Harley was a little embarrassed.

After twisting the central AI of the "Book of Darkness", she only took a brief look at the miserable situation of the lamp owners, and then planned to use the "Book of Darkness" to query some information that was extremely useful to her while she still had the authority. .

For example, Kalona’s purpose of gathering the Seven Lantern Beasts.

For example, the multiverse “magic spectrum”—a ranking of magic power levels and versatility.

For example, the relationship between "white light of life", "emotional elements" and "life equation" has always puzzled her.

Even the terminal transformation she is currently undergoing, the nightmare demonization, requires technical and visionary guidance.

As a result, when she entered "Karona's purpose of collecting seven lantern beasts" in the search bar, the ridiculous answer "Karona used lantern beasts to breed" popped up.

Obviously, this is the result of the "Book of Darkness" AI being contaminated and distorted.

"Oh, I started too early. I should have looked up the information I wanted before contaminating this book."

Even so, Harley didn't regret it very much.

After all, she is just imitating the Black Death Emperor. The real Black Death Emperor is not dead. The Black Lantern Guardian Kalona can use his power to regain control of the "Book of Darkness".

What if the will of the Black Death Emperor comes while she is checking the information, and the authority in her hand disappears, the information she wants is not obtained, and the opportunity to distort and contaminate the "Book of Darkness" is lost. Wouldn't she regret it even more?

A hundred birds in the forest is worse than a bird in the hand.

Harley's judgment was correct. The Black Death Emperor's reaction was very fast and intense.

While she was holding her nose and opening the "Lamp Beast Breeding" page, intending to dig for gold in the manure, Kalona returned to the altar.

He is not alone, the Black Death Emperor is with him: his muscles are shriveled, his body is like a mummy, his forehead is lit with a black light symbol, and his body exudes a huge coercion belonging to the supreme.

In terms of appearance and momentum, it is 70% similar to the Black Death Emperor back in the day.

"Witch Harley, come out!"

He didn't even look at Lisa, who was rolling and wailing beside the altar. After landing, he slapped the cover of "The Book of Darkness".

"Stab! Stab~~" The pages of paper shot out from the thick book like darts.

There are more than ten pieces of paper, each page is the "Book of Witch Harley". The text records her story and is accompanied by her own illustrations.

Harley was locked in her own story before, and her story was placed at the "origin of the coordinates of the dimension."

At this time, all the pages recording her story were torn out and thrown away, and Harley and her story were separated from the "Book of Darkness".

Although this method is crude, it is simple and straightforward enough.


While the pages of "Harley's Story" were still flying in the air, a flame was ignited, and it started to burn.

After more than a dozen pages were burned out, Harley's figure emerged from the ashes scattered in the air.

It's her original body.

In her right hand she held a black crystal skull.

After leaving the "Book of Darkness", Harley lifted the "Black Death Queen" status.

"Hi, Lao Hei, we meet again."

"Give me back the corpse." "Carona" said angrily.

Harley smiled and said, "Don't be so childish. What's our relationship? If you say you want it, I will only hold on tighter."

Teach you to be good, or threaten me and force me to hand over the skull.

Either exchange interests and bring out treasures that can impress me.

Or just kill me and pick up what you want next to my body.

If you can't do the above, run away quickly before I go crazy and kill your new guardian. "

"You think I'm no longer a threat now?" "Carona" said coldly.

Harley nodded slightly, "You are that faded star. If you want to prove me wrong, you can open a dimensional rift again, enter the main universe, and stage another 'Blackest Night'."

If you really make "Darkest Night" enter the palace for the second time, I will definitely give you a thumbs up and say, "It's really awesome, I'm convinced." "

When she spoke, her tone was a little frivolous and mocking, but as long as you stared into her eyes, you could see the looming expectation and anxiety in them.

"Carona" did not let go of the "real emotion" in her eyes, and the rage in her heart caused by her sarcastic words was quickly suppressed by most of it: She is using another trick to make me destroy the Great Wall!

——When I remove the defensive barrier of the death dimension and when the dimensional passage opens, she will definitely be impatient and rush in again to snatch the source of my magic power.

What a thief, he still hasn’t given up yet!

The Black Death Emperor cursed secretly, and had already made a decision in his mind: He would go to the "Border Wall" in the Death Dimension later to see if there were any omissions.

As for Witch Harley

"Hmph, Witch Harley, just wait, retribution will come to you and the earth soon."

"Carona" had previously slapped his hand on the cover of "The Book of Darkness". At this time, with just a thought, he, the book, and the librarian Lisa, who was holding her head and groaning, shrank into a little with a "pop", Disappear in place.

"Fake~~~" Harley's expression changed slightly, and she was a little shocked.

She has activated the defensive force field, a defensive golden film with a diameter of a hundred meters, quietly wrapping the entire altar hall.

She planned to have a big fight right here and take down Kalona.

But before the battle started, they actually activated space teleportation and ran away.

Her golden film has clearly blocked the space.

"It seems that we still need to continue to upgrade. When we reach level 120, the defensive golden film will evolve again and may be able to block time and space."

Harley frowned again at the thought of raising her defense level.

Now the factors that affect her further improvement in level are no longer just experience gain.

What energy should be used to activate the 12th defense specialty at level 120 is also a big problem.

Light energy, nuclear energy, and the four major elemental powers can all unlock new specialties, but their energy levels are slightly lower, and Harley is not satisfied with their potential.

You can use the "kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species" in biological taxonomy to judge the level of energy.

Harry's Duoduo belongs to the bully dog ​​(species), genus Canis, order Carnivora, class Mammalia.

If Harley takes "Duo Duo's Power" to activate her expertise, the specialization will only be effective against Duo Duo. It will have an average effect on bully dogs, and even worse effects on dogs. The effect will get worse as it goes up. The future potential can only be obtained from Duo Duo's Power. It is very difficult to upgrade to the Canine genus, and it is impossible to reopen a specialty.

On the contrary, if you take "higher strength" to activate the specialty, it will still have 100% effect on the "lower magic power" below.

For example, if she takes the "Power of Mammals" to activate her defensive specialty, it will be completely effective against Duoduo, and will also be effective against cats, wolves and other carnivorous animals.

In addition to the last of the seven basic powers - black apple, another specialty that Harley planned to open early is "magic defense".

Although Hecate cannot be contacted, the four elemental powers of earth, water, wind, and fire are relatively easy to obtain.

The problem is that the single wind elemental power is only one type of elemental power, and elemental power is only one type of magic power.

Take the wind element to activate the wind element defense feat. This feat is only effective for the wind element.

Taking the "source of magic" from Hecate, the mother of magic, to activate the expertise will be effective for all magic, including but not limited to elemental magic.

Of course, no matter how high the energy level is, it is not as strong as the applicability.

The food defense specialty has a very low energy level, but it is used most frequently by Harley and her God's Beloved, and it is of great help to them, second only to the God's Force Field.

God's Force Field is the perfect defensive feat.

Not to mention the DC multiverse, even in the omnipotent universe, the power of God is unique, and its applicability is ridiculously strong, almost omnipotent.

God is omnipotent, and God’s force field can defend against everything.

What Harley wants is this kind of high-level, versatile power.

"Alas, I really have no choice but to use the 'Space Defense Specialty' first. At least it can strengthen the ability to defend against the golden film blocking time and space."

The material universe has space and the power of space; the five-dimensional limbo also has space and the power of space; the omnipotent universe outside the six-dimensional DC universe also has space and the power of space.

If you can pass through the origin wall and activate the space defense specialty outside, the effect will definitely be the best.

Now Harley can't even go to the six-dimensional manager realm, let alone outside the universe.

If you want to activate the space defense specialty in the near future, you can probably only use ordinary space power.


Harry was still standing on the circular stone platform thinking about the future. The ground suddenly shook violently, and the sky seemed to have collapsed. Hill-like boulders fell down, and the nearby space also compressed in one place.

"Shit, the space at the bottom of the mountain is destroyed."

Harley screamed strangely and hurriedly stepped on her feet. Quantum displacement was triggered frequently, passing through boulders one after another.

"Jingle Bell!"

After leaving the underground space, a series of ringtones rang from the cell phone on my body.

Previously sealed in the Book of Darkness, not to mention contacting the outside world through the watchdog, not even the large cross could sense heaven.

God is almighty, but the voice of heaven, the golden hall, and the holy relics of heaven have limits.

"Harry? Harley, you really escaped."

When Harley opened her phone to check the message, the Archimedes airship jumped out from beside her, and Ivy's joyful cheers reached her ears.

After a while, on the way back to Earth.

"Hal Jordan has returned to Oa. You have been trapped for four days and four nights. The Green Lantern Corps seems to have been wiped out again. However, I don't believe that the mere "Book of Darkness" can trap you.

Hal advised us not to break into the underground space, so we kept guard at the door, and sure enough we were waiting for you. " Ivy said with a smile.

Harry could tell that although there was a smile on her face, her expression was a little haggard.

He is obviously a master of magic, but his condition is worse than that of the black girl Iris next to him.

In her mobile phone, there are 149 messages belonging to Ivy, including texts and worried voices. In the past three days, Ivy is not as relaxed as she seems now.

Harry was very moved, he put his arm around her shoulders and patted her gently a few times, and sighed: "The Book of Darkness is indeed very strange, it is a creator-level artifact.

But I have the origin of the Black Death Emperor, the Black Lantern Ring, and the remains of the Black Death Emperor. The "Book of Darkness" comes from the Black Death Emperor after all. "

"Oh, you control part of the authority of the Book of Darkness through the origin of the Black Death Emperor." Ivy suddenly realized.

"Harry, I heard Hal say that the "Book of Darkness" contains all the secrets of the universe. Since you have access to it, have you found out about Barry's whereabouts?" Black girl Iris asked with expectant eyes.

"I asked, but it didn't respond to me. When I controlled some of the permissions, the clone of the Black Death Emperor came immediately, and I didn't have time to ask again." Harley looked serious and sighed repeatedly, making it look like it was real.

"I just came out and I don't know what happened to Oa yet. Please tell me." She changed the subject again.

"We have been guarding Limbo in the Riut galaxy, and we don't know anything about the changes in Oa." Ivy said thoughtfully: "Hal Jordan did not leave immediately after breaking out of the trap of the Book of Darkness. .

He's staying with us, ready to contact the Justice League and figure out a way to get you out.

As a result, a team of Green Lanterns suddenly arrived, surrounded the Archimedes airship, and asked Halbie to resist and return to Oa with them to face trial. "

"What crime did Hal commit?" Harry asked.

"They said he colluded with the sworn enemy of the legion, the lamp master of the other six legions." Ivy said.

"Absurd! The seven legions were originally allies, and didn't they come together just for Kalona?" Harley frowned.

Ivy sighed: "Hal said the same, but the order to arrest him came from the Guardian.

After the Blackest Night, the Guardians issued an order prohibiting contact with the Legion of Color, and Hal knowingly violated it.

The four-armed Green Lantern talked eloquently about laws and rules, leaving Hal speechless. "

Black girl Iris said angrily: "Hal has made countless great contributions to the Green Lantern Corps and is the greatest Green Lantern.

He should have been respected and loved by everyone, but as a result, the little blue men suppressed him arbitrarily, and his teammates were insensitive and even acted as collaborators. It was so chilling. "

"What happened next? Did Hal go back with them?" Harley asked.

Ivy shook her head and said: "Hal was very angry and told them to get lost. The four-armed Sarlacc was also stubborn and refused to take a step back. The two sides started fighting in the starry sky."

"Haha, this is his style, but with this style, he can only serve as a vanguard general and cannot control the largest gang in the universe." Harley shook her head and smiled.

As long as Vanhal used some machinations, and with his strength and his qualifications, achievements, and connections in the Green Lantern Corps, he wouldn't have gotten to where he is today.

The little blue man only cut off the emotions, but not the political wisdom.

Their indifference will only make their Machiavellian tactics more ruthless and terrifying.

Ivy continued: "Hal and the Green Lantern Team did not use their killing moves, and the fight was very lively, but there were no casualties.

But their battle did not last long, something unexpected happened suddenly, and their green light rings suddenly emitted yellow light.

A mixture of yellow and green light.

The rest of the Lanterns had a look of fear on their faces, just like when you use your source of fear to scare your enemies.

Hal yells 'Parallax's power has contaminated the central power battery'.

Then the light ring emitted purple light, orange light, and cyan light. The seven colors of light flashed in turn. Hal could no longer hold on and fled to the airship deck, sweating profusely and taking off the light ring.

The remaining Lanterns all fell and became puppets who lost their minds and were controlled by the power of alien emotions.

They started chasing us like crazy.

This time they no longer held back their strength and used their strongest killing move. "

Black girl Iris complained: "Green Lantern is really the most dangerous profession in the universe. How many years has it been? How many times have the Green Lantern Corps been destroyed?"

"So the criterion for selecting Green Lanterns for the Green Lantern Ring is 'overcoming fear'. Since you are not even afraid of death, you are naturally not afraid of the team being destroyed," Harley said.

"Is that so?" Iris was doubtful.

The corner of Ivy's mouth twitched a few times and she said: "I control the airship and jump into the shadow world, and those lanterns can't find us.

Later, Hal regained his breath and took out a handful of light rings from his pocket, all in various colors.

He chose a yellow light and said it was Sinestro's light ring.

After becoming the Yellow Lantern, he left the Riut system and said he would return to Oa to investigate the situation of the Green Lantern Corps. "

"Why does he have Sinestro's lamp ring?" Harley asked confused.

Ivy said: "When the lamp owners were sealed into the storybook by the Book of Darkness, their lamp rings were spat out."

Iris asked eagerly: "Harry, you said that the change in Oa is related to Kalona? Is Barry on Oa now?"

Harley nodded and said: "It's very possible, but we have to return to Earth now. In addition to obtaining more and more detailed information, we also need to find more helpers. Thousands of Green Lanterns in Europe and Asia have all become puppets - Falk !”

Her pupils shrank, her expression changed drastically, and she anxiously left her seat and said, "Ivy, Iris, hurry up and hurry up, I want to return to Earth immediately!"

"What's wrong?" Ivy asked confused.

"I'm worried that Kalona will drive the Green Lantern Corps to siege the earth." Harley said with a gloomy expression.

"No way?" Iris was shocked.

"Three billion years ago, he was able to modify the Robot Hunter's program and bloodbath 666 sectors. Now he won't mind using the 'Second Generation Robot Hunter' to destroy the solar system." Harley said.

Ivy said nervously: "We can contact the Hall of Justice immediately, and the heroes of the Zhenglian can also contact us, but we have not received any news."

“By the time we got the news, it was too late.”

Harley took out the big cross, jumped out of the airship, spent 20,000 Heavenly Merits, and instantly returned to the Hall of Justice.

Dinah, Dachao, Bateman and more than 20 heroes were having a meeting. They were in a daze when they saw the holy white light coming.

"Harry, are you free again?" Diana shouted excitedly.

"Send a message to Jay (Old Flash) and Kid Flash and ask them to come over immediately. In addition, inform people around the world to prepare for the second relocation of 'Noah's Ark'."

Harley acted resolutely and without any delay, issued orders one after another.

"What happened?" Bateman said solemnly.

"Oa has fallen, Kalona may lead the Green Lantern Corps to attack the earth." Harley said.

The heroes looked at each other with strange expressions and didn't speak for a while.

"why do not you believe Me?"

Dachao shook his head and asked doubtfully: "You must have just left the Book of Darkness, right?"

"What?" Harley was surprised by their strange reactions.

Dinah said: "The meeting at this time is to discuss the possibility of Kalona attacking the earth.

News of Oa's fall has already spread throughout the universe.

In the past two days, the Green Lantern Corps has been attacking in all directions and has bloodbathed 300,000 civilized planets in 3,600 sectors of the universe.

Countless billions of people died tragically, and the universe was filled with blood. "


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