I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1444 Second Sister: I have never seen such a shameless person

Harley was very embarrassed. Just now she was playing the pretty face Bao Qingtian in a serious manner, but now her face was swollen.

With a straight face, she stood up from the sofa, walked out of the church hall without saying a word, and came to General Minos who was talking to Time Man and Nuclear Explosion Man.

"How did you come?"

"Harry, if you agree, you can add a schedule to the list of heroes, and my name will be on the list." General Minos explained.

Facing the strange looks from the people around her, Hallie pretended to be unhappy and shouted: "I am a patriot, I love the United States!

Even though I know clearly that in order to pursue America’s priority policies, our government and military are full of human nature, commit all kinds of evil, are full of crimes, have countless crimes, are too numerous to write down, have committed countless crimes, are heinous, irredeemable, and have numerous crimes.”

She took a breath and continued: "I still choose to give patriots like me a chance for redemption.

Just as I respect the noble virtues of heroes who sacrifice themselves for others and uphold justice, so I set up the "Heroes Redemption Fund" to help the souls of heroes who sacrificed for a just cause and have no time to pray sincerely and redeem themselves for the rest of their lives.

I set up the ‘Patriot Redemption List’ for a similar purpose.

Patriots who have dedicated their lives and consciences to the United States can be included on the list.

This is the respect and help a great patriot shows to other patriots. "

The first generation Bomberman, the second generation Bomberman, Time Man, and Nuclear Explosion Man are all typical Americans. After hearing these words, their thoughts immediately turned 180 degrees.

——Halle is not taking the back door, she is just too patriotic! Her behavior was not shameless. She sacrificed her life and conscience for the United States. Shouldn't she enjoy such treatment?

They looked at her with eyes full of recognition and appreciation.

Her consciousness was so high that they had not been able to comprehend it before.

Wonder Woman has lived in the United States for more than half a century and has a very high sense of identification with the country. She nodded slightly at this moment.

Only the third-generation bomber, who had just arrived in the United States for a few years, always felt that something was wrong.

General Minos hurriedly clapped his chest and promised: "Harry, I am patriotic! I joined the army after graduating from college at the age of 22, and received the Purple Heart when I was 25.

In recent decades, I have participated in every war the United States has fought with foreign countries, and I have won all kinds of honorary medals.

For the sake of the United States, I can do all kinds of evil and be unconscionable, which fully fits your "Patriot Redemption List." "

"He really has a Purple Heart," said the second-generation bomber.

"If you can win the Purple Heart, you must be a patriot." Several Americans nodded in agreement.

"Well, in that case, General Minos, you can enter the 'Patriot Redemption List'. Welcome!"

——Anyway, if you are on the Patriots’ redemption list, you won’t even want to go to Heaven Mountain, and there won’t be any funding for Heaven’s meritorious deeds. So what’s the final outcome?

Harry sneered in his heart and asked curiously: "We had coffee together a few days ago. You were in very good health at the time. Why did you suddenly die of illness?"

"It's not that he died of illness." Minos first breathed a sigh of relief that he was on the redemption list, but then showed hesitation.

After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth. Everyone was dead anyway, so there was no need to keep the military's bad things a secret.

"Harley, there was an accident in the Amozo experimental project." He sighed.

"Yamo Zhuo? What is that?" the first-generation bomber asked in confusion.

Harley knew something about Almadra, and what Luthor told her was a military imitation of Omac.

But now even Minos, the military boss, is dead, which shows how serious the accident caused by the Amozo experimental project is, and she is unwilling to bear even half of the responsibility for it.

Therefore, she also looked at General Minos with curiosity, as if it was the first time she heard the word "Amazo".

"It's an experiment to study intelligent robots." Minos said vaguely, then changed the subject and asked: "Harley, now that I have received the Patriot Redemption Fund, what are my options?"

Without waiting for Harley to answer, he added: "I am reluctant to leave the United States. I want to continue to serve the people of the United States, but I do not want to waste your merits to atone for myself.

The heroes need merit points more than I do.

So, just let me take my memory with me and reincarnate, right here on Earth, in the United States. "

"I only wish I could die early in this life, and I will repay the country's kindness in the next life!" he said with deep emotion.

Harry came up with an idea and went to the Golden Hall to check his files. Oh, 18.99 million sins, even the full list of crimes can't even describe the extent of his crimes!

She hesitated in her heart. She originally planned to trick him into reincarnation, and then be reincarnated into a strange life. Now, if this bastard is not thrown into hell, put in a frying pan, and climbed up to the mountain of knives, screaming miserably every day, she will have to be in good mood for several years. Depression, thoughts cannot be accessed.

But she is also a hypocritical person, unwilling to uphold the so-called justice in the world and make herself alone.

If she is really a "pretty face", absolutely impartial and selfless, I guarantee that even Dachao and Bateman will be in awe of her but not get close to her.

She doesn't like to be a lofty deity.

The only difference between that kind of god and the clay statue in the church is probably that the clay statue can never move, but the god can move a little.

Enjoying the happiness of mortals without the worries of mortals is the life she wants now.

"Harley, the price of reincarnation is not high, it's just a reincarnation seal, the same as the one you gave to Red Robin (Jason Todd) last time." Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Minos said worriedly.

"I'm thinking, what are you in a hurry for?" Harley said.

Minos was really a little impatient.

He personally experienced the accident scene and even lost his life. He felt that this Yamo Zhuo incident would lead to a huge crisis and many people would die.

As the main person in charge, he just wants to be reborn as soon as possible before the responsibility comes.

After rebirth, he is a different person and no longer has to bear the responsibilities of his previous life.

"Is there any trouble?" he asked.

"Wait a moment, I have to find someone to ask." Harley said thoughtfully.

"Who are you looking for? The Seal of Reincarnation is your ability, can't you use it casually?" Minos felt that she was evading.

Harry waved her hand without explaining, and just asked them to go to the church hall to wait while she went to the prayer room in the side hall.

"Second sister, second sister? Second sister, are you here? I have something to ask you."

Harley activated the Death Godhead in her mind and sent out messages one after another.

"Second sister, it's me, Harley, second sister."

She screamed for seven or eight minutes, her saliva drying up, and finally waited for the second sister's vague response, "Stay away from heaven and talk."

"Away from heaven?" Harley was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the last reincarnation mark incident. Jason had been reincarnated for several days, and the second sister had not contacted her. As soon as she left heaven, the second sister's voice appeared in her mind.

Does God's territory exclude the law of death?

With doubts in her heart, Harley left Paradise Island and flew some distance to Limbo.

"I'm very busy, what do you want?" The second sister's voice was still vague, and it sounded a bit laborious.

"Aren't you omnipresent? Can you come out and tell me face to face?" Harley asked.

The second sister was silent for a moment and said: "You can learn from Morpheus, find a painter to make a painting for me, hang the painting at home, and we can communicate through the frame."

"Oh, I get it." Harry didn't ask the second sister why she didn't want to have an interview, and said directly: "Today someone asked me for the reincarnation seal of life and death again, and I plan to use the 'divine godhead' you gave me to drive the reincarnation seal.

In this way, the seal of reincarnation operates within the law of death system and will not affect your normal work. "

"Well, okay." Death said.

"However, I encountered a bug. When using the godhead to control reincarnation, I found that the reincarnation process cuts off cause and effect." Harley said seriously.

"What does 'cutting off cause and effect' mean? Doesn't your reincarnation seal only help people reincarnate?" the second sister asked in confusion.

"To put it simply, if a villain wants to be reincarnated, he should be reincarnated as a beast and be responsible for his crimes in his previous life. This is cause and effect.

But my reincarnation seal can help villains escape punishment.

For example, now a general named Minos asked me to help him reincarnate. I can easily make him reincarnate as an adult, and I can also choose his family background in the second life. Isn't this a bug? "Harry said with annoyance.

The second sister asked doubtfully: "I am confused by you. Isn't this right to choose the next life for reincarnated people at will beneficial to you?"

"Second sister, I like this authority, but I also think it is unreasonable and a bug. Isn't this a contradiction?" Harley said.

The second sister muttered: "One day, God told the believers to kill all the pagans.

Believers accepted the order with dignity and completed God’s mission perfectly.

God is pleased.

After the believer dies, he enters the kingdom of God. God rewards him and allows him to be reincarnated as a king, enjoying wealth, power and beauty.

In the second life, the believer becomes a wise king, enjoys all the glory and wealth, and his name is remembered in history, and the story is praised by the world.

Do you think this is fair? "

Harley said without thinking: "It doesn't matter whether it's fair or unfair, the key is that the cause and effect of the murder has not disappeared.

It’s just that the cause and effect does not fall directly on believers, but is mostly borne by God.

This is what worries me the most. I don’t want to bear the consequences for others, even if I’m not yet sure what the consequences will be. "

"If you think General Minos deserves to be punished for the sins of his past life, you can choose a Mummy Pig or a Daddy Pig for him. If you want to help him, help him bear the illusory cause and effect. The choice is yours." The second sister said.

Harley said: "My choice may not be the right one. Can you help me get a 'karma and reincarnation disk'? After putting the soul into it, it will automatically assign it to the next life according to his crime?"

Of course, I want to have absolute control over the wheel of cause and effect. When necessary, it is best to open a back door for your friends. "

"I understand, you are just lazy, too lazy to think, too lazy to bear the responsibility of death, and you still want to reap the benefits." The second sister said angrily.

"I am an amateur and don't know anything. I didn't act recklessly, but I came to you for help. You should praise me for being mature and prudent," said Harley.

The second sister was speechless for a while.

"This shouldn't be difficult for you, second sister, right? You are the most professional at death." Harley said.

"I only care about death, regardless of cause and effect."

The second sister thought for a while and then said: "However, this universe also has a god of death who is proficient in the theory of reincarnation.

They created a death artifact called the 'Reincarnation Channel'. I can help you make a copy.

But let me explain in advance that the reincarnation channel is actually the manifestation of personal ideas.

It cannot represent absolute fairness and justice, and it cannot be independent of cause and effect.

For example, a certain God of Death believed that a girl who became pregnant before marriage was unchaste and sinful and should be reincarnated as a pig or dog in the next life as punishment.

His view of chastity will become a major rule in the reincarnation passage.

But no sane modern person would consider it fair and just.

When resentment arises, cause and effect will follow. "

"Well, you can give me a reincarnation channel, and I will set the reincarnation rules myself." Harley said.

The second sister raised her voice and shouted: "Isn't this unnecessary? What's the difference between setting your own rules and using the reincarnation seal to choose the next life for your soul?"

Harley said proudly: "The difference is huge. First of all, the operation is simpler. I can leave the reincarnation channel to my younger brother to manage.

While asking my younger brother to be a selfless judge, I also sympathized with my acquaintances who were reincarnated as beasts.

If necessary, I can scold my little brother for being ignorant in front of acquaintances, family members and friends, which will damage my friendship with my friends.

He was severely punished in public and then secretly gave him a raise.

In this way, others not only praise me for being selfless, but also praise me for being sentimental and righteous.

I myself have clear thoughts and live a fulfilling life. "

The second sister was stunned for a while and then said: "Are you sure they will praise you for your kindness instead of secretly scolding you for being hypocritical?"

"Anyone who scolds me is not my friend. Moreover, second sister, you have missed the point. The point is not what other people think, but how you can think clearly and live happily." Harley said.

"You are really weird. You can still think clearly like this." The second sister couldn't keep up with her rhythm.

Harley took His words as a compliment and looked even more proud, "The other thing is cause and effect.

I will declare to the outside world that I am your dependent, this is a fact.

The passage of reincarnation comes from you, this is still a fact.

I said you made the rules of reincarnation. I can't change them. I can only follow them. No one will doubt them.

Seeing my helpless face, they naturally would not put the blame on me, and I would no longer be involved in the cause and effect. "

Second sister

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