I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1445 Harley’s Six Paths of Reincarnation

Harry had been out for a long time, and the dead ghosts in the church hall were restless and uneasy for so long.

The third generation of bombers have long regretted it.

He regretted not listening to Harley before and immediately returned to Paradise Mountain with the first and second generation Bomberman.

Among the four ghosts in the hall, he is the only one who can not only go to Heaven Mountain, but also be full of merits and have a bright future.

When the other three ghosts got impatient, they liked to glance at him with their eyes.

Every glance contained envy, jealousy, and a touch of hatred that made him sit on pins and needles.

However, the most restless person in the hall was not him, but the four-star general who should have been calm and majestic.

In the hour and a half that Harley was away, he left the sofa at least 12 times, and 8 times walked out of the door to look around.

Harley left after he made the request. What she was busy with must have something to do with him.

Could it be that he just asked for reincarnation and there was a big problem?

Could it be that people who have sinned too much cannot be reincarnated?

Is he going to hell eventually?

Will he have to endure the torture of mountains of swords and seas of fire in hell?

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, and the more afraid he became, the more unable to sit still.

The general's demeanor could not be maintained at all, and he showed all kinds of worried expressions in front of everyone.

After waiting for forty minutes, the electric guy also started to go out with General Minos to look at Harley.

Although he couldn't see anything, even though she made it clear when she left that she was going to Limbo, which was a bit far and would take some time, he still couldn't help but want to do something.

Even if you can't see her, as long as you do something, you can at least get some psychological comfort.

Madame Butterfly was also anxious for about half an hour. After Diana couldn't stand it anymore, she leaned into her ear and quietly asked her how many sins she had committed, and then she calmed down.

Well, after learning that her sins were "only" 120,000, Diana patted her chest generously and promised to help Harley pay for it later if she still refused to provide the redemption fund.

No matter what, she won't go to hell.

With this assurance, Madam Butterfly no longer worried.

"Sorry, it took a little long."

When Harley left, she was empty-handed, but when she came back, she had a huge funnel on her shoulders.

The funnel is completely black and looks like a jet jade sculpture from a distance. After getting closer, I found that there seemed to be flowing liquid inside the funnel, as if it was made of black water shaped by a force field, and there was water flowing inside.

When it is erected, it is almost five meters high, with a tapered top, thinner than chopsticks, and a diameter of three meters at the bottom.

"What is this?"

Seeing her come in, everyone stood up and took a few steps to gather around her.

"Give way~~" Harley shouted at the crowd and walked to the edge of the church's pulpit.

She held the huge funnel on her shoulders in her arms and thrust it towards the stone wall in front of her, "Pfft!"

Like driving a nail into a wooden board, the huge funnel was embedded entirely into the stone wall, but the stone wall did not crack.

It's like the funnel has become a sticky tape and is stuck to the wall.

"You all know that I have the seal of reincarnation, but do you know that I also have an identity, the dependent of death, the younger sister of the second sister, the God of Death, Harry." Harley pointed at herself with her thumb and said proudly.

Everyone looked confused.

"What are you talking about?!" Diana asked doubtfully.

"It literally means the incarnation of death in the multiverse, don't you know?"

"I know, but -" Diana was stunned and said in surprise: "Could the reincarnation seal come from the Lady Death of the Endless Family?"

Harley shook her head, "The reincarnation of life and death comes from my understanding of the emotional origin of life and death. The second sister saw that I was so talented, so she accepted me as a god.

I don’t have a law of death, but I am the most regular god of death in the multiverse.

However, there is no free lunch in the world.

After becoming the second sister’s god, my reincarnation seal must also abide by the rules set by the second sister. "

Seeing that most people looked blank, Harley raised her chin towards the thoughtful Diana and said, "Wonder Woman, please explain to everyone."

"Well, if Harley really becomes Lady Death's god, she will indeed have to act according to her rules."

Diana roughly explained the situation of "Death Halle" using the relationship between her father God Zeus and the Greek gods.

"Now the Reincarnation Seal can't be used casually?" General Minos asked nervously.

Harley smiled and said: "It can be used, and it is more powerful than before. If you have heard about Red Robin, you must know that he was reborn in a different world, and even the timeline was staggered.

Now there will no longer be aimless random rebirth, the reincarnation seal at least guarantees rebirth on the earth.

I will be reborn tonight, and I will be able to call old acquaintances tomorrow morning. "

"Great." Minos grinned happily.

Diana, less blindly optimistic than he was, asked, "What are Lady Death's rules, and what are the restrictions on reincarnation?"

Harley pointed at the black funnel on the wall and said, "That's it, the Six Doors of Reincarnation.

The soul that has been imprinted with the reincarnation seal by me can enter this door and be reincarnated purposefully. "

"What are the six realms?" Diana asked again.

"It's the path of heaven, the path of humanity, the path of hell, the path of animals, the path of humanity, and the path of heroes."

"This is different from the six realms in Chinese mythology." Diana said in shock: "What do the human realm and the heroic realm mean?"

Harry said: "It's not a reincarnation system. It must be different from the six paths of the Chinese people."

She designed these six paths herself. The second sister gave her a six-path reincarnation gate and gave her all the source code.

It took Harley an hour to rewrite a "Death Harley Edition Operating System".

The reason why she was delayed for an hour and a half was mainly because of this matter.

She wrote the system, which means she made the rules. Now it is advertised to the outside world as the second sister's rules, and the second sister's consent was obtained. Well, the second sister called her shameless and did not agree. However, when Harley explained that "the second sister does not need to care about the attitudes of mortals," the second sister No objection either.

Well, Harley decided that not objecting meant acquiescing.

At least compared to the scapegoat God, Harley is more honest with her second sister.

“Shangren, as the name suggests, will have wealth and power, good health, family harmony, long life and no disasters, and all wishes will come true in the next life.

Basically, if a young man succeeds in his ambition, a young man will have the most beautiful woman in the world as his beloved wife, a middle-aged man will have the highest authority in the world, and an old man will have the son of a dragon, he will have a successor in his career, his life will go smoothly, and he will definitely be a winner in life. ” Harley continued.

General Minos's eyes were shining and his saliva was about to flow.

Even though he has been regarded as a protagonist in his life, when compared with Harley's "superior", he is still a few steps behind.

For example, his wife is not very good-looking and he only married her for his career prospects. She is mediocre and has a bad temper.

He was still working hard in the army in his middle age, and only took power in his old age. His son is still in a drug rehabilitation center.

Not only him, but also several heroes showed signs of yearning.

Especially the third generation bomber, I don't know if it was because he thought about the miserable life in this life, compared with the "human master", that his eyes turned red at this moment.

"The path of a hero is to awaken your powers in the next life and have the appearance of a hero." Harley added.

"Can you awaken your superpowers and become a master at the same time?" General Minos asked in anticipation.

"Obviously not. Heroes are not superior to others. Look at the current Zhenglian. They are as powerful as Dachao. They have not joined the political arena and are just holding an official position." Harley said.

"Only awaken your superpowers, don't be a hero, be a master." General Minos said.

"Then try your luck in the human realm. The human realm and the heroic realm have fixed your destiny, but the human realm is all-encompassing and has infinite possibilities." Harley said.

The first-generation bomber asked curiously: "What do the realms of heaven, hell, and animals represent?"

"If you step into the animal realm, you will be reincarnated as an animal in your next life. If you enter the hell realm, you will be reincarnated as a little evil demon. If you enter the heavenly realm, you will be reincarnated as a god or demon, or the son of a god or demon."

"Wow, the way of heaven is stronger than the way of human beings." Minos exclaimed.

"Impossible." Diana shook her head and said: "The son of gods and demons is determined by heaven, and his soul strength and level are far superior to ordinary people.

First of all, you can't send your soul into the body of a pregnant god and demon. The god and demon can detect it and stop it.

Secondly, even if you send her there, she won’t be able to give birth.

Mortal souls cannot control the bloodline of gods and demons, but will be dissolved and assimilated by the bloodline. "

"Hey, you can underestimate my reincarnation seal, but don't forget that this Six Paths of Reincarnation Gate was given to me by my second sister.

The ‘heaven’ who is destined to determine the gods and demons is my second sister!

No matter how powerful you are, life and death are still within the purview of my second sister. " Harley said proudly.

This is the power of the second sister's authority.

An ordinary god of death certainly cannot "calculate" gods and demons, but the second sister is the death rule of the DC multiverse itself. Her calculations are not calculations, but destiny.

Diana was stunned and said: "How to solve the problem of soul strength and adaptability?"

"In reincarnation, the essence of the soul can be improved, to the level of gods and demons." Harley said.

Diana's eyes changed when she looked at the Gate of Reincarnation. It could be reincarnated into gods and demons. This artifact was simply ridiculously powerful.

"What are the conditions for entering the human realm?" Minos asked excitedly.

It is definitely better to be a god or demon than to be a human master, he was moved.

Harry said: "The conditions are very simple, you must have a foothold. For example, you were a god and demon in your previous life, and you are destined to be with a certain god and demon in your next life. You have to say hello in advance and reincarnate as the other person's son.

Another example is that you have a special talent and can save the world, and the gods and demons need to borrow your destiny and make you their son. "

"Can you send it there quietly without saying hello?" Minos asked.

"Of course not. Even if gods and demons don't understand prophecy, they can still observe their own destiny. If they know you are a time traveler, they will definitely slap you to death and turn your soul into ashes." Harley said.

Diana nodded slightly, this only made sense.

Minos was still unwilling to give in, "Is it okay if I was reincarnated into the home of a kind-hearted god and demon who couldn't bear to kill?"

"This one is even more difficult. The kind-hearted gods and demons have the merits and blessings of God. No one can plot against them."

"Didn't you say that the Gate of Reincarnation comes from Lady Death and is omnipotent?" Minos said.

Harley said impatiently: "Why do you think there are six realms in the door? You are not qualified, the reincarnation gate will only send you to the animal realm.

This is not something I can control, nor is it something you can do whatever you want. There are rules.

The rule for entering the realm of heaven and humanity is to ‘follow your feet’. "

Minos said in a panic: "I want to go to the animal path? No, Harley, help me."

Harley nodded and said, "You are a patriot. If you receive the Patriot Redemption Fund, you can get a 'Harley's Asylum'.

If you enter this gate with my protection, you can avoid the animal realm. The greatest guarantee is the human realm.

That is to say, reincarnate on earth and become a mortal.

If you gain merit and become a master, or even be reincarnated as a god, it is not impossible. "

Minos breathed a sigh of relief.

The third generation of Bomberman was moved. Harley said before that he had merit.

"OK, what needs to be said has been said, General Minos, now it's time for you to make a decision."

Harley looked at the old man and said: "Either leave Hero Island and accept God's judgment.

Either step into the six gates of reincarnation and decide the fate of the next life in accordance with the death laws of the multiverse.

Of course, you are a patriot and a good friend of mine.

Whatever you decide, I'll help you. "

"Harley, thank you, you are such a good friend." General Minos thanked you first, and then said expectantly: "I haven't seen your 'protection' yet, and I don't understand it either."

Harley walked to the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gate, stretched out her hand and wiped it on the surface.

"Didi, drip, drip." In the circular hollow door frame, a black crystal-style control panel appeared. The style was very similar to a computer control screen.

"General Minos, come here and stand in the door."

Minos tiptoed and stood close to this side carefully, "Will you be sucked in?"

"The reincarnation gate hasn't been activated yet, how can I smoke it?" Harley pressed the "Sin Points" box on the screen, and a series of numbers immediately popped up.

"Oh my God!" the curious people gathered around exclaimed, "18.89 million? This is the sin value, how can it be so much?"

Minos's face turned purple and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Harley said seriously: "This is the guilt value, and it is also the evidence and medal of General Minos as an 'American Patriot'.

How many bad things must he have done to commit such a great sin!

And every bad thing he does is equivalent to improving the living standards of the American people by one point.

This shows how much he has contributed to the United States. "

Minos looked moved.

The first-generation Time Hero frowned and thought for a long time, and finally found a logical loophole that sounded wrong no matter how he heard it, and shouted: "Harley, what you said is wrong. Could it be that the happiness, freedom, equality and democracy of the American people are all based on the ultimate On top of sin?”

"General Minos is patriotic." Harley said seriously.


Harry waved his hand and said, "No, General Minos has participated in every foreign war. He has a roomful of patriotic medals."

With a bit of pride and pride on his face, General Minos squinted his eyes and said to Shi Xia: "I am guilty and I am patriotic. This is not a contradiction.

I thought it would be easy for you superheroes to understand.

Because I am the ‘Seven People’ at the national level!

It is a fact that Hawkman, Green Arrow and the Seven others have violated the concept of absolute justice.

But who of you can deny their contribution to all heroes?

If the circle of heroes is enlarged into a country, they are patriots, essentially no different from me. "

The grass-headed gods frowned, always feeling that his words were extremely harsh and completely tarnishing the "Seven People" and the circle of heroes, but they couldn't think of any words to argue for a while.

"Stop talking nonsense, come here and reincarnate." Harley greeted, pointing at the screen and said: "Look, your sins are displayed on it, and the corresponding reincarnation options are given."

Behind the 18.99 million sins, there is a "reincarnation reservation option": Option 1. Don't reincarnate this kind of person, send him to hell; Option 2. If he wants to reincarnate, there is a 99.99% probability that he will be a beast.

"I am patriotic!" General Minos became anxious when he saw that he would either go to hell or become a beast.

Harley patted his arm, and a dimly glowing "H" appeared on his forehead.

"Look again."

She asked him to stand in the door frame again, and the options given on the screen immediately changed: a copy of 'Harley's Asylum' was detected, and he received the blessing of guaranteed 'humane' reincarnation.

"Harley, thank you!" Minos said excitedly.

"Don't worry, this is just a shield. You are a patriot and a good friend of mine. I will give you another blessing." Harley patted him again, and the "H" on his forehead was surrounded by a golden circle. stand up.

"Didi di, detected a copy of 'Harley's Asylum', and obtained the blessing of guaranteed human reincarnation; detected 'Harley's Friendship', obtained the buff of 'three points of destiny, seven points of willpower'."

Harley took the initiative to explain to everyone: "Do you understand the process of Red Robin's reincarnation?

He went to another world and traveled through the timeline, becoming himself 18 years ago.

This is because he has a very strong personal will.

He loved his father and mother, and he wanted to do it again.

The strong will drives the reincarnation seal, taking him through time and the world.

But you should also understand that reincarnation is destined, no matter how strong your will is, it will be useless.

Just like if you are unwilling to give in, God will send you to hell, but you will still have no room to struggle.

Red Robin can take the initiative to fight for his destiny with his will, all because of 'Harley's kindness'.

Harley's kindness is more powerful than Harley's friendship, giving Red Robin's soul the buff of "I can't help it." "

Harley didn't know about Jason Todd's situation at first. It was only when she later became the second sister's god and obtained the god of death that she understood the reason while retracing Jason's reincarnation.

General Minos said with greed: "Can I get your 'love'?"

Harley shook her head and said: "On the surface, Harley's friendship comes from my gift, but in fact it is the result of your practice in your previous life.

Your friendship with me will end at this moment, and all the emotional power will be transformed into 'Harley's friendship'.

Red Robin can get "Harley's loving kindness" only because I grew up watching him and I have loving feelings towards him.

I don't have kindness towards you, so I can't use kindness to transform the buff of "I have no control over my fate".

All miracles have a price! "

"What will happen after the power of friendship is transformed? Will we not be friends in the next life?" General Minos said nervously.

Harley said: "After reincarnation, you will no longer be 'Minos', all the causal connections in your previous life will end, and you will have new parents, friends and life.

This is the rule of reincarnation. If you don’t have this awareness, you may be very sad in your next life.

Or, if I help you seal your memory, you can better adapt to your new life? "

"No, no, no, I want to be reincarnated with my memories." Minos waved his hands repeatedly.

"Go in, you already have 'Harley's friendship' and 'Harley's protection', so you can go and be reincarnated with peace of mind," Harley said.

"Leaving now?"

Minos looked back and saw that the scenes and people around him were not the familiar home and family.

Feeling lost in his heart, he took a step forward, and the door of reincarnation turned "buzzingly", and a vortex appeared, sucking him into it and disappearing.

At the same time, the Gate of Reincarnation sent a message to Harley's Consciousness Sea: Based on her sins during her lifetime, a reincarnation target has been set for her - Target 1. An older woman infected with AIDS in the lowest-class house in Afghanistan; Target 2 , a poor town in Africa that was ravaged by Ebola; Target 3, a pregnant woman in a military human experiment project; Target 4, a black man in Gotham New City, the United States, who owed loan sharks and was domestically abused by his husband. Pregnant women; Goal 5

A long piece of information, containing thousands of options, is Minos's reincarnation goal in his next life under the rules of cause and effect of the Gate of Reincarnation.

Of course, this causal rule does not represent absolute causality.

Just like the second sister's example of "killing pagans for the gods and becoming a virtuous king in the next life", the subjective thoughts of the God of Death are the decisive factor.

All the rules in the Reincarnation Gate were made by Harley.

That is to say, she believed that based on what Minos did during his lifetime, if he did not go to hell, he should be reincarnated into those families in his next life.

It does not mean that the souls who are reincarnated as poor and sick people have committed sins in their previous lives.

It's just that in Harley's reincarnation system, she chose to use illness, poverty, and sadness as the means to repay karma.

Harley's reincarnation system is not even a drop of water in the ocean to the entire DC multiverse.

The vast majority of newborns in the DC universe are born randomly, and their blank souls come from the "assembly line soul production workshop."

"Show Minos's wish." Harley did not make a choice immediately.

"I want to be born in the United States, I want to be a noble Caucasian, and I want to come from a political or plutocratic family!" General Minos's deafening, hysterical shouts shocked Harley's consciousness and made her frown slightly.

This desire is strong enough and greedy enough, and it doesn’t depend on my own virtue!

Harley sneered in her heart and fulfilled her old friend's wish, making a choice for him: "Choose No. 666, the ill-fated American white man."

No matter how tragic her fate may be in the future, at least she looks glamorous now and can serve as a sign to prove to the world how reliable her reincarnation seal is. Even if her future encounters are unknown, it has nothing to do with her. She is only responsible for reincarnation and her life after reincarnation. You have to rely on yourself.

"Beep beep beep" The green light flashes on the screen, and the prompt "Reincarnation Completed" appears.

"Is it over now? It's so fast, there seems to be no process." Several heroes were surprised.

"It's not canned fruit. What process is involved?"

Harley closed the screen, closed the reincarnation door, turned to the other two dead ghosts, and said: "The value of your sins exceeds the upper limit of the application for the redemption fund. There is no way, the rules are the rules, we can only-"

"Harley, I am willing to reincarnate, so please send me to reincarnation too." The electric guy quickly shouted.

"The reincarnation channel is prepared for the patriots of the United States, just like the merits of heaven are prepared for the heroes." Harley frowned.

The electric guy immediately said: "I am also an American, and I can also love the United States."

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