I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1510 The dawn of ending the demonization of nightmares

When Harley told Archillo that there was no need for the Yellow Lantern Corps, she was not threatening him to force him to surrender.

It was after he took the initiative to seek refuge that she came up with the plan of "Seven Dragons".

It is different from the original "Seven Dragons" pretense.

After wearing the orange light ring, Harley gained a new understanding of the "Seven Emotions of the Dragon".

Her experience level is almost 116, but her magic realm is still stuck at the peak of the Archmage.

The demonized nightmare transformation was not completed, and she was unable to comprehend the rules and enter the master realm.

The demonization of the nightmare continues to this day, and she has split into more than forty phantoms.

In theory, this stage of terminal transformation should have ended long ago.

But Harley wasn't sure how to deal with her illusion.

Ordinary gods and wizards, and even heavenly kings, their choices are simple and crude: cut off the emotional illusion.

Without the emotional phantom, the nightmare demonization with the emotional phantom as the main body will of course come to an end.

It's just that the phantom is not the enemy.

They are that part of the soul that represents emotion.

Cutting off the fantasy person will make one's emotions crippled.

There may be gods and wizards who wish that "human flaws" such as "laziness" and "gluttony" would disappear.

Without the flaws of mortals, they can be regarded as perfect gods.

Harley is willing to overcome the shortcomings of human nature, but cannot accept cutting them off with a knife.

There are also god-kings who don’t want to completely give up their emotions.

They store the emotional illusion and seal it in a box so that they can retrieve it when needed in the future.

That box is Pandora's Box.

What's even more coincidental is that Pandora's Box is now in Harley's treasure room.

Well, the "supernatural item storage room" where Pandora's Box was previously located in the Sky Eye Society was snatched by American soldiers from a certain tribe in Africa.

It's not that Harley asked the soldiers to snatch it. She hadn't become the boss of the Sky Eye Society at that time.

What's even better is that Pandora's box is empty. It has been opened by Pandora, a girl from a primitive tribe. The Seven Original Sins inside were released and are now being suppressed by the Shazam family.

If she cuts off her emotions and stuffs them into a magic box, she doesn't have to worry about her emotions being mixed with other people's.

But Harley would rather not break through to the Grand Master realm for the rest of her life than cut off her emotions.

She has never forgotten that the foundation of her path is defensive evolution, not magic.

Without breaking through the Grand Master, she could still kill ten Grand Masters with one punch.

Cutting off her emotions, she would no longer be who she was before, and her self would be destroyed.

It's not like Harley kept procrastinating and doing nothing. She had been studying the experience of the old God.

End-of-life transformation is both a crisis and a great opportunity. The essence of transformation is actually evolution.

If the demonization of nightmares is useless, God will not split his emotions and create a group of trumpets.

In fact, nightmare demonization can continuously purify emotions and allow the soul to evolve to an unimaginable level.

The DC multiverse comes from a mere idea of ​​good and evil.

To be "in harmony with the Tao", you must purify your thoughts and emotions.

On the other hand, if you can purify your thoughts and emotions, you can "come into harmony with the Tao."

In the prehistoric world of immortals and heroes, the Three Pure Ones and Four Imperial Guards, the Buddha and the Heavenly Emperor, isn’t the purpose of Ji Ji’s camp just to harmonize with the Tao?

Harley isn't necessarily interested in "the Way."

But the rapid increase in soul power brought about by the demonization of nightmares alone was enough to satisfy her.

Now, Harley has found in the Legion of Color and Light the possibility of overcoming the demonization of the nightmare through "sideways".

The heresy is relative to the "orthodox road" that cuts off emotions.

After she put on Lafleeze's orange light ring, she didn't get the light ring's approval immediately.

If the Lantern Ring recognized her, he would have flown to Earth long ago to select her as the Orange Lantern Demon.

Her greed was not recognized by the light ring, but Harley also wanted to control the light ring, and needed extremely high authority to use the light ring to control the orange central lamp furnace and the million orange light ghosts belonging to La Freeze.

Normally, she could barely do it.

But she had already split into the "Seven Deadly Sins" phantom, and greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins (ps).

The greedy phantom immediately interacted with the orange light ring.

For a moment, the phantom almost took over the main personality.

Her soul was even twisted into the appearance of a greedy demon, and was "seen" by Said with the power of his mind.

Greedy Orange Lantern's attitude towards her immediately changed from resolute disobedience to actively throwing herself into his arms.

When she suppressed the greedy phantom, although the light ring did not fly away, her control over the light ring was immediately greatly reduced.

At that time, Harley had an idea: If she first used the Dark Nightmare Demonization (PS) of Nightmare Nurse Asa, actively fused with the greedy phantom, and then used the orange light source to strengthen the phantom, what state could she achieve? Can you survive the final transformation of the nightmare into demonization?

When the yellow light Archiro "took the initiative" to study "Harley's thoughts and spirit", Harley thought of another possibility: the phantoms born from the demonization of nightmares are essentially the embodiment of emotions in the soul. Can understanding and understanding of emotions help it cultivate? If she absorbs other people's understanding and perception of such emotions, can she become a master of "Illusion Human Magic"?

People who practice the concepts of gods are the most devout believers of gods.

Devout believers offer their beliefs to the gods.

Then, the yellow lantern demon who practices "Harley's thoughts and spirit" is also a believer in "Harley God".

They are the human incarnations of the emotion of fear. Can the beliefs they enshrine help the fearful phantoms grow and evolve?

You have to give it a try to see if it can work. Anyway, Harley doesn't have to pay much.

Kyle glanced at the Lanterns resting in the distance and asked with a worried look: "Harley, do you really want to recruit the Yellow Lantern Corps?"

"I'm not interested in ruling them. I'm just establishing a new 'concept of fear' for the Yellow Lantern Corps and transforming them into a dynamic organization that is beneficial to society and the people."

Harley looked at him seriously, "If the Green Lantern Corps cannot prove the value of its existence or performs poorly in this 'Guardians Crisis', the harm to the universe will be far greater than the gain.

On behalf of all the people of the universe, I will also force the Green Lantern Corps to be rectified. "

"Why do you represent all the people of the universe?" Kyle frowned.

"Haha." Harley laughed and sneered: "You can represent the people of the universe, consider yourself the police of the universe, and protect the peace of the universe.

Why can't I represent the people of the universe and act as a judge to supervise you, this group of energetic organizations in the universe? "

Seid next to him coughed lightly and reminded: "Kyle, you are here to learn the 'Way of Greed' from the 'Lord of the Orange Lantern', don't waste time by talking about other things.

Also, Harley Quinn, you have to give him an Orange Lantern ring.

At first, Lafleeze disguised himself as an orange lantern ghost as a lantern ring, which prevented my seven-lantern fusion plan from being fully realized.

Currently, Kyle Rayna's light ring only combines six kinds of light rings, and is still missing an orange light of greed. "

Then, she hesitated and said: "Can you control the central energy battery? Not everyone is qualified to become the Lord of Greed."

Seid had reason to be suspicious.

The orange light ring was worn on Harley's finger, and it didn't have the "overbearing" aura that belonged to Lafleeze at all.

Harley was not affected by greed at all and was completely sane.

This is very unusual.

Even if he is as powerful as Lafleeze, he cannot contain the greed in his heart.

Harry didn't waste any time and directly released the greedy illusion in his soul. He used the greedy emotional energy defense expertise as a rope, supplemented by another 11 defense expertise, to tightly bind the demonized illusion.

Then, she integrated the controlled part of the greedy illusion into her main consciousness.

Well, it's not completely fused, only one "arm" is fused.


If the process of rapid expansion of greed is like a bomb exploding, then at this time, Harley's sea of ​​consciousness is like detonating a nuclear bomb.

An orange mushroom cloud rose in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Greed is like a stinky fart in an elevator room, instantly occupying the entire space.

"Mine, everything is mine, I come, I see, everything belongs to me~~~"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Hallie, the phantom man, twisted his face and shouted.

In reality, Harley's mouth and cheek muscles were out of control and she wanted to shout.

She exerted control, causing her expression to become a little distorted.


An orange light stove the size of a rice cooker flew out from the depths of the earth, came to Harley with a "swish", and rubbed against her as if it was conscious.

It was like a dog that had been wandering for half a month and finally found its way home and finally met the owner who fed it big chicken legs every day.

"Lamp ring!" Harley gave the order with difficulty.

"Ding~~~" A ring of orange light was ejected from the lamp mouth and flew straight towards Kyle Rayna.

"Intelligent life has been locked. Kyle Rayner, an Earthling from sector 2814, you——" The light ring got stuck in mid-sentence and stopped hovering.

"Kyle, activate your greed emotion." Said reminded.

"I won't"

"You have the emotional element of greed, how can you not understand greed? Carefully recall your desire for material, people, and emotions since you were a child." Said said.

"Kyle Rayner, you are so horny, you belong to the Orange Lantern Corps!" The next moment, the Lantern Ring reacted.

Kyle Rayner also had a huge reaction.

"Mine, it's mine, it's mine, it's mine, not yours." He tilted his mouth and squinted his eyes, yelling like a maniac.

When he saw the lamp next to Harley, Hui's eyes glowed orange, and he roared and rushed over, "This is my lamp, Witch Harley will die - ah~~~"

As soon as Harry had an idea, the emotional defense force field covered the defensive golden film, and the golden film folded into a large transparent hand, grabbed Kyle by the throat, and lifted him into the air like a chicken.

Perhaps Kyle is the embodiment of life, awakened to seven emotional elements, and holding seven light rings.

But Harley's white light defense expertise is level 9, and her green light, red light, and yellow light defense expertise are also level 9.

Orange lantern, purple lantern, green lantern, and blue lantern are almost as good as seven or eight levels.

Don't say that he hasn't completely controlled the white light yet.

Even if he transforms into the White Lantern, Harley still defeats him.

Harley, who has turned on full-color light defense, is the "father" of the Lanterns!

After struggling for more than half an hour, Kyle regained his senses.

Based on her personal experience, Harley trained with him for three hours before Kyle could barely control the light ring.

"Why is the orange light more extreme than the two extreme emotions of red light and purple light?" Kyle said with lingering fear.

"You haven't learned the control skills of red lights and purple lights, how do you know they are easier than greed?" Harley said.

Said said seriously: "The seven colors of light each have their own characteristics, and the difficulty of controlling them is also different.

Orange light can make people lose control easily.

The green light does not affect people's emotions, but it is very difficult to leverage the will and emotional energy.

Red light kills reason, purple light makes people sink. "

"Alas, you just have white light talent, and there is still a lot to learn.

Just like Green Lantern entering the Green Lantern Corps, there will be half a year of training.

Your talent only shortens the training time, but it cannot completely skip the training process. "She sighed.

After a moment, Harley looked at Kyle practicing his orange lantern fighting skills in the sky, and asked curiously: "Sed, if I hadn't killed Lafleeze, how would you have convinced him to give away the lantern ring and taught Kyle the way to be greedy? "

A cold light flashed in Said's eyes, "I will let Kyle control the other six light rings first, leaving the orange light for last.

If a catastrophe strikes and Lafleeze refuses to put the overall situation first, I will kill him and take away his lamp ring. "

Harley tilted her head and said, "You swore to always be loyal to the Lord of the Orange Lantern."

"For Gunther and the universe, I am not even afraid of death, let alone breaking my oath." Said said with a firm expression.

Harley waved her hand and said, "Sed, you are free."


"You are no longer the guardian of the orange light and can act as you wish."

"But I swore an oath."

——Shit, do you still have the nerve to mention your oath? !

Thinking that she often forgets her oaths when seeing benefits, Harley did not mock her, and just said: "I wasn't joking before. After today, the orange light will become history."

"You want to destroy the orange light ring and the central light furnace?" Said was surprised.

Harry shook his head and said: "Destroying it is not only wasteful, but also seriously pollutes the environment. I want to take it home and collect it."

The muscles on Said's round face twitched.

"By the way, Lafleeze has been a robber for tens of millions of years. Where are the treasures he robbed?"

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