I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1509 Harley’s Spirit and Thoughts

"I haven't finished speaking yet, where are you going?"

Kyle called to Harley, who was about to "rest", with doubtful eyes and a puzzled tone: "What are the benefits of the Rocky Zerg clan that are worthy of your concern?

Or is it that the brutal act of the Loki Zerg destroying the planet Odim has angered you and made you confused? "

Last time he said he was going to rest, but Lafleeze completely "slept" over.

This time she was full of energy and said she wanted to rest. No fool would believe that she really planned to go home and sleep.

"Aren't you looking for Lafleeze just to inquire about the Rocky Zerg clan? Now you are 100% sure that Lafleeze has nothing to do with the Rocky Zerg clan. Why are you still pestering me?" Harley said.

"If you hold the Orange Lantern Ring, you can't just walk away." Said said seriously: "Didn't you ask me just now why I guided the Seven Lantern Ring to Kyle Rayner?

This is destiny, his destiny, and the destiny of the Lord of the Seven Lamps. "

"What did you say?" Before Harley could say anything, Kyle became excited first.

He walked up to Said in a few steps and wanted to grab her small shoulders and shake her hard, twisting his face and growling while shaking her.

"Why do you want to harm me? Why do you want to use us?

Ever since Gunther fell from Skywalker to Darth Vader, I thought you were the last good Guardian.

I didn’t expect that everything was a scam. You are the biggest conspirator. What do you want? "

Said moved sharply and quickly took two steps back to avoid his capture.

"What are you excited about? Listen to her slowly."

Harley glanced at him in surprise and used a defensive golden film to separate the two.

"Kyle, are the emotional elements in your soul out of control? Control them and don't let them affect your personality."

Kyle took a few deep breaths, but still kept his angry look, "I'm fine, I'm not out of control, I just trusted Syed too much before, and now I'm a little agitated.

Several Lanterns died or nearly died due to the sudden loss of their Lantern Rings, including the Blue Lantern Corps she founded.

It was she who cooperated with Lafleeze and deliberately framed the Invincible Winner for stealing the light ring.

She disappoints me so much. "

Under the condemning and puzzled gazes of the Lanterns, Seid lowered his eyes and said firmly without any hesitation, "I have to do that."

"I'm more curious, how did you do it?" Harley asked doubtfully: "I don't know about other lantern rings, but the control of the central battery of the green lantern is completely in my hands.

As a result, when the light ring was lost, I didn't even find the error reporting program in the central battery.

It's as if the Lantern left Munko's finger and went looking for Kyle was a normal Lantern choice. "

An exaggerated expression of extreme pain and anger appeared on Said's small blue face, "I heard Ganser's last scream.

When the Guardians tricked him into Oa, when they trapped him in a trap and cut off his emotions together, his spirit traveled across billions of light years and let out a cry of grief.

I heard.

He was like screaming in my soul.

It was the most powerful emotion I had ever felt in my life.

I felt the light of his soul slowly extinguishing with the passage of emotion.

I love him and I desperately want to do something for him. "

The anger on Kyle's face dissipated, his eyes were sympathetic, and his tone slowed down, "Sorry, Syd, I didn't know-"

Said waved his hand, "You don't have to apologize, I'm not saying this to gain your sympathy.

I'm just telling a fact.

The truth about why I can control the Ring of Seven Lights.

The moment I resonated emotionally with Gunser, five emotional elements of anger, love, pity, hope, and fear were born in my soul.

In the next moment, all five emotional elements were shattered.

As my emotions boiled, the power of my soul expanded infinitely, almost spreading to the entire universe. The color-light rings in the universe were like playthings in my hands, which could be easily controlled.

At that moment, I also saw the revelation given to me by fate."

Seid raised his head and stared at Kyle with complicated eyes, "It's you who practiced the seven colors of light and became the White Lantern again.

I understood my mission and Ganser's only hope - you must give up your rejection of white light, take the initiative to master every color of light, and finally combine the seven lights into one to achieve white light again.

Under the pressure of Kalona, ​​you have only initially integrated the elements of the seven emotions.

When the seven colors of emotional energy are used up, the white light you fused will also disappear.

This time you have to learn the technique of extracting seven types of emotional energy from the emotional energy pool of the Origin Wall.

Your consciousness grows seven 'tree roots', which are respectively rooted in seven emotional energy pools. You can call on any color light energy anytime and anywhere, and you can also use white light unlimitedly. "

Kyle was a little overwhelmed.

Harley asked doubtfully: "Did you really give birth to five emotional elements?"

"It's just the seeds of emotional elements. We Maltus people have strong minds and extremely active emotions." Seid paused. "At least 3 billion years ago, before the guardians questioned emotions, we Maltus people could easily give birth to emotions. elements.

Just like the people on earth today. "

Carol puzzled: "If you need Kyle to practice white light, just tell him directly. Why bother?"

"I said he would listen? People who resist one thing in their hearts cannot listen to persuasion. I am the guardian of La Freeze, and I have no chance to leave Okaro Planet to persuade him all the time.

Moreover, it is also fate that you people gather around Kyle.

He needs to learn the true spirit of lust from you.

Aquilo taught him the fear of the yellow light, you taught him love, and Saint Walker taught him hope.

When I take the Lantern Ring from the weakest member of each Legion, your fate—"

"What did you say?" Archillo, the Lord of the Yellow Lantern, shouted, "Little Blue Dwarf, are you humiliating me?"

Seid looked at him confused.

"You said I am the weakest yellow light." Aqilo said angrily.

Muenke, who also lost his lantern ring, was not angry. Instead, he reminded: "At that time, you were the only one in the Yellow Lantern Corps. You were the weakest and the strongest, just like the first lantern ring of the Green Lantern belonged to me."

"Don't worry about these minutiae." Carol waved her hand and stared at Said: "You mean, we not only allow Kyle Rayner to use the Legion's light ring, but also teach him how to use it?"

"Your lamp ring has merged with his lamp ring, and they are indistinguishable from each other." Said said.

Carol said with a cold face: "The reason why we followed Kyle Rayner around is to find the real culprit behind the scenes and let him separate the light ring."

Said said seriously: "Compared with the safety of the entire legion, what does a mere light ring mean?

I sent out those light rings to look for Kyle Rayner in the hope that he could cultivate white light.

But after he cultivates white light, he can not only save Ganser, but also save the Seven Lantern Corps and the entire world according to his destiny.

You are running around behind him, and it is not just a trivial matter of taking back the light ring.

You are all destined to be human beings, and you are also saving the universe from danger.

Don't think I'm being alarmist.

At this time, the destruction of the Seven Lanterns is already a big crisis, but now is just the beginning, and the real horror will come next.

You will soon discover that white light is the only hope against the Guardians. "

"What happens next?" asked the Holy Walker.


Kyle suddenly sounded surprised and raised his right hand. The light ring on his finger flashed green light regularly.

"Emergency news of the highest level in Oua."

"Buzz buzz" As he opened the link, a 3D projected character bust appeared above the light ring.

"It's Sarak. It doesn't seem to be a message for me." Kyle said.

Sarlac's profile picture flashed "Stab" several times, and he said in a serious voice: "The highest order of the Guardian - all Lanterns who are on duty, on vacation, or recovering from illness are to return to Oa within 12 hours after receiving this message.

Whatever you are doing, stop what you are doing immediately.

The Guardian's highest order, for your own safety and for the sake of the upcoming large-scale cosmic mission, please complete the assembly within 12 hours. "

"What do the Guardians want to do?" Kyle frowned and thought for a moment, then turned to Seid and asked, "Do you have any evidence that the Guardians intend to subvert the Seven Lantern Corps?"

Said shook his head and said: "When they went against Gunther's will and cut off his emotions, I knew they were brewing a big conspiracy.

But I can't see through their specific plans, and I can't find any evidence.

If you want evidence to convince other Green Lanterns to be wary of the Guardians, tell them about Gunther.

Who could expect the Guardians to be kind and kind to others when they were so cruel to Gunther? "

"Harry, I think tomorrow's party is a conspiracy. Are you interested in going into the dragon's den with me? Get rid of those guardians directly and the crisis will end immediately." Kyle looked forward to it.

"Are you willing to kill your companions?" Harley asked.

Kyle was stunned, "Why should we go on a killing spree? We only need to deal with the guardians."

Harley sneered: "With this kind of consciousness, you still want to break into the dragon's den and the tiger's den? Today's Green Lantern Corps has 7,200 official lanterns and about 3,000 lantern trainees.

There are not even fifty old Lanterns who have come through Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Except for the old lantern who still has some hope, the rest of the young people regard the guardian as a god.

The guardian asked them to lick the shitty blue ass, and they would say "it smells so good" with a look of enjoyment on their faces.

Do you expect them to stand aside and watch the excitement when you bravely enter the dragon's pond and the tiger's den? "

If a fight really breaks out, she will definitely not want to restrain herself.

What if she fell into Green Lantern's vast sea and the little blue man suppressed a big move and defeated her, who would she look for to regret?

But if she is ruthless, the little blue man will not be the first to deal with her.

The little blue man didn't dare approach her.

Kyle Rayner promises to be the first to take action against her: block her shot.

The end result is that nothing is accomplished and everything ends up being unhappy.

Kyle smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not sure if you're not here. How about you wait outside the Oa system, wait for a fight inside, and then rush in to save people?"

Harley said calmly: "Kyle, we are friends. If you encounter difficulties, I am willing to try my best to help you.

But if you regard me as a friend, please put yourself in my position and consider it when you make a request.

Those green-lighted, white-eyed wolves, I won't feel any guilt at all when I kill them, my thoughts will flow freely, and you still want me to keep my head down and 'wait' for them?

What's even more disgusting is that even if they do what you say, they won't be grateful to me at all.

As long as they know how to be grateful, they will understand how merciful and scrupulous Zheng Lian and I were during the Green Lantern War.

You shouldn't look at us with such hateful eyes. "

Kyle said bitterly: "Green Lantern is not a white-eyed wolf, but the Lantern who established trust and friendship with the earth has withered."

In the early days of peace, the average career lifespan of a Green Lantern was three and a half years, which was not enough to go to college.

Nowadays, the multiverse is constantly experiencing crises, big and small, and the cycle of annihilation of the Green Lantern Corps is less than three years.

With such a short professional life, it is difficult for the Green Lantern Corps to have lasting friendships with outsiders.

If Harley listened to Hal, she would turn the tide tomorrow and save thousands of people.

They were all grateful, and Harley herself felt like she was indebted to the Green Lantern Corps for reincarnation.

As a result, a few days later, what Said called "the great terror" came, and Green Lantern was destroyed as usual.

The newly recruited green lights don't know Harley, let alone know about her. Even if they know, they don't care about her kindness (the kindness is not imposed on them). They will definitely not be grateful to her.

Whenever she kills a few Green Lanterns who don't open their eyes, the other new Green Lanterns will definitely hate her.

Harley has always lived and still remembers her great debt to Green Lantern.

The new Green Lantern's indifference and grudge-holding made her look like a white-eyed wolf.

"Everyone, I suggest that you trust Said for the time being and continue to maintain the current Seven Lanterns Alliance."

Kyle looked around at the representatives of the Colored Light Legion, "John and I will return to Oa tomorrow. If nothing happens, you can choose the next path as you like.

If the Guardian's prophecy of destroying the Seven Lantern Corps is confirmed, I think we should act together. What do you think? "

"Kyle, I will always support you." Saint Walker first expressed his stance.

Carol hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I'm fine."

Akilo, the yellow light, and Blitz, the red light, hesitated.

Qingdeng Muenke looked at Harley with questioning eyes.

"Why are you still hesitating? Five of the seven color-light armies have been destroyed now! Can't you still be wary?

Especially you guys, Achilo Brizmuenko, your legion has already been destroyed once.

Even if there is a slight recovery now, can it be stronger than before? Can you face bigger crises independently? "Guy Gardner shouted.

Munke hesitated and said: "Guardian."

"You are the deputy commander of Qing Deng, and you have the right to express your own opinions on Qing Deng's domestic and foreign affairs." Harley said.

Muenke's expression relaxed and he said: "Qingdeng is willing to continue to maintain the alliance."

"Hey, instead of being on tenterhooks all the time and worrying about the little blue man's plot, it's better to form an alliance with you." Aquilo muttered.

"Brizzi only represents himself, Atrocitas is the master of the red light." Brizzi shouted.

"What is Atrocitus busy with? He didn't show up for such a big event?" Carol asked.

Blitz glanced at Said and said directly: "He is looking for the little blue man's home planet, Maltus.

The little blue man has no emotions.

Even if they are killed, they will not suffer.

Atrocitus would make them feel the utmost pain.

Only when they suffer can he reap the pleasure of revenge.

The emotions cut off by the little blue man are placed in a container called the 'Great Heart'.

The Great Heart is on the planet Maltus.

Find the Great Heart and return all the emotions of the little blue people to them, and Atrocitus can hear their mournful wails! "

"Sed, is this true? The Great Heart and its functions." Kyle asked in surprise.

Said said calmly: “Atrocitas will never find the star of Martus.

Even if the Great Heart is obtained, it cannot be used to restore the guardian's emotional abilities.

Don't ask me where Maltus is.

There are still many of my people there. I am willing to help you deal with the guardians, but I will never betray my compatriots. "

"Humph, you self-righteous fool!" Blitz, the "most beautiful woman in the galaxy," glared angrily and said, "Atrocitus has used blood magic to find the planet Maltus. The secret of the Great Heart also comes from blood magic. Just wait and see the great performance of the Red Light Lord!"

Said ignored her and only said to Kyle: "You can go to Oa to test the reality of the guardian, but I strongly recommend that you master as many uses of other colored light rings as possible in the remaining ten hours. Skill.

Compared with resourcefulness and courage, you now need the strength to turn the tide of the war.

If you were a white light, you wouldn't have to beg Harley Quinn at all.

If you have strength, you can protect your teammates around you. "

"But..." Kyle looked at Harley questioningly again.

If white light attracts the covetousness of Heavenly Father, it will definitely do more harm than good.

“Having learned the technique of making hot dry noodles, you don’t necessarily need to make hot dry noodles now. But when you are about to starve to death and want to eat hot dry noodles but find that you don’t know how to make hot dry noodles, you will starve to death. " Harley said.

Kyle nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, I need to master the technique of using the seven lights first. Whether I can condense the white light or not is all in my mind.

If I didn't need to use white light, I could always be Green Lantern. "

He looked at the guardian of the orange light and said, "Sed, please teach me how to use colored light."

Said shook his head, "The only people who can teach you are the lamp owners. They are the incarnation of color light in the human world, and they are the most closely integrated with color light.

Their recognition of you may even help you strengthen your connection to your spectral source. "

Kyle's eyes swept around Carol, Saint Walker, and Aqilo, "Which one of you will teach me?"

Syd turned to Harley and asked, "You're not going to stay on this planet and be the Lord of the Orange Lantern, are you?"

"I'll leave right away," Harley said.

"Will you release the Orange Lantern Ring and let it automatically choose the second Orange Lantern Lord?" Said asked again.

Harley looked down at the mountains below her feet and said calmly: "From now on, there will be no more Orange Lantern Lord."

"What did you say?"

"No one stipulates that there must be seven colored light armies in the material universe.

The color and light army does not have to be uniform.

La Freeze has lived for 30 million years, and I don't find that he has done any good to the universe.

Even dog excrement can fertilize fields, and the bacteria in excrement can make yogurt, but the Lord of the Orange Lantern, huh."

Harley turned her attention to Aquilo, the Lord of Yellow Lanterns.

The ugly man with the yellow lantern with the alien face couldn't help but tremble a few times, and subconsciously took two steps back. An extremely twisted "docile" smile appeared on his ugly face.

"The yellow lantern burns, kills, and loots. It does all kinds of evil. It's not even considered a bacteria in the universe. It's just like the orange lantern. It has no need to exist." Harley's eyes were cold. "Archilo, you'd better take off the yellow lantern ring and shut down the yellow lantern." Lantern Central Lamp Burner, join the Green Lantern Tribe.”

"I" Aqiluo was sweating on his forehead, his eyes were moving around, and he suddenly pointed at the red lantern Blitz, "Boss Harley, the red lantern demon is more murderous than us."

Blitz shouted angrily: "We are the vengeful spirits in the universe. We only seek revenge and kill scum. We are completely different from you."

Harley nodded, "There is a certain necessity for red lights. Those who have been wronged are often very angry, and anger may summon a red light ring.

I am not a strict person, nor am I immoral.

As long as your existence has even the slightest meaning, it won't be unbearable for me. "

"Brother Harley, Sinestro and I are different." Aquilo had a flash of inspiration, and the smile on his face became more sincere and brighter, "Today's Sinestro Legion has been renamed 'Aquilo Legion'.

Unlike the cosmic bully Sinestro, I have more conscience. My philosophy is to help others and do one good deed every day. "

Guy Gardner sneered: "Before, you shouted 'Fear is the source, Archilo is authoritative', and it tasted worse than Cinestro."

Aqilo hesitated and began to sweat again on his forehead.

The weapons master has been following him and is also on the scene now.

He lightly touched the owner of the Yellow Lantern and cursed in a low voice: "You are such an idiot! It is obvious that Mr. Quinn is also a Yellow Lantern, and even the original 'source of fear', why can she be a good person?

Why can’t the Yellow Lantern Corps ‘fear as the source, Harley’s spiritual concept’? "

Akilo was enlightened, and he suddenly understood, "Brother Harley, I understand, the 'Harley spirit' will become the new Yellow Lantern Corps in the new era - no, there is no Yellow Lantern Corps, and it is no longer Akilo. Legion, the only one in the world is the 'Quinn Martyrs'.

The "Harley Spirit" is the highest guiding principle of the Quinn Martyrs and the goal we study and pursue.

The main goal of our Yellow Lantern volunteers is to spread the "Harley spirit and ideas" in sector 3600.

We still cling to fear, but our fear is only inflicted on individuals and groups that are ‘meaningless to the universe’. "

"The smell is even stronger, it smells like flattery." Guy Gardner sneered.

The surrounding blue lanterns also cast disdainful glances.

Just when Kyle, John and others thought that Harley would scold Akilo and show an embarrassed expression, Harley nodded and said with appreciation: "Akilo, I have to say You apologize, you are not a useless idiot.

On the contrary, you are a wise man who pursues the truth.

However, I never like to force others, let alone impose my thoughts on others.

Forget about the 'Quinn's Righteous Group'.

If you are determined to be a good person, you can call yourself the "Sexy Guang Revenge Group". "

Carol pursed her lips.

"There is no need for "Harley's Spirit and Thoughts". If you really lack guidance and theory, go back to the earth and find Archbishop Van Helsing of the Church of Heaven Hill and Jim Gordon, the spokesperson of the God of War.

They will teach you the "New Bible" and "Kui's Secret Code of Exorcism" respectively. "

The alien lanterns, who didn't know the inside story, all looked confused.

Kyle, John and Guy, who knew the inside story, all had distorted expressions: Damn it, aren’t the new Bible and the Secret Code of Exorcism the “Harley’s Spirit and Thought” written by you?

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