I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1465 The Poison of the Phantom Man

The black lamp living corpse cannot be destroyed by conventional attack methods. Even if part of the limbs are turned into powder, the lamp ring will spray out black plasma-like energy to quickly repair the remaining limbs.

When the Black Lantern ring selects a Black Lantern living corpse, there is no requirement for the integrity of the corpse.

Even if there is only a piece of bone left, the light ring will eject sticky black energy, wrap the bone, and grow a complete corpse.

During the Blackest Night, the superhero graveyard fell, and the Black Lantern rings penetrated into the graves and resurrected many heroes.

Many of these heroes were obviously cremated and were theoretically safe, but they were still resurrected.

Because their bodies were too strong, the corpses were incompletely burned in the crematoria used by ordinary people, and a large part of the charred bones remained.

The best way to avoid being resurrected by the black light is to crush the corpse and spread the ashes.

Burn it completely to ashes, then scatter the ashes into the sea or the earth. After three to five years, the ashes will be decomposed into fertilizer by microorganisms, and then completely absorbed by plants.

Even if the Black Death Emperor comes in person, don't disturb the peace of the deceased.

Anyway, after the Blackest Night, crushing the bones and raising the ashes has become the most mainstream funeral ritual among advanced alien civilizations.

The Black Lantern Ring can resurrect human corpses. The Black Death Emperor himself also has a physical body. Can the corpse left behind after his death be resurrected by the Black Lantern Ring?

Harley had this idea since she got the black crystal skull of the Black Death Emperor.

Now her idea has been verified, it is indeed possible, but it is strongly not recommended for others to try.

Because after the black light ring sprayed sticky black energy to restore the skull to a complete corpse, wisps of pan-consciousness belonging to the Black Death Emperor began to be born inside the limbs.

During the battle of the Blackest Night, the moment his heart was removed, the Black Death Emperor's consciousness was transferred to other living corpses, but the remaining corpses still contained his magic power.

Magic is the fusion of magic factors and spiritual power.

Therefore, magic is also the "seed of soul" that gives birth to pan-consciousness.

Just like the wilderness that was burnt by wildfires into blackened ground in autumn, no grass grows until winter. But as long as the spring rain and warm weather arrive, the originally lifeless earth with only soil can sprout in just one night. bud.

As long as the remains of the Black Death Emperor encounter "spring rain", its interior will germinate like a seed, giving birth to pan-consciousness from the magic power, which will then be connected and combined by the pan-consciousness to form a thin soul.

Once the thin soul is formed, it will inevitably attract the "eyes" of the Black Death Emperor.

He "looked" at it, and it took on His consciousness.

It becomes an avatar of Him.

If it were anyone else, summoning the clone of the Black Death Emperor to the main universe would be seeking death.

Not only is he trying to kill himself, but he will also leave endless poison, harm everyone in the world, and even cause a dark night in a small area.

Harley had known that after using the Black Death Emperor's origin to "activate" the Black Death Emperor's corpse, it would turn into his clone.

So before "resurrecting" the Black Death Emperor's body, she put the black crystal skull on her soul's head, which was equivalent to her soul being on the skull's body.

There was only one thought left in her body, and all her main consciousness was attached to the clone of the Black Death Emperor, easily suppressing the "soul seed" spontaneously generated in the clone.

The reason why it was so easy was not only the ninth-level death emotion defense force field, but also because the black light that activated the corpse came from Harley.

After the black lamp's origin was purified by the gastric acid mist, except for the magic mark, there was no trace of the Black Death Emperor left. Instead, Harley integrated it into the stomach wall and injected her spiritual mark and power mark into it.

At this moment, Harley transformed into the "Queen of Black Death", and the Black Death Emperor's origin flowed very smoothly in her body, as if the Black Death Emperor himself had arrived.

"Connected to the central database. Great master, welcome back."

All the permissions of the "Book of Darkness" were opened to her. Harley's consciousness sank into it and she quickly understood her situation.

She is in the story of "Witch Harley's Book", but she is not sealed in the two-dimensional page world.

The method of "Book of Darkness" is even more clever. It places "Harley's story" at the "coordinate origin" of the dimension.

Establish a three-dimensional coordinate system with the xyz axis, and the coordinate origin is the intersection of the xyz axis.

The highest six dimensions of the DC universe.

A coordinate system is established with seven dimensions: zero, one, two, three, four, five, and six dimensions. The origin of the coordinates is also the intersection of the seven axes.

Therefore, this point exists in zero dimension, one dimension, two dimension and seven dimensions at the same time.

Harley's story is placed at this point, no matter how she ups or downs it, it's useless.

Two-dimensional space cannot accommodate the "high frequencies" of four-dimensional people, and the four-dimensional material world cannot accommodate the "high frequencies" of five-dimensional gods. However, the origin exists in all dimensions at the same time and can accommodate all frequencies.

"This artifact is so powerful. The Book of Oa is completely different from it." Harley was amazed and very happy at the same time.

Now the Book of Darkness is hers!

At least until the consciousness of the Black Death Emperor arrives, she has the highest authority.

After figuring out her situation, Harley was not in a hurry to leave.

She then began to search for the Seven Lamp Masters.

"Hahahaha!" Then she looked at the six people struggling and howling in the story and laughed heartily.

After laughing for a while, Harley began to think about how to use her authority over the "Book of Darkness" to maximize her own interests.

Well, she had to solve a problem first, her new powers were revealed.

The new guardian of the black lamp, Kalona, ​​the keeper of the dark book, Lisa, and the seven lamp owners all know that her thick-skinned defense is a new power.

If they know it, it means that the Supreme Being will soon know it, or already knows it - as long as the Supreme Being pays attention to the theft of the Seven Lantern Beast.

It's useless for her to kill and silence her now.

Now that she has control of the Book of Darkness, it's not difficult to kill six people.

But killing someone will only make everyone sure that she really got new powers and make them more curious about her new powers.

"It's better to confuse the audience."

Three billion years ago, sector 666, the home planet of Atrocitas.

The day when the machine hunter bloodbathed the sector.

"No, don't~~~" The fear in Atrocitas's heart overcame his anger for the first time in many years.

Surrounding him were his youngest daughter, eldest son and wife, whom he had forgotten.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Don't cry."

The little daughter was at a loss and kept touching the tears on her father's face.

"Atros, are you okay?" His wife looked at him worriedly.

"Dad, that's the machine hunter, our protector."

The son saw the fear in his father's eyes, and his father's eyes were fixed on the machine hunter walking in front, so he guessed that his father's anomaly was related to the machine hunter.

"Let's go, get out of here immediately." At this time, Atrocitus was still Professor of Psychology, Atros.

He hugged the two children and ran staggeringly in the opposite direction, "Dali, let's go quickly, let's go find the spaceship and leave sector 666 immediately."

His mind was clear, and the memory of Atrocitus had not disappeared.

He guessed that this was just the story world within the pages of the book.

However, his son, daughter and wife were too real. The warm and soft touch from their skin, the gentle and trusting eyes they looked at him, instantly brought him back 3 billion years ago.

He experienced emotions that had been lost for billions of years.

He is willing to stay here forever, provided that disaster never befalls him again.

"Whoosh - bang!" Before the thought could come to an end, a beam of red energy shot hit his son's head.

The son was held in his arms, still sticking his head out from his shoulder to see the majestic and reassuring "guardian".

"Bang!" The head was not big, but a large dose of scarlet erupted, and the faces of his daughter and Atros were covered with mud.

"Ahhh -" the daughter started crying, the wife screamed, and Atros wailed in pain, "No, no, please, mercy, mercy, don't let me go through this again, woo woo woo."

It seemed that a god heard his plea, and the nightmare scene in front of him dissipated like a bubble, and Atrocitus returned to the present three billion years later.

In a bar with pink lights.

"Hi, are you Atrocitus?"

The Lord of the Red Lantern was still immersed in the previous tragic emotions and had not recovered, when a familiar voice came from beside him.

He looked sideways and saw that it was La Fritz with a donkey face.

"Have you lost your memory?" Atrocitus said angrily.

"No, of course I remember you, but now we are in the Book of Darkness. You are in my story, and I am in your story. I am asking you which Atrocitus you are." Raph Liz explained.

Atrocitus came back to his senses and said in surprise: "It's me, the real me, and we are now in the same story?"

"It should be."

Seeing that it was his real companion, Lafleeze's expression became more natural, "What story do you think this is?"

Atrocitus looked around and his brows gradually knitted together. This was a bar with dim lights and sluggish music. There was a bartender behind the bar serving drinks. There were several alien men and women hugging each other in the open space in front of the bar. move.

"Have we ever been in a bar like this?" Atrocitus asked.

The few stories he had experienced before were all tragic events he had experienced in the past.

"Absolutely not in my memory." Lafleeze said firmly.

Atrocitus fell silent, and his thoughts drifted back to 3 billion years ago. He recalled his son, daughter, and wife. Their appearance and body temperature over and over again, and he felt a touch of happiness and a deep pain in his heart at the same time. .

"Here, have a drink." Lafleeze handed him a glass of blood-colored wine, ordered one for himself, and sighed with emotion: "Although I don't know why we met here, since I have free time, let's enjoy it. .

The story just now. I don’t know what you have been through, but I really need the peace at this moment. "

Atrocitus took the glass and drank it in one gulp.

He agreed with Lafleeze's words in his heart. If he didn't take the opportunity to relax now, it would be very difficult next time.

"Eh~~" With a glance, he found a piece of text flickering at the bottom of the wine glass - "The Collection of Stories of the Colored Light Legion - Future Chapter - The Deep Sadomasochistic Love of Atrocitus and Lafleeze".

"Mother Fake, what is this?"

Atrocitus's hair stood on end, and his heart was frightened and frightened, full of ominous premonitions.

"What - hey, there's something written in my cup too. Damn it, I knew that bitch Lisa wouldn't let us go." Lafleeze yelled, "She refused to give us a quarter of an hour to spare, and she still is. A world of stories.”

"Sado-masochism——" Atrocitas couldn't continue. He said it to slander his mouth and thought about it to smear his brain.

"What does this line mean?"

"Obviously, we have entered a certain prophecy in the future. The previous story happened in the past, and the current story will happen in the future. It is not surprising that the 'Book of Emotions' predicts the future," Lafleeze said.

"I know that the Book of Darkness contains many prophecies about the future, but why are you and me -"

Atrocitus blushed and waved his free left hand unconsciously.

Lafleeze was about to speak when his eyes suddenly became blurred and his body swayed, "My head is a little dizzy, what kind of wine is this?"

Atrocitus felt that his face was burning, his heart was burning, and his body seemed to be bathed in fire.

Just now he thought he was just too angry, but now look at Lafleeze, Lafleeze's donkey mouth is quite iconic.

I don’t know how much time passed.

A bar with ambiguous lighting.

Atrocitus sat at the bar, looking dazed, distracted, and lost his mind.

"Hi, are you Atrocitus?"

The Lord of the Red Lantern was immersed in the previous tragic emotions and did not recover, when a familiar voice came from beside him.

He looked sideways and saw that it was La Fritz with a donkey face. The Lord of the Orange Lantern also had a haggard face, and after the two of them looked at each other, they both showed frightened expressions.

"Have you lost your memory?" Atrocitus said this with a distorted expression.

He didn't want to say it, but his body was saying it.

There is no way, the characters in the story cannot deviate from the storyline.

"No, that's not true."

When he was finished, he was free, then broke down and yelled, "This story will never happen in the future."

Lafleeze's hands were already trembling as he handed over a glass of wine.

The red wine in the glass rippled with a line of words: "The Book of Atrocitus" Chapter 3 - Personality. The Lord of the Red Lantern actually liked this, but he didn't realize it himself.

"No, it's fake. The contents in the Book of Darkness were all fabricated by Kalona to deliberately humiliate us." He roared angrily.

But he reached out his hand uncontrollably to take the wine glass.

"No~~~" La Freeze screamed, "I surrender, Carona, Lisa, stop torturing me with such false stories."

——Recognize your heart, this is the real you.

This line of words appeared on the broad forehead of Atrocitus, who was approaching him with his mouth pouting.

"Oh, No~~~"

"No, this is not true!" Carol collapsed and shouted, "Dark Book, you are talking nonsense, I really love Hal, this kind of love is not the numb persistence that I am accustomed to."

"No, Book of Darkness, you are talking nonsense." Saint Walker knelt in front of the corpses of his wife and children and roared angrily: "I didn't intentionally sacrifice them, I just wanted to take them to find the Messiah."


Every lamp owner is experiencing a ridiculous "reality" that they cannot accept.

Each lamp owner refuses to admit that the "Book of Darkness" is digging into their "truth."


In the story of "The Book of Darkness", the lamp owners cursed Kalona. Beside the Book of Darkness, Harry smiled happily.

She didn't have the time or energy to make up stories one by one to torture them, even though those stories were all related to her.

Harley just used her own illusion to infiltrate, assimilate, and distort the AI ​​of "The Book of Darkness".

The phantom comes from her third deathbed transformation - nightmare demonization, which is the embodiment of the negative character in her soul.

If manifested in the material world, the combat effectiveness of phantom beings is zero, and they can be "trampled to death" with their feet.

But the phantom represents the most extreme emotions, and many mages go crazy because they lose control of the phantom.

It can be said that fantasy people are the most powerful emotional pollutants.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it would be almost impossible for Harley to contaminate others with her fantasy.

Her illusion cannot even be perceived by others, and naturally it cannot affect others.

But now she has become the "Queen of Black Death", and the authority of the "Book of Darkness" is completely open to her.

What she sends to the central AI, it accepts.

It was as if it had become her natal artifact, a part of her.

The phantom can distort her thoughts, and naturally it can also distort "a part of her".

"Ahhhh~~" Outside "The Book of Darkness", Lisa was rolling on the stone altar with her head in her arms, her eyes rolled white, she screamed unconsciously, and a line of saliva and saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth.

As the custodian of the "Book of Darkness", her consciousness is closely connected with the core of the book, like the spirit of the book, and she is also going crazy at the moment.

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