I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 15 The first step towards becoming Batman

It’s 10:30 on Friday night, at the Surtin Penthouse on the edge of Central Park.

The scarlet fire in the fireplace dissipated the early winter chill in the large living room.

“At around 3:30 this afternoon, Gotham’s legendary cross-dressing hero Mr. Shadow finally fell into the hands of the shameless FBI.

Of course, Mr. Shadow's performance is also slightly silly.

But the meaning of this matter is very extraordinary. The only famous hero left now is Blackman, who has not appeared for a long time.

However, most people suspect that the Black Man may have fallen in a dark alley in Gotham.

Without those cross-dressing heroes, who will protect us?

Just two hours after Mr. Shadow was imprisoned, at around 6:15, in Queens, when passing the corner of 14th Avenue, the Merrill Lynch Bank's cash transport truck was stopped by a truck that suddenly rushed out and was used by four red-hooded gangsters. High explosive bomb. Two escorts were killed and one was injured. The amount of damage was as high as

This is the first time that the gang named the Red Hood Gang by the police has appeared in Gotham, but we all know that this will not be the only time.

Who can stop them?

In the face of increasingly rampant criminals, what is the future of Gotham? "

"We need a hero, a true hero with enough ability and wisdom to carry the hopes of the people of Gotham. After all, the decline of every cross-dressing hero - whether he is killed or arrested by the Yakuza police, is a reflection of justice and justice in the world. A serious destruction of the people's hopes!

Thank you all for listening to tonight's Gotham News, I'm your old friend Bruno. Tomorrow night at the same time, we will meet on time! "

The wall-mounted LCD TV was playing "Gotham Evening News", and the anchor was worried about the country and the people, speaking loudly, but the three people on the sofa turned a deaf ear and only excitedly discussed Harley's experience today.

"Oh my god, Harley, you didn't ask Silk Soul for an autograph or a photo? She is the greatest female hero!" Helen said excitedly.

"I don't think she can beat me without weapons." Harley's tone was slightly sour.

"Silk Soul is in her fifties, almost sixty. It's normal to have low energy. When she was young, she could defeat eight or nine street gangsters in one breath. You are definitely no match for her." Terrance said.

"Are you a fan of hers too?" Harley asked.

Helen smiled lowly, leaned into Harley's ear, and whispered: "Trance has a whole set of Silk Soul erotic comics on his bookshelf!

In the dark alley, Silk Soul tried her best to 'kill' more than a dozen strong men, hehe hehe."

"No way, the second-generation Silk Soul Laurie also worked as a porn model?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Hey, they are two mothers and daughters anyway. They look alike, and the characters in the comics are not easily identifiable. It is perfectly fine to read the comics of the first generation Silk Soul in front of the poster of the second generation Silk Soul." Helen waved her hand.

Terrence, the fat man, blushed and shouted angrily: "Who told you to touch my personal belongings?"

Harley smiled and said, "It's nothing. Not to mention men, even I like the look of the second generation Silk Soul in his youth."

When Silk Soul Laurie was a girl, she looked very much like Brooke Shields. She had the peak appearance in "Beautiful Girl", and with a set of black silk and leather tights, even the ruthless Dr. Manhattan was tempted.

This time it was Helen's turn to take advantage of it. She grabbed Harley's arm hard and gritted her teeth and said, "So, you feel very good after seeing the real person this afternoon?"

"What a weird feeling," Harley shook her head repeatedly, "She has a good foundation and takes good care of herself. She still looks elegant in her fifties, but her beauty in her prime is really gone.

When I first met her, I didn't recognize her at all. Just like when you meet Brooke Shields on the street now, you can't relate her to "Hina" no matter what.

"Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough," Terrance swallowed the leek cake, "Harry, you--"

"You understand it as soon as you hear it, which means you have also observed it." Harley said immediately.

"No, no, he's a friend of mine." Under the contempt of the two women, Terrance sighed helplessly, "I have seen it, but I am an adult male. You are different. You can watch it secretly, but don't discuss it in public. "

Harry didn't respond at all, but Helen was unhappy, "Come on, in the middle school menstrual hygiene class now, the teacher doesn't have to say anything and just distributes condoms to everyone.

I don’t believe it. When you were in high school, were you also a lonely freak like Bruce Wayne? "

"It's not strange Bruce, he often plays ball with me, and..." Harley couldn't help but defend the young master, but midway through her words, she caught a glimpse of a hint of anger in Helen's eyes, and she knew she had done something stupid.

If Bruce dares to steal Helen from her, he will not only be a "freak", but at least give him a pair of panda eyes.

"Well, you're right, Bruce is a-"

"Big bag of French fries, delicious chicken nuggets, crispy chicken wings and multi-flavored chicken legs, KFC bucket for the whole family, one bucket will satisfy the whole family, as long as - prick - Hello everyone, unfortunately, I have to tell you at this moment You have a piece of important news that can affect the present and future of Gotham——"

Suddenly, KFC's advertisement was interrupted directly in the middle, and the newscaster Bruno, who had promised to meet tomorrow, appeared on the TV screen again.

The old announcer, who had always been calm and capable, showed obvious fear and panic, and even his voice was trembling:

"This station has just received news that Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne were shot in an unknown alley 30 meters away from the Zatara Magic Theater. The two couples were shot once each and have now completely lost their vital signs.

Also with them was the Wayne family's only son, Bruce Wayne, who seemed to be so frightened that he temporarily lost the ability to speak."

"Shit, Bruce is really alone now." Harley frowned, a little worried about the confused young master on the TV screen.

"It's unbelievable, Gotham is going to change." Terrance murmured.

Helen swallowed and said in confusion: "It's so late at night, and Wayne doesn't even have a bodyguard with him. Why are they going to a remote alley like that? This is Gotham, and they are old Gothamites. They should understand!"

At this moment, the TV camera has switched from the announcer to the live broadcast. The camera keeps shaking. The police are running around like panicked ducks in front of the camera. The reporters are like bloodthirsty leeches, desperately trying to get to the focus of the news - sitting on the iron shelf. The young master on the stairs.

"Bruce, you didn't see the gangster clearly?"

"What did the gangster say?"

"Why did he let you go?"

"Is the gangster male or female? Was it a vendetta or a love killing?"

"Bruce, what do you want to say to the Gotham police? Just because they are powerless against crime, but busy arresting cross-dressing heroes every day, the security of Gotham is getting worse and worse. If Mr. Shadow is still there, maybe"

"Bruce, why don't you cry loudly? Aren't you sad? Ah, it turns out that Master Wayne has a bad relationship with his parents!"


"Go away, everyone go away!" A middle-aged man wearing a British-style woolen coat walked quickly, pushed away the swarm of reporters, took off his coat, and wrapped the stupid young master.

This middle-aged man whose appearance, temperament, and attire make people think of "007" is the super butler Alfred.

"What are the police doing? Why don't you put up a cordon to separate the reporters!" Ah Fu's eyes were sharp and he shouted at the police officers who were acting in a disorganized manner.

Patrol officers and ordinary police officers in police uniforms began to drive away reporters and crowds, and senior detectives not in police uniforms also drove over.

"I'm Homicide Detective Jim Gordon!"

Agent Gordon, who showed his police badge to the young master and Ah Fu, is in his thirties, tall, nearly 1.9 meters tall, with short hair, a strong Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, square mouth, and clear eyes.

Just his appearance and temperament reveal a toughness and integrity that is completely different from other police officers.

"Agent Gordon is a soldier?" Ah Fu narrowed his eyes.

Butler Man himself had been a soldier and was an elite member of the special forces. He had gone to the battlefield and killed people.

"Urban Soldier King Raising Milk Baby" is about the current Ah Fu and the young master.

"Well, I just got the police badge not long ago." Gordon nodded slightly.

Then, he patted the young master on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Bruce, I know how you feel now. Really, our experiences are similar.

I was about your age when my father died.

There is only one piece of advice I can give you, be strong, don’t let your parents in heaven worry, don’t let the people around you who care about you worry! "

Ah Fu's eyes when he looked at Gordon became less defensive and unfamiliar, and instead looked more grateful and appreciative.

"Thank you." The young master was also moved by Gordon's true feelings and held back two words hoarsely.

"OK, now comes the confession session. Bruce, can you see what that man looks like?" Gordon said in high spirits.

The young master shook his head, "He is wearing a mask."

"Mask?" Gordon's eyes narrowed. "Your mother's necklace, your father's watch and wallet were all taken away, but he happened to appear in this alley wearing a mask."

Probably not a coincidence.

"Bruce, I want you to follow Alfred home immediately, take a shower, then put everything down and go to bed.

You don't have to worry about the case at all. I have everything under my control. I will definitely find the criminal and let him get the punishment he deserves. "

Gordon looked into the young master's eyes and solemnly made a promise: "I promise!"

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