrong

Oa, the green light outpost on the outskirts of the star system.

"Hi, Colleague Kyle, Colleague John, don't rush to the headquarters yet, it's not time for the meeting yet."

After Kyle, John and Harley parted ways, they sent an imminent arrival message to the legion headquarters without any delay, and then flew directly to Oa.

Just as the two turned into two green lights and were about to enter the Oa galaxy, an unexpected person stopped them.

"Salac?" Kyle asked in surprise: "As the temporary army commander, you are not stationed at the Oua headquarters, why are you here at the border post?"

The Green Lantern Corps has divided the universe into 3,600 sectors. In addition to two Lanterns, each sector also has a Green Lantern outpost.

The forging materials and technology of Green Lantern Outpost are very similar to the Green Lantern Corps' prison, Tech Prison.

The appearance is also in the style of an "IOI" portable lamp. It looks like the size of a phone booth, but there is something else inside. It is a four-dimensional space, enough to station an army.

There are high-tech instruments for supervising the sector, as well as daily necessities needed for the Lantern life.

Oua also has a "phone booth" outpost in sector 0.

At this time, Green Lantern Commander Sarak pulled Kyle and John into the Sector 0 outpost.

"I have something to show you."

Sarak was very direct. He brought the two of them to the screen and opened a video.

The shot is monotonous and the picture is simple, just the little blue man standing in front of the high-tech prison, talking to a blue-skinned alien prisoner in the cell.

But the content of their conversation and the information revealed were very exciting.

"Oh my God, Harley guessed it right. Guy was really framed by the Guardian." Kyle exclaimed.

The alien prisoner inside was the target of the earlier mission of Guy Gardner and several Green Lanterns.

They were responsible for taking him to some alien star system for a grand trial.

The Carona trial was not an exception.

In fact, it is an old tradition of the Green Lantern Corps to unite with other civilizations to put a certain cosmic felon on trial.

For example, if the Green Lantern Corps catches a super cosmic villain who is doing evil in the galaxy, it will notify the galaxy and let the victim's civilization and the local advanced civilization send representatives to participate in the trial.

This is not only to win people's hearts and make the victims feel grateful to Green Lantern, but also to strengthen the concept that "Green Lantern is the manager and protector of the universe". It is also to intimidate Xiaoxiao and promote Green Lantern's prestige.

Guy's mission is very ordinary, and many Lanterns have taken over similar missions. For example, Kyle was responsible for escorting Kalona to the Algae Star for the grand trial.

Ke Gai messed up and the prisoner escaped halfway, not only seriously injuring him and killing several other lanterns, but also slaughtered the representatives of the victims' civilization who came to participate in the big trial, which had an extremely bad impact.

Gai thought it was the consequences of his own negligence. He felt remorseful and depressed. He drank to relieve his sorrows and behaved drunkenly. During the internal review period of Green Lantern, he even got drunk and made trouble, contradicted his superiors, and was eventually fired. He returned to Earth and continued to be depressed. He was prosecuted for being drunk and causing trouble, and was reduced from a space policeman to a prisoner on Earth.

"We have to inform Guy immediately that he was tricked by the Guardian. The double-knife butcher Dinova suddenly broke free from the cage. It was the result of the Guardian's secret help and had nothing to do with Guy." Kyle said excitedly.

Sarak nodded slightly, "That's why I stopped you guys from whispering."

"How do you have this video?" John frowned: "The guardians have absolute control over the Oa headquarters, and no one can monitor them."

A sly smile appeared on Sarak's serious face.

"You're right, so I didn't use any Oua technology or equipment. I quietly purchased a set of nano-monitors from an alien civilization."

"Why do you spy on the Guardians? You are the most disciplined and law-abiding old-fashioned person in the Green Lantern Corps." John said in surprise.

"Colleague John, being old-fashioned does not mean being stupid. I have eyes and can see the Guardian's suppression and fear of your Earth's green light.

What's more, the rules I adhere to have been broken by the guardians long ago.

After the Suneater crisis ended, when Kyle and his colleagues rebuilt the new Green Lantern Corps, they made an agreement with the Guardians - the Guardians only have the power of supervision and guidance, and the power to manage the daily affairs of the Corps belongs to the Corps Commander and the Green Lantern members.

Colleague Kyle, you have optimized the Green Light Commandment to a certain extent to make it more in line with this era.

Now the Guardians don't say anything on the surface, but completely ignore the new commandments in action, and the Green Lantern Corps is using the same old system from ten years ago. "

Sighing with a complicated tone, Sarak continued: "Under the new Green Lantern law, the Guardians cannot secretly make any plans without telling the Green Lantern Corps.

I monitor their every move just to ensure that the law is enforced. "

"What are you going to do? Are there other videos?" John asked.

"The guardians are very cautious. Apart from this video, I have not collected any other criminal evidence, nor have I heard anything about their plans.

I didn't take out this video to clear up my colleague Gai's grievances before, because I wanted to avoid alerting others and continue to collect evidence.

Now that the Green Lanterns are gathered in Oa, I feel uneasy and plan to contact you to form a "Green Lantern Little League" to impeach the Guardians.

When all members of the Green Lantern Corps arrive, don't listen to what the Guardians say, don't give them room to act, and directly use this video to question them. "

Kyle nodded repeatedly, "Salac, you are a qualified legion leader. I really misunderstood you before."

"We have to call Guy over so he can accuse the Guardian in public." John's eyes flashed. "In addition, we need to prepare enough portable lamps in advance to prevent the Guardian from jumping over the wall and turning off the central energy battery."

Sarak gave him an appreciative look, "Come here."

He took them to the outpost arsenal and saw that it was densely packed with green portable lanterns full of energy.

"Shit, when did you do that?" Kyle exclaimed.

Sarak glanced at him and said calmly: "While you are hiding on earth to avoid disasters."

Kyle was at a loss, feeling embarrassed and guilty.

Sarak was not self-conscious and did not embarrass him any more. He continued: "Of course I am not alone. Han Nu, Aretha, Chip, Katma, and Kilowog are all my accomplices."

Kyle felt even more guilty.

"It turns out we are not alone." John's blood surged and his face turned red. "It's really great to be your comrades!"

Sarak said bitterly: "It's a pity that we still have too few people. What can we do with more than thirty green lights?

I secretly arranged for Becky the squirrel to go to Earth to find Hal Jordan's colleague, just in the hope that he could return to the green light. I even secretly prepared a light ring for him.

With the strength and reputation of Hal and Kyle's colleagues, and the help of our group of veterans, it is enough to defeat the Guardians. "

"Salac, don't worry, I will never back down even a step this time." Kyle said firmly.

"Well, I believe you." Sarak also looked at him firmly.

Then, he changed his topic and said with twinkling eyes: "I wonder where is our friend Harley Quinn now? Isn't it convenient for her to participate in our impeachment action? With her here, we will definitely win without defeat."

"Colleague Kyle, it's not that I don't trust you." Seeing Kyle's expression stiffen, he quickly explained: "When you reestablished the Green Lantern Corps, you called her over.

remember? She is the witness and notary of the new covenant between the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians.

If we want to impeach the Guardian in accordance with the law, we need her to be there.

After all, the laws we follow at this time were enacted under her witness. "

Kyle thought about it, it was really like this.

At the beginning, he represented the Green Lantern members, and Gunther represented the Guardians. There was a three-part agreement between the two parties, and Harley was the notary and guarantor.

"Actually, John and I returned to Oa early, and we also joined forces with colleagues to denounce the Guardian's plan. I also invited Harley, but she..." Kyle struggled for a moment, but changed his words, "She felt that she I have no position to interfere in the internal affairs of the legion."

"She is the guarantor." Sarak said immediately.

"Well, I didn't think of that at the time."

Sarak said: "Contact her now and tell her clearly. We are acting in accordance with the law this time, and she has very good reasons to participate in our action.

Even upholding the green light law is her responsibility as a guarantor. "

Kyle looked embarrassed. Just now, Harley had ridiculed him to the point of being ridiculed, scaring his heart with holes and making him hide his face and run away. How would she laugh at him if he found her again now?

"John, please contact Harley."

The black man was stunned when he heard this, and then said with a wry smile: "I'm also afraid of her now."

Even so, he sent a message to Harley using the light ring.

After waiting for two hours, Guy Gardner came over, but Harley still didn't respond.

"John, you were a Green Lantern during the Green Lantern War. I'd better give this Lantern ring to you." Guy first handed the Green Lantern ring that Harley borrowed from him to John Stewart, and put on his original Green Lantern ring. , and then said: "John, Qingdeng is fast, you go to Okaro Star. It is indeed more peaceful with Harley here."

John Stewart didn't want the Green Lantern Ring.

But he also had to admit that Qing Deng's ultra-long-distance transmission was the fastest and most convenient.

"She's not here," he said when he returned two hours later.

"Where did she go?" Guy asked confused.

Kyle's heart moved and he said: "John, you go to Odeum and have a look again."

"Odeum Star, Blue Lantern Headquarters? What is she doing there?" John asked confused.

"Oh, it's very possible that she said she was tired at the time." Guy suddenly realized, "John, go and take a look, she is probably there."

Two more hours later, John Stewart returned empty-handed again.

"She did go to Odeum, but now the people are gone, leaving only a large area of ​​starship wreckage and millions of Zerg warriors with broken hearts and paralysis.

We'd better arrange for people to clean up the battlefield. Those Zerg warriors need rescue. "He said in a strange tone.

"As expected." Kyle nodded, turned to Sarak and Kilowog and the "old green lights" and said: "We can't count on Harley. She will probably fight the Loki Zerg to the end of the universe."

Sarak looked down at the light ring, and the green light flashed on the ring.

"Leave the matter of rescuing the Zerg to the higher civilizations near Odim. Send them a message. We don't have time.

The Guardian has arrived on Oa, and our plans cannot be ended with or without her. "

An hour later, Oa, Green Light headquarters.

The guardians all appeared, floating in the air, expressionless, like a cold statue.

In the square below, nearly 10,000 Green Lanterns lined up in a neat queue.

Sarak took a deep breath, stepped out of the queue, and said loudly: "Guardian, there is one thing -"

Ganse waved his hand, and the powerful power of his mind suppressed his words.

He said in a louder voice: "Salac, please wait for a moment. The Lanterns in sectors 3188, 3098, and 2999 have important matters related to the safety of the universe to report to you.

Colleague Gordon from sector 3188, you go first. "

Sarlacc frowned and looked at Green Lantern Gordon.

"Dear guardians and colleagues, please watch my video."

Lantern Gordon was very direct. He raised his right hand and used a lantern ring to project a huge 3D holographic picture in mid-air: hundreds of blue skinned monsters flying out of the micro wormhole and rushing towards the civilized planet below.

The monster ignored Wenxing's warnings and their attacks, descending to the surface unscathed.

They didn't kill anyone, they just captured a resident and assimilated him into one of their own kind in the blink of an eye.

They have no mouths and cannot scream. Their desperate screams come from the inhabitants of the planet.

With the last scream, the residents turned into silent monsters without mouths.

The video has been edited, and the next scene is a few hours later, billions of blue monsters rise into the sky, and the goddesses scatter flowers in outer space, leaving only the empty cultural star.

The picture is very impactful, and the green light turns pale after watching it.

"Oh my God, what is this?" Kyle exclaimed.

"There are also blue monsters in sector 3098. They are so strong that my green lantern ring is almost ineffective against them." The Lantern in sector 3098 said solemnly.

"The same goes for Sector 2999. This is no ordinary disaster, this is a cosmic catastrophe." The Lantern of Sector 2999 said excitedly.

Ganser looked down at the lanterns who were either surprised or serious, and said: "There are still 39 lanterns who died in the line of duty and died at the hands of the blue monster.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is that they were all transformed into monsters.

The monster carries a powerful virus that even Green Lantern is not immune to.

But the duty of our Green Lantern Corps is to protect the peace of the universe.

Nothing scares us. "

"The day is bright and the night is vast; monsters and monsters have no escape." He held the lantern ring high and shouted towards the green light.

The green lanterns were excited, raised their lantern rings, and responded in unison: "The evil villains and traitors are afraid of my divine light; the green lanterns will always shine and shine forever!"

Kyle and others looked at each other, feeling a little at a loss.

The guardian called them back because of the crisis of the blue monster?

At this time, is there still internal strife?

They hesitated.

Gunther pressed his hands down, "A few days ago, we received a report from the Lanterns of Sector 3567 about monsters on the border of the universe.

That's why we all left Oa.

After days of research, we determined that the blue monster came from a terrible virus.

Suspected to be related to the submojo virus on Earth. "

All the Green Lanterns looked at the two Earth Green Lanterns, and some of the Lanterns had obvious blame and resentment in their eyes.

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