I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1460 Rotten Country

Half a month later, Gotham Police Department.

"Hello, Harley? It's me, Old John!" Under the gaze of several police officers, Zha Kang had a Silka cigarette in his mouth, his feet dangling across the table, and said in a relaxed tone: "You Come and bail me out, or use the majestic and glorious name of 'Admiral of the Galaxy' to ask the police chief, or whoever, to let me go?

Alas, I didn’t make any mistakes. I just didn’t wear a mask and sanitary gloves, couldn’t produce an electronic health certificate, and I forgot my passport at home, so I was arrested. "

"Just squat down and wait for your sister to issue an identity certificate for you and for your health test results to come out before you come to me." Harley said rudely.

"Don't be like this. Even though I came to Gotham unexpectedly this time, I do shoulder the great responsibility of saving the world." Zha Kang shouted.

"Humph~~" Harley sneered and hung up the phone.

"Hello, hello?" Zha Kang called a few times but didn't respond, and he wasn't angry either.

What matters is that he can get through, and it doesn't matter if Harley comes to pick him up.

He slowly put the phone back, vomited out an eye socket, looked at the gcpd beside him whose expression changed drastically, and said slowly: "As you can see, Admiral Galaxy is strict with himself, unwilling to bend the law for personal gain, and unwilling to use his connections for me, an old friend.

You can continue to put me in the cell. She refuses to help me. I have no choice. "

The tall police inspector with a slightly chubby face shouted sharply: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you help Mr. Constantine to my office quickly? Is this a room he can stay in?"

Then, his tall body of 1.95 meters bent down and squatted down, shrinking to less than 1.5 meters, which was the same as Zha Kang on the chair.

"Sir, it's a misunderstanding. It's all a misunderstanding. These gcpds have just come out of school and don't understand anything. They are still in the internship stage. Hey, please come with me. The second floor has a good view, soft sofas and large space."

His smile was flattering and his voice was as gentle as coaxing a naughty lover.

Seeing Zha Kang taking out a cigarette with a calm expression, he quickly leaned over and lit it with his own lighter.

"I don't have a mask, a passport, or a health certificate." Zha Kang said with a chuckle.

"Hey, from what you said, you are a friend of Admiral Galaxy. Your identity is definitely not a problem, and your health is not important. You are going to Quinn Manor. There is no safer place in the world." The police inspector said with a smile.

"Hey, Harry is too fair and selfless to bend the law for my own personal gain." Zha Kang sighed.

"There is no favoritism, and it is not illegal. Everything is done in accordance with the rules and regulations." The police inspector said with a serious expression: "You do need a health certificate to be able to move in public places, but I was thinking about it. There is also a health testing point at Quinn Manor, which is very far away from the manor. It's time to send you over for a health check."

Ten minutes later, two police cars, one behind the other, escorted the police inspector's BMW to the foot of Lishan Mountain.

"Oh, no wonder most people in the world are crazy about fame and fortune. Fame and fortune are so useful." In the hall of the manor, Zha Kang sighed with a smile.

"If you don't stay at home at this time, why are you traveling to the United States? Don't think that you are a mage. The Yamo Zhuo virus is waiting for you to be ineffective. It is a magic virus." Harley said.

"Swamp Monster is crazy, do you know that? In the past half month, that guy has massacred at least three hundred people. The management of an oil company was killed by him during a meeting, and the meeting room was made like a slaughterhouse.

Don’t you guys have any news about such big news? "Zha Kang said doubtfully.

Harley raised her chin towards the TV, "Nu, this is the focus news that Americans and even most countries are paying attention to."

It is now 5:30 in the afternoon, and Planet Daily TV station is broadcasting live interviews with celebrities.

Lois, wearing a dark blue women's suit, and Lex Luthor, a world celebrity, sat on the sofa and talked face to face.

Luther was talking.

“I know that people are now calling the virus ‘Luther virus’ and the symptoms are called ‘Luther epidemic’, and even most of the media are using these two names.

I'm not upset or angry about it.

Any individual or organization can call it that, it doesn’t matter.

Because this is my medal for saving the world and human civilization, and it is the greatest compliment to me. "

"Is this guy crazy?" Zha Kang was stunned.

On the screen, Louise, the name of the universe, also showed a look of surprise.

She put her wavy black hair back on her forehead and said doubtfully: "The people are full of resentment and curse you with these two names to express their dissatisfaction.

There are still many people on the Internet calling on the Justice League to arrest you immediately. "

Luther sighed with emotion and said: "I can understand their thinking, because the 'Luther epidemic' currently prevalent in the United States was indeed created by me.

However, the people only know one thing and do not understand that the 'Luthor virus' is actually saving them. "

"Oh, what's the inside story?" Louise deliberately showed a curious expression.

Luther said: "I think everyone still remembers the 'Zombie City Crisis in Metropolis' half a month ago."

Louise said with lingering fear: "More than just remembering it, it shocked the world and left a deep impression. I'm afraid I won't forget it for the rest of my life."

This time her expression was very real, without any pretense.

"The 'Zombie City Crisis' is not only happening in big cities. Every state and every big city in the United States has at least one 'zombie community incident'."

The corner of Luther's mouth curled up, he was very proud, but he did not laugh, "If there are no accidents, the United States will become a zombie country due to the Amojo virus.

Not even the Justice League can change this ending.

Of course, they are not the zombies in the movie, but Amozo.

When the Yamodra virus enters its advanced stage, patients will transform from rational humans into unconscious Yamodra with a strong desire to attack. "

Luther raised his head and glanced at Louise, "You must know Yamodra and Yamodra virus better than anyone else. The first headline about Yamodra came from your special topic."

Louise nodded slightly, "So? What is the relationship between Yamozo and the Luther virus?"

"It has a lot to do with it, it's me!" Luther pointed to his chest, raised his voice, and said proudly: "I transformed the submojo virus that could destroy human civilization into a nearly harmless influenza, that is, the common cold Luther virus in the mouth.

In short, the Luthor Epidemic can only be considered a remnant of the treatment of the Amodra disease.

I can assure you that this after-effect will be minimal and minimally costly. "

"Is there no medicine that has no side effects?" Louise asked.

Luther smiled calmly, "Even if ordinary people take painkillers, they have addictive side effects. Everyone knows how terrible Yamojo is.

If we say that the threat level of Amazo, which is enough to destroy human civilization, is as high as 1 million, the Luthor Epidemic only has 10 points.

The cost is lower than painkillers. "

"As far as I know, you were not the main contributor in the creation of the antidote," Louise said.

Luther said solemnly: "You want to talk about the Pox God? Indeed, the first generation antidote evolved from it.

But its antidote has extremely serious side effects, being ten times more powerful than Luther Epidemic, a hundred times more expensive, and a hundred times less efficient.

If the 'pox god virus' is directly released to completely solve the zombie city crisis in the metropolis, at least two million people will die in at least half a year.

Zoom in to the entire planet, and the cost will only be higher.

It’s me, I use gene editing technology to transform the pox virus into a highly contagious and low-harm epidemic virus as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost. "

"Is it also an advantage to be highly contagious?" Louise asked in surprise.

"As an antidote virus, it is highly contagious and easy to survive, which are its advantages. Think about it, half a month ago, Metropolis was still a zombie city, but now? Let alone patients, Metropolis has almost completed urban reconstruction.

If normal pharmaceutical production, from research and development to testing to industrial production, does not say anything else, but only builds a production line that can be used by millions of patients, how long do you think it will take?

One year? Half a year?

Can we afford to wait?

We can't wait!

My Luthor Epidemic Virus is simple. After leaving the laboratory, I throw the test tube on the street. One Yamodra is infected and immediately infects a group of people.

The deadly submojo virus was transformed into a common epidemic, which can be cured by taking special cold medicine developed later.

The cost is almost zero and the efficiency is terrifyingly high.

Even the Pox God himself felt ashamed and said that I had the qualifications to become his favored one.

However, I only believe in God and declined the good intentions of the acne god. "Luthor said proudly.

Louise nodded slightly. She could not refute his words at all, because reality proved that everything he said was right.

Even Luther said that the Pox God wanted to ask him to be a sacrifice to the god, which was not a boast.

Although the Pox God has high evolutionary potential, it does not understand the knowledge related to evolution and can only mutate randomly based on instinct.

If Luther becomes its high priest and adds technology and hard work to its evolutionary path, the Pox God will surely be invincible and invincible in the field of viruses.

"It seems that your Luther antidote has been put into use as soon as it was developed," Louise said hesitantly.

"I understand, we all understand that there are risks, but compared with the dangers of Yamodra, we have to bear some risks. Moreover, this is not a one-time deal, the 'Luthor Salvation Group' has not been disbanded, and we are still working."

"Well, let me tell you, how come it suddenly turned into a 'Luthor Epidemic' when there was obviously a crisis in the Amozo? That's what happened." In front of the TV, Zha Kang suddenly realized.

Harley turned down the volume, and while watching Luther on TV continue to brag about himself, she asked, "What is the reason why Swamp Thing kills people randomly?"

"All the people who were killed were destroying or planning to destroy green plants on a large scale." Zha Kang said.

"Is Alec's time up?" Harley frowned.

Swamp Thing is a god, and gods are immortal.

Theoretically, Swamp Thing can go on forever without dying.

The reality is that every few years or decades, Swamp Thing will be replaced.

These are the rules set by Naboo.

The will of man and the green of all things merged to become a swamp monster, with human consciousness taking over.

But after becoming a swamp monster, the greenness of all things will corrode and distort the souls of mortals. In the end, the swamp monster loses its humanity and completely puts its butt on the side of green plants.

Once green plants are harmed by humans, they will be merciless and clear away humans who threaten the forest just like farmers clear away pests on their crops.

At that point, it no longer fits the role of Swamp Thing.

After all, the Order God System formed the Life Council to protect human civilization, not to destroy mankind.

The previous generation of vegetative swamp monsters directly turned into a big tree that could not move and could only grumble, losing its threat to humans. A new generation of swamp monsters with human consciousness as the main body was born.

"Probably the sequelae of the last White Day, it has simultaneously become the carrier of the green of all things, the red of all living beings, and the black of decay. It also contains the power of the four elements of the white lamp. Alec's consciousness has been seriously polluted, and his humanity It was wiped out, leaving only the instinct to protect the green plants.

If you don't want this old friend to turn into a big tree, you'd better do something now. "Zha Kang said slowly with a cigarette in his mouth.

Harley turned off the TV, stood up and said to Ivy: "Let's go meet Swamp Thing."

"It's not in the Amazon rainforest. It's probably killing people all over the world right now," Zha Kang said.

"You can look for it inside the Green of All Things." Ivy said.

Harley gained the friendship of Swamp Monster in her early years, ate a fruit, and gained the Druid talent of "tree walking".

It’s not like Tarzan’s “oooooh”, walking on flat ground in the jungle.

The "tree" in "Tree Walking" refers to the greenness of all things.

You can travel freely within the Green of All Things.

In his early years, Zha Kang cheated a jar of tree essence blood at Midnight's Dad's gambling table, and he could also walk on trees.

Needless to say, Ivy is the patron of all things green.

The sum of plant pan-consciousness aggregates and plant energy constitutes the greenness of all things.

After entering its interior, the three of them came to a space where the sky and the earth were green.

Without the gift of tree walking, there is no way to reach this space.

In other words, to ordinary people, this space does not really exist.

Only those who have eyes can see colors; only those who have the ability to walk on trees can enter the green of all things.

There are many green "vines" in the green space, which are endless and boundless.

By walking along the vines, you can achieve spatial teleportation through plants in different areas, hence the name "tree walking".

"There it is!"

Under the leadership of Ivy, they soon came to a pile of "vegetable salad" a hundred meters high.

"Humanity? I want to destroy humanity!"

Before they could say hello, Swamp Monster roared and slapped him.

Ivy immediately pulled Harley and jumped away.

Zha Kang screamed, and with the light steps of a dragonfly, he spread his arms and ran on the vines.

"Hey, Alec, don't you remember us? Do you still know who you are? Your wife Abby, and the daughter I had with your wife, they are all waiting for you at home."

"Roar!" Swamp Monster roared angrily, chasing him and slapping him hard.

"Harley, save me! If you stimulate it like this, it won't be able to wake up. I'm helpless." Zha Kang wailed.

"Let's leave the Green Space of All Things. It's not easy to use here." Harley said.

"Boo~~~" Zha Kang jumped down from the vine, his figure disappeared from the green space of all things, and landed again, already in a rain forest in Asia.

"Rumble~~~" Before he could take a breath, the ground covered with fallen leaves shook gently, and thick tree roots and vines emerged from the soil, twisting into a ten-meter-high humanoid monster in front of him. .

"Harry, Harley where are you?"

"Stop howling, I'm on top of you, it can't hurt you."

Harley jumped down from the branch and landed in front of "Salad" who was wrapped in a layer of gold film.

"Alec, wake up, you have friends and family, you can't 'sleep' just yet."

She activated her defense specialty, wrapped her mental power with a defensive force field, and slammed into the swamp monster's sea of ​​consciousness.

"I" Swamp Monster shook his head vigorously, with a struggling expression.

"This is useless. It neither treats the symptoms nor the root cause." Zha Kang sighed.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Harley asked.

"I don't know, that's why I came to find you." Zha Kang said distressedly.

Harley thought for a while, took out her cell phone and dialed Dr. Destiny's number.

"Buzz--" A few minutes later, a golden light flashed, and Kent wearing a golden helmet appeared in front of several people.

He looked at Swamp Thing with a frown, and sighed: "Alec Holland is no longer good, so he needs to be replaced."

"He is my friend, I don't want him to become a big tree." Harley said.

Dr. Destiny stared into her eyes for a while and said seriously: "Actually, it is a good thing for everyone that he retires now. Forcing him to stay will probably trigger the crisis of the 'corruption country coming'."

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