"Alec's wife Abby is also your friend, right?" Doctor Fate asked.

"The Rotten Kingdom has something to do with her?"

"She should have accepted the power of the Blackness of Decay and become the human incarnation of the Blackness of Decay." Kent said.

"I know this, but becoming the God of Death is not her wish. She is just an ordinary woman, and she only wants to be an ordinary woman." Harley said.

Kent sighed: "Mortals are never in control of the fate arranged by God.

She is extremely compatible with the Blackness of Decay, and is the destined incarnation of Blackness.

Apart from her, there has not been a qualified person with the talent of death in recent decades.

Before her birth, the incarnation of the Black Black had been vacant for nearly 20 years.

If Alec Holland becomes a tree, his relationship with Abby will be over.

He joins the Council of Trees and becomes a tree man who has lost his mortal emotions.

Abby returns to the Blackness of Decay and becomes the master of the power of decay.

A new Swamp Thing candidate has emerged and will be back soon.

When Animal Man's daughter Maxine becomes the "Red of All Beings" and the power of life is balanced, the earth's life system will reach its most stable and powerful state.

On the contrary, if the green of all things, the red of all living beings, and the black of decay are out of balance, and the operation of the life system fails, a major crisis will definitely occur. "

"The lack of the incarnation of the blackness of decay will lead to the 'arrival of the rotten kingdom' that you mentioned before?" Harley said.

"The power of the blackness of decay is out of control, overflowing from the Sea of ​​Law and pouring into the material world, causing plants to rot, livestock to die, and the dead to turn into rotting living corpses. This scene has appeared more than once on the earth, and is called the advent of the Kingdom of Corruption. ” Dr. Fate explained.

"Can't the God of Order stop it?"

Doctor Destiny smiled bitterly and said: "The arrival of the Corruption Kingdom sounds very scary, and the way to solve the crisis is also very simple, as long as the incarnation of the Blackness of Corruption returns to its place.

For example, in the 19th century, a corrupt state also occurred. It was very large and spread throughout the Americas. However, the incarnation of decay returned to its place, and the disaster subsided within a day.

If the God of Order takes action, either to abolish the old life system or to return the incarnation to its original position, what do you think they will choose? "

"If it were me, I would do nothing. Let the rotten country come, corrupt for thousands of miles, and kill all humans and animals. Let the people of the destiny of the rotten black have troubled consciences, have no love in life, kill themselves, and throw themselves into the arms of the rotten country.

Having solved the crisis, there is no need to dirty our hands or conscience. "Harry said calmly.

Doctor Fate was stunned. This was almost the choice of the God of Order in the past.

The God of Order never forces people to fulfill their destiny.

They won't even show up during a disaster, leaving everything to their own choice.

But the God of Order is certainly not as dark-minded as Harley said.

Zha Kang said: “Forcing the destined people to fuse the power of life will inevitably arouse their resentment.

The earth's life system also relies on them to maintain operation wholeheartedly and conscientiously. A resentful incarnation of nature is a hundred times more dangerous than no incarnation. "

Dr. Destiny nodded in agreement: "Yes, that's the truth.

At the beginning of the creation of the life system, the idea of ​​​​the God of Order was to take the initiative as much as possible and prevent humans from suffering the backlash of 'natural vitality'.

Therefore, they made rules and completely handed over the power of the green of all things, the red of all living things, and the black of decay to the human incarnation.

In other words, Swamp Monster has 100% authority over the Green of All Things, but the Green of All Things itself is controlled by it.

As long as humans control these forces, the forces of nature will not get out of control and bite back on humans.

As long as Alec Holland's human consciousness exists, Swamp Thing will always be worthy of humanity's trust.

But the problem is, if the person of destiny is unwilling to become the incarnation of the power of nature, such as Abby.

The power of death that should be controlled by her is not controlled by anyone.

Just like a big river, the river flows naturally without human beings building dams to control it. It may be smooth this year, next year, and the year after that for decades.

But everyone knows that sooner or later there will be floods and the country will be flooded.

If the destined person carries resentment towards mankind, it is equivalent to the evil god becoming He Bo, which is even worse. "

Harley was silent for a moment and asked, "Who is the new Swamp Thing?"

Dr. Destiny said: "An Indian young man, the tree parliament has locked his position and can return him to his position at any time."

"What should we do if we want to save Alec?" Harley asked again.

Kent frowned and said, "Didn't I explain clearly enough?"

Harley said: "It's very clear, but have you ever considered it from Alec's perspective?

Before he was chosen to be the incarnation of all things green, he met Abby, and they just wanted to be a mortal couple.

In desperation, he became a swamp monster. He guarded a small family and worked hard to protect the earth's life system for nearly ten years.

As a result, not only did you not intend to repay him, but you abandoned him, plotted against his wife, and made her die with despair and hopelessness. Is this fair? "

To merge with the natural life force of the Life Parliament, you must first give up your original body.

The human soul is the main consciousness, and the force of nature is the body, forming a new "natural monster".

Swamp Thing's salad green form is ugly enough.

The blackness of decay is even more terrifying. After death, the body will be a rotting corpse, neither human nor ghost, just like a zombie that has been soaked in a smelly ditch for ten years.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Kent said.

"What else can we do? When something happens, she will take care of it." Zha Kang said with a smile.

"I'll help before anything happens, and you'll be responsible if something happens." Harley pointed at him.

Zha Kang's expression froze, "How about we change it, I contribute and you take the responsibility?"

"What do you have the strength to do?" Harley sneered.

Doctor Destiny said: “It is not difficult to alleviate Alec’s condition, choose the next Swamp Monster, and transfer the will of the All Power to the new Swamp Monster.

Alec lost his authority over the Green of All Things, but still maintained his Swamp Thing form.

At that time, he was very similar to your companion Ivy, just a favored one by the green of all things.

The erosion of his soul will be greatly alleviated, and the arborization process can be extended for more than ten years or decades. "

Harley said: "That's it! Anyway, the rotten country has not come yet. If it does come, there must be signs. Just like the flood will not come instantly, the rapid rise of the water level has a process.

In addition, we first explained the matter clearly to Abby so that she would be prepared to take charge immediately after an accident occurred. "

Fortunately, people on earth are now paying attention to Luther Flu and the previous "Metropolis Zombie City".

The Swamp Thing's crazy killing of the "Forest Destroyer" didn't create much of a splash in the media.

However, the swamp monster was just an emergency. Even if it was solved quickly, Harley still couldn't relax.

The No. 1 Yamo Zhuo, who has not appeared for a long time, and the lamp beast that has disappeared without a trace are the real thorny problems.

Harley had a hunch that the No. 1 Yamo Zhuo, who had a certain level of intelligence, might have left the earth and gone to the vast universe to find high-level powers.

After the Amazo incident, the Justice League also obtained the military's quantum genetic database from General Lane.

Calling it "all-encompassing" is no exaggeration.

The quantum genes of most superpowers on the earth have been obtained by it.

There are not many treasures left in the ocean, and the earth is of little value to Yamodra.

The earth has long entered the interstellar era, and ordinary people have begun to open their eyes to the universe. Ya Mo Zhuo No. 1 has inherited the wisdom of Dr. Avio, and his vision should be more "long-term."

A few days later, Quinn Manor.

"Harley, what's wrong with Barry now? Don't you have any clues here?" Black Iris looked at Harley helplessly and asked.

Her eyes were slightly red and bloodshot.

Even though her skin is as dark as carbon, you can still see a pair of thick dark circles under her eyes.

Clearly, she's having a rough time these days.

"Have you ever been to the Hall of Justice? In fact, the heroes of the Alliance and I have never given up looking for Barry. Once news comes back from Green Lantern, we will all go out," Harley said.

There was a look of expectation on Black Iris' haggard black face, "I have been to the Hall of Justice, and I called the Zhenglian headquarters every day, but there was no news every time.

Why do we have to wait for news? Why don't we take the initiative and go to the universe to find Barry?

I trust the Green Lanterns, but it's clear that their abilities are limited. At least not the strongest. "

Harley understood that this black Iris wanted her to go out and run around, instead of squatting at home waiting for news.

"Had it not been for the sudden outbreak of the Amazo crisis in Metropolis, I would have joined Green Lantern's search team long ago. But you also know the current situation. No. 1 Amazo has not been captured. Zheng Lian and I are waiting for it."

Not only Barry was kidnapped by Carona, but also her fat head.

Hallie promised Fatty that she would never let it be like Chen Yongren for three years and three years. It could be three days at the earliest, or no more than half a month at the earliest. One month has almost passed, and she has already broken her promise.

To be honest, Harley also wanted to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

"How long will it take to wait? Ya Mo Zhuo seems to have left the earth." Black Iris said.

Harry was surprised: "Why do you think so? Do you have any basis for it?"

"I heard what Bateman and Neptune said when I was in the Hall of Justice." Iris said honestly.

After a pause, she added: "I also heard that Hal Jordan and several other lamp owners have clues and are planning to go to sector 666 to hunt for Carona."

After saying this, Black Iris looked at her eagerly, and his meaning was very obvious.

Harley thought thoughtfully. This guy probably got excited after hearing about Hal's actions in the Hall of Justice and ran to Quinn Manor for help.

Although she felt a little bit resentful about this nigger's lack of knowledge, Hallie didn't sneer at her.

She still has some courage.

After calling Hal Jordan first to confirm that they were indeed taking such an action, Hallie asked Ivy to bring out the small airship and planned to take a trip herself.

"Harry, I'm with you." Black Alice said excitedly.


She immediately said: "I will stay in the airship and will never disturb you. I can also be a gunner if necessary."

Harley glanced at the co-pilot, "Do you know how to fire a gun? Although the operation interface looks simple, hitting the target requires a high sense of space and reaction speed on the part of the gunner."

"It shouldn't be a problem. Since you are so strong, you don't expect two phase cannons to turn the tide of the battle." Black Iris said.

Harry was speechless. Since he had this kind of awareness, he could just sit on the sidelines and be a bystander. Why else would he be a gunner?

Half a day later.

The edge of sector 666, near an asteroid without life and air.


Archimedes' airship pops out of a miniature wormhole.

Seven beams of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple pierced the sky and appeared directly in front of it.

"Why is it so slow? Do you know we have been waiting for more than two hours?"

The hatch opened, and Harley heard Lafleeze complaining.

"Yeah, I'm also wondering why you are so slow. It's been almost a month and you haven't even found the hair on Carona's legs." She mocked rudely.

"The universe is so big. It's harder to find a person who deliberately hides his identity than finding a needle in a haystack. I won't be too slow to find him within a thousand years, let alone a month." said the red lantern demon Atrocitas.

This guy has lived for billions of years, and his concept of time is different from that of normal people.

Sinestro glanced at her and said bluntly: "The people are here, let's go."

"Wait a minute, she brought others with her," La Freeze shouted.

Harley glanced around them. There were only seven lamp owners and no other lanterns.

"Why don't you bring more people? The person you will face later is Kalona. Not to mention his own strength, can the seven of you seven of the Seven Lantern Beasts defeat him?" she asked doubtfully.

Hal explained: "The number of people does not necessarily mean the power, but the movement is definitely not small. We don't want to alert the snake and alert Carona.

At this time, the Seven Lantern Corps is still as usual, appearing in various star fields in the universe, constantly looking for traces of Kalona.

When Carona sees this, he will not be too vigilant, which gives us the possibility to sneak in quietly, shoot secretly, and surround and annihilate them.

Moreover, the seven lantern masters are powerful, and the seven lanterns combined into one are stronger than the seven lantern corps combined. "

"If you sneak in quietly with your body and aura hidden, you don't have to worry, my airship can hide in the shadow realm." Harley said.

Hal looked into the cabin and asked puzzledly: "Why is Iris here too?"

The black girl forced a smile and waved to him, "I'm the gunner, here to find Barry."

Hal opened his mouth, but finally swallowed the words of persuasion and only reminded: "Pay attention to safety and don't get too close to the battlefield."

The black girl patted Ivy on the shoulder, "I'm a newbie, but Ivy is a veteran."

Hal thought the same thing. Every time Harley went on a mission, as long as she flew the airship, Ivy would definitely follow her, and there had never been any accidents.

Let’s not talk about her strength, she is indeed an experienced driver.

"Hal, come in."

Before setting off, Harley pulled Hal into the airship.

While on the way, she wanted to inquire about the current situation of the Seven Lantern Corps.

"What have you been busy with these days, and how did you find out the news about Carona's lair?"

Hal said: "During the process of snatching the lamp beast, weren't there many rumors spread in the universe?

Even Vandal Savage on Earth receives a message from the bounty hunter.

Now we know it was Calona who was behind the scenes.

So by finding the people who helped him spread rumors, wouldn't it be possible to find out information about him? "

"You said before that the smallpox virus was working as an undercover agent just to investigate this?" Harley said.

Hal nodded slightly, "It found out that Carona has appeared near the Riut galaxy many times, so that's why we took action today."

Harley's eyes flashed and she said, "Have you ever thought that this might be a trap? Just like the last time Kalona used real rumors to induce you to help him capture the lamp beast."

"It's possible, but the initiative lies with him. What can we do? We finally found the information related to him, so we can't just do nothing, right?" Hal said helplessly.

"If you find clues, you must verify them, but your strength is a bit weak. You should call all the little blue men of the Green Lantern Corps. As long as you are strong enough, you don't have to be afraid of any conspiracy." Harley said.

There was something she didn't say out loud: the black girl's pleading and worry about Fat Head were only part of the reason why she joined them in this operation. She was even more worried that the seven of them would be wiped out and no one would help find Caron. Accepted.

Kalona, ​​the Seven Lantern Beast, the mysterious Seven Lantern Beast's combined skill VS the Seven Lantern Master, who has a greater chance of winning?

Unless Hal explodes before the battle, they will lose.

When Hal heard this, the helplessness on his face deepened, "You think I don't want to? But the guardian is indifferent, insensitive, and even a little reactionary.

They do not recognize the 'Seven Lanterns Peace Agreement' and insist on treating the six legions other than the Green Lanterns as enemies. "

Harley said thoughtfully: "It seems that the new guardians are all 'old people' who have lived for billions of years. They have not experienced the changes of the past few years, and their thoughts are still rigid and rigid."

Hal nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think so too. Most of them come from the secret settlement of the Martus people."

"Where are Gunther and Syd?" Ivy asked.

"Said fulfilled his promise, joined the Orange Lantern Corps and became the Guardian of the Orange Lantern.

Ganser is nowhere to be seen. I suspect that he was plotted by the guardians and was secretly imprisoned somewhere.

Today's Green Lantern Corps seems to be back to the 'old days' when I first became a Green Lantern.

When Green Lantern was resurrected, the "Green Lantern Guardian Contract" signed by Kyle and Gunther may also be abolished.

If not for the entire Green Lantern Corps' opposition, the Guardians would have succeeded.

This is just the beginning, there's no telling what trouble will happen next. " Hal said worriedly.

Iris wondered: "Even if they haven't personally experienced the previous events, wouldn't they understand the history of the Green Lantern Corps in recent years through other means?

Moreover, the capture of the lamp beast by Kalona is obviously a major crisis common to the Color and Light Legion.

Instead of dealing with the crisis, they start fighting among themselves. Is there something wrong with their brains? "

Hal said: "They think Kalona is not a trouble. They could exile him 3 billion years ago, and if they meet again today, the outcome will not change.

There is absolutely no need for help from the rest of the color army.

They also said that the Green Lantern Corps has not encountered a major crisis in 3 billion years. As a result, the crisis has continued in the past few years because of loose discipline and lack of integrity. "

Having said this, he smiled bitterly, "They said that if unruly Lanterns like me were eliminated earlier - not long after I became a Green Lantern, I was deprived of my Lantern Ring, do you remember?

If I were not in the Green Lantern Corps, the Zero Hour Crisis would not have broken out and the Green Lantern Corps would not have been destroyed.

The same goes for Sinestro and Abinsu.

Deal with them as soon as they break the rules, the Blue Lantern Corps will not appear, and the Yellow and Green Corps war will not happen.

Without the War of Color and Light, the subsequent series of crises would not have happened. "

"Although I know what they said is wrong, it's hard to refute." Iris struggled.

Ivy sneered and said: "They are not Harley. Harley can destroy destiny, but destiny cannot be violated by them. The battle of lust and light, the blackest night, and the whitest day are all destiny."

Harley looked at the dark starry sky in front of her and said faintly: "Now I'm starting to hope that I won't meet Carona on this trip."

"Why? We want to save Barry!" Iris said excitedly.

"Okay, I hope I catch Kalona this time and let me kill him directly. The retribution of the new guardian will be left to the 'crisis boss' later. I am very curious to see how many waves they can withstand."

Harry looked around at the few people, suddenly smiled strangely, and suggested: "Do you want to take a gamble with me? I will be the banker and give everyone free benefits.

If you bet that you won't see a guardian in half a year, you will pay 1,000; if you bet that there will be no guardian in the world after one year, you will pay 200; if you bet that there will be no guardian in two years, you will pay 10; if you will definitely not see a guardian in three years, you will pay 1.001.

Hey, this is a gamble with a win or a loss. Even if the guardian is wiped out within half a year, people who can't see the guardian after buying it for three years can still make 0.1% profit. "

Hal's mouth twitched, "0.1%"

Zero damage, extremely insulting.

Ivy slapped her hands and said with a smile: "This is fun! I bet 200 US dollars. In recent years, there have been many crises, big and small. With the current guardian's virtue, 80% of them will not survive more than half a year.

Half a year later, the Green Lantern Corps will not see a single Guardian. "

"OK, Ivy 200" Harley actually opened the document and recorded the information.

"Iris, how much do you press?"

"I'll give you two hundred, too." Iris hesitated for a moment and said, "After all, he is a guardian. He may wither, but he won't be wiped out if he can't hold on for a year."

"Iris 200, bet the Guardian lasts for one year, Hal?"

Hal smiled bitterly and said: "Can you bet that I will be expelled from the Green Lantern Corps first before the Guardians are destroyed? I think they will definitely persist longer than me."

"Hey, this is a new idea." Harley's eyes lit up, "Hal bets himself to get out first. Iris and Ivy, you can follow the bet and bet on who will get out first, Hal or the Guardian."

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