I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1511 Harley’s Super Experience Pack

"Didn't you sense it? La Freeze's treasure house is this planet." Said pointed to the mountains at his feet.

"Planet Okaro?"

Harley extended her mental power into the mountains and saw nothing.

Then, she thought about the arrival of outsiders on this planet, and the treasure house could not be without any cover.

She activated the orange light ring on her finger, and used the light ring to sense a golden light from the Okaro planet rushing towards her, almost dazzling her "eyes".


The majestic mountains stretching for tens of thousands of kilometers with an average altitude of more than 15,000 meters are actually composed of gold and silver treasures.

Nearly 30% of it is precious metals, and there is actually very little gold and silver. More metals exist in the form of weird alien machines or weapons.

The other 20% of the "La Freeze Treasures" are energy-rich magical objects, energy crystals, and pure technological energy power furnaces.

Even the technology products are obviously high-end products and nothing is the same.

There is still 50% left, which is full of debris. There are all kinds of messy things, even coffins and corpses.

Harry didn't recognize most of the objects.

But without exception, they all have immortal characteristics or contain powerful energy, such as statues, altars, magical instruments and other items.

Under the mountains, Harley also sensed veins containing energy crystals of the Emotional Law of Greed.

There is no doubt that Okaro is an "emotional planet".

Those veins are the embodied source of the planet, from which the "greedy emotional energy" can be extracted.

However, the orange light central energy battery is not welded to the core of the planet.

The Blue Lantern headquarters was invaded by the Loki Zerg. Most of the Blue Lanterns escaped. They also carried a large number of portable lamps full of energy. Only the most important central energy battery was trapped in the Odim star. There was nothing they could do. take away.

Because the Blue Lantern was created by Gunther and Seid, they followed the Green Lantern Corps model and "welded" the Blue Lantern's central energy battery to the core of the emotional planet.

The central energy battery is like a big tree, with roots deep into the core of the planet, borrowing the characteristics of connecting the origin of the planet with the laws of emotion to enhance the maximum output power of the battery.

Orange lights can do the same.

But the Orange Lantern Corps only had Freeze alone, and he was worried about leaving the central energy battery alone at the headquarters.

Every time he goes out, he carries a lamp stove the size of an 8L rice cooker in his arms.

The lamp furnace is the central energy battery of the orange lamp, which is very similar to the rechargeable portable lamps of other legions.

After returning from the trip, he would "bury" the central energy battery the size of a lantern into the interior of the planet, allowing it to integrate with the origin of the Okaro planet, which could speed up the recovery of emotional energy.

In addition, Lafleeze's army of orange-lit ghosts are all stored in the central battery.

"I regret it!"

Harley held the orange lamp stove, her eyes flashed with a faint orange light, and the scene inside the lamp stove was clear to her eyes.

Densely packed ghosts crowded together, like a small hell.

"I shouldn't have listened to your nonsense in the first place, saying that the integration of seven lights into one is the only way to deal with the Black Death Emperor."

"What did you say?"

Seeing her suddenly change her face, from a happy and greedy face to a cold expression, Said was a little confused.

"How long has it been since the Blackest Night? Less than a year. During the Blackest Night, I took away all his orange lantern ghosts, hundreds of thousands. But within a year, there were another 300,000 orange lanterns in the jar. Army of ghosts.”

Harley took out Lafleeze's soul again and sat cross-legged in the air casually. The light ring glowed orange and she seemed to be holding a ball of flame in her hand.

Lafleeze's soul was roasted and tempered by the fire of the orange lamp, and the miserable howl originating from the soul was heard. The gloom on Harley's face gradually disappeared, the corners of her mouth gradually raised, and there was a hint of joy in her eyebrows.

Orange light ghosts, ghosts as their name suggests, are undead spirits composed of greedy emotional energy.

The body is illusory, emitting orange light, and can use orange energy like the Orange Lantern.

All Lanterns selected by the Lantern Ring can be called "the manifestation of emotional energy in the human world."

Their souls are naturally in tune with the corresponding emotional energy.

Only the souls of beings selected by the Greedy Lantern Ring can be refined into orange lantern ghosts.

The higher the quality of the orange lantern demon, the stronger the orange lantern ghost will be.

There is no doubt that La Freeze is the ultimate orange light ghost.

"Witch Harley, you are treacherous and extremely shameless."

Lafleeze, who was turned into a ghost, has a translucent body, and his body surface seems to be wrapped in a ball of orange flames.

At this moment, Harley didn't control him. He could follow his own will, twisting his face and roaring loudly at her.

When he was still an undead, he could only emit the voice of his soul. His voice could not be perceived by ordinary people. Only those who were proficient in exorcism or had strong spiritual power could hear it.

Now he has become an orange lantern ghost, which is equivalent to the ghost becoming an orange lantern demon, and he can communicate with ordinary people normally.

"You not only killed me, but you also refined me into a ghost." The ghost La Freeze cried excitedly, "Oh God, you can refine me into a ghost, which means you have complete control over my lamp ring and lamp furnace. .

I would rather be killed a hundred times and be turned into a ghost a hundred times than I can bear to have all my treasures snatched away by you, a bastard. "

"Orange Lantern" Kyle Rayner, who was fighting John Stewart and Guy Gardner in the sky, looked over with a complicated expression.

The lanterns around were all upright, standing on tiptoes and pointing in the distance.

Many people looked expectantly, wanting to see how she would show off or how eloquent she would be.

Harley did nothing, not even giving the ghost Fleeze a glance.

The next moment, Ghost Lafleeze changed his expression, his face was full of submission and respect, he lay on the ground, his head was like a pound of garlic, and he shouted loudly: "Master Harley, you are wise and decisive, and your credibility comes first!

You made an oath to us back then, saying that as long as I disgust you, you will get mad at me.

You are true to your word and do what you say.

I have destroyed countless civilizations and killed hundreds of billions of people, seriously offending you who are just, kind and compassionate.

I deserve to die, I deserve it! "

"Pah, pah, pah!" He knelt on the ground, repenting sincerely as he slapped his big mouth hard. "For a person who loves cleanliness and has a mysophobia, it's a big deal for someone to spit on him. Big offense.

For you, a clean freak, my despicable act of shamelessly using the ‘Revenge of the Seven Lamps’ to kill the invincible victor and then feeling complacent and complacent is undoubtedly the greatest offense and an unforgivable crime.

If you don't get mad at me and kill me, you are being dishonest.

Just like some lanterns who swear that "ghosts and monsters have no escape, evil villains and traitors are afraid of my divine light", but they know full well that I have slaughtered countless civilizations and bloodbathed hundreds of billions of innocent good people. Let me go lightly, and even prevent others from bringing down righteous judgments on me. "

The three green lights who are eating melon, Kyle, John, and Guy, can't sit still.

When every Green Lantern officially becomes a sector manager, he will hold his lantern ring high and make an oath of justice to the universe: the day is bright and the night is vast; monsters and monsters have no escape; evil villains and traitors are afraid of my divine light; the green light always shines. , eternal light!

They vowed to protect good and punish evil with their lives.

They vowed to keep the light alive and the darkness to fade away.

This is a sacred oath, not a simple line.

It is obvious that the ghost Lafleeze is the puppet in Harley's hands at this moment.

But the sarcastic words she spoke through its mouth were irrefutable to the Lanterns.

Don't talk about the overall situation. An oath is an oath, and breaking an oath is breaking an oath.

They swore an oath when they became the Green Light to judge evil and uphold justice.

But Lafleeze was undoubtedly a very evil person, yet he was let off lightly by them many times.

They knew he was doing evil, but they didn't take any action.

"I understand what they are thinking. I am the Lord of Orange Lanterns. Kill me and let the lanterns harm others."

Harley refused to let go of the "sex light warriors" led by Kyle, and the ghost La Freeze continued to kowtow and confess: "In other words, in their subconscious, I, the owner of the orange light, and they are the same kind.

The other billions of people in the universe who were killed by me are just numbers, dust that can be ignored.

They regard the Lantern Ring as a sacred object, believe that the Legion is a natural being that holds supreme authority, and regard the identity of the Lantern as a sign of the "higher people" in the universe.

The killing of a lantern is completely different from the killing of an ordinary person by a lantern.

The Lantern was killed like the sky was falling.

The Legion killed a third-rate Lantern and chased Kyle Rayner across half of the universe.

Ordinary people being killed by Lanterns are like stepping on footsteps and breaking grass stems.

They forget that if they take off their lamp rings, they are just ordinary people whose lives are worthless.

Their relatives and friends are no different from the hundreds of millions of alien civilians who I casually crush and kill. "

"I can't stand it anymore. Let's go first. Call me if you need anything." Guy Gardner shouted with steam on his head, activated the blue light teleportation, and disappeared with a "biu" sound.

John's face was dark and red, and there were thorns on his back. He felt that everyone was looking at him with scrutiny at this time.

"Kyle, time is running out, we should go to Oa."

Kyle lowered his head, sweating all over his body. Every word spoken by Ghost Lafleeze could pierce his soul, making him extremely uncomfortable and ashamed.

It was like hundreds of bees were living in his head, buzzing and flying around, making him lose the ability to think.

When he heard John's words, he was confused for a moment. When he came to his senses, he immediately nodded repeatedly, "John, you are right, let's go."

"Eight more hours," Seid shouted.

"Let's go to Oa first to find trustworthy and reliable companions and prepare for the next changes." Kyle didn't look back, left a word, and teleported away.

On the other side, Saint Walker whispered to Carol: "Is this the legendary 'Witch Killing the Heart'? It's well-deserved!"

"What?" Carol didn't know why.

"I heard that Witch Harley likes to use extremely sarcastic words to kill the hearts of superheroes. Every time she doesn't get her way, she will kill the hearts of the heroes and cheer up her own heart." Saint Walker whispered. .

Carol asked curiously: "Who did you listen to?"

“When Kalona was robbing the lantern beast, I took Yao Shinu (the host of the blue lantern beast Yao Shihuang) to live at the Zhenglian headquarters for a few days, and I heard what they were saying.

I didn't take it seriously before, thinking they were making a fuss out of a molehill and exaggerating.

Today I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears that I realized how powerful she was.

Her words made people sit on pins and needles, like thorns in the back, and were unbearable.

But at the same time, it is so well-founded that it makes people feel stuck in their throats, unable to refute, and even more uncomfortable.

Luckily we weren't her main target - no, she looked over. "

While Saint Walker was whispering, he kept glancing at Harley who was messing with the orange light ghost in the distance.

Halfway through her words, she suddenly noticed that she turned her head and looked over expressionlessly. Saint Walker jumped up as if he had been electrocuted.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's find a place closer to Oa and wait for news about Kyle."

He stood restlessly, his expression was awkward, he rubbed his hands and kept winking at Carol, Muenko, Archilo, and Briz.

Aqilo didn't dare to look up to look at Harley, but kept agreeing: "Saint Walker is right, this is sector 2814, it is too far away from sector 0."

"Said, Harley, let's go now. If you need anything, we'll contact you."

Carol also shouted to Harley, and the others only forced a forced smile and waved to her.

"They're all gone," Said said.

"You can leave too. The Orange Lantern Corps will be disbanded on the spot and you are free." Harley waved her hand.

Said looked at her in silence for a while, then flew into the sky and disappeared on the planet Okaro.

Harley lowered her head and glanced at the ghost Lafleeze who was still kowtowing. "You stay here to guard 'my treasure'. You can allow outsiders to enter the planet for a short period of time to repair it, but they cannot touch my treasure. Do you understand?"

"As you command, my supreme master."

The ghost Lafleeze slowly sank into the earth and disappeared.

Harry held the orange lamp, thought for a moment, activated the space teleportation, and left Okaro.

Odeum, where the Blue Lantern Corps' headquarters is located, was once the most beautiful planet in the universe.

At this time it became an apple core that had been chewed by a child with gap-toothed teeth.

It has shrunk several times, and the surface is full of pits and pits, making it very ugly.

The "starry sky fleet" that Kyle and the others called, and the number of Blue Beetle warriors like raindrops in a heavy rain, can no longer be seen in the star system.

There are only a dozen or so frigates surrounding the "energy furnace" with a diameter of 20 kilometers and a purely mechanical structure.

On Odim, there are hundreds of beetles that are shaped like snails and are as big as small hills.

They drill into the earth's veins, devouring the emotional energy, core heat energy, and rare metals in the planet, drilling from the South Pole to the North Pole, and then from the North Pole of the other hemisphere back to the South Pole.

You can see big bumps bulging on the ground, like a group of big rats running under the sheets.

With each drilling circle, the blue energy chamber behind the "Snail Beetle" becomes brighter, and the Odeum star becomes shriveled up.

From time to time, you can see "snail beetles" that are full of energy, emerging from the ground, slowly floating into space, and coming to the edge of the giant energy furnace.

A long blue mouthpart extends from the beetle's mouth, trapping the energy in the "snail shell" into the energy furnace.

It is conceivable that eventually this planet will be drained of all miraculous energy and become a shriveled meteorite.

"Hey, I am Lord Lishan of 'Galaxy Seeking Defeat'. You bunch of heartless bugs, please die quickly!"

Harley took off her angel armor and angel wings, put on an ordinary yellow light uniform, shouted, and rushed towards the energy furnace.

"I am Commander Ru-Korza of the Peak, Lord Lishan. You have entered the territory of our Rocky Empire. Leave immediately, otherwise my fleet will judge you as an enemy."

A cold voice reached Harley's ears in the form of spiritual waves.

"Fear is the source of Aquilo's authority! For Aquilo, for justice, kill!"

Harley shouted, used the yellow light energy to open the space door, and prepared to teleport to the power furnace.


As soon as the space door opened, it collapsed under the interference of a wave-like force field. Harley was caught off guard and almost got involved in the space turbulence.

"Shit, is the technology of the Rocky Zerg so advanced? Just the logistics troops collecting garbage are equipped with such a powerful anti-space gate force field wave."

Harry felt frustrated, feeling both annoyed and surprised.

Technology that interferes with space gates is common in interstellar wars among advanced civilizations.

Its principle is not difficult either. It is to create space-time ripples with a force field generator, causing the smooth and flat space-time to ripple like the sea surface, thus interfering with the opening of the space door.

Well, opening a space door is like drawing on a flat piece of paper. It requires a stable space-time environment, otherwise it will be a thousand miles away.

The deeper the understanding of the laws of space, the lower the environmental requirements for opening the space door.

The stronger the anti-space gate's ground wave, the more severe the space-time oscillation, and the higher the transmission failure rate.

During the Green Lantern War, the Earthlings also used anti-space gate technology against the Green Lantern puppets.

It's a pity that the technology of the people on earth is average, and the technology of Green Lantern is too strong, and the effect is far less than that of the Rocky Zerg at this time.

You must know that the person who opened the space door at this time is the yellow light Harley!

Although she is not proficient in the laws of time and space, she is the strongest yellow light.

Even if she uses the yellow light to open the space door, Archilo and his like will only be in a worse situation. They can only hit the target at sub-light speed, and then be locked on the target by the opponent's naval gun.

"No wonder the group of "color-light righteous men" led by Kyle failed to save the Blue Lantern headquarters even after working together.

It seems that it is really necessary to activate the 'space defense expertise' early. "

Harley sighed secretly and continued to rush towards the power furnace at sub-light speed with an unswerving attitude.

The space defense expertise cannot increase her understanding of the laws of space, but it can help her transcend the stage of understanding the laws and directly suppress and restrain all the adverse effects of the laws of space on her.

For example, the space defense force field is used to lock the space and prevent others from opening the space door at will; for example, under the space defense force field, she can open the space door at will and turn a blind eye to the space-time shock wave.


The Rocky Zerg frigates opened fire, and the dense rain of blue rays directly engulfed Harley, who did not dodge and went straight forward.

"Ouch~~" To Harley's expectation, the Rocky Zerg did not fire randomly. Their attacks were very targeted at the Lantern: the naval gun energy beam could offset the yellow light protective cover on her body.

The protective cover of the yellow light, which was just a pretense, lasted less than half a second before it was broken.

"Gudong, Gudong." In the depths of Harry's Consciousness Sea, a small string of bubbles appeared from the level experience jar.

"Kill for Aquilo!" She didn't care, she got on the elevator like a rock under the waterfall, and headed upstream to the "top of the waterfall" against the splashing energy water.

"Whoosh whoosh~~~" The bottom of the Zerg frigate, which was twice the size of the Ford aircraft carrier, opened a dense honeycomb-like jet port and sprayed out thousands of blue "egg cannons."

One meter tall and shaped like an egg.

While still flying in the air, the "eggs" stretched out and turned into blue beetle-like space warriors.

It cannot be said that it is very similar to the Earth's superhero Blue Beetle, it is simply Blue Beetle.

The blue beetle formed a cloud of insects and swallowed the charging Harley directly.

"Gudong, Gudong." The level experience jar bubbled more intensely.

Harley was overjoyed. Although these blue beetles had their minds controlled, they were all independent individuals.

Unlike the Blackest Night, so many black lamp undead are all puppets of the lamp ring. All the experience they can provide is the total experience of the Black Death Emperor and the Black Hand.

This group of blue beetles are the most powerful warriors in the civilization that was destroyed by the Zerg. It can be said that they are the entire essence of a civilization, and they generally use a very high total experience value.

Harley opened the defensive gold film with a radius of two meters. The surface of the gold film was covered with yellow light energy as a camouflage, allowing the beetles to attack crazily.

Use energy weapons, tear with sharp claws, and stab with high-tech cold weapons.

"Aquilo's authority, the source of fear!"

After struggling in the insect swarm for a while, and seeing that the increase in experience slowed down, Harley used her own will to drive the emotional origin of fear, and used the Yellow Lantern Demon's classic move: fear intimidation.

An illusory golden flame rose up from her body and expanded instantly, spreading to less than half of the battlefield.

At least cover all the insect swarms.

"Uh ah ah~~~~" The blue beetles seemed to have been modified into a collective action mode. Without exception, they all stopped attacking, their bodies twitched or curled up, and they screamed in extreme fear.

Wisps of yellow energy floated out from them and converged on Harley.

"Hey, why is the effect so good?" Harley thought that all the Blue Beetles were Green Lanterns - possessing the will to overcome fear. After all, they were the strongest warriors in the extinct civilization.

When the Loki Zerg destroys a civilization, they will leave behind the most genetically powerful and determined warriors in the civilization. They will be given scarab suits that control their minds, and they will become the Zerg's most powerful weapon.

Harley was surprised, and her mental power followed the power of fear they provided her and entered their hearts.

She saw visions of fear in their hearts.

They are all scenes of the Rocky Zerg descending on the literary stars and slaughtering their families, friends, and tribes.

"Well, I understand. They are all orphans of civilization. The biggest fear in their hearts is the destruction of civilization."

Harry suddenly realized that the murderous intention in his heart became weaker and stronger.

"Ugly bugs, you have angered the God of Fear!"

She let out a long roar, passed over the beetles that had lost their combat power, and rushed straight towards the frigate without harvesting their lives.

She changed direction and stopped hitting the power furnace.

She wanted to kill someone right now.

"Boom!" Accelerating with the energy of the yellow light, she hit the bridge like a sub-light speed cannonball.

It was like shooting through the head of an Ultraman toy with a pistol, parts flying around.

When she crashed into the interior of the battleship, a large amount of yellow light energy suddenly erupted, all of which were offensive energy beams.


A "starship firecracker" is lit in space, which is extremely dazzling and bright.


After imploding four frigates in succession, the main fleet of the Rocky Zerg finally responded.


The boundless dark starry sky seemed to have opened thousands of eyes, and each eye was a space door emitting a faint light.

Every eye was on Harley on the battlefield.

Thousands of battleships shot out from the "eye", tightly surrounding her and locking the time and space within a radius of one light.

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